Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 5: Eye Eyes Eyes Eyeing Eye Eyeing Eyes

Here's a quick summary of how combat is apparently going to work here, for people who are a little confused. I'm going to walk through a single attack, from a mortal sniper against Taylor. Someone might want to check my math through this.

TL,DR: If we can't work out a way to use our Parry DV against ranged lethal attacks, it's best to minimize our Mobility Penalty to avoid the risk of losing our DV entirely. If we can Parry, then we can effectively disregard our Mobility Penalty and maximize our Armor, because Mobility Penalty does not affect Parrying, only Dodging.

When I say 'mortal', I refer to a plain vanilla mortal. Parahumans won't fall under this limit, and it's possible equipment bonuses can also crack the limit.

The best mortal marksman in the world will have an attack pool of (5 [dexterity] + 5 [firearms] + 3 [specialty] + Accuracy), where Accuracy refers to their weapon. A basic sniper rifle has an Accuracy of +2; Tinkertech or exceptional equipment would be higher. Let's say this best mortal marksman has a weapon with the Exceptional dots put into Accuracy and Damage. That brings the Accuracy to +3, and their pool to (5 + 5 + 3 + 3) = 16 dice.

There are various penalties and bonuses which might apply here. Internal penalties remove dice from the pool, whereas external penalties remove successes. Generally, for us, 2 dice = 1 success. For others, 3 dice = 1 success. This is an average only.

The most relevant penalty here will be the range penalty. Each firearm has a range associated with it; a basic sniper rifle has a range of 400 yards. If you try to shoot at a target within range, you take no penalty. Shooting at a target less than twice that distance (800 yards in this case) imposes a -1 external penalty. Triple the distance (1200 yards) imposes a -2 external penalty. You cannot shoot at anyone further away without magic.

Let's say they're close enough to not suffer a range penalty (which means they'll be in range of our bugs, but hey).

With 16 dice, they'll average 5 or 6 successes. This is an average, from the best mortal marksman in the world, disregarding stunts (because I have no idea if they can stunt). Let's say they spend a few seconds beforehand aiming: this provides 3 bonus dice, bumping them up to 6 or 7 successes on average. They also spend a point of willpower, giving them an automatic success, bringing them to 7 or 8 successes on the attack roll.

OK. We currently have 4 Dex, 3 Essence, 0 Dodge. Ignoring wound penalties, our current basic Dodge DV is (4 + 3 + 0)/2 = 4. We can stunt this for +2 under most circumstances (which boosts the DV directly, not the pool used to calculate it, resulting in DDV of 6). Similarly (if we get a firearm we can parry with/stunt it properly), our Parry is based on (Dexterity + Firearms + Defense), which is probably (4 + 3 + 0)/2 = 4, stuntable up to 6. We can also, if necessary, burn Willpower or a Virtue Channel to increase our defense values.

Mobility penalties reduce from the Dodge value (not pool) but not the Parry value, and also reduce various other things (such as movement rate). For reference, Dashing is (Dexterity + 6 - wounds - mobility) = 10, while Move is (Dexterity - wounds - mobility) = 4, with dash being a minimum 2 yards per tick (second) and Movement being a minimum one yard per tick.

Various other things apply penalties or bonuses to your defense values including defensive cover or taking an action such as aiming or attacking. It gets complicated. Most significantly, if we don't see the attack coming we cannot apply our DVs against it at all.

We subtract our DV from the attack successes. If he has more than 0 success remaining, the attack hits, and the remaining successes (called threshold successes) contribute to the damage.

The base damage for a sniper rifle is 9L, but this is an Exceptional one so it does 10L. We add however much they got past our DV to this to get the raw damage.

We then subtract our Armour and Soak from it. We have 3 basic lethal soak. Our armour value … I worked out a neat little table below, take a look at it. Using the minimum Armour value of 9, we subtract 12 dice from the raw damage. Armor-piercing rounds subtract 4 from our Armor, assuming they work like anti-soak ones do.

So here's a neat little table.

Values assuming:
* We have the no-penalty slot for Advanced Materials at all times
* The Exceptional bonuses are first placed in Mobility Penalty (to reduce it to 0), then moved over to Armor
* After that, we pick up increasing penalties from Advanced Materials to buff our armour
* We aren't stunting here.

