Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
Really not doing a good job of selling Temperance 1, Gromweld :V
Psh, she sells herself! (Saki Note: Lewd!)
Well, duh. Otherwise someone might miss the fact that he is in dire need of chin scratchies.

Taylor: "This. Was! SUPPOSED! TO BE A VACATION!!!"
Leviathan: "FWOOOAAAR" *surfs on a water echo towards Maui island. It is wearing sunshades*
And board shorts! Also, because Behemoth will not upstage him, his surfboard is Alexandria.
Well footage like that is never really going to disappear from the internet for ever, so cults to Autochton could be springing up randomly for years to come (some possibly of a darker variety).

I wouldn't really be surprised if someone re-edited the whole thing into a fan-made action movie, with the non-action scenes for the story played in by actors and 'Autochton' giving an oscar winning performance in his role as hero.
One that remains striking no matter how many times you watch it.
Because the magic of the anima isn't perfectly compatible with Nowhereverse nonsense, editing Prayer's appearance in the video even just a little bit causes the Stranger-effect to disappear. As a result, "safe" versions of the clips of the fight have been released by the PRT for public consumption, while any attempts to post "unsafe" versions gets the PRT knocking on your door.
Still 'official positions' and 'government inquiries' aside, what do the common people looking in on all of this actually think and believe?
There's LOTS of different theories and the PHO threads are still ongoing with theories and anecdotal reports (with many conflicting reports causing even more confusion). It's generally accepted that it was Jack Slash's fault, but the HOW is where things get convoluted - the more prominent theories involve Jack Slash trying to mind-control Taylor and either partially or completely succeeding, until her pet "Black Ball of Doom" intervened and caused it all to backfire, and then Prayer finally fought it until it ran out of power and it could be reprogrammed.

Before the whole "Suddenly, Forest!" debacle, people that believed that DoomBall was an AI were loudly clamoring for it to be put down as a result, while most people thought that the DoomBall was just a power-amplifier with a limited intelligence protocol to serve as a helperbot (which is why it went berserk). Afterwards... since the PRT declared that Iris was responsible for the forest, there is a growing theory that the extra-dimensional Tinker "Autochthon" enslaved a nascent Endbringer from his version of Earth and gave it to Taylor as a pet.
actually @Gromweld could we get a copy of what Aisha's character sheet currently looks like, so we don't make any stupid mistakes because of confusion on what we've already bought for her?
Certainly. Below is Aisha's Character Sheet as of this post (Original Version + CharGen Voting Results + 10.2 Voting Results):


Dexterity ●●●●●
Appearance ●●●●●
Wits ●●●●●​
Strength ●●●○○
Manipulation ●○○○○
Perception ●●●○○​
Stamina ●●●○○
Charisma ●●●●○
Intelligence ●●○○○​

Archery/Firearms ●○○○○
Athletics ●●●●○
Awareness ●●●○○ (Specialty: Street-wise ●●○, Pranking Opportunities ●○○)
Bureaucracy ○○○○○
Craft ○○○○○
Dodge ●●●○○ (Specialty: OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT ●●○)
Integrity ●●●○○
Investigation ●●○○○
Larceny ●●●●○ (Specialty: Fucking With People ●●○)
Linguistics (Native: Old Realm) ○○○○○
Lore ●○○○○ (Specialty: Parahumans ●○○)
Martial Arts ●●●●●
Medicine ○○○○○ (Specialty: Walk It Off ●○○)
Melee ●○○○○ (Specialty: Baseball Bat ●○○)
Occult ○○○○○
Performance ●○○○○
Presence ●●○○○ (Specialty: In Your Face ●●●)
Resistance ●●●○○
Ride ●●○○○ (Specialty: Like It's Stolen ●○○)
Sail ○○○○○
Socialize ●○○○○
Stealth ●●●●○ (Specialty: Not Worth Your Time ●●●)
Survival ●●●○○ (Specialty: The Streets ●●○)
Thrown ●○○○○
War ○○○○○

