Accursed Citrine - Yet another Dark Soul/Madoka Magica Crossover

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Well, the answer is obvious!

[] Accept to become Quelana's pupil
[] Afterwards…
-[] Learn some pyromancy - Great Combustion (5,000 souls)
-[] Strengthen your flame to +9 (37,500 souls)

You know, just for Oscar's reaction when he realizes Kirika somehow spent literally all their souls in the time it took to walk over to the bonfire :V

"Kirika what about leveling?"

"Leveling is for NOOBS Oscar, we're going for the low level run"
"Leveling is for NOOBS Oscar, we're going for the low level run"
I honestly can't decide if Kirika would be the kind of person to call someone a noob or not. She did find it amusing to learn Oriko is bad at video games.

All I can imagine when thinking about it is Kirika making some obnoxious toxic gamer tirade, only for Oriko to smack her over the head and make her apologise for being rude.
She's kinda being as an ass, but she's still offering pyromancy and that forgives all sins. Plus it might be interesting if whwt she does is any different to our other teacher. Going for it.

[X] Accept to become Quelana's pupil
[X] Afterwards…
-[X] Learn some pyromancy (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] Fire Whip (10,000)
-[X] Strengthen your flame (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] +5 (7,000 total)

17,000. I could ve convinced to go for more, but that feels like enough for now. Plus, the other two spells I'm looking at are basically improvements to what we have. Fire Whip might behave differently enough to give Kirika a whole other tool to use going forward, not just a power up. Plus I'm hoping we run into Fair Lady and her follower soon, so saving some souls for his spells is sensible. With how fights have been going, Poison and Toxic Breath could be incredibly useful.

Speaking of thise two-

-[X] Talk to Quelana (write in)
--[X] Are we on the right track for the bell? Because we tried that tree and it lead down to giant ash trees and a hydra, so it would really suck if the bell was that way.

Might as well get confirmation. No need to go wondering around this awful place.
[X] Accept to become Quelana's pupil
[X] Afterwards…
-[X] Learn some pyromancy (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] Fire Whip (10,000)
-[X] Strengthen your flame (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] +5 (7,000 total)

Yeah, more seriously a +5 flame and a spell is what I was thinking of. Honestly I'd lean Great Combustion or Fire Orb over Fire Whip, but that's my actual DS1 player speaking because from a game perspective those tend to be vastly more useful than the one that locks you in place to awkwardly dump disconnected fire models out of your hands. In terms of actual quest though, Fire Whip is more variety, and realistically we don't really need Great Combustion when we both already have the smaller version and Kirika is already at her most dangerous in close range with her claws.
[X] Accept to become Quelana's pupil
[X] Afterwards…
-[X] Learn some pyromancy (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] Fire Whip (10,000)
-[X] Strengthen your flame (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] +5 (7,000 total)

-[X] Talk to Quelana (write in)
--[X] Are we on the right track for the bell? Because we tried that tree and it lead down to giant ash trees and a hydra, so it would really suck if the bell was that way.
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[X] Accept to become Quelana's pupil
[X] Afterwards…
-[X] Learn some pyromancy (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] Fire Whip (10,000)
-[X] Strengthen your flame (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] +5 (7,000 total)

-[X] Talk to Quelana (write in)
--[X] Are we on the right track for the bell? Because we tried that tree and it lead down to giant ash trees and a hydra, so it would really suck if the bell was that way.
Part 111: Blighttown XVIII
[X] Accept to become Quelana's pupil
[X] Afterwards…
-[X] Learn some pyromancy (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] Fire Whip (10,000)
-[X] Strengthen your flame (only if you become Quelana's pupil)
--[X] +5 (7,000 total)
-[X] Talk to Quelana (write in)
--[X] Are we on the right track for the bell? Because we tried that tree and it lead down to giant ash trees and a hydra, so it would really suck if the bell was that way.

This grouchy old lady might be rude, but it sounds like she has some pretty awesome pyromancy. If it means you can learn even more cool fire powers, you can't see any reason to turn her down. Hopefully, Laurentius won't feel bad about you getting a second teacher. He's a nice guy, so you'd kind of feel bad if he took it poorly.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. That sounds great." You reply, nodding. "I do technically already have a teacher, but it should be fine… I think?"

