Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 6: Fatal Fires Flagrantly Fry Frantic Friends, Family

uju32 said:
I'm no particularly advocate of Exalting Panacea, but this?
Exaltation always needs to be someone who will use the power. Panacea actively refrains from using her power as much as she can. Not an Exalt style behavior. Exaltation never goes to the person who upon being given vast cosmic power, locks most of it away for fear of using it. Yeah, there can be Exalts who are cautious in the use of power. But people who refuse outright to use it ever? Who hold no drive to make a mark on the world? Does not matter what type of Exaltation. They are not valid targets. Basicly, Panacea does not trust herself with power. Hand her cosmic power and she will do her best to not use most of it. That is the opposite of what people who Exalt are like. She doesn't qualify.
uju32 said:
Did you read mine?
The fact that a hard drive has stopped working does not make the data on it irretrievable.
The fact that a brain is not currently working does not necessarily mean that a soulgem can't pull the person's personality off it.
I think he is saying that after a certain period of time, the brain starts taking damage. Which is akin to taking a magnet to the hard drive or dumping it in acid.
uju32 said:
Did you read mine?
The fact that a hard drive has stopped working does not make the data on it irretrievable.
The fact that a brain is not currently working does not necessarily mean that a soulgem can't pull the person's personality off it.
Without the soulgem everything that makes a person who they are starts to take damage and decay the second the brain stops receiving oxygen. A brain and a hard drive are NOT the same thing, and you are talking about making a brain damaged Exalt. That can ONLY end badly.
WizardOne said:
Taylor's story is impressive precisely because she goes from being this semi-suicidal bullied teenager, into a Hero. That's the whole point.
but she hadn't DONE any of that yet when she was exalted. She had the POTENTIAL for it under the right circumstances, the same way Panacea does with a similar opportunity. Our job is to determine who we think is the most likely to live up to their potential and personify the attitudes and ideals of a given cast, while bearing in mind that their basic personality WILL carry over to the Exalted they might become.
Alright, that's enough of this discussion train.

Let's come back to this should we ever get into a position where we have to decided between Panacea and Bonesaw - until then, we're just flooding the thread and making it harder for others to keep up.

If people are still set on having a discussion, here's a purely hypothetical quandry:

Should we have to take a vacation from Brockton Bay for a bit (still as a Ward), where would we want to go?
WizardOne said:
Yeah, I'd rather not take a 'vacation' as such if its just to another city. We're just starting to get to know the people in BB as it stands, the cast is big enough for a compelling story, but not yet bloated.

I'd much prefer some extra planetary exploration! Maybe a nice relaxing sit down on mars, ala Watchmen, just contemplating the universe.
We actually could use the meditation time.
We'll just have to see if Panacea grows a spine after this. If she does, she'll likely be willing to follow our lead. She has decent odds of being sufficiently disgusted with the way things work to accept bullshit robot communism, and would make a good addition to our team.

Even with a fully functioning backbone her personality is fundamentally not dominant, so so long as we can earn her trust she'll likely make a valuable ally and subordinate. If we can convince her to not be afraid of her own potential so long as she is responsible with it, that she could change the world for the better, and that she matters as a person is INTRINSICALLY VALUABLE regardless of her powers she would probably be more than willing to use her powers to their fullest. As an Exalted her peerless ability to heal and modify other people would make her a damn good addition to our team. Maybe not as a front line fighter, but off the top of my head I could think of the PERFECT build for her as a support unit for both fellow Exalted and as a healer/buffer for normals and parahumans. Even Exalted who aren't optimized for combat are dangerous in their own right.

TL;DR, if we get her head on straight and help her deal with her underlying problems she has a very good chance of fitting the criteria Grom just gave us, especially since if we don't screw it up she would be very grateful and loyal to us without our having to do anything morally questionable to obtain that loyalty. As a first step we could lobby to get her moved to the Wards afterwards to give her the emotional support group she's going to need desperately once this is all over.

Granted, this would take time but by Grom's criteria we're short on immediately viable prospects anyway. We might as well decide what we need and then work to fit people into those roles rather than find people who COULD exalt and then try to shoehorn a functioning and effective team out of them.

EDIT: Dang, did it really take me 15 minutes to type this? Sorry Grom.

Yeah, we could use the down time as an opportunity to meditate. I could see the entire Wards group going somewhere together to detox from all the crap that's gone down in BB.
Well, IC we still don't know all there is to know about us, our nature, and the nature/functions of our installed charm modules. Meditation will help out with this.
Meditation helps us heal, process the things we've learned and figure out the mechanics of the abilities we've been granted. If we're going to do any kind of serious Creation based construction projects we're going to need to understand WAY more about how Autochthonian tech even works. For example the IED in our head that lets us split our mind into 6 different thought processes has 3 sub-modules that we don't know anything about, and since I'm not seeing any listed for it in the Autochthonian source book that means they're probably home brew mods that Grom came up with so we can't even GUESS what they are OOC. Plus we lack sufficient understanding to even USE our Anima Banner, so when it triggers it debilitates EVERYONE looking at us instead of debuffing actions taken against us like it's supposed to.

