Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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The most applicable reference I can remember for her tastes is this:
Infestation 11.3 said:
"It's fine. I'm not offended, I am a villain. But I'm also a person under this mask. Someone who prefers tea to coffee, who enjoys reading, who…" I floundered. "…likes sweet and savory foods but dislikes anything spicy or sour.

And honestly, while that tells me she'd probably be open to it, it's not conclusive. I'd vote for the middle ground, where (assuming the pizza is well-made) she's perfectly willing to eat it, but isn't gushing over it. It's just another pretty good pizza. Unless she makes it, in which case it basically has a Master rating.
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The most applicable reference I can remember for her tastes is this:

And honestly, while that tells me she'd probably be open to it, it's not conclusive. I'd vote for the middle ground, where (assuming the pizza is well-made) she's perfectly willing to eat it, but isn't gushing over it. It's just another pretty good pizza. Unless she makes it, in which case it basically has a Master rating.
a really good Ham and pineapple Pizza is sweet(pineapple) and savory(meat, herbs in the tomato sauce, the crust) , so it sounds right up her alley.
The most applicable reference I can remember for her tastes is this:

And honestly, while that tells me she'd probably be open to it, it's not conclusive. I'd vote for the middle ground, where (assuming the pizza is well-made) she's perfectly willing to eat it, but isn't gushing over it. It's just another pretty good pizza. Unless she makes it, in which case it basically has a Master rating.
And thus it's pretty conclusive.
a really good Ham and pineapple Pizza is sweet(pineapple) and savory(meat, herbs in the tomato sauce, the crust) , so it sounds right up her alley.
After caramelization theres going to be zero sour, decently sweet and very savory Mmm.
As someone who prefers tea to coffee and likes sweet and savory foods but can't stand anything spicy (although, unlike Taylor, I'm perfectly fine with sour) but, as previously mentioned, strongly dislikes cooked pineapple, I feel the need to say it's not conclusive.
However, remember that joining the Protectorate is not a lifetime deal - Paige could easily join for a while, train up and have some help from the PRT's PR teams on top of that, then retire back to being a Rogue once she's fully experienced with her power.
Not really.
The Protectorate used to have a program to handle precisely situations like this: MIRIS, which supported rogues.
It's been largely downsized for various reasons.

In it's place they basically enroll everyone they can get on the Protectorate's rolls:
Ballpark figure by Wildbow said:
I would say that every town (non-department city) has about 1.6 parahumans running around, on average. With 18,000 such towns across the US, that's maybe 25k itinerant or background capes lurking around. Are they all really just lurking in small towns, picking fights with the .6 capes that're left over in their area? No. Most will migrate to larger cities, skewing the numbers. But we can suggest that maybe 5k of those 25k are are registered with the PRT (it's free money if you agree to abide by certain rules) and maybe half of those 5k are active Protectorate or Wards members? Half of those might be active in some capacity, patrolling. The other half are on call for emergencies/working intermittently with police/giving speeches at schools, drawing a paycheque while babysitting a local villain or some combination therein, a la Edict and Licit.

If you are someone who doesn't really trust the government not to pressure you into service, (see the terms of service of the US military reserve)
not hooking up with the fuzz seems like a good idea. Because while it's not official PRT policy to strongarm people, I'm sure there are stories about individual officials pushing the envelope as far as they think they can get away with.

For example, see the interaction between Tagg and Dinah in canon.
Temper + Clarity, not just Clarity alone. Perfect storm situation, effectively.
Taylor is avoiding getting to Clarity 5, when RobotVoice comes out.
Given that Taylor was involved in meaningful, extended interaction with mortals(Colin, Riley, Accord, Martin, Piggot, hostages), should this have been a concern though?

Does Taylor Like Pineapple On Pizza: Yay or Nay?
I don't really see Taylor with food prejudices any longer, even if she previously had them. At least not regarding food she had a hand in making.
After all, she made edible bugs as a prank, and that was before her Omnitools got upgraded.

