Please note that there was a decent amount of rewriting in the first half of the chapter, as during the break I retooled a bunch of scenes to bring them more in-line with the voting options. If you haven't re-read the whole chapter, it's probably worth doing so before the discussion/voting.
I was actually going to have the line be "bitches" instead of "suckers" but I felt that it might be too antagonistic. Somewhat related, but as much as I'm looking forward to what comes next, I'm probably going to need to vet a lot of it through the mods so I don't get infracted. Oh well - I have only myself to blame.
...I look forward to the revelation Auto had siblings. Sibling who are in some ways far greater than he, while nearly all made him seem perfectly comprehensible for a human mind. I think they may momentarily thank oblivion for sparing them the terror of the Yozi's continued existence.
Remains no less true, because Taylor is irritable and uncompromising due to fatigue, thus generating long term conflicts wasting more taylorhours and thus lives.
She went first order consequences without factoring third order.
"Taylorhours" as a unit of measurement amuses and confuses me. How does one measure an hour's worth of productivity for someone that has the potential for near-limitless multitasking?
Near-limitless is not limitless. If it's finite, it can be measured. ...even if it's infinite, I'm sure someone's figured out how to measure it, kind of.
"Taylorhours" as a unit of measurement amuses and confuses me. How does one measure an hour's worth of productivity for someone that has the potential for near-limitless multitasking?
Well, basically it's a unit like the Barn, if you tried to express the value in normal number format you'd need way too many digits. So in order to make the math easier and cleaner you designate that number to be the new standard unit and then make new units around it. So a Taylor-Minute is one sixtieth the value of a Taylor-hour, and a Taylor-day is either eight, or twenty-four Taylor-Hours, depending on if you're using the youth guard conversion or the prt conversion. In those instances when you need to convert from regular time to Taylor-time you use a conversion factor that uses scientific notation, and then have to carry that *10^x term until you convert back into Taylor-time.
CHAPTER 10.2 - INTIMACY CHANGES: RED Intimacies have not been fully-established yet, and are not used for bonuses/negatives.
GREY Intimacies yield the normal bonuses/negatives until fully eroded.
EOA - Intimacy GAINED: Ciara|Glaistig Uaine (Victim of Power) [Illusion] [4/4] EOA - Intimacy STARTED: Colin Wallis|Armsmaster (Will His Ego Remain Tempered?) [Emotion|Hope] [2/3]
EOA - Intimacy GAINED: Riley|Bonesaw (Monsters Start As Victims) [Servitude] [4/4]
As a reminder: from now on, each character will have ONE Ability, Specialty, and Background (each) available for purchase at the end of each Chapter. These options will either be relevant to the events of that Chapter, or will be forecasting events of the next Chapter. Spending XP on these Abilities/Specialties will also serve as another way to influence the narrative of the subsequent Chapter, as there will be at least one scene dedicated to showing off how the character is improving/has improved that Ability/Specialty. Note that because what is available will change each Chapter, you may want to jump on options when they appear; multiple Chapters may pass before you get the option of spending XP on that Ability/Specialty/Background again.
Virtues, should we ever want to raise them, may be increased with XP at any point - such a dramatic shift in character personality, however, will likely dominate the subsequent Chapter's narrative.
Oh dear. Aisha Laborn, with even more stealth and combat potential? What has magical bullshit science wrought?! Taylor, you have no one to blame but yourself for what comes next.
And what DOES come next is going to be a bit of a departure from our normal posting/voting procedure, and a quasi-return to how this quest used to work in the very beginning: Chapter 10.3 will be a series of shortish posts (~1.5k words), each followed by ~24 hours of a limited-option vote, at which point the story keeps rolling. Once the full chapter is done, I'll compile it together like I've been doing with these past chapters - that way, people that still would rather just read full chapters when they're finalized can see how everything shook out. My hope is that this will allow me to have some more flexible combat and infiltration scenes, since we'll be able to pick how things go "on the fly" as it were. We'll see how it works!
