Across The Spider-Verse

The trailer looks really nice. As usual, I'm glad the animation style really seems to be evolving and you cannot convince me otherwise that they're using parts of the Spider Man Unlimited theme in there.


I can sorta see where you're coming from, but I'm just hearing elements from the first movie's soundtrack. If they are though, that is a deep cut. Also kind of a ??? moment because I don't think most people even remember that cartoon. And those that do generally agree it was super weird.
I can sorta see where you're coming from, but I'm just hearing elements from the first movie's soundtrack. If they are though, that is a deep cut. Also kind of a ??? moment because I don't think most people even remember that cartoon. And those that do generally agree it was super weird.
I remember it, and Fox Kids was the shit back then.

Oh great, here comes the nostalgia.
For my part, I kinda want the relationship between Gwen and Miles to develop further, if only because one of my major bones to pick with American media is that interracial relationships of any kind [let alone romantic ones] are one aspect of America's racist history that still has its withered claws stubbornly wrapped around the American psyche: there is a constant cultural background radiation that relationships with and among ones "own kind" are the only really valid ones, and intermixing or sharing between cultures is something bad for everyone that is to be avoided. [Not even mentioning the shit mixed-race kids, and their parents, get for bending the assumed racial hierarchy].

It is a vile old trope that pushes my fellow American apart, and I hope a movie that centers such a relationship might aid is slaying that particularly lamentable dragon.
Unfortunately from that perspective any relationship is likely going to be portrayed as a bit of a 'doomed romance' due to the alternate universe thing. I could be wrong of course but that seems the path of least resistance for the film's narrative so unless they actually want to make a romance central to the plot it's probably the route that will be taken.

‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ Delays Release to June 2023

The follow-up to the 2018 groundbreaking CGI hit 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' was to have opened in theaters in October 2022.
The studio announced Wednesday it is pushing back the theatrical release of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse from Oct. 7, 2022 to June 2, 2023.


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse II, has landed a release date of March 29, 2024, Sony said Wednesday. ("Part One" has been dropped from the title of the 2023 movie.)

Sony also revealed that Madame Web, based on the Marvel Comic character, will open July 7, 2023. The titular character is a clairvoyant whose psychic abilities allow her to see within the spider world itself. The film, an origin story directed by S.J. Clarkson, stars Dakota Johnson and Sydney Sweeney.
Official Trailer Dec 2022
Guess it'll be interesting and confusing. Spidey used to be in my fave five.
1. Fantastic Four before I realized they caused more trouble than they solved.
2. Iron Man
3. Spidey used to get up ass o'clock on Saturday's to watch the first cartoon version of him, realized he should have got a job and let the hero thing go.
4. Avengers, WHY oh WHY did they break up She Hulk and Hawkeye?
5. Thor back when he was just a crippled doctor with his magic walking stick.

But this multiverse thing, confusing as hell, haven't been able to get into the story like I know I should.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
This look really good....hope that 2099 is still alive and a good guy at the end of this
It's interesting that they're leaning towards a more-true-to-comic feel for 2099 than the other Spider Men because from what I remember, the 2099 series was incredibly dark and Miguel had a vastly different (but still the same) moral compass than Peter due to the circumstances of that comic. (I think I remember him pushing a person through a window for some reason). I'm inclined to believe that they're not going to make him durrevil but I have faith in the writers.
It's interesting that they're leaning towards a more-true-to-comic feel for 2099 than the other Spider Men because from what I remember, the 2099 series was incredibly dark and Miguel had a vastly different (but still the same) moral compass than Peter due to the circumstances of that comic. (I think I remember him pushing a person through a window for some reason). I'm inclined to believe that they're not going to make him durrevil but I have faith in the writers.
They made a big deal of all the spider-people in the first movie having an Uncle Ben moment that united their motivations. Miguel doesn't have that.

At least, he doesn't until a ways into his original run.

Miguel, while ultimately well meaning, is far more selfish and ruthless than Peter or Miles early on, it's not hard for me to imagine him in an antagonistic role.
I very much can, but I'll play along.
In general Gwen's whole character in the first movie is awkwardly written, like why she was at Brooklyn Visions they give no more explanation than "Spider Sense" but give no elaboration on how that makes sense, because they try to say it lead her to Miles but he didn't have his powers yet so why wasn't she lead to the then alive Peter Parker?
Which leads to the next question of why was she even around a week before everyone else, then there's the "I'm too traumatized to make friends" thing that is brought up once but is never relevant because she never reacts to the multiple versions of her dead best friend and constantly acts friendly to Miles during the whole movie.
Then she's treated like the tritagonist despite being just as unimportant as Noir, Peni and Ham, like it really becomes obvious she's only in the movie to be shipping bait, and since it requires so much sloppy writing to even put her in the movie I can't really see the relationship as good.
I basically agree with everything this person said except the last bit and the antagonistic tone they took saying it. Especially that first paragraph, that was the biggest headscratcher in the movie for me.

edit- I also don't exactly look too kindly on the fact that several people in this thread essentially bullied this person into leaving it.
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I get asked to elaborate why I think the relationship is bad, I do so all I get is Chan posting.
I guess having my own opinion isn't allowed here after all.
Don't worry. I actually agree with you, I thought the first movie was just what Anti-SJWs and youtube complained about. No character arc or growt whatsoever. And yet everyone loved it. Because it wasn't a woman.

I really like spiderverse but it really does feel sometimes like her entire purpose narratively is "love interest for miles" and that she didnt really have a character arc of her own. I also didnt like how flanderized and one note the other spider people felt but Im not sure how fleshed out they could have been in a movies run time without having some other aspect suffer.

Hopefully now that they have miles intro out of the way, they can give the other spider people time to shine.
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I really like spiderverse but it really does feel sometimes like her entire purpose narratively is "love interest for miles" and that she didnt really have a character arc of her own. I also didnt like how flanderized and one note the other spider people felt but Im not sure how fleshed out they could have been in a movies run time without having some other aspect suffer.

Hopefully now that they have miles intro out of the way, they can give the other spider people time to shine.

Yeah, this. IMO I'd have preferred if any romance plot waited until we got more of Gwen on her own first, since we mainly saw her through her interactions with Miles. That goes for all the Spider Peoples IMO, and it was the weakest part of the movie for me.
edit- I also don't exactly look too kindly on the fact that several people in this thread essentially bullied this person into leaving it.
First, the "I don't look too kindly" just sound too funny, I'm sorry, you make it sound like you're a mod giving warnings instead of just one poster, lol.

Second, I do agree the response they were given wasn't too good. On the other hand, the poster derailed the entire NWH thread about their feelings on Spiderverse and Spider-Gwen a few months latter, so clearly they didn't really come out of the interactions here that traumatized, which makes me far less sympathetic to whatever plight they faced. There is a difference between having criticism of a movie, and doing everything you can to inform people of your opinion any chance you get. It feels more like they were borderline obsessed with making it known how bad they thought Spiderverse was.

If someone can't express their opinions on a popular thing without sounding caustic about it, they then shouldn't act surprised when they get flack for it to the point of just leaving. At some point, some people are just hating.
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>A bunch of people are shocked, shocked! well not that shocked that a story about the protagonist's coming of age and finding their place in the world is PRIMARILY about the protagonist instead of the 5+ other mentor characters that it had to juggle as part of the cast.

Next, you'll tell me Lethal Weapon is primarily about Rigg's and Murtagh's buddy cop friendship :V