After the Ashes: A Fire Nation Chancellor Quest

[X] "They should fall back to positions better suited to sustaining a fighting defense; they should refrain from starting further trouble, but it would be irresponsible of us not to prepare them for it should the Earth Kingdom prove… less than receptive."

[X] Celebrations should be organized to celebrate the rise of Fire Lord Zuko.
[X] Executions of prisoners should be halted pending review.
[X] Looting should cease and discipline imposed upon those who continue.
[X] Records should be preserved and kept in good order for review.
As mentioned above, you have to put this into plan format for it to be counted. Fortunately for you, the plan Interesting Times has everything you want in it.
Shame neither of my write ins are making it in. I wonder what trouble Zuzu has stumbled into in the time he's been out of a Namiko's line of sight.
Shame neither of my write ins are making it in. I wonder what trouble Zuzu has stumbled into in the time he's been out of a Namiko's line of sight.
Toph: "It was awesome! Zuko finally coughed up my Life-Changing Field Trip!"
Mai: -Raised eyebrow- "Zuko?...."
Zuko: "I can explain everything." -pauses for a moment in thought- " Except her." -points at Toph-
Toph: "Damn right Sparky!"
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Granite on Dec 24, 2024 at 3:54 PM, finished with 103 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Interesting Times
    -[X] "They should fall back to positions better suited to sustaining a fighting defense; they should refrain from starting further trouble, but it would be irresponsible of us not to prepare them for it should the Earth Kingdom prove… less than receptive."
    -[X] Celebrations should be organized to celebrate the rise of Fire Lord Zuko.
    -[X] Executions of prisoners should be halted pending review.
    -[X] Looting should cease and discipline imposed upon those who continue.
    -[X] Records should be preserved and kept in good order for review.
    [X] "This is acceptable, general; I will ensure he understands the situation and stress the importance of retaining the territories in these coming days."
    [X] Plan: Truth and Contacts
    -[X] "They should fall back to positions better suited to sustaining a fighting defense; they should refrain from starting further trouble, but it would be irresponsible of us not to prepare them for it should the Earth Kingdom prove… less than receptive."
    -[X] Contact should be established with collaborating earth kingdom individuals of influence to undermine the earth kings attempts at a unified demand for the territories return
    -[X] Executions of prisoners should be halted pending review.
    -[X] Looting should cease and discipline imposed upon those who continue.
    -[X] Records should be preserved and kept in good order for review.
    [X] "They should fall back to positions better suited to sustaining a fighting defense; they should refrain from starting further trouble, but it would be irresponsible of us not to prepare them for it should the Earth Kingdom prove… less than receptive."
    [X] "This is acceptable, general; I will ensure he understands the situation and stress the importance of retaining the territories in these coming days. Though, perhaps it would be wiser to only bring a single regiment into Caldera itself, the other hidden but near enough to reinforce. Ultimately, I leave it to your judgement."
    [X] Celebrations should be organized to celebrate the rise of Fire Lord Zuko.
    [X] Looting should cease and discipline imposed upon those who continue.
    [X] Records should be preserved and kept in good order for review.
    [X] Executions of prisoners should be halted pending review.
    [X] "This is acceptable, general, but you should refrain from bringing soldiers into the capitol: such would make it appear as though we have something to fear."
    [X] "I will not involve myself in this sort of scheming, general; I am a loyal servant of the Fire Lord, I will not indulge such base attempts to scheme against his will."
    [X] Plan: Preparing for negotiations
    -[X] "They should fall back to positions better suited to sustaining a fighting defense; they should refrain from starting further trouble, but it would be irresponsible of us not to prepare them for it should the Earth Kingdom prove… less than receptive."
    -[X] Contact should be established with collaborating earth kingdom individuals of influence to undermine the earth kings attempts at a unified demand for the territories return
    -[X] Executions of prisoners should be halted pending review.