Quelana scoffs. "You already have a flame of your own, and I have no interest in sharing my own with you. Your current master should find no complaint from this simple partnership." She gestures for you to come closer. "Now, I presume you've gathered a poultry of souls on your journey down here. Hold out your hand; your flame is but a flicker, and I will not have such a weak pupil."

She cups her hands before herself and you place your own scarred hand in hers. She places one hand over yours and you immediately feel a warmth ignite within your palm. You close your eyes, expecting a similar process to when you fed your flame with Laurentius.

A scalding heat floods into you, wild and hungry. It tears through your body like a beast searching for prey. It locks onto your soul and you feel its fiery tendrils wrap around your being, burning it with its intensity. You want to scream, but all that escapes your throat is a choked gag. Even so, you still keep your eyes firmly shut, for fear of making this pain be in vain.

The burning fire rips a stream of souls free from your soul and drags it towards the flame in your chest. You feel your flame sputter in the stronger flame's presence, seeming like nothing but a tiny ember in comparison. Yet, the intruding heat snatches your flame just as it gropes your soul, and you immediately feel it burn more intently from the soul fuel it's being fed.

Having completed its goal, the intense flame recedes out of your body, leaving your metaphorical insides burnt and your mind screaming. You collapse to the ground, gasping to desperately suck in as much of the humid air as you can in attempt to douse the heat within you.

"Hmm, perhaps it was a bit much for a beginner such as yourself." Quelana muses, a hint of guilt in her voice. "Although, this may be a valuable lesson. I do not know what your master has told you, but you should always remember to fear the flame."

"He mentioned it." You reply between wheezing breaths. It takes you several deep gulps before you're able to say anything more, and you find cutting off your sense of pain does little to help with this weird soul flame burning.
"He said something about being careful not to get burnt."

Quelana snorts. "Put awfully plainly, but an apt warning for the simpler pyromancy of the age. The flame is a beast that you must always tread carefully with. Those who forget to grant it adequate respect and fear are consumed by the fire and lose everything they once were." She shakes her head and her voice lowers to a whisper. "I… I would hate to see something like that happen again…"

The woman goes quiet for a while, leaving you to recover from your metaphysical scalding. When she speaks again, her tone has returned to the curt arrogance it held before.

"Now, now that your flame is at least somewhat useable, I will teach you a technique used by my family." She chuckles wryly. "A somewhat unimpressive art for more advanced pyromancers, but it will nonetheless require some control to perform correctly."

The prospect of learning something a bit more advanced perks you up right away. You still feel tender in the way a lingering burn always does, but you can finally push past it and focus a bit. Your enthusiasm wavers again when you remember more complex pyromancy means attuning your flame to the new spells in a similar way to enhancing your flame.

"Don't worry yourself, there's no need to repeat what we just did." Quelana says, reading the discomfort on your face. "I took the chance to do most of the complex work of moulding your flame for the art while I was feeding it. All you will need to do is learn how to perform it."

She chuckles when you sigh in relief. "Now, the art I will teach you is called Fire Whip. It is akin to the method of Combustion… Hmm, I presume you at least know that technique?" She continues at your confirmation. "Good. It works on the same principle, although in a far longer process. Instead of a small burst of fire, one releases a constant stream of fire, typically in a back-and-forth arc for an extensive coverage."

You picture the spell in your mind and the name clicks. "Oh, you mean whip like whipping it about, not an actual whip."

Quelana stares at you blankly. "In Izalith's tongue, it was called Sweeping Fire. Fire Whip was the name young Salaman gave to the technique, so you have your own kind to blame for the confusion." She waves a hand dismissively to redirect the subject back on topic. "But that is pedantic. If you have a clear idea of the technique, attempt to perform it. Feel the flame within you and call it forth."

You step over to the edge of the dry patch of ground and hold out your pyromancy flame. Heat wells beneath your palm and you take a deep breath to concentrate. After letting the power build-up for several seconds, you thrust your hand out and expel flame just like with combustion. The greater power put behind the cast causes the burst of fire to come out far larger than normal, but it all escapes at once and leaves you feeling somewhat cold.