Our basic values are:

M.Pen.    Dodge DV       Dash        Movement     Armor
-0           4            10            4            9
-1           3             9            3           10
-2           2             8            2           11
-3           1             7            1           12
-4           0             6            1           13
Now lets add in some other bonuses:
* We always apply a 2-die stunt
* We have the thing to double our ground speed
* We have the +2 armor from the spidersilk, and we're facing a bullet for another +2

M. Pen      Dodge DV       Dash        Movement     Armor
-0             6            20            8           13
-1             5            18            6           14
-2             4            16            4           15
-3             3            14            2           16
-4             0            12            2           17
The reason for that sudden drop at the -3 to -4 M.Pen.? Without at least 1 Dodge DV, we cannot start to dodge and so cannot stunt it up. The same problem occurs if we have sufficient wounds in addition to our Mobility Penalty that our basic Dodge DV drops to 0; the lower our Dodge DV the sooner that happens.

Let's assume we're playing the -0 Mobility Penalty build in the table above (with the spidersilk). This guy hits us with 8 attack successes, blowing past our DV with a threshold of 2 because we didn't burn willpower for some reason. He then adds 10L from the sniper rifle for a total of 12L, and subtracts 4 from our Armour because he's using armor-piercing bullets. We apply our resulting 9 armour to his 12, he hits us with 3 die. If we add a dot of mobility penalty, our Dodge drops by one and our Armour increases by one ... to the same result: 3 die. This progression continues until we hit -4 Mobility Penalty, at which point we can't dodge at all, meaning no stunts so we take an extra 2 die for 5 die.

So Armor is equivalent to Dodge DV so long as our base Dodge DV remains above 1 (so we can still apply stunts). Potential wound penalties or other penalties mean we probably want to stay as far above that as possible ... meaning minimizing our Mobility Penalty. The exception is against surprise attacks or situations where we can't dodge (enclosed area, etc) and can't parry.

Speaking of parry, Mobility Penalty doesn't apply to Parry DV, so if we had a reliable way to parry (preferably with a firearm so we get the skill bonus) we could maximize our Parry DV and our Armor and get the best of both worlds. We need equipment or a stunt to parry a lethal or ranged attack (such as a bullet) and can't normally parry with a firearm at all. If we had a way to parry with a firearm and maximized our Armor, we'd have a PDV of 6 and an Armor of 17.
It's edge stuff, but I think you're neglecting scopes.

There's a also the fact that heavier calibre firearms get rather, I feel, nerfed in the modern Creation setting's motonic physics, in order to maintain Exalted supremacy. Earth Bet's guns won't be so restricted.

An anti-material rifle loaded with something with HEIAP ammunition should do a lot more damage per shot relative to a hunting rifle, at much better range, than I think the Shards rules imply.
Beat me to it while I was having dinner.
A riot shield probably counts as a tower shield, giving a +5 Defense(thus DV +3) for the purpose of parry if we just grab it off the PRT armory. We could also make a smaller Exceptional target shield to the same effect without suffering a mobility penalty. Shouldn't take more than an interval

Don't forget Gromweld mentioned we could parry with the swarm. Wits replace Dex and War replaces Melee.

