Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
Does anyone know where What Memory Serves' character sheet is, or at least her stats and charms?

Dexterity ●●●●●
Appearance ●●●●●
Wits ●●●●●​
Strength ●●●○○
Manipulation ●○○○○
Perception ●●●○○​
Stamina ●●●○○
Charisma ●●●●○
Intelligence ●●○○○​

Archery/Firearms ●○○○○
Athletics ●●●●○
Awareness ●●●○○ (Specialty: Street-wise ●●○, Pranking Opportunities ●○○)
Bureaucracy ○○○○○
Craft ○○○○○
Dodge ●●●○○ (Specialty: OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT ●●○)
Integrity ●●●○○
Investigation ●●○○○
Larceny ●●●●○ (Specialty: Fucking With People ●●○)
Linguistics (Native: Old Realm) ○○○○○
Lore ●○○○○ (Specialty: Parahumans ●○○)
Martial Arts ●●●●●
Medicine ○○○○○ (Specialty: Walk It Off ●○○)
Melee ●○○○○ (Specialty: Baseball Bat ●○○)
Occult ○○○○○
Performance ●○○○○
Presence ●●○○○ (Specialty: In Your Face ●●●)
Resistance ●●●○○
Ride ●●○○○ (Specialty: Like It's Stolen ●○○)
Sail ○○○○○
Socialize ●○○○○
Stealth ●●●●○ (Specialty: Not Worth Your Time ●●●)
Survival ●●●○○ (Specialty: The Streets ●●○)
Thrown ●○○○○
War ○○○○○

- Shard of Safeguarded Discovery [3m] - DEDICATED
- Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier [1m] - DEDICATED
- Perfected Lotus Matrix [2m] - DEDICATED (Crystal Chameleon - All Charms Known)
- 4th Dexterity Aug [1m] x 2 - DEDICATED
- 4th Manipulation Aug [1m] x2 - DEDICATED
- Aura Dampening Component [0m] - DEDICATED
- Dynamic Reaction Enhancement System [1m] - DEDICATED
- Essence Irradiation Corona [0m] - DEDICATED
- Gyroscopic Stability System [0m] - DEDICATED
- Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade [0m] - DEDICATED
- Momentum Redirection Pulse Injector [0m] - DEDICATED
- Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus [1m] - DEDICATED
- Parabolic Leap Overcharger Device [0m] - DEDICATED
- Radiant Iconography Display [0m] - DEDICATED

- Husk Sculpting Apparatus [2m] - GENERAL
- Industrial Survival Frame [1m] - GENERAL
- 4th Intelligence Aug [1m] x2 - GENERA
- 4th Stamina Aug [1m] x 2 - GENERAL
- Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh [0m] - GENERAL
- Imprinted Data Cluster[1m] - GENERAL
- Interpolative Syntax Emulator[1m] - GENERAL
- Manifold Transhuman Implants [Supernatural Quickness] [1m] - GENERAL
- Technomorphic Integration Engine [1m] - GENERAL
Essence Committed: 19m / 19m

- Chemical Fog Generator [1m] - PANOPLY
- Optical Shroud [2m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Pheromone Regulation Systems [1m]
- Paramagnetic Tether Beam [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Accelerated Response System [Dodge] [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Omnitool Implant [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)

Artifact ●●●●● (25 dots to use)
- Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light [●]
- Mask [●●]
- Beam Omniklave [●●●●●]
- Perfected Boots [●]
- Essence Scrying Visor [●]
- Horn of the Ways [●●]
- Translation Crystal [●●]
- Dragonfly's Roving Eye [●●●]
- Infinite Resplendence Amulet (Moonsilver) [●●●]
- Quicksilver Aegis Talisman (Moonsilver) [●●●●●]​
Backing (PRT) ●○○○○
Eidolon/Past Lives ●●●○○
Familiar (J-L-001) ●●●○○
Mentor (Autochthon) ●●●●●
Reputation (Ward) ●○○○○
Resources ●○○○○

