Gromweld said:
Alright, that's enough of this discussion train.
Let's come back to this should we ever get into a position where we have to decided between Panacea and Bonesaw - until then, we're just flooding the thread and making it harder for others to keep up.
If people are still set on having a discussion, here's a purely hypothetical quandry:
Should we have to take a vacation from Brockton Bay for a bit (still as a Ward), where would we want to go?
Philadelphia - I want to add Chevalier to our pokemon collection.
Using your criteria:
- Does this person have the willpower to catalyze an Alchemical form? (Does this person have high Willpower and/or Conviction stats?)
==> I think his canon performance against Behemoth answers this question well enough.
- Will the person follow Taylor's guidance/orders/administrating? (A positive Intimacy towards Taylor would likely help here.)
==> Chevalier seems to have no problems deferring to outside authority or expertise when he feels it's warranted.
- Will this person be fine with allowing mortals to rule? (Alchemicals are servants of the state, not lords or tyrants.)
==> Going by his canon personality, I'd say yes.
- Does this person's skill set (and personality) help the Assembly? (You should really determine what sort of general abilities you want for your party, as the other new Alchemicals will NOT be gaining XP as quickly as Taylor has been!)
==> Yes. Oh
god yes. His parahuman power combined with a couple doses of the exoskeletal armor charm is going to make him an incredible damage sponge. He's also exceptionally charismatic, which would allow him to serve as the Assembly's face. High Strength would allow him to dish out the damage, but that's a tertiary concern at best given the other areas where he dominates.
- Will this person accept Glorious Bullshit Robot Communism into their hearts? (Are they unsatisfied with the way things are now to the point where they would accept the fundamental rewriting of reality itself?)
==> This is a bit of concern. He seems OK with the status quo thus far but that's only because he's unaware of the corruption in the PRT. Calvert being exposed ought to shake that faith, Dir. Costa-Brown more so (although I don't think that's something we want). But if we can sell it as being something that will allow him to really, honestly help people? I think he'd jump at the chance.