Is not Missy only a few years younger than Taylor? I feel like people that are discounting her for her age are overlooking that our main protagonist is just as young, with less experience.
There is also nothing stopping her from continuing to grow as a person after her Exaltation.
Being politically conscientious is fine and all, but don't let the universe cease to exist because of it. Do not let the Youth Gaurd or PR keep us from completing our Assembly.
Given that Cenotaph was willing to interrupt an Endbringer fight for a shot at her, I'd say he's got a pretty major beef with that cruel parody of what his daughter could have been, but maybe that's just me.
Missy is two years younger than Taylor, and has been an active Ward for at least two years already. Honestly, the biggest issue is political, yes. Exalting a child has potential consequences, but we can probably get away with selling it as necessary to undo the damage Bonesaw did (which, as far as we know right now is the truth). Anything else (combat experience, being not fully developed) we can pretty much trust Autobot with IMO. He handled Sirkalla who, no offense to her, was barely even human at that point and had serious memory alterations done, and he pulled it off without a hitch. Anything we send to him after that is babytown frolics by comparison. Just gotta have Faith in the Great Maker, folks.
Fuck. We missed the chance to stunt snatching the heart of a demi-blackhole.
Anyway, stunt idea: Marrow make herself into a giant adamant blade, with a compartment for Bladedancer. Then she uses her rocket pack while Bladedancer speeds it up even faster and provides finer movement control. And they just blast straight through things in their giant rocket sword. Finally, Marrow can "turn on the afterburner" by growing a plume of smaller blades out of the back end of the rocket sword, as if showing the stylized expanding plume of an anime afterburner.
Maybe add constantly spitting out knives from the armor. Or Marrow continuously reinforcing and further fortifying the rocket sword's density
A seperate stunt involves explaining the concept of stunts as we do them, make it very clear that we're casually warping reality to our benefit. Commenting on how handy that chandalier is, and isn't it nice for Bonesaw to leave out a super magnet to throw off Jack's aim when thrown at him. And how his extendo-knife is a convenient path to run on
Is not Missy only a few years younger than Taylor? I feel like people that are discounting her for her age are overlooking that our main protagonist is just as young, with less experience.
There is also nothing stopping her from continuing to grow as a person after her Exaltation.
Being politically conscientious is fine and all, but don't let the universe cease to exist because of it. Do not let the Youth Gaurd or PR keep us from completing our Assembly.
for those saying that missy is too young... what the hell? she is a victim of bonesaw and what everelse the S9 did to her. She has undergone more trauma than most adults ever will and at this point it will be criminal for us not to do everything we can to increase her odds of survival.
No one since the First Age has owned the Eye long enough to fathom all it's mysteries. Before the fall of Creation, the sages of the Immaculate Order knew at least this much: the mere presence of the Eye quells all disturbances of land, sea, air and Essence for a league around it. The earth does not quake. Storms and waves calm. The Wyld itself subsides and stabilizes. Fair Folk wither and die in minutes if they enter the Eye's zone of power.
The main selling point of exalting Missy is that Exaltation is probably the only viable method to get her back to health, Aisha could probably be put together once we get Amy assistance; but I´m not sure Amy will be willing to work on Missy´s head to try and put out whatever Bonesaw did to her. Additionally OOC we have no reason to believe that Amy could work brains.
The main selling point of exalting Missy is that Exaltation is probably the only viable method to get her back to health, Aisha could probably be put together once we get Amy assistance; but I´m not sure Amy will be willing to work on Missy´s head to try and put out whatever Bonesaw did to her. Additionally OOC we have no reason to believe that Amy could work brains.
Accord being the Slave trading, murdering scumlord that he is, doesn't even register on the list of people I want to exalt and make immortal( no matter how useful his power is).
Any hints yet on whether the wires and tubes sticking out of one of out favorite wards are void tech? Iirc gremlinism and void corruption are particularly hard to purge, we don't IC know that it exists, and I can't imagine getting ourselves a void tainted Jade would be happy fun times. Grom has been gloating a bit about his plans for that awful stuff...
Any hints yet on whether the wires and tubes sticking out of one of out favorite wards are void tech? Iirc gremlinism and void corruption are particularly hard to purge, we don't IC know that it exists, and I can't imagine getting ourselves a void tainted Jade would be happy fun times. Grom has been gloating a bit about his plans for that awful stuff...
1. it can't be voidtech because they have no connection to Autobot, and 2 .IC we know it exists as we used a gremlin horde as a hypothetical while trying to sound out Bladedancer and Marrow for exaltation.
Any hints yet on whether the wires and tubes sticking out of one of out favorite wards are void tech? Iirc gremlinism and void corruption are particularly hard to purge, we don't IC know that it exists, and I can't imagine getting ourselves a void tainted Jade would be happy fun times. Grom has been gloating a bit about his plans for that awful stuff...