- Shard of Safeguarded Discovery [3m] - DEDICATED
- Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier [1m] - DEDICATED
- Perfected Lotus Matrix [2m] - DEDICATED (Crystal Chameleon - All Charms Known)
- 4th Dexterity Aug [1m] x 2 - DEDICATED
- 4th Manipulation Aug [1m] x2 - DEDICATED
- Aura Dampening Component [0m] - DEDICATED
- Dynamic Reaction Enhancement System [1m] - DEDICATED
- Essence Irradiation Corona [0m] - DEDICATED
- Gyroscopic Stability System [0m] - DEDICATED
- Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade [0m] - DEDICATED
- Momentum Redirection Pulse Injector [0m] - DEDICATED
- Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus [1m] - DEDICATED
- Parabolic Leap Overcharger Device [0m] - DEDICATED
- Radiant Iconography Display [0m] - DEDICATED

- Husk Sculpting Apparatus [2m] - GENERAL
- Industrial Survival Frame [1m] - GENERAL
- 4th Intelligence Aug [1m] x2 - GENERA
- 4th Stamina Aug [1m] x 2 - GENERAL
- Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh [0m] - GENERAL
- Imprinted Data Cluster[1m] - GENERAL
- Interpolative Syntax Emulator[1m] - GENERAL
- Manifold Transhuman Implants [Supernatural Quickness] [1m] - GENERAL
- Technomorphic Integration Engine [1m] - GENERAL
Essence Committed: 19m / 19m

- Chemical Fog Generator [1m] - PANOPLY
- Optical Shroud [2m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Pheromone Regulation Systems [1m]
- Paramagnetic Tether Beam [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Accelerated Response System [Dodge] [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)
- Omnitool Implant [1m] - PANOPLY (NOT EQUIPPED)

Artifact ●●●●● (25 dots to use)
- Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light [●]
- Mask [●●]
- Beam Omniklave [●●●●●]
- Perfected Boots [●]
- Essence Scrying Visor [●]
- Horn of the Ways [●●]
- Translation Crystal [●●]
- Dragonfly's Roving Eye [●●●]
- Infinite Resplendence Amulet (Moonsilver) [●●●]
- Quicksilver Aegis Talisman (Moonsilver) [●●●●●]​
Backing (PRT) ●○○○○
Eidolon/Past Lives ●●●○○
Familiar (J-L-001) ●●●○○
Mentor (Autochthon) ●●●●●
Reputation (Ward) ●○○○○
Resources ●○○○○

Compassion: ●●○○○
Conviction: ●●●○○
Temperance: ●○○○○
Willpower: ●●●●● ●●●●●

- The Beam Omniklave is a Moonsilver Beamklave when initially wielded, but for a cost of 2 motes it can transform (Speed 3) into a Moonsilver Beam-version of any melee weapon that the user is capable of wielding without a Feat of Strength check. The transformation lasts for the rest of the scene, after which it will revert to its original Beamklave shape if the user does not pay another 2 motes to prevent the reversion. Only weapons melee weapons known to Autochthonia and Creation have been programmed in, but new weapons (or stylized versions of existing ones) might be able to be "imprinted" with enough mental focus, ingenuity, and dedication.
- J-L-001 is a Jaguar. When it doesn't feel like being a car, the moonsilver Destroyer can transform into a Laser Jaguar the size of a large tiger. "Large tiger" is also both an excellent descriptor of its general disposition and attitude, as well as something to call it if you want to be sliced into roasted chunks of meat.
- I may change up Aisha's equipped charms for her starting Charm loadout, depending on what we choose for her first objective.
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Before the whole "Suddenly, Forest!" debacle, people that believed that DoomBall was an AI were loudly clamoring for it to be put down as a result, while most people thought that the DoomBall was just a power-amplifier with a limited intelligence protocol to serve as a helperbot (which is why it went berserk). Afterwards... since the PRT declared that Iris was responsible for the forest, there is a growing theory that the extra-dimensional Tinker "Autochthon" enslaved a nascent Endbringer from his version of Earth and gave it to Taylor as a pet.

