Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 5: Eye Eyes Eyes Eyeing Eye Eyeing Eyes

I would like to remind everyone that buying another dot of Compassion is a BAD IDEA. Can we PLEASE reverse the votes on that??
sainen said:
the ones that grom edited are at the top of page 2

edit: 10 votes isn't enough to force us to buy a dot of compassion.
Got it. In that case, here are my recommendations:

Advanced Materials Upgrade v9.72a
Through use of Tinker-designed materials, layers of advanced polymers and fibers are applied on top of the existing armor to enhance durability. Beyond the first application, additional Armor rating may be gained at the cost of additional Mobility Penalties: +3 Armor - Mobility Penalty -1

Hazardous Environment System v6.33e
A series of insulating materials, reflective surfaces, and coolant systems designed to protect the wearer against exposure to environmental hazards. The wearer is reflexively rendered completely immune to all air-borne toxins (smoke, poison, disease, etc.), can survive in a Hard Vacuum, and adds a +2 bonus to Withstand Environmental Damage rolls as long as the 1-hour supply of air is available (10 minutes to refresh tank). In addition, the suit gains another +5 Armor against all energy-based damage, such as extreme heat, cold, electricity, and radiation.

Motion Assist Exoskeleton
A network of micro-hydraulics, motorized spools and a reinforced exoskeleton taken from Armsmaster's power armor doubles the wearer's ground speed, and grants 1 bonus dot of strength for feats of strength and inflicting damage with attacks.

Distributed Computer System v5.54d
A suite of signal monitoring and transmission systems, coupled to a miniaturized, optical computer nodes spread out across the entire suit, this is a full featured data collection, processing and transmission system, with an operating system built in to manage the suit's functions. Interfacing works through a virtual keyboard projected onto the visor's display, which captures finger or Omnitool motions as the input. The wearer is able to detect and interface with all forms of broadcast communications, as well interface with physical ports through use of extending plugs, granting the user +2 on rolls involving wireless communications and computer systems. Nearby suits equipped with both Distributed Computer System and Tactical Prediction Model Generator may coordinate against a single target to gain attack and defense bonuses as if the combat was still one-on-one.

Exceptional Equipment Bonuses: +1 Armor, Mobility Penalty reduced by 1

This way we get an amazing amount of defensive capacity with no penalty to our mobility.
Ok, awake now and caught up. Few notes before I directly respond to comments:

- Only one Virtue may be raised in a single arc, so no more Virtue purchases until at least 4.1->4.2 voting.
- High Virtues (3+) make you act in ways that are the stuff of Legend. This can be good when you're engaged in Heroic activities, but very bad all other times. High Virtues make you - by Earth-Bet mental-health definitions - insane.
- I have greatly enjoyed the debate regarding what it means to be a person, re: change in personality. It's why I opted against using a soulgem with a bunch of other souls in it, to see these kinds of thoughts being addressed.
- As noted in the story, there is a spidersilk bodysuit to be worn inside your armor. This would imply the ability to have an armor 'module' that works like improved Kevlar (armor boost and + against bullets). This 'module' would persist after the armor's normal destruction, so you'd have the bodysuit stats should you ditch your main armor. Probably worth writing-up/discussing.

Now, on to specific posts:
cosoco said:
Damnit. Now I'm hungry for delicious honey-nut confections. Anyway, fixed the error in the story itself, thank you.
DragonBard said:
Omake -- Fun with the Eye of Autochthon -- Taylor the Tailor
The fun continues! +1 XP!
Garlak said:
Maybe she [ed: Director Piggot] got a gut feeling about Taylor that makes her think there is far more to her than meets the eye, and that that causes her to distrust Taylor.

Maybe she really is impressed by Taylor's cooperativeness and helpfulness, but that she's decided to push and test Taylor to see how she reacts and if she is really committed to the cause and so on.

Maybe she thinks Taylor's Trigger Event gave Taylor tons of neat stuff and even drastically swung her social status to boot, like as if it solved many of old Taylor's problems and improved her status all across the board, and thinks it might go to Taylor's head.

Maybe she's dealing with a lot of stress from the events that were set off by the Locker "murder" and then by the attempted assassination of Weaver.

Maybe there's just something about Taylor's personality that pisses her off.
You're on the right track with some of these. Not going to spell this out, but while Piggot is ornery to everyone, her behavior towards Taylor is just a teensy-bit more than usual. Taylor may or may not be pushing some of Piggot's buttons inadvertently, too.

