CANON OMAKE: Expo City's Backstage II
Yet Another Omake!


Expo City.

City of Self Interest.

And a city that is right now raging hard against its invaders...for various reasons.


"Oh baby, why?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Arnold Wallaby, officially volunteer firefighter and unofficially a certified crop duster and soldier of the Expo City mob's marijuana division, wailed to his M18 Dromader as it lay on the highway towards Expo City from the south, its engine hood open and letting out an unhealthy amount of white smoke.

"We could have been spraying poison on aliens by now. We could be making more money now than on ordinary crop dusting days. So why would you suddenly give out on me just when I need you to help me?! Don't I maintain your engine? Don't I clean up your airframe, baby?! So then, WHY?!"

It took until morning before a truck from the Expo City mob's private airfield came onto the scene, to take the M18 Dromader and Arnold Wallaby back to the airfield for repairs.

It was from the grim faced technicians in the repair station that Wallaby learned the outcome of the invasion of Expo City, and gnashed his teeth while vowing he would do his best next time.


"Another successful bombing run!" Dana Veisi, leader of Tahr Andishan, the credit card hacker group composed of computer literate 2nd generation Kalugan immigrants to Usea, declared happily as he watched his fellow hackers cheer the results of their second bombing run.

Four grey colored humanoids sniping at Federation of Central Usea National Guardsmen from the roofs of the same number of buildings writhed while being bathed in flames. A few seconds later one managed to throw itself from roof for possible salvation, only to end up setting the dead grass of unoccupied lot it fell into on fire.

With these four, Tahr Andishan has already killed nine aliens in two bombing runs, over the span of four minutes.

The cheer of the Tahr Andishan group was suddenly wiped out when the radio, set to the military frequency of the FCU National Guard, squawked out bad news.

...the first line of defense has fallen. Second line of defense, brace yourselves.>>

"Dana, how safe are we here in our bunker? Especially now that we are officially behind enemy lines?" his second in command, Bita Hashemi, asked with a concerned tone.

"Pretty safe, especially this deep in the Expo City Mine Tunnels. The aliens won't know where the entrances are unless we become careless with how we are hiding our drone's from sight. And even if they see it, there are miles and miles of tunnels of all sorts down here. Now, shall we continue our bombing operation? Those aliens won't burn themselves alive, you know?"

"What's our target? The alien landing zones?"

"No. Too dangerous for the drones. Let's continue attacking alien snipers. Hitting semi-stationary targets are what we are best at, as far as I can tell."

"I told you we should have made bomb laden, suicide attack drones," Hashemi said in a frustrated tone of voice. "We have the money for it."

"Let's just continue to disagree," Dana muttered in the same tone of voice. "Everyone, get the drones back here! They're out of Kalugan cocktails!"


"Damn it," O'Casey muttered as he and Carcano slid down into one of Expo City's sewage tunnels from the street level. "There's too many of those aliens, and every one of them with what is effectively a grenade launcher."

"At least we bagged thirty two aliens before we had to get out of the house," Carcano said while wading through sewage. "So, where to?"

"Hmm...relocate to the North. To any spot with a field of view of their landing sites."


What do you think, @huhYeahGoodPoint?
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NONCANON OMAKE: The Virgin Pixy vs. the Chad SSRs
I'm not *entirely* sure if Pixy is sociopathic. He was insane in the end, but his goal was a commendable one; only his methods - and the rest of AWWB - was, well, genocidal.
Kind of my point. The man's got convictions. He just doesn't have a conscience.

But with that said, part of my reason for throwing him in on the write-in vote is because he's clearly aspiring towards SSR-tier air combat skills. And to really put the capstone on your SSR-tier status as an Ace Combat pilot... Well.

You need to take down a flying superweapon.

Blaze, and Trigger, in Unison: [nodnod]

Elcero and Talisman, via Videoconference: [nodnod]

Blaze, Grinning: "I know it can be embarrassing to admit you never lost your aerial superweapon virginity."

Pixy: "Hey!"

Talisman: "It's a very serious thing, you know. I've shot down five, but you never forget your first time."

Mobius One: "It was awkward for me too, Pixy. I mean, fifteen years and two wars under my belt, but somehow, I just felt like something was missing."

Blaze: "But you handled that shield ship attack run in the last mission like a champ!"

Mobius One, Blaze: [fistbump]

Trigger, Mobius One: [high fives]

Elcero, Smirking: "Now, now, gentlemen. Let's be fair to Pixy, he was technically present when I destroyed the Hresvelgr."

Talisman: "Does that count? I'm pretty sure that doesn't count."

Count: "Wait what, who called my name?"

Elcero: "No."

Talisman, Count: "Wait, to which of us?"

Elcero: "Yes."

Trigger: [nodnods]

Elcero: Now Pixy, it's past time you left the nest and took down an aerial superweapon yourself. Your 'one wing' trick is very nice and all, but it's starting to get a little overdone. You've gone through four Eagles that way."

Mobius One: "Wait, four? I shot one off, and there was the alien..."

White Witch: "Early nineties. Good times! Feisty young Pixy fly white plane. Shot his wing off, teach him lesson about stealing my colors! He learn to paint wing red, very good behavior! Dutiful! Good boy!"

Pixy: [Grits teeth]

White Witch: "Of course, then entire Belkan War happened. No Boundaries stupidityness happened. Attack on Yuktobanian contingent, allied forces. Saw boy I had shot wing off of, terrorizing poor innocent cuddly little interceptor regiment. Shot his wing off again. Then, shot other wing off!" [cackles]

Pixy, Angry: "That is not how it happened!"

White Witch: [Cackles in Yuktobanian]

Pixy, Disturbed: "Buddy... she's..."

White Witch: [Cackles Harder in Yuktobanian]

Elcero: [Cackles in Towering Lethality]

Pixy, Dismayed: "She's..."

Elcero, Calming Down: "It's very simple, Pixy. She is lording over you her superior aerial superweapon kill count. And it's working. Now man up, get out there, and key that battleship's paint!"

Pixy: "...Okay, fine." [sighs]
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CANON OMAKE: Solitary! A 444th Squadron retrospective
A 444th squadron retrospective
Spare 2:Count
Name: Lt. Daniel L. Donnahan

Convicted of: Identity Fraud, Fraud.
Lieutenant Daniel Donnahan earned his TAC name and his spot in the 444th squadron as part of a long con perpetrated against the Dowager Countess Erina Hertsch, introducing himself to her as her bastard grandson, fathered by her only son during the Belkan War. For almost two years,Daniel wormed his way into the old lady's confidence, spinning tales of his impoverished upbringing (he was actually raised in a gated community by his parents, Donald and Maria) and of his struggles to survive. The countess showered her supposed grandson in gifts and money, enabling him to live well above his means as a lieutenant. Attention was finally drawn to him, when a paralegal at the old lady's law firm recognized that there was something fishy about her re-writing her will to leave her estates to a mysterious relative, and alerted a lawyer. One covert DNA test later, and the police were called. The countess insists that the poor confused boy must not have meant any real harm, but 'Count' clearly was no innocent.

Spare 6:Full Band
Name: Lt Jack G. Williams
Convicted of: Espionage, violation of National Secrets Act.
Possibly a pathological know-it-all, Jack Williams was initially selected for advanced systems operation training after he expressed a certain cunning and way with machines. However, he was promptly kicked out of said program after he displayed his inability to keep his yap shut about anything he had seen. Jack was then sent into a flight-training unit, where he earned his TAC name for taking up 'more than a full band' with his own chatter. For unknown reasons, Williams broke into a secure area of his base after assignment to a flying unit, and was caught riffling through a superior's desk. However, based on comments from his time in the 444th squadron, we can presume that this was part of a larger pattern of obtaining secure material. Williams did not spy for any agency or foreign nation, instead looking into matters purely to make himself feel superior.

Spare 7: High Roller
Name: Cpt. Jullio R. Ceaser
Convicted of: theft, conspiracy.
A compulsive gambler, but also a very good one, the TAC name of High Roller was earned from numerous card games and a notorious stinginess in paying debts. But the mob, they have a way of making a man pay. And when that man is a Captain in the Osean air-force, they make him pay with the entire payroll of the unit when his ponies don't run as fast as he thought they would. Caught with his hand in the cookie jar, High Roller sang like a nightingale and sent his co-conspirators to jail-but found himself banished to the 444th anyways.

Spare 8: Champ
Name: Lt. Marcus B. de Kamph
Convicted of: Attempted murder, domestic violence.

Victims of abuse frequently perpetuate the cycle in turn. At six foot two, and 230 pounds, Marcus de Kamph is certainly able to perpetuate the abuse that his alcoholic father gave him. While at first it seemed that Marcus had overcome his bad beginning, and found life in the military gave him meaning, and a wife. However, stress could cause him to react violently, and his history with his father made him detest those who showed weakness to drink. On October 26th 2018, Marcus returned to the mobile home he shared with his wife Lydia, to find that she had fallen asleep after drinking and had not prepared a meal for them. This added to a long week of punishing training that had severely taxed Marcus, and he began to yell at and beat his wife. A neighbor in the housing area called MPs, who arrived to find Marcus with split knuckles, and his wife badly beaten, with both her arms broken. Paramedics were called, and Marcus was charged first with domestic battery, and later with attempted murder in the second degree.
Lydia Conner de Kamph survives her husband and has received a widow's pension from the Osean military.

Spare 11: Tabloid
Name: Eric A. Linderman
Convicted of: Sedition, vandalism, resisting arrest, unlicensed protest.

One of a number of civilians attached to the 444th squadron, Eric Linderman is perhaps the strangest of them all, as he was a civilian pilot before he was conscripted into the 444th directly out of prison. Arrested for membership in an anarchist movement descended from A World Without Borders, and throwing bricks at goverment buildings durring a protest, his pilot licence saw him singled out for special duty. Trained only in light prop planes, with 10 hours jet and no combat experience before being told to fly a Mirage against hostile pilots. Eric was lucky that the various planes sent to bomb Zapland were also training squadrons, giving him time to get used to the complicated beast he had been shotgun married to. That he survived at all an encounter with the elites of Sol Squadron over the Yinshi valley is a sign of untapped greatness. That he was crushed to death by debris rescuing civilians is a tragedy. At the time of his death, Linderman's appeal was worming it's way through the Osean legal system. He is survived by both parents.
Mission 05 ACE OF ACES: ALL OUT, Withdrawal
Trigger, what the hell are you doing? Pull back!>>

Long Caster clenched his jaw. The aliens had unleashed their own superweapon; if the difference between alien superweapons and human superweapons was anything like the difference between the alien and human fighters... no, he couldn't think like that. He had to look at what the instruments were telling him.

Waltz Two
Are you crazy?!>>

But more than that...if there was anyone that could survive, it'd be Trigger. If anyone could do anything to that alien battleship, it would be Trigger.

Goddamnit, Trigger...>>

But. There was more than just the alien battleship. There were also about a dozen alien fighters still airborne, Flowing Guard Unbreakable, and a fast moving contact from the alien battleship. The energy levels had crashed after that attack, but as he kept watching the numbers climbed straight back up. The problem was...who could he send in as backup?

His eye fell on Pixy.

Long Caster
<<...Alright. Trigger, I'll trust you. Pixy, back him up. Everyone else, pull back.>>


What?! Long Caster, why?>>

Long Caster
Goddamnit, Count, not now! Just...pull back. Have faith in Trigger.>>

...I understand.>>

FCU National Guard
Reinforcements! We need rein->>

Long Caster's fists balled up. Damn his helplessness.

...the second line has fallen, and XCOM will not be available to provide air support. Blow the bridges.>>

But sir, there are civilians on the other side!>>

I know. Do it.>>

Pixy scowled. Civilians, sacrificed again, because it would be convenient if the soldiers survived. Oh, he understood their thought process - that just made him resent it all the more. For now, he could focus on trying to eliminate the threat to those civilians: the aliens. There would come a reckoning, later. There was always a reckoning.

"Alright," Pixy said. "We're going to go up against all of that, huh?" He watched Trigger as he subconsciously synchronized his Nosferatu right behind Trigger's Nosferatu in the wingman position. He was trying to gauge how to fly with Trigger as an element. What kind of pilot was Trigger?

Trigger's answer, the moment Pixy formed up, was to accelerate at full burn. Flowing Guard Unbreakable was beneath them - they had literally dived for the deck the moment the alien battleship had launched those spheres, and the other alien fighters were far away.

Well. With one exception, the singular fighter that Pixy had titled "Nova". Bastard must've switched fighters to get back to the battlefield, but that was fine. He was going to get even for Bard 2, even if the little shit hadn't been nearly as funny as he thought.

Trigger suddenly broke right - to get on Nova 1's tail, Pixy understood, breaking left. Nova 1 shot into the gap, and Pixy pulled his plane around - how was Trigger already on the alien's tail - and the alien craft shuddered with the impact of missile hits, even as it immediately changed directions and rocketed away, too fast for Pixy to get a lock-on.

