Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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yeah, but Satyrical is a Cauldron Cape who worked directly for Doctor Mother post timeskip, and so could very easily be on tap for this purpose.
Gives him too much influence and leverage.
Cauldron was all about information security and cell structure; no way they're going to be relying on the 2inC of a Protectorate field team to cover for Rebecca. Body doubles are cheaper, and available at a moment's notice.
If she's sitting at a desk and teleconferencing, then it shouldn't take that much work to hide her lack of limbs.
If she's sitting at a desk and teleconferencing, then it shouldn't take that much work to hide her lack of limbs.

And that gives me the image of a limbless Rebecca Costa-Brown propped up in a facsimile of her desk, complete with duct tape where it can't be seen by camera. She's not being cold and kind of bitchy because she is, naturally cold and bitchy, but because holy fuck this is humiliating as fucking hell.
Oh, is that Glenn Chambers? You remember seeing him with Taylor the last time you were in New York, but… ugh, died-pink hair with bleached tips? How did Lord Grasp stand working with him, let alone refrain from killing him on sight?
Our Moebot has judged Glenn Chambers and found him wanting. Hmm.

"I didn't miss anything, did I?"

"No, Legend," Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown intones, looking back at you - her business-suit clad form leaning slightly forward on her desk.

"Ms. Kurosawa was just about to start."
This has the possibility of being a :turian:fun:turian:conversation, I think.

And that gives me the image of a limbless Rebecca Costa-Brown propped up in a facsimile of her desk, complete with duct tape where it can't be seen by camera. She's not being cold and kind of bitchy because she is, naturally cold and bitchy, but because holy fuck this is humiliating as fucking hell.
I suspect that it was Number Man's suggestion. He...miiiight have acquired a bit of a troll streak from his time as Harbinger.
I forget, how crippled is Alexandria again? Did she lose all her limbs? just her legs? her entire lower body?
I forget, how crippled is Alexandria again? Did she lose all her limbs? just her legs? her entire lower body?
At least one limb, several internal organs, and a good section of her spine. From 8.3:
Landing in a skidding halt next to Prayer and Alexandria, your Diagnostic Overlay finishes its assessment of the damage: 7th through 11th thoracic vertebrae torn out, diaphragm, liver, and stomach shredded, inferior vena cava and descending aorta severed, most of the right clavicle and shoulder blade gone along with the right arm…
We did stunt retrieving her body parts from the river though, so it shouldn't take to long to drag her to the Safe Place and start operating on her.

Can't wait to see the Cauldron reveal to Saki and Sirkalla.
So nice of everyone to wait for her to get dressed.

Also, Lord Grasp seems to have the wardrobe equivilent of the venerable Power Word: Beer me.
Chapter 9.4
(Part 1)​
-The new Assembly dynamics are shaping up to be hilarious.

- Interesting that Glenn is planning to use Saki in Europe.
Looks like Glenn, at least, takes our claims of capability entirely seriously, even without seeing them in action, and is planning ahead to leverage them on possibly a global stage.

- Bets on whether Becky is on prosthetics, running her feed through video editing or using a body double?
I wonder if Saki will be able to tell.....Taylor probably has, what with Perception 6 and 3 sux from 2nd Perception.

-I suspect someone in psych strongly recommended that Uriel spare Hannah, since she's still here.

Sure, you don't agree with everything you've heard or seen, but they're regular people trying to keep order when supervillains outnumber heroes!
Each night, I suspect senior figures in the PRT kneel at their bedside and give thanks for the PR spending that got Taylor et al to join up.
Next time budget renewal comes up, the PR department is going to have a remarkably easy time filling their requests.

Then, when you notice the two most junior scientists still gawking at you while Taylor and Dr. Rose start talking about packing everything up, you look down at yourself and somehow manage to shout at everyone just by covering yourself awkwardly and blushing up a storm.
Lord Grasp! Dress! Now!
Somebody obviously burned off all her Clarity.:V
And the reaction of the scientists pretty much guarantees that one of them is going to sneak off with footage of Saki in her App 7 form.
Especially since Glenn seems to have sent advance copies to friends.

