Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 6: Fatal Fires Flagrantly Fry Frantic Friends, Family

FunkyEntropy said:
Hmm. I wonder if all this (people not understanding the mechanics/probabilities) was a contributing factor as to why people decided that we needed another dot in Athletics. The odds of us garnering zero successes on a roll of 7 dice is 0.78125%, and yet people thought that dropping that down to 0.390625% was more important than picking up something in an area where we could really use the extra help like Investigation or Presence (Intimidation) both of which would boost our meager social chops.
Are you sure it's always a difficulty 1 roll with no penalties, though?
Headcanon: Viator is the 3rd circle of autochton that traveled on the bridge to nowhere that he built, so that the primordials could finally start going somewhere.
Apart from a few of us who were trying to go ahead and exalt people in the middle of the fight, mostly we're trying to just survive the fight with as few deaths as possible right now. But yeah, if it straightens her brain out Exalting her might be a good idea.

On the other hand, I wonder how everyone else would take it?
Elero said:
Are you sure it's always a difficulty 1 roll with no penalties, though?
Never said it was, but it's a good baseline for figuring out where we stand. The baseline difficulty for changing directions with our flight module is 1, I could see the chaotic conditions of the fight imposing an external penalty of -1 for an effective difficulty of 2, but not much more than that. Our bugs and 360degree vision give us incredible situational awareness and we've got shitloads of dice to throw at reflexive Perception+Awareness rolls, which means that we really shouldn't be suffering from any penalties about not knowing what paths are available.
Yeah, Panacea isn't on the urgent exaltation list. It's the dying heroes who are, since we might not get a second chance at them. Someone who's curled up in a corner with her mind blown is not a good option to exalt, because she'd still be around tomorrow, and putting a mentally unstable person behind an exaltation is asking for trouble..
While we're waiting for the next update we might want to go ahead and put some thought into potential Exalts.

Tattletale is a good choice, and given her manic laughter in the last update I think she's figured out almost exactly what we are anyway. Panacea is currently curled up under her operating table having a complete breakdown at the moment, and I'd honestly feel kind of guilty offering 'to make it all better' when she's not in a state to actually understand what that choice would actually entail, but I think she'd probably take the choice later on when she's more stable with some careful social-fu on our part. Vista would make a damn scary Exalt with her powers, but I'm still a bit leery exalting a 12 year old girl without extenuating circumstances.

As far as actual ADULTS go, Armsmaster could be useful, but we could just give him some awesome clockwork prosthetics and leave him as a Badass Normal, since our skill sets kind of overlap at this point and he might just try to take over. Besides, I kinda want to make the Omake with an Exalted Chevalier canon, and having both Armsmaster and Chevalier would be somewhat redundant.
Creticus said:
The Minister of Wrath - sometimes speculated to be one of the third-circle souls of Autochthon. His intentions are simple - change Autochthon into a monster that predates upon Primordials.
Only in one scenario. He appears to desire that Autocthon survives whatever the consequences - I suspect the Primoridal predator plan is only one amongst many,
Creticus said:
It is interesting to note that the collected might of the Eight Nations, meaning more than a thousand Alchemical Exalted plus backup from the Divine Ministers, couldn't do much more than banish him to the conceptual realm called Nullspace.
Note that his teleportation made him a master of guerilla warfare, so he didn't have to face the assembled might of the Eight Nations, as his ability to appear somewhewre wlse meant they had to keep their forces dispersed rather than concentrated.
veekie said:
Yeah, Panacea isn't on the urgent exaltation list. It's the dying heroes who are, since we might not get a second chance at them. Someone who's curled up in a corner with her mind blown is not a good option to exalt, because she'd still be around tomorrow, and putting a mentally unstable person behind an exaltation is asking for trouble..
Umm, not really. Suicide is a very real possibility for her and if she breaks in the other way we'll have a threat on our hands that can make super anything biological by blinking. I'd really rather have someone like that under our thumb at the least, but we're at a pretty high clarity right now, so Exalting is the only way I see that not going bad... that or TT potentially holding her over for a little while, she of all people would be able to tell how bad Amy cracking would be.
ShadowAngelBeta said:
Umm, not really. Suicide is a very real possibility for her and if she breaks in the other way we'll have a threat on our hands that can make super anything biological by blinking. I'd really rather have someone like that under our thumb at the least, but we're at a pretty high clarity right now, so Exalting is the only way I see that not going bad... that or TT potentially holding her over for a little while, she of all people would be able to tell how bad Amy cracking would be.
That's a good point. We need to stabilize her emotionally before SOMETHING BAD happens. Maybe we'll have time for a word with her between all the fighting, but with our high Clarity that could actually do more harm than good, especially with Grom's comments about the next update.

I think all we can do at this point is hope that somebody else can keep an eye on her, but I wouldn't bet on it.
landcollector said:

Everyone's going to die, aren't they?
"Stop helping" would imply that Iris rolled a bunch of successes. Like, buckets of successes. Autochthon (an, by extension, Iris) is one of those guys where there is, in fact, such a thing as being too successful particularly because he never stops to consider the consequences of his success.

Maybe he discovered the perfect candidate, 100% guaranteed success, and helped us get that whole "bring Autochthon into Earth-Bet" ball rolling by stuffing them in the locker so they can get converted.
See, I KNEW we should have had a serious sit-down with Iris to talk about what behavior is and isn't okay.
FunkyEntropy said:
"Stop helping" would imply that Iris rolled a bunch of successes. Like, buckets of successes. Autochthon (an, by extension, Iris) is one of those guys where there is, in fact, such a thing as being too successful particularly because he never stops to consider the consequences of his success.

Maybe he discovered the perfect candidate, 100% guaranteed success, and helped us get that whole "bring Autochthon into Earth-Bet" ball rolling by stuffing them in the locker so they can get converted.
I view this as the best possible interpretation of what little we know about the next update. Which says Bad Things about the outcome of this battle.
Carrnage said:
On the bright side, Autochthon has an intimacy to people that create things so maybe the eye will defend the people if not the city?
And then we can build New Brokton Bay as a badass Arcology.
Hmmm, maybe the 'second monster' is Iris beating Behemoth like a rented dog? given his complete and total lack of dexterity that would probably be even more destructive than Behemoth's rampage.

On the other hand I can see it being hilarious, especially if oranges are involved.
.IronSun. said:
Hmmm, maybe the 'second monster' is Iris beating Behemoth like a rented dog? given his complete and total lack of dexterity that would probably be even more destructive than Behemoth's rampage.

On the other hand I can see it being hilarious, especially if oranges are involved.
Citrus Aspect Mudra, OP pleez nerf. (Good God, it physically hurt to write that...)
DragonBard said:
We'll probably want Craft (Earth) and at least a few more dots in Craft. Possibly with Specialties.

Maybe more Occult as well to reinforce and better harness the Essence we are unleashing.
And that would take, what a week of meditation? we kind of need to do that anyway after the dust settles, alongside keeping tabs on our associates. We're going to need to do a better job of juggling our social contacts in the future, this is starting to feel a bit like my first run through of Persona 3.
I think you're on the wrong forum Spudman.