The lives of the other, less terrifyingawesome Assembly members will continue apace while we follow Aisha, however, and there are quite a few concerns that each have to deal with:
- Taylor is capable of maintaining her current workload for a while longer, but it is definitely taking a toll on her decision-making processes. The question becomes, then, will Taylor take a break now, or swan-dive into high levels of Clarity as the stress and workload mounts ever higher? Keep in mind that Clarity actually helps with making intellectual decisions, so Taylor would actually get better at managing her workload as she gets higher into Clarity... though the expression "Brutal Calculus of War" applies here, since her ability to feel Compassion would nose-dive. If we do decide to have Taylor take a break, the Stunt for this vote should be used to determine what that "break" is and where she's taking it (Note: trying to take a "working vacation" will not actually help her stress levels).
- Taylor has made a deal with Bastard Son to leave his Elite crew alone until the end of the month (~9 days) in exchange for the Elite helping put the Fallen down before the cape-cult can stir up city-wide chaos. Taylor has the option to ignore this deal, however, and either hunt down Bastard Son herself or have one of the other Assembly members do it. Letting the deal stand helps "legitimize" the Elite as they get entrenched, which is double-bad because Bastard Son is basically the rabid dog the Elite keeps in its basement until things get real bad (so his presence here is even more alarming). Breaking the deal is also bad, but more from a PR standpoint as villains and neutral capes will know that Taylor doesn't honor her deals.
- Sirkalla's has a lot of responsibilities these days. As the Protectorate head of "New Camden" though beyond punching the occasional supervillain face she's mostly riding herd on Accord to keep the Thinker on the track to self-control and lawfulness. As an established S-Class Threat eliminator, she's expecting to go help Ned deal with Ash Beast in Africa within the next 48 hours. As an Assembly member, she needs to help Taylor not go crazy and vet Taylor's choices for Orichalcum and Jade castes. As a girlfriend, she should probably stop smothering her emotions with Clarity and go home to actually talk to Bladedancer instead of simply sleeping in cots to avoid the issue altogether. What should she focus on?
- Saki's conversion therapy (Lord Grasp helped!) with Ciara has perhaps been a bit... too successful. At least, from the point of view of any reasonable individual on Earth-Bet. Iris, however, is thrilled that we now have our first actual Cultist! Do we (Saki, Taylor, or a combo) want to start talks with the PRT to see if they're ready/willing to start testing whether she's ready for a "parole" of sorts (ie: Ciara can come outside, but always has to hold Saki's hand when she's not inside [Saki Note: LEWD!])? Or do we want to keep secret the fact that Ciara is now quite ready to incite a holy war against the Parasites whenever we give the signal?
- Aisha is excited. You should be, too. In what direction is Aisha going to channel this excitement? Towards home? Towards Missy? Towards finding some punks to wear in her new knuckles?
The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break Now
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
[ ] Taylor Does Not Take A Break
Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[ ] Taylor Does Not Honor Her Deal With Bastard Son
Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Camden/New Camden Clean
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
Let's Get This Party Started: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Aisha Heads For Philadelphia
[ ] Aisha Heads For Missy
[ ] Aisha Heads For Trouble
XP Expenditures should be formatted as such:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)
- Aisha is excited. You should be, too. In what direction is Aisha going to channel this excitement? Towards home? Towards Missy? Towards finding some punks to wear in her new knuckles?
Instead of excitement, I'd like to settle for a sort of amused terror?
Sometimes fear is the appropriate response, after all. And Aisha, fully Exalted and likely full of pent up boredom, is something to flee from at speed. Not that anyone will know until it's far, far too late.
Also we need more Missy in our lives. This is not up for debate.
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
Quick thoughts:
WoRI - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○
Definitely at least one dot here I think. Other options...others are nice, nothing else really screams 'must have'. much XP (Assembly/personal) do we have?
The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break Now
- Relatively calm, so...probably?
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
- Knowing Grom, something worse is going to pop up just at break time...
[ ] Taylor Does Not Take A Break
- Sounds like just waiting to crash and burn...
Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[ ] Taylor Does Not Honor Her Deal With Bastard Son
- I don't think we gain enough from breaking the deal now to damage any future deals we'd want to make (and break those instead if needed ).
That said...could we stunt to tag/track them, just not capture? Then crush them in 9 days?
Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Camden/New Camden Clean
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
- Probably depends what we do with the first one. i.e. No break, probably need sanity. Break, maybe Camden. Or just Kali, not sure.
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
Too lewd: we'll have to go with option 2.
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
But seriously, not sure...can't see the PRT being all that enthused though.
Aisha...what's even happening with Missy at the moment? Probably her. Otherwise Philly: specifically sending Aisha after 'trouble' sounds like a terrible!fun idea.
Couple quick questions, @Gromweld, if you don't mind letting us know without voting to investigate and successfully find out in-story first.
Quick Question 1: How much would it cost us/EOA to have Cauldron arrange a fatal 'accident' for Bastard Son, or a setback/undoing of the Elite's build-up on our turf, that can't (or at least isn't likely to) be traced back to us?
Quick Question 2: Aisha returned three days early? How? Why? Does this mean something's wrong, be it with her, Autochthon, the Cradle, or Iris? Or did we just get some kind of lucky break?
Personally a priority. At least one dot. Preferably three.
I just realized her Temperance is still 1
We MIGHT want a 2 there. At least.
She's Valor 4, Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1
Which is to say:
-Valor 4 - When challenged, will at a high likelihood, meet said challenge aggressively.
-Compassion 2 - Normal human levels of empathy
-Conviction 3 - Will be stubborn about hold to her decisions by most people. Will be willing to accept higher than average human costs or collateral damage in the pursuit of her goals(refer to Valor 4 for said goals)
-Temperance 1 - Will not attempt to moderate her activities at all and will indulge her impulses where possible
You really do not want your stealth unit to compulsively go AWOL with an aggression problem.
The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed) [ ] Taylor Takes A Break Now
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
[ ] Taylor Does Not Take A Break
I'd say right the hell now. We're at a low ebb at the moment, and as we know, time means time for things to fuck the hell up.
The Wards are on vacation right? Join them.
REST dammit.
Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed) [ ] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[ ] Taylor Does Not Honor Her Deal With Bastard Son
We're making a major case for villain reformation, and one of the major requirements for this to succeed is being trusted to keep your deals.
Honor the deal.
Sic Saki on them once she has free time after the Orichalcums.
Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Camden/New Camden Clean
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned [ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
Camden will keep, at least, nothing is likely to go tits up in a way that
Ash Beast continues on project Quell the Earth...however.
Keep Taylor Sane includes Sirkalla vetting the Assembly Candidates. This is in my opinion of the highest priority. Its our primary directive from Autochton, and we got enough problem cases amongst the candidates that we NEED the additional point of view from her greater experience.
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts) [ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
Aside from the humorous header, I think we need to get it started. Yes, she's gone from one form of crazy to fanatically religious, no, we can't really keep a lid on that without simply imprisoning her indefinitely.
Let her roll so we can vet her for candidacy
Let's Get This Party Started: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Aisha Heads For Philadelphia [ ] Aisha Heads For Missy
[ ] Aisha Heads For Trouble
Personal interest. We've simply NOT seen Missy at all for ages. I want her on screen dammit.
And its probably a good thing for Aisha to factor in her friends as her first priority.
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
WoRI - Ally (Glaistig Uaine) ●●●○○
--Not really any other option for me. I want our sorceress Ori. The other backgrounds I don't care about one way or another.
The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed) [ ] Taylor Takes A Break Now
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
[ ] Taylor Does Not Take A Break
--May as well. She's going to need all her patience for when Aisha comes back anyway.
Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son [ ] Taylor Does Not Honor Her Deal With Bastard Son
--If Bastard Son is as much an asshole as he's been portrayed in-story and talked about outside it, I don't know that other villains would see this as Taylor breaking her deal so much as not trusting the word of someone who (at least sounds like he) can't be trusted to keep to his word. i.e., not falling for schmuck bait.
Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Camden/New Camden Clean
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned [ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
--Don't let the terror-bot go crazy. You won't like her when she's crazy.
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts) [ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
--We have to let her out of the box if we want to exalt her, and I want a golden fairy on staff. It's the only way to keep a purely magical girl team at this point.
Let's Get This Party Started: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Aisha Heads For Philadelphia [ ] Aisha Heads For Missy
[ ] Aisha Heads For Trouble
Grom. This is just all the other options but less specific. Aisha need not head for trouble, Trouble will find her. If it's too slow, she shall summon it.
Anything but that. In practical terms, that process is longer a break than I want. Personally, I love Taylor's new aesthetic so much and never want it to leave.
Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Camden/New Camden Clean
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned [ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
Camden will keep, at least, nothing is likely to go tits up in a way that
Ash Beast continues on project Quell the Earth...however.
Keep Taylor Sane includes Sirkalla vetting the Assembly Candidates. This is in my opinion of the highest priority. Its our primary directive from Autochton, and we got enough problem cases amongst the candidates that we NEED the additional point of view from her greater experience.
Is Taylor takes a break, that option is much less attractive. It seems most useful as a way to keep Taylor going at her current pace longer and more stably.
The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break Now
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
[ ] Taylor Does Not Take A Break
Break now. Especially since we said we'd do so once Aisha returned. Guess What Who? (Oh, the jokes to be made...). On a side note, I'm in agreement with the full conversion being finished sooner rather than later. The overclocked robogirl aesthetic is wearing out its welcome for me.
Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[ ] Taylor Does Not Honor Her Deal With Bastard Son
This is a complicated one imo. I have doubts that Bastard Son has a history of fulfilling his end of deals made though, so I'm leaning towards not honoring the deal (which was pushed/made with us in duress, mind).
Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Camden/New Camden Clean
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
--If Bastard Son is as much an asshole as he's been portrayed in-story and talked about outside it, I don't know that other villains would see this as Taylor breaking her deal so much as not trusting the word of someone who (at least sounds like he) can't be trusted to keep to his word. i.e., not falling for schmuck bait.
Gromweld usually means what he said on the option.
If he said that it's going to look like we don't keep our word, and our characters are perceptive enough to see that, its an informed decision.
Noting destroying or flipping the Elite out from under him with Saki after the 9 days are up is still on the table even if we follow the word of the deal.
Incidentally since so many want Missy already, whats she up to so we can work that into some stunt?
I say, Honor the deal to the letter. After all we cannot buy our integrity back after breaking it.
We can however WATCH. Everything he does, every plan he prepares, every move he makes, everybody he talks too. And field countermeasures that go off when his time is up.
Crush him, cast him and his ilk from this city, and let them know they have no more chances.
We do not negotiate with inferiors. There will be no more bargains with honourless dogs.
As for the other votes, either keep Taylor sane and break for a few days ( shinergizes with my main suggestion) and go bug Missy.
While i prefer Piggot as Jade, Missy is a character i like and enjoy seeing, i just would prefer to also watch her grow up. It'd be good for Taylor to keep a close friend who is human.
According to the newly updated XP spreadsheet, we have 1 EOA XP, 4 FPoP XP, and 1 WoRI XP, plus 24 assembly XP.
Going from that:
[ ] WMS - 3 XP - Temperance ●●○○○
Like veekie said, mandatory if we don't want our latest Exaltation pick to blow up in our face. I think just one to avoid too much of a 'pod people' reaction - if Aisha gets another dot of Temperance later, it'll seem more like maturing and less like reprogramming.
...Interesting. Zero to two dots - too much involvement with Cauldron (especially from Prayer) will just make things even worse when the truth comes out, but I want to see what this entails. 0-6 XP.
...Oh. This is from the mass Case 53 drop-off, isn't it?
Flavorful, and helps diversify Assembly-members' skillsets. I particularly want that dot of Occult for Saki, and Performance for EOA could help with teaching about Essence. Medicine for Prayer is also interesting, but potentially of limited use with Body-Reweaving Matrix. If it's from the Case 53 drop-off, save XP for the socials that will pop up next chapter.
