Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 6: Fatal Fires Flagrantly Fry Frantic Friends, Family

Sure, but the whole idea comes dangerously close to the same mind rape issues we've been arguing about over in the other Exalted Taylor quest. I think the best we can do is take it on a case-by-case basis and keep our character's morals and motivations in mind rather than our own.

I also agree with Peanuckle that the only 2 potentially rehabilitate-able members of the S9 are Bonesaw and Burnscar. They're the only Dents in a team full of Jokers.
Depends on your motivations and HOW you go about doing it. The goal should be repairing their psyche and making them a whole functioning person again, and not necessarily someone you can use. If your goal is primarily to add another useful pawn to your stable, then your motivation is wrong.
POS seems like the kind of thing that you want to get everyone on-board with, rather than just a couple. Since the general belief seems to be "use it sparing if at all", I think that the ability to rewrite peoples' minds should be weighed against whatever else we could get for four charms. Alchemical people, what else can we do with the resources spent on getting POS?

Incidentally, i was wondering how does SB's quest system or the GM usually deal with sensitive topics like this?

the first three boost the hell out of our combat maneuverability and range, while the fourth boosts our accuracy and can negate fog of war effects on our targeting. It's also a prerequisite for the Essence Pulse Cannon, which in turn can be upgraded with a battery sub module so we can fire it without using up essence, a discrete sup module so we can stick it in our eye or palm and not make it obvious we have a build in death ray, and a stun sub module so we can knock people out instead of killing them outright. Since we're going with a ranged build having some built in weaponry just makes sense.

There are a number of other modules we can tack on, including a disabling net, an explosive blast firing mode, a beam attack, and a 'ghost buster' attack that ignores regular soak stats and makes the target hemorrhage Motes. That last bit won't be relevant, but the useful bit for us is the only stat the target can use to Soak the attack is their Essence level.
landcollector said:
There's an app Armor Suit for that.
I know, but I was pointing out what else we could use 4 charm slots for instead of focusing on one very specific, situational and downright unnerving use.
Personally I think it's a better idea to just pull a Dragon and construct multiple armor suits (2-3) to account for a wide range of situations, allowing us to pretty much keep our charm module setup as is. I will say, though, that an extra dot or two in strength is not a bad idea so that we can wear heavier Power Armor suits.
Sounds good. Having an entirely modular suit of armor would be faster and easier to build, but if we absorb our suits we can switch between them at will.
Yeah, I'm thinking 2 suit+module sets:

1. A heavy armor + associated modules for Endbringers and other S-Class threats that we may face.
2. A lighter armor + associated modules (some possible overlap with the heavy armor modules here) for more routine things like patrols, the "standard" cape fights, etc.
Menma said:

Behemoth wont be around when we build it- we likely won't be seeing him again until next year.

if I recall correctly, the original timetable for endbringers was about once every four months?. Also, I seem to recall someone mentioning that endbringers usually dont attack the same place twice.
Well, sort of correct. The sequence wouldn't go Behemoth, Behemoth, X. It COULD go Behemoth, X, Behemoth however. So depending on how the cycle works out we may see Behemoth again this year.
I doubt we can make an Essence cannon with Earth-bet materials. *Maybe* Iris can, but we're better off absorbing the laser weapon we have, building an improved version later, and maybe adapting the tech to something else. And leaving Iris to do the heavy-duty theorywork.

Also, note that EOA just shot Behemoth with a laser rifle, and it worked, so focused energy weapons at least seem to be ok-ish. And if it wasn't, I wouldn't expect to penetrate to Behemoth with a (kinetic-energy-based) projectile rifle either.
.IronSun. said:
You're missing the point. While you COULD make a case for canceling her intimacy towards Jack, forcibly rewriting a person's likes and dislikes and FORCING them to be loyal to you is morally wrong. We're supposed to be playing as Taylor while keeping her motivations, morals and thought processes in mind. This is NOT something Taylor would do without extreme cause and a metric ton of clarity. Even then, while Clarity strips away our empathy and makes more coldly logical, logic is a means, not and end to itself. A high Clarity Alchemical is even LESS likely to be needlessly cruel or harsh, since they are far more likely to think out all likely repercussions of their actions and behave accordingly, and use the bare minimum required fore when necessary.

