Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 5: Eye Eyes Eyes Eyeing Eye Eyeing Eyes

Can I persuade anyone to consider the Free Actions I posted, or should I just shut up about them?

They could be exceptionally handy.
leafy503 said:
Doesn't the Iris have Serious drawbacks when ever someone uses him?
I kind of doubt he'd have any issues if it was he himself that decided to break out the continent shattering magic. We probably won't either as long as we get his approval first.
Jinnt said:
I don't think the insect interface is done yet.
spudman said:
Has Iris made that insect/computer interface yet? I don't think that was mentioned.
Must have done:
Gromweld said:
Your assistants have been busy checking for various outfit patterns, though after you settled on tasteful, elegant outfits for yourself and Missy the insect searchers turned to delving the digital web for more books to use as research and training for both yourself and Iris. In addition, you've gone ahead and downloaded the entirety of the library available to your current level of clearance, which includes schoolbooks for classes all the way up to graduate level. Since Iris doesn't have your capability of absorbing microdrives to study, you're going to have to build some way for him to interface with a computer or tablet… after you teach him English, at least.


Using the examples you found through your bugs' trawling of the Internet, you start work on Missy's outfit first as it appears to be the simpler of the two designs: a solid black dress that goes from just under the clavicle to just under the knee, all covered by thin black lace that goes from over the shoulders down to the ankles, clinching at the waist to shape the dress.
Jinnt said:
[ ] Continue to investigate the PRT staff
- [] Stunt: now you've recognised your insects ability to detect scents, it would be a shame not to exploit it. Station some appropriate insects around the entrances and track where employees have recently been. Perhaps you'll get lucky and sniff something out.
- [] Stunt: Patterns. It's all in the patterns. Plant a unique insect on every single person who enters the base, and track th

This one just strikes me as too broad we couldn't really narrow stuff down enough to get useful information from it.
It's designed to give us stunt fodder in future, and costs us pretty much nothing. We might also get lucky. We should be able to tell, before too long, people apart by their scent, and work out who they've recently met, as they're meant to be as good as bloodhounds.

Changed to:

- [] Stunt: now you've recognised your insects ability to detect scents, it would be a shame not to exploit it. Station some appropriate insects around the entrances and track where employees have recently been, when you've learned their unique scent, try to work out who they've recently associated with as well. Perhaps you'll get lucky and sniff something out.

This should detect body doubles.
spudman said:
Has Iris made that insect/computer interface yet? I don't think that was mentioned.
Taylor told him to think of something when he was done with the orange. Since we don't have a reassembled orange yet, I guess not?
EDIT: I stand corrected.
Alratan said:
No. The whole point of reducing Clarity is acting like a normal person and reconnecting with our humanity.

However, there are plenty of free actions we can do, even if everyone keeps ignoring them. I suggested them last page, but no one even commented:

Research, Research, Research (Free Action)
[ ] Direct our swarm to research topics on the internet for us
- [ ] Stunt: Remembering to thank Iris for his assistance first, put our spiders to work roaming the digital web. As the first wards, and long serving heroes, there must be lots of information on Rime, Chevalier, and Mouse Protector and their powers out there. Let your minions assistants find out.
- [ ] Stunt: What Piggot mentioned about the Wards program is rather concerning - Glenn might come calling. Forewarned is forearmed, so have your mini.. assistants hit social media and find out what the buzz is.

Teacher, Taylor (Free Action)
[ ] Produce a English-Old Ream dictionary
- [ ] Stunt: Weaving cloth is a slow, complex process compare to the mostly empty webs that your spiders are used to. If they could feel such an emotion, it would be almost a relief for a few of the black widows to spend the time to weave a set of near-ordinary webs that spell out a full translation dictionary between your old and new native languages and mathematics. When they're done, they can then start translating the physics text books that another set of them are reading off the computer.

Soldier, Spy (Free Action)
[ ] Continue to investigate the PRT staff
- [] Stunt: now you've recognised your insects ability to detect scents, it would be a shame not to exploit it. Station some appropriate insects around the entrances and track where employees have recently been. Perhaps you'll get lucky and sniff something out.
- [] Stunt: Patterns. It's all in the patterns. Plant a unique insect on every single person who enters the base, and track them everywhere they go. It may not happen soon, it may take days, but at some points someone's going to slip up and break routine, or venture somewhere they shouldn't.