    -[X] Celebrations should be organized to celebrate the rise of Fire Lord Zuko.
    -[X] Records should be preserved and kept in good order for review.
    [X] "This is acceptable, general; I will ensure he understands the situation and stress the importance of retaining the territories in these coming days. I may need to give some ground on the occupied territories however. I will steer as much as I can but i worry perhaps if we push too far the Rudder will break. There has been enough tumultuousness in the leadership in recent days. I fear for the nation and if in trying to act in it's own good we will shatter it.
    [X] "This is acceptable, general; I will ensure he understands the situation and stress the importance of retaining the territories in these coming days. With the caveat between you and I that we are secretly willing to give up the occupied lands if it will secure the old colonies for the Fire Nation."
    [X] Write In
    -[X] "Excellent. The two regiments publicly swearing Loyalty to the Fire Lord will discourage opportunists, and also set him at ease that these troops are for his own protection and do much to help remind him that loyalty flows both ways. Thank you for your support general; I will ensure he understands the situation and stress the importance of retaining the territories in these coming days." (as accepting, but with the Caveat that the troops publicly swear to Serve Zuko, something which will also be of use to remind Zuko that his Troops, who've fought and bled for the fire nation, deserve the rewards they have earned.)
    [X]Plan Pausing the frontlines to allow proper negotiations.
    -[X] "They should fall back to positions better suited to sustaining a fighting defense; they should refrain from starting further trouble, but it would be irresponsible of us not to prepare them for it should the Earth Kingdom prove… less than receptive."
    --[X] Executions of prisoners should be halted pending review.
    --[X] Looting should cease and discipline imposed upon those who continue.
    --[X] Records should be preserved and kept in good order for review.
    --[X] Write In
    ---[X] Contact should be established with individual earth kingdom states to undermine the earth kings attempts at a unified demand for the territories return
    [X] Plan: Interesting Times & Contacts
    [X] Contact should be established with collaborating earth kingdom individuals of influence to undermine the earth kings attempts at a unified demand for the territories return.
    [X] Paraphernalia associated with the previous Fire Lord should be disposed of.
Our Loyalist(?) Coalition
  • Namiko Morishita, Acting Chancellor (Revisionist Colonial with Modernist Leanings, "Dear Friend" is next in line in Ministry of Public Wellbeing)
  • Lord Sen Saojo, Minister of Infrastructure (Fleeting Opportunist, Mercantilist leanings)
  • Qin, Minister of Wartime Technology (Old Friend of General Iroh, Department may be cut by Zuko)
Ozain Yes Men
  • Lord Kuemon Yanase, Minister of Industry and Development (Massively Corrupt)
  • Lord Hideaki Kugo, Minister of External Relations (???)
  • Yoshio Aikawa, Minister of Education and Science (Close Confidante of Ozai, Former Royal Physician, Pioneering Race Science)
Ozain Idealists
  • Lord Jou Tano, Minister of Public Wellbeing (Social Darwinist)
  • Mashuhiro Nura, Minister of Celestial Affiairs (Ex-Fire Sage)
Old Guard
  • Lord Toshiharu Aayoma, Minister of Domestic Harmony (Blackmailer, Loyal to the office of Fire Lord)
  • Arisu Shu, Minister of Finance (Lynchpin of Goverment Finances, Mercantilist, Allowed Ozai ordered inflation)
  • Kyoumi Ara, Minister of Agriculture (Ex-General, Hedonist, Friends with Kafu Nishi)
  • Kafu Nishi, Minister of Foreign Intelligence (Ex-General, Looter, Friends with Kyoumi Ara)
  • General Kazu Amari, Minister of War (Old "friend" of Azulon, Friends in the Army, Mentored General Iroh, Spent force Politically) [Might side with us]
  • ??? (Zuko needs a New Minister of National Defense)
  • ??? (Zuko needs a New Minister of Colonial Affairs, Department might be cut by Zuko)
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Qin, Minister of Wartime Technology (Old Friend of General Iroh, will need new department his is likely on the chopping block)
He might be able to shift to a 'general' Technology Ministry as it were. There were mentions in the posts that new technology served to improve the Fire Nation in ways beyond just weapons.
He might be able to shift to a 'general' Technology Ministry as it were. There were mentions in the posts that new technology served to improve the Fire Nation in ways beyond just weapons.

