I have done a lot of math regarding Crafting times for this Quest, but in the interest of making sure I haven't botched my own calculations I am curious about what people have come up with on their own. I'm not going to reveal my numbers lest I contaminate the pool, but I will say whether I goofed or not. I know people have talked about
Revlid-Direction's Revised Crafting Guide, but so far I've been working from the Core rules for Craft - this would be the time to make a definitive argument for changes to the Crafting rules before we get past the point-of-no-return.
So, what do people figure for the following values (for Core, Revised, or Other rules):
- Regular Resources cost for Tinker creations (Kid Win's blasters, flight suit, Armsmaster's Nanothorns, any others people want to bring up)
- Regular time-to-craft for Tinker creations
- Time-to-craft with full benefits of charms
- Any other bonuses/time-reduction effects people can think of (and what their values would be)