Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 6: Fatal Fires Flagrantly Fry Frantic Friends, Family

Jinnt said:
Honestly this doesn't really sound right we didn't see her against Leviathan but she was taking the fight against the Nine pretty seriously. Not that she can't make mistakes but showing off during an Endbringer attacking her home doesn't strike me as IC.
IC or not, Jinnt, it's too late to change now. (Note: I don't think it's necessarily IC either).
Gromweld said:
You're missing some details from a part in the middle when calculating the body count. Not sure how, because this is right below the first body count, but whatever. :p
I haven't been sorting through rolls yet, so I just scanned through for the lists and c/ped them.
I'm joking about the reasons she was ashed, if it wasn't clear. GG is a teen, certainly, but she's not dumb enough to mess around with an Endbringer on the field.

More seriously, she was working alongside New Wave when she took a stray hit that downed her personal bubble, leaving her exposed to the incoming super-charged lightning bolt that was aimed at the nearby shield wall.
ouch, could have used some points in dodge.

Honestly I can't bring myself to care much about Glory girl's death, apart from the emotional trauma it's going to leave Panacea with. Everything about her strikes me as toxic.
landcollector said:
A little too convenient, eh? Whatever.
Ok? It's a BEHEMOTH fight. Random death and dismemberment happens nearly every second.

If you want GG to have a nice ending, then make something up that's better. All that matters right now for my plotting is that she got ashed, and Brandish got covered in the ashes; if someone wants to write an Omake that describes that scene then I'll canonize it if it's good.
uju32 said:
Taylor's current suit: Open face helmet, or closed?
Closed. Refer to the Sentinel Defense Force Armor in the front of the thread. Also, assana73's drawings are pretty close to on-model (they're listed in the Index now, for reference).
Gromweld said:
Pretty much everyone that posts in these threads is represented. Don't worry, Benjy will get to you all in good time.
so there's a three story tall walking artillery piece stomping around the edges of the battle belting out rockets and screaming quasi-religious litanies of rage at the top of his lungs? sweet.
Glory Girl deceased, AX-15 - UNRECOVERABLE
Brandish down, AX-16 - HEALED, REDEPLOYED
So Glory Girl got ashed, Brandish got covered in the ashes ... and was then healed. Did Panacea have to heal her mother through the ashes of her dead sister/beloved? Damn, Grom, you're cruel.
Gromweld said:
Ok? It's a BEHEMOTH fight. Random death and dismemberment happens nearly every second.

If you want GG to have a nice ending, then make something up that's better. All that matters right now for my plotting is that she got ashed, and Brandish got covered in the ashes; if someone wants to write an Omake that describes that scene then I'll canonize it if it's good.
I apologize for being somewhat argumentative, Gromweld. It's just that I was envisioning possible future interactions between Amy, Victoria, and Taylor. Now it's just dust in the wind.
Updated tally of Weaver's actions and their results in the Battle of the Bay:
-Coordinated the evacuation of the Protectorate base, right as Behemoth was catching us with our pants down. Effect: Probably saved most of Brockton Bay's Wards and Protectors, along with a significant number of PRT agents.
-Kited Behemoth through the boat graveyard. Effect: Stalled for enough time for the Protectorate to bring in reinforcements (turning this into a regular Endbringer battle), kept Behemoth busy for a significant chunk of time and thus saved a significant chunk of the city (so far).
-Organized the CC for a while. Effect: Saved about a dozen capes.
-Shared IEU with Eidolon, taking him out of the fight. Effect: Oops?
-Got Lung into the fight. Effect: Yet to be seen.

So... so far, we've managed to turn this from "Behemoth catches us with our pants down" to "Behemoth fight with relatively few casualties" (by the not very encouraging standards of such fights). Legend is right - Weaver was a game-changer here. If there's a Brockton Bay left afterwards, it'll be thanks to her.
I just worry we might lose it all in the next segment.

