Against the Tide - Germany 1932.

The Slaughter
[X] Disperse the doctors. It is very clear that you will need to send doctors to the front lines. Or, just behind them. It would be doubly good to have some first responders near the Luitpoldkaserne for when the soldiers who will try and break the siege smash through. You will begin to decentralise medical care through the front. This will reduce the effectiveness of your staff at city hall, but reduce front line deaths.

Roll = 88. The doctors spread out. Just in time for….

[X] Speak with the people. You need to meet with the people, even if it hurts due to your constant failures being escorted out draped in a flag. You might be able to recruit any doctors, or nurses, or medics, and might even get some additional supplies. The people will meet their angel. You might be able to gather more supplies, staff, or both.

Roll = 4. Crit fail. The SA Counter-offensive has begun.

It's a dour day in Munich, as you descend the steps of the city hall. You are up late, and it's made you grouchy. You hate waking up late in the day, but apparently your staff didn't want you fretting about the doctors being sent to the front, and you are aware how your normally immaculate appearance has decayed from sleepless nights in the hacked together surgery.

Still, after a few minutes glad handing with the people, you feel invigorated. Mothers come up to you, gushing praise and thanks heaped on so thick you fear you might be smothered. It's so easy to be caught up in your own shortcomings when working that it's easy to forget you save lives as well.

Men shake your hand, thanking you for saving the lives of their comrades, and one young boy hands you a small card, clearly crafted from scrap he'd found in the camp, thanking you for saving the life of his mother.

For the first time since all this began, you feel good.

And then, just as you are helped up onto the back of a track, to give a speech to the assembled masses, when an explosion rips through the group. You are hurled back and smash your head on the bed of the truck. Blackness takes you before you even realise that the SA has launched a counter offensive.


Ludwig clutched his medicine bag to his chest as the badly aged opel bounced along the cobblestone streets towards the 'front' in so far as there was such a thing in the brutal street warfare that had consumed his home.

The massive, greatcoat clad weltkrieg veterans riding along with him didn't speak. It was too cold for that, even with their faces wrapped he could see their breath clouding. Through his much thinner doctor's coat he could feel the chill seep into his bones.

The truck bounced over a pothole and he could almost feel his stomach leap out of his body, the Weltkrieg era suspension on the truck doing a poor job of handling the road. He looked past the truck to the armored car leading them through the streets.

He winced at the necessity, it pained him to see his home like this, truly.

His ruminations were interrupted as, suddenly, the truck hit a pothole too large for it to handle, and the rusted, creaking suspension finally gave out, snapping in two and causing the truck to come to a screeching halt.

Opening the door, the driver leaned out. "Everyone off the truck, I th-"

Before he could even finish the sentence, Ludwig's entire world went to hell.

He'd been facing the driver when the terrifying crack of what could only be an anti-tank rifle split the air, and their driver vanished in a shower of viscera. A heartbeat later, and that single rifle was joined by a chaotic chorus of gunfire.

Ludwig was frozen in place, eyes locked on the destroyed body of their driver. His mouth simply unhinged as he stared, as if to say something, but no words came forth.

He only unfroze when he was suddenly thrown from the truck, body crumpling against the cobblestones. He halfway rose to his feet before the truck bed exploded, knocking him down again.

His head smashed against the street and everything went black.


It was three long hours until Ludwig woke up, clutching his head as the world came into sharp relief, light burning his eyes as he sat himself up.

"Stay down, Herr Doktor. You took a bad hit during the ambush." As if to punctuate his point, a room over gunfire could be heard. From who the stricken doctor couldn't tell.

He coughed slightly, pushing the soldier's hand away as he forced himself up off of the greatcoats that the soldiers had laid out for him.

"I'm fine. Do we have wounded?"

The soldier nodded, helping the doctor to stay on his feet, leading him off to another room, where he could tend to the wounded. This wasn't where he wanted to be, but he'd been told to go to the frontline.

He rolled up his sleeves and grabbed his medical bag. This would have to do.

The SA counterattack has ambushed reinforcement convoys, taking out armored cars and killing four doctors heading to the front, as well as 55 soldiers.

[X] Spend time with Kathe. You haven't even really seen your wife in two days. You miss her, and with everything going on….maybe a few hours alone with her would be good. At least, it would be a handful of hours where you could sleep. Kathe will help calm you. She is good for your soul.

Roll = 69. You unwind. The past few days have been trying. A few hours with your wife heals most ills.

It's been a harrowing day. You'd sent off a good portion of your staff at the city hall, only for casualties from countless ambushes across Munich to flood in. Legs blown off from mines, shrapnel lodged in limbs from grenades, so many bullet wounds.

And now, this. Before you lies the broken body of a boy. He can't be more than fourteen. Covered in lacerations, bullet wounds, burn marks. The second he'd come in his prognosis was bad, but…

You collapse into your chair, blood stained hands shaking. It's the war all over again.

