...Huh. How many heroes in the Wormverse actually do the spandex thing? How many of them do it well?
Depends on whether they are rich, connected, have crafting usable powers or are in the PRT.
The PRT actually has bullet and knife resistant spandex, though not every cape has the figure to make it work out.
Accord paid for very stylish and coordinated suits.
The Undersiders are bankrolled by Coil, and could spring for professional quality stuff
Taylor had to make her own spidersilk bodysuit, Tinkers don't need elaboration.
Meanwhile from what we've seen, most non-affiliated capes just have a mask and some kind of heavy clothing.
How hard is it to actually detect those again? I can't remember.
Nontrivial, and it's not common knowledge outside of parahuman research.
Generally, if you see someone doing superhuman things, you call them a parahuman because that's the only known source of powers. Most capes, even registered ones, don't go for brain scans willingly. They're more concerned with what your powers DO than whether your source is the same.
I think you're severely overestimating the capabilities of tinkers if you think there's a tinker that could make a green lantern ring. Because for there to be a tinker that could make something like that, the entities would have had to go up against a civilization that can draw energy from emotions. If they'd done that, then there would be no point to the cycle, since they would have gained access to conceptual bullshit.
Hero could do stuff with similar results I believe(Word of Wildbow, he had Scion's avatar package in tinker form). And certain tinker equipment could have artificial limitations on the state of mind of the activator, imposed by the Entities.
Whether it really runs on willpower, or if it's keyed to activate properly on high willpower..there's no way for the wormverse to tell. As far as Earth Bet is concerned, it's a piece of tinkertech that produces force constructs, potentially based on study of New Wave.