Ha. The rumor-mill never ceases to amuse. Why did the thread vote to not reveal the origin of Taylor and friends, again? There's going to be a serious plethora of wrong and harmful speculation coloring public perception by the time we get around to making the official Alchemical announcement to the public. Glenn must be getting some serious headaches from that decision.
Before the whole "Suddenly, Forest!" debacle, people that believed that DoomBall was an AI were loudly clamoring for it to be put down as a result, while most people thought that the DoomBall was just a power-amplifier with a limited intelligence protocol to serve as a helperbot (which is why it went berserk). Afterwards... since the PRT declared that Iris was responsible for the forest, there is a growing theory that the extra-dimensional Tinker "Autochthon" enslaved a nascent Endbringer from his version of Earth and gave it to Taylor as a pet.
The panic sounds delicious.
Heh, my cat loves her ears getting rubbed/scratched. *shrug*
...Aisha has max Martial Arts. Okay. Roundhouse-kicking Endbringers is a go, probably, unless Taylor intervenes.
That is definitely going to be a thing. Aisha roundhouse kicks it to Prayer, who uppercuts it airborne, as Taylor comes down on it with a double haymaker of Aggravated Fuck You.
Pretty sure the idea to put off revealing Alchs and Auto-kun was so that we could both have our PR moebot around, and for SoPA to have repaired itself.

Wasn't the martial arts going to Aisha being that really flamboyant one? For the contrast with her stealth specialty, if nothing else.

Lets Get This Party Started
-[]STUNT: A brisk wind blew off the Delaware, ripping at the clothes of the figure standing on the tip of the spire of the Liberty Place skyscraper. She smiled wickedly. "Betcha I can make it from here." The earpiece in her ear squawked in increasing negation as her outfit rippled, transforming into a wingsuit. "Watch."And she jumped off the building.(61 words)

-[]STUNT: The duty officer tensed as the stunningly beautiful woman walked into the lobby of the building, trailed by the biggest godawful animal that he had ever seen. Cape, he thought to himself, a hand inching towards the panic button as he saw the ready squad subtly reorient towards her. She stopped in front of his desk with a brilliant smile "Guess Who's back?" (63 words)

-[]STUNT: She emerged from the tenement lobby to see young men clustered around the Jaguar, staring in the windows and trying the doors. One of them saw her coming, and turned to meet her, glowing crowbar held loosely in one hand. "Wrong neighborhood chica. I'll be keeping the car. Unless you pay...." He stared her up and down blatantly. "A forfeit." Aisha smiled. And moved.(64 words)

-[]STUNT: The Changer ripped his way into the street, his hulking, furred shoulders fracturing elements of the storefront like cardboard. He roared at the waiting police, and it was a physical impact, tearing up the asphalt and shattering car windows. He half-turned at the revving of a car engine, hand raised to shield his eyes from the highbeams. Then the Jaguar hit him.(63 words)

Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds:
-[]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, towelling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^= ∫ (61 words)

-[]STUNT: Emily resisted the urge to sigh and massage her temples as she stared at her Senior Agent-In-Charge. "Weaver brokered a truce with the Elite. During the concert. In Pittsburgh". Prayer's- Sirkalla's- foot twitched, then stilled, but her face remained impassive as she nodded. "I received an email this evening. Burner account. Dossiers,known associates, and hideouts, here and over the river."(63 words)

The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap
-[]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.(61 words)

-[]STUNT: Riley pouted, hands wringing in genuine distress. "I don't want you to leave." "We don't always get what we want, Riley." The tween slumped into a beanbag, arms crossed. Taylor sighed, then joined her on the beanbag. "I'm not going away forever, silly, just a couple days. I'll call, and Kelly will take care of you until I get back, okay?"(61 words)

-[]STUNT: Riley whined, hands twisting in genuine agitation. "I don't want you to leave." "We don't always get what we want, Riley." The tween slumped into a beanbag, arms crossed. Taylor sighed and joined her on the beanbag. "Look, I'll make you a deal. You promise to be good for Kelly, and I'll help you add a few upgrades to your dragonspuppy Smoke. Deal?" (63 words)

-[]STUNT: "Thank you for getting me tickets at such short notice", Taylor repeated, settling back into the Toronto Theater seats. "Please, think nothing of it" Narwhal replied beside her. "I'm expensing it. And I wanted to see this performance of the Phantom of the Opera before....." "Shhh!" She turned a gimlet eye towards the interloper, who shrank back into his seat, but then the curtain went up.(66 words)
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Honestly, at the moment, if I was going to raise a Virtue, it would be more likely to be Compassion, not Temperance.
This would be an acceptable outcome as well. I'm not so against shenanigans, as long as they do lead to a good end. But her current virtue combinations produce an unfun picture of likely shenanigans to me.

