Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 5: Eye Eyes Eyes Eyeing Eye Eyeing Eyes

DragonBard said:
Ones with enough dice to equal or surpass some Exalted. At least in their ability to deal and take damage, though accuracy might be off.

Our real problem is the fact that Coil is going to have access to weapons that will probably have enough overwhelming firepower that, if they hit, we're gone.

If he's smart, he'd force us into a crossfire, pin us down, then use something powerful to try and get us.

What I wouldn't give for some Perfect defenses.
There's a reason I want to create a cyber-insect controlled android that we remotely pilot while invisible to act as a decoy on patrols.
spudman said:
Taylor is undetectable by any means Coil has when she's invisible, so once she tracks Coil down why not just sneak in and take him down herself? Calling in reinforcements actually gives Coil some warning, perhaps allowing Trickster to pull a switch and help him escape. And once Coil is taken care of Danny and Lisa are safe.
Because a door that locks behind her could become a pretty much impossible to overcome obstacle.
Alratan said:
There's a reason I want to create a cyber-insect controlled android that we remotely pilot while invisible to act as a decoy on patrols.
Why bother with an android just create cyber-insect piloted Funnels/bits/drones/Dragoons. Swarm the Enemy with massive (nonlethal) firepower like what the gadelaza has
veekie said:
Add the DV penalty factor to a strike against losing mobility and risking putting our DV below 1 though.
What? No. How could you possibly interpret it that way. DV penalties make trading mobility for armor a better deal because armor and DDVs have an inverse relationship - the less you have of one the more you're going to want of the other. Meaning, the more armor you have the better protected you'll be against situations where your DV is reduced.

To put it another way, the less armor we have the more boned we'll be in situations where we can't use our DVs.

On the flipside, using Parry instead of Dodge renders concerns about mobility penalty irrelevant. Here's how the chart looks if we were using our Omnitool Implant as an improvised weapon to stunt parry the bullet:

M. Pen    Parry DV    f.Armor    t.succ  raw dmg  p.soak
-0          6           6          2        12        6
-0          6          10          2        12        2
-0          6          12          2        12        0
-1          6          13          2        12        0
-2          6          14          2        12        0
-3          6          15          2        12        0
-4          6          16          2        12        0
But all this is a distraction from the worst-case scenario, which is what actually matters. I've revised the numbers to take into account that you can't stack exceptional equipment bonuses so our "base" final armor stats are -1 Mobility and (7+3+1-4) 7 Armor.

Base armor, no BW or MA

M. Pen    Dodge DV    f.Armor    t.succ  raw dmg  p.soak
-1          0            7          8        18       11
Base armor + BW

M. Pen    Dodge DV    f.Armor    t.succ  raw dmg  p.soak
-1          0          11          8       18       7
Base armor + BW and AM

M. Pen    Dodge DV    f.Armor    t.succ  raw dmg  p.soak
-1          0          13          8        18       5
-2          0          14          8        18       4
-3          0          15          8        18       3
Worst-case scenarios where we can't use a DV are exactly when we want to get Armor as high as we can. In this contrived scenario we're in a pretty rough spot with just the ballistic weave since 7 dice post-soak is something that we distinctly do not want to have happen. One or two dice is survivable but seven means we're probably looking at wound penalties which makes it even easier to kill us in subsequent rounds.
1986ctcel said:
Why bother with an android just create cyber-insect piloted Funnels/bits/drones/Dragoons. Swarm the Enemy with massive (nonlethal) firepower like what the gadelaza has
Because then we can't do our real job, which is PR, and people may work out what's going on.
OK, since we're getting more into the weeds of Exalted combat I thought I'd search around and find the old primer on Exalted combat that I'd read years ago that really helped me get a better grasp of the system.

This covers things in really good detail, and while written before 2.5 Errata it still serves as an excellent primer on combat mechanics.
CrawlingChaos74 said:
No, our real job is to bring order and peace to Brockton Bay and aid Autochthon, the PR is just to stay on the good-side of the Protectorate.
Our real job is to help Autocthon, and to bring peace and order to the world, while doing that.

