I'm sure there isn't anything restricting multiple Alchemical's from have the same motivation.landcollector said:End the Endbringer threat is Taylor's motivation though, not MM's.
I'm sure there isn't anything restricting multiple Alchemical's from have the same motivation.landcollector said:End the Endbringer threat is Taylor's motivation though, not MM's.
You mean GSP!Taylor, who is either a Defiler or favors She Who Lives in Her Name...probably Defiler that favors Kimbery.Anasurimbor said:
Oh, well then.Stormseed said:It's Gregg's Glorious Shotgun Princess. Besides, there's already a few Infernal!Taylor's around here.
What about Hatchet Face/Hack Job? In regards to Cherish, would we be able to sneak up to her with Optical Stealth up and running (provided our Anima banner isn't flaring anyway)?FunkyEntropy said:So in preparation of the S9 showing up...whenever it is that they show up, I decided to threat assessment for who'd be a danger to us personally.
Jack Slash - All his basic (non-communication) power does is allow him to extend the range of his slash attacks. That's it. Even if he's been augmented to superhuman levels by Bonesaw (which we know not to be the case because canon!Taylor's armor was effective vs him) his base damage is still going to be less than 10L because pocket knives aren't exactly all that strong. Most likely around Str 3~4 with +1 from the knife for no more than 5L plus threshold successes. So our armor is almost guaranteed to no-sell him on that front. As for the Communication-shard shenanigans, all we need to do is turn off SoPA and then snipe him. Called shot through the eye ought to do it.
Crawler - He can't fly. QED.
Mannequin - Can't fly. Has ranged options, but, like Jack Slash, probably doesn't have the raw power necessary to get past our armor.
Siberian - Also can't fly.
Burnscar - Can't fly, has ways around that via fire teleportation. Suit's enviro hazard features make her less of a threat than normal.
Cherish - HAHAHA no. Unless her ability counts as UMI and not shaping in which case she jumps all the way to the top of the list by a significant margin as long as we're not suffering from any Clarity. The more Clarity we have, the less of a danger she is to us. SoPA will almost certainly help.
Sand LeviathanShatterbird - Can fly and fuck with our hardware. High priority because we'll want to take her out before she becomes too annoying. Unlikely to be able to damage us through our suit, but might be able to disrupt some suit functions.
Bonesaw - Vacuum-sealed suit means her plagues are not a concern. Threat of collateral damage extreme enough to warrant being a high priority target anyway.
If Taylor becoming an Alchemical is the only point of divergence from canon, then Cherish killed Hatchet Face to join the Nine. The other thing is that Hack Job's existence is contingent on Bonesaw getting her hands on Oni Lee. The odds of that are rather low unless the ABB decided to follow us to Philly for some reason. Oni Lee might have died to Behemoth for all I know; I don't think so, but I can't be arsed to look it up right now.landcollector said:What about Hatchet Face/Hack Job? In regards to Cherish, would we be able to sneak up to her with Optical Stealth up and running (provided our Anima banner isn't flaring anyway)?
Re: Oni Lee- From 4.7FunkyEntropy said:
So he's still alive.DECEASED:
Adamant, Anasurim, Annex, Arbiter, Bob, Browbeat, Chubster, Cloister, Crickett, Dauntless, Deanno, Entropy, Fierceling, Folstam, Glory Girl, Good Neighbor, Gygas, Jinnter, Jotun, Khandra, Leafy, Leet, Mama Bear, Menja, Mouse Protector, National Virtue, Noelle, Pein, Penitent, Quantum Booster, Ryune, Saurian, Scalder, Scope, Sham, Silverstreak, Skelmer, Stormseed, The Dart, Trickster, Uglymug, Vernin, Vitiator, WCM, Whirlygig, Zen, Zun Tsu
Acoustic, Armsmaster, Frenetic, Harsh Mistress
Cenotaph, Fanboy, Iron Sun, Lung, Oaf, Quark, Shadow Stalker, Wing Nut
See above.Z000 said:You guy do remember that SoPa is now a Charm, not a Shard, Jack communication power only work on Shard, not Charm.