Wouldn't the position of Technology Minister, fall under the purview of the Minister of Science and Education?

You know the guy who is Pioneering Race Science right now.
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Is there an option to merge the Ministry of National Defense into the War Ministry?
It might become an option, but I would not advise going for it. Making the regular army and its officers a force that can be deployed by the government to deal with domestic opposition feels like a set-up for all kinds of worrisome consequences down the line, not least because it would leave the military well-placed to pull a coup at any time.
Interludes: Long live his majesty the fire lord
It is by the grace of Agni that the Fire Lord rules the Nation, a fact assured both by the affirmation of the sages and the holy rites of the Agni Kai, but no degree of holiness has insulated a leader from the material conditions that bind all men. No matter how sincere the devotion of one's subjects, it must never be forgotten that the first and most important precondition of authority is force: a sovereign without the capacity to assert their will upon the world is no sovereign at all, merely a vessel for the ambitions of those more capable. The Fire Lord has always wielded a great many options with regard to force: the brave soldiers of the Royal Army, the steadfast sailors of the Royal Navy, and over a dozen different elite regiments suited for more particular tasks; while all are loyal, the most respected and feared of all is the Royal Procession.

They are a force known by many names: imperial firebenders, royal companions, and palace guardsmen are all designations that have been used at times, but regardless of what they might be called, they have composed the personal retinue of the Fire Lord since their formation by Fire Lord Zoryu three centuries ago. They are a unit of elite firebenders, their members pulled primarily from various veteran units of the military, selected for a mixture of devotion, skills, and isolation; it is for that reason that commoners have been so favored within their ranks, a fact more relevant in the days when noble families dominated the politics of the nation. They are most typically sworn to a period of service lasting ten years, at the end of which they are presented with two options: an honorable commission in the army, accompanied by a grant of land in the home isles, or the swearing of a permanent oath of service to the Fire Lord. Those who choose the second forsake their family name, personal property, and any prior oaths or allegiances, devoting themselves fully to the fulfillment of the Fire Lord's will. These are the guards who watch over the interior of the palace and the royal household directly, living out the rest of their lives within the palace as companions of the Fire Lord. Their lives are comfortable but restrained, most defined by their duties and the associated preparations required to fulfill them, though it is not uncommon for members of the household to invite their companions to partake alongside them as a sign of respect for their capable service. These men and women have served the Fire Lord without fail for centuries, though the last five years have proved… difficult for this most vaunted order.

Companion Captain Hisano was among the first to receive news of the Fire Lord's defeat.

The reports she received were not the panicked conjecture of the airship crews but a concise and grim report from a fellow servant of the dragon throne, Companion Sergeant Thoki, indicating that the Fire Lord had been felled in personal combat with the Avatar. While it seemed that their sovereign still lived, he did so without dignity or the light of Agni, the second having been robbed by the Avatar and the first having been absent from the time of his birth. It was a certainty that the coming days would be chaotic, even more so than those that had followed the death of Fire Lord Azulon, and her state of mind was not particularly settled by the fact that their apparent sovereign, Crown Princess Azula, had seen fit to dismiss the Procession from the palace. After some discussion between their leading officers, they had opted to split their forces between the three gatehouses protecting the inner city, displacing the garrison units previously hosted there and carefully controlling any traffic to the palace itself. At the same time, such a decision would typically be the purview of their Companion Commander, Oda, he had accompanied Ozai on his venture into the Fire Nation and his survival remained an uncertain factor. Several hours ago, they had been invited back to the palace, though not by Azula: instead, the messenger carried word that she had been defeated in an Agni Kai, with her brother Prince Zuko, having been crowned as Fire Lord in an impromptu ceremony after the fact.

This sort of dynastic squabbling was not formally within her purview and she found herself caring little for the results - still, it was a poor sign for the unity of the imperial house. While the Agni Kai was a vaunted tradition, one that ensured that only those who carried Agni's grace might claim victory, the ritual had not been invoked in a matter of royal succession within her lifetime, and its use here was something of a surprise. That the boy had been declared a traitor by his father was something of a concern, though she was willing to wait until there was further certainty on that front before acting. In the meantime, though, she would hold course and refrain from anything that might stir up additional uncertainty.