+Compassion would skew them towards favorable outcomes where we're going to reprimand her while giving her a thumbsup when nobody's looking.
This would be an acceptable outcome as well. I'm not so against shenanigans, as long as they do lead to a good end. But her current virtue combinations produce an unfun picture of likely shenanigans to me.
+Compassion would skew them towards favorable outcomes where we're going to reprimand her while giving her a thumbsup when nobody's looking.
Not particularly worried about it.
Like I pointed out earlier to someone else, she's been a Stranger for almost a month. She did patrols in Philly before the Nine came.
For a week, she ran without Taylor's monitoring while Taylor was confined to Protectorate Island. No complaints.

The closest we've come to anything unpleasant was when she unknowingly hurt Sirkalla's feelings during training.
Between her Intimacies and Willpower 10, I don't expect any real problems.

If we are unhappy about the results, we can raise a Virtue at any voting interval.
Not particularly worried about it.
Like I pointed out earlier to someone else, she's been a Stranger for almost a month. She did patrols in Philly before the Nine came.
For a week, she ran without Taylor's monitoring while Taylor was confined to Protectorate Island. No complaints.

The closest we've come to anything unpleasant was when she unknowingly hurt Sirkalla's feelings during training.
Between her Intimacies and Willpower 10, I don't expect any real problems.

If we are unhappy about the results, we can raise a Virtue at any voting interval.
Not really being persuasive there, since her existing activities ARE problematic and not in the entertaining way for me.
But its a fundamental difference in values, so I'd just go with Compassion for now, since some people DO enjoy her going off and causing trouble, we may as well make sure it hits good troubles.
Rereading the chapter, and I have a question.
Why does Ciara say synonyms for words? Is it because one word has more than one meaning/intent/inflection? Or is she actually saying more than 1 word in sequences (way to practice the words/vocab?)
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but has voting started yet? The update says the discussion period ended 7:00 PM yesterday...

Regardless, here's my preferred XP expenditures, with attached reasoning:

[ ] WMS - 3 XP - Temperance ●●○○○
--Simplest and most straightforward method to deal with worries about Aisha's shenanigans; compassion could work even better in some circumstances, but probably won't work as universally.

[ ] WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics (Old Realm (Native), English [Dialect: American English]) ●○○○○
--Necessary if we want Aisha to be able to speak English without using her charm.

[ ] WoRI - 9 XP - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○
--We might not have the opportunity to buy extra dots in this next chapter, and the value of an Eidolon-tier cape as an ally should not be underestimated; regardless of whether we make Ciara an assembly member, having her be more willing to lend effort and power to the cause is shockingly useful. Best xp bang for the buck, imo, hence going all-in.

[ ] EOA - 6 XP - Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
--Facilitates him as a possible orichalcum candidate, although I personally prefer either Ciara or Accord for the role. Only one dot is fine, if xp is needed elsewhere.

[ ] FPoP - 6 XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●●○○○
--At least one dot here is warranted, imo, as we can not afford to have an overly distant relationship with Cauldron in the long-term. They can end us, should they so choose, and their likely viewing of Autochthon as another Entity does not bode well for their cooperation in the end game. They are only helping us now out of desperation--we're the lesser evil, for now. A mentor relationship should help alleviate some of their concerns, and may pave the way towards increased Cauldron backing/influence. One dot is fine, but two is preferred.

[ ] WoRI - 2 XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)
--As noted by the GM, Saki's hypothetical ability to use her martial art which definitely doesn't exist relies on stealth and larceny rolls to remain undetected. As both of those are currently rather low, she would have had to gotten really lucky to remain undetected, had she hypothetically used such a thing in the past.

Which leaves 1 to 7 Assembly XP to be saved or spent elsewhere, depending on how many dots of Armsmaster and Contessa are bought.
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Not really being persuasive there, since her existing activities ARE problematic and not in the entertaining way for me.
But its a fundamental difference in values, so I'd just go with Compassion for now, since some people DO enjoy her going off and causing trouble, we may as well make sure it hits good troubles.
I have to agree. Compassion seems like the best compromise between those who like Aisha's Aisha-ness and those that don't want too much of a headache with the PR mess that Aisha's Aisha-ness is going to create.

