Ad Astra ex Lutum

Bioweapons and Chemical Weapons I see as something that we should only start up if the enemy makes use of them. There are going to be far, far more exposed and unprotected Elves not in sealed suits who'll be vulnerable to enemy bioweapons and chemical weapons than there will be exposed and unprotected aliens who are vulnerable to ours.
Not saying to use them as fast as can make them, just that they see it as valid weapon to use and won't be surprised to see the option for it when they get the aliens bio information and for elfs in command to call to use it at a specific use or time.
Gosh, I wonder if we should take this instead of leaving the previous action to hang in the wind and waste a pretty good roll.
Well, if the enemy suddenly exhibits unexpected aggressiveness, we could be in the awkward position where our orbital defense batteries are staring at alien troopships making re-entry directly over their heads and going "WELP" because all their laser cannon assemblies are half-disassembled in the shop that week. :p

Still, being able to shoot up at the landing forces has its charms, and while the aliens now know to expect us to be ferocious close-up fighters willing to use nuclear demolition charges at the drop of a hat, I think they haven't encountered any of our own laser weaponry yet. So we might actually be able to surprise them by using laser weapons designed around effective principles they aren't prepared to see us use.

The fortifications are not for being impenetrable they are for buying time and letting attrition do its work.
Yeah. To an extent, even just forcing the aliens to expend time and effort manufacturing impactors capable of smashing the individual bunkers is worthwhile. And wherever they land, we do NOT want our troops fighting from exposed positions if we can help it. Their laser rifles are too good; we need heavy, durable cover for our soldiers to fight behind.

As for the fortifications, orbital bombardment is the sole rational response to them. But I accede to the political realities of the auxiliary program, even as in this late hour they dig more bunkers while Dannan comes ever closer to falling to the invader, so we may proceed.
Okay, at this point you're RPing the space elves a little too hard. The point of fortifications is twofold.

Part one, to reduce the effectiveness of 'blast radius' from kiloton-range and up impactors (strategic bombardment weapons) at actually killing our people and soldiers and at eliminating our ability to fight from positions near the target point. We can't stop them from nuking any given location from orbit, but we can make it a lot more likely that someone 2-3 kilometers from the point of impact will survive and resist if they try to land troops, forcing them to resort to carpet-bombing or outright glassing of areas to be sure they got all the fighting positions. That kind of extremely heavy bombardment means you conquer very little, expend quite a bit of effort, and within certain cultural frameworks will end up looking bad.

Part two, to make sure the aliens cannot do well in ground combat. We've seen that we absolutely can defeat their ground forces at not-totally-insane numerical odds; we want them to be forced to accept that ground combat is a complete nonstarter. We have no idea why these guys are here or what they want, but many of the possible reasons for them to show up become pointless if they cannot defeat us on the ground. They MIGHT respond to that awareness by just trying to exterminate our entire species, but that was always a distinct possibility anyway, so in that case we won't have lost anything by carving our name into their racial memory as "those guys we had to take off and nuke from orbit to be sure of."

In many cases, rapid and decisive defeat of ground forces in some areas combined with effective containment of ground forces in others, such that extreme orbital bombardment fires become a prerequisite for the enemy to advance overland at all, may simply leave the aliens to believe that their objectives are entirely unattainable and that they might as well leave.

Bioweapons and Chemical Weapons I see as something that we should only start up if the enemy makes use of them. There are going to be far, far more exposed and unprotected Elves not in sealed suits who'll be vulnerable to enemy bioweapons and chemical weapons than there will be exposed and unprotected aliens who are vulnerable to ours.
It is distinctly possible that the enemy will not be as well prepared to start coming up with such things as we are.
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It is distinctly possible that the enemy will not be as well prepared to start coming up with such things as we are.
Sure, but I'm skeptical that the gains on our end would be worth the risk, especially when we have a lot of other options to enhance our military capabilities that wouldn't have the chance of provoking an escalation that our large civilian population would be particularly vulnerable to.

They're not likely to be anywhere nearly as prepared, but we have a massively larger amount of vulnerable targets to that kind of warfare.
Nuclear initiations were delayed by two hours, allowing enemy forces to take the positions before seventy new suns were born for an instant, vaporizing the defensive ring and turning them to rubble, but disrupting communications and creating sufficient dust clouds for further operations. Tunnel exits behind the force have been used for localized counter-attacks seizing enemy units from three directions, securing examples of technology in the dust storms along with twenty-three intact captives.
Medals for every single orbital trooper.
I wonder if the enemy was expecting this level of resistance?

The weaponry is far more varied and more capable than in previous examples as there is a variety of weapons even if they are all laser weapons.
Well, shit.
Fortifications for everyone, I guess.

every month of production can provide six months of military-industrial use. Expansions will technically be made while production is underway but they are not expected to be significant.
I hope the stockpiles last until our micron-level fans are sufficiently distributed.

Mass production of new shells has gone better than any expectation with over sixty discrete plants established across the planet.
That's very good.
All of these plants are camouflaged and dug in, I hope?

Sufficient numbers of barrels for organic support for most divisional formations will not be available for another three months for the mobile force and nine months for the bulk of the army. More mobile MLRS systems built onto the Type 39 Truck have entered production alongside towed guns with a greater availability as all components of the modification can be printed. Shortages of trucks and munitions are expected to limit production more than anything else, at least for the next year as production increases.
Unfortunate, but hopefully, the MLRS will compensate somewhat.

Mixed labor units under a military direction but with millions of civilian workers brought in from previously non-working youths have surged the construction efforts.
No motivation like an imminent alien invasion, I guess.

Each squad is to be equipped with a nuclear charge to ensure that they cannot be captured and ensure that when the positions are lost the enemy will have nothing.
Can we give them medals pre-emptively?

Limitations in lensing are going to limit fire above lower orbit but each battery can now clear significant portions of the sky.
Let's hope they'll be a nasty surprise for the landing ships, at least.

I would be in favor of one domestic propaganda action.
Collaborateurs are a known enemy tactic.
Assuming the roll isn't terrible, we'll at least get a Morale boost, which can be very important.
We need to do chemical and biological warfare because as our glorious founder Galchobar proved, only CBN warfare experts have the proper pro democracy mindset, also accidentally dropping some engineered hell virus on a conscript who then takes back to their home world this causing billions of deaths from what should have been a quick expedition would be insanely funnny
We need to do morale stuff. We had fash problems, and I have a suspicion the enemy's strat is going to be morale attacks and collaborators.
Yeah. If nothing else, we know that the prior "Game Over" scenario we would've had without the mulligan was the combo of "Civil War with the Fascists" and "Alien Invasion" at the same time.

So one of the best ways the Aliens have to win this war would be to get enough local collaborators to turn things into an Elven Civil War. And our society certainly has had enough hiccups up until this point that if they get a good understanding of our domestic situation and good collaborators, they could probably run a solid propaganda campaign to all those people who have been languishing unemployed and radicalizing.

Setting up propaganda or anti enemy propaganda measures will be good for keeping the population focused on the Aliens as The Enemy.
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One thing to note is that if this, in fact, a "we will be greeted as liberators" situation then the idea that that is the case will probably be behind a lot of the morale of the invaders.

Organizing Department Eight probably benefits more from some potential political cultures of the new aliens than others, but showing that this is no honor, no greater cause in this fight? Will probably go a long way towards degrading the willingness to pursue any conquest or, especially, any occupation force.

There's also a side benefit to it, in that a department focused on propaganda will also push towards an understanding of the Aliens' language and culture to improve its effect, which has the potential to open up a diplomatic front if one presents itself.
I have come around to slowing the ground fortification efforts, not because I think they won't won't be very valuable, but because of the enemy strategy. Their ground forces are clearly material-poor and not capable enough to just sweep our own; while their ships are also being bogged down in a campaign for our mining settlements. We can't expect to win there, but I think we can expect that they need that mining (or their own replacements) to sustain a campaign against the planet.

Given that, and the fact that we have already fortified the most critical regions, I think that they won't carry out mass landings in the less critical areas. They will need time to bombard, produce, and/or secure local allies before committing to land conquest. Thus, there is slightly less need to prepare for a land war and more of a need to prepare the population for a potentially long war.

Here's a modification of Preparing for Plan Orange in line with that, which trades out fortification of the Northwest for propaganda. Army hardware development remains critical to fill in the gaps in capabilities, since whenever they do land, we have a plan to counterattack that probably won't achieve surprise.

[] Plan: Mentally Preparing for Plan Orange
-[] Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
-[] Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries: (-30 Mobilization Capacity for 2 Months)
-[] Redundant Power Grids (-25 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[] Type 36 Alternative Variants (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-40/2=20 Mobilization Capacity) (Construction)
-[]Domestic Morale Programs (-20 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35 Mobilization Capacity)
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[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets
-[X]Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40x3)
-[X]Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries (-30x2)
-[X]Redundant Power Grids (-25x6)
-[X]Quantum Computing Systems (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the North-Western Sector (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-20)
-[X]Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35)

200/200 MC used

Very interesting strategy from the invaders- and one that gives us breathing room. I think we should stick to the plan when it comes to hardening- even if the enemy doesn't seem that interested in just blasting us from orbit they'll almost certainly still wipe out easy targets just out of necessity when they realize they cant just bully us with their ground forces (if they havent already). In addition im quite vindicated in building fortified works. The one decentralization project I'm delaying is armaments, on the basis that we should have munitions sorted for the mid term even if the aliens suddenly reorient and successfully strike those plants, and given the fact that Armaments is both overall less expensive and all front-loaded in cost, I believe it would be the easiest to rebuild if lost outright. Im getting Quantum Computing now since I can fit it in and it has become quite clear that us and the aliens are operating on very different wavelengths. Cracking their comms and figuring out their strategy becomes more vital then ever, and if we are lucky we might be able to get actionable intel on the lands in support of Plan Orange- unless we want to start militarizing civilian cars most of the equipment production projects we haven't already done won't be able to help Plan Orange unless the enemy takes their sweet time up in the orbitals.

Fortification works continues apace, and the anti-orbital gun upgrades are finished as rapidly as possible- that might cause some issues for Plan Orange if the enemy decides to switch gears and sprint towards landing on Dannan, but the need to upgrade the ABGs now before the enemy can get into Dannan Low Orbit remains as critical as it were before.

I'll proceed to analyze the AARs and overall situation in my next post.
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The Asteroid Front:
AAR by Brevet Captain Fodla Ailin

After the sacrifice of the SAS Biter with the loss of all hands to the Alien Enemy the logical next strike for the outer system offensive operations conducted by the alien fleet was towards the Asteroid bases. The desire for captives in the initial boarding was broadly confirmed through enemy action, but so was the ability for hardened resistance at properly built-up areas to reduce the comparative disadvantages offered by local technologies. The attack happened just a few days after the loss of the Biter, with the rest of the mining ship crews organized into an improvised brigade-level command and placed into holding down the remainder of the station by Captain Daire Sionuir.

Available assets on board included sixty prototype Type-43OC suits that could rapidly be retrofitted along with several rationalized models of assault rifles for which ammunition could be procured locally without excessively complicated synthesis pathways. Limited training, ammunition, and drills for the majority of the mining crews precluded their use as main combatants but almost four thousand soldiers were available for the defense. Local armaments were able to make simple pressure-fed hydrogen-oxygen missiles using the surplus propellant available with a simplified guidance package cloned off drone systems and locally re-programed. Captain Sionuir believed that the aliens could be defeated by conventional arms and that given the size of their warship along with the AID's best estimates of troops' strength available the key to denying an enemy operational victory was the attrition of its naval infantry.

To that end initial combat started with the reduction of station-defensive belts through the use of laser fire as was expected, with most of the devices available lost. Exact readings of jamming capacity and capability have if anything proved to be less than expected, if more than enough to overwhelm the last-generation systems of the station, requiring a downlink to be established through tight beam laser communication. Camouflage operations and discardable covers did provide enough operational surprise to enable a missile attack to be conducted with important information learned from the exchange. Further, against prepared positions with the most capable armor available enemy forces can be shattered and driven back.

Dug in suits in station corridors under the command of Captain Sionuir managed to repulse the initial platoon that exhibited poor tactical coordination if anything. Inadequacies of checking corners, pre-firing to check for hardened positions, and general overconfidence led to initial ambushes as they were penetrating the outer corridor and living quarters 3, neutralizing ten hostiles, and forcing a rout. Enemy data-synchronization systems have also been found to be far weaker, as the troops seem to be dependent on hearing rather than proper modern displays, as later strikes from dug-in positions by even under-equipped crew managed to eliminate hostiles without any attention from the rest of the squad. Repulsing the initial assault cost around two hundred brave men, with over half of the Type 43s rendered combat ineffective but little was left of the alien platoon post penetration.

External cameras and belt-surveying equipment indicated the massing of the likely remainder of enemy forces in space for a second assault, relying on the cover of their warship to prevent an ambush in a state of heightened vulnerability. Captain Sionuir chose this moment as their period of greatest vulnerability, authorizing the launch of all improvised munitions as cover for a larger-scale counter-attack conducted while the enemy was in their moment of greatest vulnerability. The lack of good angles and weight of fire led to issues in the attack, with limited degradation of enemy forces, especially as many of the rifles available were insufficient to neutralize armor even with fully exposed enemy targets. Around a company-sized force was rendered combat ineffective for twice their number of far worse-equipped soldiers and Captain Sionuir.

Information on enemy point defense capacity has been one of the most important gains, with a peak defense rate followed by thermal slowdown neatly forming a guide for adequate penetration potential. All two hundred of the low-velocity missiles were degraded before impact, but the significant pause of craft support ensured that any alien boarding attempt was doomed to failure. The significant losses incurred along with sharp return laser fire once the missiles were gone cut down the soldiers willing to take the fight to the enemy. Worse, the alien ship has likely taken living captives for experimentation of the few survivors left drifting after the initial attack. Still, no further attacks have come and at least for now, the Station has held with the alien fleet asset disengaging.

A very interesting second engagement, and one I think we can rightfully claim as a victory even if it seems the enemy managed their main operational goal of grabbing prisoners. Poor alien infantry tactics have been confirmed, and the viability of using fortifications and strong points to reduce the comparative technological advantage. The first enemy platoon got wiped out at a high cost despite this due to the equipment mismatch, but surprisingly enough Captain Sionuir spoiling attack managed to cause the most damage with the fewest losses. This is more proof that our doctrine and drills when it comes to infantry combat is straight up superior to theirs. In addition, its noted that their information sharing network is also inferior, with our augmented reality system winning out there- another edge, especially at knife fighting distances. In addition, despite the enemy gaining prisoners we gained something thats probably much more valuable: information on their PD systems and the ability to actually calculate when we should be able to penetrate enemy defenses.

Battles of Lunar City-One:
AAR by Major Eamon Slatara

Enemy force landings on the Lunar surface have come instead of a sprint to orbit with the fleet engaging in harsh reverse burns at greatly increased thrust to lower their time to target. The preparation timetable has allowed for the landing of sufficient infantry to defend the moon to the last but not enough tonnage has been moved to adequately build defenses capable of resisting an alien attack. Forces of volunteers have been gathered with the 14th Special Operations Brigade formed out of volunteer orbital forces, heroes from the terrestrial command, and those both trained and willing to martyr themselves for the defense of Dannan. This has still bought enough time for the rapid modification of Type-43OC suits for lunar combat with additional joint reinforcement and soldiers selected for their ability to lug the nearly five hundred kilogram suits.

Defensive operations on the ground outside have been surrendered to focus on the fortification of the primary Lunar city, developing defenses on the outer rings and hardening supply dumps to a sufficient point that an alien attack could be resisted if they swung at the Lunar defenses rather than bypassing them. Local food production has started with the crews available ordered into the construction and expansion of the old tunnel system that protected the initial settlers once the lunar surface was cut off from re-supply. Primary operational plans have been to prioritize the defense of the tunnels over that of the surface, using buildings as points of fire in a prepared staggered defensive operation favoring overreaching hard points and flexible under-ground counter-attacks through the old mining tunnels.

Initial landing operations were conducted by the enemy fifty kilometers away from the primary settlement site with significant commitments of armor and vehicles along with at least four hundred VTOL craft counted through planetside telescopic images. The enemy's fear of point defenses was likely due to commander over-caution as they preferred to drop at a remote LZ over a rapid assault, favoring landing zone attacks where such assets are available to carry them out. Further, it has taken them four days to gather sufficient forces for the attack, possibly speaking to a limited quantity of orbital deployment capacity even if none of the suspected landing re-entry shells have been used. This force committed to a partially mechanized assault with many of the forces involved riding desant on their vehicles along with inside of them to speed up the approach.

First contact was made with B and C company of the 3rd Battalion on the surface, managing to repulse the enemies probing assault after light fires. The laser weapons available further seem to be incredibly poor for direct fire support, achieving pinning effect but negligible fragmentation or area damage effect. Casualties were taken but compared to 152 mm guns used in the same role they have been far lesser than expected. Poor suit mobility has hampered relocation operations from the first ring of buildings but they have still been conducted under significant load, moving forces to prepared positions for localized urban backhand attacks to take advantage of the lessons learned on the orbital stations. Limited commitments of nuclear charges were made to the first row of surface buildings, ensuring that nothing was left available to the invader.

Contact proceeded on that basis as further forces piled in, though to a lower grade than those observed on the SAS Biter or the Mining Station assaults. Their armor is practically irrelevant to 15mm fire and their morale is poor in response to pinning fire. Close contact has massively favored local forces as despite lacking mobility the close confines of the lunar cities have allowed for close contact. The alien enemy's carbines are far better suited for the environment but their wielders are not, being unable to handle any form of close contact. Several enlisted have made immediate guides on limb vulnerabilities in brawls, as the attackers are arguably easier to disable through orthogonal bending of the lower limbs and simple pulling grabs or flexion of the neck to at least a ninety-degree angle than even the use of knives.

The impact of alien fires has been more significant than expected for their lack of physical impact with significant degradation of forces in the first line of buildings, forcing the 3rd Battalion to be consolidated into a reinforced company. These have fought well, buying days allowing lines to be reformed at the second line of defense, leaving a few automated systems in the buildings in preparation for shock attacks being conducted at a larger scale front. Nuclear initiations were delayed by two hours, allowing enemy forces to take the positions before seventy new suns were born for an instant, vaporizing the defensive ring and turning them to rubble, but disrupting communications and creating sufficient dust clouds for further operations. Tunnel exits behind the force have been used for localized counter-attacks seizing enemy units from three directions, securing examples of technology in the dust storms along with twenty-three intact captives.

The enemy has revealed their first gambit, and in my honest opinion wasted it. Our partial retreat managed to deflect it somewhat aswell, and despite being prevented from hardening our defenses on the moon properly we still managed to drag them into a down and dirty fight. The weaknesses of the enemy infantry is once again hammered home, although admittedly they're now fighting die-hard stay behind forces in very heavy combat suits. In addition, there seems to be a fundemental flaw in the enemy heavy support: their also all lasers by the looks of it, and that means they struggle to crack hard points and fortified structures. Poke holes, yes, but not much more. However, their weapons are still more powerful than the synods, migating our personal armor (although I imagine it'll still turn KIAs into WIAs). Their own armour isn't actually noticably better than the synods though, promising some more grizzly results when our forces clash in close combat. We've also gained prisoners, and are currently using them to start learning their language. Also, as a side node, some of our guys managed to kill the enemy with their bare hands through power armor. Now that is some radical shit, yo.

Their ability to provide ground support apart from poking holes in things with lasers seems limited, as does their VTOL capacity. The fact that they didnt use their big landers suggests that its something that can only land, meaning its a one use capability, or thats not actually landers. The former is the more dangerous option that we can plan around, so obviously we should do that. This does suggest that once the enemy deploys planetside their ability to transport forces around becomes much more limited.

In addition, it does seem like the enemy intends to take stuff intact. The fact that theyre capturing prisoners might show what their plan is- start communications and form collaborationist elements. It would be the only reasonable path to victory for them once they realise their military might is not strong enough to conquer us outright. I dont think this will be very effective, and if they start seriously going down that route we should be able to deny them. For now we should still focus on making the situation militarily impossible to win for them.
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[X] Plan: Mentally Preparing for Plan Orange
-[X] Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
-[X] Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries: (-30 Mobilization Capacity for 2 Months)
-[X] Redundant Power Grids (-25 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[X] Type 36 Alternative Variants (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X] Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-40/2=20 Mobilization Capacity) (Construction)
-[X]Domestic Morale Programs (-20 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X] Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35 Mobilization Capacity)

[X]Plan Failure to Communicate
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[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets
-[X]Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40x3)
-[X]Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries (-30x2)
-[X]Redundant Power Grids (-25x6)
-[X]Quantum Computing Systems (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the North-Western Sector (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-20)
-[X]Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35)

200/200 MC used
Adronio, by your own analysis, you expect the enemy to be trying to use collaborators against us, correct? Because in that case, I think your plan is very insufficient on the propaganda front. The aliens will have captured at least some equipment compatible with our networks by now, and it is likely that some of the prisoners they've taken will survive and start giving them an "in" on that front.

Fortifications and industrial decentralization are all very well- better than all very well- but we need to think about hardening our people's will to fight. It seems possible but unlikely to me that these aliens intend to open their operations on Danaan with a planet-devastating genocidal bombardment, and much more likely that they are hoping to talk us (or part of us) into surrender. They will almost certainly not just land hundreds of thousands of infantry and obligingly give us a series of land battles like a scaled-up version of the ones our people fought on the moon. They have to know know perfectly well that they're going to run out of infantry a long time before we do at that rate, unless their combat troops are some kind of fast vat-grown slave caste that they can churn out by the million.

So I recommend diverting resources from bunkers to the social warfare front. I tentatively approve of Dessard's plan:

[] Plan: Mentally Preparing for Plan Orange
-[] Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
-[] Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries: (-30 Mobilization Capacity for 2 Months)
-[] Redundant Power Grids (-25 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[] Type 36 Alternative Variants (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-40/2=20 Mobilization Capacity) (Construction)
-[] Domestic Morale Programs (-20 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35 Mobilization Capacity)

[total here is 195]

And am also working on my own. I want to be prepared to fight a social/propaganda war, to be able to gain insight into enemy strategy, and to keep them from turning parts of our own population against us. Thus, Quantum Computing Systems, Domestic Morale Programs, and Reinforce Internal Networks. That left me with 10 Mobilization Capacity left over, so I went for Found the Defense Engineering Command.

I lost the fortifications and Type 36 variants, but frankly... I don't think we actually need further ground combat unit advantages in order to hold our own against these guys on land, unless they have some really good stuff for ground combat that we haven't seen yet.

[] Plan: Deny Soft Social Targets
-[] Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
-[] Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries: (-30 Mobilization Capacity for 2 Months)
-[] Redundant Power Grids (-25 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[] Found the Defense Engineering Command (-10 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Quantum Computing Systems (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Domestic Morale Programs (-20 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Reinforce Internal Networks (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
-[] Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35 Mobilization Capacity)
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Adronio, by your own analysis, you expect the enemy to be trying to use collaborators against us, correct? Because in that case, I think your plan is very insufficient on the propaganda front. The aliens will have captured at least some equipment compatible with our networks by now, and it is likely that some of the prisoners they've taken will survive and start giving them an "in" on that front.

Fortifications and industrial decentralization are all very well- better than all very well- but we need to think about hardening our people's will to fight. It seems possible but unlikely to me that these aliens intend to open their operations on Danaan with a planet-devastating genocidal bombardment, and much more likely that they are hoping to talk us (or part of us) into surrender. They will almost certainly not just land hundreds of thousands of infantry and obligingly give us a series of land battles like a scaled-up version of the ones our people fought on the moon. They have to know know perfectly well that they're going to run out of infantry a long time before we do at that rate, unless their combat troops are some kind of fast vat-grown slave caste that they can churn out by the million.

So I recommend diverting resources from bunkers to the social warfare front.

I disagree, forming collaboration stuff is going to take time, and the social situation on the planet is harshly against them. The current general assumption is that this is a genocidal war, and its going to take a lot of work to change that assumption. To put it in another way, we already have defenses in place against this threat- that's just how our society is. If they start to seriously employ a strategy of developing collaborator elements we can react, until then we should focus on preparing against the much more immediate conventional threats.