I know my opinion probably doesn't mean much here considering I've been more interested in just reading than getting involved, but I just wanted to say that I'm honestly hoping that the only other exaltations that show up are the ones Taylor causes (I'm not at all familiar with how Exalted works, so forgive me if I didn't get that right).
I know it probably doesn't make sense to some of you, but I've always disliked when crossovers of any kind did something like that. I mean, having all the crossover stuff focused on Taylor like it is right now is great as it allows a lot of chances for us to see surprised reactions and interesting ways this new form of power interacts with canon Worm. Introducing more of the crossover (here in the form of exalts of some kind), usually as an antagonist of some kind, kind of cheapens the entire thing by making it less, I don't know, special? I guess I'm just bothered by the fact that crossovers always seem to end up with more and more changes. For this quest, I'd actually love for Taylor to be the only source of Exalted in Worm, with everything else staying the same. Maybe it's just me, but that would make the crossover part feel more unique.
Sorry for the rather long post, but I just felt like sharing some of the ways I look at crossovers and other such things. Anyway, back to reading silently in the background, I guess.