More competent people that we have determined that the bes way to achieve that is the Wards program, as that buys time for a solution (ie., Autocthon) to deal with the Endbringers.

Our personal contribution to law and order is very much secondary to our global impact, in fact, it's trivial in comparison to achieving broad social change and gaining wide scale influence. PR is at the heart of what we're doing. That's how we'll convince the best potential candidates to volunteer to be Alchemicals, and that's how we'll persuade other parahumans and governments to help us and give us the resources we're almost certain to need.

That's why both Reputation purchases are things we should consider.
CrawlingChaos74 said:
I don't get what you mean by this, why does it matter if they find out our bugs are piloting drones when we're invisible and they can't find us?
I wouldn't be so sure they can't find us. We can still be heard. If a Tinker tries hard enough, they should be able to listen for the sound of us moving through the air.
DragonBard said:
What about the Worst Case Scenario where he targets us with anti-armor weaponry, such as an anti-tank gun, high explosives, or an upper level Blaster?
Anti-armor weaponry was already factored in by using armor-piercing rounds with the sniper rifle which gave it the Piercing tag. Piercing subtracts 4 from an armors soak value, with a minimum remaining soak of 2. So if a heavy pistol (5L) with the P tag was applied against a breastplate (4L/2B), the breastplate would still contribute (2L/2B) soak.

Against the really heavy stuff like artillery and powerful Blasters like Legend? Well, again, in a worst case scenario where our DVs have been reduced to zero the more armor we have the less fucked we are since every additional point of armor is another die of raw damage that we get to soak.
Alratan said:
As recent world events have demonstrated, riot shields don't offer any protection from a sniper's bullet.
No, I'm sorry, this is a bad argument and you should feel bad for having made it. This is Exalted. If we we had Fists of Iron Technique we could parry bullets by body-checking or headbutting them.
You guys are doing all these numbers by Exalted Heroic Mortals, which nobody in this world is.

Don't they all run off WoD esque rules? Like, 9 is the maximum dice pool a mortal can get with specialties, no doubled successes on a 10, target number 8 instead of 7?

Even a Heroic Mortal would be quite hax on Earth with that in mind, just purely on a dice pool basis.
FunkyEntropy said:
Anti-armor weaponry was already factored in by using armor-piercing rounds with the sniper rifle which gave it the Piercing tag. Piercing subtracts 4 from an armors soak value, with a minimum remaining soak of 2. So if a heavy pistol (5L) with the P tag was applied against a breastplate (4L/2B), the breastplate would still contribute (2L/2B) soak.

Against the really heavy stuff like artillery and powerful Blasters like Legend? Well, again, in a worst case scenario where our DVs have been reduced to zero the more armor we have the less fucked we are since every additional point of armor is another die of raw damage that we get to soak.
By anti-armour weaponry I think people mean anti-vehicle and anti-tank weapons - although Gromweld has now said that people wouldn't bother with that and go straight to Tinkertech weaponry.
FunkyEntropy said:
No, I'm sorry, this is a bad argument and you should feel bad for having made it. This is Exalted. If we we had Fists of Iron Technique we could parry bullets by body-checking or headbutting them.
We know that Earth Bet armour, even when we're wearing it, follows Earth Bet physics, which is why we can't make armour that has Hardness.
Cytokinesis said:
Don't they all run off WoD esque rules? Like, 9 is the maximum dice pool a mortal can get with specialties, no doubled successes on a 10, target number 8 instead of 7?

Those are for New World of Darkness, which are being used in Sojiko's Conquest Quest. This quest, as stated by Gromweld, is using the Old World of Darkness rules from V:tM 20th Anniversary Edition. They're neither exactly the same ruleset nor set in remotely the same universe.