Compassion: ●●○○○
Conviction: ●●●○○
Temperance: ●○○○○
Willpower: ●●●●● ●●●●●

- The Beam Omniklave is a Moonsilver Beamklave when initially wielded, but for a cost of 2 motes it can transform (Speed 3) into a Moonsilver Beam-version of any melee weapon that the user is capable of wielding without a Feat of Strength check. The transformation lasts for the rest of the scene, after which it will revert to its original Beamklave shape if the user does not pay another 2 motes to prevent the reversion. Only weapons melee weapons known to Autochthonia and Creation have been programmed in, but new weapons (or stylized versions of existing ones) might be able to be "imprinted" with enough mental focus, ingenuity, and dedication.
- J-L-001 is a Jaguar. When it doesn't feel like being a car, the moonsilver Destroyer can transform into a Laser Jaguar the size of a large tiger. "Large tiger" is also both an excellent descriptor of its general disposition and attitude, as well as something to call it if you want to be sliced into roasted chunks of meat.
- I may change up Aisha's equipped charms for her starting Charm loadout, depending on what we choose for her first objective.

"After the King of Craftsmen spared a moment to ensure he was indeed (figuratively) receiving a request for a hammer when the previous requests had been for complete workshops, Autochthon fashioned the best "hammer" ever made and counted himself lucky (for once) that all his prior work with converting far more complicated Shards had ultimately made the process as quick and resource-efficient as possible."

Did Autobot count himself lucky that he was able to make something simple, after converting these "workshops", or was it because he was able to make something cheaply?
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[X] Taylor takes a break now
[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
[X]FPoP - 4XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X]EOA - 4XP - Performance ●●●○○
[X] WMS - 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○

I think these votes work...
[X] Taylor Takes A Break Now
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.(61 words)

[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
-[X]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, towelling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^= ∫ (61 words)

[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali

[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process

[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
-[X] STUNT: Missy shrieks and falls backwards from her seat on the porch as, out of nowhere, an enormous silver panther slams down right in front of her, scattering the chickens she'd been feeding. "Get on, loser!" shouts the equally silver girl with a manic grin from atop the beast, "We're going shopping!"

[X] WMS - 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○
[X] WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.(61 words)

Okay I only just noticed this why in the seven heavens nine hells and innumerable realms of mortals would dragon send her to Calgary?!

For skiing.!?

Go to the Rocky Mountains! Go to Whistler-Blackcombe! Go somewhere that's not frigging flatlandia!
[X] Taylor takes a break now
[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
[X]FPoP - 4XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X]EOA - 4XP - Performance ●●●○○
[X] WMS - 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○

I think these votes work...
Linguistics is so that Aisha can speak english, and is infinitely more important that an extra dot of compassion
I think it'd be amusing if Aisha couldn't speak English (initially) after emergence.

Not amusing enough to be worth the difficulties when the joke loses its lustre, though. Hm.

Maybe we could have her pretend not to? How widely known among the PRT/Protectorate/Wards is it that Taylor had to (partially) relearn English? That is, would Aisha possibly know and decide to use that for a joke for a few scenes?
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This is my first time voting in this Quest, and I hope I've done it correctly. If anything is wrong, I would appreciate someone letting me know. Thanks!

[X] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
-[X]STUNT: In the Library of Congress Taylor sat in a comfy couch, her legs curled beneath her. Taking a sip of hot tea from her thermos, she turned the page of her book. Piles of read books and too-be-read books surrounded her. A swarm clone told the Librarian of Congress "Thanks again for letting me use my powers in here."

[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
-[X]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, towelling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^= ∫ (61 words)

[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned

[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process

[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
-[X] STUNT: Missy shrieks and falls backwards from her seat on the porch as, out of nowhere, an enormous silver panther slams down right in front of her, scattering the chickens she'd been feeding. "Get on, loser!" shouts the equally silver girl with a manic grin from atop the beast, "We're going shopping!"