Presumably the swarm is considered unarmed by default(stunts can bypass that of course), but Taylor in canon could parry grenades and other such weapons by using silk threads carried by the swarm to block. With drones or something similar they could be considered properly armed.
As recent world events have demonstrated, riot shields don't offer any protection from a sniper's bullet.
Alratan said:
It's edge stuff, but I think you're neglecting scopes.
Scopes, in Shards, just increase the speed of the Aim action (cutting it down to 2s for the full bonus rather than 3s) but don't actually increase your maximum dice bonus.
veekie said:
They do cause the bullet to go off course, they don't(and aren't expected to) stop it cold.
Not really. Or indeed, at all. A bullet from any rifle someone would bother to shoot at us should go straight through a riot shield without much, if any, effect on its trajectory.
Demonic Spoon said:
I loves it! Excellent work, and good on you for sharing it with the public! +3 XP!
RCa said:
Here's a quick summary of how combat is apparently going to work here, for people who are a little confused. I'm going to walk through a single attack, from a mortal sniper against Taylor. Someone might want to check my math through this.
This is great work. For reference, I'm using the new OWoD rules published in Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (which will also be in W:tA20 and M:tA20), so if you want to snag a copy of that and flip through it for those rules then go ahead. The process you have down is still good, so I'm going to link it in the Index. +1 XP for taking the time to break this down for people!
veekie said:
Don't forget Gromweld mentioned we could parry with the swarm. Wits replace Dex and War replaces Melee.
ICly you figure you can do that, but I won't specify how exactly it works until you see it in action. It's more than nothing, I'll give you that, and if people want to theorycraft how it might work they're welcome to do so.
Gromweld said:
ICly you figure you can do that, but I won't specify how exactly it works until you see it in action. It's more than nothing, I'll give you that, and if people want to theorycraft how it might work they're welcome to do so.
Would silk sheets carried by the swarm count for equipment bonus there? Or would it take more substantial barriers like anti grav levitated shields for them to tow?
veekie said:
So we make a metal shield with spidersilk backing. Simple design.
Spider silk is great. It really is. What it won't do is provide meaningful resistance to something like a HEIAP round that can penetrate two inches of good quality steel armour plate. That means it can probably penetrate two inches of spider silk just as well.

Spider silk isn't neccessarily stronger than steel by volume, but it's much stronger by mass. If you're in a volume limited scenario, rather than a mass one, silk isn't better. We're not going to be wanting to carry a shield that's thicker than two inches of spider silk thick - for one reason because it would take an incredibly long time to make that much.
Alratan said:
Spider silk is great. It really is. What it won't do is provide meaningful resistance to something like a HEIAP round that can penetrate two inches of good quality steel armour plate. That means it can probably penetrate two inches of spider silk just as well.

Spider silk isn't neccessarily stronger than steel by volume, but it's much stronger by mass.
And our armor wouldn't provide substantially more material either.
Alratan said:
Spider silk is great. It really is. What it won't do is provide meaningful resistance to something like a HEIAP round that can penetrate two inches of good quality steel armour plate. That means it can probably penetrate two inches of spider silk just as well.
I did some quick research, and from everything I've read and watched so far, High-Explosive Incindiary Armor-Piercing ammo is actually less effective at penetration than straight Armor-Piercing rounds; getting through two inches of normal steel with anything High-Explosive and/or Incendiary is an exercise in futility for ammo smaller than .60caliber. HE/I ammo is for blowing up lightly-armored targets, not heavily-armored ones.

But whatever, it doesn't matter. If someone is really gonna try to put the hurt on you, they'll use Tinker stuff and/or Powers. Otherwise, it won't be much of a concern; that's why you built the damn thing in the first place, so that you can float around and be the Battle Administrator without having to worry about random hoodlum potshots taking you out.
Gromweld said:
I did some quick research, and from everything I've read and watched so far, High-Explosive Incindiary Armor-Piercing ammo is actually less effective at penetration than straight Armor-Piercing rounds; getting through two inches of normal steel with anything High-Explosive and/or Incendiary is an exercise in futility for ammo smaller than .60caliber.
HEIAP. Well the claims, anyway. But you're right, they'd use a SLAP round against something very heavily armoured. THE HEIAP bit is so that if they did get through our armour, we'd be very messed up afterwards.
Gromweld said:
But whatever, it doesn't matter. If someone is really gonna try to put the hurt on you, they'll use Tinker stuff and/or Powers. Otherwise, it won't be much of a concern; that's why you built the damn thing in the first place, so that you can float around and be the Battle Administrator without having to worry about random hoodlum potshots taking you out.
Well, this is much more reassuring though.

I hope we don't find out on Monday which they'd chose.
Finally caught up to this thing, moves much to fast! Getting the Eye up to speed should be high priority, he is probably our route to vats and magical materials.
FunkyEntropy said:
Yes it's a utility non-combat program that also allows us to link up with other users to coordinate our attacks and furthermore will only help us once we've manage to (1) locate his base and (2) successfully infiltrate it. That is, I think, a ways down the road.

