unless you order like four hundred fishbeds because who the fuck does that
Blot.Out.The SUN.With our JETS.
I regret nothing.
[@] Plan: Give me your Dangerous and Dissident
[@] Find and recruit AWACS Band-dog and his jolly crew of prison guards
[@] Ask Osea/Yuktobania for all their imprisoned former pilots
[@] Order 25 F-4E Phantoms
-Equipped with QAAMs
(Mock Serious) Reasoning: The recent engagement has proven that not all alien forces possess Ace tier combatants or overly maneuverable craft. As such, we will field a penal unit where-in disgraced former pilots can earn their wings back and pay their debt to society via combat with alien hordes. Beyond Squadron 444, Osea still has several aces (many of them Belkan) rusting away in their prison system. Give them a chance for redemption or a glorious death in combat (Belkan knightly sensibilities appeal) and it gives us disposable aces and planes that we will not miss much but can still distract/kill the enemy.
(Link to Ace Combat 0 site with a listing on all Aces in prison:
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War/Aces)
Notables (These guys are legit/canon aces):
#100 Jan Voller
#122 Berti Voght (former prisoner, can extradite his ass, the escapee)
#133 Yuri Dashkov (Traitor Yuke pilot)
#147 Griswold Veisor (Belkan)
#153 Joshua Bristow (Wizard 1/aka near-endgame boss) (Osean)
#160 Jay Porter (Wizard 8/ attempted presidential assassin) (Osean)
#163 Rainer Walter (Belkan)
Bunch of these boys were members of "A world without boundaries". They may find it ironic that they get the chance to fight for a world united against an alien foe.