That said, canon has been quoted suggesting she liked sweet and savory foods. Which is pretty conclusively in favor of pineapple lovers.
But eh, Taylor's character doesn't strike me as someone who is into pineapple pizza, so Nay.
Can't see why she wouldn't. Chicken and pineapple is life.
Can't imagine how people stomach anchovies on pizza though; it's the only time I almost didn't finish my purchase.

And they think he was a good person to first introduce the Elite to Weaver... WHY???
Might not necessarily be their idea.
Bastard Son is a big swinging di....member of the Elite. And the Elite are more or less cellular, with broad lattitude between divisions, just with Uppermost as senior peer. He doesn't take many orders from other people, just suggestions. Think of how the American Mafia is run; it's controlled by a group of peers, not by a single boss
The Commission (mafia) - Wikipedia

So yeah, there might be multiple agendas in play; some might want him to expand, some might want him to come a cropper.
We've had this discussion before. If Exalts automatically had eidetic memory there'd be no use for Charms like Counting the Elephant's Wrinkles or Eternal Mind Meditation
Alchemicals are not exactly typical of other Exalts.
Their physiology is explicitly different. Y'know, they don't age, don't need to breathe, and won't die of starvation, and are born as adults.
And the text of the Alchemical charm Champion Network Node treats Alchemical memory as accessible as computer memory.

That said, Eidetic Memory is a canon merit in Scroll of Heroes. Designed for organics, I think.
The mafia's "legitimate" business exists to serve as a front so they can launder money or ingratiate themselves with the local population.
Note that I'm no apologist for organized crime, and don't have an organized idea of how the Elite work here.
But this is what we know of the Elite:
The Elite do not pursue traditional villainous enterprises, instead seizing an area on the economic or political level before undermining local opposition using sabotage, connections to organized crime and blitzkrieg-style strikes while remaining consistently off the public's radar by subterfuge or careful manipulation of the media.[2] Although they would start with the recruitment of rogues and independent heroes in some cases.[3]
The Elite then force other villains and villain groups to be beholden to the Elite and nobody else.[4] Rogues are folded into the organization[4] to function as performers, Thinkers, designers and innovators,[5] while the Elite also control a lot of Corporate 'hero' teams from behind the scenes.[6]
When the Elite take control of an area, resistance is systematically crushed.[4] The Elite use sweeping series of plays, constantly moving around members, preventing opposition to gather accurate information to adjust or counterattack.[7] Once an area is firmly under control, resources are leveraged to expand elsewhere,[4] although they are careful not to spread themselves too thin, giving them an advantage against the PRT.[8]
The Elite
They don't necessarily take control of parahumans for crime, they take control of crime in order to get control of parahumans. It's as much an ideological thing now as it is a profit-driven thing. After they got screwed by Congress, there is some rationale there.

For example, this what is WB said about Agnes Court:
Discord said:
Random question in hopes Wildbow's still around: considering she's out of the picture, can you tell us anything about Agnes Court? It's interesting how she was one of the more prominent cell leaders of the Elite, despite having a construction-oriented power that she probably couldn't fully stretch back on Earth Bet. (Is she also a cape who creates flawed materials? Cauldron client?)
I really want to explore her in something. Plant powers best powers.

Not a lot to say. She was a heavy hitter with a really legit front. Closer to being Bastard Son's counterpoint in her overall methodology. Do good business, recruit good people, and periodically, if villains are infringing on her turf or not respecting the local peace, take on a role as a prominent figure in a corporate hero team under the Elite's umbrella (not as team leader, even though she technically managed the company that managed the team) and go stomp them out.

PRT knew her greater income flow came from illicit business (the broader Elite) but it's really hard to justify leveling the necessary heavy guns against her to bring her to justice for those shady dealings - so it comes down to watchdog & the IRS, and she was circumspect enough to tie them up in loose ends and goose chases, so she could continue operating in the meantime.