[X] FPoP - 2 XP - Occult (Autochthonian Prayers ●○○)
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Occult ●○○○○
[X] WoRI - 2 XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)
[X] WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X] WMS - 3 XP - Temperance ●●○○○

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They are though?
Endbringers are procedurally generated in response to threat.
That's why Khonsu was explicitly generated to counter the threat that killed Behemoth, and the Twins similarly.
How Endbringers manifest is almost exactly the same way that parahuman powers manifest - the controlling shard is capable of a range of powers/abilities generally focused towards a specific goal, but the end result is tailored to manifest a "powerset" relevant to what's needed. The Simurgh, for example, likely did not take the same human-angel shape during the last Cycle, and its visible powers likely were slightly different.
Not especially?
They draw energy/powers from other dimensions, but they aren't shards.
Scion uses the same standard weapons to kill them; he doesn't resort to dimensional fuckery weapons to kill or cripple them.
The Entities don't hand out weapons that are actual threats.

And IIRC, Eden's vision states that the EBs there are designed to be killable.
That's because Scion only kills their Earth-Bet puppet-body. When the entire point of a Cycle is the gathering of resources and knowledge, it would be counterproductive in the extreme to destroy Endbringer in its totality, since the Endbringers themselves are also capable of gathering data.

Weapons, not shards.
My interpretation is different, since it's clear to me that everything Entities do is through Shards. Communication methods are Shards. Propulsion Systems are Shards. Weapons are Shards. So, unless you have a specific quote from Wildbow WoG-style that explicitly declares that Endbringers are housed in totality inside their cores, in this quest they operate like all other Entity powers and Entity avatars.
Is this an intentional upgrade? Live footage used to be a way to get around Aisha's power
Yes, it's an upgrade, though it's more an extension of how it already worked; in canon, there needed to be a few seconds of time-delay to any footage of her in order to see her (that's how Coil did it), as live footage still tricked people (as shown in the S9000 arc).
Did Autobot count himself lucky that he was able to make something simple, after converting these "workshops", or was it because he was able to make something cheaply?
Okay I only just noticed this why in the seven heavens nine hells and innumerable realms of mortals would dragon send her to Calgary?!

For skiing.!?

Go to the Rocky Mountains! Go to Whistler-Blackcombe! Go somewhere that's not frigging flatlandia!
Yeah, I'm not quite getting this, either - there aren't any mountains in Calgary. Unless someone gives a good reason, I'll just tweak the location and keep the rest of the Stunt the same.
However, since Aisha currently doesn't qualify for any of the submods, this isn't a concern for now. Whoops, forgot about the two 4th Stam Augs! Yes, she qualifies for this submod.
I don't fully understand the game mechanics involved here; but does this mean that for all intents and purposes, Aisha has 5 dots in Stamina?

I notice that she also has '- 4th Dexterity Aug [1m] x 2 - DEDICATED'.
What does seven dots of Dexterity even look like?
Endbringers aren't "all there" in their core, since that fundamentally flies in the face how all Entity shards work and would be ridiculously inefficient if they're intending Endbringers to be "defeated" each Cycle. No, even though they're hyper-dense balls of matter, Endbringer cores fill the same role as any major Changer (like Crawler) core and parahuman Corona brainmeat lobes: as the focus point for the dimensionally-apart, continent/planet-sized Shardbody, and a lens for how it manifests its abilities into Earth-Bet. Ziz "reprogramming" Leviathan with the nanothorn sword is the same as an artist carving new channels on a glass prism that's casting a shadow on a wall - it's changing the result we see, yes, but it's not changing the source behind the power.

