Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 13: Myopic Maker Mistakenly Mobilizes Mega-Marrow

Some of the specialties can wait a bit for getting the time limited Ally dot. On the other hand the roll check is extra work this time so maybe we'll get the XP to match.
I've made my stance on that Ally purchase clear in past posts. Hence my exclusion of it in my proposal. I'd be willing to push back those last 2 specialties for something else though.
I would advocate not spending all of our xp. We have a good chunk, we should use it to build up some reserves. I would go for
4 XP- Bureaucracy
4 XP- Socialize
4 XP- Linguistics
4 XP- Stealth
2 XP- Lore (Authocthonia)
Not sure about Occult and Performance, and the other specialites seem a bit superflous for now. I would go for Lore, because if we want to convince people, knowing more about Autochonia is important.
26+5.5 (left over from 6.6)+3 (from 6.7) = 34.5 XP at least...not even counting the roll check.
4 XP- Linguistics
4 XP- Stealth
4 XP- Occult
4 XP- Performance
2 XP- Linguistics (Old Realm [Authocthonian])
2 XP- Lore (Authocthonia)
34.0/34.5 XP Spent.
Not sure if stealth is worth it right now, alternatives I see are
*Reputation (Fashion Mogul), given our relationship with Parian
a combination of
*-Archery/Firearms (Sniper Rifles ●○○) could be useful, but then again it could probably wait or a better option might turn up
*-Investigation (Swarms ●●●) might be useful
*-Performance (Teaching ●○○) might be intresting, and lead to us being less annoyed when trying to teach, also might be useful to explain what we can do, also perhaps for helping Marrow to adjust
*-Presence (Swarms ●●●) might be useful,

What does Resistance actually do?
We might want to finish off Reputation (Beautiful) for that extra social die in some situations.

That should cover anything to do with Parian as well, although I think that's something we could do with dropping.

Ally (Accord) should certainly go on the list. It's cheap, and it keeps our options open. We can always get rid of him later, but for now it's something we should invest in to try to guide him in a useful direction.
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Not sure if stealth is worth it right now, alternatives I see are

FunkyEntropy has a convincing reason to get at least 1 dot in it:

The first dot in Stealth is the most important because of how Gromweld has ruled that certain Abilities and Specialties enhance our capabilities beyond just what the base Ability/Specialty would imply. It's not the removal of an untrained penalty - since Exalts don't have those - so much as us having a much more solid grasp of what we can and cannot do.

I'm not saying we raise Stealth to 5, just that we should broaden our areas of competence to the point that in-character we know how to effectively surmount the bane of all invisible creatures...the closed door.
FunkyEntropy has a convincing reason to get at least 1 dot in it:
I don't disagree, with this argument, but we are working with Parian when she is just about to expand her buisness, so *Reputation (Fashion Mogul) might be a bit more valuable for the time skip,

Now what does *-Performance (Teaching ●○○) actually do, since my thought are, there is a new Alchemical and we would be her only guide in how to use her new and changed powers,
I don't disagree, with this argument, but we are working with Parian when she is just about to expand her buisness, so *Reputation (Fashion Mogul) might be a bit more valuable for the time skip,

Now what does *-Performance (Teaching ●○○) actually do, since my thought are, there is a new Alchemical and we would be her only guide in how to use her new and changed powers,

Performance is how good we are at dealing with Large groups of people and giving speeches, so it should give us bonuses to teaching a classroom full of students or something like that
Did we spend a resource dot this turn as well, checking first page, has purchasable resources at two dot
Yes, we bought up Resources 2 in the post-6.6 vote.

TL;DR - Marrow (Suggested: Adamant), Bladedancer, Weld (BB Ruins), PRT and Me (Exaltation Talk), PRT and Me (Camden Talk), Ruinous Ruminations (SoPA, Aisha/Vista), Low Places (Parian), Free Action (SoPA Paperwork), Free Action (Yamada Assignment), Ally (Parian) ●○○○○, Investigation ●●●●●, Resources ●●○○○
Performance is how good we are at dealing with Large groups of people and giving speeches, so it should give us bonuses to teaching a classroom full of students or something like that
Hm, so probably not useful for teaching a single student, ok then the only thing I would conisder swapping things out for is the *Reputation (Fashion Mogul), is performance's second dot needed right this moment, or should I

Yes, we bought up Resources 2 in the post-6.6 vote.
That is my point, we currently have resource at two dots available for purchase, not bought
Ally (Dragon)
Backing (PRT) ●●●○○
Connections (PRT) ●●○○○
Eidolon/Past Lives ●●●○○
Equipment (First Armor) ●●○○○
Familiar (Iris of Innovation) N/A
Mentor (Autochthon) ●●●●●
Reputation (Ward) ●●●●● "Recruitment for Wards are already up 30% this month, and every one of them mentioned Weaver inspired them to stand up for what's right!"
Reputation (Beautiful) ●●●●○ "Declared Most Beautiful Heroine by several magazines and fashion blogs!"
Resources ●○○○○

The post is meant to check if Gromweld needs to correct this
Hm, so probably not useful for teaching a single student, ok then the only thing I would conisder swapping things out for is the *Reputation (Fashion Mogul), is performance's second dot needed right this moment, or should I

Consider the situations where Fashion Mogul would apply where none of our other Reputations would. They seem few and far between. Better to get Beautiful.