To that end, she opted to finish up some paperwork.

It was there, finishing the security arrangement for a princess who may or may not be dead, that Kazu Amari found her. The old man had once been a far more common sight around the palace, though his presence was much diminished since the death of Azulon and the ascension of Ozai. The latter had wished to see him dismissed, alongside a whole host of his father's advisors, though the counsel of both Companion Commander Oda and his personal sage, Mashuhiro, had swayed to only banish those that were most offensive to his sensibilities while retaining those of sufficient utility or strength. While it was not her place to comment on such matters, the advisement of the Fire Lord had long been a duty reserved for the Companion Commander, she found it quite fortunate that Kazu had been retained in his role: the political and military implications of his removal would have been immense. While he was undoubtedly a talented officer, one whose accomplishments warranted great distinction, such skill faded in comparison to the political boons he offered through his mere presence.

Every citizen of the Fire Nation is bound to defend His Majesty unto death; such is a simple fact… but it is also understood that mortal men are both fallible and all too prone to unwise bouts of ambition and treachery. Kazu's existence provided a unifying factor, the respect he carried so great that none would be willing to act against him, something that provided an effective stabilizing effect to the cliques that dominated the officer corps. Even those with less dignified ambitions were forced to stow those plans and wait for his death, his influence such that even the discussion of conspiracy against his status quo would invite opposition from those who might have otherwise been allies. Her respect for him was substantial, though she rose to bow in greeting for far more personal reasons than mere appreciation for his utility to the National cause. He offered a bow in kind, his voice wry. "I see that you have not let the excitement of recent events overtake you, Companion General."

"The Procession serves at the behest of the Fire Lord; I see nothing changed about our circumstances, Minister." Her voice carried similar humor, the aging woman easing herself back down into her seat and waving for the general to do the same; in another life, she might have offered sake or sweetwine to ease the conversation, though such would be unseemly now.

Kazu carefully lowered himself into the barren chair across from her, shifting somewhat uncomfortably before continuing. "That is most heartening to hear; while I expect the coming days to be tiring, I have little doubt that the loyal sons and daughters of the Fire nation will endure." Pleasantries out of the way, he leaned forward in his chair, voice quieting as he delved into business. "I imagine it is little surprise that the situation has continued to develop; the Fire Lord has opted to dismiss Lord and Lady Yamaha after they besmirched his honor by insulting his chosen Chancellor, Namiko Morishita."

She offered a slight nod in reply, quickly making a note to ensure neither individual remained on the entry list; the chancellor was something of a surprise, if only for the fact that it was an unfamiliar name. Rather than inquire openly, she merely cocked her head, the general offering a murmur of apology as he elaborated. "A debutante from one of the colonial families. It's an… unorthodox selection, to be certain, but she seems level-headed and reasonable; our current circumstances should offer her a fair opportunity to prove her worth before the court." He was not incorrect in describing it as an unusual pick: she had little doubt that she'd be filtering no small number of ill-advised complaints from local noble families that they had not been allowed to present themselves for the role, though such was ultimately part of the job. The general continued, "More importantly, His Majesty has opted to pursue a general conclusion to offensive within the Earth Kingdom: my understanding of the situation is that he hopes to negotiate some kind of settlement, though I can't see such a thing going far. Their generals and princelings have never held a particularly firm grasp of reason. I have little doubt that they'll be attempting to take advantage of our lord's generosity in short order." She blinked, offering him a short nod of acknowledgment as she turned the fresh information over in her head; she had always thought that his mannerisms were more akin to a turtleduck than a dragon, and this attempt at benevolence seemed much in line with that. A part of her hoped he would not be too perturbed when these efforts failed: it would be a harsh disappointment for a sovereign so young, though one he was well equipped to survive when it came down to it.

Of course, there was a far more important question at hand.

"Does the Fire Lord have orders for His Procession?"