Uppercrust would be on the very far end of that sliding scale of legit, justified business and helping out. He's at '1' on the 1-10 scale. Agnes would be like, 2-3. Bastard Son would be closer to 10.

Worm Quotes and WoG Repository | Page 20
It's a very broad scale.
Canary is probably in the jurisdiction of one of the more legit people.
Bastard Son allegedly bases out of Las Vegas, which has gotten increasingly bare-knuckled with Strangers and Thinkers out for a payday.

Not that Las Vegas hasn't always been a mob town.
Here, Taylor didn't threaten Paige, nor deny Paige's request to talk to the Elite, and her only real 'offense' is not saying goodbye when she left and taking one of Paige's feathers to give to Dennis.
Fair enough.
Look underneath the underneath, grasshopper.
So, internal power struggle in the Elite then? Someone figured out that the game is changing and they're positioning Bastard Son to get taken out by Weaver.
Or maybe it's some other 3rd thing.
I quote:
You blink, then focus your eyes back on the woman - Contessa - who is now regarding you with expectant curiosity. "I'm guessing you're only asking so that I don't consider it a threat if I notice her following us?"

Doctor Mother waves a hand at Contessa, who shrugs lightly. "She may also need to provoke specific reactions from you and your other members. Nothing that would draw attention or cause undue harm, of course. Regardless, she has many other responsibilities so this would not be a full-time affair - with your empowerment charm, the time she needs will hopefully be reduced, as well."

More and more, this sounds like something they're going to do anyway, whether you agree to it or not. You might as well play along to at least get some additional credit for being accommodating.
I'm not saying it's Cauldron, but it could be Cauldron.

Either as part of building their profile on the Assembly, or putting a troublesome but potentially useful parahuman in geographical proximity for us to perform percussive rehabilitation work, or even as their helping us by giving other villain factions in the area something else to worry about other than the PRT while we spend effort rebuilding; the Elite are usually a stabilizing force.

After all, Accord was a longtime Cauldron contractor. Taylor knows they had dealings after he mentioned the Coil situation.
I would not actually be surprised to find that one of Canary's favors to Cauldron might be involved in what record company she signed up to.
As far as my research and reading has revealed, Exalted to not intrinsically gain Eidetic or Photographic Memory. Rather, rolls for 'memory' are generally handled by [INT + LORE], so Taylor's current scores of INT 5 + LORE 5 combined with 8 concurrent trains of thought is enough to fake it. Were I running a normal campaign, I'd count Eidetic or Photographic Memory as mutations, since they actually are that in real-life, with the mutations giving bonuses to... maybe recall and and learning speeds? Seems fitting. Anyway, for the purposes of our story, if no one is able to provide definitive evidence that Alchemicals automatically have perfect recall by default (given the Eidolon Background, it's almost explicit that they don't), Taylor will have to make due with her "peak human" memory instead.
Point of order: INT + LORE is Academic Knowledge.

Whenever characters are called upon to know in-
formation that they have learned in the course of their
experience and education, an (Intelligence + Ability) roll
is required. The Ability in question depends on the subject
at hand. For most conventional academic subjects, such as
mathematics, history, geography and the like, use Lore. Occult
governs mystical knowledge, especially pertaining to spirits,
Fair Folk, the Exalted and actual Charms and artifacts. To
know how something is constructed and understand the arcane
trivia of forge temperatures, gem-cutting techniques, or what
have you, use Craft. Medicine covers the workings of the body
in health, sickness and trauma, as well as the assorted remedies
for both disease and injury. War commands the strategies and
tools of warfare, from the deployment of siege engines to types
of formations to actual training regimens. Other Abilities can
come into play for knowledge checks when characters draw upon
the formal details of their expertise. For example, identifying a
fighter's style from her kata requires a successful (Intelligence
+ Martial Arts) check.