Of course, if there's a Wildbow WoG quote where he says the entire Endbringer shard-body is inside their core, then I'll defer to that.
You're basically quoting WoG here yourself - Wildbow explicitly makes the lens/projection analogy here and in a few other places.
Endbringers are procedurally generated in response to threat.
That's why Khonsu was explicitly generated to counter the threat that killed Behemoth, and the Twins similarly.
And there's a mountain of almost-but-not-quite-explicit evidence of this, too. Endbringers' forms are customized even after Eden's death to cope with ongoing situations. Side note - this is why I really am not in favor of solving the Endbringer problem through brute force. I don't want to meet Endbringers optimized for combating Exalted.
They draw energy/powers from other dimensions, but they aren't shards.
Scion uses the same standard weapons to kill them; he doesn't resort to dimensional fuckery weapons to kill or cripple them.
The Entities don't hand out weapons that are actual threats.

And IIRC, Eden's vision states that the EBs there are designed to be killable.
This part is a little more speculative though. At a certain point I'm not sure how meaningful the difference between an autonomous entity construct and a shard is, but there's definitely at least some difference between the Endbringers and the things that hook into brainmeats. EB powerlevels are definitely off-spec due to Eden's death and Eidolon's whatever-ing (pet theory: and Cauldron's generally upping the global powerlevel and social stability), but I don't buy that we know for a fact that Scion used 'conventional' weaponry against them.
Isn't Scions Golden Fuck you Beam partially dimensional? I know its 'stilling' and something along the lines of atomic manipulation (stopping all particles, transforming them, etc), but its strength is still enough to tear into dimensional shenanigans.?
Isn't Scions Golden Fuck you Beam partially dimensional? I know its 'stilling' and something along the lines of atomic manipulation (stopping all particles, transforming them, etc), but its strength is still enough to tear into dimensional shenanigans.?
Frequency manipulation. It just sets all ongoing processes to Off.
Closest Exalted equivalent is probably Oblivion though, since thats the only way to Stop all essence activity.
I don't fully understand the game mechanics involved here; but does this mean that for all intents and purposes, Aisha has 5 dots in Stamina?

I notice that she also has '- 4th Dexterity Aug [1m] x 2 - DEDICATED'.
What does seven dots of Dexterity even look like?
yeah, it means exactly that
as for Dex 7 to quote the 2nd Ed Core book
Trait Effects: Someone with Dexterity 1 is clumsy and slow. Someone with Dexterity 3 is uncommonly nimble and fast. Someone with Dexterity 5 is almost inhumanly swift and graceful.
7 Dex is in the Realm of the inhumanly swift and graceful, we're talking high-end Elves and Fae here
[X] FPoP - 2 XP - Occult (Autochthonian Prayers ●○○)
[X] WoRI - 4 XP - Occult ●○○○○
I'd ask you to rethink these, as neither is terribly useful right now, and AIsha is...not the best equipped for using Occult in general.
Yeah, I'm not quite getting this, either - there aren't any mountains in Calgary. Unless someone gives a good reason, I'll just tweak the location and keep the rest of the Stunt the same.
Long Distance Skiing? That can be done in flat areas, and having been up there, it's definitely a nice area.
What does seven dots of Dexterity even look like?
7 Dex is in the Realm of the inhumanly swift and graceful, we're talking high-end Elves and Fae here
Quite literally, when she's moving at her maximum reflexes, it will look inhuman to people.
Yeah, Prayer also actually had Dex 7, but both are into the range where people will notice that they don't look right when they move. Too fast, too precise. In Aisha's case it will be worse, as her anima, when active, speeds up all her actions. She's going to be a bit creepy, probably.
Question: Why do people want Missy hauled back into the story?

Last I checked that girl really needed some R&R/peace and quiet.
My interpretation is different, since it's clear to me that everything Entities do is through Shards. Communication methods are Shards. Propulsion Systems are Shards. Weapons are Shards. So, unless you have a specific quote from Wildbow WoG-style that explicitly declares that Endbringers are housed in totality inside their cores, in this quest they operate like all other Entity powers and Entity avatars.
@uju32: Considering Scion's puppet body, I have to agree with Gromweld's interpretation.
Question: Why do people want Missy hauled back into the story?

