Absolutely Deranged Crossovers That You Wish Someone Would Write Already

Here's a Mass Effect alt-humanity fic I'd read. One where the alt humanity was that from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Cue the Citadel species desperately trying to figure out how in the world humans make these reality-warping abominations known as Toons.
That's not even getting into the Pixar/Dreamworks/Disney flood. Oh man, imagine if the French and Japanese had their own Toontowns too. Tintin the first Toon Spectre! Asterix piloting the Normandy! Louise/Taiga/Shana/ etc. (she kinda specialised in pintsize tsundere characters. Used a lot of wigs. Headed for space once she got sick of it) joining the party on Eden! Commander Donald Duck, decorated military man and commander of the Normandy. It'd be mad, but awesome, since toons are immortal (outside of exposure to specific substances) and have decades of experience. Most Toons we'd see are actors who have trouble finding work once their specific style of character or cartoon falls out of fashion - some may break out into new careers, even Systems Alliance military.
One day, I'll seriously try to write that idea of a Mass Effect-Portal crossover that refuses to leave my head, with Cerberus forced to subcontract part of their work on the Normandy to Aperture Science due to lack of funds. Cue GLaDOS replacing EDI.

The main difficulty is finding a way that doesn't end the story at the first chapter with "and then GLaDOS flooded the ship with neurotoxins. The end." Though I suppose that's what one-shots are for.
That's not even getting into the Pixar/Dreamworks/Disney flood. Oh man, imagine if the French and Japanese had their own Toontowns too. Tintin the first Toon Spectre! Asterix piloting the Normandy! Louise/Taiga/Shana/ etc. (she kinda specialised in pintsize tsundere characters. Used a lot of wigs. Headed for space once she got sick of it) joining the party on Eden! Commander Donald Duck, decorated military man and commander of the Normandy. It'd be mad, but awesome, since toons are immortal (outside of exposure to specific substances) and have decades of experience. Most Toons we'd see are actors who have trouble finding work once their specific style of character or cartoon falls out of fashion - some may break out into new careers, even Systems Alliance military.
Personally, I'm just wanting to see the reactions from the first (and only) Batarian raiding group when they wind up wandering into the local toontown on whatever colony they tried to raid.
You know, this discussion has been going on for long enough, I think it's high time we made this happen. @Jake ! @Uncle ! @AckSed !
You three are in charge of conscripting an author for this project!

...What, you thought I'd be writing this? NO WAY! All my free time's being devoured by college and the projects I've already GOT!
Arron, Sage, Tazoo and Scot (Space Engineers youtubers) play Sburb. Borderline real people fanfic territory - but then they use alternative personas themselves in their gameplay. They use Sburb Sandbox Version - because they are really easy to die.

Arron - Knight of Void
Main collector of uranium Grist and main creator of uranium shortages, likes making new weapons and complex machinery.

Sage - Seer of Rage
Immersed in cryptic and copyright infringing rituals on weekdays, flipping out at enemies and other players on weekends.

Tazoo - Prince of Doom
The best designer and fighter, while the worst pathfinder. Causes all kinds of problems by either dying or surviving in very strange ways.

Scott - Heir of Space
The only one who knows what Sburb is but constantly overlooked.

John and co. play SE is also fine.
...would anybody mind if I just barge in here and ask a particularly stupid question?

If there was a crossover you wish someone would write, I think it begs the question, why not write it?

The only real excuse I can think of is if it's some sort of what I'd call "corporate" or "synergistic" crossover where there are issues beyond just plotting and characters that need to be taken into consideration or plot and character is just so variable it's hard to nail down, and the only such situation I can think of off the top of my head is "reality" programming or other such "unscripted" works where not only does the "real" nature of character make it more unpredictable and potentially less consistent but networks would also be highly prone to seemingly random arbitrary decisions in order to best accommodate what narrative goals they deem (hence why I call it a "corporate crossover").

Otherwise any sort of narrative crossover should be completely possible given possibilities that can be written and typed (given that they follow the Sufficient Velocity forum rules, of course).

In regards to not knowing enough about the source material in order to write such a crossover - just as with nearly any sort of post or thread made on this forum otherwise, that is no excuse to not conduct the research (I hope it's evident that I actually do bother to conduct extensive research on my military discussion board postings, as particularity evidenced by the links I like to throw within them). In this case research would naturally be watch or reading the source material. With an extensive library system available to most Western denizens as well as legal Internet resources available at low-cost or free (including very commonly-available streaming services, increasingly made available at no extra cost by ISPs or TV service providers) source material should be readily available.

In terms of not having time - why not? If it's not having time to write anything, surely you can't devote at least 15 minutes out of a day to write? Writing doesn't have to literally be writing - it can be drafting or source material research. The writing of the fanfic may be at a glacial pace but it's better than not being written at all. And considering that this will not be a "professionally" published work with financial compensation or minimum requirements for market demands, a shortened word count (50,000 words or less) would be more acceptable if that would help alleviate some of the time constraint issues.

In terms of not feeling like you have the skill, again, why not? If you feel that your writing skills are not up to par to write this fanfic, that is something that can only be fixed through practice anyway. Reading additional like material (including the source material itself) will help, but ultimately writing the desired fanfic is going to be the only means to "correct" this. If you are truly that fearful over your own skills, then again, there are no market demands so there is no pressure to feel that your skills need to meet a minimum standard.
I don't know how to write and I only really have interest in a non-shit version of it existing.
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Well, in my case it's because I'm already swamped with writing projects that I'd rather do instead.

I was going to address that as well but neglected to - in which case, I would ask if you'd at least keep it on the back-burner when your current projects are done? I think that also ties into the time management questions I addressed.

I don't know how to write and I only really have interest in a non-shit version of it existing.

I refuse to believe those two are mutually inclusive. You clearly know how to write as demonstrated in your very reply. If you're concerned about plotting or characters, those are corrected through practice, reading copious amounts of like-material and particularly the drafting process. If you're this serious about it you may go through multiple drafts, or if time constraint is a factor you may just tweak a first draft to satisfaction but you may discover you are pleasantly surprised with the results.

Also apologies for taking this off-topic.
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I refuse to believe those two are mutually inclusive. You clearly know how to write as demonstrated in your very reply.
Noone likes a pedant. I don't know how to write fiction, you know that's what I meant.
If you're concerned about plotting or characters, those are corrected through practice, reading copious amounts of like-material and particularly the drafting process.
Yeah, exactly, it takes a long fucking time, and being a writer isn't what I want to do.