"Wrong." Quelana snaps. "You must control the flame. Contain it and manage its flow. Release it gradually instead of all at once." She leans back against the stone pillar and folds her arms over her book. "Try again."

You repeat the process of building up power in your hand. This time, however, you put more focus on your release, attempting to limit how much power is let out at once. The funnel of fire that erupts from your palm is small, but flows in a far longer stream than the quick burst of Combustion. It pitters out after a few seconds, but there's still a noticeable difference.

"Hmm. You've picked up the basic premise quicker than most. Perhaps you're akin to that rascal Salaman in more ways than one." Quelana comments, tapping a finger against her book again. "Simply expelling fire from your hand is no difficult matter, however. Next, work on adding the 'whipping' motion, as you called it."

You spend a while practising the technique over and over. Quelana guides you through it, pointing out your mistakes and fumbles, but also giving tips on how to improve. By the time Oscar returns from the direction of the bonfire, you've managed to consistently maintain a steady several-second-long spray. Quelana had even stopped her nagging in the last few minutes.

"It would seem you have some instinct for pyromancy." She remarks as you wind down from your last attempt. "Although, you certainly have a long way to go before you can be considered truly competent."

Again with the insulting compliment, but you don't let it get to you. You turn to Oscar with a proud grin and puff out your chest. "Hear that, Oscar? I'm pretty good, huh?"

"I didn't, but I'll take your word for it." Oscar replies, running his gaze over the area Quelana is hidden. "I found a stable path through the swamp and refilled our estus. If you're finished here…"

"Pretty much, I think." You reply, looking to Quelana for confirmation.

The pyromancer shoos you with her hand. "Indeed. Go on your way, child. Leave me to my peace."

You start relaying the confirmation to Oscar before pausing. If Quelana has been down here for a while, she might know where the Bell of Awakening is. There'd be no point running into the hill and fighting whatever's in there if the bell isn't inside, after all.

"Oh right, do you know if we're on the right track with that bell I mentioned earlier? We already tried that big tree at the other end of the valley, and all we found down there was a big lake and a hydra."

"The bell you seek is indeed beyond the nest ahead. I believe it was originally used by Lordran as an alarm to warn of incursions from Izalith." Quelana confirms. "Although, it has become home to my… to fearsome beasts spawned from Chaos. You would best be careful, lest you waste the time I've spent on you."

[] Head off
-[] Head inside the 'nest' for the bell
-[] Head back down the tree and fight the hydra
-[] Go explore somewhere else (Write in)

[] Keep talking to Quelana
-[] Ask something else (Write in)
-[] Learn some more pyromancy
-[] Strengthen your flame

[] Write in
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You picture the spell in your mind and the name clicks. "Oh, you mean whip like whipping it about, not an actual whip."

Quelana stares at you blankly. "In Izalith's tongue, it was called Sweeping Fire. Fire Whip was the name young Salaman gave to the technique, so you have your own kind to blame for the confusion." She waves a hand dismissively to redirect the subject back on topic. "But that is pedantic. If you have a clear idea of the technique, attempt to perform it. Feel the flame within you and call it forth."
Ah, so can't quite use it like a whip made of fire. A little disappointing, but still quite useful. Great for clearing groups, would've been handy in the tree or sewers.
"Although, it has become home to my… to fearsome beasts spawned from Chaos. You would best be careful, lest you waste the time I've spent on you."
Huh. Okay. Guess she figures whatever happens with her sister, happens.

[X] Head off
-[X] Head inside the 'nest' for the bell

Best get to happening then.
[X] Head off
-[X] Head inside the 'nest' for the bell

Sounds like a plan to me, unless we want to start questioning Quelana on anything else. Let's finally go ring that 2nd bell, eh?
Part 112: Quelaag's Domain I - Chaos Witch Quelaag I
[X] Head off
-[X] Head inside the 'nest' for the bell

Saying goodbye to Quelana (to which she again shoos you away), you and Oscar start making your way to the nest. It doesn't take much thought to work out why she called it a nest once you get closer. What you'd taken for pale stone or dirt turns out to be thick web overlapped so much that it's become a solid surface. The large spikes sticking out of it are the ends of charred roots, curving in a way that makes you think of giant spider legs.