You're going to have to be careful with Clarity - next thing you know, you'll be bending over and stretching in front of your friends!
Taylor is never going to live this down, is she?:V
This story has to have had legs(snerk), since neither the Twins nor any of the Philly Wards were there; just Aegis and Amy.
So it has to have travelled from Boston.....

Even more amazingly, Taylor has never heard the Wards discuss it, despite effective clairaudience in swarm range.
Now that you know about your EmotiveBody Language charm, it's almost easier to relax and just let your posture and regular fidgeting actually communicate for you.
I'm looking forward to her finding out that Emotive Esthetics allows her to remain aware of her surroundings even when she's asleep.

… and also somehow managing to find a way to tie everything back to sexy stories. Not that you stop him, of course, though it's very difficult keeping a straight face during the talk about shapeshifters and animal forms. Apparently actual werewolves were even more naughty than fantasy ones? You are definitely going to have to write some of these stories down.
Looks like in this timeline, Saki Kurosawa is going to be the author of the Twilight-analogue.
Instead of sparkling vampires though, it will be fabulous furries in vogue.

You can't help but smile, either way, and you're pretty sure that's why he's doing it. Either that or… well, he does get a glint in his eyes when Taylor chokes mid-way through her final conversation with Dr. Rose. Prayer… just keeps her helmet on and remains very, very still.
Lol Prayer.
Like I said before, Grasp is very good at this; he's keeping his primary distracted, and sounding out her teammates attitudes all in one move.
Dude is good.

Miss Militia is here already, along with… an overweight white guy in the most hideous blue-green tropical shirt you've ever seen.
Oh, is that Glenn Chambers? You remember seeing him with Taylor the last time you were in New York, but… ugh, died-pink hair with bleached tips? How did Lord Grasp stand working with him, let alone refrain from killing him on sight?
Poor Glenn.
I foresee a makeover in your future, if you work with Saki any closer.

"Crushing Grasp… and...," he muses, mouth twisting into a frustrated line as he tilts his glasses down just enough for his green eyes to meet your own. "Ms. Saki Kurosawa. The photos really don't do you justice."
Charisma 7 bitches.
Still life photos will have trouble capturing that.

"It means Weaver needs to figure out why and then make us some new cameras that can capture you correctly," he snorts, then tosses a gaze and a nod to Lord Grasp on the table before him. "In the meantime, your... scorpion and I are almost done planning out your schedule for the next few weeks."
"I'll add it to my schedule":V

"Warden, is he eschewing praise for our burgeoning collaborative works?" Lord Grasp chitters, swaying on his legs excitedly as he looks between the two of you. "This mortal's insight into the peasantry's collective psyche has already allowed me to completely reassess your etiquette needs, and his reference material for your confidence training regimen should speed your learning time up dramatically!"
Phrasing, Lord Grasp.
Peasantry is passe these days; we call them the proletariat.

I wonder if Taylor will simply code an Old Realm-English translator for the spectacular scorpion.
In her copious free time, of course.
That would probably require giving up their secret language to the PRT though, so I can see reasons not to prioritize it while Saki is around to translate for him.

Besides, the prospect of miscommunication does allow for more Plot hooks.
Blue eyes as cold as her voice look out from the top-center display, the black-haired woman there easily recognizable to anyone who's watched the news in the last two decades. She doesn't respond to the dread-inducing eyesore's question, instead sweeping her gaze to the door behind you.
I'm not sure how common blue eyes are on people with Hispanic looks.

