Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 9: Icon’s Idiosyncrasies Incite Irritating Inquisition

Gromweld said:
If anyone has a handy reference for the cape and PRT population of New York, I could really use it now - I've already spent a few hours combing through the story for names, but without any form of search function and lack of a suitable wiki, research for this next bit is a pain in the ass.
Just Cache, Prism, Ursa Aurora and of course Legend are mentioned in the Protectorate and Flechette and Jouster are mentioned in the Wards, The Teeth and The Adepts mentioned for the Villains (at least thats all I could find).
By the way: Finished Worm a couple days ago, and I gotta say - if we can manage it, I fully support exalting Chevalier.
"Huh, Mt. Vernon is way worse crime-wise than I thought. Wonder what it looks like compared to The Bronx? Ok, The Bronx is worse, sure... what about Camden? HOLY SHI-"
.IronSun. said:
So I take it Camden is Detroit Lite?
Crime Index for Detroit, MI:, MI&state=Michigan&chart=crimestatistics
Yes, Camden is actually worse than Detroit.
charysa said:
But how does it compare to Brockton Bay (pre-Behemoth)? :p
I'd say Brockton Bay was worse than The Bronx, but better than Detroit. In canon, Brockton Bay probably approached Detroit/Camden levels after Leviathan (and the S9 pushed it over).
spudman said:
Should have gone to Boston....Accord at least supports a status quo. And the biggest destabilizing factor would have been just a gang of Nazi supervillains.

Just a gang of parahuman Naizis, says I? Yes...because DEAR GOD those crime statistics for Camden!:eek:

Empire 88 seems much simpler, in comparison.
Boston would have been BB 2.0. Something different is appreciated.
Story writes itself. It would sooo much explain why major group of Protectorate and Wards were allowed to reinforce one city without much fuss instead reinforcing several hotspots...
I just see it... "HOW MANY?!!! No, no, no, we can't send that many to one place, do you know amount of requests for reinforcements we have? Wait... They are going there? No objections then."
Slamu said:
Enduring Order Administrator: Crime Detected. Releasing the bees.
Goddamit.. now I gotta imagine what would happen to Nicolas Cage in the wormverse.

Some kind of crazed villian of course,.. but how crazed...
"Gains mind control over anyone that shares a hair style with him"
"Encite emotions"
wait wait I got it, he is Sleeper.
EasyCo said:
I know my opinion probably doesn't mean much here considering I've been more interested in just reading than getting involved, but I just wanted to say that I'm honestly hoping that the only other exaltations that show up are the ones Taylor causes (I'm not at all familiar with how Exalted works, so forgive me if I didn't get that right).

I know it probably doesn't make sense to some of you, but I've always disliked when crossovers of any kind did something like that. I mean, having all the crossover stuff focused on Taylor like it is right now is great as it allows a lot of chances for us to see surprised reactions and interesting ways this new form of power interacts with canon Worm. Introducing more of the crossover (here in the form of exalts of some kind), usually as an antagonist of some kind, kind of cheapens the entire thing by making it less, I don't know, special? I guess I'm just bothered by the fact that crossovers always seem to end up with more and more changes. For this quest, I'd actually love for Taylor to be the only source of Exalted in Worm, with everything else staying the same. Maybe it's just me, but that would make the crossover part feel more unique.

Sorry for the rather long post, but I just felt like sharing some of the ways I look at crossovers and other such things. Anyway, back to reading silently in the background, I guess. :p
I know what you mean. I loved Glorious Shotgun Princess when it was "Commander Shepard becomes an Exalted", and lost interest when it became "All-out crossover of Exalted and Mass Effect", to name but one example.
Though narratively speaking, exaltations occupy the same basic role as parahuman shards. For Solars, Abyssals, Infernals and Lunars especially, the 'trigger event' only really differs in specifics. They are all responses to crisis.
Bullshit Magical ____ is basically a catchall for all the stupid awesomeness that is Exalted. In Universe, Taylor's abilities are obscenely powerful and diverse, and break a lot of standard boundaries and limitations that other parahumans take for granted, so some of her associates tend to call bullshit on her when she does something she shouldn't be able to do by their world's rules.