The unpleasant implications only get worse once you reach the hole halfway up the mound. Large spider sacks fill the top of the tunnel within, and you eye them nervously in case they're occupied.

Oscar draws his sword upon seeing the eggs, and mutters a quiet "stay close."

Further inside, you start to hear movement ahead. Turning a corner, you come to a slightly wider section covered in sacs everywhere but the floor. A pair of skinny, naked people lay on the ground with giant eggs growing out of their back. You summon your claws in anticipation of a fight with these freaky guys, but Oscar stops you with a hand.

"They haven't noticed us." He says, pointing at the nearest egg guy.

Neither of them are facing you, instead focused further down the tunnel. They have their hands together in front of them and are weakly muttering something too quiet to hear.

"Are they… praying?" You ask, lowering your claws. You risk a few steps towards the nearest egg guy, but he doesn't react at all. Oscar doesn't respond, but walks over to the other guy. One of the eggs on the guy's back shudders at Oscar's approach, but otherwise no reaction.

"This is concerning." He mutters, looking in the direction the two egg guys are facing. "There's something unpleasant down here."

"I think all the eggs and web made that pretty obvious." You reply, running a finger along the web wall. The stuff sticks to your finger, and you have to pick the sticky web off afterwards. "Besides, Cr… Cee…. The lady you couldn't see said there's 'fearsome beasts' in here. I figure that means some kind of big spider or something."


Leaving the passive egg carriers behind, you carry on deeper into the mound.

It isn't long before you come to a large open space. It seems to have been made around an older structure, because stone tiles litter the ground and a stone ruin fills the other end of the area. Massive piles of eggs grow all over the roof like stoney protrusions, and web stretches between them.

This feels like somewhere a big fight would happen.

Your suspicion is immediately proven correct when a low, dangerous chuckle echoes throughout the space. Heavy stabbing steps echo down from the other end as large spider legs appear from inside the ruins. A giant twisted spider creature creeps down the stairs and laps a long tongue about in your direction. Its abdomen is a mess of hair and fire, giving it an imposing silhouette. Most unsettling, though, is that a naked woman with long back hair protrudes from the spider's head.

"Ah, a new sacrifice. To enter the lair of Quelaag so brazenly…" The half-woman says to herself, caressing the spider affectionately. She smirks hungrily and holds a giant burning sword out to her side. "You'll make a welcome seedbed for the hatchlings."

"So, uh, can you hear that?" You ask, readying your claws for a fight.

"You're hearing things again?" Oscar replies, doing likewise.

"Yep. I can confirm that she's probably not friendly."

"You don't say."

[] Fight the spider lady
-[] Battle plan!
-[] Try to communicate while you fight (write in)

[] Run away

[] Write in
[X] Give diplomacy a try. You managed to not have to fight a disgusting wall monster by talking, and that thing was all monster. This one is at least half woman! Ask if she'd just let you by, you've got a bell to ring and Oriko to find.
-[X] That said, she definitely already has other plans, so be ready to make with the stabbing. Getting up on her spider back so you can stab her human back seems like a good start.

I'd like it if we could avoid violence in this particular situation, but I'm more then doubtful she's going to be reasonable.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this boss take like, no damage from fire? And can also explode?

I'd like it if we could avoid violence in this particular situation, but I'm more then doubtful she's going to be reasonable.

Of course she's not being reasonable. She's doing this all for her sister. It'd be like trying to convince Kirika not to kill someone for Oriko's sake.
I also feel like the lady who is part fire-spider with a flaming sword may be fire resistant.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this boss take like, no damage from fire? And can also explode?
I knew I knew that, but I'd somehow missed the part of the description with all the fire and thought Kirika might not know. I'll go fix that.
Of course she's not being reasonable. She's doing this all for her sister. It'd be like trying to convince Kirika not to kill someone for Oriko's sake.
Well, yeah. I didn't say there was no reason.
[x] Tell Oscar that the spider lady says her name is Quelagg and she's gonna lay eggs on us.
[x] One of you will draw her attention while the other goes after her legs to try and hamper her movements.
-[x] You'll draw her attention. You don't think your flames will do much since she's kind of already on fire, but hopefully your pyromancy will be flashy enough to distract her.
[X] Give diplomacy a try. You managed to not have to fight a disgusting wall monster by talking, and that thing was all monster. This one is at least half woman! Ask if she'd just let you by, you've got a bell to ring and Oriko to find.
-[X] That said, she definitely already has other plans, so be ready to make with the stabbing. Getting up on her spider back so you can stab her human back seems like a good start.