Like, the last thing I want is for the thread to devolve into a bunch of recriminations and bitter words because people felt like exalting her was a mistake, which is a very real possibility if we don't temper her natural inclinations.
I'm not really sure how exp and stunts work and don't want to screw anything up, so I'll just give my votes for the offered options, can't do no harm with that, I think.

The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Taylor Takes A Break Now

The sooner the better, don't want any more behaviour like against Canary. Incidentally the wording of Taylor + Nightcap makes me picture her joining in with Miss Kobayashi, Tohru and Kanna from "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" for their nightcap. I read too much slice-of-life manga.

Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son

I suppose we should set the good example and all that...

Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali

I'm torn here... Keeping Taylor sane is probably for the best, but I'd like Sirkalla to have good relationships outside of the Assembly, too... Are you sure I can't give half a vote to both?

Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process

More Ciara good stuff, please. We've already made Earth-bet shit its pants with Vision of Vengeance, let's go all the way by letting it know we've got a pet Faerie Queen too!

Let's Get This Party Started: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Aisha Heads For Missy

I know Aisha should probably act responsible and really go to Philadelphia first... but I want to see how Missy's doing after the whole Nine thing and Aisha may just be what she needs to help with the horror-inflicted trauma.
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Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds:
[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son

The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap:
[X] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few (9) Days

Praying For Fun And Profit:
[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process

Let's Get This Party Started: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Aisha Heads For Missy

Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned
(I think maintaining a healthy dialog and working relationship with the former(?) psychopath might be in everyone's best interests. Also monster fights are cool.)

[X] WMS - 3 XP - Valor ●●●●●
[X]WMS - 6 XP - Linguistics ●●○○○
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X]WMS - 2 XP - Ride (Like It's Stolen ●●○)
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
[X] EOA - 2XP - Craft (Drones ●●○)
[X] EOA - 4XP - Performance ●●●○○
[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●○○○○
[X] WoRI - 9 XP - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○
[X]WoRI - 2XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)
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[X]WMS - 3 XP - Temperance ●●○○○
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X]WMS - 2 XP - Ride (Like It's Stolen ●●○)
[X]EOA - 2XP - Craft (Drones ●●○)
[X]EOA - 6XP- Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
[X]FPoP - 4XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●○○○○
[X]WoRI - 2XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)
[X]WoRI - 9XP - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○
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[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[X] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few (9) Days
[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[X] WMS - 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○
[X]WMS - 6 XP - Linguistics ●●○○○
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
[X] EOA - 2XP - Craft (Drones ●●○)
[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●○○○○
[X] WoRI - 9 XP - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○
[X]WoRI - 2XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)
Time to vote I guess.

The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.(61 words)

Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
-[X]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, towelling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^= ∫ (61 words)

Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali

Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process

Let's Get This Party Started: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Aisha Heads For Philadelphia
-[X]STUNT: The duty officer tensed as the stunningly beautiful woman walked into the lobby of the building, trailed by the biggest godawful animal that he had ever seen. Cape, he thought to himself, a hand inching towards the panic button as he saw the ready squad subtly reorient towards her. She stopped in front of his desk with a brilliant smile "Guess Who's back?" (63 words)

XP Expenditures
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○
[X]WMS - 4 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X]WMS - 2 XP - Ride (Like It's Stolen ●●○)
[X]EOA - 4XP - Performance ●●●○○
[X]EOA - 2XP - Craft (Drones ●●○)
[X]EOA - 6XP- Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
[X]FPoP - 4XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Mentor (Contessa) ●○○○○
[X]WoRI - 2XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)
[X]WoRI - 9XP - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○

Taylor Takes a Break In A Few Days, giving her time to hand over things to people before she leaves. Because when you care for a Simurgh quarantine person , a former S9 member and a supervillain warlord, you don't just up and disappear without giving them warning and arranging alternatives.

Honor The Deal so that next time, other villains know to trust your word.

Sirkalla Fixes Her Relationship With Kali because it's a source of stress.