That said, with all the Ally-buying likely to be going on plus that dot of Temperance for Aisha - which we need - we won't have much left for Skills in the first place.
It will come with a price - we won't be able to get rid of the Elite until Bastard Son does something horrific - but the Fallen are worse, and the reputation hit from breaking the deal could lead to more Bad Stuff down the line.
I don't think people are paying enough attention to this one. With Taylor already taking a break Keep Taylor Sane isn't really needed, Ash Beast can wait, and Camden won't get (much) worse, but Sirkalla needs human contact outside of her direct job, and anti-needs girlfriend issues driving her to Clarity.
I don't think people are paying enough attention to this one. With Taylor already taking a break Keep Taylor Sane isn't really needed, Ash Beast can wait, and Camden won't get (much) worse, but Sirkalla needs human contact outside of her direct job, and anti-needs girlfriend issues driving her to Clarity.
This means that Sirkalla as second most senior Assembly member, will interview our Orichalcum and Jade candidates, giving us a second perspective on them from Taylor. The better to make the right choice, both in character(where having a senior cape look over her findings helps give a more unbiased angle) and out of character(more scenes means we make better informed decisions, and also punch some of the fearmongering on all sides in the face, since Sirkalla is amazing at prying out root philosophies of action).
This is THE most important task set to us. [Complete the Assembly]
If a such a martial art existed (and it obviously doesn't), wouldn't it make social stealth redundant? Hypothetically speaking, of course. Why, I am sure that this is exactly the effect that Saki's chapter would have explicitely described if there was any mention of Martial Arts whatsoever.
If a such a martial art existed (and it obviously doesn't), wouldn't it make social stealth redundant? Hypothetically speaking, of course. Why, I am sure that this is exactly the effect that Saki's chapter would have explicitely described if there was any mention of Martial Arts whatsoever.
Said hypothetical art does not confer the ability to make use of social stealth, but allows you to more effectively leverage social stealth and to maintain social stealth after normally breaking it.
The All-Mother Needs Her Nightcap: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break Now
[ ] Taylor Takes A Break In A Few Days
[ ] Taylor Does Not Take A Break
Faustian Bargains Don't Honor Refunds: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[ ] Taylor Honors Her Deal With Bastard Son
[ ] Taylor Does Not Honor Her Deal With Bastard Son
Accept the deal but stunt it so they really wish we hadn't. So sic our PR (ie Saki) on them, reframe it such that we're not giving them an in, we're - in our magnanimous mercy - giving them nine days to GTFO of our city before we swoop in and squash them.
Interesting Times: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Camden/New Camden Clean
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Take Down Ash Beast With Ned
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Keep Taylor Sane
[ ] Sirkalla's Focus For The Next Few Days: Fix Relationship With Kali
Praying For Fun And Profit: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[ ] Work With The PRT To Start Ciara's Parole Process
[ ] Keep Ciara's Religious Epiphany (and Excursions) Secret
I am now imagining Missy and (adoptive?) family somewhere nice, relaxing bucolic, and with plenty of ponies around... suddenly having to play host to a metal panther and its chrome keeper (who's still figuring out all that she can do). I call shenanigans!
I have this idea of Taylor taking a break, but before doing so, announcing that she is going to take a break. However, thanks to Broadcast, everyone knows that "Weaver never stops working to have fun!" Therefore, once she makes her announcement, PHO and the various villain groups start getting a little paranoid, because clearly the whole "taking a break" is just a cover for Weaver doing some sort of work. Meanwhile, Taylor is relaxing somewhere, possibly on PHO, occasionally making innocuous comments that send the entire forum and villain groups going into overdrive trying to figure out what her actual plan is. I'm pretty sure we could even use our "Simurgh Plots" specialty for this, since this is clearly Taylor channeling her worst enemy friendly rival.
It also seems like the type of thing Aisha would love to be a part of.