I like the idea of at least starting with some attempted diplomacy. The likelyhood of success is extremely low, but hey, worth a shot. Also considering we met Quelanna could see if bringing up her name to someone that also mentioned a Q-name will get any reactions.

As for jumping on the back, it's a good starter since it's unlikely Quelaag can directly attack us there, but do keep in mind that she has that one... fire explosion attack ingame, so she's likely to have a spell or two here to similarly deal with such a weakness.
[X] Give diplomacy a try. You managed to not have to fight a disgusting wall monster by talking, and that thing was all monster. This one is at least half woman! Ask if she'd just let you by, you've got a bell to ring and Oriko to find.
-[X] That said, she definitely already has other plans, so be ready to make with the stabbing. Getting up on her spider back so you can stab her human back seems like a good start.
Part 113: Quelaag's Domain II - Chaos Witch Quelaag II
[X] Give diplomacy a try. You managed to not have to fight a disgusting wall monster by talking, and that thing was all monster. This one is at least half woman! Ask if she'd just let you by, you've got a bell to ring and Oriko to find.
-[X] That said, she definitely already has other plans, so be ready to make with the stabbing. Getting up on her spider back so you can stab her human back seems like a good start.

Just because she's probably not friendly doesn't mean you can't talk her down. After all, you managed to convince that big slug tentacle wall monster thing to let you through, and that… well, a big slug tentacle wall monster thing. Maybe you've actually become really charismatic without even realising it?

You take a step forward, confidence bolstered by this sudden epiphany. Oscar chokes at this and moves to stop you, but you wave him off.

"Kirika, what are you doing?!"

"Listen, just give me a chance. Trust me, I got this!"

You dispel your claws and raise a hand to the spider lady. She pauses at your unexpected behaviour, her spider half shifting strangely.

"Hey, spider lady!" You call out, waving at her. "We didn't know there was anyone living here. Er, well, we did, but we thought it was just some nasty monster. Hold on, wait, that's not important." You shake your head and focus on your masterful diplomacy. "Uh, we just want to ring a bell that's down here somewhere. If you just let us by, we'll be right on our way without any problems."

The cave fills with an empty silence. At one end, the spider lady stands dumbstruck. Her spider gurgles quietly beneath her and sways slightly along with the embers covering it. At the other end, Oscar has lost all tension, his sword and shield hanging limply at his side as he stares in equal bafflement.

Finally, you stand roughly in between them, hands on your hips and chest puffed out proudly at your accomplishment. Clearly, they're both simply blown away by your masterful speechcraft. You'll be ringing that bell in no time!

The silence is broken by a quiet chuckle. It quickly grows, until the spider lady smacks a hand to her forehead and throws her head back and erupts into a booming laughter. The spider half trembles and shakes, as if trying to laugh with her. Even after almost a full minute, once she's mostly managed to calm herself down, there's still an amused mirth in her voice as she replies.

"You trespass upon this forbidden domain and ask to travel through unmolested?" She asks, smirk broadening. The spider flicks its giant tongue about like a frog. "No, you are nothing but meat, and meat deserves no deliberation."

And with that, she rushes forward in a scampering charge.

You immediately jump into action, summoning your claws and channelling your magic to slow her down. She seems unaware of this slowing, because she raises her sword above her head well before her admittedly long sword comes into reach of you.

As it turns out, she doesn't need to be nearly as close as you think. She slashes the sword down in a sharp vertical swing at an incredible speed even under your magic's influence. The swing leaves an orange wave of burning air in its wake, which extends far beyond the length of the sword. You're caught completely by surprise and only manage to twist to the side in time to avoid being cleaved in two thanks to your magic slowing her down. Your claws aren't so lucky, and the right set is cut off just below the hook. The heat from the attack singes your clothes and hair, and the dispersed air knocks you back onto your butt.

