Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 5: Eye Eyes Eyes Eyeing Eye Eyeing Eyes

veekie said:
As far as I can tell, from canon, she's like this to all the other Wards, all the Protectorate members, and in fact, to every single parahuman. She blames parahumans for what Nilbog's monsters did to her, and considers all of them canned hazards, ready to explode into another Nilbog given the right trigger. But she tries to at least pretend to be professional.
Mhm, I knew that.

Didn't recall exactly how she usually is to people in general though.
She is incidentally, also sour on all young people and fit people, because they have what she can't. Fitness. And the only way out is to trust her body to a young parahuman. She's not going to do that either.
I just wasn't sure if Piggot's behavior is "her being her usual self" or if she was actually being meaner than usual to Taylor.

It looked like Piggot goes out of her way to snipe at Taylor, so I thought I'd ask for clarification.
Whatever happens I just hope Grom decides to make virtue purchases even more difficult than normal skill growth, like making it only every arc or something. Otherwise it'll be an utter pain if every vote becomes a fight between people wanting compassion, or whatever the virtue is, and those against it.

Three actually shouldn't be all that high GamingGeek. The modern world's set up combined with population increases compared to creation makes it seem more common to have higher level virtues, skills, and attributes than Creation.
Garlak said:
Mhm, I knew that.

Didn't recall exactly how she usually is to people in general though.

I just wasn't sure if Piggot's behavior is "her being her usual self" or if she was actually being meaner than usual to Taylor.

It looked like Piggot goes out of her way to snipe at Taylor, so I thought I'd ask for clarification.
I think the few interactions with the regular PRT employees shows her to be only slightly less bitter to non capes. THEY can still go out there and act. She can't. She can't even go more than a day without dialysis or she dies.
Zefferen said:
Whatever happens I just hope Grom decides to make virtue purchases even more difficult than normal skill growth, like making it only every arc or something. Otherwise it'll be an utter pain if every vote becomes a fight between people wanting compassion and those against it.

Three actually shouldn't be all that high GamingGeek. The modern world's set up combined with population increases compared to creation makes it seem more common to have higher level virtues, skills, and attributes than Creation.
Pretty sure the Temperance votes are void actually. Taylor hadn't demonstrated any particular Temperance since the last increase, so she can't raise it.
spudman said:
Gah...Danny's intimacy is down a point. We need to get out there and find him, people.

We can devote two meditation intervals. One to downloading stuff and teaching Iris English (which will allow him to do a lot more research on his own) and the other to thinking about charms.

We should focus on healing and get out into the field as soon as we can.
We also want at least an interval of socializing per day though.
Jinnt said:
No you are completely taking what I mean entirely wrong first off I DON'T think she died. I definitely don't think she isn't a real person.
I think what you have said, and what you believe about what you have said, are in contradiction.

In short, I think you have accidentally espoused a course of action that is actually totally contradictory to what you would want for a human being. You want things to be good, yes. You're just horribly mistaken.
Second throwing away your past isn't any healthier then wallowing
1. I don't think this is throwing away your past.
2A. And uh, actually, even if it were throwing away your past? It actually would be healthier.
2B. No, I'm serious. It is actually not a good thing, psychologically, to immediately confront or dwell on, psychologically traumatizing things.
3. Let's assume that this wasn't a sore spot for Taylor. Are you saying that if a human being ever decides to drastically change themselves, to "discard" some of their past... that such a choice would be inherently bad?
4. I also think that this would be bad advice IRL. Or at least, it would not be an axiom which people should definitely always try to keep in mind.
in it I want us to accept it and move on.
Again -- I think what you intend and what your actions would actually do, are horribly contradictory.

What you are saying is not acceptance at all and would just hurt us.

The way you are reccomending we deal with emotional trauma, is a bad way to deal with it in the real world...
Unfortunately you are wrong; what you suggest would probably hurt Taylor. And also, I think the worldview you use to justify the decision is, um... bad.




The fact that you used the phrase "throwing away your past" is pretty much exemplifying what I said in my previous post, about how you trivialize the human condition and dehumanize Taylor.

I mean, you started off by outright saying that Taylor is being more Enduring Order Administrator and that this is bad. You implied that she was disconnecting from being human.