Long Caster
Trigger, Pixy, the alien superweapon is charged again!>>
Instinctively, Pixy slammed on the stick and accelerated on the throttle. His reflexes kicked in not a moment too soon; a massive sphere of purplish unreality consumed the air where the two of them had just been. Nova 1 flew away, but Pixy had no time to consider that with the two squadrons of alien fighters vectoring in. Weaving between the fire was tricky but ultimately not difficult - sticking on Trigger's tail was almost more difficult, as he accelerated forward, almost oblivious to anything except the giant airborne fortress, as he recklessly flew in endlessly shifting patterns to throw off alien plasma fire. Green bolts lit up the canopy, but all of the shots missed - even as the pair continued to fly forwards.

Long Caster
Alright, we've figured out the superweapon's patterns! The alien weapon won't fire if you're within two thousand feet of aliens! Stay close to them if you want to avoid superweapon fire!>>
Pixy smiled. Finally, some good news.

Count scowled. Passed up, again and again. Pixy wasn't even that much better than him, but Long Caster instinctively trusted Pixy over Count. Dammit, he could keep up with Trigger, he just needed the chance.

Alright, then I'm going in! We can't leave everything to those two!>>

Goddamnit, Count, when will you ever learn?!>>

No...Count's right. I'm going in.>>

Long Caster
Then let's make it official: Razgriz, Cyclops, and Strider Squadron, resume close air support. Mobius One, assume command of Strider Squadron, and everyone else, continue to withdraw.>>
And again, Count is passed up. Again and again.

Count grit his teeth.

Pixy followed Trigger down. Not far enough to be dodging apartment buildings like Trigger was, but close enough that he could almost see the power lines stringing the suburbs. Plasma fire bracketed them from above and below, but this level of firepower wasn't anything that could actually challenge Pixy, let alone Trigger. The alien battleship continued its descent above them, as Pixy and Trigger weaved through the slackening fire. Pursuing alien fighters hesitated to open fire; neither Nova nor Flowing Guard Unbreakable fancied their chances following Trigger into the suburban maze, and Pixyu wasn't above diving down into a street or two.

FCU National Guard
What the...they've stopped firing!>>

But eventually, the two of them ran out of alien ground forces to fly over. The fighters tailing the two suddenly scattered, and Pixy got ready to break away himself. The alien superweapon attack was coming.

Long Caster
Warning! Trigger, Pixy, we've got a huge power spike!>>

Trigger broke right. Pixy broke left. The first sphere, sent straight down the middle, missed them both. Pixy sighed in relief - and then felt the gash in reality right over his wingtip tear away at his mind, held together only by discipline and instinct. Pixy didn't know where the final shots went - he couldn't, not when his grip on reality extended only to the flaps of his plane.

Long Caster
Pixy! Come in!>>
"Alive," he sing-songed, as he pulled his plane back. "That old superweapon isn't going to be able to stop me," he said, pulling back in behind Trigger. Trigger slammed forward on the accelerator, and Pixy wasn't going to be left behind. The alien fighters collapsing back in wouldn't be able to catch them before the next superweapon attack, Pixy was sure. They'd stay away, or harass the ground forces some more.

The two were on a dead sprint to the battleship now. Weapons were still well out of range, but if they could just close the distance, then they'd be able to bring the full power of the ADMM to bear. Around him, the alien fighters flew west, almost parallel to their flight path; behind him new contacts sprung up, probably the alien transports. The aliens were leaving?

Not something he could be concerned about, as the Trigger's plane began to develop a sheen around it.

Long Caster
Alien superweapon fire in 5...4...3...>>
Pixy dove down, giving him a perfect view of Trigger flying straight at the alien battleship. He could've sworn he saw a purplish orange glow around the cockpit - and then the alien superweapon fired. Four streams of purple came to swat Trigger out of the sky, exploding into giant orbs that swallowed Trigger's aircraft.

Damn, PIxy scowled.

Trigger's down.>>

That's impossible ->>
An orange lance angrily spit back at the alien battleship.

Out of the other end, a black arrowhead flew out, surrounded in a sheen of fading pinkish-purple. Three strike marks adorned the tail, and encompassed an impression that Pixy could feel more than see. The engines of the Nosferatu flared brightly, surpassing the afterburners to push forward alone against the whole alien battleship. Nova rocketed in from behind and was summarily ignored in Trigger's mad movements; one instant Nova was behind him, and in the next Trigger was behind Nova after a hard break to the left, at a speed Pixy's eyes refused to believe was the same aircraft.

Missiles contemptuously swatted Nova aside, an order to get out of Trigger's way so that he could focus on the real target.

The alien battleship.

Alien fighters streaked around the sides, terrified of engaging the beast of three; Nova fled in much the same direction, and Pixy barely managed to overtax his engine enough to pull up behind Trigger. Trigger didn't even seem to register the movement. On his left, the five man formation of Flowing Guard Unbreakable pulled up, and then chose to speed ahead of the two of them. Ahead of them, the alien battleship began glowing ominously.

Long Caster
Trigger, Pixy, we're reading another spike of energy! Break! Break!>>

Pixy broke immediately. Trigger flew straight for another instant, before turning down the throttle and turning back.

Behind him, a green shield the size of a city sprang into existence around the alien battleship, and began to climb away.

The aliens were leaving.

In their wake, Expo City burned.

There was nothing any of them could do about it.

Debriefing should be done within a day or three; got midterms tomorrow, so I wanted to finish this one up and put it out.
NONCANON OMAKE: Expo City's backstage, closing act.
One more omake!


"Madar Ghahbe!" Dana Veisi, leader of Tahr Andishan, screamed as he manipulated his drone out of the way of a green colored ball of heat. "Anyone still have Kalugan Cocktails? Drop them on these bastards!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Steady...dropping!" Bita Hashemi, second in command of Tahr Andishan, exclaimed.

Her drone, which had just let go off its Kalugan Cocktail, suddenly moved left to dodge another green colored projectile from below. The bottle, on the other hand, traveled through the air in a parabolic trajectory that ended up...uselessly hitting the street, as six grey colored humanoids dodged out of the impact zone.

"Anyone still have Cocktails? Anyone?!" Dana screamed as he and Bita desperately maneuvered their drones in irregular patterns to dodge the munitions being sent their way.

A chorus of no's was the answer they received before Dana and Bita gave up and maneuvered their drones away from the handful of grey colored humanoids, back to their base.

The humanoids, in turn, about faced and started running back to the south, where their landing ships were located.

"Damn those two idiots!" Bita growled out in frustration as their third bombing run was completely ruined by two fighter planes, both of them the famous Estovakian Nosferatus, suddenly travelled just above the southern suburbs going to the north, in the process attracting the alien's attentions to the skies and then to their drones.

In the ensuing fight that happened, none of Tahr Andishan's drones were shot down thanks to very quick fingerwork on the hackers' part. But at the same time none of the hackers' Kalugan Cocktails managed to hit the aliens either.

"Don't worry. There's always next that a prostitute? What is she doing with that kitchen knife?"

A few moments later everyone was silent as they watched the beautiful girl in a two piece dress and fishnet stockings walk away from the little massacre scene she created out of the group of grey colored humanoids they had a battle with, using a kitchen knife.

"Guys, take pictures of her face and print it, so we know which woman to stay away from," Dana whispered in a mix of horror and awe, something that is answered by the men in the room with voices of assent and by the women in the room with eye rolls.


"They're running away huh?" Carcano, also known as the assassin Coppola by the Usean underworld, muttered as he looked at the aliens running into their transports through the sights of his scope.

"It's now or never, Carcano. Take a shot," his spotter O'Casey, known as the assassin Derby, muttered as he also stared, but using binoculars because his drone was shot down a minute earlier.


Carcano pulled the trigger.

Hundreds of meters away, in one of the transports the aliens were using, a transport that was crowded with armed grey colored pistol suddenly blew up.

Said pistol was in close proximity to other pistols in a crowded passenger bay, setting off a chain reaction that killed all the living things inside said transport and leaving the vehicle's insides aflame.

Barely a second passed before the hovering alien ships standing guard over the transports started to fire at every building around the landing site, while all the alien soldiers started throwing their guns on the ground in order to run faster into their transports.

"Ok, back into the sewers before one of those ships blasts us into ashes," O'Casey said as he rose up from his prone position by the second story window of the home they broke into, quickly followed by Carcano with his K31 rifle.

Twenty seconds later, as Carcano and O'Casey dropped down into the nearby sewer entrance they had used to get into position, the house they used was blown up by the aliens.


Well, what do you think @huhYeahGoodPoint?
Mission 05 ACE OF ACES: ALL OUT, Debriefing I
...We're alive. That means we accomplished the most important mission.

Not all of us.

Couldn't even scratch the bastard.


So...what's the plan now?​

I'm not supposed to say it, but honestly, I'm flying just as blind as you guys are. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's what we have to work with.

Rest up, everyone. We're all going to need it.

Are we, uh, going to talk about Trigger?​

...Not here. We'll sort that out later.

Trigger earns 5 XP. 15/50 XP to advance?? Trigger's...different.
Count earns 10 XP. 32/35 XP to advance.
Huxian earns 15 XP. At 29/20 XP to advance, Huxian advances. 9/20 XP to advance.
Jaeger earns 15 XP. At 20/20 XP to advance, Jaeger advances. 0/20 XP to advance.
Mobius One earns 9 XP. 46/50 XP to advance.
Baker earns 21 XP. At 32/20 XP to advance, Baker advances. 12/35 XP to advance.
Mobius Four earns 26 XP. At 26/10 XP to advance, Mobius Four advances. At 16/10 XP to advance, Mobius Four advances. 6/20 XP to advance.
Blaze earns 23 XP. 24/50 XP to advance.
Captain earns 11 XP. At 36/20 XP to advance, Captain advances. 16/20 XP to advance.
Pops earns 9 XP. 9/20 XP to advance.
Archer earns 8 XP. At 41/35 XP to advance, Archer advances. 6/35 XP to advance.
Fencer earns 23 XP. 23/35 XP to advance.
Tailor earns 26 XP. At 26/20 XP to advance, Tailor advances. 6/20 XP to advance.
Skald earns 22 XP. At 22/20 XP to advance, Skald advances. 2/20 XP to advance.
Lanza earns 21 XP. At 21/20 XP to advance, Lanza advances. 1/20 XP to advance.
Nine Lives earns 32 XP. At 32/20 XP to advance, Nine Lives advances. 12/20 XP to advance.
Rigel 2 earns 21 XP. At 25/10 XP, Rigel 2 advances. At 15/10 XP, Rigel 2 advances. 5/10 to advance.
Zvezda 1 earns 21 XP. At 25/5 XP, Zvezda 1 advances. At 20/5 XP, Zvezda 1 advances. At 15/10 XP, Zvezda 1 advances. 5/10 XP.
Zvezda 2 earns 13 XP. At 17/5 XP, Zvezda 2 advances. At 12/5 XP, Zvezda 2 advances. 7/10 XP to advance.
Fat Man earns 18 XP. At 32/20 XP, Fat Man advances. 12/35 XP to advance.
Chaperone earns 19 XP. At 21/20 XP, Chaperone advances.
Azdaha 1 earns 13 XP. At 13/10 XP to advance, Azdaha 1 advances. 3/10 XP to advance.
Azdaha 2 earns 20 XP. At 21/10 XP to advance, Azdaha 2 advances. At 11/10 XP to advance, Azdaha 2 advances. 1/10 XP to advance.
Waltz 2 earns 15 XP. At 19/5 XP to advance, Waltz 2 advances. At 14/10 XP to advance, Waltz 2 advances. 4/10 XP to advance.
Druid 1 earns 5 XP. At 5/5 XP to advance, Druid 1 advances. 0/10 XP to advance.
Druid 2 earns 5 XP. At 8/5 XP to advance, Druid 2 advances. 3/5 XP to advance.
Druid 3 earns 5 XP. At 8/5 XP to advance, Druid 3 advances. 3/5 XP to advance.
Druid 4 earns 13 XP. At 13/5 XP to advance, Druid 4 advances. 8/10 XP to advance.
Bard 1 earns 5 XP. At 5/5 XP to advance, Bard 1 advances. 0/5 XP to advance.
Bard 3 earns 5 XP. At 5/5 XP to advance, Bard 3 advances. 0/5 XP to advance.
Bard 4 earns 5 XP. At 5/5 XP to advance, Bard 4 advances. 0/5 XP to advance.
Pixy earns 17 XP. 17/35 XP to advance.

Baker is SS-Rank.
Mobius 4 is S-Rank.
Zvezda 1 is A-Rank.
Zvezda 2 is A-Rank.
Fat Man is SS-Rank.
Waltz 2 is A-Rank.
Druid 1 is A-Rank.
Druid 4 is A-Rank.

3x F-14X XCOM Hellcat II.
3x EML.
Mobius Three.
Mobius Five.
Bard Two.

Pulford is waiting for Long Caster just outside the debriefing room. Hands folded behind his back, his frame is pulled into a taut line.

"Sir," Long Caster instinctively salutes. Pulford returns it sharply, before motioning Long Caster to follow him.

"Report," Pulford tightly says.

"Mission accomplished, though not because we drove them off - "Long Caster starts.