The no-doubling-on-10 is the case, but Target Number/'Difficulty' ranges from three to nine (barring Sidereal-I-mean-Mage shenanigans), defaulting to six, and typical maximum dice pool is 10. That's not reliable when Powers come into play, though.
Alratan said:
I wouldn't be so sure they can't find us. We can still be heard. If a Tinker tries hard enough, they should be able to listen for the sound of us moving through the air.
No, they can't. While cloaked we are only detectable by two means: touch and essence sight. Earth-Bet has no concept of essence which means the latter is out.
We know that Earth Bet armour, even when we're wearing it, follows Earth Bet physics, which is why we can't make armour that has Hardness.
Your point? That's not how stunts work. Stunts allow us to be awesome and do bullshit things like what you'd except out of an anime or videogame such as deflecting bullets with a sword or losing the cops in a crowded street by running on top the heads of the people in the crowd. Once you throw in Perfect Defenses things get even crazier - using Heavenly Guardian Defense you can perfectly parry a meteor with a pair of chopsticks, although the chopsticks will be destroyed even as you successfully smack the meteor back into space.
By anti-armour weaponry I think people mean anti-vehicle and anti-tank weapons - although Gromweld has now said that people wouldn't bother with that and go straight to Tinkertech weaponry.
Rocket launchers do 10L, and artillery rarely does less than 15L. The former isn't much different than the sniper rifle, but the later can become a serious concern if we don't have enough armor. Let's say we're talking about a tank firing an bog standard round at us, 15L and no Piercing tag. If our armor is 11 because we didn't take AM or BW then we're at 4 raw damage + threshold successes. If our armor is 17 because we took BW and the +2 version of AM then they'd need to roll more than two threshold successes just to start accumulating raw damage dice.

Artillery is still artillery no matter if its origin is Tinker or mundane. If someone drops a nuke on BB we're dead no matter what armor vs mobility penalty tradeoff we take. Same deal if Legend or Alexandria swoop down and attack us - we're still dead. The question people need to be asking is, "How much raw damage can thrown at us before we're fucked?"

The number of raw damage dice that someone would need in order to have even odds of killing us in one hit? Well, if each die has a 33% chance of being a success, someone looking to plow past Armor 11 and our twelve health levels would need to achieve 50 dice in raw damage. Four less if the attack has the Piercing tag, or 8 less if the attack ignores non-magical armor (which is so rare that I'm only mentioning it for the sake of being thorough). For every additional point in armor that we have, add another die in raw damage.

So...basically? Discounting how they got the threshold successes, if someone got 5 threshold successes they'd need to be using a weapon that did 45L damage to kill us in one hit.

That's...well. For comparison the Heavy Implosion bow can, for the low low price of 10 motes per shot and requiring a level 4+ hearthstone to even function, do 50L to everything in a 15 yard radius. The Heavy Implosion bow also happens to be the size of a small townhouse.
FunkyEntropy said:
Well, if each die has a 33% chance of being a success
Stop that. That shit only happens in nWoD, and Gromweld has explicitly stated that we're using oWoD rules, where dice typically have an expectation value of 4/9 sux per die.
Amorous Intent said:
One, high school teachers don't have tenure, and two, you can't just fire someone with tenure. It's incredibly hard to get rid of someone with tenure.
First, high school teachers can have tenure, depending upon state law. In many states both primary and secondary school teachers can receive tenure in only a few years.

Second, the protections tenure affords to a teacher are often vastly overstated. It only protects them against termination without just cause- that is, they can still be terminated for cause, which is to say, if they've done something wrong. If they don't adequately follow the school's directives, if they break any laws, or if they can be shown to be incompetent at their job, they're out. Needing to use termination for cause means they can't be fired casually, but if there is cause then the firing isn't casual.

In a case like this, a tenured teacher being fired would require a substantial amount of evidence that he was incompetent, neglectful of his duties, malicious, or otherwise acted in a fashion which should not be accepted in a teacher. Depending upon how highly motivated the school is to find adequate scapegoats and the specifics of his career, it's entirely possible that they could dredge up past complaints, staff emails, computer usage records, incident reports, and so forth to put together a fairly solid case for cause even separate from Taylor-related events.

He could probably throw a huge legal stink about it, but there's no guarantee he'd win, again depending upon specifics that aren't really that relevant here.
Amorous Intent said:
Stop that. That shit only happens in nWoD, and Gromweld has explicitly stated that we're using oWoD rules, where dice typically have an expectation value of 4/9 sux per die.
You're right, my mistake. Damage dice have a difficulty of 6, meaning a 40% 50% (Gah, too tired) chance of success per die. Now, I don't know if having a nWoD specialty allows 10s to count twice for damage, but since in Exalted they explicitly don't and, furthermore since Defense has primacy it's reasonable to assume that someone trying to end our legend is always going to get the short end of the stick when rules conflict.

