I'm skeptical stunting in a cape not among the list of dispatchable capes is allowed.
I'm skeptical stunting in a cape not among the list of dispatchable capes is allowed.
* Docks Shelter
-- Targets: Large civilian population, Marrow, Weaver
-- Enemies: Crawler, Siberian, Drones, Stinkbomb
* Street King Castle
-- Targets: Overleague members, Street King members
-- Enemies: Jack Slash, Shatterbird, Drones, Bombs, Controlled!Tatsu
Burnscar is there to recruit Xylophone, if she hasn't been turned already. On the face of it Burnscar and Bonesaw would be a poor match-up against the geokinetics of the Boulder Builders, but Philharmonic-the-living-stun-gun should be very effective at disrupting them. And I am pleased/displeased to note that I was right about the Philly Phils being a high priority target.* Boulder Builder Mountain
-- Targets: Boulder Builders members, Geode, Xylophone
-- Enemies: Burnscar, Bonesaw, Zombies, Plagues, Drones, Controlled!Uzu, Controlled!Philharmonic
* PRT Downtown HQ
-- Targets: Director Uriel, PRT leadership, Armsmaster, Dragonsuit
-- Enemies: Mannequin, Bakuda, Drones, Bombs, Controlled!Philanthropic
This one is simply a resource sink. Lacking an on-site intelligent controller they will mostly use suicide swarm tactics. More than just being easier, this battle promises to be simpler than the other fights, the only real wild cards being the use of bombs to breach the defensive line.* Philadelphia General Hospital
-- Targets: ~2,000 civilians
-- Enemies: Drones, Bombs, Zombies
Better still, have Jack monologuing over how the cape has a Sophie's choice between losing his wife and son. He loves that shit.
The reason why there needs to be a lag in acquisition and shots fired is because coordinated attacks take time and we want everybody to have a nice big aim bonus so they do lots of damage.
With Weaver calling the shots they're not going to do a mercy kill anyway since if you can shoot his backpack you can also shoot him. And it also tells him you've got snipers.
I'm not sold on stunting in Geode, but you can tighten up the language and save a few words by going with,- [ ] Stunt: "Hah, I'm a Big Girl - darkness doesn't scare me! Tactical Hug! ...it didn't work?" For an instant Weld pondered how a puzzled Bonesaw could be simultaneously adorable and terrifying. He charges through the smoldering wreckage as he converged on Bonesaw's location. Hope Inquisition's correct. Elsewhere, earth and crystals smother flames. A joyous shout, "Meet the Ro-er-Rocks!"
I think more success might be had by restructuring the narrative so that the sniper is being alerted to Jack's presence by Weaver, and thus implicitly by a stealthed Who. This also implicitly informs the audience that the snipers are being coordinated.I'm still trying to find room to indicate that the drones are dealt with.
But I'm hesitant to allow Jack to actually directly talk to anybody in a stunt. Seems like a bad idea. We DON'T want him getting the chance to turn anybody.
And unless Who can be involved in the stunt somehow...just how is she helping here?
I'm not sold on stunting in Geode, but you can tighten up the language and save a few words by going with,
- [ ] Stunt: "Hah, I'm a Big Girl - darkness doesn't scare me! Tactical Hug! ...it didn't work?" For an instant Weld pondered how a puzzled Bonesaw could be simultaneously adorable and terrifying. He charges through the smoldering wreckage, converging on Bonesaw's location. Hope Inquisition's correct. Elsewhere, earth and crystals smother flames. A joyous shout, "Meet the Ro-er-Rocks!"
That puts you at 54 words, which should allow you to make integrating Geode more interesting (right now it's a very jarring shift).
My suggestion is to imply their presence by using earthy sounds - rocks crashing, crystal singing, etc.
I think more success might be had by restructuring the narrative so that the sniper is being alerted to Jack's presence by Weaver, and thus implicitly by a stealthed Who. This also implicitly informs the audience that the snipers are being coordinated.