The minister made little effort to hide his pride as he looked at her, and she managed to suppress the bashful smile in kind; they were many years divorced from those halcyon days when he'd first begun to instruct her in the ways of the sacred art, but she still found herself glowing when offered his approval. "His Majesty's mind is most occupied by matters of state at the moment. I have, however, conferred with the Chancellor and we've concluded that it would be most prudent to advise the companions as to our concerns about the present circumstances. It seems likely that His Majesty will be beset by all manner of plotters and malcontents in the coming days: do not hesitate to show them the fury and grace of Agni's flame, Companion Captain." She hesitated for a moment, leaving a space for him to continue if he opted to do so; it was with similar apprehension that the old man spoke, his voice quieter than before. "I would trust that His Majesty would desire the safekeeping of his nephew; my men tell me that he holds a great deal of affection for the boy."

That uncertainty resolved, she offered him a sharp nod, both of them rising their feet. Kazu struggled for a moment, though Hisano restrained the instinct to assist him, knowing that such would only be taken as an insult: her uncle had always been a proud man.

"Long live His Majesty the Fire Lord!"

Jinhai was pleasant enough, for an Earth Kingdom town at least.

The walls were tall and sturdy, the storehouses full, and the housing most comfortable once the original inhabitants were vacated. That didn't change the fact that it was uncomfortably foreign. If Colonel Mikka Miyano was entirely honest, she did not particularly disagree with Lieutenant Yoshino's analysis of the town as horrendously rustic, a matter not helped by the fact that they'd outpaced their supply lines by several days, meaning that both her furniture and her husband were somewhere along the roads in recently seized territory. The baggage train would be arriving soon enough, fortunately, and they would be able to consolidate their position and begin putting all the chaos that accompanied the Comet Offensive to rest.

She could appreciate the strategic utility of that cosmic event just as much as any officer - only a fool couldn't - but it had wreaked havoc upon their logistics, leaving the front dramatically overextended once the comet passed. They'd pushed about ten miles beyond Jinhai, having just seized (razed was perhaps more accurate) a village whose name she hadn't bothered to learn when the flames finally began to peter out. The village had been mostly abandoned by the time that they'd arrived, the locals presumably having fled after hearing the tale of the coming offensive, but a small militia had opted to hole up there. While some of her peers among the officer corps might have seen such a thing as below notice, she'd fought on the front long enough to understand that such groups were not to be underestimated: while often undisciplined, ill-trained, and poorly conceived, they were also more than capable of causing issues along already-overstretched supply lines. While she had made some initial attempts to fortify the village after disposing of the rabble, it quickly became clear that the position was untenable; the arrival of orders advising her to withdraw to a defensible position was far more welcome, even if the restrictions upon engagement were rather odd.

It was only once they were securely garrisoned in Jinhai that she managed to learn more about the context of those orders. The ascension of a new Fire Lord - long may He reign - was something of a surprise, though not an entirely unwelcome one. She knew little of the sentiments of Fire Lord Zuko beyond the fact that he had spent the last several years pursuing the Avatar, a process that evidently had gone less than superbly given the state of the northern fleet. The exact circumstances of his rise were… uncertain, to say the least - rumors had been passed along by courier and messenger hawk just as soon as the news reached Jinhai, so it was evident that there remained uncertainty closer to home as well. In the end, it helped that the orders offered were not particularly onerous: she would not object to resting behind the thick stone walls of the town, particularly not when it gave her the opportunity to explore the comforts within the mayor's manor. While the provincial luxuries of Jinhai did not compare to those available in the metropole, the mayor's home was far more well appointed than one might expect from a man of his station: while she was not yet at a point of boredom that would reduce her to examining the finances of her hostage, she imagined that such an investigation would reveal a rather indecent amount of graft. Really, if the Earth Kingdom's leaders managed to keep their fingers out of the national coinpurse, perhaps they might have been able to afford something more than the measly guards that they'd disposed of upon arriving at the town.

