Against the Tide - Germany 1932.

Turning the Page.
January 26, 1933

Two Week Turn

Major News:

Der Untergang des von Schleicher kommt schon!
(The Downfall of von Schleicher is imminent!)

Sources close to the President have revealed his building disenchantment with his Chancellor, as rumours continue to build about a potential NSDAP backed vote of no-confidence on the 31st. It is unclear if von Schliecher's unpopular government could survive such an attack, and if it can't, if an election is imminent.

Adolf Hitler, the embattled leader of the NSDAP, the largest party in the Reichstag, has loudly declared his intention to fight an election at the first available opportunity, proclaiming that he will storm to a full majority in the event a vote is called.

Zwei Oberst des Reichswehr wird durch aktuelle Korruptionsbekämpfung verhaften
(Two Reichswehr Colonels arrested in latest corruption crackdown)

The woes of the NSDAP continue to mount in Berlin, as two men close to the disgraced General Epp have been arrested on charges of conspiracy and theft. It is believed by the State Emergency Government that the two men, who have not been named at this time, provided 'National Resistance' Terrorists with the explosives used in the murder of a dozen warehouse workers in the North of the City.

The Majority of the conspirators remain at large, and the State Police have reminded citizens that if they have seen these men, or anyone associated with them, that they are to report to the police, or local authorities, at once.

Die nationalsozialistische Rechtsverteidigung bricht zusammen
(Nazi Legal Defense breaks down)

In a turn of events that would be shocking, if not for the past fortnight of legal chaos, the Nazi Party's legal defense has all but collapsed in the face of overwhelming evidence against the Munich Four. Judge Niehardt compltely rejected Frank's argument that there was, in fact, nothing illegal about the appropriation of funds by General Epp, and that the claims of incitement of rebellion, murder, and looting against the remainder were all categorically false.

With overwhelming evidence in favour of the accusations and next to no defense beyond Frank's own bravado, Neihardt handed down his ruling. Epp will be stripped of rank, his position within the Reichstag, and will repay the money he stole from the Army, as well as serve five years in Prison. The three remaining high ranking SA men, have each been sentenced to fifteen years hard labour in Landsberg Prison, subject to good behaviour, and their labour of breaking rocks and repairing roads undoing the damage their foolishness had caused.

Kundgebung zur Nationalen Rettung
(Rally for National Salvation)

Join with Gregor Strasser in Postdamer Platz to rally to save Germany! Together with the Schwarzfront, we will unite to save Germany from the corrupt international financiers, and the so-called Führer who is backed by them!

(A poster in Potsdamer Platz, Berlin)


The Presidential Palace, January 26, 1933

In the halls of power of Berlin, things were coming to a head. Von Hindenburg's health, never good, was now declining at an even sharper pace. Oskar paced back and forth outside his father's office. The doctor had entered half an hour ago, when his father's coughing fits had spiralled out of control, and his handkerchief had revealed thick globs of blood and phlegm.

He tried to keep his mind off of it, and off the circling sharks in the press, lurking just outside in the main reception area of the building. He could feel his blood pressure rising as he thought about them. Each one a ruthless shark, out to destroy him, and his father. It had been months since the Osthilfe scandal had broken, and despite his father being in the process of dying, it hadn't stopped them from harassing the both of them.

He stopped his pacing, and slumped into an armchair. It was all starting to fall apart. The socialists, communists, and jews that infested the press like so many vermin, so eager to drag his war hero of a father through the mud. He knew they would only be satisfied when they were both dead and gone. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a flask and took a swig.

He'd never been a heavy drinker before the past two months, but now? He was out of ideas, He was out of options, and frankly, alcohol helped numb the worst of the pain and anxiety.

As he took another drink, he began to think back on what von Papen had told him a few days prior. The self-proclaimed leader of the kamarilla trying to protect von Hindenburg, he'd brought Oskar in to talk about their next move against von Schleicher. They had that treason bastard on the ropes, and almost the entire Reichstag had turned against him now, but there was the question of what to do afterwards.

Oskar had long wanted to put von Papen into the role of Chancellor once more, as he felt that only he could save Germany, and of course, put to rest this nonsense story about fiscal malfeasance by himself and his father.

Apparently, though, the Nobleman had further refined his plans. The Nazis were weakened after the past few weeks, and he'd personally assured that, with Von Papen holding all the cards now, that the Bohemian Corporal would be easy to control. Part of that, of course, would be using Hitler to declare the von Hindenburg's family debts.