I don't like this. There are better ways of implying/seeding Dragon's participation, and it guts the deliberate characterization I put in there for Gully.Back to the drawing board for those two. But here's some revisions for three more stunts!
- [ ] Stunt: A thunderous crack sounds, the ground in front of Gully's shovel buckled, forming a jagged path around PRT HQ. Pillars of fire and ash rise towards the sky in response. Gully place a hand on Willow's shoulder. "Never give tinkers prep time." "You have no idea." Dual voices emerge from within, their own tinkers, releasing their cloud of nanite Death.
*shrug* Dragon's been busy. She had Colin's designs, right? It could be something else.
This is not terrible but I'm going to give it a minor revision because I feel like it.- [ ] Stunt: "NOW!" Perfect timing. With Crawler focused on Vajra, the young Striker darts out from behind the frozen rubble, sliding underneath an errant tentacle as he slaps the monstrosity's rear leg. "Excellent. Now help Alexandria evacuate-" The Siberian erupts from a storage container, your bugs giving barely enough warning to dodge. Clever girl. But as we move you're also being hunted.
Implies that we're orchestrating the fight to search area for Siberian as we go.
Notice how the overarching theme of the three capes is they're having varied emotional reaction to Fucking Tinkers. Skein is annoyed, Bulldozer is angry, Gallant is mildly traumatized because he's smart enough to get the implications of the zombies feeling emotion. Having PRT troopers there taking everything in stride kills that.- [ ] Stunt: Skein grimaces as another bomb detonates in the hallway, turning her frilly cloth mouse into prismatic confetti. Fucking Tinkers. This sentiment is shared by Bulldozer, who is using a cyber-panther to bat the cyber-gorilla through the wall. Gallant is slightly disturbed as yet another zombie curls up in despair. The PRT soldiers with guns take the zombie apocalypse in stride.
This gets us a PRT squad. With guns. Lots of guns. Always handy against zombies.
I don't like this. There are better ways of implying/seeding Dragon's participation, and it guts the deliberate characterization I put in there for Gully.
Inserting Dragon:
- [ ] Stunt: There was a thunderous crack as the ground in front of Gully's shovel buckled, forming a jagged path leading to the PRT building. Pillars of fire, ash, and sizzling haze raised towards the sky in response, confirming Dragon's warning. Gully placed a gentle, almost motherly hand on Willow's shoulder, "And that's why you don't give Tinkers time to prepare."
This minimizes the impact while keeping most of the stunt intact, although I still don't like it because it takes away from Gully's mentoring Willow. I based the whole stunt around Gully, a more experienced Case 53, taking the younger Willow under her wing. Having Dragon swoop into the rescue, either by information or action, diminishes that.
This is good but I'm going to give it a minor revision because I feel like it.
Stunt: "NOW!" Perfect timing. With Crawler focused on Vajra, the young Striker darts out from the frozen rubble, sliding underneath an errant tentacle as he slaps the monstrosity's rear leg. "Excellent. Now help Alexandria evac-" The Siberian erupts from a storage container, your bugs giving barely enough warning to dodge. Clever girl. But now it's my turn to hunt you.
Still don't like how that reads.
We can fit in the whole, "hunting the Siberian" thing into the FPoP free action, which was my intent anyway. The revision you're suggested doesn't really change much and rereading it I don't like the addition of Taylors thoughts beyond a simple one-liner.
Notice how the overarching theme of the three capes is they're having varied emotional reaction to Fucking Tinkers. Skein is annoyed, Bulldozer is angry, Gallant is mildly traumatized because he's smart enough to get the implications of the zombies feeling emotion. Having PRT troopers there taking everything in stride kills that.
The flow also becomes choppy and repetitive, "A does B, C does D, E does F, etc." Plus, I don't like the hyphens.
But now I think it's to the point that we're splitting hairs. The Docks revision is OK but I'm not cool with the other two as they don't line up with the tone I was trying to set for those stunts.
Tough cookies.I would rather make sure Armsmaster and Dragon are actually IN THE FIGHT over some extra characterization.