Are they that awful? Remember, they're free. They don't cost us anything. Please consider adding them to your vote.
I just recently returned from a shopping run. I think that the Teacher, Taylor option, while unique, would produce little in the way of results in 1 or 2 intervals. Such would take weeks for meaningful progress. The Soldier, Spy option has merit, and the Research, Research, Research option might prove useful.
landcollector said:
I just recently returned from a shopping run. I think that the Teacher, Taylor option, while unique, would produce little in the way of results in 1 or 2 intervals. Such would take weeks for meaningful progress. The Soldier, Spy option has merit, and the Research, Research, Research option might prove useful.
Why do you think Teacher, Taylor would take so long? Given the amounts of threads needed to make cloth, spinning a full dictionary out of normal spider web (i.e. mostly air) should be relatively quick. It would take a fraction of a percent of the amount of thread in our dress. Physics books would take longer, but I'm hoping that Iris would learn English and our mathematical notation quick enough we didn't need to do much of that.

Am I missing something? Given how they could surf the web without our conscious input, they should be able to write.

The other option is to let them loose with MS paint, and get them to create a dictionary in that.
Alratan said:
Why do you think Teacher, Taylor would take so long? Given the amounts of threads needed to make cloth, spinning a full dictionary out of normal spider web (i.e. mostly air) should be relatively quick. It would take a fraction of a percent of the amount of thread in our dress.

Am I missing something?
I have a 10th Edition Merriam Webster Dictionary from 2001 that has roughly 1373 pages of words and definitions (at approx. several dozen words per page). That's going to take some time by itself. Including the translation to Old Realm will also take a good deal of time. That's how I'm looking at it.
Why does no one at all want to vote for the free actions, even though they cost us nothing and may substantially benefit us?

There's also a huge number of votes for the pointless waste of XP which is Occult. Iris is almost certainly Occult 10. As soon as we can teach him English he can do a better job of anything to do with it than we will be able to for a thousand years.
landcollector said:
I have a 10th Edition Merriam Webster Dictionary from 2001 that has roughly 1373 pages of words and definitions (at approx. several dozen words per page). That's going to take some time by itself. Including the translation to Old Realm will also take a good deal of time. That's how I'm looking at it.
Oh, I agree it's a lot of text. However, consider this. Half a kilogram of silk thread is long enough to circle the globe. A gram of it is over eighty kilometers long.

We've made far more than a gram of it. If we print the letters as individual threads, then that's a fraction of the amount of thread in a dress. A typical piece of silk would have >450 threads per inch. A dictionary made out of cobwebs might have a tenth of that at most.
Alratan said:
Why does no one at all want to vote for the free actions, even though they cost us nothing and may substantially benefit us?

There's also a huge number of votes for the pointless waste of XP which is Occult. Iris is almost certainly Occult 10. As soon as we can teach him English he can do a better job of anything to do with it than we will be able to for a thousand years.

Oh, I agree it's a lot of text. However, consider this. Half a kilogram of silk thread is long enough to circle the globe. A gram of it is over eighty kilometers long.

We've made far more than a gram of it. If we print the letters as individual threads, then that's a fraction of the amount of thread in a dress. A typical piece of silk would have >450 threads per inch. A dictionary made out of cobwebs might have a tenth of that at most.
Well, I added them to my vote on Page 7, if you want to take a look. Good Lord, that's a long vote. If Gromweld vetoes the length of it, I'll probably have to remove 1 of them, more likely 2.
OK, after a several solid hours of thinking and fussing with numbers/balance, my initial ideas for possible non-lethal weapons that we could craft plus potential benefits from other Tinkers and integrating their tech.

