As mentioned before, Iris should have Occult 10, so will be better at it than we will be for a thousand years. Spending more xp on it is needlessly duplicating a competency that our Team Autocthon already possesses is spades. Anything we can do with it, he can almost certainly do vastly better.Kelenas said:Occult needs to be bought up. Should help with identifying potential Exaltation-candidates, artifact crafting, and also our primary mission of finding a way to bring Big A to our universe.
Doesn't change the fact that Occult still has a lot of personal utility as well. If we get a Weaving Engine, for example, there are plenty of spells that use Occult in their dicepools. Likewise, with Iris acting as a mentor, we should be able to learn Thaumaturgy. Lack of Essence is somewhat impeding there, but should be rectified over time, and until then there are still useful Arts we could learn, such as Divination/Probabilistics.Alratan said:As mentioned before, Iris should have Occult 10, so will be better at it than we will be for a thousand years. Spending more xp on it is needlessly duplicating a competency that our Team Autocthon already possesses is spades. Anything we can do with it, he can almost certainly do vastly better.
It's almost a pure waste. It will be a total waste when Iris is up to speed on local physics and be build a way to keep in contact with him.
We should focus on things where we have comparative advantage, and let him get on with the things he's best at.
That's very true.XenonPrime said:We may want to confirm this with him, I'm sure he'd appreciate us thinking about how to most efficiently develop our talents.
Especially seeing as we don't have access to new charms which could potentially let us do crafty things better than Iris.
Iris is a Fetich soul. He should be able to cast Sapphire Circle Sorcery if there's enough Essence around, if he can't already use Weaving Protocols.Kelenas said:Doesn't change the fact that Occult still has a lot of personal utility as well. If we get a Weaving Engine, for example, there are plenty of spells that use Occult in their dicepools.
Thaumaturgy shouldn't work here. They're cheat codes built into the physical laws of Creation when they built it to make it easier for example, for small gods to maintain it. The local physics shouldn't have those same cheat codes built in.Kelenas said:Likewise, with Iris acting as a mentor, we should be able to learn Thaumaturgy. Lack of Essence is somewhat impeding there, but should be rectified over time, and until then there are still useful Arts we could learn, such as Divination/Probabilistics.
We can serve as an assistant with Occult 2 just as well as we can with Occult 3, if I remember correctly.Kelenas said:So, no, Occult is far from a waste in my opinion. Especially since Iris might very well require our assistance in building whatever will help bring Autochthon here.
Well, that's true, apart from big purchases on Backgrounds, which might take a bit of saving up for. If we get the opportunity to buy another five dot one, having 17 XP on hand might be handy, in case the opportunity goes away.mastigos2 said:Given how fast we acquire XP in this quest, the question isn't "is this useful" or even "will this be useful tomorrow" it's "will this be useful within the next 24 hours"
We bought one dot in Swarms (Awareness). he seems to be voting to buy the second.RCa said:erm, voting is closed. And we just bought the Swarms Awareness specialty anyway.
The merchandise would fly off the shelves, though!mastigos2 said:Beauty won't go away though. Though I do think people should keep in mind the down sides of being reputed to be the most beautiful woman on Earth. Being the modern Helen of Troy doesn't sound like much fun ... especially in a world with Heartbreaker
"We can dump it onto Iris!" is not convincing.Alratan said:That's very true.
He's a Fetich Soul of Autocthon, Primordial of Craft. He's almost certain to have his own charms that enhance craft, and be better at it than we'll ever be. 3rd Circle Demons are competitive with high Essence Solars in their field of expertise, and we're not going to reach those levels for centuries, and only then if we turn into a city. He probably knows that much better than we do.
Not to mention that we can use Hyperbenedicition Apparatus on him, which is the best Alchemical crafting charm.
Iris is a Fetich soul. He should be able to cast Sapphire Circle Sorcery if there's enough Essence around, if he can't already use Weaving Protocols.
We also need four months of downtime before we can get a Weaving Engine anyway, as it's minimum Essence 4.
As I said, we're in a party now. We need to specialise in our comparative advantages, as that's how we maximise total value. We should leave things like sorcery/weaving protocols for him. The historical evidence suggests he'd be better at it than we ever would be.