You don't seem to realize that Taylor's past sucked and that what you suggested was to have Taylor try to become more like pre-Trigger Taylor... a person who was in a horrible fucking place in their life.
OK, as people clearly aren't going to do it themselves, can I ask people consider the following free actions:

Research, Research, Research (Free Action)
[ ] Direct our swarm to research topics on the internet for us
- [ ] Stunt: Remembering to thank Iris for his assistance first, put our spiders to work roaming the digital web. As the first wards, and long serving heroes, there must be lots of information on Rime, Chevalier, and Mouse Protector and their powers out there. Let your minions assistants find out.
- [ ] Stunt: What Piggot mentioned about the Wards program is rather concerning - Glenn might come calling. Forewarned is forearmed, so have your mini.. assistants hit social media and find out what the buzz is.

Teacher, Taylor (Free Action)
[ ] Produce a English-Old Ream dictionary
- [ ] Stunt: Weaving cloth is a slow, complex process compare to the mostly empty webs that your spiders are used to. If they could feel such an emotion, it would be almost a relief for a few of the black widows to spend the time to weave a set of near-ordinary webs that spell out a full translation dictionary between your old and new native languages and mathematics. When they're done, they can then start translating the physics text books that another set of them are reading off the computer.

Soldier, Spy (Free Action)
[ ] Continue to investigate the PRT staff
- [] Stunt: now you've recognised your insects ability to detect scents, it would be a shame not to exploit it. Station some appropriate insects around the entrances and track where employees have recently been. Perhaps you'll get lucky and sniff something out.
- [] Stunt: Patterns. It's all in the patterns. Plant a unique insect on every single person who enters the base, and track them everywhere they go. It may not happen soon, it may take days, but at some points someone's going to slip up and break routine, or venture somewhere they shouldn't.

As a side note, the Digital Web is a Mage the Ascension reference.
Jinnt said:
Okay let me try and explain my position better.

First of I DO NOT think she died.
You might say that, but I think that the conclusions you've come to -- that Taylor requires grounding and "remembering who she was in the past" -- indicates a certain guilt and remorse on Taylor's part.
I do think that the exaltation is having an effect on her mental state that we shouldn't allow to continue.
It's called Clarity, son.

We've been fighting Clarity all the while. The best way to fight Clarity is to socialize.
I do think Taylor can lose herself to the effects of the exaltation and I don't want that to happen.
Clarity is the most obvious risk of Taylor's new status. Also probably immortality but that's a bit further off.
The best way I can think of to do that is to ground herself that means remembering who she was in the past and being conscious of the changes in her present.
Well, that's wrong.
I don't want Taylor to suffer over her past I want her to accept it.
1. In this situation, I think the two things -- "suffer" and "accept her past" -- are synonymous.
2. The potential problems Exaltation might have for Taylor... they are not the sorts of problems that would be addressed by trying your "accept the past" idea.
It is a part of her like it or not if you are denying it you are denying part of who she is.
Orrrrrr it could mean that Taylor has decided to change herself. This is the main reason why I think that, despite what you say, that you feel like Taylor isn't actually Taylor and Taylor died; it's because you feel there is a need to dwell on the past because of the Trigger Event.

You're saying that if Taylor doesn't do that, than she becomes less human and becomes closer to an unhealthily Exaltified mindset.

That implies that there is an event that disconnects Taylor as she was, and Taylor as she is. If you say that Taylor changing herself now, via character growth, distances herself from "the true Taylor"... well, I think you can guess what I'm going to say again.

If a person does not like the way they have been, they should be allowed to change.

(Also, IRL sometimes denying part of yourself might actually be a good thing.)
Alratan said:
No. Not really. It's a constant fight against Clarity.
Yeah, the higher Clarity goes, the harder it is to lower as you prefer the clearer, more logical mind, and disdain the human connection except where it profits your purpose. Doubly so at 10 where you'd be more of a robot than Dragon.

The only reason to let it go up is if you want to use a high Clarity Weaving Protocol.
DragonBard said:
Vista and Ms Militia watched in amazement as Taylor quickly and efficiently cut, dyed, and sewed the pieces of silk together. First into underwear which, except for its focus on function above form, would have been enough to grace any Hollywood starlet or model, then blouses, undershirts, a pantsuit, pajamas, and a whole slew of other garments, all in a fraction of the time one would have thought. Iris was also involved, using little
Missing section?
Regarding the Communist Oversight option, I really think we should have a sit-down with Iris and explain American society, government, and customs before we let him interact with the others further. It's pretty obvious that he's thinking from the perspective of Autochthonian society, and that could cause serious problems for us if he blabs about stuff from that point of view. We need to get him to play subtle until we can figure out how to properly break the news about our power's real origin.

