[X] Keep heading up. The quicker you get out of here the better
Whatever's lying around here, it can't be worth taking the time to look. You've had enough of this place, and the faster you're out of here the better. After making sure Oscar's okay, you step onto the first rung of the next ladder and nudge your head up towards the top.
"Come on, let's get out of here."
"Agreed." Oscar replies, following you up as you ascend the ladder.
A line of torches lights up the next level of the makeshift structure. The way leads up against the rock, where a set of ladders goes further up and another path around into a section built into the cliff. See above, you ignore the way around. Up is right. Up leads out. Probably.
After three shorter ladders immediately after one another (why not just make another long ladder?), you reach a more structure-y structure. It's still pretty open, but there's at least some walling, and even a few rusted pots lying around. Maybe someone's actually living here.
As it turns out, someone is. Unfortunately, that someone is one of the big demon spiders. It jumps out at you as you're rounding one of the rickety walls. You avoid its grabbing arms and large body, but the act forces you back towards the edge of the platform. Oscar double-hand plunged his sword into the thing's back, causing it to scream and writhe. It lashes its long lava tongue at him, but he lets go of his sword and ducks back. The spider turns towards him, but the movement causes Oscar's sword to move within it, and it suddenly goes limp.
"W-What happened?" You ask as Oscar retrieves his sword from the spider.
He pulls it out and checks the blade, which is coated in the dripping fire-blood. "Maybe it caught something vital? I didn't aim for anything in particular, but the anatomy of these creatures is probably shifted about by the mutations."
"So, you hit its heart or something?"
Oscar merely shrugs. Returning his sword to its sheath, he starts climbing the next ladder. How the hell is he so casual about these freaky things? With a grumble, you follow after him.
Heading up through the half-building, you reach a more open platform, with a path leading across the gap to a cave. Unlike the earlier paths into the cliff, there's no alternative up. Looking out over the valley, you spot the top of Blighttown further down the way. A cavern ceiling curves above you, giving you nowhere further to ascend to. Either you've found the way out, or this whole trip has been a waste of time.
The way running along the cliff is lit by more torches, but that ends once you reach the cave. While there are a few torches on either side, they're all long dead. Beams and planks have been left in messy piles, some with wagon wheels nailed to them like signs of some kind. The light from the earlier torches quickly fades, and the tunnel is a deep dark.
Not wanting to trip over any random plank lying across the ground, you reach back and unclip your soul gem. Its form morphs into its egg shape and the glow illuminates a small area around you. A low groan echoes in from the darkness as a response.
"Kirika, put out the light…" Oscar whispers, stepping close to you. His warning is too late, however. A set of red dots gazes at you from the black. A big ugly brute steps into the edge of the light.
You funnel your magic around him and step to the side. A massive wooden club slams into the ground between you and Oscar, kicking up dirt and loose chips of wood. Thinking fast, you summon a set of claws and slash down at the brute's arm. The flesh and bone are cleaved through with ease, and the limb is severed at the elbow.
The big brute stumbles back with a cry of pain, gripping the fresh stump with his other hand. More groaned growls echo in from further behind him, and four more red eyes appear in the black.
Oscar hadn't wasted any time drawing his sword when the first big guy made himself known, and he thrusts it through the guy's throat now that the threat of being crushed by him is removed. The big guy gargles, then tumbles back to the ground with an echoing thud. The growls further within the tunnel grow angry, and two sets of footsteps begin booming towards you.
Two more brutes charge out of the darkness at roughly the same time. The first, holding a giant pickaxe in one hand, comes straight for you. You back up a few steps and duck under the wide swing he makes at your head, before cleaving through his legs with both of your claws. The brute grunts in pain and topples to the ground. You finish him off by thrusting your claws through his face.
Meanwhile, Oscar's facing a second brute with a makeshift club. Similar to how you dealt with the first brute, he sidesteps an overhead swing and plunges his sword into the big guy's elbow. It grunts as Oscar twists the blade, but grabs him by the throat with his free hand and lifts him up. Oscar struggles to break free, but quickly realises the futility of it. Instead, he lets go of his sword and draws the shortsword he'd been using as a backup, still hanging from his hip, and plunges it through the brute's throat. It immediately releases him and attempts to pull the sword free, but Oscar yanks his straight sword out of its arm and splits the brute's skull with an overhead swing.
You each finish at about the same time, and you catch sight of Oscar's final blow with a newfound respect. You let out an impressed whistle.
"That was pretty cool." You say as he pulls out his shortsword and returns it to his side.
"I've been fighting for a while." He replies, still catching his breath after being picked up by the neck. "Let's just keep moving. I'd like to leave this place."
You find no reason to refuse and take the lead with your soul gem lighting the way.
The tunnel is fairly long, but you aren't attacked again, so you reach the end without much trouble. The cave opens to a narrow canyon, with thin grassy paths along either side of the cliff faces. There's a thin plank bridge across the gap, leading to a stone tower with an iron bar door. You automatically go to cross the bridge, but stop when you hear a loud, wet roar from somewhere down the canyon. Another, unfamiliar sound follows, and you share a look with Oscar.
[] You've got better things to do. Head over to the gate
[] Maybe someone needs help. Go investigate the sounds
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