After another long swig, he screwed the cap back on. He didn't know if he wanted to sign onto this plan. Hitler was weak, true, but he didn't trust the man. Hitler was a snake, and had ascended to the top of the NSDAP on the corpses (metaphorical and otherwise) of his enemies. Still, having the Family's debts voided was tempting. It would be a godsend.

The Downfall of von Schleicher was imminent, that much was clear, it was just a matter of scheduling a vote in the Reichstag. His father hated Hitler, particularly for his attacks during the Presidential campaign just last year, but if Oskar vouched for him, that might make the difference. Their debts, gone, and the promise of a comfortable government job, could well mean that the von Hindenburg family could be saved.

Before he could continue, the door creaked open, and a slight, stooped man stepped out into the hall. "Your father wishes to talk with you, Oskar." He immediately shot up out of his chair, looming over the short, bespectacled man. The doctor was unfazed.

"If you'll step aside? I have other patients to attend to today." The doctor insisted, and despite his age and small stature, he met Oskar's gaze without flinching. After a few seconds, it was the von Hindenburg that backed off, stepping to the side and letting the doctor through.

They both muttered insults under their breath as they went their separate ways. The President of Germany was laying on a couch, by the window of his office, looking down onto the snow-covered park below.

"Father? You wanted to talk?" His father turned his head away from the window, bloodshot eyes regarding him with a deep tiredness.

"Yes. About your...about…" The elder Hindenburg trailed off, coughing weakly and looking back at the ceiling. "How are you doing, Oskar?"

Oskar took the chair in front of the president's desk and pulled it over so he could sit beside his bed-ridden father. He'd had bad episodes before, but this was extreme. "I'm alright. Can I get you anything? Some water, or similar?"

Unexpectedly, Paul laughed. It was a wheezing, sickley laugh, but underneath all of it, Oskar could sense some genuine amusement. "Hah. If I...had the strength, I'd...hah." Oskar got up, and went to the table at the far side of the wall, grabbing a pitcher sitting under a massive painting of the elder Hindenburg, in his prime, during the Great War. He poured out a measure of water, and brought it back over.

"Here. Drink up, father. I'll go find a blanket so you don't freeze, pressed up against that window." Oskar looked out the door, and as his father drank the water and nodded in agreement, he headed out.

By the time he'd come back, the elder Hindenburg was soundly asleep, looking pale, and sickly, but already just a touch better. He'd have to talk about von Papen's plan another time, he wouldn't dare wake his father when he was so ill.


The Ministry of Health of Bavaria

Your work in the ministry is, as always, without end. Even with the ongoing collapse of the von Schleicher government, even with a growing sense of unease outside of Bavaria, this is still a crucial job, charged to you by the Crown Prince himself, and you do not intend to shirk in your duties to him, or to the People of Bavaria.

You have two actions.

[] Continue enforcement of the RVO (Reichsversicherungsordnung)

The Reich Insurance code is the law by which all people of the Reich are insured, but due to the economic crisis of the past few years, funding has fallen by the wayside. Despite this, your instruction for ministry officials to enforce the RVO is already having clear results. While continued intense vigilance is not strictly necessary, it would certainly send a strong message to both the public, and the powerful medical institutions.

(Chance of Success: High. Result: RVO enforcement is kept to the highest possible standard.)

[] Expand the RVO (Reichsversicherungsordnung)

The Reich Insurance code is, certainly, a noble project to ensure that Germany's poorest can survive the myriad illnesses that come with a working-class life, but as Katherine points out to you when you are talking about it, nurses and midwives, as well as medical orderlies at smaller, private clinics (like yours) are not actually covered. While obviously, you could bring this to the federal government, you could easily justify this expansion as a 'trial' for future rollouts across the nation.

(Chance of Success: Moderate. Result: RVO is expanded to cover 50% of the Bavarian population.)

[] Rural Doctors Initiative (Initiative für Landärzte)

While Nazi agitation in the countryside is on a downward swing presently, that just means that the time to strike is now, while the iron is still hot, as they say. Rolling out the RDI is likely something you'll have to do eventually anyway, and it makes sense to do it while goodwill towards the government is at a high point. The longer you sit on this, the more expensive it will become.

(Chance of Success: Unknown. Result: Rural Doctors Initiative is begun, hopefully providing results in a few months. This will lock in for a minimum of six months.)