Also, I really, REALLY think we should try and put together a nice dinner and game party for the Wards.
Communist Oversight:
[X] Get your Familiar to follow you in your activities, hoping that it will help with whatever you're doing. This is a free action by default, but still can be modified with Stunts to describe specific intended interactions.
-[X] Stunt: Introduce Iris to the Protectorate and Ward members in the base, to reduce the possibility of unfortunate accidents.

With A Little Help From My Friends:
[X] Spend time with a Protectorate member, maybe even some of the new ones like Rime, Mouse Protector, or Chevalier. (Stunt to say which, and what you want to do.)
-[X] Stunt: Meet up with Chevalier privately and get a feel for what he thinks about us. He saw something different about us, and it'd be important to find out what, especially when it comes to getting Iris to understand the physics differences. If he seems amendable to the idea, try to get a sample of his nonessential equipment for analysis.
-[X] Stunt: Share our incredibly good food and socialize with the Protectorate and Ward members on the base. Try to get over the...awkwardness that the boys' attempt to flirt over the past few days have produced. Show off the new outfits by getting Missy dolled up before hand.

Tangled Web They Weave:
[X] Get the spiders to work spinning more silk to weave, then focus them towards making something besides undershirts. (Stunt to describe what is woven.)
- [X] Stunt: There are a whole set of new members of the Protectorate on base, and you've made quite an impression so far. Best to consolidate that and what better way to make them something to remember you buy. Order the insects to make each of them a silken Brockton Bay Protectorate jacket, custom fitted just for them, and let them get on with it while you sleep.

Mind Over Matter:
[X] Meditate to recuperate your essence and speed up your healing. Read some books/CDs/flashdrives to buff up on a subject while you do so (Stunt to describe what topic you're reading/training).
-[X] Stunt: If you're going out soon, you should really now exactly what to expect. Download and memorise whatever maps, schematics, plans and information on Brockton Bay you can lay your hands on. It may be useful to compare them to what your insects discover, as large scale unapproved developments would be a major clue.
-[X] Stunt: Make use of our fashion research from earlier, as well as Glenn's costume proposals, advertisments and other such modern day propaganda materials to show Iris the correct use of propaganda within this culture.

[X] 2 XP - War (Swarms)
[X] 2 XP - Awareness (Swarms)
[X] 2 XP - Craft (Swarms)
BobTheNinja said:
Regarding the Communist Oversight option, I really think we should have a sit-down with Iris and explain American society, government, and customs before we let him interact with the others further. It's pretty obvious that he's thinking from the perspective of Autochthonian society, and that could cause serious problems for us if he blabs about stuff from that point of view. We need to get him to play subtle until we can figure out how to properly break the news about our power's real origin.

Also, I really, REALLY think we should try and put together a nice dinner and game party for the Wards.
Got both in my vote.
spudman said:
Can we somehow get socializing into a free action or its stunts and using both of the regular actions for meditation?

It's not like we can't get work of some sort done while meditating. The main contention I'm seeing is that Taylor needs some form of socialization during the day.
No. The whole point of reducing Clarity is acting like a normal person and reconnecting with our humanity.

However, there are plenty of free actions we can do, even if everyone keeps ignoring them. I suggested them last page, but no one even commented:

Research, Research, Research (Free Action)
[ ] Direct our swarm to research topics on the internet for us
- [ ] Stunt: Remembering to thank Iris for his assistance first, put our spiders to work roaming the digital web. As the first wards, and long serving heroes, there must be lots of information on Rime, Chevalier, and Mouse Protector and their powers out there. Let your minions assistants find out.
- [ ] Stunt: What Piggot mentioned about the Wards program is rather concerning - Glenn might come calling. Forewarned is forearmed, so have your mini.. assistants hit social media and find out what the buzz is.

Teacher, Taylor (Free Action)
[ ] Produce a English-Old Ream dictionary
- [ ] Stunt: Weaving cloth is a slow, complex process compare to the mostly empty webs that your spiders are used to. If they could feel such an emotion, it would be almost a relief for a few of the black widows to spend the time to weave a set of near-ordinary webs that spell out a full translation dictionary between your old and new native languages and mathematics. When they're done, they can then start translating the physics text books that another set of them are reading off the computer.

