Ad Astra ex Lutum

One thing I'm struck by is the enemy's apparent lack of robots/autonomous weapons. I would have expected them to be mentioned as a key system for reducing casualties, even in this type of environment. I suppose marines might still be more mass-efficient and flexible, in line with their use of lasers, but it does bode well for our plan for confrontation that they're not swarming the facilities with more expendable assets.
Computing technology seems to be the only field, where we are more advanced than them. We likely wouldn't have gotten the option to crack their encryption if it wasn't for that.
I do think morale is a major issue. We're definitely going to want to focus on countering the aliens soon in that field.
We had a reroll, because otherwise we would have gotten a game over due to civil war and alien invasion at the same time. Collaborants and bad morale are a huge possible issue.

[X]Plan Failure to Communicate
Choice rankings and categorization. I suspect plutonium is off the list next month, but we can hope for the best.


[]AI Allocation Systems: (Logistics) (-40 Mobilization Capacity) (+10 Mobilization Capacity per Month)
[]Expansion of Mining Industries: (Logistics, Resourcing) (Urgent) (-30 Mobilization Capacity) (Construction Project)
[]Rapid Plutonium Production: (Experimental, Military) (Urgent) (-40 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Found the Defense Engineering Command: (Experimental, Organizational) (-10 Mobilization Capacity)


[]Expanded Air Force Funding: (Experimental, Air, Military). (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
[]Emergency Starch Reserves: (Logistical, Resourcing) (Urgent) (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Reinforce Internal Networks: (Electronic, Morale) (Risky) (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Organize Department Eight: (Experimental, Organizational, Morale) (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Refund the Applied Chemistry Department: (Experimental, Military) (Risky) (-20 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Submersible Shipyards: (Industrial, Sea, Logistical) (-60 Mobilization Capacity)


[]Decentralization of Armaments Industries: (Industrial, Military) (-50 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Third Generation Infantry Equipment: (Infantry, Military) (-20 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Continue Expanding AFV Production: (Military, Armor) (-30 Mobilization Capacity for 4 Months)
[]Next Generation Cargo Ships: (Logistics, Sea) (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
[]Expand Type 41 Car Production: (Industrial, Armor, Logistical, Military) (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Department Six Evaluations: (Morale) (Risky) (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Modernize the Space Fleet: (Military, Space) (Urgent) (-30 Mobilization Capacity)


[]Restart Theoretical Infantry Programs: (Experimental, Infantry, Military) (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Type 36 Alternative Variants: (Experimental, Armor, Military) (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Accelerate Submarine Construction: (Industrial, Military, Sea) (Risky) (-40 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Domestic Morale Programs: (Morale) (-20 Mobilization Capacity)


[]Decentralization of Electronic Industries: (Industrial, Military) (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months) (Will Disrupt Production)
[]Improvised Vehicle Programs: (Experimental, Military) (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
We had a reroll, because otherwise we would have gotten a game over due to civil war and alien invasion at the same time. Collaborants and bad morale are a huge possible issue.
They are possible, but I think the focus on it is a bit misplaced in the sense that I think its not too likely its the PSC that is going to give us problems over it. The issue then was that we would be having a armed uprising with sympathies in the military at the same time of the invasion, as a reaction to a crackdown on their paramilitaries and military associations, de-escalation would be very hard at that point on our end, and the divisions and damage it would cause would be very keenly felt, our armed forces would become very disorganized and it would affect our governance.

The main risk in my mind in terms of morale, is that people might simply not be willing to subject themselves to total war or see it as hopeless, not the kind of issue the PSC would have, but rather people like the Greens who I am pretty sure the initial broadcast was meant to target (our previous government was headed by them iirc, so they might have been working on a outdated view of our government) and that are less invested in militarism, pan-nationalism, anti-imperialism and such.
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Cannon Omake: An Engagement From The Battle Of Lunar City-One
An Engagement From The Battle Of Lunar City-One



Data Link Established

Visual Feed Transferring

Sergeant Artair Donovani

14th Special Operations Brigade
3rd Battalion
B Company
2nd Platoon

Artair could feel his heart beating rapidly, sweat coating his skin as his hand trembled ever so slightly. Whether it was from physical exhaustion or excitement, he did not know. Half of second platoon had been lost during the retreat from the surface. Thankfully, his fire team had not taken any losses- mainly because it hadn't been engaged.