"That is not what I care about. Losses?" Pulford demands.

"Mobius Three, Mobius Five, Bard Three, and their aircraft. No chance of recovery."

Pulford nods. "Is that all?"

Long Caster blinked. "What do you mean, is that - ?"

"If that is all, that will be the best bloody piece of news I have had the displeasure of hearing all night," Pulford bit out.


Pulford glances sideways at Long Caster for an instant, before focusing in on the middle distance. The two of them walk in tense silence down a hallway. By the time they complete a loop around the building without stopping, Long Caster realizes Pulford is pacing.

Finally, Pulford sighs.

"I suppose there is no point in trying to compartmentalize anymore. XCOM USEA may well be the vast majority of XCOM's remaining combat power. We lost contact with XCOM OSEA's HQ shortly after combat operations began, and have heard nothing since.

"As for XCOM VERUSA, we have a report from their HQ that the submarine Gullfaxi reported hitting the alien battleship before a white beam hit somewhere near their location. Supposedly, that beam was so bright everyone on the continent could see it. After that, the alien battleship began to ascend, and alien screening elements are currently preventing XCOM VERUSA from ascertaining the status of the Gullfaxi.

"XCOM ANEA is the other branch that's managed to survive reasonably well, and by reasonably well I mean 'have managed to limp away with combat assets'. Supposedly, the hero of the Emmerian-Estovakian War, her wingmate, and the tattered remnants of Windhover Squadron managed to survive the alien burst attacks, while ground forces managed to not lose everybody to the alien attackers, thus leaving them in the second-best state out of all of XCOM."

"What about the Belkan front?" Long Caster asks.

"Nothing but bad news. Our EOMDF liaison was disappointed that no more help was forthcoming, and with reports of alien forces providing air and ground support the front line has been moving as fast as the EOMDF can retreat. Supposedly, the wing led by El Cero is slowing down the alien advance. But only that."

"I see."

"Which leaves us now in this bloody mess. We have the choice of either centralizing our forces, or spreading our aces out to try and stem the bleeding. Considering that you are the one in command of the forces, well..."

[] We should centralize our forces.
Gathering our aces, research, and engineering teams together, we abandon Osea entirely, leave tripwire forces in Anea, and then choose between centralizing in either Verusa's Red Corridor or Selatapura. The risk, of course, is that XCOM OSEA, ANEA, and VERUSA will simply disregard orders; however, the remaining force will be much stronger and be much more able to resist alien incursion.
[] We should stem the bleeding.
We maintain the four branches of XCOM, although we retreat to more defensible strong points; XCOM ANEA will reestablish itself in Bartolomeo Fortress, XCOM VERUSA remains in the Red Corridor, and XCOM OSEA finds and/or creates a new strongpoint entirely. In order to sustain these groups, we dispatch ace squadrons, like Strider, Cyclops, Razgriz, and Mobius Squadron for support.

Front page is not yet updated; I'll get around to that sometime TM. Gains from the Battle of Expo City are currently uncollectable, due to on-going house to house fighting between the National Guard and chitinous...bug creatures. XCOM is too far away to assist, at the rate they're clearing the city. Armor elements are currently thundering down the highway to hopefully put a stop to it.
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CANON OMAKE: Constellation I
Rigel Squadron left the briefing room.

Nine Lives walks in the lead, Rigel 2 one step behind him. Zvezda 1 and Zvezda 2 follow to their left.

They're not headed back to the barracks.

They're walking to the Corner. The Wall. The Shrine. The Board.

They're walking There.

By the time the four of them arrive, Mobius One angrily stalks away, holding a roll of tape. Baker is headed a different direction. Mobius Four looks back and forth, before deciding to run after Mobius One.

The tackboard has another face. Three, in fact. Five glasses are turned down, the golden hues of lingering whiskey sliding down the candle-lit shot glasses.

Nine Lives almost can't bear to see it.




Fuck. They had made it, hadn't they? They survived the goddamn Oseans, they survived the goddamn Radicals, they survived the goddamn drones, and now they died?

"...what the fuck was the point, then?"

The sound echoes off the corner, and off the insides of his skull. Hot tears pour out of his closed eyes.

He hasn't heard back from his hometown in weeks...but he saw it last week.

Or at least, the smoke plume from where the GPS told him was his town.

He spent all of last week frantically double-checking for the slightest possibility of his orientation training being wrong, his sense of direction being wrong, his instrumentation having errors.

He failed.

"What the fuck is the point," he reiterates, fists clenched.

Zvezda 2, squatting behind him, pipes up.

"Spite, mostly."

Nine Lives whips around.

Zvezda 2 shrugs.

"Oh, we say that it's for patriotism, or family, or protecting your home, or some other bullshit, but after a while the sane fighters stop fighting for anything else than to make the other bastards pay, or to stop the real basketcases," he blithely continued, before tilting his head. "Though I suppose the sane people would have stopped fighting, so really I mean the less insane fighters."

Rigel 2 moves to intercede. Zvezda 1 shakes his head and holds up a hand, stopping Rigel 2.

Inchoate fury rises up. "What the fuck do you know - "

Zvezda 2's eyes are completely apathetic. His eyes are stuck between focusing close in on the wall and focusing on memories flashing behind his eyes. It is a chilling gaze, one that smothers the hot-tempered words bubbling out of Rigel 1's throat.

"What the fuck does an Estovakian know about an endless civil war, huh?" he blankly says, standing up. "First of all, it sucks pretty bad when you lose. Four times, by my count. Zvezda 1, that about right?"

"Speak for yourself, punk," Zvezda 1 snorts.

"Second of all," Zvezda 2 says, tone flat, "fuck you for saying that I don't know what it's like to lose everything."

A fist lashes out.

Nine Lives rocks back, nearly falling onto the shrine before catching himself.

For a shocked moment, Nine Lives holds his hand up to the numb patch. "You hit me," he breathlessly says. "Are you...asking for a fight?"

A glint sparks in Zvezda 2's eyes.

"You're kinda slow, aren't you? I've been demanding one."

"Zvezda 2, you're a fucking idiot," Zvezda 1 said.

"He needed to let that out," Zvezda 2 said, holding an icepack to his black eye. "If someone had to get hit in order to make it happen," he shrugged, "well, someone needed to do it."

Zvezda 1 rolled his eyes, holding up the gauze pad. "I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how your sorry ass started a fight you weren't ready to win."

Zvezda 2 chuffed. "I guess that's why your flight lead, then. Not picking pointless fights you can't win. Though if that's the case, why didn't you stop me?"

Zvezda 1 applied the gauze, studiously silent.

"Tch." Zvezda 2 smirked. "I guess you're not all that different."

"Shut up," Zvezda 1 said. "I'm still mad, you know. Thanks to your stupid fight and the cleanup, we missed Mansour's game against United."

"Wait what?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!" Zvezda 2 said, bolting upright. "Wasn't it supposed to start in a few hours?!"

Zvezda 1 raised a clock. "You stumbled back into bed after he beat you like a drum and passed out for four hours."

"Oh." Zvezda 2 sheepishly said. "I see. Did you at least..."

"No, because I've had to watch your sorry ass. Now we'll have to go to Azdaha for the recording, and you know how much they charge for those recordings."

"Tch," Zvezda 2 muttered, sitting down.

because writing omakes is more fun than simulating a world economy :smile:
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February 15th, All Out Debriefing II
IUN-PKF-XCOM Resources

Critical Statistics:
Total Industrial Capacity: 222,250 IC
Personnel: 1800
Overall Commander: Stephen Pulford

Available Industrial Capacity: 74,000 IC
Local Industrial Capacity: 2400 [Planes] IC
Personnel: 400
Selatapura Air Command (shared with Selatapura International Airport)
Fort Grays Island Base

Commander: Long Caster
Allied Units: Gunther Bay Emergency Home Defense

Artificial Wonder: International Space Elevator "Lighthouse".

Alien Assets:
0 Alien Fighters.
4x Alien Gunships.
3x Alien Bulb Ships.
5015x Alien Alloys.

Spare Aircraft:
4x Su-33 Flanker
1x Su-37 Terminator
1x F-15 Eagle
6x F-35 Lightning II
7x F-16 Fighting Falcon
5x F-18E/F Super Hornet
3x F-14X XCOM Hellcat II
3x Special Weapons: EMLs.

Selatapura Air Command Base:
Slots: 34/72
Defensibility: B
Airfield (3 Slots)
Barracks (6 Slots)
Hangars (4 Slots) [16/16 Aircraft] {HARDENED}
Storage (8 Slots) [48/48 Aircraft]
Research Labs (1 Slots) {HARDENED}
Engineering Bays (1 Slots) {HARDENED}
Command Center (2 Slots) {HARDENED}
Aerospace Factories (4 Slots)
Defenses: (5 Slots)

Fort Grays Airbase:
Slots: 15/18
Defensibility: C
Command Center (1 Slot)
Airfield (3 Slots)
Barracks (1 Slot)
Hangars (4 Slots) [14/16 Aircraft]
Storage (2 Slots) [11/12 Aircraft]
Docks (2 Slots) [Heavily Damaged]
Defenses: [2 Slots] [Heavily Damaged]

Available Industrial Capacity: 21,700 IC
Personnel: 250
Gracemeria Air Force Base
Bartolemeo Fortress

Commander: Raynard Ball
Allied Units: Republic of Emmeria's Armed Forces, Kingdom of Nordennavic's Armed Forces.

Available Industrial Capacity: 47,950 IC
Personnel: 600
Oured Air Command

Commander: Kiara Crespo
Allied Units: Osean Self Defense Forces

Available Industrial Capacity: 76,200 IC
Personnel: 600
The Red Corridor

Commander: Anton Smolaresk
Allied Units: Yuktobanian Army, Verusa's Federal Armed Forces


  • Under this heading are the technologies developed by XCOM's Research and Development divisions, as well as potential projects for later adaptation.

    • Under this subheading is the collection of all research related to aliens - alien biology, alien technology, and anything else.

      • This section covers the basic research into aliens.

        • Our foundational understanding of aliens contains far more questions that it does answers; nevertheless, as scientists, we must seek to answer these questions. What we do know is this: these aliens do not share a genetic history with us, they use materials technology beyond our ken, they have exhibited hostile tendencies, along with some degree of control, and that is all we know.

          Unlocks: Alien Alloy Research, Fighter Analysis.
        • Our first autopsy of an alien that we have confirmed to have killed has resulted in some disturbing conclusions. The first is the functional existence of some degree of telepathy both among aliens and among our personnel on base. The second was that these aliens exhibited far too little genetic variation to be natural; we found less expected variation than between close relatives in between species, let alone drawing from a population. The third was that these aliens were genetically distinct from the material found in alien fighters, indicating multiple species brought to war against us. As part of that, we suspect the machinery we found the aliens in to have some sort of effect, and that a combination of radio waves and magnetic fields have caused distress in some aliens.

          Unlocks: Psi-Jamming Pod
          Research Unlocks: Sectoid Framework, ???
      • This section contains our research specifically into alien technologies.

        • Alien Alloys are one of the aliens' most foundational materials, and for good reason; it is a stable metallic hydrogen alloy that is superconductive from subzero to thousand degree temperatures, it has a melting point likely in the thousands of degrees, an incredible propensity to vibrate, and an ultra-high impact strength. Unfortunately, these properties come with a corresponding weight, and a our efforts to determine tensile strength has found that it does not possess the same sort of ludicrous strength found elsewhere. Use on aircraft should be sparing, due to its strength-to-weight ratio being comparable to steel.

          Unlocks Alien Alloy Utilization (Crude).
          Unlocks Alien Alloy Fabrication.
        • One of the greatest obstacles to our ability to utilize Alien Alloys is the crudeness of our shaping techniques; our only method to shape Alien Alloys at the moment is the bastard child of an induction furnace and an MRI, and as a result we are sharply limited in our ability to utilize this substance.

          Unlocks: Alien Alloy Utilization (Industrial).
        • Our analysis of the alien bulb ships reveals a set of strange machinery that managed to mostly survive what looks like an alien power source explosion; our results of running a current through the strange machinery has resulted in lifting far more mass than the current strength should be able to lift.

          Unlocks: ???
        • With the revelation of Sectoid telepathy, and the obvious centrality of Bulb Ships to alien formations, it seems worthwhile to investigate the framework surrounding the Sectoids on the Bulb Ships, and see if we cannot find any insights.

          Unlocks: Psychic Insight?, ???
      • This section contains our analyses of alien craft.

        • With our initial disassembly of the alien fighter craft, we've been able to discover how to properly strip these alien fighters for alloy. We've also found out that while our munitions were likely failing to penetrate the alien craft, all of the ships exhibited serious internal damage. Currently, we don't understand the principles behind many of the alien craft's internal machinery; however, the alien plasma cannon is likely the closest to discovery.

          Unlocks: Fighter Salvage (Alloy)
          Unlocks: ???
        • Comprehensive study of the alien bulb ships has revealed that the bulb ships are C&C vehicles without an obvious transmission vector; our current theories involve the Sectoids we found inside the Bulb Ships.