[] Influencing the Rural Electrification Authority (LftElkB)

With the LftElkB continuing to draw up ambitious plans to electrify the countryside, it seems only proper you insert your voice into the discussion, to advocate on behalf of rural clinicians, ensuring that the needs of clinics and hospitals dotting the countryside are met just as readily as everyone else's.

It will still be a month until the LftElkB has finished drawing up their Phase 1 plan for electrification, but the longer you wait to speak up, the harder it will be to be heard, it might behoove you to move now, especially given once elections come around, the entire government will be thrown into momentary chaos.

(Chance of Success: Moderate-High. Result: LftElkB will divert some resources towards the electrification of rural clinics.)

[] Establishing an auditing authority

You are now fairly confident that you've gotten rid of the fifth columnists in your midst, but that doesn't mean things will stay that way. Establishing an authority to audit potential problem areas makes a lot of sense, as it will kill two birds with one stone.

It will both guard against infiltration, and against graft, arguably the greater threat to your department, as the government rolls out every greater (and more expensive) projects.

(Chance of Success: Unknown. Result: Auditor's Office is established, with the power to randomly check Department offices and review hires.)

[] Network with other departments

In these troubled times, it's nice to know you can always lean on your single greatest gift. That of oratory. You've already befriended two fellow ministers, and it makes quite a bit of sense to continue onwards in that vein, as in the event of a crisis, the Crown Prince will need you to all pull together!

(Chance of Success: Moderate. Result: Bonds formed with fellow ministers.)

The German National Patriots Movement (DnPB)

Things are starting to get dire, nationally. Von Schleicher is predicted to fall within the fortnight, and it's all but certain when he does that the Bohemian corporal will be appointed Chancellor. While he will have to call elections, you do not trust that rat to fight fairly. So of course, you will have to fight back. Your movement is unified, more or less, now you just need to prepare a strategy for this hypothetical election, and for the rumored 'Police Action' that Hitler may order.

Movement Membership:
430'000 (Estimated. Primarily BVP/SPD)
35'000 (Estimated. Primarily Zentrum.)
14'500 (Estimated. Primarily Zentrum.)

Movement Finances: 259,000 ℛℳℛℳ

Movement Cohesion: Cohesive and United.

Supporting parties:
Elements of the Zentrum and SPD
Elements of the Zentrum and SPD

You can pick two options, or double down on one to increase the chance of success.

[] Formalise a coalition

Elections are imminent and could be called as soon as in two weeks. Certainly, before the end of February. You must prepare the DnPB for its first real challenge, that of fighting elections. You can sit every constituent party down for talks, to try and hammer out a platform, and your electoral list.

You've got the NSDAP on the back foot, you can't squander this opportunity, even if sitting everyone down will be...difficult. Nevermind hammering out an electoral manifesto.

This will automatically trigger when an election is called, but doing it early will make the process much smoother, and allow for longer, more in-depth negotiations. You can influence which party to favour, to an extent, though awarding any party more than its proportional power is likely to start fights.

[] Recruitment!

The collapse of the government is accelerating, and rumor has it that it could occur within a single fortnight, and will certainly occur within the next month. You need to continue to build up the DnPB's membership rolls, so you know just who to send electoral leaflets and doorknockers to when the election finally comes.

(Cost: Player Choice. Chance of Success: Unknown. Result: Attempts will be made to broaden the DnPB's membership base, either within Bavaria, or outside it.)

[] Continue to court Thyssen.

You dislike Thyssen. He dislikes you. You're not exactly going to invite each other out for drinks and cigars. However, you already have to work with distasteful people on a semi-regular basis as is, and keeping him at the very least neutral will be a constant investment. With the NSDAP unbalanced, keeping Thyssen out of their corner is essential to ensure they can't fight a full election.

(Cost: 50k ℛℳ. Chance of Success: Unknown. Result: Attempts to court Thyssen to your side continue, as well as working to block any attempts at detente between him and Hitler.).

[] Found a paper.

The bombing and subsequent ransacking of your would-be paper leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, but you'll not let it dissuade you. A paper is a good idea, as Franz constantly reminds you of from his hospital bed. You'll put some VB-men on guard, this time. See what the so-called "National Resistance Movement" thinks of that.

(Cost: 55k ℛℳ initial, 18k ℛℳ per week after. Chance of Success: Very High. Result: Newspaper founded, with guards this time.. Can be used to boost/slander people/parties)

[] Sponsor a show.