Particle Rifle - based on sniper rifle with higher rate and range (because 400 is stupid)
Speed 6 Acc +2 Dmg +10B Rate 2 Rng 600 Ammo 10 Tags: 2 Minimum Str 2

Disruption Pistol - took bits and pieces from stungun, smg, and blaster pistol
Speed 5 Acc +1 Dmg +4B* Rate 4 Rng 20 Ammo 50 Tags: St Minimum Str 1
*If a target suffers enough damage that they must resist being stunned or knocked down, increase the difficulty of the roll by 1

Containment Foam Launcher - rocket launcher with less dmg and range, but with an AoE
Speed 7 Acc -2 Dmg +7B Rate 1 Rng 150 Ammo 1 Tags: 2, S Minimum Str 3
Targets not directly hit but within blast radius take no damage
Targets within 5 yard blast radius covered in containment foam

Finally, modeled as fitting between the small and medium Concussive Essence Cannon:
Godfist Cannon
Speed 4 Acc +0 Dmg +17B* Rate 1 Rng 100 Ammo 5 Tags: 2, P Minimum Str 5**
* Human-sized targets hit by the blast must pass a reflexive [Stamina or Dexterity] + Athletics roll against difficulty of 3 or be knocked down. Difficulty 5 for noticeably smaller targets, Difficulty 1 for horse-sized targets.
** In addition to the strength requirements, failure to properly brace the weapon causes a -2 internal penalty due to the weapons massive size

P - Piercing (-4 Armor, to a minimum of 2 remaining)
S – Single shot
St – Strafe
2 – Two handed

Possible Tinker Modifications/Benefits from Cooperation

Armsmaster, Miniaturized components & Software:
  • More efficient, smaller power source. More ammo per battery
  • Efficiency in design. Lower Str requirement
  • Precision Barrel. Increased Acc, Rng, negate ranged penalties
  • Targeting software. Cumulative with scope, reduces time needed to gain full Aim bonus, boost Rng
  • Multi-target tracking/guidance software. Bonus dice when Strafing after taking Aim action
  • Compact modules. In conjunction w/ Kid Win, modules take up less space
Kid Win, Modular enchantment:
  • Module slots. Swappable features to fit circumstances
  • Convert Armsmaster components into swappable modules
  • Secondary power source. Additional ammo
  • Flux Capacitor. Higher rate
  • Turbo Transistor. Energy weapons do more damage, or can be switched to causing Lethal
  • Particle Acceleration Chamber. Energy weapons gain Piercing tag
  • Anti-grav pod. Lower Str requirement
Dragon, Replicable design & containment foam:
  • Containment foam delivery. Increase AoE of containment foam devices
  • Ammo rack for containment foam launcher. Loses Single shot tag, gains Ammo 4
  • Streamline design for mass production
  • Integration of Tinker tech. Make sure no conflicts in using mods from multiple Tinkers
  • Force Amplifier. Increases the difficulty of any roll to resist knockdown or stun by 1.
veekie said:
Got both in my vote.
Actually, your vote specifies hanging out with the Protectorate members rather than the Wards. We're making decisions for the Evening interval, so now is the time to do that party idea. Also, one of the options explains how American propaganda works to Iris, but it doesn't actually tell him why we're keeping our true nature a secret. Also, I really think our Compassion is high enough as is. We don't need to go all the way to 5 dots.

For all of those reasons, I'm recommending the following actions:

Wards Win Games!:
Set up a nice dinner and casual game party for when the Wards get back from school. You need to improve your social skills, and you need to bond with your team as a whole so that you'll all work well together out in the field.
- Ask for advice from PRT staff regarding the Wards' meal and game preferences before set-up in order to get the best possible result.
- Apologize to Gallant for the incident earlier. Let him know that it was a big misunderstanding that spiraled out of control.

Glorious Revolutionary Re-education:
Talk to Iris in private to let him know that you need to keep your status as an Alchemical Exalted a secret. Explain to him that this country is very different from the society on Autochthon, having no knowledge of Authochthon or Essence-based physics. Emphasize that revealing your true nature now could cause significant problems with the PRT and other local authorities.
- Stunt: After explaining the need for secrecy regarding the origin of your powers, teach Iris English while we read to him by reading the same sections in English and then translating the same phrase to Old Realm. Try to smooth over his natural outrage at the inconsistencies, redundancies and room for misperception in the language while we do so.
- Stunt: Introduce Iris to the Protectorate and Ward members in the base, to reduce the possibility of unfortunate accidents.