          Unlocks: Strange Machinery
        • Our study of the gunships, by contrast, have given us some real insight into how the alien plasma cannons function, especially since we now see some larger scale examples of their functionality. Some of the cannons are even functional enough for our own use; however, due to their extreme weight and power requirements, we can only use those for ground-based installations. However, we are still missing pieces in our understanding of how these plasma cannons function; our best guess is that we need more high-energy research.

          Unlocks: Gun Ship Salvage (Cannon)
          Unlocks: ???
    • Under this subheading contains our research on aircraft designs.

      • The F-14X, Charlie Burn's pride and glory. A modification of the F-14 that brings it into the supermaneuverable era, this plane boasts extremely strong capabilities across the board.

        Unlocks F-14X XCOM HELLCAT II.
      • The F-35 Lightning II series aircraft was designed for the modern battlefield, giving advanced stealth, avionics, and supermanueverability at a more affordable price point than the F-22, even with slightly lower theoretical dogfight performance. The F-35D Lightning III intends to adopt the lessons of the hypermanueverable aircraft XCOM has lying around to make the F-35 fully superior the F-22.
        Unlocks F-35D Lightning III
      • One thing that has hampered many of the 5th generation designs is a generally limited production run; there hasn't been the truly awe-inspiring production runs that models like the Mig-21 and F-4s enjoyed, resulting in less production opportunities. Maybe this represents an opportunity to optimize those production lines.

        Unlocks: 5th Generation Aircraft cost reduction.
    • This subheading contains our research into high-energy particle research.

      • One of our foundational pieces to understand on an institutional level how to utilize magnetic fields to accelerate particles in a line within current technology - as well as how to partially utilize alien alloys.

        Unlocks: Alien Alloy Utilization (Linear Accelerators)
        Unlocks: Cyclonic Accelerators
        Unlocks: Toroidal Energy Storage
      • If research into Magnetic Accelerators was research into how to manipulate the motion of particles through the usage of magnetic fields at short range, cyclonic accelerators is the study of fundamental physics to alter the properties of particles at long distance. Somehow, there is spinning and circles involved.

        Unlocks: Cyclonic Shielding (Large)
        Unlocks: Superconductive Accelerators
      • Toroidal energy storage was an idea kicked around when the Alien Alloy's properties were fully considered, allowing for vastly higher amounts of electricity to be stored in smaller installations.

        Unlocks: Distributed Electrical Network (Ultracapacitators)
        Unlocks: ???
      • Cyclonic Shielding is an application of Cyclonic Accelerators made most famous by the Arsenal Bird's APS systems; by forcibly orbiting fundamental particles almost a kilometer away from the point of origin in rapid orbits, hostile matter is destroyed and weaponized light is diffracted into harmless mist, while friendly power and missiles can exploit instantaneous gaps in coverage to leave the bubble.
      • Utilizing magnetic accelerators to accelerate highly radioactive particles into each other, an exceptionally powerful explosion is created. With only an understanding of magnetic accelerators the resulting warhead is too big to be mounted on typical airborne missiles - however, with advances in particle and accelerator technology it may be possible to shrink the warhead.
        NOTE: This technology has international regulations placed on its research, but thanks to a couple of grandfather clauses its usage is not restricted. Proceed with whatever measures you see fit.

        Unlocks: Burst Cruise Missile!
      • Our research into the alien weaponry has given us insights into how we can replicate the technology for our own use. While we still do not fully understand the basic principles behind the cannon's functionality, we believe that with some further research into high-energy physics we may be able to use and produce our own.

        Unlocks: Plasma Cannon!
      • While current testing indicates that our lasers do not appear to deal significant damage to the alien craft, we feel as though there may be some potential along the lines of using lasers to conduct an electrical discharge onto the alien fighters.

        Unlocks: Electrolasers!

  • Under this section is XCOM's Engineering Department, where the engineers bring the full potential of XCOM's Research to life, as well as building capability for XCOM as a whole.

    • The field of manufacturing is a direct line of research for creating what XCOM research can dream up. Improvements to manufacturing carry manifest consequences both for XCOM and for the world as a whole.

      • The fundamental group of engineering talents, this is the process to construct a pipeline for industrial capacity.

        Unlocks: Build Industrial Capacity!
        Unlocks: Aerospace Factory Construction
        Unlocks: Hardened Structures.
        Unlocks: ???
      • A branch of basic industrial development, in exchange for the versatility of the basic factory, the Aerospace Factory greatly increases speed of production of aircraft that XCOM possesses the blueprints for, as well as boosting Aircraft related Research purposes. Each additional 2000IC in Aerospace Factories qualifies as half a Research Lab for Aircraft-related research.

        Unlocks: Build Industrial Capacity [Planes]!
        Unlocks: Aircraft Skunkworks
      • Aircraft Skunkworks are the next natural step in aerospace research; by giving scientists a dedicated space and area to specifically focus on aircraft research, aircraft research can be greatly boosted. It's a combination of placing manufacturing bays right next to the testing range, right next to top-of-the-line computing hardware. Research that would've taken ten weeks to crosscheck between labs scattered across continents can be completed in a ten-hour rapid iteration.

        Unlocks: Build Aircraft Skunkworks.
        Unlocks: ???
      • As part of XCOM VERUSA's gift to you that you somewhat embarassingly never quite managed to fully implement, your structures can be retrofitted for increased resistance to damage - future buildings will implement this automatically at no extra cost.

        All new buildings automatically start with Light Damage Resistance.
        Unlocks: Bunkers [1000 IC, 1 Slot, 1.5 Defenses, and Medium Damage Resistance]
        Unlocks: Structural Hardening [200 IC per Slot, confers Light Damage Resistance]
        Unlocks: Resistant Structures
      • While it would be simple to continue stacking defenses on the outside of buildings, this rapidly runs into difficulties with diminishing returns for increasing cost. Naturally, the next place to turn to is the internals of a building, which can be restructured for improved damage resistance.
      • Normally, it would be the work of the world's best engineers backed by a team of hundreds to even try and optimize a production process, let alone many of them. A group of qualities which you just so happen to now possess.

        Will boost IC production!
      • One of the critical issues facing you is how to rapidly construct or refurbish buildings; as is, there are many delays in the commonly accepted construction methods, methods which your engineers think they can streamline.

        Will reduce build times!
    • There exists a category of project so immense that construction is like nothing else in the world; those are called Megaprojects, and they frequently have rewards to match.

      • The Lighthouse is one of the world's greatest landmarks; a bona-fide space elevator, with power generation capabilities way beyond geostationary orbit providing effectively unlimited power to the entire continent of Usea and beyond. It was damaged in the Lighthouse War, but you have helped to restore the Lighthouse to its former glory.

        Electrical power restored for the Usean continent!
        One-way signals established for the Usean continent!
        Space travel reenabled as an option!
        Unlocks: Usean Lighthouse Network
      • The existence of the Lighthouse as the largest radio tower in the world presents an easy way to beam communications to everyone all over Usea, and possibly the hemisphere. However, it is also so big that it is conceivable that everyone could also beam communications at the Lighthouse without being confused; with some reinforcement and additional hardware, this could prove to be the backbone of an information network that does not rely on satellites.
      • Stonehenge is the quintessential superweapon. Everybody knows about it to some extent - it was one of the greatest anti-Ulysses weapons, repurposed by Erusea to take over the continent before being taken out of commission by Mobius One. You led an effort to protect the Osean army as it reused the last cannon for a shot at destroying one of the Arsenal Birds through its shield; to do the same thing to the aliens, you are planning to repair it and turn its guns to the heavens.
      • The Dashau Resurgence Plan was a plan borne of desperation on multiple fronts; incoming waves of millions of refugees were an imminent crisis, and Selatapura was refusing to host them. Luckily for you, Dashau was a nearby city whose ports mostly dried up in favor of better ports, and as a result there lies much abandoned space in the city that you can repurpose to refurbish into temporary housing for the refugees.
    • Under this heading goes all the projects that don't quite have a place to belong under the other schema; nevertheless, these are all projects that fall within Engineering's remit.

      • Project Neighborhood Watch is a short project that is meant to keep track of hostile capabilities from space without spending an excessive amount or reweaponizing space. In its maiden voyage, it overflew Belka multiple times before being completely totaled by the debris in low earth orbit; repeated visits may not achieve quite the same degree of success.

        Unlocks: Neighborhood Watch Satellite [10 Engineer-Weeks to complete]
      • Project Dove is a project to deal with the satellite debris clogging up low earth orbit by reusing the Pilgrim One and a spare TLS lying around base after the TLS failed to deliver promising results; as a result, the Engineering teams have drafted a plan to slap the TLS onto the Pilgrim One and use it like the Arkbird cleaned up the Ulysses debris.
      • Through some discussion with fighter pilots about the lacking qualities of the current training regimens, your engineers have a proposal on how they might be able to improve the training sims to be more useful for your pilots; however, that remains entirely theoretical as of this moment.
      • One of the possible projects for your engineers to tackle was the question of how to improve fighter autocannons. While many fighter autocannons are naively "optimized" to a large degree, they are optimized for different threats than the alien fighters; therefore, it seems like it may be possible to build fighter autocannon that is optimized for anti-alien work.
      • One idea that your engineers have hit upon, both from the new engineers and the inevitable conclusion upon examining the Stonehenge blueprints, is the idea of using electrothermal chemical firing instead of the traditional gunpowder charge for your large guns and EMLs. The advantage of this system is the potential for higher exit velocities and more consistent output; the downside is that it's cutting-edge status means that there are few suppliers of these type of rounds in the world, if you're not willing to build your own.

  • Under practices is the set of practices adopted by XCOM as an organization. Further projects will improve XCOM's functionality and ability to execute functions.

    • Under this heading lies XCOM's tactical doctrinal thinking, developed off the battlefield so that doctrine can be easily implemented on the battlefield.

      • Hammer and Nail Doctrine is the inital doctrine for XCOM's forces, revolving around long-range Nail troops launching long-range munitions while alien attention is occupied by close-range Hammer troops. This doctrine takes advantage of XCOM USEA's shockingly high concentration of aces as well as willingness to bet on EML technology.

        Unlocks: Jackhammer Doctrine
        Unlocks: Artillery Spotter Doctrine
      • Jackhammer Doctrine is a doctrinal evolution of Hammer and Nail Doctrine that evolves off of Hammer and Nail troops by including intermediaries of varying skills, to better protect the Nail troops as well as providing more support for Hammer troops. As the resulting shape looks like attacks in a continuous wave repeatedly, this doctrine has adopted "Jackhammer" as a codename.
      • Building off of Hammer and Nail Doctrine, Artillery Spotter Doctrine utilizes the greater networking capabilities of the F-35 and F-14X to ensure complete battlefield vision at all times, allowing the Nail troops to fire to greater effect.
    • Organizational Practices are what keep XCOM as an organization functioning, as well as providing information for the Commanders to use.

      • By delegating one person's tasks to keep track of national news and GDP, Commanders are provided with weekly updates about national industrial capacity as well as notable pieces of information.

        Unlocks: Nation Screen.
        Unlocks: Advanced National Updates.
      • With the formalization of meeting times between Commanders and their subordinates, less time and energy has to be dedicated to each meeting to figure out what the Commander needs to know and when.

        Unlocks: Status Report!
        Unlocks: Abbreviated Report
        Unlocks: Reporting Chain
        Unlocks: Morale Report
      • With great effort and focus the amount of topics that need to be covered in a meeting can be reduced even further, reducing the costs of Status Reports. The only slight issue is that with the increase in efficiency comes a price in exactly how much can be covered in a meeting. While it isn't a problem yet, this is something to keep an eye on.

        Reduces Status Report cost.
      • With the ability to give formalized reports comes the ability to spread this through an established chain of command, reducing the burden on the commander at the expense of the system as a whole.

        Unlocks: Bidirectional Reporting
      • Just as results must flow up to the commander and orders downwards, so too must questions or problems flow up the chain of command so that the commander can do what he can to fix the problem.

        Reports issues that various teams are having in greater detail.
      • One key component of management is figuring out how the various members of the organization are holding up. The Morale report includes reporting the morale of various members of XCOM, to better ensure that XCOM maintains capability well into the future.

        Unlocks: Morale Descriptions!
        Unlocks: Stress Relief [Action]
        Unlocks: Arrange Amenities [Action]
      • Of course, no organization has any real institutional knowledge if it does not record its own lessons. This documentation covers the research performed by this XCOM branch, to preserve its own knowledge.

        Unlocks: Research History!