The same thing apply to Hatchet as well, his power disrupt the connection between the Shard and the host, which SoPa is no longer connect to us but built into us
Exactly. That's why she's a high priority target instead of, "ignore unless she makes a nuisance of herself."Klaus said:Unless the electronics in our armor are specifically made without silicates (which they are not, currently) we can't count on being able to fly.
Thanks mostly to the Communication Shard allowing Jack to stay one step ahead of the opposition. We no-sell that. Cauldron is one of the other reasons why the S9 hasn't been put down hard - such as pulling in old favors to make sure that Siberian and Shatterbird survive.Edit: Also, lots of heroes can fly. Given that the S9 are still here, we can assume they're somewhat competent at dealing with that.
This is correct; however, I prefer to error on the side of caution. But it's not like being unable to use SoPA is a terrible handicap - we still have 360 vision, can see out to a mile with perfect clarity, can see through walls, etc.Z000 said:You guy do remember that SoPa is now a Charm, not a Shard, Jack communication power only work on Shard, not Charm.
The same thing apply to Hatchet as well, his power disrupt the connection between the Shard and the host, which SoPa is no longer connect to us but built into us
Crawler is one of those challenges that you defeat by avoiding conflict. We can't really do anything about him so instead we just stay out of his range via flight while we pick off the more dangerous targets (Cherish first, followed by Shatterbird and then Bonesaw) from cloak.DragonBard said:Crawler is going to be a major problem.
The only way to deal with him is Agg damage to negate his healing factor, some kind of Shaping attack, dumping him from someplace he can't (easily) adapt to escape, or so much damage so quickly he can't regenerate from or adapt to it.
Unfortunately, we don't have access to any of those really...
Except maybe the inescapable prison.
Could we stuff him in our Elsewhere pocket?
Refusing to wank Jack Slash =/= underestimating him. He is dangerous, but physically he's not a threat to us at all. More importantly, he has no way of seeing us coming if we do things like a proper Soulsteel Alchemical.Esbilon said:New here, signed up to follow this thing (and others)
Underestimating Jack Slash seems like a singularly terrible idea. He only ended the world in canon after everyone thought he had lost.
And you seem to be ignoring that they are carrying around a Simurg-"improved" Iris. The latter being the part that worries me the most.
...In which case we reabsorb our armor and wait like 15min to an hour for it to repair, then go about our business. And if Shatterbird is pulling off this tactic then that means it's being at such an extreme range that we can just go into stealth and wait until the repairs are complete.Klaus said:All of these assume she doesn't just scream as soon as she hits the edge of town. Sure, if we have both the initiative and range advantage we win, but I'm not comfortable assuming that.
1. Talking about us, as in just Taylor. No allies were included in the threat assessment.Our allies don't, which means he will still see our team coming, and splitting up to avoid that is impossible without OOC knowledge.
Yep. Kinda hard for them to keep us on the rails if nobody can keep track of us because of stealth though.
Which is why Optical Shroud is the best approach because it no-sells that hard. Can't communicate with someone you don't even know is there!scope said:It is quite possible that Jack's shard might be able to communicate with the QA shard unless we turn it off. And we currently have no IC reasons to turn it off for combat.
Broadcast shard sends out a signal. Other shard receives it and sends back information.FunkyEntropy said:Which is why Optical Shroud is the best approach because it no-sells that hard. Can't communicate with someone you don't even know is there!
And our shard, since it can't be detected by any means outside of essence-based senses, doesn't receive said signal because our cloak means that, for all intents and purposes, we're "not there."scope said:Broadcast shard sends out a signal. Other shard receives it and sends back information.
It doesn't targets specific shards when 'communicating', it hits everything in range.
Unless use of Optical Shroud cuts off use of SoPA and doesn't let our own shard perceive us, I doubt that our shard won't receive the signal.FunkyEntropy said:And our shard, since it can't be detected by any means outside of essence-based senses, doesn't receive said signal because our cloak means that, for all intents and purposes, we're "not there."