Alchemical Exalted get to be the optimal form for their function, which is generally speaking adult(and since every Alchemical is essentially an Autochtonian ambassador to Earth Bet, an attractive adult at that). The exact form is malleable with Husk Shaping Apparatus as well, if desired.
Specifics may vary with Autochton's Will, but Jades are the People's Exalts, which suggests statuesque proportions.
Only castes I can think of which might favor a younger form are Starmetal and Moonsilver, which are ambivalent to size for their functions and attributes.
My first stab at the Hover Throne. I had too much fun with it, so now it's Artifact 3. Whoops.
Never say I didn't give you anything.
(Like this, but with thicker arms, taller back, wood-colored, and with white cushions.)
A collaborative Toybox commission by the villainess WCM that cost her several millions of dollars, it nonetheless served her well for four years as a mobile command center for the various supervillian and mercenary groups she teamed up with to run heists and other jobs. Maintenance and recharging the power plant made it harder costlier to use over time, however, to the point where she recently commissioned a more reliable set of power armor from Toybox to use instead - a commission that will likely go unfilled after her death in Brockton Bay at the hands of Behemoth.
The throne itself looks more like something you'd see on the front deck of a mansion in the deep-south United States, and in a way it is; the chair was originally part of an entire furniture set from WCM's family mansion in Georgia, but when her family fell on hard times and was forced to sell she managed to keep her favorite chair for personal use. When WCM first struck it big as a supervillain, she shipped the chair to Toybox and had them build her a 'throne' inside of it.
At first glance, the Hover Throne appears to be a high-backed wicker recliner with comfortable white padding along the seat and back, but careful inspection reveals that the chair's 'hollow' parts are instead brimming with Tinkertech gadgetry. The left armrest folds up to reveal projectors for three hard-light keyboards and nine monitors - the keyboards went mostly unused by WCM due to her technopath-like power, but were installed as a backup should she ever run into a power-negator. The cluster of computers and servers in the Hover Throne are high-end Tinkertech, complete with several high-band antennas to hook into radio and wireless signals, and retractable cords with universal adapters - the combination allowing for physical and wireless connections to nearly any computer system. Mechanically, this provides a +2 bonus to Lore rolls with the relevant downloaded libraries, +2 bonus to Investigation rolls with an Internet connection, and a +2 bonus to War rolls for the purpose of battlefield coordination if a team's communications are linked to the device.
Beyond its computing and tactical capabilities as a command center, the right armrest contains a dispenser for a programmable replicator, which feeds from a two-foot-cube tank accessible from the back of the chair. New items can be programmed into the replicator by placing it in the fuel tank, though WCM herself only had several types of tea (sweet and normal), a version of her heirloom tea set, and pastries programmed into the device.
Though the Hover Throne has no direct offensive capabilities built-in, a bubble-like shield can be charged up and erected around the chair. The hazy blue forcefield can reflect errant small arms fire with ease, but sustained, direct assaults can drain the shield quickly. Recharging the shield's capacitor takes 60 seconds if the Hover Throne is in flight, or 30 seconds if it is resting.
The Hover Throne, as the name implies, is capable of independent flight and hovering. It is not especially maneuverable in tight spaces, but can navigate building interiors if the driver is careful enough. It's usual maximum speed is 15 miles per hour (7 yards per tick), while an 'extended flight' mode can be engaged to propel it at 30 miles per hour (15 yards per tick) though this mode imparts a -2 external penalty to combat maneuvers.
As a collaborative Tinker effort, it is considerably more prone to failure, however, and the antimatter reactor that powers it requires fuel only provided by Toybox - both factors that made WCM eventually recently deem it too costly to use due to her dwindling funds. Repairs cost anywhere from a month's expenditure of Resources 2 to Resources 5, and a full refueling costs a month's expenditure of Resources 5.
Speed: 15/30mph Maneuverability: +1R (Technology 2, Ride 1) (Uses Wits+Ride) Endurance: 1ft-diameter antimatter power plant that degrades to uselessness after 150 hours of use. Maintenance required after 30 hours of use, with every 1 hour after that disabling a random feature of the Hover Throne. Crew: 1/1 Cargo: Built-in extended-space compartment on right side of chair, 3ft wide / 3ft tall / 6ft deep, with a maximum load of one ton. Shield: 6L/6B, can withstand 10 health levels of damage before recharging Armor: 6L/6B Health Levels: Undamaged x 5/ Minor Damage x10 / Critical Damage x3 / Inoperative x 2 / Destroyed Weapons: None normally. Other Notes: Moving at double-speed drains the power plant at a rate of 1 hour/minute. Restoring the shield consumes 5 hours of charge.
And before you ask, yes, Technomorphic Integration Engine's repair feature can bypass the costs of repair and refueling.