Kingdom of Nordennavic
Kingdom of Nordennavic

Nordennavic is located on the northwest of the Anean continent, near the North Pole. As a result, much of the country is nearly permanently encased in ice, especially in the wake of the 1994XF04 Ulysses Disaster. Nordennavic's economy is greatly buoyed by its thriving machine industry, although its status as a net-food importer has Nordennavic constantly wary. Diplomatically, Nordennavic has remained staunchly neutral for centuries, and insists on having a military only for self-defensive purposes. Recently, it has absorbed many refugees over the course of the past decade, and has considered joining the Republic of Anea initiative, only to break apart when Emmerian and Estovakian tensions have boiled over.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 21,000
    1. 5,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 11,200 supplying XCOM ANEA
    3. 4,800 available
  2. Energy Production: 92,000
    1. 84,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 5,000 supporting Population Quality of Life
    3. 3,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 5,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 7/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Macmillan Heavy Industries
Republic of Emmeria
Republic of Emmeria

Emmeria is located on the western side of the Anean continent, close to the North Pole. Officially titled the Republic of Emmeria, it was founded in the mid 1500s by King Aurelius II. Between its natural highlands and high latitude, much of the land is barely fit for human habitation; the regions that are, however, is Anea's best breadbaskets. Naturally, this resulted in Emmeria becoming the preeminent superpower on the Anean continent, boasting a world-class economy and high-living standards throughout. Emmeria's economy is sustained through its wide variety of economic activities and trade. Emmeria's armed forces are considered in a class of their own with regards to combined arms doctrine, if not nearly the size of Osean or Yuktobanian militaries. One of the primary proponents of the Republic of Anea initiative, Emmeria withdrew due to Estovakian aggression. Having recently won the Emmerian-Estovakian War in 2015-2016, Emmeria's economy has largely been focused on internal rebuilding and supporting the Estovakian civilian government.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 101,000
    1. 80,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 10,500 supporting XCOM ANEA
    3. 10,500 available
  2. Energy Production: 484,500
    1. 404,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 80,000 supporting Population quality of life
    3. 500 available
  3. Population (Est.): 80,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 6/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  • Talisman, a SS-tier ace.
  • Emmerian Combined Arms Doctrine
Federal Republic of Estovakia
Federal Republic of Estovakia

Estovakia is located on the eastern side of the Anean continent. Officially titled the Federal Republic of Estovakia, Estovakia has undergone much political turmoil recently. With even more of its land occupied by naturally mountainous terrain, Estovakia has even less habitable territory than Emmeria. However, absent any major disasters, Estovakia would have survived. Ulysses 1994XF04's Anean fragments obliterated that dream, destroying much of Estovakia's government and infrastructure. In the ensuing chaos, Estovakia broke out into near total warlordism for a period of seven to eight years, by which point in 2007 established military factions began to form in the ruins of Estovakia. However, these factions soon turned on themselves and began another grueling six or seven year long civil war, before finally unifying under the Eastern Front lead by the military junta of the Generals. In 2015-2016, they conducted a war against Emmeria which they very nearly won before being utterly routed by the Garuda Team's Talisman. Since then, Estovakia has been recuperating from nearly two straight decades of nigh-universal war footing in an incredibly harsh environment.

They are extremely grateful for XCOM ANEA's timely assistance in completing a geothermal plant several weeks ahead of schedule. Understandably, they will continue to focus on ensuring that their own citizens do not freeze; however, they are willing to donate materiel to XCOM's efforts.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 13,000
    1. 9,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 4,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 70,000
    1. 52,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 15,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 3,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 15,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 1 (4) /10
  6. Militarism: 1/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Destroyed Superweapon Chandelier
  2. Albastru-Electrice
  3. Strigon Squadron Remnants
Osean Federation
Osean Federation

Osea is located in central Osea. Officially titled the Osean Federation, Osea is one of the two strongest nations in the world, boasting both an economy and military with only a single peer. Spanning much of the Northern Hemisphere, Osea has nearly every clime imaginable within its borders, and has the population to match; moreover, most of its citizenry enjoy an extremely high standard of living on top of Osea's incredibly strong Defense Forces. It is a federal presidential republic.

In the wake of the Battle of Granada Plains, Osea has publicly aggrandized their accomplishments with the Arsenal Bird, while privately taking their Arsenal Bird off into a crash upgrade program. It appears as though they are dissatisfied with their recent showing. The looming threat of an alien-bolstered Belka is also reawakening old contingency plans.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 910,000
    1. 800,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 10,000 IC supporting Arsenal Bird Vigilance Refit
    3. 22,000 IC supporting XCOM OSEA
    4. 78,000 IC available
  2. Energy Production: 4,627,000
    1. 3,640,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 800,000 supporting Population quality of life
    3. 180,000 supporting Osean Special Projects
    4. 7,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 800,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 4/10
  6. Militarism: 9/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Grunder Industries
  2. Basset Space Center
  3. Arsenal Bird Vigilance
  4. Monk 2 "Bodhi" - S-Tier ace.
  5. ???
Democratic People's Republic of Leasath
Democratic People's Republic of Leasath

The Democratic People's Republic of Leasath, or Leasath for short, is currently under the control of Diego Gaspar Navarro. Located near the tropical regions south of Osea, Leasath's fertile lands can support a significant population, but the current economic collapse and civil war has left the vast majority of its population poor and destitute.

General Diego Gasparro Navarro's tentative victory in the civil war promises to change the Leasathian's situation, but to what end is as of yet uncertain.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 20,000
    1. 12,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 8,000 supporting ???
  2. Energy Production: 125,000
    1. 80,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 28,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 17,000 supporting ???
  3. Population (Est.): 35,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 8/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets:
  1. ???
Federal Republic of Aurelia
Federal Republic of Aurelia

Aurelia, officially titled the Federal Republic of Aurelia, is located on the southern tip of the Osean continent. It is rich in natural resources and as a result, enjoys a disproportionate prosperity relative to its size. Aurelia employs a modestly-sized military mostly equipped with top-of-the-line equipment, and is one of the leading researchers in the cutting edge field of particle research.

Post Battle of Granada Plains, the Federal Republic of Aurelia is content to bask in the success of their pilots within XCOM OSEA while continuing to mobilize.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 43,000
    1. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 6,500 supporting XCOM OSEA
    3. 6,500 available
  2. Energy Production: 224,500
    1. 172,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 50,000 supporting population
    3. 2,500 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 6/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Biggest Aluminum supply
  2. Cyclone Accelerators research
  3. Falco 1 - a S tier ace
  4. Gryphus 1 - an SS tier ace
Principality of Belka
Principality of Belka

Belka, or the Principality of Belka, is located in central Osea, bordering the Osean Federation to the east. A once-mighty industrial nation, the economic collapse of early 1990s and the Belkan War of 1995 brought the Principality of Belka low; stripped of its rich territories and an international pariah for being the only user of nuclear weapons on their own soil, Belka has made clear that it holds the rest of the world in as much disdain as the rest of world holds for it, and that Belka is perfectly comfortable holding grudges until the other party is dead. In the intervening two decades, the Belkan diaspora has rightly and wrongly received reputations for being malicious schemers, but also for an incredible technical capability.

Recently, they have allowed alien ships to land within their borders without contest. The aliens have not fired upon them either. Belkan rhetoric begins to ramp up in intensity; some warn of another Belkan War.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 65,000
    1. 50,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 15,000 supporting ???
  2. Energy Production: 330,000
    1. 260,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 55,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 15,000 supporting ???
  3. Population (Est.): 70,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 0/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 5/10

Special Assets:
  1. Superweapon Wreck Excalibur
  2. V2
  3. Only uranium mines in the world
  4. Aliens
Federation of Aboriginal Tribes of Osea
Federation of Aboriginal Tribes of Osea

FATO, or the Federation of Aboriginal Tribes of Osea, is located towards eastern Osea, bordering Belka to the west and the Nordland Confederacy to the east. Originally consisting of indigineous tribal nations who by strokes of good fortune managed to industrialize at a pace sufficient to keep up with would-be colonizers attacking into mountainous terrain, FATO has become an established power to be reckoned with; it was not until the Belkan War of 1995 that FATO truly found itself unable to resist Belkan advances. In the intervening years, FATO has focused on internal development, as well as closer diplomatic relations with the other eastern Osean nations to better secure FATO's interests against Osea and Yuktobania.

Belka's increasing aggression and alien assistance is driving them to seek closer ties and to similarly mobilize.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 34,500
    1. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 2,250 IC supporting XCOM OSEA
    3. 2,250 available
  2. Energy Production: 169,750
    1. 138,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 1,750 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 5/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10

Special Assets:
  1. Only economical source of lithium in the world.
Kingdom of Gebet
Kingdom of Gebet

Gebet, officially titled the Kingdom of Gebet, was spun off from Belka's eastern territories in 1988. It is landlocked on all sides, surrounded by Recta to the south, Wielvak to the east, Belka to the west, and FATO to the north. In 1995, Gebet was reoccupied as part of the Belkan War, but was soon liberated; since then, the Kingdom of Gebet has focused on cultivating a stable trading partnership between Recta and FATO to the north and south, as well as a general effort to deepen ties with other eastern Osean nations.

Belka's increasing aggression is making these efforts take on a new and worried tone; diversification of investment into both XCOM OSEA and the Eastern Osean Mutual Defense Forces seems like a good investment to them.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 32,000
    1. 27,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 2,500 supporting XCOM OSEA.
    3. 2,500 available
  2. Energy Production: 154,500
    1. 128,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 25,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 1,500 available
  3. Population (Est.): 35,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 4/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Republic of Recta
Republic of Recta

Recta, or Republic of Recta, was formed in 1988 during Belka's relinquishing of eastern territories; however, a strong current of Rectan independence has been charted from all the way back from 1970. It is a landlocked country, surrounded by Belka to the north and west, Ustio to the southwest, Ratio to the south, Wielvak to the east, and Gebet to the north. Since its indepedence, it has focused on internal development and vying for the position of political center-of-gravity among the eastern Osean nations.

Concerned with a resurgent Belka, Recta has begun exhibiting a greater deference in order to simply ensure that the Eastern Osean Mutual Defense Force and XCOM OSEA can defend the country against a steadily-less theoretical Belkan invasion.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 21,000
    1. 18,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 1,500 to XCOM OSEA.
    3. 1,500 available
  2. Energy Production: 105,000
    1. 84,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 1,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 4/10
  6. Militarism: 4/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Republic of Ratio
Republic of Ratio

Ratio is a country on the eastern seaboard of Osea. Officially titled Republic of Ratio, it is bordered by Sapin to the south and west, Ustio to the west, Recta to the north, and Wielvakia to the north. With sea access, the Republic of Ratio is one of the stronger partners in the eastern Osean grouping; however, points of contention still exist between Ratio and Ustio over Ratio grabbing Ustio's eastern territories in 1991.

However, the looming specter of Belka is currently galvanizing the Republic of Ratio to seek closer ties anyway; while they may have contentions with Ustio, it is far preferable to survive a Belkan invasion without the western territories than it is to lose to a Belkan invasion.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 41,500
    1. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 1,750 IC supporting XCOM OSEA
    3. 1,750 available
  2. Energy Production: 206,000
    1. 166,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 39,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 1000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 42,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 5/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Republic of Ustio
Republic of Ustio

Ustio, officially titled Republic of Ustio, is a landlocked country formed when Belka spun off its eastern territories in 1988. As one of the primary belligerents in the 1995 Belkan War, the Ustian's hired Galm Team single-handedly turned the tide of the Belkan War in favor of the Allied Forces, including Ustio. Ustio's economy, however, remains largely agricultural and craftsman-based; startlingly little has changed in the intervening three decades between its formation and the present day. Diplomatically, it seeks closer ties with the rest of the Allied Forces in the Belkan conflict, but also seeks to become part of the nascent eastern Osean group.