Or Ally (Accord). We're not obliged to come to do what he tells us if we do.
If we get Accord we probably should finish Beautiful since it makes us that much more able to convince him of just about anything
We want Resources 3 as far as i am concerned, they will aid in the Grand Conversion... Also: Money.
Hmm, We could afford to put off Linguistics (Old Realm [Authochthonian]) and Medicine (Diagnostics) for an update to get the first dot of Reputation (Fashion Mogul)...

Proposed XP Spending Revised:
4 XP- Bureaucracy
2 XP- Bureaucracy (Material Invoices)
2 XP- Dodge (Overwhelming Opponents)
3 XP- Reputation (Fashion Mogul)
4 XP- Socialize
4 XP- Linguistics
4 XP- Stealth
4 XP- Occult
4 XP- Performance
2 XP- Lore (Authocthonia)
33.0/34.5 XP Spent.
Hmm, it mostly increases our social rolls when selling clothes, and when dealing with fashion figures, as well as when discussing design and the like.

Nice to have for the cost I suppose, but not really as broad as other reputations.
Hmm, We could afford to put off Linguistics (Old Realm [Authochthonian]) and Medicine (Diagnostics) for an update to get the first dot of Reputation (Fashion Mogul)...

Proposed XP Spending Revised:
4 XP- Bureaucracy
2 XP- Bureaucracy (Material Invoices)
2 XP- Dodge (Overwhelming Opponents)
3 XP- Reputation (Fashion Mogul)
4 XP- Socialize
4 XP- Linguistics
4 XP- Stealth
4 XP- Occult
4 XP- Performance
2 XP- Lore (Authocthonia)
33.0/34.5 XP Spent.
I can support this, even if Autochthon accidentally removes Marrow's knowledge of english we probably can compensate anyway (I wonder if we could get a bit more information from what Iris wrote if we understood the language better, after all there are often subtle meaning to words in language especially technical but with Lore (Autochthonia) it should work well), and we are not actually planning anything involving medicine right now,
On the other hand, Fashion Mogul might help in unlocking Resources 3 in the future. Something to consider.

Beauty can do that just as easily, I feel, probably with less personal work.

It might also apply whenever we wear the spidersilk dress or if we can work it into a conversation like with Parian.

When would it apply in those situations when Beauty wouldn't?

I'd go with:

Proposed XP Spending Revised:
4 XP- Bureaucracy
3 XP- Ally (Accord)
4 XP- Socialize
4 XP- Linguistics
4 XP- Performance
= 19 XP spent

That's plenty. It buys the most important option, the time limited Alliance with Accord that opens up some very useful doors but doesn't force us to go through them, and it leaves us the XP spare for emergency purchases.
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Apparently I miscounted. According to the XP log, we only have 22 XP to spend...time to par down the plan quite a bit. =/

4 XP- Bureaucracy
2 XP- Bureaucracy (Material Invoices)
2 XP- Dodge (Overwhelming Opponents)
4 XP- Socialize
4 XP- Linguistics
4 XP- Stealth
2 XP- Lore (Authocthonia)

22/22 XP Spent.
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I'm in agreement for what you've got with the exception of these. One dot in stealth isn't going to put us on the map, really, and sneakyboots isn't exactly our style. Not seeing the benefit of the lore specialty either. What's your reasoning?

The more we understand about aspects of Authocthonia (and by extension Authocthon), the better and more convincingly we might be able to explain it. I think it would help in our so far lackluster performance in convincing people to help us with our goals. As for Stealth, I'd like to have more than one way of being sneaky. Plus, refer to FunkyEntropy's post that I quoted in the last page or so.

Edit: I was accidentally mixing Optical Shroud and IAT. Fixed.
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Hmm, We could afford to put off Linguistics (Old Realm [Authochthonian]) and Medicine (Diagnostics) for an update to get the first dot of Reputation (Fashion Mogul)...

Proposed XP Spending Revised:
4 XP- Bureaucracy
2 XP- Bureaucracy (Material Invoices)
2 XP- Dodge (Overwhelming Opponents)
3 XP- Reputation (Fashion Mogul)
4 XP- Socialize
4 XP- Linguistics
4 XP- Stealth
4 XP- Occult
4 XP- Performance
2 XP- Lore (Authocthonia)
33.0/34.5 XP Spent.

I like this.