Look, if you want to make a persuasive argument as to what can or can't kill us, or what we do or don't need, give me some numbers to back up your assertions.
Funky, there will be other incidents to deal with BESIDES Coil, stuff that may require team coordination, long-range communication, or other forms of computer assistance. The DCS is a very versatile module for that purpose, and I'm NOT comfortable throwing it away. I'm pretty sure we already have enough armor to tank most of what Coil could reasonably throw as, so we shouldn't need to get rid of it in the first place.
Ryune said:
Hmmm, honestly, trying to defend against coil is a loosing proposition. He has what could be considered limited save scumming. If there is a way around our armor he will find it. This makes dodging a priority or at least something we can't sacrifice for durability. Quite possibly our best defensive measure is to be cloaked during our patrols and following another pair of wards. That kind of doesn't work though due to the whole "we need to be visible" thing so I suppose having loom server migration on while we fly around will have to do. At worst it gives him inaccurate data and at best it screws with his predictions entirely. The biggest problem we have though is that he has the initiative. As long as Coil has that we are kind of screwed as far as non-perfect defensive measures go.
Basically, Coil is strong on offense, weak on defense. It's why he remains so mysterious, and makes such heavy use of mercenaries. On offense he can constantly choose the better route, but on defense, for example, as with Crawler smashing through his base, his power is mainly good for just telling him how fucked he is.
As a side note, when I was coming up with the free action spying vote, I thought about calling it Total Information Awareness, and suggesting we use this logo:

It's very Exalted.
spudman said:
Remember, for our first patrol (which we should be resting up for so it can happen sooner) Taylor has every intention to go invisible and hunt down Coil/find Danny, anyway. Of course for such 'unauthorized' action she will be punished after the fact.
That's... not a good idea. We will need backup. Lots of backup. Much better to find him in an approved matter and then inform the heroes while invisible, and then hit him.
Alratan said:
That's... not a good idea. We will need backup. Lots of backup. Much better to find him in an approved matter and then inform the heroes while invisible, and then hit him.
Yeah, and don't forget Taylor's priorities.

1) Get Danny out of there in one piece
2) Get Lisa out of there to get answers
3) Get Coil out of the picture

If we get Danny out of there and nothing else I'd count it as a minor victory, but the best way to fight Coil is to locate him and point heavy hitters at him.
RCa said:
SNIP Wall o' Greatness
Very nice, this is causing me to reevaluate my position. A few observations/corrections:

Extras, as non-heroic scenery, cannot stunt nor do they count 10s as two successes (which, if you were to translate this to nWoD would mean no 10-again) nor can they spend Willpower for bonus successes; when defending their Motivation they can channel Virtues, but that's the only time they're allowed to do so. "Unimportant characters should never gain the advantage of stunts, no matter how well the ST narrates their actions."

Heroic mortals (and if you're the best marksman in the world you probably are one) can stunt with the caveat that they reduce the level of the stunt by one (so a two die stunt becomes a one die stunt, etc). However, since this is taking place on Earth-Bet they may not be able to stunt anyway since without Essence reality doesn't give their actions extra narrative weight.

Firearms parry - you cannot use Firearms to form an always-available Parry pool. Ranged weapons such as bows and guns don't have a +def value because you can't use them for defense. You can, however, stunt parry ranged attacks using firearms or archery because stunts allow you to mimic weak magic effects (such as wall running or other athletic feats). This is not something you'd want to count on, however, since parrying ranged with ranged is exclusively charm territory unlike using a weapon or shield to parry ranged attacks which is explicitly allowed in the corebook. It is very much ST-fiat territory.

Exceptional equipment bonuses - they must be divided, split up. Ergo, you can't put all the bonuses into a single stat.

Also, your armor calculations are wrong (for the moment I'll assume you're correct about stacking exceptional equipment bonuses for the sake of convenience). You completely left out our natural soak, which makes a big difference. Thus our minimum armor with natural soak and +2 Advanced Materials mod is (7+3+2) 12 Armor. The spider-silk mod adds another 4 on top of that (which is 2 plus another 2 vs solid projectiles), for a total of 16. After factoring in the piercing tag, that gives us a final armor of 12.