With your first show coming to a dramatic conclusion, it might be a good idea to commission a new one, with bits of DnPB propaganda interspersed between segments, to ensure that the people are entertained.

(Cost: 35k ℛℳ initial, 10k ℛℳ per week after. Chance of Success: Very High. Result: Another radio show is commissioned, with players able to decide on genre and propaganda style.)

The People's Banner (Volksbanner, VB)

The Paramilitary arm of your political organisation, the Volksbanner acquitted itself beyond your expectations during the Munich uprising, but it is almost certainly going to be put to the test again soon. Elections are imminent, as is the ascension of Hitler. You're short on supplies, and on Men. Even though they've been disbanded, the SA are still numerous, and their terrorist cells have proven they are still willing to fight.

A fortnight isn't a lot of time to build up an army, but you'll do what you can. What you must. For Bavaria. For Germany.

Morale: Excellent
Cohesion: Functional

Active VB-men: 14'000
Inactive VB-men: 46'000

You can pick two options.

[] Recruit former officers into the VB

You've poached a handful of 7th Division officers in secret, and so it's time to turn things up a notch and to recruit more men. Those who've turned coat tell you Halder is a weak, neurotic man, and that at your direction they will begin to steal his officers out from under him. This would both go a ways to improve the effectiveness of your force, and weakening the 7th Division.

(Cost: 35k ℛℳ)

[] Assassinate Halder

The 7th Division is top-heavy with radical officers, whose political extremism is exceeded only by their ambition. One of the turncoats within your ranks has informed you that Halder is just about the only thing holding them together, and where he to suffer an 'accident', it would throw them into such chaos they'd be basically incapable of this so-called police action against you. He's offered to put together a hit squad to ensure Halder does not see the election.

You don't like the idea and have prayed for guidance every day since it was brought up. You've never killed a man, nor ordered someone to do the deed. You've confessed your conflicted feelings to your Pastor, and you know not who he was in previous life, but his reminding you of Pslam 137:1 7-9 has put things in context. You will do what you must, in the service of the Lord, even this.

(Cost: 24k ℛℳ Chance of Success: Unknown. Result: 7th Division thrown into Chaos)

[] Recruit, and Re-activate

Many of your men are presently demobilized, as they are weekend warriors. They have day jobs, and lives outside the VB. You could offer them a stipend to return to active service, and watch over DnPB activities, for the time being. Doing this now, of course, will save you time when the Government collapses, even if you don't yet have the equipment to arm most of your men with more than spiked clubs and banners.

(Cost 20k ℛℳ to reactivate, 10k ℛℳ weekly Result: VB-men reactivated, with additional recruits.)

[] Secure Weapons.

Part of your failing during your previous attempt to secure weapons was, of course, a lack of funds. Putting up more money, and choosing from a more specific list of groups your agents came into contact with should boost your chances. The agents have prepared a list of targets of opportunity, as follows:

Mikhail Faustin; A White Russian who claims to be gathering funds for a glorious anti-communist Crusade into the den of bolshevism, selling firearms of varying quality from the White Army. He claims that if you're willing to chip in to his crusade, he may have some specialty equipment for you.

Boda Gazsi; A former K.u.K Army Officer (or so he claims) based out of Switzerland, sitting atop a veritable arsenal of K.u.K equipment. He is the man who supplied your agents with their poor showing last time.

Clayton R. Vaughn; A representative for Colt, a major firearms concern in the United States, he is currently trying to find buyers for his handguns and submachine guns. Already expensive pieces of kit, for just a bit extra, you could convince him he's selling to a legitimate buyer.

Alberico Rizzo; One of the great benefits of sending your agents into the border regions of Bavaria, is that they did make a wide variety of contacts, especially in the Manufacturing Mecca of Czechoslovakia. An Italian man, who may (or may not) be a general from the Regio Esercito, seemed eager to take money in exchange for shipments from Austria. Some would say that it's theft, but you say it's good business.

Joseph Kaplan; Despite rebuffing initial attempts to do business with them, your Agents remain confident that with some additional pressure, and greasing the right palms, they can make some serious headway, and hopefully get some modern, semi-auto rifles into the hands of your men.

Lord Ashburton; The British Empire, as big as it is, has a finger in every pie. Often several. During a night of drinking in Prague, your agents claim to have befriended a sympathetic Lord, who has ties to several Arsenals absolutely packed full of disused WW1 equipment. With a generous donation to his retirement fund, he could hopefully arrange for some to be lost for you.