Clarity is NOT the same as Limit, and an Alchemical's ultimate goal is to progress unity and efficiency. The only time this is NOT the case is when you are dealing with a void tainted Dissonant Alchemical, and then you're dealing with a full on sadistic murderhobo.
Um..... I am pretty sure i only wanted to cancel the intimancy towards Jack(Plus memories of Him, if necessary/useful to the mental sanity of the "Victim"), try to fix burnscar and increase their Compassion(Which is giving empathy to a group of psychopaths, thus i fail to see how is a bad thing).

I don't see any rewriting of peoples likes and dislikes(Except an increasing of compassion), nor any forced changing of loyality.
Menma said:
Our next priority in terms of crafting should probably be a gun.

We are decidedly lacking in firepower right now - having some kind of blaster would go a long way towards expanding our combat ability.
Essence Pulse Cannon with all the fixin's for close in, disabling or fighting something big

For maximum dakka and clearing out mooks we could go with:
minimum Dexterity 2
minimum Essence 2
lets us generate essence based throwing weapons or rounds for any given projectile weapon. powerful, but they decay after a while

minimum Strength 3
minimum Essence 3
very powerful, base damage is our strength rating and is modified by whatever rounds we use, with a range of our Essence rating X100 yards and an unlimited fire rate. Using this weapon doesn't count as activating a charm, but we can ONLY use ammo generated with an Ammo Replicator
-Internal Magazine: adds a magazine to the bow capable of holding 6 rounds generated with our Ammo Replicator. Rounds stored in this manner don't decay and can be stored indefinitely.

minimum Strength 5
minimum Essence 4
Expensive, but powerful projectile. This upgrade allows the Pneumatic bow to fire a needle thin shard of crystallized essence at insanely high speeds, with a range of up to a mile. Costs 10 Motes and 1 will power to generate a single round, base damage is Strength+(EssenceX2). Inflicts piercing damage, passes through target on successful hit and continues on at -1 raw damage die per hit. The projectile emits a wave of concussive force, bowling over human sized or smaller targets and knocking them back 1 foot per die of unsoaked damage. If any victim knocked back this way strikes a solid surface they take 1B damage for every yard further they would have been thrown; inflicts Lethal damage instead if the surface is sharp. Requires Warstrider-scaled frame to use.

minimum dexterity 5
minimum Essence 4
Upgrades the Pneumatic Bow to fire a spray of projectiles instead of a single laser accurate round. This attack costs 8 Motes and 1 willpower and generates it's own ammunition independent from the Ammunition Replicator.fires in an arc of up to 90 degrees with a range increment of 100 yards. Deals Lethal damage, base damage dealt is equal to our Essence rating.

All of these would need tweaking to create a version built into a combat suit instead of directly into our bodies, but figuring out a way to charge them with our own essence instead of standard power sources would be sick. The Onslaught Missile and the Cannon's siege destroyer mode would both require a Warstrider sized mech, but would be damn useful for taking on Endbringers.
A good way to shift public opinion would be to have lots of pictures taken of Taylor new "little sister" just acting like a normal child, laughing and playing and such, that will help people see her more as "Riley" instead of "Bonesaw", after all there's quite a difference between gunning down the kid you saw vivisecting a family and the kid you saw acting like a normal kid their age.
Sinsystems said:
Hmm does Bonesaw qualify for any version of Alchemical Exaltation?
Perhaps Moonsilver?

Orichalcum calls for visionaries, Moonsilver calls for people who can adapt to changing circumstances, Starmetal calls for people willing to seize the initiative, while Jade calls for people who sacrifice themselves for others.
Giygas said:
Um..... I am pretty sure i only wanted to cancel the intimancy towards Jack(Plus memories of Him, if necessary/useful to the mental sanity of the "Victim"), try to fix burnscar and increase their Compassion(Which is giving empathy to a group of psychopaths, thus i fail to see how is a bad thing).