Last I checked that girl really needed some R&R/peace and quiet.
She's our primary Jade candidate with a really good power to match, essentially, and this provides a way to do so. Plus, she does have the kind of mentality that is probably chomping at the bit to get back in the action anyways, so it might even be doing her a favor to get her involved a few days early?
She's our primary Jade candidate with a really good power to match, essentially, and this provides a way to do so. Plus, she does have the kind of mentality that is probably chomping at the bit to get back in the action anyways, so it might even be doing her a favor to get her involved a few days early?
We'll have to see.

Of course there is also the issue that the PRT etc will be.....less then happy if Taylor starts making noises to converting another Ward.
Director Costa-Brown flicks her eyes to the side. "Stop being suicidal, Martin."

"Oh, this group has just brought me nothing but joy," he grunts, monotone, while resting his cheek on his right fist. "I'm especially looking forward to the next Youth Guard shit-storm when Weaver hauls off Vista or Who for pod-robot replacement."

You cast another hurried glance to Dragon and make a helpless, panicked shrug.

Just make something up!

You see Dragon nod again and Lord Grasp doesn't explode in righteous fury when the translation starts rolling across the screen, so you decide to leave Director Uriel's fate in Dragon's hands.

"Director… just...," Taylor sighs, closing her eyes momentarily in exasperation while pinching the bridge of her nose, "… I'm not considering Vista right now. Not until she's fully recovered."

"No more Wards, Weaver," Costa-Brown glowers, lowering her fingers enough to reveal her tight frown. "No more children."

Taylor matches the stare with all her eyes.

"Chief Director, respectfully, that decision should rest with a Ward's guardians."
Sure in thoery Taylor and the assembly could probably bulldoze through them in various means but that would result in a lot of bridge burning.
Chapter 10.2 said:
Colin might not be too hard a sell to the rest of the Assembly. The bigger problem is whether this… humbling… he received as a result of the Simurgh's attack (and isn't that eerily convenient!?) would stick. If it didn't, you'd run into the same problem you may have with Alexandria: a new Alchemical trying to usurp authority and command of the Assembly from you. On the other hand, like Accord, he might dive head-first into Clarity and never come back.

As for Riley… well, if Iris himself hadn't subtly (for him) suggested her, you wouldn't even be considering it now; Riley needs at least few months to re-develop her understanding of people as more than "spare parts," and Saki has barely taken the first steps towards overcoming her trauma at Bonesaw's hands. Not to mention that, like with Ciara, the PRT would fall over themselves in panic at the mere hint that you're considering her for Exaltation.

You don't groan, but it's a near thing. Your best Orichalcum candidates are all walking disasters in some way, all suffering from problems you could fix if you had time. Even if you tossed Missy or Hannah in just as Aisha gets out, that still only buys you another week - nowhere near enough...
It's reassuring to see Taylor mirror a lot of my own thinking here. I have a strong preference for Hannah over Missy*, but putting both MM and Armsmaster on the team would create a distinct faction within the Assembly (even more so than MM/Alexandria!) that I'm not sure we can afford. IMO that shakes out as being a penalty to Armsmaster, but Exalted tinkering is something I'm mechanically interested in (even if I don't think it's the best idea).

*I fear that letting Vista-as-Jade be our final Exaltation would be doomed to failure unless we start actively sabotaging her progress in rebuilding her life before then. I don't think I want that for her.
Chapter 10.2 said:
this… humbling… he received as a result of the Simurgh's attack (and isn't that eerily convenient!?)
That part was, uh, less reassuring. *adjusts tinfoil*
Chapter 10.2 said:
You blink, an odd feeling of resistance briefly passing over your hands as you reassemble a series of circuits under Colin's watchful gaze. What…?
This section is probably my favorite depiction of what-Tinkering-actually-is in the fandom.
Chapter 10.2 said:
You'd resigned yourself to the understanding that Essence wasn't going to remain an out-of-context advantage for you forever, since your ultimate goal is to make local reality friendly enough to Essence for Autochthon himself to survive living here.
Anticipated, but unfortunate to see that shards unaffiliated with us are starting to adapt. (How much do shards talk to each other? How fast is this spreading, even before Iris starts making leylines?)
Chapter 10.2 said:
"I. Am. Trying," he grits out, pausing after the last word to briefly close his eyes momentarily and take a fortifying breath. "I do not yet possess the strengths of a Chosen of Autochthon. I am, still, only human. When the moment comes that every conscious thought becomes murderous, it will be on your head."
Cool motive, still murder.
Aw, man. I increasingly don't think I want Accord for our team, but I also really want to read the adventures of the Ambassadors-turned-Assembly.
Chapter 10.2 said:
And by "everyone" you mean "you," mostly. Sure, you estimate that you and Prayer can handle the eight psychopathic capes and their twenty-two unpowered gang members, the problem comes with The Butcher… or, rather, Butcher XVI.