Col. Edouard Boucher; France's demobilization, and subsequent draw-down of its military post-war, France's reserve forces have a lot of rifles, and not a lot of men to inspect just how many they still have. Enter, Col. Boucher, a man your agents heard about in Prague, who has reportedly sold off French Military surplus to Paramilitaries in need before. Certainly an option.

Regardless of who you choose, of course, there will be the problem of getting the weapons into the country, and then setting them up in a warehouse. After your prospective newspaper was destroyed, you've elected to repurpose the building, as it's big enough, and you can rebuild the entrance to be a more secure, steel construction.

(Cost: Dependent on target. Result: Weapons will be smuggled into the country by your agents.)
Also! While I have all your attention, I'm going to plug my friend/editor's quest. Dream awhile with Me. I help out with the editing and worldbuilding, and it'll hopefully have the final character creation turn sometime tomorrow.

If you like my style of writing, I know you'll love Dream Awhile with me.
Well now.

Well now, its time to really get prepped.

[X] Plan Its not the End, but you can see it from Here
[X] Expand the RVO (Reichsversicherungsordnung)
[x] Rural Doctors Initiative (Initiative für Landärzte)
[x] Formalise a coalition
[x] Found a paper.
[x] Recruit, and Re-activate
[x] Secure Weapons.
-[x] 100K ℛℳ
-[x] Boda Gazsi
-[x] Alberico Rizzo

The RVO is popular and really shows that the current Gov is making a difference. It seems like the best way to secure support in the short term. Ditto with the Rural Doc. initiative.

Meanwhile, for the party: Formalize the coaltion and get people aligned so that we have a plan for the elections. We already have an upward battle against the NASDP, being unorganized will only aid them.

Also, get that damn paper up and running. It will be essential during the elections.

Lastly, the party military arm.

Its getting close to game time, reactivate and train people.

As for the arms deal, we need lots of weapons yesterday, and its best to keep the sources consistent to avoid logistical nightmares with weapons being sourced from a dozen manufacturers. Best to focus on more of what we already have.
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Mikhail Faustin; A White Russian who claims to be gathering funds for a glorious anti-communist Crusade into the den of bolshevism, selling firearms of varying quality from the White Army. He claims that if you're willing to chip in to his crusade, he may have some specialty equipment for you.
I say 50% chance this guy is an actual OGPU agent.
I can't advise being too openly antagonistic at this stage, ie attempting to assassinate Halder with the general election so close, though securing weapons will probably be fine since everyone's managing to do it relatively quietly.

I strongly recommend beginning coalition talks now as to be able to present ourselves as a legitimate stable competitor to the Nazi party rather than as a shoddy ramshackle coalition. Internal discipline and cohesion must be maintained for us to stand a real chance in the election, for if one party breaks lines, even say the DNVP, it could be the domino that brings us to ruin. We must work out a joint list of candidates sooner rather than later. It would also be in our interest to bring up the reservist VB members now for crash course refamiliarization and reorganization to combat the inevitable brownshirt mass intimidation that will occur upon the beginning of the election. Also would probably be a good idea to keep Thyssen at least on the same page. It would be devastating to us if big business did a full about face to the Nazis.

If we have time to geographically target places for recruitment, the four areas we would probably stand the most to gain would by Saxony(traditional stronghold of the SPD that could badly use some reinforcement), the Ruhr(rallying the SPD and Zentrum together here could be a tipping point against the KPD and Nazis), Silesia(I feel that we could easily win the sizeable Polish vote and the urban population of cities like Breslau if we took a shake at it), and Berlin itself(don't feel as confident here on account of it basically being a three way war between SPD, KPD, and NSDAP).

As an observation that I don't really know how to act on, Strasser could potentially split the vote for both the KPD, and the NSDAP if he managed to gain some traction which would obviously be quite good for us.
[] Plan Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
-[] Influencing the Rural Electrification Authority (LftElkB)
-[] Establishing an auditing authority
-[] Formalise a coalition
-[] Continue to court Thyssen.
-[] Assassinate Halder
-[] Secure Weapons.
--[] Alberico Rizzo - 100k ℛℳ