Mind Over Matter:
Meditate to recuperate your essence and speed up your healing. Read some books/CDs/flashdrives to buff up on a subject while you do so (Stunt to describe what topic you're reading/training).
- Stunt: Make use of our fashion research from earlier, as well as Glenn's costume proposals, advertisments and other such modern day propaganda materials to show Iris the correct use of propaganda within this culture.
- Stunt: Read and translate any physics, chemistry and biology resources(in that order of priority) that we can find for Iris's understanding of local physics. Start with factors that we know to be the same in both Creation and Earth-Bet, and then work towards the underlying theories behind them.

2 XP - Craft (Swarms)
2 XP - Occult (Autochthon)
Ryune said:
Huh, crazy thought. Our omnitool implant is all of the tools. Can we use it as a USB hookup or WiFi as a tool of investigation or programming?
Unfortunately not. That's a Modern Alchemical Charm Sub-module that hasn't been invented yet.
landcollector said:
Well, I added them to my vote on Page 7, if you want to take a look. Good Lord, that's a long vote. If Gromweld vetoes the length of it, I'll probably have to remove 1 of them, more likely 2.
Fair enough. Better to have them in and tell us to take them out, than to miss out on the opportunities though.

Multi-tasking is the best part of the Shard of Perfect Administration, and we're barely scratching the surface.
Communist Oversight:
[X] Get your Familiar to follow you in your activities, hoping that it will help with whatever you're doing. This is a free action by default, but still can be modified with Stunts to describe specific intended interactions.
-[X] Stunt: Introduce Iris to the Protectorate and Ward members in the base, to reduce the possibility of unfortunate accidents.
-[X] Stunt: Teach Iris English while we read to him, by reading the same sections in English and then translating the same phrase to Old Realm. Try to smooth over his natural outrage at the inconsistencies, redundancies and room for misperception in the language while we do so.

With A Little Help From My Friends:
[X] Spend time with a Protectorate member, maybe even some of the new ones like Rime, Mouse Protector, or Chevalier. (Stunt to say which, and what you want to do.)
-[X] Stunt: Meet up with Chevalier privately and get a feel for what he thinks about us. He saw something different about us, and it'd be important to find out what, especially when it comes to getting Iris to understand the physics differences. If he seems amendable to the idea, try to get a sample of his nonessential equipment for analysis.
-[X] Stunt: Share our incredibly good food and socialize with the Protectorate and Ward members on the base. Try to get over the...awkwardness that the boys' attempt to flirt over the past few days have produced. Show off the new outfits by getting Missy dolled up before hand.

Mind Over Matter:
[X] Meditate to recuperate your essence and speed up your healing. Read some books/CDs/flashdrives to buff up on a subject while you do so (Stunt to describe what topic you're reading/training).
-[X] Stunt: Read and translate any physics, chemistry and biology resources(in that order of priority) that we can find for Iris's understanding of local physics. Start with factors that we know to be the same in both Creation and Earth-Bet, and then work towards the underlying theories behind them.

Research, Research, Research (Free Action)
[X] Direct our swarm to research topics on the internet for us
- [X] Stunt: Remembering to thank Iris for his assistance first, put our spiders to work roaming the digital web. As the first wards, and long serving heroes, there must be lots of information on Rime, Chevalier, and Mouse Protector and their powers out there. Let your minions assistants find out.
- [X] Stunt: What Piggot mentioned about the Wards program is rather concerning - Glenn might come calling. Forewarned is forearmed, so have your mini.. assistants hit social media and find out what the buzz is.

Teacher, Taylor (Free Action)
[X] Produce a English-Old Ream dictionary
- [X] Stunt: Weaving cloth is a slow, complex process compare to the mostly empty webs that your spiders are used to. If they could feel such an emotion, it would be almost a relief for a few of the black widows to spend the time to weave a set of near-ordinary webs that spell out a full translation dictionary between your old and new native languages and mathematics. When they're done, they can then start translating the physics text books that another set of them are reading off the computer.

Soldier, Spy (Free Action)
[X] Continue to investigate the PRT staff
- [X] Stunt: now you've recognised your insects ability to detect scents, it would be a shame not to exploit it. Station some appropriate insects around the entrances and track where employees have recently been, when you've learned their unique scent, try to work out who they've recently associated with as well. Perhaps you'll get lucky and sniff something out.
- [X] Stunt: Patterns. It's all in the patterns. Plant a unique insect on every single person who enters the base, and track them everywhere they go. It may not happen soon, it may take days, but at some points someone's going to slip up and break routine, or venture somewhere they shouldn't.