Our advantage over him lies on the social front, broadly defined.
Not yet. And certain Arts that rely on personal abilities might still be viable, such as Probabilistics.Thaumaturgy shouldn't work here. They're cheat codes built into the physical laws of Creation when they built it to make it easier for example, for small gods to maintain it. The local physics shouldn't have those same cheat codes built in.
Not if we need to work independently to support him, as was often the case with higher-tier Artifacts crafted in the First Age. Ie, lesser craftsmen (such as Dragon-blooded) created 1-3 dot Artifacts, which the superior craftsmen (Solars, the occasional Lunar or Sidereal) then assembled into higher-tier (4-5 or even N/A) Artifacts.We can serve as an assistant with Occult 2 just as well as we can with Occult 3, if I remember correctly.
Heartbreaker: *uses his powers on Taylor' "Now lie down and spread your legs."mastigos2 said:Beauty won't go away though. Though I do think people should keep in mind the down sides of being reputed to be the most beautiful woman on Earth. Being the modern Helen of Troy doesn't sound like much fun ... especially in a world with Heartbreaker
What? It's not a question of 'dumping it all on Iris'. It's about efficient deployment of very limited resources. As Autocthon's Fetich soul, this should be something he's very keen on.Kelenas said:
Probably not ever. Even when Essence starts getting involved, Creation has been destroyed. There's nothing there imposing the various loopholes and short cuts the Primordials built into it hereKelenas said:
We don't need higher Occult than we have now for that though.Kelenas said:And certain Arts that rely on personal abilities might still be viable, such as Probabilistics.
We simply don't have the time for that kind of thing. Particularly as if we're Crafting artifacts as a team we'd be vastly better off using Hyperbenediction Apparatus on him, not us, so us contributing anything would take months.Kelenas said:Not if we need to work independently to support him, as was often the case with higher-tier Artifacts crafted in the First Age. Ie, lesser craftsmen (such as Dragon-blooded) created 1-3 dot Artifacts, which the superior craftsmen (Solars, the occasional Lunar or Sidereal) then assembled into higher-tier (4-5 or even N/A) Artifacts.
If Heartbreaker's stupid enough to try anything, that's a real upside to taking the Background, as we can just burn some Willpower when he comes and execute him. He deserves it.mastigos2 said:Beauty won't go away though. Though I do think people should keep in mind the down sides of being reputed to be the most beautiful woman on Earth. Being the modern Helen of Troy doesn't sound like much fun ... especially in a world with Heartbreaker
We've seen that here, when used as a Familiar, that's not the case. He built the insect-computer interface pretty handily.XenonPrime said:Just had a concern regarding Iris, I remember reading that the Eye is almost useless for small scale effects, that might be a wrinkle in plans focused around him being the Occult master.
Who else would be that bothered? There must be other incredibly beautiful parahumans out there, and we must seem to be more trouble kidnapping than most.mastigos2 said:I suppose I should clarify: I didn't mean heartbreaker specifically coming after us (though he might) but rather that that is the kind of attention it could draw.
Most Geomancy projects are really pretty large scale, as they require geographic rearrangement, and we can always just ask Iris to tell us what to do. We saw when he helped us with our workshop that he was fully capable of this.XenonPrime said:Oh yes, but I was thinking more about thaumaturgical projects than crafting which might be necessary, especially if we can figure out how to get Geomantic effects here.
Eh, the problem isn't beating the enemies so much as making sure that the surrounding region survives the process. Don't forget that the Eye is a fetich soul.uju32 said:And whatever makes you think Heartbreaker would come at us alone, as opposed to jacking a couple minions and sending them at us?
Come to think of it, why do you think Heartbreaker is the only possible threat it would attract?
Jack Slash is a collector as well, and we certainly are not ready to take on the Slaughterhouse 9.
Not yet.
And then there are mundane enemies, who are in some ways more difficult to deal with; a lot of people dislike the beautiful on sight, because of bad personal histories with the beautiful and popular.
Hence the part about making sure that the surrounding region survives the process.uju32 said:Running on limited power in a strange universe.
Let's not assume it's battleworthy at the moment, or even if it is, can safely modulate it's power.