Ustio's foreign policy has also taken a drastic shift towards international cooperation, due to finding itself right next to a suddenly confident and dangerously expansionistic Belka.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 16,000
    1. 14,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 1,000 IC supporting XCOM OSEA
    3. 1,000 IC available
  2. Energy Production: 88,000
    1. 64,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 4,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 20,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 4/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Kingdom of Sapin
Kingdom of Sapin

Sapin, or Kingdom of Sapin, is located on the Spring Sea, and the eastern seaboard of Osea. During the events of the Belkan economic collapse, Sapin expanded to include former Belkan territories, which Belka immediately claimed when it destroyed the Sapinish air force and put Sapin to retreat. After Sapin formed a coalition with Osea, Ustio, and Yuktobania to push back Belka, Sapin ended up reclaiming all the territory it had claimed from Belka. Since then Sapin has focused on building closer relationships with other eastern Osean countries to form a bloc. As one of the most prosperous countries in the hypothetical bloc, Sapin is very likely to end up the political center of the bloc.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 55,500
    1. 46,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 4,750 IC supporting XCOM OSEA
    3. 4,750 IC available
  2. Energy Production: 270,200
    1. 222,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 46,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 2,200 available
  3. Population (Est.): 46,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 5/10
  6. Militarism: 4/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:

Wielvakia is an eastern Osean country bordered by the Nordlands to the northeast, FATO to the north, Gebet to the northwest, Recta to the west, Ratio to the south, and the Spring Sea to the east. As one of the preeminent neutral parties in the Belkan War, Wielvakia was brought in to arbitrate the Lumen treaties; since then, Wielvakia has focused on capitalizing on its diplomatic reputation to begin forming the eastern Osean groups, and especially to become closer with the Nordlands. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 47,000
    1. 42,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 800 IC supporting XCOM OSEA
    3. 3,200 IC available
  2. Energy Production: 229,000
    1. 188,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 3000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 43,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 5/10
  6. Militarism: 4/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Confederation of Nordland
Confederation of Nordlands The Nordlands, officially titled the Confederation of the Nordlands, is located on the eastern coast of Osea, bordering the Spring Sea to the east, and FATO and Wielvakia to the west. Also called in as a neutral nation in the Lumen treaty negotiation, unlike Wielvakia the Confederation has focused on internal development and bringing its people up to a high standard of living. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 45,000
    1. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 4,900 IC supporting XCOM OSEA
    3. 2,100 available
  2. Energy Production: 220,500
    1. 180,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 2,500 available
  3. Population (Est.): 38,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 8/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Mercenary Ace Dormarch One, "Elcero", SSR-tier.
Democratic Federation of Wellow
Democratic Federation of Wellow

Wellow, officially titled the Democratic Federation of Wellow, is a scrupulously neutral nation in much the same tradition as Nordennavic; originally picked to host the G7 conference in 2007, the G7 conference was ultimately canceled due to a terrorist attack in a nearby bay. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 500
    1. 500 supporting population quality of life
    2. 0 available
  2. Energy Production: 3000
    1. 2000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 500 supporting population quality of life
    3. 500 available
  3. Population (Est.): 50,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 1/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:

LOCKED EARLY GAME due to state of total warlordism and communications breakdown; the Erusean federal government has effectively totally ceased to exist.
Gunther Bay Emergency Administration

The Gunther Bay Emergency Administration is a "government" largely funded by foreign aid and designed to distribute aid and house refugees in the Gunther Bay Area. Recently the city has begun to move to draft a charter. Still, it is largely held together on Rosa Cossette D'Elise's raw charisma and Selatapura City's overburdened city bureaucracy. Consists of International Space Elevator, Selatapura City, and surrounding area. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 23,000
    1. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 3,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 100,000,000
    1. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 60,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    3. The rest supporting lmao do whatever the fuck you want man
  3. Population (Est.): 20,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 9/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Tyler Island Space Launch Site
  2. Artificial Wonder International Space Elevator Lighthouse
    1. Provides 100,000 power to any installation capable of receiving microwave power.
    2. Provides one-way radio communication to the 150 and 30 degree lines.
  3. Rosa Cossette D'Elise
Republic of Voslage

Formed as part of the rebellions that arose out of Erusea's total governmental collapse during the Lighthouse War, the Republic of Voslage broke off from Erusea as part of the popular will, and even now prepares to fight a two-way civil war for the right to exist. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 27,000
    1. 15,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 12,000 available
  2. Energy Production: LIGHTHOUSE CONNECTION
    1. 75,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 10,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 15,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 10/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Shilage Castle
  2. Sol Squadron
Erusean Restoration Forces

The Erusean Restoration Forces seek to restore the Erusean country, conquests and all, while become the dominant power in Erusean politics by destroying the Free Erusean Remnants. Consists of Erusean Conservatives, runs most of country. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 80,000
    1. 25,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 55,000 available
  2. Energy Production: LIGHTHOUSE CONNECTION
    1. 300,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 55,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 47,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Drone Factory Remnants
Minor Erusean Republics

Formed out of breakaway states from both the Erusean Restorationist forces and anarchy reigning in formerly Free Erusean territory, these fledgling republics model themselves on pre-Erusean identities in the vein of Voslage. Currently lumped together due to low national coherence.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 12,000
    1. 10,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 2,000 available
  2. Energy Production: LIGHTHOUSE CONNECTION
    1. 48,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 10,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 10,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 4/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Drone Factory Remnants
Free Erusean Remnants

The Free Erusean Remnants consist of the radicals within the Erusean military that still exist, along with whatever they could scrounge up. Consists of (remaining) Erusean Radicals still holding out

The Free Erusean Remnants have collapsed as a coherent entity. Forget "army with a state" - it's thirteen competing corps and divisions squatting on pieces of land, all mutually hostile to each other. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 30,000
    1. 4,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 26,000 available
  2. Energy Production: LIGHTHOUSE CONNECTION
    1. 172,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 10,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 0/10
  6. Militarism: 9/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets:
  1. Drone Factory Remnants
Commonwealth of Usean States

The Commonwealth of Usean States, located across Central and Southern Usea, is a collective bargaining organization for Usean states as a whole when negotiating on the IUN. Recovering from the aftershocks of the Lighthouse War, the Lighthouse's reactivation has brought the fires of Usean Industry to incredible heights. The constituent states of the Commonwealth have ultimately fought nearly three wars in two decades: the Usean uprising, Continental War, and the Lighthouse War. Each has left its scar on the Usean populace. Also, in San Salvacion, Stonehenge awaits.

Recent instability in Erusea has, surprisingly enough, promoted a deeper cooepration between signatory states, tying the CUS into a tighter continental assembly.

General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 532,500
    1. 400,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 66,250 IC supporting XCOM USEA
    3. 66,250 IC available
  2. Energy Production: LIGHTHOUSE CONNECTION
    1. 1,880,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 400,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 400,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 6/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Stonehenge Ruins
United Kingdoms of North Point

North Point, or the United Kingdoms of North Point, is an island nation off the northeastern short of Usea. Maintaining a steadfast neutral and isolationist policy, North Point once commanded a respectable military, but has slowly seen its military subsumed by the ISAF and IUN forces, throughout the Continental War and Lighthouse War. It maintains a respectable, if not remarkable industry for its size. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 45,500
    1. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 7,750 IC supporting XCOM USEA
    3. 7,750 IC available
  2. Energy Production: LIGHTHOUSE CONNECTION
    1. 140,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 6/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Fortified Base Fortress Intolerance
Commonan Commonwealth Comona, or the Commonan Commonwealth, or the Comona Islands is less a central government and more a series of islands shrugging and deciding to adopt the moniker to promote their cooperation. Possessing formidable aerospace capabilities, the Comona Islands industry is largely based around tourism and the space launch sites the Comonas possess. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 1,500
    1. 1,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 500 available
  2. Energy Production: LIGHTHOUSE CONNECTION
    1. 6,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 1,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 1,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 2/10
  6. Militarism: 2/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Comona Island Observatories
  2. Comona Space Launch Site
Union of Yuktobanian Republics
Union of Yuktobanian Republics

Yuktobania, or the Union of Yuktobanian Republics is located on the eastern and central parts of the Verusan continent. Its economic and military might is matched only by Osea, but its diplomatic efforts have not been met with anywhere near the same amount of effect. However, the Yuktobanians are cautioning you to act as per your charter and not the suggestions of the Oseans, else they may need to find an organization which will provide for the common defense. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 731,000
    1. 650,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 56,700 IC towards XCOM VERUSA
    3. 24,300 IC available
  2. Energy Production: 3,627,000
    1. 2,924,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 700,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 3,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 700,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 7/10
  6. Militarism: 8/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Albatross Squadron?
  2. Super Scinfaxi-class submarine Gullfaxi.
Verusan Federation
Verusan Federation

Verusa, officially titled the Verusan Federation, is a collection of Verusan states that decided to preemptively unify as a result of the Tyumen and Raikala Disputes, to present a unified front during negotiations. Delicately attempting to manage the balancing act between Yuktobania and the Sotoan Treaty Organization occupies the majority of the Verusan's political efforts; the rest largely goes into internal development. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 374,000
    1. 365,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 4,500 IC supporting XCOM VERUSA
    3. 4,500 IC available
  2. Energy Production: 1,896,000
    1. 1,496,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 400,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 0 available
  3. Population (Est.): 400,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 6/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  • Shabhaz One, the Sun Fighter
Sotoan Treaty Organization
Sotoan Treaty Organization

Sotoa, or the Sotoan Treaty Organization, is a group formed in the late-1960s formed to counteract the perceived-growing threat of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics. Located in western Verusa, it possesses a large population and equally large industry, but largely focuses on military buildup to counteract the hypothetical threat of the Yuktobanian invasion. Not even the result of the 2003 Raikala Election Verification Incident has deterred Sotoan caution; if anything, it has heightenend the Sotoan's caution and paranoia. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 262,000
    1. 240,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 22,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 1,246,000
    1. 1,048,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 195,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 3,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 300,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets:
  1. Saif Two, Khawlah the Second
People's Republic of Kaluga
People's Republic of Kaluga

Kaluga, or the People's Republic of Kaluga, is located on the border of bay between Yuktobania, the Sotoan Treaty Organization, and the Verusan Federation. With significant portions of its military and economic capabilites destroyed in the Raikala incident, Kaluga has veen focused on mobilizing more and more, with no end in sight. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 55,000
    1. 30,000 supporting population
    2. 25,000 ???
  2. Energy Production: 248,000
    1. 220,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 20,000 supporting population
    3. 8,000 ???
  3. Population (Est.): 50,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 0/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets: ???

Orbital Debris x30
OVERALL SLOTS: 10,000/1,000

Orbital Satellite Debris x10,000
OVERALL SLOTS: 200/1,000,000

Alien Mothership x1
Orbital Debris x100

GPS Satellites x24
Orbital Debris x60
IUN-PKF-XCOM Personnel

Selatapura Air Force Base Pilots



Assignment: High Alert
Overall Status: Peak Performance

  • SSR-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: X-02A Wyvern
    Status: Peak Performance
  • S-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: X-02A Wyvern
    Status: Ready
  • Alternate Titles: Huckebein the Raven
    S-tier pilot.
    Plane: X-02A Wyvern
    Status: Ready
  • SS-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: X-02A Wyvern.
    Status: Peak Performance


Assignment: High Alert
Overall Condition: Ready
  • Alternate Titles: Three Strikes, Strider One
    SSR-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: CFA-44 Nosferatu
    Assignment: Hammer and Nail Deployment
    Status: Peak Performance
  • SS-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: F-22 Raptor
    Status: Ready
  • S-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Ready
  • S-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: F-22 Raptor
    Status: Ready


Assignment: Active Duty
Overall Condition: Adjusting

  • Formal squad: Salamander Flight
    SS-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Ready
  • Formal squad: Salamander Flight
    S-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Ready
  • A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Capable
  • A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML].
    Status: Capable
  • A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML].
    Status: Ready
Assignment: Hammer and Nail Deployment
Overall Condition: Recovering

  • A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Recovering
  • B-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Recovering
  • B-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Recovering
  • A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Recovering


Assignment: ON LEAVE

  • S-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
  • A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
  • Formerly Zvezda 1.
    A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Capable
  • Formerly Zvezda 2.
    A-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Capable
Molniya One
Alternate Titles: The White Lightning, The White Witch
SS-tier ace pilot.
Plane: UNASSIGNED "Your best spare craft, kid." Medically forbidden from flying and the world better be literally ending.
(note from Yuktobanian liason: do not sortie her unless the world is literally ending)
Status: Worryingly Eager

  • A-tier pilot.

Fort Grays Island Base Pilots


Alternate Titles: Solo Wing Pixy
SS-tier ace pilot.
SSR-tier Special Operative.
Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
Status: Peak Performance


Assignment: High Alert
Overall Condition: Ready
  • Alternate Titles: The Ribbon Fighter, The Grim Reaper
    SSR-tier ace pilot.
    Plane: CFA-44 Nosferatu
    Status: Peak Performance
  • SS-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Ready
  • S-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
    Status: Ready


Assignment: ON LEAVE

  • SS-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
  • S-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
  • S-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
  • S-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
Assignment: ON LEAVE

  • B-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
  • B-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]
  • B-tier pilot.
    Plane: F-14X XCOM Hellcat II [EML]

  • No pilots injured.

Memorial Wall

Lucien Fitzpatrick. "Rigel 4". Perished in Operation Midnight Vigil.
Martin Laurent. "Skoll 1". Perished in Operation Midnight Vigil.
Barry Fitzpatrick. Assumed title, "Rigel 4". Perished In Operation Grey Dawn.
Aslan Becke. "Mobius Three". Perished in Operation Red Twilight.
Telasaphoro Cox. "Mobius Five". Perished in Operation Red Twilight.
Renate Nguyen. "Bard Two". Perished in Operation Red Twilight.
Orson Adcock. "Snowflake 3". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Godfrey Matos. "Snowflake 4". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Fran Elridge. "Fairy 1". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Wen Jennings. "Fairy 2". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Kelsey Carman. "Fairy 3". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Wilbur Andrewson. "Fairy 4". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Greg Wilmer. "Gremlin 1". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Marcia William. "Gremlin 2". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Edward Kay. "Gremlin 3". Perishedin Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Hoyt Adams. "Gremlin 4". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Jaxson Castro. "Elf 1". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Magnolia Devereux. "Elf 2". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Jae Dickens. "Elf 3". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Sly Wallis. "Elf 4". Perished in Operation Twilight Sentinel.
Marlene Augustine. "Gryphus 4". Perished in Operation Low Moon.
Valentine Sheldon. "Thrush 1". Perished in Operation Low Moon.
Adriana Lyndon. "Thrush 3". Perished in Operation Low Moon.
Midge Menendez. "Kingfisher 1". Perished in Operation Low Moon.
Ralphie Lim. "Kingfisher 2". Perished in Operation Low Moon.
Giles Verity. "Kingfisher 3". Perished in Operation Low Moon.
Karl Hale. "Kraken 2". Perished in Operation Hollow Eve.
Kia Hoggard. "Kraken 3". Perished in Operation Hollow Eve.
Ela Hollins. "Kraken 4". Perished in Operation Hollow Eve.
David Bennet. "Snowflake 1." Perished in Operation Grey Dawn.
Amanda Nguyen. "Harpy 4." Perished in Operation Grey Dawn.