"No, Legend," Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown intones, looking back at you - her business-suit clad form leaning slightly forward on her desk.
Hey there Becky.
No reason to get your back up:V
I wonder if she's annoyed while looking at one of the two girls who grabbed her spot?
This interview should be fun to watch.
@uju32 Can we not simply teach him English like we did Iris? It may be inefficient compared to Old Realm, but even he should be able to see how useful it would be to need to translator.
@uju32 Can we not simply teach him English like we did Iris? It may be inefficient compared to Old Realm, but even he should be able to see how useful it would be to need to translator.
Coming from the one who disapproved so strongly of Taylor's accent? I'm not sure he will. Perhaps he'll try to teach Glenn Old Realm instead. :V
@uju32 Can we not simply teach him English like we did Iris? It may be inefficient compared to Old Realm, but even he should be able to see how useful it would be to need to translator.
For one thing, time is an issue.

For another, Iris is quite literally superintelligent, and has Excellencies on top of that.
We didn't teach him much English; he taught himself most of it from observation, just like he has been teaching himself everything else.
In comparison, Lord Grasp is Int 3.

And on top of that, he can communicate by using his charm Impromptu Messenger; it's pantomime more or less, but it works.
Not a huge priority.
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Has anyone discussed the possibility of exalting Rebecca Costa-Brown? ;)

Picking a normal human and not a Cape is great PR, and I bet Auto would build such a heroic person a great body, even stronger and tougher than ours.
Has anyone discussed the possibility of exalting Rebecca Costa-Brown? ;)

Picking a normal human and not a Cape is great PR, and I bet Auto would build such a heroic person a great body, even stronger and tougher than ours.
I'm ninety nine percent sure Cauldron can't body-double hard enough to fool autobot. :V And where would you even get a fake Alexandria?
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Chapter 9.4: Part 2
Chapter 9.4
(Part 2)​


Words alone are unable to do your vision justice - especially not English, which has so many dumb rules you still have problems with it. Thankfully, you don't have to rely on just words.


It loses something, nonetheless, in the re-telling. Your Radiant Iconography Array is capable of bringing forth the vision that was burned into your mind less than an hour ago, to the point that your own body fades away into the vision until each person (and screen) in your audience is alone with the Great Maker in the void. Manipulating the charm to mimic the chorus of mechanized sounds that make up Autochthon's voice is difficult, but you manage to match what your own mind could comprehend.

As painful as it is to re-live, you reveal how your sister's soul was torn away from you and cast down into the machine-planet's surface.

But the Great Maker's words - spoken in their original Old Realm - don't quite have the consciousness-shattering power that you felt within the vision. You suspect it's not a matter of the charm being uncalibrated or your own skills being insufficient; in the vision, you had somehow known that there was more to the voice than you could ever comprehend, and your mind is only capable of remembering mere echoes.

You find yourself shuddering more than once during the re-telling, but you manage to get through it all without the vision - or your own composure - falling apart.

You let the all-consuming darkness that those final words were spoken into linger for about five seconds, then release the charm and let the room fade back into existence...

Miss Militia's eyes are wide and unfocused, while Glenn and Legend's own eyes are hidden behind glasses and a half-face visor. Lord Grasp, somehow, has also been stunned into speechlessness.

The screens on the far wall, however, reveal that the vision wasn't quite so overpowering across the PRT's teleconference network - well, aside for Chevalier, who just continues to look like a silver-gold full-plate helmet. Dragon is blinking rapidly in a way that you suspect means she's thinking hard, while Taylor's face has turned off again… while her 'top' eyes swivel erratically.

Chief Director Costa-Brown is giving you a calculating look as she peers at you from behind her steepled fingers, but the other PRT Director in attendance isn't so composed.

"Christ," Director Uriel sighs, rubbing his face with his left hand while wincing. "I need a drink."

All at once, his utterance seems to break the spell of shock hanging over the audience. Miss Militia and Legend snap out of it in silence, blinking and turning away as if to consider what they just saw in their own heads again. Glenn slowly removes his glasses, but focuses entirely upon them with a considering look on his face while he cleans the lenses on his shirt. Prayer and Chevalier remain silent monoliths of armor, while Taylor opens her mouth to speak-

"That-that was Great Maker's world-body jotun!" Lord Grasp wails, waving his pincers in the air while his tail flutters around morosely. He skitters across the table, up to where you are standing at the head. "Not since the Three Spheres Cataclysm have I seen him in such ruin, such pain, such grief! How has he allowed his illness to overtake him so?!"