He doesn't seem the type to invest that much effort, or risk the kind of opposition that hitting us like that would incur.uju32 said:And whatever makes you think Heartbreaker would come at us alone, as opposed to jacking a couple minions and sending them at us?
If we've not already attracted his attention, then having a reputation amongst normal society isn't going to do much to change things.uju32 said:Come to think of it, why do you think Heartbreaker is the only possible threat it would attract?
Jack Slash is a collector as well, and we certainly are not ready to take on the Slaughterhouse 9.
Not yet.
Generally, they're people that don't matter in the broader scheme of things though, or whom our beauty would already offend. Having a Reputation for it won't make any difference.uju32 said:And then there are mundane enemies, who are in some ways more difficult to deal with; a lot of people dislike the beautiful on sight, because of bad personal histories with the beautiful and popular.
Having such a Background would help us build the coalition we need to deal with such threats.uju32 said:There are consequences for everything.
We already have Coil to deal with, and we're Simurgh bait to boot.
Expending XP on a Beauty Background, instead of more utilitarian choices at the moment, is a terrible idea.
IIRC, even without using any of his powers, as a 3rd Circle deva Iris has a base pool of 20 dice for just about everything he cares to do.uju32 said:Running on limited power in a strange universe.
Let's not assume it's battleworthy at the moment, or even if it is, can safely modulate it's power.
Remember the carrot? We could internlsie that because it had been processed. Even though it would still have been alive. As living pieces of biotechnology, all we have to do is touch them, and they should be safely dealt with.uju32 said:Doesn't Bonesaw have fail-deadly bioplagues in her system?
And while it may be possible to customize weapons against the individual members of S9, all that requires TIME.
Time in which they're trashing everything and everyone.
And that assumes, again, that they don't come up with new surprises because being Taylor/Brockton Bay is suffering
IIRC, Bonesaw is supposed to survive with a head and spine.
Even Coil has gotten upgraded in this universe; I can assure that the S9 won't come after us without new upgrades of their own.
Their group contains two Tinkers after all; if Mannequin and Bonesaw can't figure out how to armor core parts of a human body against ballistic trauma, I'll eat my hat.
You misunderstand. Coil's power did not 'receive an upgrade'. The interaction between our power and his was simply not favourable to us. Heartbreaker's power will almost certainly be the same as in canon, given what we've seen of Glory Girl's.uju32 said:Funny, I would have said the same about Coil, yet he's still in BB instead of relocating to another city.
And given that Coil's power received an upgrade, I won't be surprised to have his receive one as well.
No one else has received a competence upgrade, why would his?uju32 said:Not that he needs it; a competence upgrade involving judicious use of minions both parahuman and normal, and he could have things set up to be a major problem, without us even knowing he's behind it all.
This is an argument never to do anything ever that will have macro effects, when we know we have to.uju32 said:And how many people die in the attempt?
How much PR damage control do we have to do to mitigate it?
How much trouble will Danny get himself into in an attempt to save us?
The same as a normal person who has two Tinkers capable of building information gathering equipment, and can survive being shot in the face with a sniper rifle, and do all the other tricks we apparently demonstrated on our reveal.uju32 said:The S9 do not have special access to news and communication; no precogs, no Thinkers.
The only info they'll have on us is the new Ward in BB who was the centre of a bullying scandal and an assassination attempt, same as every ordinary person.
And the second of those incidents will be world famous.uju32 said:We have been in public all of twice, once for the interview at Clarendon, and the second time when we got shot.
Very few people know much of anything about us.
Once again you misunderstand. This isn't a question of being para human enough, but of whether you're so small and petty that you automatically hate celebrities. Overwhelming people, particularly people who have risen to positions of trust and authority, don't.uju32 said:Piggot. Tagg. Whatever's the name of the third PRT Director. Glenn.
All mundanes of power and influence.
And then there are the lesser people; the secretary who handles your files, the maintenance worker who provides your supplies to feed the spiders....
Beware the little people.
Our reputation for beauty has nothing to do with these. We'll produce these reactions thanks to our beauty whether we're famous or not.uju32 said:We had people walking into walls when we dressed up for a meeting; an actual Background would make things like that worse.
