FunkyEntropy said:
So in preparation of the S9 showing up...whenever it is that they show up, I decided to do a threat assessment for who'd be a danger to us personally.
Jack Slash - All his basic (non-communication) power does is allow him to extend the range of his slash attacks. That's it. Even if he's been augmented to superhuman levels by Bonesaw (which we know not to be the case because canon!Taylor's armor was effective vs him) his base damage is still going to be less than 10L because pocket knives aren't exactly all that strong. Most likely around Str 3~4 with +1 from the knife for no more than 5L plus threshold successes. So our armor is almost guaranteed to no-sell him on that front. As for the Communication-shard shenanigans, all we need to do is turn off SoPA and then snipe him. Called shot through the eye ought to do it.
Crawler - He can't fly. QED.
Mannequin - Can't fly. Has ranged options, but, like Jack Slash, probably doesn't have the raw power necessary to get past our armor.
Siberian - Also can't fly.
Burnscar - Can't fly, has ways around that via fire teleportation. Suit's enviro hazard features make her less of a threat than normal.
Cherish - HAHAHA no. Unless her ability counts as UMI and not shaping in which case she jumps all the way to the top of the list by a significant margin as long as we're not suffering from any Clarity. The more Clarity we have, the less of a danger she is to us. SoPA will almost certainly help.
Sand Leviathan Shatterbird - Can fly and fuck with our hardware. High priority because we'll want to take her out before she becomes too annoying. Unlikely to be able to damage us through our suit, but might be able to disrupt some suit functions.
Bonesaw - Vacuum-sealed suit means her plagues are not a concern. Threat of collateral damage extreme enough to warrant being a high priority target anyway.
Major oversight is that the S9 were never much of a man-to-man threat. The problem is they attack targets of opportunity and vulnerables. Counting on flight is also unwise, since one of their favorite ways to introduce themselves is with a Shatterbird Scream, breaking electronics before we even engage at all, not to mention Shatterbird can keep reusing it. Of course, all that is assuming that with
two tinkers on their team they don't make something for flight.
So instead:
Jack Slash - Primary danger is that he will attack unprotected teammates, since while Broadcast amplifies a slash, I recall it also improves the sharpness. We need protective gear for all of them, though not necessarily powered armor. Secondary, but longer term issue is turning the parahumans of the city, especially the villains, against each other and us. He might be unable to fuck with us with SoPA down, but that does nothing for the various vulnerable and unstable targets in the city like Panacea
Crawler - IF we flew, he can't hurt us, and we can't hurt him. But he can rip chunks into everyone else and cause massive civilian casualties. Straight out killing him is a problem as well, since canonically he went down to a Bakuda Bomb Barrage. Need some kind of non-damaging attack. Containment foam multimissile? Would be VERY handy to have Personality Override Spike available here though. A reprogrammed Crawler would be excellent fodder for Endbringer fights.
Mannequin - Tinker, which is bad news if he had prepared for us, when his base loadout makes him very survivable. Expect anything, canonically Mannequin only went as easily as he did because the S9 never stopped anywhere long enough for him to do much complex work. Here we can almost be certain he would be in charge of base defense.
Burnscar - Arson risk, danger is mainly to infrastructure and civilians, but again, we have vulnerable teammates who need knockoffs of our gear.
Cherish - Apply Cherish to any number of mentally unstable parahumans(like at present, Panacea and
all the BB Wards, and you'd find that immunity to shaping attacks is small comfort when everyone else had lost it.
Shatterbird - Probably the S9's introduction to Philly, we need to have non-silicon based equipment as a precaution. Might be possible to design around that, we do have Craft(Wood) after all.
Bonesaw - Personal augmentation and improvement on all the S9 except Manton(who she doesn't know about), massive collateral damage, with the same basic problem as Cherish. We might be immune, our friends aren't.
Siberian - I have to agree here, for different reasons. Siberian's biggest weakness is Manton. Find him and shoot him to end the threat, or at least force Siberian to spend her time safeguarding him instead of going on the offensive.