"Weaver, did this translator have any errors?"

Director Costa-Brown's voice cuts over Lord Grasp's fretting, and you absently pat him on the back while you turn your eyes to look at the exchange going on between screens. The Chief Director's eyes are flicking down past the screen occasionally as Lord Grasp mutters to himself, while Taylor herself seems to be looking between two different screens as well.

"Ah… no... Director, I-" she says, frowning and narrowing her eyes at... well, at her screen, probably - you think she's not actually looking at you, right now. Her pause hangs as her eyes widen just a fraction, before all her 'top' eyes swivel to look at the camera and her face briefly starts to contort into naked confusion.

Then the moment passes - barely longer than a few heartbeats - as Taylor shakes her head and clears her throat while turning her attention to something off-screen again. "Sorry. No, there were no errors, Director, but I'd recommend using the more 'desperate' contextual meanings in those final statements."

What... was that? It looked like Taylor realized something, maybe even multiple things, but then... quickly had to hide it? Why would she be hiding something?

Dragon's avatar fluctuates slightly to show her frown slightly, but a quick glance at the other screens and everyone else doesn't reveal that anyone else noticed that abrupt shift on Taylor's part. Director Costa-Brown's attention is still mostly somewhere below the camera, but she grunts as Taylor finishes.

"I thought so. Dragon, you're free to bring up translations for everyone else. Update the official translator after the meeting."

"Of course, Director," the avatar nods, just as you see the tabletop in front of everyone sitting down peel away to reveal an inset screen with writing rolling across it. Then, to your shock, she switches to Old Realm. "Excuse me… Crushing Grasp?"

You can almost hear the tiny little gears in your mechanical companion's head screech to a stop at the close/familiar address, and his gem-like eyes flash with mixtures of confusion and surprise.

"Who would address a Lord Destroyer with such ungranted familiarity?!" he huffs, spinning around to face the screen - his distress at Autochthon's dire state all but forgotten. "And just what is with this realm and their nonsensical accents?"

Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Prayer nod her head sagely for some reason.

"Ah-...," Dragon blinks, mouth curling up into a bemused smile. "I'm sorry. Lord Crushing Grasp… would you like a translator for English to Old Realm?"

"You have an artifact that will spare me the headache of making sense of these beastial grunts?"
he sighs, waving a pincer at the humans in the meeting. At Dragon's nod, a section at the head of the table peels away to reveal another inset screen - probably designed for the presenter to read from, but it works for Lord Grasp as well.

He recoils slightly and leans down on his legs while poking at the transparent screen as it lights up with the… huh. Old Realm looks like that Aztec language you read about in school, now that you think about it.

"Astounding! Your breach of etiquette is forgiven, Miss!"

"Ms. Kurosawa," Director Costa-Brown grunts. "Is your… companion going to keep interrupting us?"

"N-no, m'am!" you gulp, smiling too hard while sliding up to the table and slapping a hand over the screen before Lord Grasp can read the translation. "Just a moment!"

Then you quickly lean down and whimper at your compatriot with a face full of shame and panic

"Lord Grasp! Please!" you plead in a whisper. Begging Eyes, activate! "These are some of the most powerful people in the world and they only have a few minutes for this meeting! I know you have lots of experience with wars, but can you just… I don't know, tap me if you have something important to say?"

The gilded scorpion glints his gemstone eyes at you dangerously, and you can almost hear his mandibles clicking open and shut as if he is barely restraining himself from taking you to task… but eventually he puffs out a puff of steam from his mouth and spins around to face away from you again as you pull your hand away from the translator.

"Very well, Warden," he mutters "but we will have words later."

