Across The Spider-Verse

>A bunch of people are shocked, shocked! well not that shocked that a story about the protagonist's coming of age and finding their place in the world is PRIMARILY about the protagonist instead of the 5+ other mentor characters that it had to juggle as part of the cast.

Next, you'll tell me Lethal Weapon is primarily about Rigg's and Murtagh's buddy cop friendship :V
Well, I'm not shocked... just kinda think they coulda handled Penny and Spider Noir (even though nick cage is great) better than changing them into almost as big of joke characters as Spider Ham.

First, the "I don't look too kindly" just sound too funny, I'm sorry, you make it sound like you're a mod giving warnings instead of just one poster, lol.

Second, I do agree the response they were given wasn't too good. On the other hand, the poster derailed the entire NWH thread about their feelings on Spiderverse and Spider-Gwen a few months latter, so clearly they didn't really come out of the interactions here that traumatized, which makes me far less sympathetic to whatever plight they faced. There is a difference between having criticism of a movie, and doing everything you can to inform people of your opinion any chance you get. It feels more like they were borderline obsessed with making it known how bad they thought Spiderverse was.

If someone can't express their opinions on a popular thing without sounding caustic about it, they then shouldn't act surprised when they get flack for it to the point of just leaving. At some point, some people are just hating.
Sorry, I have a tendency to resort to more formal tone in my word choices when I'm upset, such as when I percieve people to be bullying someone and I could only really inform myself based off the poster in questions behavior in this thread because I wasn't about to do a dive into their poster history just to find out wether or not they were worth defending due to being #NoAngel
I could only really inform myself based off the poster in questions behavior because I wasn't about to do a dive into their poster history just to find out wether or not they were worth defending due to being #NoAngel
This wasn't about digging up their posting history (I am familiar enough with them that it wouldn't be that difficult), I brought these up because it's partly about the exact thing being discussed and it's partly to show that this thread wasn't what drove them off the site. In the No Way Home one, despite their derail of it, they got far more thorough and less dismissive counter arguments to their claims, but they still decided that meant they had to be GONE4GOOD.

You can criticize the poor response here, but the jump to accusing people of bullying is a tad too far.
It is a vile old trope that pushes my fellow American apart, and I hope a movie that centers such a relationship might aid is slaying that particularly lamentable dragon.

It's kind of a slippery slope, because outright focusing on it, specifically because of the race issue may only serve to divide even further.

I'm totally down for Miles and Gwen developing a relationship... because they're two characters who had great chemistry together. I don't really think focusing on the racial aspect is constructive. Granted, I am saying this from a straightish white male perspective, so take that as you may. I think showing more interracial relationships is great and absolutely something we should be doing, but I also don't think we need to be calling attention to it when it happens, as if it's something out of the ordinary and unique. It seems to be it would be more beneficial to everyone to treat an interracial or same sex relationship as... just a completely "normal" thing, because it IS.

But that is just my opinion, and I certainly respect any disagreements.
Amazing that we are getting Bagman on the villains side. Happy to see Arachne, makes sense for her to side with O'Hara, and *very happy* to see Ultimate jessica drew. I really hope they follow through on the trans themes in her story.

Wait that looks like the late 90s "Ultimate spider-man tv show" spider-man just next to Jessica Drew on Miles' side. *nice*
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Whilst I am almost ready to call this a flawless masterpiece, sight unseen, I cannot do so.

Not until we know whether or not Spiders-Man is appearing, the definitely human hero who certainly does not eat people, especially children.
I want the Emissary of hell to be a main character
He probably won't but a man can dream
Okay it seems I was wrong, my initial guess had been that Miles would want to save/spare The Spot for whatever reason and that makes him clash with the Spideys, but it seems instead to be about saving his father from something, and wanting not to have to choose between doing that and saving the multiverse.
Okay it seems I was wrong, my initial guess had been that Miles would want to save/spare The Spot for whatever reason and that makes him clash with the Spideys, but it seems instead to be about saving his father from something, and wanting not to have to choose between doing that and saving the multiverse.

That was my guess too, but what if it's crazier?. What if there is time travel involved and Miles wants to save Aaron?.
Saw it tonight. It's a banger.

I think it tries to do a bit too much and could have done with some paring down, and I had zero idea that it was the first of two parts, but it's still a banger. Aside from the fantastic music and character stuff, they really played with the visuals in a way that A) you can't do in live action and B) ruled.
I just got back from the theater and I have to say, visually this movie is 15/10 the actual best looking movie ever to grace the silver screen.
Best spiderman movie ever, it even topples off spiderman no way home. The fact that there are so many references to the other spidermen, especially ones that are from cartoons and live movie adaptations, it is quite remarkable to see them be put in this movie. Hell, even the ps4 spiderman is in there, that got me excited real quick.
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Visually it was utterly insane, but the writing felt forced and not really left with hype for the second part as it felt really predictable.