They were about to rectify that.

The four-seelie stack was moving at a steady down the tunnel, augmented reality 'lighting' up the pitch black environment. Artair was last, but was watching the feed of Staff Sergeant Mccoys up front. Moving at even this placid pace was a huge effort in these spirit-damned Type-43OC suits, but needs must. Better to spend sweat rather than blood and all that.


Mccoys quiet, monotone voice rang through his head, and he followed her order on instinct. The whole stack went still as one.

"They'll be up ahead, around this corner. Mcclellani, you're with me. We will suppress, one shoots, the other reloads. Hayes and Donovani, you'll close in and assault. We know the drill. Ready? Go."

Mccoy proceeded to turn the corner, her feed showing the grizzly fate of an enemy combatant being caught by surprise and drilled through by several 15mm rounds as others scrambled to cover. Sergeant Hayes pressed forward at a jogging pace, machine gun raised, and Artair followed him, switching the feed at the same time. The only thing he could hear was his own, labored breathing. Dust started filling the tunnel from the one-sided firefight- and then Hayes turned the corned. An armored hand shot out and grabbed the barrel of his machine gun, turning the barrel upwards and away. Hayes responded by dropping the machine gun and lunging for his power armored opponent. Artair focused on the three other figures visible on the feed, two of them running away while the last was turning back around towards the scuffle, laser carbine pointing towards Hayes-

And then Artair rounded the corner and put a burst through the hostile, followed by another longer burst raking the two squirters. He then turned his aim towards the wrestling match taking place, noting with a hint of awe that the hostile had somehow managed to get its armored tail around Hayes- well, not neck exactly. Then he proceeded to put a single well-placed shot through its helmet, gore covering the tunnel behind it.

"I had it," grumbled Hayes.

"Cut the chatter, grab the body you got, Hayes, we're falling back."

Artair dutifully covered Hayes as he grabbed the armored body, as well as the machine gun he dropped, then fell back with the rest. Back into the tunnels.

Despite how tiring this whole business was, Artair couldn't help but feel content that the last days of his life would be spent on such fulfilling work.
[X]Plan Failure to Communicate
-[X]Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40x3)
-[X]Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries (-30x2)
-[X]Redundant Power Grids (-25x6)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the North-Western Sector (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-20)
-[X]Domestic Morale Programs (-20)
-[X]Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35)
Cannon Omake: Haze

The time before the War for Dannan was a haze for Pádraic Ó Bledech. Days tended to blur into one another in his apartment. The near endless glowing of a few monitors didn't help. One was on auto-scroll through the latest social media app, they had a promotion with a gacha game and he needed the spare currency to roll for the Indomitable and Investigator releases. Another he had various gacha games on. He had automated a few of the features of the daily grinds, but others were proving more troublesome. The last screen usually served to have whatever he was reading on hand, with an endless selection of things he swore to get back to.

Off in the distance, muffled by his apartment walls, he heard a few large bangs. Construct- no wait those were gunshots. He tried to peek out his apartment window, but the universal apartments barely had windows. There was some commotion, with an ambulance directed a couple blocks down.

Moving back to his computer he switched off his reading, one of the latest theory screeds by a PPM activist, and checked local social media. There was a quick flood of answers, but they were inconsistent. The Bledech city government insisted it was just a construction accident, the Bledech Workers Front accused the PSC legbreakers, Unification News (a well known PSC front) accused the WP legbreakers, and there was some sort of rumor going around military boards that it was some Independence insurgent group, although that was quickly taken down.

While he would say he was relieved to his neighbors (well hypothetically of course, he didn't actually talk to them), he felt a bit disappointed when no gunshots followed the first. It felt like there was nothing happening in the Northern cities. No jobs, no large-events, nothing to ever do. A familiar itch, but a painful one nonetheless.

At least, until he noticed something odd. A lot of the military boards he followed had gone silent. Usually there was at least one post every few minutes, and a response more frequently. But for 11 minutes there was straight nothing. This silence persisted for a few hours, even the other boards and media sites felt slower than usual.

And then eventually the flood bank broke. There was an insane amount of content being posted, almost too fast for him to skim through. Worry, panic, aggression, all of it caused from one thing. A notice of immediate mobilization, for the alien enemy has arrived.

He would like to say to anyone that all he felt was worry and panic. But to his closest friends in the 190th at the time, he would confide that he finally felt like he would be useful for once.

I've had an idea of something like this playing in my head for a while. Not a good writer by any means, but I wanted to write on the extreme unemployment rate and the elf internet a bit. The elf psyche doesn't handle chilling out well. Also chose the 190th because they're probably fucked and I memed about them in the discord.
Okay, as the creator of the Failure to Communicate Plan, I feel I should admit that I have come around to Plan Deny Soft Targets as better for this turn.

As it stands now, our population overall is under very little morale pressure. The fighting in space has gone very well considering the staggering tech gap, which presents easy opportunities for our already extant morale programs to propagandize about. Plus, our population is pre-charged to believe that the aliens are going to kill us all because that's what Elven colonialism generally took the form of.

Overall, I'd say that this means that while we definitely want to start working on the morale next turn to ensure it stays shored up once the enemy lands and the bad news starts pouring in, right now we should be in a good situation morale-wise, so cracking the alien communications seems like a better idea, especially since we already delayed it last turn.
Despite how tiring this whole business was, Artair couldn't help but feel content that the last days of his life would be spent on such fulfilling work.
God they're all freaks lmao. I mean of course they're freaks, they're all volunteers for a suicide mission with backpack nukes, but even so this is beautifully deranged. Psychotic murders here lol.
[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets

Codebreaking is absolutely more important this turn IMO, and is kind of a soft prerequisite to effective COINTELPRO anyways. The enemy isn't going to get any useful amounts of collaborators without being able to take and hold major population centers so we don't need to worry about it until they get past the orbital quagmires, giving us at least one more month of breathing room. Resurrecting the panopticon and hardening morale should be a high priority for next month but this month I believe we can afford to finish off conventional military defenses and start codebreaking. At least bunkerizing the entire planet is something where pretty much every Seelie can look outside and see the government actively working to defend them, which is good enough for morale with no enemy boots on the ground even if we also need to lock down the internet soon.
Vote Called for
[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets
-[X]Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40x3)
-[X]Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries (-30x2)
-[X]Redundant Power Grids (-25x6)
-[X]Quantum Computing Systems (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the North-Western Sector (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-20)
-[X]Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35)

Going to try for an update but might not make it before I am dragged to bed.
Blackstar threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Dice Total: 444
69 69 32 32 69 69 59 59 60 60 60 60 95 95
Blackstar threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: T/M/MP Total: 167
54 54 23 23 90 90
Blackstar threw 8 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Rolls DC 80 Total: 418
60 60 37 37 50 50 35 35 62 62 26 26 53 53 95 95
Blackstar threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Roll Total: 95
32 32 38 38 25 25
Blackstar threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Tech Re Roll(not cryogenics) Total: 152
33 33 99 99 20 20
Choice rankings and categorization. I suspect plutonium is off the list next month, but we can hope for the best.


[]AI Allocation Systems: (Logistics) (-40 Mobilization Capacity) (+10 Mobilization Capacity per Month)
[]Expansion of Mining Industries: (Logistics, Resourcing) (Urgent) (-30 Mobilization Capacity) (Construction Project)
[]Rapid Plutonium Production: (Experimental, Military) (Urgent) (-40 Mobilization Capacity)
[]Found the Defense Engineering Command: (Experimental, Organizational) (-10 Mobilization Capacity)
Candidly, I think that the time for AI allocation was either "at the beginning of mobilization" or "never." The return on investment for the AI systems drops off over time, because if the war ends three turns from now we never get back our initial investment unless the economy stays under AI control postwar.

Likewise, I think expanding the mines may be pointless now. The aliens are much more likely to target secondary industry than mines, as mines are useful to them if conquered, whereas our manufacturing facilities may well be profitably replaced by equipment of their own making if they win. Conversely, they can nullify our industrial base by hitting other targets that aren't easily repurposed by their forces, and probably do so in a more efficient way for most materials.

So expanding raw output of bulk materials may do us little good, as the bottleneck is likely to become our ability to make things out of those materials.
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