Since Lord Grasp didn't even try speaking quietly enough, Director Uriel sighs audibly again. "Tatsu, just teleport your pet out of here."

Nope, hand back on the screen.

You're just going to ignore Lord Grasp's frustrated tapping on the hand while also using your Body Language charm to yell at Dragon - wide eyes and a shaking head communicating without words:

Don't translate that!

"Ah, Director Uriel…" you cough after Dragon nods in alarmed consent. You turn slightly and bow your head in apology at the screen with your bored-looking superior, "Lord Grasp can… block me from doing that if he wants. He is also very picky about how people address him."

Director Costa-Brown flicks her eyes to the side. "Stop being suicidal, Martin."

"Oh, this group has just brought me nothing but joy," he grunts, monotone, while resting his cheek on his right fist. "I'm especially looking forward to the next Youth Guard shit-storm when Weaver hauls off Vista or Who for pod-robot replacement."

You cast another hurried glance to Dragon and make a helpless, panicked shrug.

Just make something up!

You see Dragon nod again and Lord Grasp doesn't explode in righteous fury when the translation starts rolling across the screen, so you decide to leave Director Uriel's fate in Dragon's hands.

"Director… just...," Taylor sighs, closing her eyes momentarily in exasperation while pinching the bridge of her nose, "… I'm not considering Vista right now. Not until she's fully recovered."

"No more Wards, Weaver," Costa-Brown glowers, lowering her fingers enough to reveal her tight frown. "No more children."

Taylor matches the stare with all her eyes.

"Chief Director, respectfully, that decision should rest with a Ward's guardians."

"Ano," you interject with a politely-raised hand, cutting in before either side digs in even deeper, "Chief Director?"

The head of the PRT's strong jawline flexes in a way that you think means she was about to tell you or Taylor off, but after a brief moment she nods slightly. "Go ahead."

"Well...," you begin, scrunching up your nose a bit as you finalize your train of thought. "I know a lot has happened since I… got captured…" you shudder, but a quick breath lets you rally. "Taylor said that she had to be able to trust that a person would be… loyal. That they'd trust her, like Autochthon is trusting her."

Which… well, it had seemed like a weird idea when Taylor had said it during her presentation, but now you have a deep, overwhelming sense of awe at that fact. Even together, you and Sakura would probably have just spent the first month in your Safe Place if you'd been who the Great Maker picked first.
Prayer nods in her chair, arms crossed. Her crystalline voice is even as she openly considers what you're getting at.

"Do we have time for such tests of character?"

Eyes turn to you, but you shrug uncertainly.

Everyone turns back to Taylor.

She holds up a finger to stall, looking to the side while worrying at her bottom lip absently. After a few moments, she nods and turns back with a thoughtful frown.

"First: Iris says this is a matter of him falling back asleep completely, not him dying in the next few months. If that happens, no more Alchemicals and no more Cradle since we don't have a way to open it from this side. Asleep, he might succumb to his sickness anywhere between the next few centuries to a few more millennia-"

The PRT's Chief Director hums. "So we have time, then."

Taylor turns all her eyes back to the camera, the glowing veins at the edges of her face pulsing with her slowing heart rate.

"After which, he won't just die. Iris says he'll become a... 'Neverborn', which is like a super-powered, unkillable, undead version of him. Our only way to tell when that happens will be when he comes tearing through a new Cradle to devour our entire multiverse."

In the horrified silence that follows, Director Uriel rolls his eyes, reaches off-camera, then pulls out a bottle and shot glass. As he unscrews the cap he considers the glass.

"Nothing but joy," he sighs, before simply taking a pull from the bottle.

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"After which, he won't just die. Iris says he'll become a... 'Neverborn', which is like a super-powered, unkillable, undead version of him. Our only way to tell when that happens will be when he comes tearing through a new Cradle to devour our entire multiverse."