FunkyEntropy said:
Hey Gromweld, since one of the features of some of Dragons suits is that they automatically repair themselves up to and including cannibalizing metal from their surroundings and since we are, fundamentally, a bullshit magical robot girl...can we integrate that feature into our new suit in order to mimic the Celestial Battle Armor's healing option?
This was specifically a prototype suit used months later in the timeline. Dragon hasn't been under constant IEU boost, so she would not have these armors now - and thus, you would not have the tech to integrate into your armor yet. Good idea, though!

FunkyEntropy said:
OK, after a several solid hours of thinking and fussing with numbers/balance, my initial ideas for possible non-lethal weapons that we could craft plus potential benefits from other Tinkers and integrating their tech.
These are good ideas. I'd tweak them a bit before implementing them, but the basis for the weapons are sound. For the Containment Foam launcher, you could also feasibly drive the development of the 'grenade' launcher that's seen later in canon, which would act like a grenade launcher, just with a large supply of containment foam ammo.
Gromweld said:
Ok, awake now and caught up. Few notes before I directly respond to comments:

- Only one Virtue may be raised in a single arc, so no more Virtue purchases until at least 4.1->4.2 voting.
*sigh of relief* Thank God.
- High Virtues (3+) make you act in ways that are the stuff of Legend. This can be good when you're engaged in Heroic activities, but very bad all other times. High Virtues make you - by Earth-Bet mental-health definitions - insane.
...So does that mean we're already in bad territory, given our high Valor, Conviction, and Compassion scores?
[X] Officially submit your armor for Tech Approval, then spend time with the PRT Scientists to see what they do, while also trying to get your armor approved more quickly.

Quicker we get it in, quicker we get it out. Go! Make use of that Backing/Influence! Also probably counts as Lore training.

[X] Meditate to recuperate your essence and speed up your healing. Review your charms and how your essence helps shape their functions so that you have a more complete understanding of how they work.
-[X] Stunt: Your Charms are obviously capable of interfacing with Nowhere Universe physics, including the weirder ones like Hypercalibration Benediction and Loom Server Migration. With a more complete understanding of how your charms work under Essence-based physics and their results when used in Earth Bet, perhaps you and Iris can get to work on his Tertiary Directive, not to mention increase your own capabilities. Recruit Iris's help for this.

Research, Research, Research (Free Action)
[X] Direct our swarm to research topics on the internet for us
- [X] Stunt: Remembering to thank Iris for his assistance first, put our spiders to work roaming the digital web. As the first wards, and long serving heroes, there must be lots of information on Rime, Chevalier, and Mouse Protector and their powers out there. Let your minions assistants find out.
- [X] Stunt: What Piggot mentioned about the Wards program is rather concerning - Glenn might come calling. Forewarned is forearmed, so have your mini.. assistants hit social media and find out what the buzz is.

Teacher, Taylor (Free Action)
[X] Produce a English-Old Ream dictionary
- [X] Stunt: Weaving cloth is a slow, complex process compare to the mostly empty webs that your spiders are used to. If they could feel such an emotion, it would be almost a relief for a few of the black widows to spend the time to weave a set of near-ordinary webs that spell out a full translation dictionary between your old and new native languages and mathematics. When they're done, they can then start translating the physics text books that another set of them are reading off the computer.

[X] - 2 XP Craft (Swarms)
Don't have a plan yet, but voting for XP anyways to solidify the NO FUCKING COMPASSION plan.

[X] 2 XP - Craft (Swarms)
[X] 2 XP - Awareness (Swarms)
[X] 2 XP - War (Swarms)
BobTheNinja said:
*sigh of relief* Thank God.
Don't relax now. We've got one more post before the herpa-derp starts all over again with 4.1.
BobTheNinja said:
...So does that mean we're already in bad territory, given our high Valor, Conviction, and Compassion scores?
I think that's what we would have gotten for the Server Room interlude if we voted for that or ... provided ... fanart.

I wonder is the mental threads would count as copies and thus five Dragons are constantly 'dying' until the charm gets lifted.

Question: Did the suit that melt have biological components or was it purely mechanical?
BobTheNinja said:
Advanced Materials Upgrade v9.72a
Through use of Tinker-designed materials, layers of advanced polymers and fibers are applied on top of the existing armor to enhance durability. Beyond the first application, additional Armor rating may be gained at the cost of additional Mobility Penalties: +3 Armor - Mobility Penalty -1
[edit] I rechecked the rules, mobility penalty directly subtracts from DDV despite being an internal penalty[/edit]

Given that we're trying to keep Coil in mind with the first suit, we're going to want to go all the way with Armor. Getting an extra point in Armor in exchange for another -1 Mobility Penalty is a good trade because as an internal penalty (pg 374) it subtracts dice from our dodge pool instead of directly from our DDV. 12 Armor and a DDV of 2 is a safer choice than 11 Armor and a DDV of 3 since we'll be wanting to use a PDV instead since parrying doesn't care about mobility penalties.