The difficulty of an academic knowledge check depends
on the obscurity of the fact, with difficulty 0 indicating that any
character with a dot of this Ability automatically knows the
information without a roll and difficulty 1-5 for most checks.
Difficulties above 6 are possible, but such esoteric insights are
generally beyond mortal understanding. These rolls and difficul-
ties assume the character has several minutes in which to think.
Characters who try to recall details and facts on the fl y substitute
Wits for Intelligence and add two to the difficulty.
Pointing this out because, given as Saki is going to end up with high Lore due to the needs of her shard, you might want to calibrate accordingly.

I can't find explicit evidence of Alchemical memories being perfect; just circumstantial, in the way elder Alchemicals use their own humanscale avatars, and in the fluff for the Alchemical computer charms. Whether they can actually access the memories casually is a different matter, I suppose.
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Once the check has succeeded, the portal will shape a vague, twisting vision of the exit point; should anyone walk through it, they will instantly be deposited at its exit point (or in the nearest available spot adjacent to it). The exit point is fixed relative to the destination, so an exit point on a train will move with the train, but an exit point on train tracks will not move if a train passes through it... and a portal to a random spot in space will see Earth rapidly hurtling away from it. An exception to this need for a spatial awareness check is if the user wishes to return to the exact same point from which they last entered the sanctum, as forming a return portal to that destination merely takes a Simple (Speed 6) request of the charm.
As the Twins remember where they are on vehicles, all you have to do is carry a vehicle with you that they have been on before, and they can find their way to you at any time. A vehicle in this case can mean anything from a pagoda/rickshaw to a car to a train carriage to an aircraft/dropship.

Taking Saki to an Endbringer fight then becomes a matter of sending a Dragonship she's been on before, and then making a phone call, at which point she teleports aboard, and teleports somewhere else in line of sight six seconds later. Or, if you want to be more dramatic, air-dropping a personnel pod into a battlefield, and then she emerges with Grasp, and promptly starts teleporting people in.

Alternatively, for Sakura, it means every major Estasian resource expedition will have a vehicle she's familiar with. Multiple collapsible rickshaws.
Jump in every couple of days for a check-in and supplies. Or if they have a sorcerer/someone who can send messages over distances, the moment they run into opposition, they send a message and she ports in reinforcements.

Allows them to deploy and maintain multiple resource expeditions at the same time while keeping a military force back in the cities.
Tastes vary.

I'd have thought that was obvious enough to preempt any serious argument about them, but apparently not.
We all learned a little bit about each other! I count this as a win.
The most applicable reference I can remember for her tastes is this:

And honestly, while that tells me she'd probably be open to it, it's not conclusive. I'd vote for the middle ground, where (assuming the pizza is well-made) she's perfectly willing to eat it, but isn't gushing over it. It's just another pretty good pizza. Unless she makes it, in which case it basically has a Master rating.
I'd forgotten this, so nice work finding this reference! Seems fairly conclusive, so for our story Taylor is at least not opposed to pineapple on pizza. Given that she can effectively make even a glass of water with a slice of lemon in it a spiritual experience, Taylor wouldn't turn down a Hawaiian pizza if she herself had made it.
I am certain Saki has so much to say about that
Kinzey: "It's just like in my Japanese annie-mays!"
Not really.
The Protectorate used to have a program to handle precisely situations like this: MIRIS, which supported rogues.
It's been largely downsized for various reasons.

In it's place they basically enroll everyone they can get on the Protectorate's rolls:
If you are someone who doesn't really trust the government not to pressure you into service, (see the terms of service of the US military reserve) not hooking up with the fuzz seems like a good idea. Because while it's not official PRT policy to strongarm people, I'm sure there are stories about individual officials pushing the envelope as far as they think they can get away with.
Hey, I'm not knocking that the idea that Protectorate/PRT membership isn't for everyone, I'm just shedding light on Taylor's current mindset: "THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE, EVERYONE IS NEEDED IN THE FIGHT." Paige has a power that could be extremely useful for helping maintain order as things get more chaotic, so Taylor is frustrated that she's not only wasting her potential but also potentially endangering civilians with her reckless/untrained/unexplored power usage.