All things considered, the colonel mused, the Fire Lord's crowning decrees made their presence in Jinhai a less than unbearable prospect for the locals: while a not insubstantial number of the citizenry had been displaced from their homes to make way for her men, she had restrained their typical impulses towards looting. That had been poor for morale, the men having grown used to taking their fair share once the battle was done, but discipline had been maintained thus far thanks to the celebrations she'd managed to organize. There were only a few among her unit who opted to mourn the previous Fire Lord, particularly given the lack of direction from Caldera City, and she was quite pleased to observe the good spirits among the common soldiery. The most recent pushes had been tough on her men, the aggressive pace running them ragged, so the opportunity to rest for a few days was quite welcome. She had just finished making arrangements with Lieutenant Yoshino for rotations at the town's 'tea house' - she didn't want to overwhelm the staff, sturdy as earthfolk might be - drawing the requisite funds from the former mayor's coffers. The man in question had proved quite helpful, once the good lieutenant had persuaded him to move beyond his anger and adopt a more helpful state of mind; while his virtue as an administrator was questionable, it was evident from his current cooperation that the man was at least sincere in his love for his family. She'd been quite careful to ensure that the use of his seized funds and resources was carefully tracked: while she wouldn't consider such looting, it seemed prudent to ward off anything that might present an opportunity to accuse her of such.

All things considered, the most difficult part of these arrangements over the last few days was finding a sufficient number of soldiers willing to volunteer to remain on duty while the rest of the unit indulged in the typical post-coronation revelry. While it was entirely within her authority to simply select a rota of men for this purpose, those who wished to have been included in celebrations were far more likely to indulge quietly, something that had the potential to put the entire detachment in danger if the Earth Kingdom chose to make moves… for example, like they were right now.

It was most fortunate that the current maneuvers displayed a degree of ineptitude unusual even for the typical Earth Kingdom officer; while their academies were capable of producing fine officers, that often proved an exception rather than the norm, their more usual output being little more than the self-important sons of landowners and magistrates. Given the apparent makeup of the opposing forces, she suspected that her foe today sat below even that low watermark: what few scouts remained in the field reported that the enemy force was composed of little more than levies and a few hired guards, the sort of paltry militia most often mustered up by an overambitious landlord seeking to provide a bit of additional heft to his social standing. She never quite understood how men like that hadn't wisened up after a hundred years of conflict, though she'd never begrudge them their foolishness: you should never stop an enemy from making a mistake, after all.

It was difficult to resist the urge to simply dispatch a few tundra tanks to roll up the force, though the current orders from on-high were clear enough: they were to avoid picking fights when at all possible. While it was pretty evident that the Earth Kingdom forces were preparing for an attack, their movements had been clumsy enough that she didn't really feel she could justify hitting them quite yet. That time would come soon, sure, but until then… well, she was just waiting for them to do something blatant enough to give her an excuse. It was a painful sort of exercise, given the usual emphasis that the army's doctrine placed on momentum, but she wasn't going to defy the Fire Lord's first-ever orders to the army.

She glanced over to the crudely drawn sketch of the Fire Lord that now adorned the wall; it had been sketched by one of the enlisted men - Corporal Kato if she remembered correctly - who'd been something an aspiring artist before his service. It was technically proficient, though perhaps a little lumpier than she would have liked for a depiction of the divine lord of their nation.

She'd need to see if she can get something better soon.

A quiet knock at the door demanded her attention, the ever-attentive Lieutenant Yoshino slipping into the room with a subdued expression. The man was a Fire Islander, something that made him rather rustic by the standard of the mainland, though his bloodline was clean and his loyalty firm. He came to attention before her desk, seeming almost apathetic despite missing out on the celebrations indulged by the rest of the unit. "Sergeant Ugumori reports that they've breached the outer cordon. He dispatched a rider to warn them off and they fired upon the fellow; the man is unharmed, but the Earth Kingdom forces continued their advance. It's unclear what exactly they hope to achieve, but they're currently proceeding into the outer fields to the northwest of Jinhai."

She glanced up from the paperwork, her previous apathy breaking as she considered the situation as it had been presented. "I trust our man went under a flag of truce?" The lieutenant shrugged, his expression still impassive, "Sergeant Ugomori didn't say, though I would imagine that is the case. How should we proceed, Colonel?"