You sit there dumbly for a moment, staring down at your severed claws. The black metal glows a hot orange where they were cut, and there's a faint sizzling as a thin trickle of steam-like smoke rises from the solidified magic.

"Kirika, look out!"

You look up at the shout to see the form of the spider looming over you. Its mouth is open wide, revealing several rows of hooked teeth and its tongue dripping molten lava. The woman atop its head has her sword held out to the side, raised for another slash.

The attack comes in slow motion. Not from your magic – it was dispelled by your broken focus – but you still watch the blade move at almost a snail's pace. Even so, your body responds to your attempts to move equally sluggishly. The spiky, spider leg-like weapon becomes engulfed in an orange power and flames trail behind it just like the last time.

You're shoved bodily from the side as the sword nears you. The strike burns a deep gash into Oscar's shield and causes the metal to cave and bend. You can even make out the path of the blow as a faint heat glow on the inside of the shield.

The spider is on you the instant the two of you hit the ground. It wraps its mouth around the shield, causing it to groan and bend further, and attempts to yank it free of Oscar's grip. When he refuses to give the shield up immediately, the spider rises and thrusts its two small front legs around the shield. Oscar grunts as the sharp points find gaps in his armour and pierce his shoulder and side.

Oscar shifts despite the injuries and shoves you out from beneath him. The spider pushes back the moment you've rolled out and he is pinned to the ground. This time, Oscar screams, and it drives the spider to push further. It redoubles its pressure on the shield, and its maw crushes and rips the ruined shield from Oscar's grips. The woman chuckles as the shield is tossed away and she pats the spider with her free hand.

You see red.

Scrambling to your feet, you detach and lob your claws at the woman with a furious roar. None find their target, although one flies close enough to sever a side of the woman's hair. Her victorious expression hardens, and she slowly turns to look at you with what you take to be irritation. The spider takes a few steps back and lifts Oscar up, before tossing him away like a piece of trash. The woman raises her sword, and the spider backs up and raises its abdomen like it's preparing to pounce.

You replace your claws and match her gaze with a vicious snarl.

The two of you move at the same time. The woman swings her sword horizontally to cleave you in two, but you jump off the ground and pass over the trail of magic fire by a hair's breadth. You aim your fall for the woman, claws ready to shred her apart. She manages to bring her sword around to catch your blow, but you use the chance to hook one set around it and swing around to her back.

You land on the giant spider's abdomen and swing your claws into the monster's flesh to stop yourself from falling off. The spider and woman cry out at the same time, and gooey magma weeps from the wound. The spider begins shaking in an attempt to throw you off, but you punish it by hooking your other claws into it as well. The woman tries to turn and swing her sword at you, but you simply duck beneath the blind flailing.

With a furious growl, the woman presses her free hand to the spider's head. You sense a growing power beneath you and the magma weeping from the spider's wounds begins to flow more intensely. Figuring something is about to happen, you lunge forward to cut the woman down before she has a chance to try anything.

You're not fast enough, however. Your claws are practically touching the woman when a blast of energy erupts from the spider. Caught mid-lunge, you don't stand a chance of enduring it and are flung off by the force.

You slam into one of the eggs on the cave wall. The weak shell collapses under your weight and you're soaked in the thick goo within. A frail white spiderling corpse falls to the ground with you, and you gag on the stench that assaults your nose.

The only positive is that the spider woman doesn't pursue you. Instead, she remains where she was, caressing her shuddering spider half as if to soothe its pain. Over on the other side of the cavern, Oscar lies motionless, blood pooling beneath him.

[] Continue trying to beat the spider woman
-[] Get on her back again
-[] Charge her head-on
-[] Try some pyromancy
-[] Write in

[] Withdraw for now
-[] Try to get to Oscar first
-[] Get out while you can

[] Write in
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"No, you are nothing but meat, and meat deserves no deliberation."
Hard way it is then.

[X] Continue trying to beat the spider woman
-[X] Lob a claw at her before charging her head-on. Might get lucky while she's distracted.

Trying to get Oscar out while she's still alive doesn't help us. We have to go this way. Coming back later just gives her time to heal, basically resetting the fight, but no shield for Oscar. Getting on her back wasn't a bad opener, but she'll be ready for it now. Continuing on with a more direct approach seems the best move for now.
Voting is open