M. Pen = Movement penalty
f.Armor = final armor, all bonuses and penalties applied
t.succ = threshold successes post DV but before soak
raw dmg = weapon damage plus threshold successes
p.soak = post-soak, damage dice remaining after applying armor

OK, first up let's take a look at a white room scenario where heroic "best marksman in the world" hits us with an attack that garners 8 threshold successes and using an exceptional sniper rifle that does 10L piercing.

M. Pen     Dodge DV     f.Armor    t.succ    raw dmg   p.soak
-0           6           12          2         12         0
-1           5           13          3         13         0
-2           4           14          4         14         0
-3           3           15          5         15         0
-4           0           16          8         18         2
From this, you'll see that in all instances except when we don't get to apply our DDV that our Armor beats the raw damage of the attack. In the last instance two dice of dmg gets through.
However, that was a white room projection. What happens if there are penalties to our DVs such as action penalties or flurry/onslaught penalties? Let's say that we've flurried a ready weapon action with an attack for a combined DV penalty of -2.

M. Pen     Dodge DV     f.Armor    t.succ   raw dmg   p.soak
-0           4           12          4         14         2
-1           3           13          5         15         2
-2           2           14          6         16         2
-3           1           15          7         17         2
-4           0           16          8         18         2
Now the sniper is getting to roll two dice of damage in all Armor/M. Pen cases. The only one that doesn't change is the final line, because our DDV was already zero. This lays the groundwork for subsequent sets of numbers which will show why having a high Armor value is important.
Let's take the above (ready weapon + attack flurry), and say that the uber-sniper is coordinating his attack with another sniper (who is an extra, and for the sake of convenience are using peashooters that don't do damage). Further, enough successes are rolled on the coordination roll that they get to impose the maximum (ie # of attackers) penalty of -2 DV. Now we're faced with a total penalty (action plus coordination) of -4 DDV.

M. Pen     Dodge DV     f.Armor    t.succ   raw dmg   p.soak
-0           2           12          6         16         4
-1           1           13          7         17         4
-2           0           14          8         18         4
-3           0           15          8         18         3
-4           0           16          8         18         2
This is where we see higher armor values showing their worth. The less of our DVs that we get to apply, the more valuable armor is at protecting us.
For the final two tables I'm going to start us off at Armor 6 (7base +3ns -4AP) to showcase where we'd stand if we didn't tack on any extra protection at all, then add the ballistic weave, then add Advanced Materials, then scale up from there trading mobility for more armor.

First we're back to no DV penalties, this is just to show how the sniper fares against all our armor options.

M. Pen     Dodge DV     f.Armor    t.succ   raw dmg   p.soak
-0           6            6          2         12         6
-0           6           10          2         12         2
-0           6           12          2         12         0
-1           5           13          3         13         0
-2           4           14          4         14         0
-3           3           15          5         15         0
-4           0           16          8         18         2
Looking at this, we see that not enhancing our armor above baseline means that 6 dice of damage slip past our defenses. Adding just the ballistic weave cuts it down two 2 dice, and stacking the +2 enhanced armor mod on top of that means he can't get past our defenses except when our DV is zero.
OK, for the final table I'm going to contrive circumstances so that our DVs are zero. Either the situation is such that we have to shield someone with our body and thus can't dodge, or the uber sniper is coordinating with 3 other mooks and applies a -4 penalty to our DV on top of our own -2 DV flurry penalty.

M. Pen     Dodge DV     f.Armor    t.succ   raw dmg   p.soak
-0           0            6          8         18         12
-0           0           10          8         18         8
-0           0           12          8         18         6
-1           0           13          8         18         5
-2           0           14          8         18         4
-3           0           15          8         18         3
-4           0           16          8         18         2
In cases where we can't apply a DV we are utterly boned at lower armor values. However, the higher our armor gets, the higher the odds that we walk away more or less intact.

TL;DR - the higher our armor, the more likely we are to survive worst-case scenarios.

Holy shit that took forever.
Thinking about it, I'm not sure that there even would be such thing as an Extra in Earth Bet. I suspect everyone would just be analogous to an ordinary, non-heroic mortal.

Just as there's nothing narratively asserting people's importance, there's nothing asserting their irrelevance either.