Since the biggest threat to our livlihood right now is Coil, we're going to want to tailor things to survive the nastiest things he can throw at us. Snipers with AP rounds is the biggest concern there. And now that Gromweld has suggested that we can create a bulletproof mod as well, I'll be adding that into my loadout instead of the comp system (though it pains me to do so).
Gromweld said:
- As noted in the story, there is a spidersilk bodysuit to be worn inside your armor. This would imply the ability to have an armor 'module' that works like improved Kevlar (armor boost and + against bullets). This 'module' would persist after the armor's normal destruction, so you'd have the bodysuit stats should you ditch your main armor. Probably worth writing-up/discussing.
Initial armor mod:
Ballistic Weave v1.73
By integrating a secondary protective layer of spider silk just beneath the outermost armored layer in key locations such as joints, chest, and forehead, suit defense against solid projectiles is dramatically increased. The composite weave absorbs and distributes the force throughout the armor without sacrificing mobility. +3 Armor vs Solid projectiles such as bullets.

Path for development: Darwin Bark Spider will provide more substantial bonuses.
spudman said:
Shifting gears for a second. Did I detect some past history between Miss Militia and Chevalier in this update? I think I did....
Chevalier and Hannah were dating when they were Wards in canon, and possibly for a little bit after, then drifted apart IIRC.
FunkyEntropy said:
Given that we're trying to keep Coil in mind with the first suit, we're going to want to go all the way with Armor. Getting an extra point in Armor in exchange for another -1 Mobility Penalty is a good trade because as an internal penalty (pg 374) it subtracts dice from our dodge pool instead of directly from our DDV. 12 Armor and a DDV of 2 is a safer choice than 11 Armor and a DDV of 3 since we'll be wanting to use a PDV instead since parrying doesn't care about mobility penalties.

Since the biggest threat to our livlihood right now is Coil, we're going to want to tailor things to survive the nastiest things he can throw at us. Snipers with AP rounds is the biggest concern there. And now that Gromweld has suggested that we can create a bulletproof mod as well, I'll be adding that into my loadout instead of the comp system (though it pains me to do so).
As long as you're certain. I do like more protection, but I also like not getting hit in the first place. I definitely think we should make the effort to improve Taylor's mobility down the road.
Pretty sure those three submodules require more essence to turn on than we can have at the moment. If you want to know what they do, Meditation/asking the Eye is our best bet.
sainen said:
if that's the case then everything is great, I was a little dubious because grom called it a module and getting a freebie that gives a struck me as unlikely.
Effectively, if you don't have the 'module' then it's just a spidersilk lining that is assumed to already be part of the armor bonus of the suit. If you call it out with a module, then it's a separate inner-suit specifically for this armor - providing additional bonuses - and can also function outside it (with overall reduced stats).
BobTheNinja said:
As long as you're certain. I do like more protection, but I also like not getting hit in the first place. I definitely think we should make the effort to improve Taylor's mobility down the road.
As long as we don't have to deal with people that will kill us in a single hit (Siberian, Alexandria) we'll be OK. Name of the game here is to boost our armor as high as we can in order to completely no sell anything that Coil can throw at us since he's a cheating bastard who'll do everything he can to make sure that if we can take damage we will take it.

We no-sell bad touch effects (like Panacea and Clockblocker) thanks to our charms, so our major concerns are 1) dying to a high volume of weak~medium strength attacks that make it past our armor and 2) dying to instagib us in a single hit (like Alexandria, Siberian, and Endbringers). Coil doesn't have access to #2, so we need only concern ourselves with #1.
sainen said:
but what would we trade out? Coil's merc's have concrete slagging underslung Laser emitters on their rifles so we can't drop the HES module, and the DCS gives great bonuses( though its true value is dependent on who other than Armsmaster it can network with).
Trade it out for Distributed Computer System v5.54d (assuming we need to treat it as an actual module that takes up space) because the bonus only applies when we're fighting 1v1 or Xv1 where X is everybody with the DCS. This is a dueling mod, not a day-to-day patrolling while worried about getting ambushed mod. Situationally powerful, but not good when our main concern is getting ganked.