Soldier, Spy (Free Action)
[ ] Continue to investigate the PRT staff
- [] Stunt: now you've recognised your insects ability to detect scents, it would be a shame not to exploit it. Station some appropriate insects around the entrances and track where employees have recently been, when you've learned their unique scent, try to work out who they've recently associated with as well. Perhaps you'll get lucky and sniff something out.
- [] Stunt: Patterns. It's all in the patterns. Plant a unique insect on every single person who enters the base, and track them everywhere they go. It may not happen soon, it may take days, but at some points someone's going to slip up and break routine, or venture somewhere they shouldn't.

Are they that awful? Remember, they're free. They don't cost us anything. Please consider adding them to your vote.
Jinnt said:
Well that's going a bit farther then I meant. I also didn't intend for her to just think about the bad things in her past (yes that makes up most of the past couple years.)
I wanted her thinking about her good memories as well.
The problem was that those ended since her mother's car accident. She had nothing good to remember between that and her Trigger event.

In canon the first good thing that happened in that time was meeting the Undersiders.
Jinnt said:
She probably had a few good memories with Emma since her mom died they just got drowned out after the betrayal.
And wouldn't that hurt even more? Memories of a mother's love she no longer has. Of her father's love turned to self recrimination and guilt. Of her own guilt over her mother's death. Of a friend who turned to an enemy.

All her good memories are closely linked to painful ones. The healthiest thing for her mind right now is new bonds. Missy, Chris, even the cheerleaders and school outcastes. Once she has them, THEN she can examine her past, with a safety net.
One reason to think about Occult being useful; it's probably the Ability that can tell us how our Charms work, what they can do, and how they interact with Earth physics.

And that's something that will always be handy.

And it is not something we can just leave off to Iris, because he is focusing on learning many things and because we can't telepathically talk to him and because if we ever run into a surprise or new situation and have to figure out how the mechanics interact? We're going to be relying on our knowledge of physics and Essence.

On that note... It might be worthwhile to make some kind of device, or come up with some system, to more easily communicate with Iris when we're away from him. We had a bit of figuring out how to talk to him when we weren't there in person.

Oh, and... We should also consider just asking Iris as much about Alchemical Exalted as possible. He is a major source of knowledge about Alchemical Charms. He can probably tell us all the basics about the Charms and what we can expect from them!

It would be so much more efficient for Taylor to advance her understanding of her own Alchemical self by relying on Iris, rather than just slowly discovering everything as we go along.

We've talked to him about Essence and now even stuff like geomancy for our workshop.

But how about just simply asking him to tell us as much about Taylor's Alchemical Charms, and the personal physics she runs under, as possible?

Does Taylor even know about Hardness and Ping damage being a thing yet?

For that matter... What does the Iris know about Endbringers? Especially the Simurgh. Taylor worried about the Simurgh -- and that was just when she thought she was merely an incredible Tinker!!

(Though, not quite sure how to tell the Iris in ways that don't panic him.)

Still, the Endbringers are a Big Fucking Deal, and we should prepare more for them. Or at least think more about them.

We can stunt these actions under the interact-with-Iris actions;
  • Ask Iris for help on understand what our Alchemical Charms are, do, how they work, etc. And also to understand what physics Taylor is running under, with her being Exalted.
  • Tell the Iris about Endbringers, especially our worry about the Simurgh.

Reposted that bit because it was in the middle of my first post here and might be easily overlooked.
Jinnt said:
She probably had a few good memories with Emma
Yeah, probably... but...
since her mom died they just got drowned out after the betrayal.
... yeah.
Jinnt said:
So no one else thinks the Exaltation might be changing us against our will? I'm the only person paranoid about this cause I'll drop it if that's the case.
I'm not sure what 'our will' even means in this case.

I think we've made a succession of choices that have very rapidly alienated ourselves from Taylor Herbet's old life, and this is the result.
The biggest fear I have about telling Iris about the Endbringers is that he'll decide to be proactive and annihilate wherever she's floating from reality. It'd be a net gain for the world for sure, but we'd get so much attention that our current level of it would seem secretive. Someone might even decide to steal him like an utter idiot, and god knows what he'd do if someone treated him like an object like that.

Jinnt said:
So no one else thinks the Exaltation might be changing us against our will? I'm the only person paranoid about this cause I'll drop it if that's the case.
Not quite sure what you mean by this. Alchemicals are different from the souls that spawned them, and in our case we didn't even have a soul until Auto built us one. Defining what canon Taylor was is kind of difficult too considering she spent the entirety of canon being influenced by her shard against her will as well.