You're missing the point. While you COULD make a case for canceling her intimacy towards Jack, forcibly rewriting a person's likes and dislikes and FORCING them to be loyal to you is morally wrong. We're supposed to be playing as Taylor while keeping her motivations, morals and thought processes in mind. This is NOT something Taylor would do without extreme cause and a metric ton of clarity. Even then, while Clarity strips away our empathy and makes more coldly logical, logic is a means, not and end to itself. A high Clarity Alchemical is even LESS likely to be needlessly cruel or harsh, since they are far more likely to think out all likely repercussions of their actions and behave accordingly, and use the bare minimum required fore when necessary.
Clarity is NOT the same as Limit, and an Alchemical's ultimate goal is to progress unity and efficiency. The only time this is NOT the case is when you are dealing with a void tainted Dissonant Alchemical, and then you're dealing with a full on sadistic murderhobo.