What you're suggesting is not the kind of fight I want to see. I want to establish more Case 53 camraderie, I want a more uplifting section where the wide-eyed Young Willow gets mentored by some of the best street-level capes in the PRT (Chevalier and Miss Militia are there too, don't forget!).- There are no WRONG choices, merely gradients of Awesome as Taylor is too good at War to screw this up. We are effectively choosing what kinds of fights you'd like to see be written.
That's part of the joke. Guess it didn't work. We could change it to, "Clever girl. But cleverness won't save you" which turns it around so that the Siberian is the one delivering the line if that's a big issue. The FPoP free action is supposed to give a more in depth look at Taylor's plan anyway.It's a one-liner said by a guy that was then EATEN. The point is to add something to that line and make the one saying it the hunter again.
How about 'But you still fail to realize we're hunting you'?
Better.How about this?
Stunt: "NOW!" Perfect timing. With Crawler focused on Vajra, the young Striker darts out from the frozen rubble, sliding underneath an errant tentacle as he slaps the monstrosity's rear leg. "Excellent. Now help Alexandria evac-" The Siberian erupts from a storage container, your bugs giving barely enough warning to dodge. Clever girl...but you're not the hunter here.
If he talked standing where there were firing lanes, he would have been sniped years ago. I've already mentioned my theory that he reflexively slashes up all potential sniper's roosts in the area before getting out of cover.I might rework it. Establish that Jack is standing still and LIKES TO HEAR HIMSELF TALK.
The In-Cast List still isn't completely omniscient, and combined with Alexandria's quoted statement on the matter I've been working under the belief that it's more just about a combination of her memory/intelligence power being focused towards the ability to read peoples' faces and body language to determine their mood - nothing like Gallant or Cherish's abilities to sense emotion directly. It's still likely better than most humans will ever get, but I wouldn't bet on it being usable on a crowd of panicking people.Parahuman cast page https://parahumans.wordpress.com/cast-spoiler-free/cast/
Alexandria – Second in command of the Protectorate. Flies and has enhanced strength, a virtually invincible body, eidetic memory, and senses emotions.
so yes she's got Sensory powers
No reason for her to smuggle the gun - they'd be handing that shit out to anyone able to use it right now.[ ] Street King Castle: Bladedancer, Narwhal, Who
- [ ] Stunt: PRT Officer Sasha Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Eight years she'd waited for this chance. Weaver had ordered sniper teams into position to take out Jack Slash without killing the mutilated Ward, and now she had a clear shot. She took the tinkertech round she'd smuggled out of evidence and loaded it into her rifle. "This is for my brother."
=> h/t @Enjou - I think this is good enough, although we ought to run it by @Gromweld first for obvious reasons.
- [ ] Stunt: PRT Officer Sasha Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Eight years she'd waited for this chance. Weaver had ordered sniper teams into position to take out Jack Slash without killing the mutilated Ward, and now she had a clear shot. She took the tinkertech round she'd borrowed from evidence and loaded it into her rifle. "This is for my brother."The In-Cast List still isn't completely omniscient, and combined with Alexandria's quoted statement on the matter I've been working under the belief that it's more just about a combination of her memory/intelligence power being focused towards the ability to read peoples' faces and body language to determine their mood - nothing like Gallant or Cherish's abilities to sense emotion directly. It's still likely better than most humans will ever get, but I wouldn't bet on it being usable on a crowd of panicking people.
No reason for her to smuggle the gun - they'd be handing that shit out to anyone able to use it right now.
Tough cookies.
What you're suggesting is not the kind of fight I want to see. I want to establish more Case 53 camraderie, I want a more uplifting section where the wide-eyed Young Willow gets mentored by some of the best street-level capes in the PRT (Chevalier and Miss Militia are there too, don't forget!).
I don't want to see Dragon swoop in and save everything because she's so kewl.
We are going to get better bonuses by constructing a better narrative, not by trying to jam everything we possibly can into 60 words.