The woman considered the matter for a moment before offering up a slight shrug. She had fewer forces at her disposal than she might have hoped, though their quality easily outmatched that of the Earth Nation force arrayed against them.
  • [] "They were stupid enough to march into the fields; see how they like it when we set them on fire. It's not our harvest that suffers this burden, and I'd rather not risk our men."
  • [] "Forces like these tend to break easily, lieutenant; dispatch some skirmishers and harry them till they understand the foolishness of this endeavor."
  • [] "We needn't bother with such matters - they brought no siege equipment, we can content ourselves within the safety of the walls."
  • [Write In]


The most esteemed Minister Qin found himself, not for the first time, lurking behind one of the pillars in the royal palace. While perhaps a somewhat inauspicious place for one of his stature, he felt somewhat entitled to the cover it provided given his present situation; while he had always been quite aware of the importance of status and stature, he had also never been one to choose those things over practicality, something that informed his current stance of what might be politely termed 'discretion.' Such had long been the rule during the reign of Ozai and he saw little reason to change that stance after the ascension of his heir: while the boy was softer than expected, having opted to merely dismiss the loudmouthed ministers, he had little intention of taking chances with his grace.

Of course, present circumstances demanded caution for different reasons.

With Namiko Morishita secured in her position as chancellor, at least for the moment, he would have hoped to take a moment to rest as Saojo was undoubtedly doing right now. Unfortunately, duty was his burden and this wasn't exactly something he could afford to leave waiting any longer, particularly given how overcast the sky was looking at the moment. The matter, of course, was that of the crown princess, who as of now remained chained to a grate in one of the courtyards of the royal palace. When he'd peeked out here earlier, she'd still be spewing fire and screaming somewhat incoherently, though she seemed to have calmed down somewhat over the last few hours; all he could hear from his spot behind the pillar was muted sobs, which seemed considerably less threatening than the previous apolectic rage.

He was, unfortunately, not entirely sure how he should be handling this situation.

On on hand, there was the moral element: he was not wholly comfortable with the prospect of leaving a crying child out in the rain. From a slightly more cynical point of view, being the one to intervene also put him in a good position regardless of who wound up winning this little dynastic struggle in the end, and it had never hurt a minister to have friends in the broader household…

The main issue with those considerations was that, on a very practical and material level, he really didn't want to be burned to a crisp. He was not a Firebender, nor did he have any real means to protect himself from the prodigal young royal if she opted to lash out at him, something that seemed a distinct possibility given, well… everything about how she'd behaved in the past. There was also the possibility that the Fire Lord simply wished for her to be left here, perhaps as some sort of example of callousness and strength to his court, though Qin was choosing to hope that wasn't the case. If it was… well, they had bigger issues at hand.

He was pretty sure she hadn't seen him yet, though several members of the palace guard evidently had, the two masked soldiers watching him awkwardly as they themselves kept a safe distance. This was usually the sort of situation that he would quite eagerly opt to foist off to someone else, though at the moment, nobody really seemed eager to handle it… and nobody knew where exactly the Fire Lord had gone off to, only that he had departed upon the same flying beast he'd arrived upon and promised to return shortly.

So… this was up to him.

He really wished that he could just go back to his laboratories.

How should Qin proceed?
  • [] She's a princess of the royal household: have her released from her chains, treated by the royal physician, and confined to the Peony Wing of the Palace, the same place that the pretender Chaejin had been confined during the reign of Fire Lord Zoryu.
  • [] She's a princess of the royal household and an enemy of the Fire Lord; surely he can't be angry if she's tossed into the dungeons.
  • [] Strike a very happy middle ground and order the palace guard to erect a canopy over her so she doesn't get rained on. Maybe arrange some food and drink as well. Keep her chained to the grate though: you never know if that's what the Fire Lord intended.
  • [] This… seems like a problem for someone else. Go work on that fancy new airship design that Ozai vetoed.
  • [] Write In
I'm very sorry this took so long folks! I've been quite sick recently and it's been something of a struggle to get much writing done. As always, I welcome any feedback that folks have to offer and hope that everyone enjoyed the chapter!