You know, I totally forgot The Engine of Extinction was a thing.
Ah, I was right. That was a :turian:fun:turian: conversation after all, heh. I suspect we're going to clash with Costa-Brown's body double quite a bit in the coming days over Aisha and Missy.
In the horrified silence that follows, Director Uriel rolls his eyes, reaches off-camera, then pulls out a bottle and shot glass. As he unscrews the cap he considers the glass.

"Nothing but joy," he sighs, before simply taking a pull from the bottle.
Finally someone with a sensible approach to our shenanigans!

Also, Taylor definitely noticed something is off about the Director. Either that she's Alexandria (in which case, congrats on growing a (new) spine, Director) or that the Chief Director has been replaced by a pod person body double.
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And its also COMPLETELY STUPID since Autos main theme is Transgressing Limitations which was the reason he could make the Exalted and not being able to truly die is a limitation

No. Being immortal and unable to die (the natural and normal Primordial state) is the limitation. The limitation of being static and unchanging.

Being sick is a (bad) form of change, but it IS change and its transgression from what normal primordials are like. No one ever said that all transgressions of limits had to be positive afterall. We also know that Auto was able to modify his own fetich (which is how Iris came to be in this Quest), which is likely something the other primordials can't really do like that. The fact that Auto carried the potential to transgress beyond Primordial Immortality is also quite probably why the Exalted were capable of killing the other primordials (despite the fact that they were all completely immortal beings that had invented death).

Its also why curing Autos sickness is potentally bad. Sure, he would be healthy, but he would likely lose the ability to transgress limitations and become something else. A death of personality that would mean Auto would no longer be Auto. Certainly things like Exaltations would likely be beyond such a new primordial, who could not surpass the limits of his nature.

Finally, we don't know that EoE would share Autos themes. EoE would likely share something with Auto, but transgressing limitations might be lost in becoming Neverborn, just as it would be in fetich death or being "cured".

Heck, I vaguely recall that EoE would be born when the "Core" (fetich) finally succumbs to illness and dies. Not at home right now so can't check, but if so, that basically means that Engine of Extinction would have themes that are very different. Less "transgressing limitations" and more "annihilate absolutely everything!".
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"Nothing but joy," he sighs, before simply taking a pull from the bottle.

+1 Uriel being amazing.

"I'm especially looking forward to the next Youth Guard shit-storm when Weaver hauls off Vista or Who for pod-robot replacement."

So, first of all we've got Youth Guard shit-storms. Nowhere-verse has truly inspiring methods of ensuring their peasants have fertilizers for their crops, and the noble Youth Guard apparently contribute to this...endeavor. Astounding.

Secondly, seems that Uriel is a proponent of the pod-person theory, which is somewhat problematic; how can we convince independent actors that we're a real boy when our boss with the greatest exposure and need-to-know buys into that line of thinking?

Thirdly, they've got our picks zeroed in. This obviously means they've got some kind of fourth wall clairvoyant keeping an eye on the thread. I suspect that the real Costas-Brown please stand up is evaluating her options to nuke a potential disaster before it comes to her backyard in full. Or they're using their common sense and a healthy dose of "what's the most inconvenient thing Weaver can do that isn't technically illegal?", that would work too.

"No more Wards, Weaver,"

Don't issue an order you aren't sure is going to be obeyed, Chief Director.

I like this. It shows that, bitch though she may be, Becky's seen some shit and doesn't want kids exposed to more of it than is necessary. Laudable, but...inefficient.

"Ano," you interject with a politely-raised hand, cutting in before either side digs in even deeper,


In the horrified silence that follows, Director Uriel rolls his eyes, reaches off-camera, then pulls out a bottle and shot glass. As he unscrews the cap he considers the glass.

"Nothing but joy," he sighs, before simply taking a pull from the bottle.

Who thinks he kept that bottle on-hand since the start of this meeting because he foresaw a need to help some 'fun' bit of news go down a bit easier, and who thinks he had a dedicated liqueur cabinet installed in his office as soon as the repairs started because he saw the writing on the wall?