If he talked standing where there were firing lanes, he would have been sniped years ago. I've already mentioned my theory that he reflexively slashes up all potential sniper's roosts in the area before getting out of cover.
Although, if she was wearing Weaver's spider silk armor she could've survived that.
- [ ] Stunt: PRT Officer Sasha Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Eight years she'd waited for this chance. Weaver had ordered sniper teams into position to take out Jack Slash without killing the mutilated Ward, and now she had a clear shot. She took the tinkertech round she'd borrowed from evidence and loaded it into her rifle. "This is for my brother."
This better?
The In-Cast List still isn't completely omniscient, and combined with Alexandria's quoted statement on the matter I've been working under the belief that it's more just about a combination of her memory/intelligence power being focused towards the ability to read peoples' faces and body language to determine their mood - nothing like Gallant or Cherish's abilities to sense emotion directly. It's still likely better than most humans will ever get, but I wouldn't bet on it being usable on a crowd of panicking people.
I'd rather go with the version that describes her location, as a 2die stunt requires her to interact with the scenery. Hmm.- [ ] Stunt: PRT Officer Sasha Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Eight years she'd waited for this chance. Weaver had ordered sniper teams into position to take out Jack Slash without killing the mutilated Ward, and now she had a clear shot. She took the tinkertech round she'd borrowed from evidence and loaded it into her rifle. "This is for my brother."
This better?
Where? I did a search for the name and it didn't turn up anything beyond the stunts in this thread.
They'll be fine. Grom's not going to kill them off just because we didn't include them in a stunt. Sensible QM is sensible.It's not about being cool. It's trying to ensure Armsmaster and Dragon aren't dead/disabled already. But whatever.
Chevalier is too slow. We're much better off having Alexandria fly off busloads of people because Manton's hours are numbered the moment Weaver is free to start searching for him.Well, shit. Maybe we do want Chevalier on the Siberian hunt? Line of Sight might be good enough if Manton is pretending to be a civilian? Or just be helpful in searching in general.
I'd rather go with the version that describes her location, as a 2die stunt requires her to interact with the scenery. Hmm.
I think I've got something.
- [ ] Stunt: In a trashed penthouse suite, a confident voice whispers into PRT Officer Sasha Freeman's ear, "Target sighted, check your six." She slides off the musty chair, sweeps glass from the broken window on the other side of the room. "I see him." "Synchronize your shots. Ten..." She chambers the PRT-issued Tinkertech round into her rifle. ...Pete says hi, asshole.
I'm trying to convey a sense of professionalism and vindictiveness here. Hopefully that came across.
Here's how it works:But what about Who and the drones? Can we imply one of the voices is Weaver's Stranger giving the all-clear?
Chevalier works by line of sight, he can spot parahumans in a horde of civilians without paying close enough attention to see faces, as we know what he sees is somewhat similar to a 10 mote anima display. As long as the evacuation is occurring in the open he can vet them rapidly even at ground level. Just look over the crowd and tag any parahumans, then inform Legend.Chevalier is too slow. We're much better off having Alexandria fly off busloads of people because Manton's hours are numbered the moment Weaver is free to start searching for him.
As I already said, Manton isn't going to be in the mass of civilians at the docks. It's a stupid risk when he can do the same thing while hiding in his car, and it also means that he got gassed by the stink bomb too.Chevalier works by line of sight, he can spot parahumans in a horde of civilians without paying close enough attention to see faces, as we know what he sees is somewhat similar to a 10 mote anima display. As long as the evacuation is occurring in the open he can vet them rapidly even at ground level. Just look over the crowd and tag any parahumans, then inform Legend.
Manton resummoning the Siberian is irrelevant as Marrow can pop her with a perfect parry (and probably Ping damage too, but that's unconfirmed).One big advantage of using Legend instead of Alexandria at the Docks fight, other than battling Crawler. He's FAST, and able to take out Manton in the time between identification and Manton's realization. Alexandria isn't QUITE fast enough to prevent Manton from resummoning Siberian to defend him.