In your mind, you are already back there, desperately trying to stitch a poor child who'd been hit by a stray shell.

Watching him bleed.

Watching him die.

You are so lost in your memories you don't even notice Kath enter your surgery. It isn't until she's hovering over you, and you can smell the food she's brought, that you finally leave the hellscape of your mind.

She doesn't speak, just putting the soup down on a relatively clear table, fetching a towel, and helping you towards the bathroom.

You are too dazed to stop her as she helps you out of your surgeons clothing and into something cleaner. She hums a pretty tune as she helps wipe away your failure, and before you know it, you are sitting down across from her at a table.

The soup is steaming silently in front of you, and as enticing as it is, you struggle to muster an appetite.

Kath gently reaches for your still shaking hand, clasping it in her own and smiling sadly at you.

"There was nothing you could do, Hugo. I's hard to accept that. And I know where you go, when you lose someone. Please, just remember that I am here for you."

Her smile slowly becomes happier, as you return it, nodding. After today, you don't trust yourself to speak.

The rest of the night is like this. You and Kath don't speak much, because nothing needs to be said. You just hold her tight to your body, cuddling by the fire.

As awful as these days have been, there is comfort in having Katherine so close to you. A reminder that no matter how dark the days get, you will always have someone.


The next day, you are summoned by Rupprecht, he is eager to have you advise him, and as terrible as it sounds, you are glad to be away from the surgery for a few hours. Away from the blood and guts.

Entering the Crown Prince's hastily assembled war room, the assembled officers nod to you.

"Hugo, good to see you. I've been hoping to get your advice on something…"

The normally jovial, energetic Bavarian prince looks tired, lines on his face running deep, making him look a decade older than he is, at a minimum.

He points to a map of the city.

Frontlines - d100 = 59 - 15 (Total shock) - 10 (numerical inferiority) + 5 (medical attention) +10 (morale) = 49 vs. 41 + 15 (Total surprise) + 10 (numerical superiority) - 10 (no organised medics) + 10 (morale) = 66

The frontlines make you wince visibly. While you aren't in crisis, yet, the SA has effectively rolled back your progress everywhere but the town square. The besieged Reichswehr units are even more isolated now than before.

"It's not good. But you've got a tacticians mind, Hugo. I want your input on how we should proceed."

You're surprised by this, but as he begins to explain your options, it starts to make more sense. His staff officers are divided into two camps on what they should be doing, and need you as tie breaker. (Pick one)

[] Fall back. The city centre is eminently defensible, and with short, sharp offensive you can get most of your isolated troops out from under siege, and bring them back to where you and your remaining staff can best tend to them. This means you'll be hanging the Reichswehr out to dry, but that's a sacrifice that must be made.

[] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[] You've got your own idea, actually… (Subject to GM approval)

Leaving the war room, you descend the steps to the entrance hall, and stop in place to pounder just what you need to do.

There's so much to do, and so little time… (Pick one)

[] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.

[] Rouse the people. Your speech yesterday did not go as planned, but that just makes you want to give it more. The people need inspiration desperately. You'll give it to them with interest.

[] Pick up the slack. Bodies are entering Marienplatz faster than ever before, and you have only 17 doctors here to look after them all. Fortunately, you can do the work of ten doctors…

Of course, even as busy as you are, you can still take a few brief moments to yourself. To recover from your grim labours. (Pick one)

[] Take care of Kathe. She looks after you as much as she is able, it's sometimes easy to forget she is just as affected by all this as you are. You will repay her kindness with interest.

[] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone


Done! Apologies for any spelling/syntax errors, as I wrote this on my phone. I'll correct them as soon as I'm able.
Adhoc vote count started by KarvokaQueen on Jul 24, 2018 at 7:02 PM, finished with 31 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
    [X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
    [X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.
    [X] A fighting retreat to the city center, draw the SA forwards and let them take ground, but for every meter make them pay in blood in the form of ambushes, booby-traps, or even just barricades to slow them down.
    [X] Disperse the doctors. It is very clear that you will need to send doctors to the front lines. Or, just behind them. It would be doubly good to have some first responders near the Luitpoldkaserne for when the soldiers who will try and break the siege smash through. You will begin to decentralise medical care through the front. This will reduce the effectiveness of your staff at city hall, but reduce front line deaths.
    [X] Speak with the people. You need to meet with the people, even if it hurts due to your constant failures being escorted out draped in a flag. You might be able to recruit any doctors, or nurses, or medics, and might even get some additional supplies. The people will meet their angel. You might be able to gather more supplies, staff, or both.
    [X] Spend time with Kathe. You haven't even really seen your wife in two days. You miss her, and with everything going on….maybe a few hours alone with her would be good. At least, it would be a handful of hours where you could sleep. Kathe will help calm you. She is good for your soul.
    [X] Straighten the lines and dig in. You are in absolutely no mood to cede ground to the Nazis, given the rumors of that they do in the areas they occupy. However, even you recognize the necessity of pulling back the most exposed units lest they are cut off. At any rate, the Nazis are on the offensive now. Offensives against fortified positions were always when your station was the fullest during the war, and perhaps a little vindictively, you see no reason why the SA shouldn't learn this lesson too.
    [X] Straighten the lines and dig in. You are in absolutely no mood to cede ground to the Nazis, given the rumors of that they do in the areas they occupy. However, even you recognize the necessity of pulling back the most exposed units lest they are cut off. At any rate, the Nazis are on the offensive now. Offensives against fortified positions were always when your station was the fullest during the war, and perhaps a little vindictively, you see no reason why the SA shouldn't learn this lesson too.
    -[X] Preferred tactics should make maximum use of our defensive positions (fortifications and barricades), superior training and local knowledge (traps and ambushes), and our heavy mobile forces (rapid reinforcement for flagging sectors, opportunistic counterattacks). Also rotate fresh forces from the Marienplatz for exhausted frontline units as necessary and feasible.
    [x] Take care of Kathe. She looks after you as much as she is able, it's sometimes easy to forget she is just as affected by all this as you are. You will repay her kindness with interest.

Adhoc vote count started by KarvokaQueen on Jul 24, 2018 at 7:03 PM, finished with 30 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
    [X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
    [X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.
    [X] A fighting retreat to the city center, draw the SA forwards and let them take ground, but for every meter make them pay in blood in the form of ambushes, booby-traps, or even just barricades to slow them down.
    [X] Straighten the lines and dig in. You are in absolutely no mood to cede ground to the Nazis, given the rumors of that they do in the areas they occupy. However, even you recognize the necessity of pulling back the most exposed units lest they are cut off. At any rate, the Nazis are on the offensive now. Offensives against fortified positions were always when your station was the fullest during the war, and perhaps a little vindictively, you see no reason why the SA shouldn't learn this lesson too.
    [X] Straighten the lines and dig in. You are in absolutely no mood to cede ground to the Nazis, given the rumors of that they do in the areas they occupy. However, even you recognize the necessity of pulling back the most exposed units lest they are cut off. At any rate, the Nazis are on the offensive now. Offensives against fortified positions were always when your station was the fullest during the war, and perhaps a little vindictively, you see no reason why the SA shouldn't learn this lesson too.
    -[X] Preferred tactics should make maximum use of our defensive positions (fortifications and barricades), superior training and local knowledge (traps and ambushes), and our heavy mobile forces (rapid reinforcement for flagging sectors, opportunistic counterattacks). Also rotate fresh forces from the Marienplatz for exhausted frontline units as necessary and feasible.
    [x] Take care of Kathe. She looks after you as much as she is able, it's sometimes easy to forget she is just as affected by all this as you are. You will repay her kindness with interest.
[CHANGED] Straighten the lines and dig in. You are in absolutely no mood to cede ground to the Nazis, given the rumors of that they do in the areas they occupy. However, even you recognize the necessity of pulling back the most exposed units lest they are cut off. At any rate, the Nazis are on the offensive now. Offensives against fortified positions were always when your station was the fullest during the war, and perhaps a little vindictively, you see no reason why the SA shouldn't learn this lesson too.
[CHANGED] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[CHANGED] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.

I say let the SA grind themselves down against our lines while pulling back only the most exposed forces. And get some bloody rest. God knows our doctor needs it.
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Oh wow! I was just thinking about this and the presidential election quest on Sunday. Glad to see this back!

[X] Straighten the lines and dig in. You are in absolutely no mood to cede ground to the Nazis, given the rumors of that they do in the areas they occupy. However, even you recognize the necessity of pulling back the most exposed units lest they are cut off. At any rate, the Nazis are on the offensive now. Offensives against fortified positions were always when your station was the fullest during the war, and perhaps a little vindictively, you see no reason why the SA shouldn't learn this lesson too.
[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
The downside of this is of course that it cedes the initiative to the enemy. Personally I feel like the right response to a counter attack from the enemy is a counter attack of our own while they haven't had much time to dig in yet.

[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
The downside of this is of course that it cedes the initiative to the enemy. Personally I feel like the right response to a counter attack from the enemy is a counter attack of our own while they haven't had much time to dig in yet.
I see your point, but we're outnumbered and the loyalty of the Reichswehr is questionable at best, last I checked.

That is not to say I can't be convinced otherwise, but right now I'd rather have them run themselves ragged charging machine guns on foot.
Agreed. Don'tet them build up momentum. We'd lose slowly but inevitably

[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.