XP Spending
[X] Awareness (Swarms) 2 XP
[X] Investigations (Swarms) 2 XP
[X] Craft (Swarms) 2 XP
Total: 6 XP

And changing vote again.
Communist Oversight:
[X] Get your Familiar to follow you in your activities, hoping that it will help with whatever you're doing. This is a free action by default, but still can be modified with Stunts to describe specific intended interactions.
-[X] Stunt: Introduce Iris to the Protectorate and Ward members in the base, to reduce the possibility of unfortunate accidents.

Tangled Web They Weave (Free Action):
[X] Get the spiders to work spinning more silk to weave, then focus them towards making something besides undershirts. (Stunt to describe what is woven.)
- [X] Stunt: There are a whole set of new members of the Protectorate on base, and you've made quite an impression so far. Best to consolidate that and what better way to make them something to remember you buy. Order the insects to make each of them a silken Brockton Bay Protectorate jacket, custom fitted just for them, and let them get on with it while you sleep.

With A Little Help From My Friends:
[X] Spend time with a Protectorate member, maybe even some of the new ones like Rime, Mouse Protector, or Chevalier. (Stunt to say which, and what you want to do.)
-[X] Stunt: Meet up with Chevalier privately and get a feel for what he thinks about us. He saw something different about us, and it'd be important to find out what, especially when it comes to getting Iris to understand the physics differences. If he seems amendable to the idea, try to get a sample of his nonessential equipment for analysis.
-[X] Stunt: Share our incredibly good food and socialize with the Protectorate and Ward members on the base. Try to get over the...awkwardness that the boys' attempt to flirt over the past few days have produced. Show off the new outfits by getting Missy dolled up before hand.

Mind Over Matter:
[X] Meditate to recuperate your essence and speed up your healing. Read some books/CDs/flashdrives to buff up on a subject while you do so (Stunt to describe what topic you're reading/training).
- [X] Stunt: Make use of our fashion research from earlier, as well as Glenn's costume proposals, advertisments and other such modern day propaganda materials to show Iris the correct use of propaganda within this culture.
- [X] Stunt: Read and translate any physics, chemistry and biology resources(in that order of priority) that we can find for Iris's understanding of local physics. Start with factors that we know to be the same in both Creation and Earth-Bet, and then work towards the underlying theories behind them.

[X] 2 XP - War (Swarms)
[X] 2 XP - Awareness (Swarms)
[X] 2 XP - Craft (Swarms)
...I just had the most amazing idea.

Hey Gromweld, since one of the features of some of Dragons suits is that they automatically repair themselves up to and including cannibalizing metal from their surroundings and since we are, fundamentally, a bullshit magical robot girl...can we integrate that feature into our new suit in order to mimic the Celestial Battle Armor's healing option?
DragonBard said:
We 'can't' vote for Socialize, because we haven't finished training up for it. You can't vote for 'any' Social skills yet.
You can vote for War, Awareness, or Occult, those are the only Abilities fully trained at present.
If we haven't fully trained for Socialize then why do we already have one dot in it?

Also, why is everyone choosing to hang out with the Protectorate members? We need to spend more time with the Wards. And we still haven't apologized to Gallant for earlier yet.
Unless we find a source of soulsteel to scavange, it seems unlikely, I have to say.

Might be an interesting option for any androids we make though.
BobTheNinja said:
If we haven't fully trained for Socialize then why do we already have one dot in it?
You need to get six units of training per dot.
spudman said:
With A Little Help From My Friends:
[] Spend time with a Wards member
-[] Stunt: Girl's night in with Missy in our room. Required materials are junkfood, pajamas, and a cheesy movie we can laugh at. Missy can model her new outfit.
-[] Stunt: Keep our own physical activity to a minimum (without freaking Missy out with bugs), because we need to catch up on bed rest to fully recover our physical injuries.
I'd still prefer if we held a casual party with the Wards as a whole.
spudman said:
Every hour counts.

And if a rest/socialization action can be worked out for today why not make use of it?

I was thinking incorporate invites by swarm speak or email. 'Potluck' junkfood should help so we don't have to set everything (if anything) up ourselves. Ask Dragon for a good cheesy movie.
Blade Runner?