One problem with that: wouldn't Crawler be at least 3 times our size? Too big to qualify as a valid target in any event.charysa said:That would actually be an interesting idea. Wasn't it said a long time ago and stuff in our pocket space is frozen in time ala Clockblocker? So he wouldn't even have the chance to adapt to it.
To be perfectly honest the best explanation I can give is, "It's magic. I ain't got to explain shit." SoPA works through our cloak thanks to bullshit magic. The broadcast shard's signal doesn't reach us because bullshit magic.scope said:Unless use of Optical Shroud cuts off use of SoPA and doesn't let our own shard perceive us, I doubt that our shard won't receive the signal.
It's like saying just because someone doesn't know Imp/Who exist that it means she can't hear you when she is right next to you.
Because this is obviously nothing.Z000 said:Why do people keep thinking that SoPA is still a Shard, it not a pile of extra-dimensional Alien computer made out of meat and crystal sitting in some other dimension connected to Taylor, it a Alchemical Charm now, that mean that Auto got his hand on it, dissect it to figure out how it work and turn it into a magical/robotic device that it install into Taylor body, it not a Shard anymore, if Jack Broadcast Shard try to communicated with it, it would be like a dog trying to talk to a vending machine, so why are people thinking that Jack Thinker power will work on Taylor, hell it may back fire on Jack and give him a headache just like every other Thinker so far that try to use their power on Taylor.
Sorry for ranting like that, didn't get enough sleep so i'm a little cranky
Auto-kun took our brainmeats and the Corona Gemma and Corona Pollentia configuration. QA Shard is possibly still on whatever planet it landed using the link through that configuration to make the SoPA charm possible.Only when your mental struggle to deactivate your Shard of Perfect Administration charm persists for more than a instant do you begin to realize that it has somehow become significantly more difficult to deactivate the former parahuman power. Blinking under the mental strain, you almost feel the charm… fighting back before you manage to sever the Shard of Perfect Administration's link to your reservoirs of essence.
Your quotelink actually leads to this post.Z000 said:so from this i gather that after Auto took Taylor Soul gem, he found the connection to the QA Shard, follow it and found the shard hiding placed, then he proceed to took it apart and turn it into a charm for his new shinny Alchemical
And the finally Taylor come back a week later with a shinny new body
It ends with 'you are being pulled'. No confirmation on what actually happened, it ends on a cliffhanger.Gromweld said:I would count that as a Write-In for that fate, yes. However, Taylor would then make up her own mind on what to do with them (so it'd be based on your guys' choices thus far).
The Soulgem thing happened just as Taylor triggered, the post you quoted says that the connection was barely solidified(the Gemma coming into existence) so what might have happened was that QA got sucked into the soulgem as well but we don't know for sure. We might be another Khepri, might not. The charm fighting us deactivating it points to 'not' though.Z000 said:it sorta like: Auto was fishing around for a new Alchemical in the lake that i call the Multi-verse, after waiting for a while he finally caught one, but when he reel it up, he found that the fish he just caught have another line connected to it, following the line for a few minute, he found the QA Shard sitting around confuse as fuck and wondering why it fish just die but the line is still stuck to it, Auto then went ' shinny', kidnap the QA Shard and ran back home, after going home he strap the QA Shard to a table and cut it apart to found out how it work and then made it into his new shinny magical/robotic toy
IIR, one of the tactics for "dealing" with Siberian was to drop her in a hole to buy time. This wouldn't have been a viable strategy if she could ignore gravity.Peanuckle said:Quick mention about Siberian not flying: She can. Wildbow said that she can selectively ignore physics, and has to allow gravity to affect her. So she could decide to ignore gravity and come up after us.
And yes, I'm calling her 'she' even though it's Manton's projection. It's easier that way.
Supplementary evidence is that we never see her fly in canon, and that if she wants to gain vertical distance she always jumps (which can give her good height, but is not comparable to true flight).Sting 26.5 said:"She's still subject to gravity. Far as I know, she can't fly. You drop her into a hole, she'll climb out."