Begin Ciara Parole because it will be Fun.

Aisha Heads For Philadelphia because she likes both her brother and Taylor too much to ignore them and go roaming around without first reporting in. Especially knowing that Ziz and Behemoth are both gunning for them. And there's Dennis.....
I added my favorite stunts to the list.
People may copy my stunts or write their own.

I made the argument for my expenditures earlier. To repeat:
Sirkalla needs more Medicine dots for diagnosis.
At the moment she relies mostly on other people to tell her if a person needs healing. Taylor will not always be there to do so.
As evidenced by her going on vacation.

Sirkalla is going to be point woman on the C53 dump that Cauldron will be introducing to Philadelphia in a couple weeks, so relations with Contessa should help.
Plus, some players want it.

Armsmaster Ally 2 is insurance against him being killed offscreen. Ziz already tried to get him killed once.

It was the same Ally thing that saved Wyld/Amy's life during the Nine attack, else Burnscar would have killed her. It also makes him more useful to Taylor, because he will help with Tinker projects offscreen and help with his connections.We STILL haven't finished those nanotech healing/conversion project we started working on when we were in Brockton Bay, and he's the nanotech guy.

Taylor needs Performance 3 because her Cha/Man are mediocre, and will remain so for months yet. It's the same reason we increased her Presence to Presence 5. Much of her job is social, so not relying on Saki for routine stuff is a good idea.
Plus I like her being popular.

Craft Drones makes her better at making drones, which she uses for construction and combat and medicine and surveillance.
And the GM outright states there are non-mechanical benefits to increasing specialties.
The Stealth specialty helps Saki get close enough to brainwashed people to spike them without causing alarm.
She is going to have to deal with the Butcher and people brainwashed by the Fallen while Taylor is away, remember? And she needs options that don't draw the attention of combatants.

I shouldn't have to argue for GU.
If people can't fathom why you'd want as tight a grip on Ciara, the second-most powerful parahuman in the world in a world where Master powers and malevolent kaiju are a thing.....

Aisha needs Medicine for much the same reason everyone needs at least minimal competency. We lost two capes during the Behemoth fight because Taylor didn't have Medicine 1.
Taylor won't always be around to hold people's hands.

Aisha needs the Ride specialty to make her better at dodging cars while her power is active.
Word of God is explicit that it will be necessary to be good at it, because the other drivers can't see her with her power active.

Aisha needs the Linguistics dot in order to speak basic English.
Art dump later in the day to help pay for this.
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People are being extremely liberal with XP, especially now that omake/fanart production has slowed down. (Do remember that, even if you want Ally [GU], it's not necessary to get all three dots.)

Initial vote:

[X] Taylor Takes A Break Now
-[X]STUNT: Nostrils flaring in the cold air, Taylor stared down the length of the Calgary, Alberta ski run, resolutely ignoring the sneaked glances of the other late season skiers. "Dunno how I let you talk me into this" She muttered into her headset, adjusting her goggles. Dragon's low chuckle was her only reply. She exhaled sharply."Here goes nothing" And kicked off.(61 words)

[X] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
-[X]STUNT: Bastard Son stepped out of the bathroom in the early morning light, towelling his hair vigorously as the steam billowed around him. He whistled as he turned to the mirror, slathering shaving cream on his face as he reached for his razor. Then stopped. On the mirror was finger-painted a message in the condensation: Seven days =^._.^= ∫ (61 words)

[X] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali

[X] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process

[X] Aisha Heads For Missy
-[X] STUNT: Missy shrieks and falls backwards from her seat on the porch as, out of nowhere, an enormous silver panther slams down right in front of her, scattering the chickens she'd been feeding. "Get on, loser!" shouts the equally silver girl with a manic grin from atop the beast, "We're going shopping!"

[X] WMS - 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○
[X]WMS - 3 XP - Linguistics ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Ally (Armsmaster) ●●○○○
[X] EOA - 3 XP - Performance ●●●○○
[X] WoRI - 2 XP - Stealth (Completely Harmless ●○○)

(Why Performance? Yes, Saki has the primary social role, but that should not be a role exclusive to one Assembly member - I like Taylor being a popular Soulsteel, it helps distinguish her against her Caste, and this goes with that.)
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