A parahuman power that jumps to whomever killed its last host, carrying with it the powers and "voices" of all its previous hosts as well. More than one hero has tried to shoulder the burden, but in the end the host always finds themselves returning to lead The Teeth by taking up the mantle of The Butcher. The full details of what happens to the host's mind have never been clear, but it's resulted in "The Butcher" never receiving a Kill Order despite each incarnation eventually committing atrocities that would earn one.

Both you and Riley are on the same wavelength for what this means: there is so much potential in a power like that, if only there was a way to make it not drive the host insane! Sixteen (or more!) powers, all in one!


This wouldn't even be a consideration if the current Butcher was some previous Teeth member or other lunatic. Unfortunately, as with most things in your life, there is a… complication: Butcher XVI is Citrine. Accord's former right-hand assistant who sacrificed herself to allow Accord to flee Boston and join you in Philadelphia.

You could just stick the Butcher… Citrine in the same stasis pod that you used to keep Missy alive and unconscious (after some new hardware tweaks to account for the Butcher's inherited Brute rating, of course) and leave her there until Ciara is safe to let out, if just for a few moments. But… not dealing with the Butcher (the cape or the shard) definitively while the Simurgh is actively targeting you is as dangerous as leaving an active warhead just sitting in your backyard.
Accord's Assembly would be needing a Moonsilver anyway, eh? Eh?

On a related note, has any/everyone been keeping up with Ward? There's some Citrine stuff there, and it's awesome. She's growing on me as a character and I really hope we can do better than simply eliminating her.
Chapter 10.2 said:
Both Saki and Crushing Grasp freeze for a moment, before a small, hoarse voice drifts out of the mechanical scorpion's body without his mandibles moving.

"... yes, Herald. Your presence reaches me."
Drunk!Tiny!Glaisting Uaine is an adorable mental image for reasons I can't quite explain.
Chapter 10.2 said:
Grimacing, you tentatively reach out and place your left hand on her right arm. "Saki, I'm... not… sure we're going to have enough time for Ciara to be a safe choice-"

she huffs, letting a burst of air through her mouth in a mocking half-laugh. "What about Alexandria? Have you even talked with her about conversion since we healed her? And Accord-"
Overall, I think the content in this chapter regarding our Ori candidates does a very good job of prioritizing the ones that won the first round vote while still throwing in commentary about the others. That said, Gromweld you teasing bastard! we might want an update on that bomb we lobbed at some point.
Chapter 10.2 said:
"They saved me, Weaver! I couldn't afford the legal bills, and I was going to have to get a state-provided lawyer, and-... then they just helped. They didn't even expect me to join, pay them back, swear some evil oath or anything! I mean, they started because the PRT screwed over a bunch of capes in show business in California, right? To protect Rogues like me!"
The Elite conscripting Canary makes so much sense I'm retroactively surprised it didn't happen in canon.
Chapter 10.2 said:
Quickly followed by Ciara's quiet, equally-awful attempt at Old Realm drifting out of his carapace.

"Herald-Prophet, blame-fault-shame is mine to own-bear. I sought-desired to retain-maintain his vocal-diction purity-essence-clarity."