Also we had no idea we were going to get slapped with high Clarity during extended heavy conflict like what we've been going through. Granted, it's kept us alive and functioning better than we likely would have without it, but Clarity does have drawbacks we weren't able to account for and Taylor is probably going to freak out a bit afterwards about how she went all Robocop in the middle of the fight.
Menma said:
I have no intention of continuing this conversation- I have better things to do then get into a pissing contest with someone online.
Heresy! Not only is this the internet, this is SpaceBattles! Such good and righteous men have no place here.
Gromweld said:
Alright, that's enough of this discussion train.

Let's come back to this should we ever get into a position where we have to decided between Panacea and Bonesaw - until then, we're just flooding the thread and making it harder for others to keep up.

If people are still set on having a discussion, here's a purely hypothetical quandry:

Should we have to take a vacation from Brockton Bay for a bit (still as a Ward), where would we want to go?
Philadelphia - I want to add Chevalier to our pokemon collection.

Using your criteria:

- Does this person have the willpower to catalyze an Alchemical form? (Does this person have high Willpower and/or Conviction stats?)
==> I think his canon performance against Behemoth answers this question well enough.

- Will the person follow Taylor's guidance/orders/administrating? (A positive Intimacy towards Taylor would likely help here.)
==> Chevalier seems to have no problems deferring to outside authority or expertise when he feels it's warranted.

- Will this person be fine with allowing mortals to rule? (Alchemicals are servants of the state, not lords or tyrants.)
==> Going by his canon personality, I'd say yes.

- Does this person's skill set (and personality) help the Assembly? (You should really determine what sort of general abilities you want for your party, as the other new Alchemicals will NOT be gaining XP as quickly as Taylor has been!)
==> Yes. Oh god yes. His parahuman power combined with a couple doses of the exoskeletal armor charm is going to make him an incredible damage sponge. He's also exceptionally charismatic, which would allow him to serve as the Assembly's face. High Strength would allow him to dish out the damage, but that's a tertiary concern at best given the other areas where he dominates.

- Will this person accept Glorious Bullshit Robot Communism into their hearts? (Are they unsatisfied with the way things are now to the point where they would accept the fundamental rewriting of reality itself?)
==> This is a bit of concern. He seems OK with the status quo thus far but that's only because he's unaware of the corruption in the PRT. Calvert being exposed ought to shake that faith, Dir. Costa-Brown more so (although I don't think that's something we want). But if we can sell it as being something that will allow him to really, honestly help people? I think he'd jump at the chance.
FunkyEntropy said:
Oh that's good. Chevalier is on my shortlist of potential Exalts. He'd probably make a good Jade caste Alchemical, and would take comparatively little work to get him in the right mindset for Exaltation.
ticktrick said:
Gotta be somewhere with a huge diversity of new foods, so somewhere in Asia. Which parts of Asia have the biggest variety of cuisine? We've been cooking mostly western stuff.
Too bad Leviathan wrecked Japan and that F/SN likely was never made. Otherwise, we could have had an apron with this custom printed on it:

"I am the bone of my skillet.
Steel is my wok, and fire is in my eyes.
I have created over a thousand meals.
Unknown to fast food, nor known to instant meals.
Have withstood heat to create many dishes,
waiting for one's proper cook time.
Yet this mouth will never eat anything.
So as I pray, Unlimited Food Works."
*Comes back to see that the XP and strategy discussion had frozen and there's now 10 pages of Exaltation Fight*
ticktrick said:
Gotta be somewhere with a huge diversity of new foods, so somewhere in Asia. Which parts of Asia have the biggest variety of cuisine? We've been cooking mostly western stuff.
landcollector said:
Too bad Leviathan wrecked Japan and that F/SN likely was never made. Otherwise, we could have had an apron with this custom printed on it:

"I am the bone of my skillet.
Steel is my wok, and fire is in my eyes.
I have created over a thousand meals.
Unknown to fast food, nor known to instant meals.
Have withstood heat to create many dishes,
waiting for one's proper cook time.
Yet this mouth will never eat anything.
So as I pray, Unlimited Food Works."
Come to Southeast Asia! World foodie destination! Assuming Leviathan didn't level Malaysia or Singapore at some point. It wouldn't even be that hard.
This whole arc is really proving far more trouble than I anticipated. I guess this is the first time I've written such huge flusterclucks before? Catching a cold from nieces and nephews isn't helping me right now, either.

I really wanted to finish this arc before the end of the 16th (2 month anniversary of first post), but it looks like that's not going to happen.

Ah, well. Might as well give you guys some fodder to mull over while I wrastle this into completion:

Note: Not final, but 95% chance it'll stay the same.
Remember Grom DID say that we need to be careful in whom we choose to Exalt. So that implies that we CAN still exalt someones.