Do you want ladies worrying about their boyfriends being distracted when we're around? Others being plain envious about us stealing the centre of attention?
More reporters trying to follow us around?
That's an advantage, as it gives us influence and social power that we need. Autocthon told us to fix the world, and most of the world's problems are social in nature. This gives us a platform to change it.uju32 said:
We need to kill Coil first, but after them it should be high up the list.uju32 said:Taylor's adjusting, but she's not Glory Girl, and has no current interest in that lifestyle.
Expending 13 XP on that now, while we have loads of other things to spend XP on?
Not quite as dumb as buying more Compassion, but close.
Once again, our beauty is independent of our fame, so this is irrelevant.uju32 said:Or it would actually IMPEDE it, because a lot of people do not trust the beautiful, and others think beauty=brainlessness.
Taylor herself didn't trust the cheerleaders on first look.
I would expect almost every Precog in the world to have tracked it back to us by now.uju32 said:We have raised a ruckus within Protectorate circles.
Most parahumans are not Protectorate, nor do they have access to PRT power evaluations.
His performance here doesn't match that at all.uju32 said:Key words bolded.
He is a person, with his own goals and ways of doing things.
And his canon legend suggests strongly a penchant for extreme levels of collateral damage.
I suspect the eye was demonstrating the very restraint you think he lacks.uju32 said:And all this suggests he even has access to enough power to DO anything.
A powered up Eye would have shucked Chevalier out of his armor before he had time to blink; he certainly wouldn't have been fended off.
You misunderstand again. The carrot proves we can internalise processed living things. The Slaughterhouse Nine are living, processed things. We put them in Elsewhere and never take them out, and study the modifications Bonesaw made to them, including the ones to make herself a virus factory.uju32 said:How the hell are you supposed to internalise armor that's still on their body?
And we have not demonstrated the ability to absorb living materials anyway.
Besides, this is what the carrot told us
So no, you don't get to solve living or formerly living material by absorbing it.
Nor does the knowledge of how to grow a new strain of Ebola teach you how to make a safe cure.
While the thought of introducing Mannequin to magical robocancer is hilarious, the thought of magical robocancer being brought to Earth-Bet caused my brain to shout HELL NO.mastigos2 said:Actually we already know how to cure ebola for parahumans at least: kill them and shove their mind into an articial soul to be shoved into a robot. That's kind of like curing them right? Imean they won't have Ebola any more so that means they're cured right?
I wonder if the Iris has any benediction charms that also grant robocancer ... Seems appropriate to use on mannequin
It doesn't(at least, not on a casual search) but you can learn counterattack charms.SwiftRosenthal said:Does Exalted have a Reflect Damage modifier? I usually prefer Attack Damage Converted to Health, but we don't have the DPS-heavy build that requires. What we do have is a fairly decent amount of natural armor and a ton of health regeneration, which goes great with reflection.
If we can get Reflect in our armor, then the more force our opponents use, the faster they'll fall. Someone tries to snipe us again, they'll feel the bullet instead. We get in a fistfight, they'll only hurt themselves. Behemoth or Levi come to town...
Uh, I'm pretty sure you got the XP and the days wrong.FunkyEntropy said:
As a matter of course? Not sure.Carrnage said:also can't dodging be easily stunted to move you into an ideal position to attack or disengage?
Scroll of Errata said:Starmetal calculation nodes installed along the Alchemical's
legs and spine house a distributed processing system, allowing
him to calculate and execute split-second escape routes with
flawless precision. Omnisituational Evasive Equation can be
used to defend against any environmental hazard or attack
with an area of effect. Undodgeable attacks and hazards lose
that quality against this defense, and the Alchemical may apply
his Dodge DV in automatic successes against the Trauma of a
hazard rather rolling (Stamina + Resistance).
Successfully dodging an area attack or reducing the damage
of an environmental hazard to 0 with this Charm allows the
Alchemical to reflexively move to the nearest safe edge of the
effect in Step 9 if one exists within (Essence x 50) yards. Using
a perfect dodge also triggers this evasion.
Noting that we very likely could perform a Swarm Parry with Impenetrable Repulsor Field. And there's a bunch of convoluted things that could be done with the War charms(though too costly unless we get dramatically cheaper slots)Jinnt said: