Ad Astra ex Lutum

[X] Plan: Mentally Preparing for Plan Orange

[X] Plan: Deny Soft Social Targets
-[X] Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
-[X] Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries: (-30 Mobilization Capacity for 2 Months)
-[X] Redundant Power Grids (-25 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[X] Found the Defense Engineering Command (-10 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X] Quantum Computing Systems (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X] Domestic Morale Programs (-20 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X] Reinforce Internal Networks (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X] Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35 Mobilization Capacity)

I disagree, forming collaboration stuff is going to take time, and the social situation on the planet is harshly against them. The current general assumption is that this is a genocidal war, and its going to take a lot of work to change that assumption. To put it in another way, we already have defenses in place against this threat- that's just how our society is. If they start to seriously employ a strategy of developing collaborator elements we can react, until then we should focus on preparing against the much more immediate conventional threats.
That's valid up to a point, but I think you're overcompensating in the direction of ground combat. There are very practical limits to how many soldiers they can pile up aboard those ships, and how much heavy ground equipment, and we have just seen that they cannot realistically expect to win infantry shootouts with our forces at, say, 10-to-1 odds through superior tactics and equipment.

If you really want to prioritize conventional battle with the aliens, you should be worrying less about fortifications and more about combat aircraft and ships. Something like:

[X] Plan By Air And By Sea
-[X] Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40x3)
-[X] Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries (-30x2)
-[X] Redundant Power Grids (-25x6)
-[X] Quantum Computing Systems (-25)
-[X] Expanded Air Force Funding (-20x3)
-[X] Next Generation Cargo Ships (-20x3)
-[X] Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35)

195/200 MC used
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[X] Plan: Quidam Ignium
-[X]Decentralization of Chemical Industry: (-40 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)
-[X]Redundant Power Grids: (-25 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[X]Rapid Plutonium Production: (-40 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X]Found the Defense Engineering Command: (-10 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X]Quantum Computing Systems: (-25 Mobilization Capacity)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the North-Western Sector: (-25 Mobilization Capacity) (Construction)
-[X]Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2): (-35 Mobilization Capacity)

These plans! They all deny our brave soldiers the nuclear armament needed to win the war, even as they claim to be "against collaboration"!

Be not deceived, comrades! The fire of the stars is our key to victory, and must be claimed now, before the orbitals are lost! This could be the last chance to save Dannan from the twin threats of alien invasion and defeatism! Have strength now, and restore military command to an orientation of victory, rather than this managed defeat.
[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets

[ ]Plan Failure to Communicate
-[ ]Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40x3)
-[ ]Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries (-30x2)
-[ ]Redundant Power Grids (-25x6)
-[ ]Build Fortified Works in the North-Western Sector (-25)
-[ ]Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-20)
-[ ]Domestic Morale Programs (-20)
-[ ]Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35)

Slightly altered version of Deny Soft Targets where I swap Quantum Computing for Domestic Morale Programs. Honestly, I'm having trouble deciding between the two which is more important (I do want to start things up on the domestic morale front before the aliens land and the real high-casualty events start, but Quantum Computing is really good if we can crack the alien comms and figure out where they're gonna be landing before they actually do so), so I just decided to toss out this plan idea because "eh."

EDIT: Decided that sufficient points have been made that we can afford to wait a turn on Domestic Morale Programs. The serious, high casualty fighting hasn't happened yet, and in fact what fighting has gone on has gone pretty well for us.
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[X] Plan: Mentally Preparing for Plan Orange
[X] Plan: Deny Soft Social Targets
[X]Plan Failure to Communicate

I still think collaborators are a bigger threat than conventional ground based warfare
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Yeah, but I'm giving up; too much bandwagoning.

My concern is that we may end up in a position where we have to fight our way forward through seelie sepoys using the bunkers and mass-distributed infantry weapons we ourselves had made. After said sepoys decided they like the aliens that don't throw casual nuke spam around near their house more than the Danaan planetary government that does.
[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets

[X]Plan Failure to Communicate
-[X]Decentralization of Chemical Industry (-40x3)
-[X]Decentralization of Metallurgical Industries (-30x2)
-[X]Redundant Power Grids (-25x6)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the North-Western Sector (-25)
-[X]Build Fortified Works in the Southern Sector (-20)
-[X]Domestic Morale Programs (-20)
-[X]Anti-Orbital Gun Upgrades(2/2) (-35)

Slightly altered version of Deny Soft Targets where I swap Quantum Computing for Domestic Morale Programs. Honestly, I'm having trouble deciding between the two which is more important (I do want to start things up on the domestic morale front before the aliens land and the real high-casualty events start, but Quantum Computing is really good if we can crack the alien comms and figure out where they're gonna be landing before they actually do so), so I just decided to toss out this plan idea because "eh."
You are using the same plan name as Adronio?
To an extent, the under-estimation of morale well, makes sense as long as the enemy doesn't try to poke you there, but also it's one of the major risks to well, loose too. If you get large-scale collaboration units that well, neatly solve the manpower issues of the enemy especially if they can produce their equipment locally. Going for the conventional military strategy is conventional and well, causes fewer problems, but it does open a risk in the morale aspect.
[X] Plan: Mentally Preparing for Plan Orange
[X] Plan: Deny Soft Social Targets
[X]Plan Failure to Communicate
Yeah, but I'm giving up; too much bandwagoning.

My concern is that we may end up in a position where we have to fight our way forward through seelie sepoys using the bunkers and mass-distributed infantry weapons we ourselves had made. After said sepoys decided they like the aliens that don't throw casual nuke spam around near their house more than the Danaan planetary government that does.

Note, I do think its a risk; given that I pointed it out myself. Its just a prioritization issue. I do intend to start securing morale next turn, and if it looks like the enemy is focusing down on that aspect Im willing to clamp down harshly in order to prevent serious collaborating elements. I just think that denying as much territory and, well, population centers is also a key part of preventing collaborators. Population we control are infinitely more resistant to enemy influence then population we don't control.
I think it's fine for this month, as there are no large-scale clashes or orbital bombardments occurring. There isn't anything to significantly demoralize the population - some tens of thousands are going to die in the orbitals, but, well, for most people those are just heroes they don't know, rather than someone close. Similarly, people in the government are facing more risk from being killed or imprisoned by their subordinates than from alien attacks, and thus do not have that big of an incentive to cooperate with the invader, especially when it's clear that the alien victory is not assured. Next month, assuming landfall has either occurred or is imminent, that's when we'll need to step up on the morale front.
[X] Plan: Mentally Preparing for Plan Orange
[X] Plan: Deny Soft Social Targets
[X]Plan Failure to Communicate

I don't think pushing anti-subversion measures back for a turn is definitely going to invite disaster, but if I've read the situation correctly then we're expecting the aliens to begin landing operations some time next turn. Now, they can always accelerate their timetable on us and land during this turn, but if they don't then the main threat for this turn is in fact them beginning propaganda efforts, since they can do that from space to at least some extent.

Based on the combat undertaken so far, unless they're hiding some sort of massive paradigm shift up their sleeve then even if they could land right this second, they'd still lose the conventional ground war. It would fucking suck for us, but they'd lose. At this point, our aims are to mitigate the inevitable heavy damage we're gonna take as best we can, and to not lose the unconventional war. At least some effort should thus be put towards that ASAP, as far as I'm concerned. It's only 10% of our efforts, but could notably shift the one needle that determines whether or not we actually lose the war. That's a bargain, quite frankly.
I would only make the strong argument against dropping one of the fortification options. If their strategy is to go for collaborators they'll need to secure population centers, so fortifying the major population centers and denying any 'easy' targets there should be part of the strategy. Failure to Communicate is alright even if I want to cry at constantly delaying Quantum Computing.

[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets
[X]Plan Failure to Communicate
Yeah I voted Failure to Communicate because we were only saved from a civil war by the aliens showing up, and I'd rather blast everyone's feed with AI generated propaganda than have to deal with an alien Cortez.


We can try to tone it down to an acceptable minimum after the war. Actually it really helps that we met the owls first, I could see the Elves getting absolutely toxic about aliens if they didn't have the cute owl friends there to admire and encourage them.
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I do think morale is a major issue. We're definitely going to want to focus on countering the aliens soon in that field.

I don't think they'll manage to get significant collaborators this turn, though. So it's slightly less time sensitive than continuing to fortify our planet, and building our intelligence. Know yourself, and know your enemy, and all that.

[X]Plan Deny Soft Targets