Cianan Mayes. "Grendel 2". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Kaelyn Stephens. "Grendel 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Martha Simons. "Wallace 1". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Meadhbh Reeve. "Wallace 2". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Marianna Rickard. "Wallace 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Cheri Whinery. "Wallace 4". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Lorena Tuft. "Athel 1". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Cedar Sydney. "Athel 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Angelle Mac Niadh. "Edgar 1". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Beckah Gabrielson. "Edgar 2." Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Rearden Brody. "Edgar 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Carlyle McNeil. "Edgar 4". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Hildred Cooney. "Alfred 1". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Jemmy Randel. "Alfred 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Alysha Thrussel. "Edward 1". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Joanna Bisset. "Edward 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Happy Mullins. "Edward 4". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Callista Foster. "Beowulf 2". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Jerri McElligot. "Beowulf 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Luella Outlaw. "Beowulf 4". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Kemp McNeil. "Slaine 1". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Fletcher Bowman. "Slaine 2". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Alisha Kay. "Slaine 3". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Scotty MacFarlane. "Slaine 4". Perished in Operation Stone Hymn.
Cua Lyndon. "Peregrine 1". Perished in Operation Twilight Smile.
Tamas Brizezciski. "Peregrine 2". Perished in Operation Twilight Smile.
Vasil Pascal. "Windhover 3".
Ninel Isaev. "Buran 1". Perished in Operation Empty Salient.
Demyan Naumov."Buran 2". Perished in Operation Empty Salient.
Eva Ignatiev. "Buran 3". Perished in Operation Empty Salient.
Oleg Fyodorov. "Voin 3". Perished in Operation Empty Salient.
Balwinder Gadhavi. "Ratha 2." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Jyothi Tamboli. "Ratha 3." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Sridevi Patil. "Ratha 4." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Harshada Mishra. "Gada 1." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Surinder Korrapati. "Gada 3." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Ajay Kulkarni. "Gada 4." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Behruz Shirazi. "Rostam 1." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Sahar Hashemi. "Rostam 2." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Nargez Darzi. "Rostam 4." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Mozhdeh Rostami. "Arash 1." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Arezou Rostami. "Arash 2." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Jalal Charmichi. "Arash 3." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Ava Alinejad. "Arash 4." Perished in Operation Silent Vanguard.
Indira Hamilton. "Merpati 1". Perished in Operation Dark Vigilance.
Shahrokh Bryce. "Merpati 2". Perished in Operation Dark Vigilance.
Giedre Ognyanyov. "Holub 3". Perished in Operation Dark Vigilance.

Think Tanks

Total Personnel: 140 Scientists
Current Project: Sectoid Framework [20/???]
Project Leader: Dr. Vahlen

Overall Condition: Ready

  • Driven.
    Prefers nonmilitary research.
    Prefers xenoresearch.
    Status: 80 hours/week
    Dr. Vahlen notes: Don't worry about the numbers. This is exciting science.
Total Personnel: 140 Scientists (including 40 Grunder scientists)
Current Project: F-35D Lightning III [0/??]
Project Leader: Charlie Burns
Overall Condition: Ready

  • Risk-taker.
    Aircraft designer.
    Status: 60 hours/week
Total Personnel: 150 Scientists (100 Grunder Laser Scientists)
Current Project: Cyclonic Accelerators [140/160]
Project Leader: Audrey Jones
Overall Condition: Ready

  • Proud Aurelian patriot.
    Particle physicist.
    Status: 40 hours/week
Total Personnel: 15 Analysts.
Current Project: Battlefield Vision Independence [0/??]
Project Leader: Jasper Rhodes
Overall Condition: Annoyed
  • Decisive Aerial Battle advocate.
    Osean analyst.
    Status: 50 hours/week
  • Fluid Theater advocate.
    Commonan analyst.
    Status: 70 hours/week
  • AirLand Battle advocate.
    Emmerian analyst.
    Status: 40 hours/week

Engineering Groups

Total Personnel: 115 Engineers (10 Grunder)
Current Project: Project Neighborhood Watch [10/10]
Current Project: Project Dove [30/100]
Current Project: Streamlined Construction Practices [20/30]
Overall Condition: Ready

  • SSR-tier engineer.
    Status: 80 hours/week
  • Nuclear engineer.
    Status: 40 hours/week
Total Personnel: 115 Engineers (10 Grunder)
Current Project: Stonehenge Technical Requirements Overdraft Stage 2 [70/200]
Overall Condition: Ready

  • Specialty: Applied electromagnetics.
    Status: 80 hours/week
  • Alternate Titles: The Scrap Queen
    SSR-tier mechanic.
    Status: 60 hours/week
  • Rail engineer.
    Status: 40 hours/week
Total Personnel: 110 Engineers (80 Grunder)
Current Project: F-35D Lightning III [0/??]
Overall Condition: Ready
  • S-tier Engineer.
    Specialty: Aircraft design and Aerial Fortresses
    Status: 40 hours/week
  • Specialty: Large construction
    Status: 40 hours/week


Current Project: ON HOLD
Overall Condition: Adjusting
Total Personnel: 50 Supply-Chain Specialists. 20 Consultants (San Francisco Team).
IC Capacity: 0/70,000.
Status: Adjusting
Total Personnel: 14 Logisticians, 20 Consultants.
Status: Flagging
Total Personnel: 6 Logisticians, Daniel Snow. 40 Consultants.
Current Project: Selatapura Base Defenses (20000 IC invested).
Current Project: Dashau Resurgence Plan (16000/40000 IC)
Status: Recovering

  • Chief Logistician.
    Swears like a sailor.
    Status: 40 hours/week
Total Personnel: 33 Personnel related to XCOM USEA.

  • XCOM Overall Commander.
    Extremely formal.
    Status: Not relevant for lower Commanders.
  • XCOM USEA commander.
    Player character.
    Status: 80 hours/week
  • Administrative assistant for Long Caster.
    Oversees 10 other administrative aides, and 20 consultants to help.
    Status: 80 hours/week
Total Personnel: 75 HR staff. 20 Consultants (San Nicholas Team).
Overall Condition: Swamped
  • Human Resources director.
    Status: 100 hours/week
Active Teams: 0/1

  • Usean-based SAR team.
    Killing time on the base.
Refugee Housing: [500,000/2,000,000]
Dashau Resurgence Plan: [8,000/40,000 IC]
Staff: Logistics Special Procurements Division, 7x Consulting Groups, IUNRA support groups.

Posting is open now.​
[] We should stem the bleeding.
[] [ACE] Duck.

"I was hoping you would say that," Pulford ruefully grinned. "It may not be a wise decision, but I am glad you decided that."

Long Caster shrugs. "It wasn't a hard decision. Force preservation's important, but we're not going to preserve our forces by giving out orders that we know they can't swallow," he said.

"Well said, Long Caster," Pulford said, applauding. "When you describe our brave foolishness that way, I can almost believe the results will be satisfactory."

"Are you saying that we should order everyone to abandon their countries?"

"I am saying that it is certainly not beyond the pale, especially not from a man who has watched as tens of thousands do just that in the ISAF days," Pulford said, gazing into the middle distance. "Regardless, now is not the time for old memories. Now, we need to decide what to do next."

"If I may, Commanders," Bradford said, appearing right between the two. Long Caster stifled his jump, but the gleam in Commander Pulford's eyes told him that Long Caster hadn't aborted it enough. "We have a preliminary briefing about the alien superweapons. I might also have a suggestion about the distribution of forces," Bradford continued.

"O-of course, Bradford. Lead the way," Long Caster stumbled.

"Right this way, sir."

"Now, Bradford, what was your suggestion for reshuffling aces?"

[] [SPREAD] Take Bradford's suggestion.
We currently have six squadrons with SS-tier pilots, seven if we include Pixy in that count. Therefore, we should reassign Pixy to the EOMDF to partner with El Cero, Cyclops to XCOM OSEA, Salamander Squadron to XCOM ANEA, Razgriz Squadron to XCOM VERUSA at Marina's request, and leave it at that. This leaves us with Strider, Mobius, Rigel, Druid, and Bard Squadron.
[] [SPREAD] No, we should...
You may either choose to modify Bradford's plan or replace it wholesale.

Dr. Vahlen, and Dr. Shen, are waiting in a small, cramped room. Long Caster fiddles with his uniform, the sticky sweat cooling and sticking his uniform to his tired limbs. As soon as Bradford, Pulford, and Long Caster enter, Bradford nods.

"We've completed our initial analysis of the alien battlegroups, and we believe that the situation is not as dire as first believed," Dr. Vahlen immediately began.

"As dire as first believed, of course, being that the aliens can destroy our cities and flatten our militaries with that hulking...battleship of theirs," Bradford says.

Dr. Vahlen nods. "Yes, we believe that the aliens are rather more strictly limited than their performance over the last few days suggests. The research teams have been analyzing them all night, and we have a set of tentative conclusions," she said, clicking over to a page of alien battleship specifications. "To begin with, I'd like to draw your attention to the estimated masses of these battleships."

That......Long Caster's brain couldn't process the number. It appeared on the page, but he just could not visualize what that much weight was.

Dr. Vahlen just nodded.

"We are confident that the aliens cannot ignore fundamental laws of physics. If they want to bring their massive battleships that low into the atmosphere, they must pay a staggering cost in energy to counter the force of gravity, energy which we believe they cannot supply indefinitely. This matches with the alien battleship behavior, where they left shortly after either activating their energy shields or after firing a beam the white beam XCOM VERUSA describes.

"Due to this relationship, we believe that the alien battleships have an extremely limited window of operation once they begin descent into the atmosphere. We estimate that low altitude operations will be limited to a boundary of thirty minutes at the outermost. This time will be sharply curtailed if the alien battleship performs any high-energy actions, such as firing those beams, rifts, or activating its immense shield.

"Our analysis of the alien weapon complement, however, does not inspire as much room for confidence. As far as we can tell, the alien battleship's Rift attack is completely fatal within its area of effect, with one very notable exception. Worse, this attack appears to have bypassed the Arsenal Bird Vigilance's shield entirely when it attacked, although our sources for this boil down to shaky camera footage, before Osea locked down the information channels.

"The beam attack from Verusa inspires similar concerns. Although the attack appears to be draining enough that the alien battleship needed to begin ascending once the shot was fired, the shot itself was powerful enough to be seen in November City, over 6,000 kilometers away. While the direct impact zone was in the ocean, making its direct blast difficult to determine, it should go without saying that we should avoid that attack.

"Thus, in combination with currently patrol route and the calculated rate of descent and ascent, we have calculated these ranges for where the alien battleship could descend. If we engage in combat operations within these marked circles, we should expect the alien battleship to descend shortly after we begin combat operations." Dr. Vahlen concluded.

"Do we have any way of...hitting back?" Bradford asked.

"Unfortunately, all we have is speculation," Dr. Shen said, "but we strongly suspect that supermassive railguns can force the aliens to respond. We know that the final transmission of the Gullfaxi as of this moment was reporting impact on the alien battleship; we think that the alien battleship chose to hit back with the white beam rather than risk descent through the atmosphere, even with their shield up."

"What keeps them from just shooting back?" Bradford asked.

Shen and Vahlen look at each other, and then Vahlen speaks up. "We've observed that the alien battleship immediately began climbing after firing; we're fairly certain that this means that the alien battleship has only fired once inside the atmosphere - or perhaps it would be more accurate to say these alien battleships can only fire one of those beams inside the gravity well."

"In other words, they'll only get one shot," Long Caster mused.

"Exactly," Dr. Vahlen said.

"So we if we build multiple railguns, we'd be able to hit back," Bradford said, gaining confidence with each word.

"Or," Shen said, "we can...jiggle their scope, so to speak. Make them miss their shot."

"I think, gentlemen, that you two are unfairly disregarding the possibility of blocking or deflecting the shot."

Bradford nodded, before turning to Long Caster. "It'll be your choice, Commander."

Long Caster looked at Pulford. He shrugged helplessly.

"What can I say, Commander? They're taking orders from you," he said.

These will not lock you into strategies, and you can use technologies emphasized by other doctrines; this simply gives you bonuses for working within the intended strategic doctrine.