So...approx 37 dice to one-shot us with 11 armor and 12 health levels.

Sidenote: I find it incredibly annoying that people on Earth-Bet have an easier time inflicting damage than we do with their stupid TN 6 instead of a proper TN 7 like what we're using. Grumblegrumblegrumble...
DragonBard said:
What abilities do Chevalier and Dauntless have?
Chevalier can do this weird time/space bullshit where he layers multiple different objects over each other(works best with similiar objects), picking an choosing what qualities the final product manifests. His cannon blade, for example, has the material strength of one blade, the size of another, and the weight of a third, letting him swing around a sword that would make a Daiklave look tiny with one hand. He can also do some other stuff with his power, as seen when he tried to fuck with Behemoth's inner layers.

He can also see Shards in metaphor and their relative strength, which is highly classified.

Dauntless can permanently infuse objects with a small amount of his power. He does that every day and the power keeps increasing, granting the objects different abilities. He's got boots that let him fly, a shield that projects a forcefield, and a spear that shoots lightning(maybe more, but I can't remember any others). He's theorized to be able to surpass the Triumvirate in time and is a Brockton Bay native.
Zeitgeist said:
Wouldn't it have to possess the Savant background to do so, which would require Iris to be a mortal?

You're talking about the Demiurge mutation required to make new Alchemicals, which only Autochton can grant, and historically he has only granted to mortals. If he wants to give it to Iris, he can.
FunkyEntropy said:
Rocket launchers do 10L, and artillery rarely does less than 15L. The former isn't much different than the sniper rifle, but the later can become a serious concern if we don't have enough armor. Let's say we're talking about a tank firing an bog standard round at us, 15L and no Piercing tag. If our armor is 11 because we didn't take AM or BW then we're at 4 raw damage + threshold successes. If our armor is 17 because we took BW and the +2 version of AM then they'd need to roll more than two threshold successes just to start accumulating raw damage dice.

Artillery is still artillery no matter if its origin is Tinker or mundane. If someone drops a nuke on BB we're dead no matter what armor vs mobility penalty tradeoff we take. Same deal if Legend or Alexandria swoop down and attack us - we're still dead. The question people need to be asking is, "How much raw damage can thrown at us before we're fucked?"
Massively nerfed artillery that's crippled by running on motonic physics in Modern Creation rather than Earth Bet physics can only do just over 50% more damage per shot than a hunting rifle, likely in order to preserve the superiority of artifacts and supernaturals. I see no reason why the local version, that we know is operating under something resembling normal physical laws, can't do the appropriate damage in proportion to small arms that it actually should.
Alratan said:
Massively nerfed artillery that's crippled by running on motonic physics in Modern Creation rather than Earth Bet physics can only do just over 50% more damage per shot than a hunting rifle, likely in order to preserve the superiority of artifacts and supernaturals. I see no reason why the local version, that we know is operating under something resembling normal physical laws, can't do the appropriate damage in proportion to small arms that it actually should.
Earth-Bet runs on oWoD. Exalted damage numbers are generally about the same or slightly inflated compared to their oWoD counterparts.

Some examples of melee weapons

Weapon     oWoD    Exalted
Axe         3        5
Club        2        6
Sword       2       3~4
As for guns...

Weapon       oWoD      Exalted
H. Pistol      5         6
A. Rifle       7         7
H. Rifle       8         8
S.M.G.         4         6
Shotgun        8         7
FunkyEntropy said:
Earth-Bet runs on oWoD. Exalted damage numbers are generally about the same or slightly inflated compared to their oWoD counterparts.
Those are small arms. I was saying that it was at heavier calibres that the nerf bat gets applied under motonic physics.
Alratan said:
Those are small arms. I was saying that it was at heavier calibres that the nerf bat gets applied under motonic physics.
I've just demonstrated that the numbers are comparable even though oWoD doesn't run on motonic physics. What evidence do you have that the numbers should be different for the bigger guns?