The real nasty bit is if they manage to corrupt the Eye into drawing on the Engine of Extinction, rather than Autocthon.
Gremlin Syndrome is the last thing that Bonesaw needs to get her hands on.
But yeah, after this I foresee our PR being all but unrecoverable. Even if it's all false, it was the first impression that many people got, and that's what matters. I think we're going to be very limited in the pool of people who are willing to join us, now. And we'll probably be getting more interference from Saint and people like him who think we're ushering in the apocalypse. We'll also be getting a lot of close oversight from inside the PRT, in addition to what they already had (security measures against us? Really guys.).
This is what we get when we trust a government organization so thoroughly. They squeeze us for everything we can offer, and they hide behind "need to know" and "clearance" when it comes to equity. Then they're inept when it comes to protecting that information. Taylor risked it all on the heroes and now the Great Work is in jeopardy. Nine people may have just doomed everything, everywhere, to Oblivion.
SO! The new objectives are: Save who we can, kill the S9, reclaim as much PR as possible and railroad as many Alchemicals as we can before the rest of the populace turns against us. Then fast-track Autobot's arrival, head down to the pub and have a pint.