[] [STRAT] Bradford

Prioritize construction of multiple superheavy railgun sites, as well as logistical support for all those railgun sites. Will prioritize lower-power but cheaper railguns, as well as technology along those lines. Strategic Doctrine: Infinite Superweapon Spread.
[] [STRAT] Shen

Prioritize construction of large railguns, as well as burst munitions and jamming warheads. Eventually, gives bonus to high-altitude and top-performing fighters to distract the alien battleships - to make sure that they can't take the shot. Strategic Doctrine: Superweapon Combination Attacks
[] [STRAT] Vahlen

Prioritize construction of defensive emplacements, as well as pouring money into defensive technologies to repel alien attacks in order to survive fire. This doctrine also emphasizes increasing the power of the superweapons - to make sure no second shot is necessary. Strategic Doctrine: Shielded Hyperweapon Development

There's a lot of shit happening on the same day, and also I'm still behind on economic and war simulations across three theaters, so I figured I'd put this out there on the "something's better than nothing" principle. Stuff that's also happened that will get its own update later:

Stonehenge Technical Specifications Overdrafting II complete.
Sectoid Framework complete.
Cyclonic Accelerators complete.
Standardized Construction Practices complete.
F-35D Lightning III needs construction and flyaway testing to be complete.
Spiderweb Doctrine (upgrade to Hammer and Nail Doctrine) needs testing to complete.

IC and nation page updates: TBD.

Currently active wars:
Belkan War II
Kalugan Invasion
Erusean Civil War
Last edited:
CANON OMAKE: Tracers In The Sky VII
Here's another....omake!


In the same room in Aurel Vlaicu Airfield, near the Estovakian Capital of Campulung, where days earlier Strigon Squadron had their briefing and planning session regarding the impending raid of the Aliens on Gracemeria, an event was taking place.

In the front of the room was a man dressed in the clothes of a Sergent Major. At the back of the room, Capitan Comandor Toscha Mijasik and the entirety of Strigon Squadron watched on with confusion caused by being ordered to come to this briefing room by their superiors with no explanation whatsoever. And in the middle of the room...

"I am Sergent Major Vanda Rosu. On behalf of the Estovakian Air Force I welcome last year's Team Estovakia to Project Immortal Wasps!" the Sergent Major in the front of the room announced to the invited people.

"Yes, yes, welcome to Project whatever. Can you go straight to what the four of us are supposed to do for the Estovakian Air Force?"

The arrogant reply came from a sixteen year old boy who was completely dressed in the latest designer clothing from Sotoa, and was casually leaning back into his all metal folding chair.

The boy was Crown Prince Irfan ibn Kamal ibn Ziya al-Jabal, scion of the richest permanent resident in Estovakia, Emir Kamal ibn Ziya ibn Muhammad al-Jabal the exiled pretender to the throne of the former Emirate of Jabal now known as the State of Jabal in the Sotoan Treaty Organization, present owner of an astonishing 59% of Estovakia's Rye producing farms, unwanted savior of the Estovakian people from starvation during the Estovakian Civil War and special advisor to the Ministrul Agriculturii Si Dezvoltarii Rurale.

Crown Prince Irfan al-Jabal was also the highest paid professional gamer in Estovakia, specializing in Tracers in the Sky using the playerID Royalty. And was one of the two people who have consistently been a member of Team Estovakia for the Tracers in the Sky World Tournaments.

"Dear, please be more polite to the Sergent Major," a pregnant, disabled seventeen year old blonde girl gently scolded Crown Prince Irfan from her wheelchair.

"Why should I be polite in the first place Mariutza? Sending only a mere Sergent Major to give us the explanation? And of all of them, it's the one who will become Estovakia's next national pimp? Outrageous."

The girl was embarrassed by the words that came out of Irfan's mouth, to the point she covered up her face with her two hands.

Mariutza Lumina Elsa Balan, a native Estovakian orphan, was Crown Prince Irfan's 'spouse' and the source of contention between parts of the Estovakian government and the al-Jabal royal family on one hand and between Crown Prince Irfan and Emir Kamal on the other hand.

Mariutza was also Estovakia's second highest paid professional gamer, and the other consistent member of Team Estovakia, always flying behind her spouse in-game with the playerID CnDrL.

"Royalty, can you please shut up and let the Sergent Major talk?" a bespectacled, nineteen year old male college student hissed at Irfan, quickly looking between him and the slowly coloring face of Sergent Major Rosu.

"I am reluctant to allow Estovakia's next national pimp an opportunity to cover himself with martial achievement, Boomz. The mere notion is an insult to the honor of soldiers everywhere. Bring a properly ranked official to deliver that message to us. A General de Flotila Aeriana will do, in deference to my own position."

Adam Macelaru, playerID Boomz, the present highest ranking Tracers in the Sky player in the Estovakia and member of Team Estovakia for the second Tracers in the Sky World Tournament, frowned at Irfan.

"Why do you keep calling him the national pimp of Estovakia? As an Estovakian citizen I'm starting to get offended, Royalty."

"Because his father owns Gentle and Warm, the world's largest escort agency by number of models employed and the number of politicians, millionaires and billionaires their models service. And now, it looks like Gentle and Warm has gone further than the Flower Girls Association of Expo City has ever gone before if this pimp to be is here about to inform us of our roles for a secret Estovakian military project."

Mariutza looked at Irfan in skepticism after hearing that information. Macelaru and the other member of Team Estovakia on the other hand felt frozen, because of their unfamiliarity with real, as the Expo City gangs euphemize it. And Strigon squadron was starting to become dismayed at the level of corruption that had just been hinted at in front of their very eyes.

"There will be no such thing, you inbred Sotoan trash," the Sergent Major retorted. "I'm the one who thought up this whole project. I'm the one who campaigned for this project -"

"Using your father's prostitutes," Crown Prince Irfan interrupted.

"With the help of my future employees now," Sergeant Major Rosu corrected in a proud manner. "And thus I lead this project under the direct supervision of the Ministrul Apararii."

"Oh Estovakia. I weep for you," the Crown Prince sighed, a sentiment the entirety of Strigon squadron had been feeling for some time now.

"Royalty, can we just listen to him so we can go home?" a skinny sixteen year old boy asked Irfan.

"Planehaxx is right, dear. Please?" Mariutza added to give support to the plea of Anton Ionescu, player ID Planehaxx, current third highest ranked Tracers in the Sky professional gamer and member of Team Estovakia for the second Tracers in the Sky World Tournament.

"Tsk. Very well, this Crown Prince shall deign to listen to this...this shameful dreg of the merchant class."

"...Project Immortal Wasps," Sergeant Major Rosu started to explain with gritted teeth, "is a never before seen melding of civilian and military in Estovakia. Using military hardware in the form of fighter planes, ordnance and tried and tested drone and remote control technology, and civilian software and hardware in the form of Blue Box flight simulators, Anea Mobile's cellular network, the software of Welewe Game Studio's Tracers in the Sky and the expertise of gamers, we aim to allow Estovakia to fly a never before seen number of fighter planes in defense of her own territory, and give aerial combat experience to a never before seen amount of patriotic civilian militia and Air Force cadets from the comfort and safety of air-conditioned classrooms, bedrooms, and office rooms."

"Sergent Major Rosu! I am Capitan Comandor Toscha Mijasik, Strigon Squadron!" the leader of Strigon Squadron suddenly spoke up as he strode forward, in the process surprising three of four members of Team Estovakia who were unaware of the identities of the soldiers seated a few rows behind them and making Sergent Major Rosu stand up straight. "Disregarding the fact we have not been informed about Project Immortal Wasps and that someone of your rank has jumped over the head of the General Maior of the Estovakian Air Force, what is this nonsense about civilian militia getting to fly remote controlled fighters and a never seen before amount of flying fighter planes?!"

"Capitan Comandor! I intend to tap into the huge player base of Tracers in the Sky to alleviate the shortage of pilots and advanced fighter planes and protect the pilots of the Estovakian Air Force, sir! And to demonstrate the proof of concept we will have the Team Estovakia from the latest Tracers in the Sky World Tournament fly a squadron, sir!"

"Advanced fighter planes? Thus implying we civilians will remote control outdated fighters, never mind that Tracers in the Sky only gives us gamers an approximation of an airplane's take off and landing." Crown Prince Irfan noted in a loud voice before Mijasik managed to respond to the earlier statement.

"You seem confident you professional gamers can fly a fighter jet that is already flying in the air," Capitan Comandor Mijasik asked, slightly peeved at the interruption by the teenager.

"Give us a day of practice with the rig and an already flying fighter plane, and we will be performing in real life as well as we perform in game," the Crown Prince answered in a confident manner. "Now answer me, Sergent Major Rosu. How do you solve the take off and landing problem, and what fighter planes are we supposed to fly mid-air?"

"The take off and landing problem is already long solved by drone technology ever since the Usean coup d'etat. We will simply have the plane auto-pilot itself during the take off and landing. As for the fighter planes, 80 MiG-21's had already been converted for Team Estovakia's sole usage in Project Immortal Wasps. The desired end goal of this project is being able to attack the Alien Flying Battleship with 5000 MiG-21's at the same time!"

Everyone in the room ended up silently staring at the Sergent Major because of Project Immortal Wasp's stated end goal.

"Ugh. Dear Mariutza, remind me to nag father into buying some Anea Mobile shares in the stock market as soon as we get home. It is clear how much money they will make from this project they are blatantly pushing through from behind," Crown Prince Irfan suddenly said after a few moments of silence. "For now, Boomz? Planehaxx? Team huddle with me and Mariutza and let's ignore the future king of pimps with his and Anea Mobile's fantasies. What do we know about the MiG-21 stats other than it's MiGeek's main aircraft? I use the Phantom most of the time."

And as the professional gamers started discussing the intricacies of the MiG-21, Capitan Comandor Mijasik started ripping into Sergent Major Rosu's fantastical end goal for Project Immortal Wasps in an attempt to salvage something usable immediately.


So, what do you think @huhYeahGoodPoint? Canon?
Last edited:
CANON OMAKE: Miss Scarborough Meets the Pixy
Another omake!


Larry Foulke had seen and experienced many things in his 53 years of life on this world.

Absolutely none of them had prepared him to experience being a...celebrity.

"Mr. Pixy, Mr. Pixy! Annie Scarborough, Chief Creative Officer of Welewe Game Studio! I created Tracers in the Sky! And a software for the Estovakian Air Force's remote controlled plane project just yesterday!" a long blond haired, skinny...kid screamed at him as Adam Khatuna and several members of the Zane Consulting Group formed an impromptu human chain between him and Ms. Scarborough...and failing at it as she was actually pushing said men backwards all by herself.

And watching the spectacle were...practically half the pilots of X-COM Usea as well as several people from the other departments of X-COM.

'Huh. Guess that's why celebrity bodyguards have to be muscular,' Foulke thought to himself as he watched while chewing a mouthful from his bowl of muesli, of a brand that was imported straight from Ustio and beloved by Belkan children everywhere ever since his childhood.

"Ms. Scarborough, I must insist on not bothering Mr. Foulke!" Khatuna shouted as he tried in vain to push the kid farther away from Foulke. "He has much more important things to do!"

"You're like, a jackass, Mr. Khatuna! I'm doing a legitimate business deal here! Like, stop cock blocking - "

Scarborough was suddenly unable to talk because one of the consultants covered her mouth with his hand.

"Alright boys! Push her back! PUSH!" Khatuna roared, inciting his men to do their best to push Scarborough back.

As this was happening, Foulke experienced another...activity that he never thought would apply to him.

Several of the pilots in the room were aiming at him the smile, the smile that he and Belkan children everywhere call the smile of the Eulenspiegel.

Scarborough managed to push away the hand on her mouth and started to talk again.

"Mr. Pixy! I like, got a proposal - "

Another hand slapped down onto her mouth.

Foulke's long unused...humor radar, as he called it during his orphanage days, suddenly turned on, and sending out an alarm in his head.

"Hey Mr. Pixy! Won't you go talk with your fan!" Baker called out at him.

"Yes! Yes! Poor girl! So, so desperate to talk to you!" Old Popova, as he calls the Yuktobanian Ace in his mind, cackled like the grandmother that she is.

Count pulled out his Smartphone, aimed the camera at him and started recording while the girl, Huxian he recalls, looked over Count's shoulder and said something that made Count press a few buttons on his smartphone for a few seconds.

Feeling somewhat sorry for and embarrassed by the kid, Foulke swallowed his muesli and made his decision.

"Uh, sure kid! Grab a meal and sit here in...front of me and let's talk business. You can all stop pushing against each other now."

Scarborough immediately stopped pushing...and ended up being dogpiled to the floor by Khatuna and the consultants.

"Like, get off me you idiots!" Scarborough shouted angrily from under the pile of men.

A few seconds later the kid was on her feet, angrily patting away the dust from her clothes while Khatuna and his consultants stood by her side, looking somewhat emasculated.

After finishing cleaning away the dust, Scarborough dropped some papers in front of him, grabbed a tray and dumped a plate and some bread on it, and sat at the seat opposite his at a speed he associated more with a racehorse's than a human's.

"Remember Scarborough! You're no longer doing anything Alien fighting related so you're out of the base by six in the evening!" Khatuna shouted as he and his posse of consultants walked away.

"Ok!" Scarborough angrily shouted back. She then turned back to Foulke and beamed a big, wide and gleeful smile at him to the sound of applause from many of the people in the canteen.

Larry Foulke suddenly had the feeling that his dead parents were cheering him on from the afterlife, for some stupid reason.


What do you think, @huhYeahGoodPoint?
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