"No point," Grace said.
"No point," I agreed. "Unless you get lucky."
"Drop the one that's carrying the cube into a fissure or pit, if she falls far enough and the cube gets wedged in the crack, you'll separate her from the cube. You'd have to destroy it before another Siberian makes contact with it, kill all of the Masters that are generating the Siberians."
"It could work," Wanton said.
"Unless she moves fast enough to avoid the fissure," I said. "Which she can. Unless she's digging her claws into the outside of the cube for a handhold, which she might be. Unless another Siberian returns before you manage to break into that cube, which is very possible, considering that cube looks like something a Mannequin made."
Snare 13.6 said:The remaining members of the Nine charged, Shatterbird rising from her position to fly straight for us, barriers of glass surrounding her. Siberian carried Jack and Bonesaw with leaping bounds, while Crawler headed for us.
I crossed my fingers, watching intently.
Two ways this could go for the final phase of our plan.
Well, three ways. But I was hoping the third possibility -my team getting caught and slaughtered- wouldn't happen.
The first way this could play out was that Shatterbird's flight over the buildings would make her faster than Crawler or Siberian, who had to climb or circumvent the obstacles.
Prey 14.3 said:I drew words out with the flying insects, big and bold, with an arrow pointing down at the crater. 'SIBERIAN + HER CREATOR'
Legend snapped his head from the words to us.
"Shit," Tattletale said. No sooner was the word out of her mouth than Siberian came tearing out of the hole, truck held over her head. A section of the street was torn free and flipped through the air. Legend blasted it out of existence with an indigo flash of light.
"Cash!" Legend bellowed the word. He began pelting Siberian with lasers. Beams capable of leveling buildings, and she ignored them.
Cash? I saw the man in the black costume raising his hands. Dark lines began to surround Siberian and the truck, forming complex geometric angles.
In the blink of an eye, as Siberian reached the peak of her leap, panes of glossy black material snapped into place between the dark lines. The resulting geometry contracted as if he meant to squish Siberian. It shattered instead.
I think it's safe to say that if Siberian could fly we'd have seen her do it given the number of situations where she could have used it to make it easier to protect Manton or to kill pesky heroes.Prey 14.7 said:Something about what Legend was doing seemed odd. He wasn't firing constantly. Rather, his shots seemed to be strategically placed. He ripped apart the side of a building a moment before Siberian landed there, then tore through the five or six floors beneath her so she had nowhere to go except straight down. The instant she stepped free of the building's ground floor, he tore into the ground with a series of laser blasts that expanded outward, thinning as they went. It created a bowl-shaped indent, with rubble covering the storm drains that had been exposed by the lasers.
He was too distracted by Siberian to see it. She wasn't as fast as Battery or Velocity, but she had the physical power to move quickly, and she was leaping between buildings to throw herself at him with the speed and aim of an arrow shot from a bow.
He dove straight for the shelter. Siberian gave chase, and without slowing in the slightest, he raked a laser across the street to render her footing less stable. It couldn't have bought him more than a fraction of a second, if it even made a difference at all; I could see her placing one foot on a shattered piece of road that wouldn't have held a squirrel without collapsing. She used it to kick herself forward, soaring after Legend, hands curled into claws. He was ahead of her by only ten or fifteen feet.
FunkyEntropy said:IIR, one of the tactics for "dealing" with Siberian was to drop her in a hole to buy time. This wouldn't have been a viable strategy if she could ignore gravity.
Wait, lemme check canon...
Supplementary evidence is that we never see her fly in canon, and that if she wants to gain vertical distance she always jumps (which can give her good height, but is not comparable to true flight).
I think it's safe to say that if Siberian could fly we'd have seen her do it given the number of situations where she could have used it to make it easier to protect Manton or to kill pesky heroes.
Wildbow said:She actively allows gravity to affect her so she can walk. She's seen gliding/minimizing inertia in a few cases, fighting Legend and jumping off a roof with Jack/Bonesaw/Cherish.
She could ignore it.