Voting moratorium of about five-ish hours :)
Not gonna lie I'm kinda liking the canopy option.
Seems like it might have a somewhat positive effect on her mental state ?
She's still reminded that she's there and why she's there but she's not ruing zuko and the suffering he's inflicting on her ?

eh very much imo
I'm leaning on dispatching some skirmishes to harry the earth soldiers and putting a canopy and some food. Though idk which poor sap has to feed the princess. I could also be convinced to treat her by the royal physician and such.

In terms of harrying, we're currently in an enemy village so let's not piss off the people who are living among us by burning down their crops when we're going through the effort of not looting them.

On the other hand we can't completely cede the initiative to the earth kingdom. That feels like it could lead to a mistake where we're too sure of our position and superiority such as if they're hiding earth benders amongst their ranks. So a good defense in depth seems like the proper balance.
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I mean the lone rider was unharmed that could very much be the earthbenders firing warning shots ?
Like if I were an attacking I'd try and stop the lone messanger from reporting my presence back so I'm not entirely sure this is an attack ? Or at least a conventional one. These folks are part of a militia drummed up by the local lord. They might just be trying to return to their homes if they think the war is ending.

On a grander note this isn't just a town it very much feels like it has the possibility to become a symbol.The local fire nation presence holding back is a lot less likely to be a negative symbol then them sallying forth. Especially when the fire nation garrison seems to quite overmatch this force.

We need to be careful here that a tactical victory doesn't lead to a strategic defeat.

Also on a general note remember the actions are given from the pov of the characters.

edit on another note there is some ambiguity about the rider operating under a flag of truce.
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I mean the lone rider was unharmed that could very much be the earthbenders firing warning shots ?

The rider was under a flag of truce and got shot at. No matter how you look at it, they're spoiling for a fight.

Edit: okay it isn't clear but either way we can't let them just stroll up to the walls of the town.

The local fire nation presence holding back is a lot less likely tl be a negative symbol then them sallying forth. Especially when the fire nation seems to quite overmatch this force.

Which is why we're only sending skirmishers. Basically we're firing our own warning shots at them and if they decide to get closer then we start turning up the heat literally and figuratively.
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[] "Forces like these tend to break easily, lieutenant; dispatch some skirmishers and harry them till they understand the foolishness of this endeavor."

This would probably be good for the cooperation of locals, if their plans are what I think they are (raiding what they can and sabotaging the rest)

[] "We needn't bother with such matters - they brought no siege equipment, we can content ourselves within the safety of the walls."

But allowing a typical display of earth kingdom self serving nature and and cruelty to go through will probably help with making the point that the earth Kingdom cares not for the people but only the bounty of their lands.

[] She's a princess of the royal household: have her released from her chains, treated by the royal physician, and confined to the Peony Wing of the Palace, the same place that the pretender Chaejin had been confined during the reign of Fire Lord Zoryu.

Katara is probably going to unsatisfied either way, and she'll convince Zuko he should be unsatisfied, and he will be, a little, so we should focus on what makes Azula happy. Not being treated barely better than the prisoners of boiling rock is a start.
[] She's a princess of the royal household: have her released from her chains, treated by the royal physician, and confined to the Peony Wing of the Palace, the same place that the pretender Chaejin had been confined during the reign of Fire Lord Zoryu.
-[] But first you should probably send a runner to remove any of the truly valuable artworks or anything suspected to be of sentimental value to either Lord Iroh or Fire Lord Zuko. Just in case Lady Azula throws a temper tantrum... ahem accidentally destroys something valuable once confined.
Whew, glad to see not going with Qin didn't result in an Azula breakout or Crispy Fried One-of-the-closest-things-MC-has-to-an-ally. Yet at least. I'm tempted towards canopy even if Azula could trivially burn it. Right now she seems a bit too out of it though?
Whew, glad to see not going with Qin didn't result in an Azula breakout or Crispy Fried One-of-the-closest-things-MC-has-to-an-ally. Yet at least. I'm tempted towards canopy even if Azula could trivially burn it. Right now she seems a bit too out of it though?
I think it's important that someone is happy with Azula's treatment. Katara isn't happening, and she'll drag Zuko down with her, which leaves Azula.