Incidentally, Gromweld, I'm curious: How differently would things be going if we'd selected the higher difficulty? (...Maybe that's a question best saved for the end of the arc.)
Z000 said:
Dream on Grom, my power is Crystal manipulation, Behemoth going to need a REALLY HOT LASER to punch through that wall
.IronSun. said:
so there's a three story tall walking artillery piece stomping around the edges of the battle belting out rockets and screaming quasi-religious litanies of rage at the top of his lungs? sweet.
If SBers get any screen time, it's with powers I find appropriate to the moment. Which usually means you'll flail ineffectively for a bit and then die horrifically.
RCa said:
So Glory Girl got ashed, Brandish got covered in the ashes ... and was then healed. Did Panacea have to heal her mother through the ashes of her dead sister/beloved? Damn, Grom, you're cruel.
Gromweld said:
If SBers get any screen time, it's with powers I find appropriate to the moment. Which usually means you'll flail ineffectively for a bit and then die horrifically.
Ever played a game of 40K? Dreadnoughts go down pretty fast once something with any kind of anti-vehicle capability, and Behemoth could probably beat a demon prince to death with it's own spine.
landcollector said:
I apologize for being somewhat argumentative, Gromweld. It's just that I was envisioning possible future interactions between Amy, Victoria, and Taylor. Now it's just dust in the wind.
No worries. Character death is always something that can ruin a story, as it usually closes more doors than it opens, but I had plenty of ideas for either side of the die roll when it was cast. Too bad she rolled a 2.
sun tzu said:
Incidentally, Gromweld, I'm curious: How differently would things be going if we'd selected the higher difficulty? (...Maybe that's a question best saved for the end of the arc.)
Very differently. I am planning on commenting further on this whole fight, specifically regarding to the earlier Difficulty Choice, after the completion of the Arc.
Gromweld said:
I'm not sure how much clearer I can make it in the story that your Fear Aura is hitting EVERYONE and EVERYTHING around you. You currently have no friend-or-foe coordination of it, nor does it only affect people doing anything hostile towards you. Yes, this is another thing that has been clearly stated to be solved by Meditation.
Wasn't talking about who would be hit by it, was talking about what being hit by it meant. Unless you're saying that in addition to it hitting everyone and everything (which was not what I was talking about and isn't something I dispute), it also makes everybody suck more at combat no matter who they're targeting?

That's an enormous buff over RAW especially once we manage to control who gets hit by it. Like, I know that it'll really help us once we get it under our control, but that's so good that I have to say that no, seriously, you shouldn't do that because that would completely nerf the opposition (remember that 3 WP is not something that the average person would spend casually. That's something you'd do to save your life or defend your Motivation.) Most people wouldn't be able to do jack shit to us or our friends because they've got to deal with a mental whammy that sucks the equivalent of four dice out of their attack pools.
You got 6 minutes of effective TIE time. Though there was a small trickle of charge to the battery, there was only really enough time to scrub some radiation and re-apply the paint job. Looking Good is Important.
It's good to know that Taylor has her priorities straight. Clearly she's aware of the wisdom of a certain Malcolm Reynolds, which is that as long as she pays attention to looking good she'll be just too pretty to die.
Okay, you guys are confusing the hell out of me. Is Lung up and still fighting, or has he been incapacitated? If he's knocked out then trying to grant him IEU is pointless.

Not only that, but I'm failing to understand the logic in trying to get Taylor to fight individually with some Tinker gun that we may not even get, when we've just demonstrated that battle coordination is our greatest strength. We need to be playing Mission Control, not Gladiator.
FunkyEntropy said:
Wasn't talking about who would be hit by it, was talking about what being hit by it meant. Unless you're saying that in addition to it hitting everyone and everything (which was not what I was talking about and isn't something I dispute), it also makes everybody suck more at combat no matter who they're targeting?

That's an enormous buff over RAW especially once we manage to control who gets hit by it. Like, I know that it'll really help us once we get it under our control, but that's so good that I have to say that no, seriously, you shouldn't do that because that would completely nerf the opposition (remember that 3 WP is not something that the average person would spend casually. That's something you'd do to save your life or defend your Motivation.) Most people wouldn't be able to do jack shit to us or our friends because they've got to deal with a mental whammy that sucks the equivalent of four dice out of their attack pools.
Right now, you've got the "attack" portion of the power garbled up, so if people even want to LOOK at you they need to blow WP or suffer penalties. It's just YOU, however, so at best it just makes Benjy more liable to blow up the people around you (those that chose to blow WP to stand near you, that is).

When you get it under control, it will work exactly as it reads in the book.
dang, we need to do some SERIOUS meditation when this is all over, assuming we're not in a coma or something. Being able to actually USE our banner here would make things significantly easier.