If they fortify what they took we're screwed. Hit while they are yet overextended
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
A quick suggestion I'll fill out more later, but I'd take a third option and make a gradual retreat to the city center, Urban Warfare for a professional army is a nightmare, for the SA against people who are local to the Urban environment in question? That could be literal hell.

-Added in later-

Right, so as I see it, we need to write off the Reichswehr troops. Best case scenario, the fact they are veterans with access to modern equipment means that they can hold out independently for an extended period of time, possibly until we have the SA over-extended and can launch a proper counter-offensive that isn't some quickly thrown together mad dash plan. Worst case scenario, they die.

Either way, our first priority needs to be the irregular troops under our command, and to that end we need to act in such a way as to preserve them and take advantage of their inherent abilities. These are local people, they know Munich, they will know better than anyone which parts of the city are defensible, and which are not. They are also the people who will know where you could best make ambushes, where to best booby trap, where to make any SA member who even thinks of moving without caution get picked off by a sniper.

This is no longer a traditional city uprising, this is Stalingrad writ small and German, the SA are not professional soldiers, they will break in urban conflict.

So my proposal is this (pending GM approval of course):

[X] A fighting retreat to the city center, draw the SA forwards and let them take ground, but for every meter make them pay in blood in the form of ambushes, booby-traps, or even just barricades to slow them down.

As for the other two:

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties

[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
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[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.

Now this is an interesting quest!
Für Kaiser und Vaterland!
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.

- also praying for good rolls in the election quest update!
[X] A fighting retreat to the city center, draw the SA forwards and let them take ground, but for every meter make them pay in blood in the form of ambushes, booby-traps, or even just barricades to slow them down.

As for the other two:

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties

[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.

To war!
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.
@The Karvoka Man, a mechanical question: the effective -30 from Total Shock/Total Surprise is going away this round? Would we be able to gain similar effects in our favor with the Lightning Offensive? If we go for one of the defensive options, how big boni are we talking about from fortifications, both for us initially and from what the Nazis could rig up in a day?
As is, my inclination is to bunker down and break them on our defenses, so that they're bled out and maybe have lost their numbers advantage when we do a counterattack next round. I could be convinced for the attack though, if there's enough factors speaking for it.
[X] Lightening offensive. Your friend Franz very vocally tells you that his men are mostly unscathed by the fighting, and with flame throwers, grenades, and converted armored cars, he is confident that he can smash a hole in the fascist line, and reach the main Reichswehr barracks. It's a risky proposition, but how strong fortifications can the fascists really setup in a day? And bringing the Weltkreig veterans of the Reichswehr under direct control would be a huge boon.

[X] Do a full audit of the camp, and your staff. You won't get much done medically, but you need to replace losses, and figure out who has died. Your doctors still here can hopefully handle the constant intake of casualties.
[X] Sleep. Even after unwinding last night you are still desperately short on sleep. You are being worn down, badly. And a blunted tool is no use to anyone.

The Kaiserreich shall rise again...

As a HOI4 player, my first thought looking at this was how much manpower was being wasted.... *cough* I might have played the game a bit to much during the holidays...
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As a HOI4 player, my first thought looking at this was how much manpower was being wasted.... *cough* I might have played the game a bit to much during the holidays...
Ha! I thought I was all alone in trying my damnedest to minimize losses on both sides during the German Civil War.

Or in general. You know, I consider a war lost if I have to move on to "Service by Requirement".

Though going by the elapsed time I doubt we're looking at more than a few hundred, maybe the low thousands taking all of Bavaria into account.

Still devastating by the standards of what I do when pulling out every dirty trick in the book to minimize the bloodletting but eh.

We'll see how this goes. In the end, we have already won, since this is likely to alienate the fascists from the more moderate bulk of the population. The only thing decided now is how big of a popularity boost we are going to get - are we the defenders, heroes or outright saviours of Munich?

(The scary part is that Hitler might just go all out and declare the national socialist revolution if he thinks the long term damage to his image devastating enough to threaten his "legitimate" seizure of power. That would be the nastiest option, but simultaneously the one most likely to end with a climatic shirtless fistfight atop the roof of the Reichstag between Hitler and the good doctor.)
@The Karvoka Man, a mechanical question: the effective -30 from Total Shock/Total Surprise is going away this round? Would we be able to gain similar effects in our favor with the Lightning Offensive? If we go for one of the defensive options, how big boni are we talking about from fortifications, both for us initially and from what the Nazis could rig up in a day?
As is, my inclination is to bunker down and break them on our defenses, so that they're bled out and maybe have lost their numbers advantage when we do a counterattack next round. I could be convinced for the attack though, if there's enough factors speaking for it.
It depends on the area, but it will decline sharply.

A lot of ambushed units are still reeling from losing a third/half their members in a single day, and their morale has suffered.

Troops stationed in the Marienplatz do no suffer the shocked modifier, as they know what to expect.