Given that Taylor was involved in meaningful, extended interaction with mortals(Colin, Riley, Accord, Martin, Piggot, hostages), should this have been a concern though?
Remember: you can only lose a single point of Clarity in a 24-hour period through mortal interaction.
Point of order: INT + LORE is Academic Knowledge.
Pointing this out because, given as Saki is going to end up with high Lore due to the needs of her shard, you might want to calibrate accordingly.
Ah, fair. However, that calls out even more the fact that Alchemicals don't have perfect memory: Eidetic or Photographic memory would definitely be something to call out in the description of Alchemical physiological quirks.
That said, Eidetic Memory is a canon merit in Scroll of Heroes. Designed for organics, I think.
Since Autochthon was designing the Exaltations for humans, Alchemicals should generally be treated as human-like as possible except when explicitly called out in the rules. Were I running a normal game, as a GM I'd say that the merit would be purchasable by Alchemicals as well.
As the Twins remember where they are on vehicles, all you have to do is carry a vehicle with you that they have been on before, and they can find their way to you at any time. A vehicle in this case can mean anything from a pagoda/rickshaw to a car to a train carriage to an aircraft/dropship.

Taking Saki to an Endbringer fight then becomes a matter of sending a Dragonship she's been on before, and then making a phone call, at which point she teleports aboard, and teleports somewhere else in line of sight six seconds later. Or, if you want to be more dramatic, air-dropping a personnel pod into a battlefield, and then she emerges with Grasp, and promptly starts teleporting people in.

Alternatively, for Sakura, it means every major Estasian resource expedition will have a vehicle she's familiar with. Multiple collapsible rickshaws.
Jump in every couple of days for a check-in and supplies. Or if they have a sorcerer/someone who can send messages over distances, the moment they run into opposition, they send a message and she ports in reinforcements.

Allows them to deploy and maintain multiple resource expeditions at the same time while keeping a military force back in the cities.
You spoiled my surprise. Oh well.
You mean when the arc ends, not the story, yes?

It just seems like there is actually quite a bit more of the whole story to go.

Regarding the full chapter... make a new thread? Or just keep this thread until the story ends?

This scene specifically:

Seems like the sort of thing a Siege Pagoda might be involved in, before being joined by his principal.
Extra points if he's humming Ride of the Valkyries on his way down.

As for the question? Finish the arc, and then start a new thread. Tradition!
Unless it becomes too much of a bother, of course.

I am angry that I am stuck on this last part, and keep getting interrupted by work so I can't quite finish it yet.

However, I will make my commitment here, just so you know I mean business: My new PS4 Pro arrives tomorrow, and I will not touch it to play the new God of War until this chapter is done.

If you want to start discussion for the upcoming vote, one of the options will be whether we stick to the deal with the Elite, or go hard and try to root them out. Worth noting is that Director Uriel is ambivalent, as he understands the upper-brass of the PRT being somewhat fine with the Elite helping keep villain populations in check... but since it's Bastard Son, he's not very keen having this specific Elite cell in his city.

In the meantime, have this one-line blurb from the final part of the chapter:


+1 XP for the Assembly if someone guesses what's going on there (before I post the Chapter). One guess per person. It's probably not what you first think.
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There are reputational benefits for keeping one's word, and being known for keeping one's word.
And it's not like Philly hasn't tolerated some rather detestable gangs before; see the Street Kings.
Of course, our deal only covers a week, and Aisha is unleashed on a hapless planet in three days.

Plus, cross the line and get the Moonsilver dropped on you in short order.
+1 XP for the Assembly if someone guesses what's going on there (before I post the Chapter). One guess per person. It's probably not what you first think.
And I was about to hazard a guess of bad pizza /jk
Probably not Vision of Vengeance, who was the last person to give Iris indigestion.

So Iris ate something.
I'll make a wild guess at the swap of Rhode Island/Earth Savage having somehow accelerated the Essence draw from Autobot's space, filling Iris up faster than anticipated. Hence the indigestion.