Numbers to put things in perspective:
+3 vs solid projectiles means that against snipers with AP rounds means that, on top of the enhanced armor we'll be sitting pretty at (7base +1 exceptional +4 AMU +3 vs solid projectile +3 natural soak -4 piercing) 14 Armor. Coil's snipers would need to roll 5 successes from ambush just to reach 1 die of raw damage, or 8 successes if we get to apply our DDV of 1, or 11 successes if we get a tower shield like I've been harping on so we can have a PDV of 5. The odds of this happening are so infinitesimally small that even he would be hard pressed to save scrum an outcome where we actually take damage.
Alchemical Solutions is currently up to 122720 words in a little over a month. Whoops.
RCa said:
Yup, you guys were on fire with most of your rolls in this past update. Also some subtle references to increase in Temperance and Connections (PRT). You guys are mostly getting over the undue attention caused by Appearence 5, but it'll still be a Thing for a while - just not as blatant. +1 XP!
uju32 said:
Pointing out key points in the update:
You got most of them, like Maito Gai. Missed some other key ones, though. +.5 XP, which combines with a previous .5 to make a whole 1!

Gonna close votes in a few minutes, need to finish making dinner first.
Yesh I ninjavote in before the close:p
Communist Oversight:
[X] Get your Familiar to follow you in your activities, hoping that it will help with whatever you're doing. This is a free action by default, but still can be modified with Stunts to describe specific intended interactions.
-[X] Stunt: Introduce Iris to the Protectorate and Ward members in the base, to reduce the possibility of unfortunate accidents.
-[X] Stunt: Teach Iris English while we read to him, by reading the same sections in English and then translating the same phrase to Old Realm. Try to smooth over his natural outrage at the inconsistencies, redundancies and room for misperception in the language while we do so.
With A Little Help From My Friends:
[X] Spend time with a Wards/Protectorate member
- [X] Stunt: Girl's night in with Missy, available female Protectorate members, and Dragon in the common room. Messages by email or swarm speak depending on if they're on base at the moment the messages are sent. Required materials to bring are junkfood, pajamas, and (in Dragon's case) a cheesy movie we can laugh at. Missy can model her new outfit.
- [X] Stunt: Keep our own physical activity to a minimum (without freaking people out with bugs), because we need to catch up on rest to fully recover our physical injuries. Conversation can include asking for advice on the boy's advances, especially during this time when a lot is happening.
Mind Over Matter:
[X] Meditate to recuperate your essence and speed up your healing. Read some books/CDs/flashdrives to buff up on a subject while you do so (Stunt to describe what topic you're reading/training).
-[X] Stunt: Read and translate any physics, chemistry and biology resources(in that order of priority) that we can find for Iris's understanding of local physics. Start with factors that we know to be the same in both Creation and Earth-Bet, and then work towards the underlying theories behind them.
Research, Research, Research (Free Action)
[X] Direct our swarm to research topics on the internet for us
- [X] Stunt: Remembering to thank Iris for his assistance first, put our spiders to work roaming the digital web. As the first wards, and long serving heroes, there must be lots of information on Rime, Chevalier, and Mouse Protector and their powers out there. Let your minions assistants find out.
- [X] Stunt: What Piggot mentioned about the Wards program is rather concerning - Glenn might come calling. Forewarned is forearmed, so have your mini.. assistants hit social media and find out what the buzz is.
Teacher, Taylor (Free Action)
[X] Produce a English-Old Ream dictionary
- [X] Stunt: Weaving cloth is a slow, complex process compare to the mostly empty webs that your spiders are used to. If they could feel such an emotion, it would be almost a relief for a few of the black widows to spend the time to weave a set of near-ordinary webs that spell out a full translation dictionary between your old and new native languages and mathematics. When they're done, they can then start translating the physics text books that another set of them are reading off the computer.
Soldier, Spy (Free Action)
[X] Continue to investigate the PRT staff
- [X] Stunt: now you've recognised your insects ability to detect scents, it would be a shame not to exploit it. Station some appropriate insects around the entrances and track where employees have recently been, when you've learned their unique scent, try to work out who they've recently associated with as well. Perhaps you'll get lucky and sniff something out.
- [X] Stunt: Patterns. It's all in the patterns. Plant a unique insect on every single person who enters the base, and track them everywhere they go. It may not happen soon, it may take days, but at some points someone's going to slip up and break routine, or venture somewhere they shouldn't.
XP Spending
[X] Awareness (Swarms) 2 XP
[X] Investigations (Swarms) 2 XP
[X] Craft (Swarms) 2 XP