The Italian is eager for money, so he seems like the guy we can get the most equipment out of.
I'm about to head to sleep, the vote will close around 8pm AEST, so make sure to get your votes in before then!
[X] Plan Desperate Times, Desperate Measures v2
-[X] Influencing the Rural Electrification Authority (LftElkB)
-[X] Establishing an auditing authority
-[X] Formalise a coalition
-[X] Continue to court Thyssen.
-[X] Assassinate Halder (Double Down)
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[X] Plan Desperate Times, Desperate Measures v2

Going with this. I could swing to [ ] Desprate Times, Desprate Measures. I just don't want to go into an assasination without doubling down on said assasination.
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[X] Plan Its not the End, but you can see it from Here

Not a fan of assassination. We're supposed to be the good guys after all.
[X] Plan Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
-[X] Influencing the Rural Electrification Authority (LftElkB)
-[X] Establishing an auditing authority
-[X] Formalise a coalition
-[X] Continue to court Thyssen.
-[X] Assassinate Halder
-[X] Secure Weapons.
--[X] Alberico Rizzo - 100k ℛℳ

We need to do something about Halder/the 7th sooner rather than later.

We also need another source of money, and right now that means Thyssen.... *sigh*

For weapons, I also think it's better to spend a good amount on one seller than smaller amounts on multiple sellers. The latter might net us fewer weapons in total.
[X] Plan Its not the End, but you can see it from Here

Not a fan of assassination. We're supposed to be the good guys after all.

This guy is a literal war criminal!
Damn the more I think about it the more F***** Germany was. It feels like everywhere we looked there's always a psychopath who wants to eat the world raw.

For that matter, this is a historic quest, not a fantasy. We literally have a freaking paramilitary able to take over what we need to. Working outside the law is just a fact for any political group that is expected to hold on to power in the Weimar.

Unfortunately true but I still can't support a plan that doesn't double down on killing Hader. If it fails, we'll be in the hotseat at a trial fairly quickly. The State Apparatus can also be turned against us and our Paramilitary will fare worse than the SA did.
Unfortunately true but I still can't support a plan that doesn't double down on killing Hader. If it fails, we'll be in the hotseat at a trial fairly quickly. The State Apparatus can also be turned against us and our Paramilitary will fare worse than the SA did.
Oh most definitely. That's why I didn't say anything about your part. The criticism of risk and the unknown chance of success is a legitimate criticism to make. The morality thing is very much not.

This guy is a literal war criminal!

I am WELL aware of who Franz Halder is.

The fact of the matter is he has not committed any war crimes in this new timeline yet. Even in our timeline they wouldn't be committed for several more years.

Even if Hugo magically learned the type of person Halder is and what he is capable of, he has too strong of a moral compass to just order the man's death outright. Justice for men like Halder must be taken within the framework of the law.

The morality thing is very much not.

False, but I'm not about to continue derailing the quest.
False, but I'm not about to continue derailing the quest.
Once again, literally any and every political group expected to hold power is also expected to have to work outside of the law as well as inside it. That is not false. The Weimar was not a very good or stable place, until near its end when it ironically was starting to stabilize right before the Nazis seized control.
Even if Hugo magically learned the type of person Halder is and what he is capable of, he has too strong of a moral compass to just order the man's death outright. Justice for men like Halder must be taken within the framework of the law.
The chapter literally already addressed why it would be in-character for him to justify the action to himself.
You don't like the idea and have prayed for guidance every day since it was brought up. You've never killed a man, nor ordered someone to do the deed. You've confessed your conflicted feelings to your Pastor, and you know not who he was in previous life, but his reminding you of Pslam 137:1 7-9 has put things in context. You will do what you must, in the service of the Lord, even this.

Also @Random Member would you be willing to drop weapons for doubling down on assassinate? With any luck, a successful assassination would delay how quickly we need to acquire weaponry anyhow.
Also @Random Member would you be willing to drop weapons for doubling down on assassinate? With any luck, a successful assassination would delay how quickly we need to acquire weaponry anyhow.
Ehhh.... okay, fine.

[X] Plan Desperate Times, Desperate Measures v2
-[X] Influencing the Rural Electrification Authority (LftElkB)
-[X] Establishing an auditing authority
-[X] Formalise a coalition
-[X] Continue to court Thyssen.
-[X] Assassinate Halder (Double Down)
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Unfortunately true but I still can't support a plan that doesn't double down on killing Hader. If it fails, we'll be in the hotseat at a trial fairly quickly. The State Apparatus can also be turned against us and our Paramilitary will fare worse than the SA did.
@Valkur Random has now changed it to doubling down. Is that enough for you?