I don't see any rewriting of peoples likes and dislikes(Except an increasing of compassion), nor any forced changing of loyality.
Sorry, that's not the impression I got from your original post. Let's face it, even the names of those upgrades sound sinister, much less the description of how they work. Besides, if we have the option to use these we'll always have to deal with the temptation to abuse them.
CrawlingChaos74 said:
You guys do know that even if we manage to help Bonesaw, it doesn't erase her actions or their consequences. If we help her, a lot of people are going to want her dead, all her victims and the PRT too possible. The same also applies to Burnscar to a lesser degree, though.
Yep, getting your head on straight doesn't mean you get a free pass on the consequences of your actions when you were a basket case. They might serve as mitigating circumstances, the rehabilitated S9 members would still have a lot to answer for.
Quantumboost said:
I doubt we can make an Essence cannon with Earth-bet materials. *Maybe* Iris can, but we're better off absorbing the laser weapon we have, building an improved version later, and maybe adapting the tech to something else. And leaving Iris to do the heavy-duty theorywork.

Also, note that EOA just shot Behemoth with a laser rifle, and it worked, so focused energy weapons at least seem to be ok-ish. And if it wasn't, I wouldn't expect to penetrate to Behemoth with a (kinetic-energy-based) projectile rifle either.
The beauty of the Cannon and the Pneumatic bow is that if we can figure out how to build a battery for the cannon and an ammo generator for the bow that we could channel our Motes into we could build the rest from local materials. We could even set the Bow up as a semiautomatic rifle, or just stick with an ammo generator if we can get one running and use that to supply Essence based ammunition for any weapon we pick up. Once we get our Medical training up enough to use a healing module we could even cheat a bit and harvest a small amount of Creation materials from our own body. Painful and unnerving, but it's still an option.
Aren't essence weapons generally considered pretty weak when compared to weapons with normal ammunition, because you're spending motes just to shoot and they aren't that much better anyways?
.IronSun. said:
Sorry, that's not the impression I got from your original post. Let's face it, even the names of those upgrades sound sinister, much less the description of how they work.
They were designed by a society living in the world-body of the dude who invented Dogma. An electron gun sounds pretty violent until you realize it's "that part in old TVs that makes the screen light up". It's what you do with it that matters.

Tools are like that.
.IronSun. said:
The beauty of the Cannon and the Pneumatic bow is that if we can figure out how to build a battery for the cannon and an ammo generator for the bow that we could channel our Motes into we could build the rest from local materials. We could even set the Bow up as a semiautomatic rifle, or just stick with an ammo generator if we can get one running and use that to supply Essence based ammunition for any weapon we pick up. Once we get our Medical training up enough to use a healing module we could even cheat a bit and harvest a small amount of Creation materials from our own body. Painful and unnerving, but it's still an option.
Er, what're you basing this on? Local materials don't interact with Essence normally. We could build local equivalents, but those would be energy weapons, and we already have a laser rifle in our hands.

Alchemical Charms are Artifacts, and Artifacts work on Essence-physics. Which requires that they be made of Essence-channeling materials. Which aren't local.
Elero said:
Aren't essence weapons generally considered pretty weak when compared to weapons with normal ammunition, because you're spending motes just to shoot and they aren't that much better anyways?
Sorry, don't really know how they compare to other weapons in the setting, since I started with the Autochonian Source book. I'm more than willing to admit that these ideas aren't exactly practical except as a pre-prepared holdout weapon or some kind of ace in the hole.
mastigos2 said:
You know, imagine what Autobot would make from Crawler's Shard. Or Manton's.

Personality issues of course, but it might be worth it to try to at least stick Manton's corpse into Elsewhere for latter examination by Autobot.

Or maybe we could pull a Glastig Una and get an upgrade for our surgical hands that lets us remove shards from corpses. Alchemical-Bonesaw would actually be pretty good for that, considering she was able to combine capes.

Actually, for that matter ... capes made into alchemicals get their shards transformed into Alechemical Charms. Alchemical Charms can be reproduced and installed into other Alchemicals. I wonder if we can get multiple shard-charms
Remember, though - parahuman abilities only work due to the interdimensional connection to the shards. If the shards can't reach into Autochtonia, any parahuman who went there would be powerless.