Absolutely Deranged Crossovers That You Wish Someone Would Write Already

Doom 2016/Bloodborne, an epic collision of the two greatest Rip and Tear simulators of the decade. Highlights include Doomslayer duel-wielding the chainsaw and the Whirligig.
Witcher X Elder Scrolls.

Geralt being Geralt in Tamriel would be the best thing ever.

"These dragons ..... are demigods? Oh great, there goes all my training."
Homestuck x Carrera's Legion.

There are actually sapient natives on Terra Nova when Humans first discovered it - an ectobiologically similar species possibly also created by the Noahs aka Horrorterrors aka Squiddles - insect like humanoids called Trolls. The Novan independence war is actually a four way skirmish overlapping with the Signless revolution which the Novans came up on top by pitting UN and the Trollian Empire against each other, then backstabbing Trollian revolutionaries. The Condesce escaped, the UN was forced into a peace treaty, and most remaining Trolls were relocated onto reservations. Several hundred years later, the last handful Trolls along with four children in Columbia received a new release of Sburb...
Homestuck x Carrera's Legion.

There are actually sapient natives on Terra Nova when Humans first discovered it - an ectobiologically similar species possibly also created by the Noahs aka Horrorterrors aka Squiddles - insect like humanoids called Trolls. The Novan independence war is actually a four way skirmish overlapping with the Signless revolution which the Novans came up on top by pitting UN and the Trollian Empire against each other, then backstabbing Trollian revolutionaries. The Condesce escaped, the UN was forced into a peace treaty, and most remaining Trolls were relocated onto reservations. Several hundred years later, the last handful Trolls along with four children in Columbia received a new release of Sburb...
In other news I'm thinking I might cross over World's Laziest Genie with Havoc Squad, which has much potential for chaotic hilarity.
Homestuck x Carrera's Legion.

There are actually sapient natives on Terra Nova when Humans first discovered it - an ectobiologically similar species possibly also created by the Noahs aka Horrorterrors aka Squiddles - insect like humanoids called Trolls. The Novan independence war is actually a four way skirmish overlapping with the Signless revolution which the Novans came up on top by pitting UN and the Trollian Empire against each other, then backstabbing Trollian revolutionaries. The Condesce escaped, the UN was forced into a peace treaty, and most remaining Trolls were relocated onto reservations. Several hundred years later, the last handful Trolls along with four children in Columbia received a new release of Sburb...
More ideas on the crossover:

Their 16-player Sburb session involves killing people. Its goal isn't specified, and winning prize is very likely not world creation.

Jane, Roxy, Dirk and Jake exists as their Guardian versions though as relatively recently defrosted Earth immigrants who lived most of their time on Terra Nova.

The Novans actually tried to make an alliance between themselves and both Troll factions, though the Subjugglator tribe ruined it when they started to paint with Human blood. The war became a four way melee again, with the majority of Imperial and UN strength spent at each other. The UN managed to win a decisive space battle and sent the Condesce running away on her ship; they gave Novans independence because they had no manpower to spare fighting on the ground anymore. Trolls left on the planet fought humans for an indeterminate time, led by the few remaining "greater" ones, until close to extinction. The Summoner was a figure in the Novan Great Global War.

Oh my god that would just be fantastic. You'd need Vetinari or a Vetinari-alike to provide the power structure that lets him get away with that (or an introduction of a critical mass of Narrativium to tip things his way through one in a million chances and such), but it would be a nice mildly vindictive pleasure to read.

"Sam Vimes once arrested me for treason," said Vetinari calmly. "And Sam Vimes once arrested a dragon. Sam Vimes stopped a war between nations by arresting two high commands. He's an arresting fellow, Sam Vimes. Sam Vimes killed a werewolf with his bare hands, and carries law with him, like a lamp—"
"Where did all that come from?"
"Watchmen across half the continent will say that Sam Vimes is as straight as an arrow, can't be corrupted, won't be turned, never took a bribe."
I would read that. Repeatedly. Probably at late hours too, when I really should be sleeping.
Right, so, I've had this sucker in the works for a while (and by that, I made a timeline of events and ran with it till I was bored).

I'll post it here by bullet point, prepare for text wall.

  • B.C. 50000: A Certain Meteor crashes into what will become Greenland. Pieces of it split off during re-entry, which fall all over the world. (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • None ever approach the size of what crashed in Greenland, but certain... mutations occur, and give rise to what will become the monsters of lore (Castlevania)
  • BC 8000: Kars discovers one of these monsters, a 'proto-type' of the first Vampire that feeds with its fangs. This is used as the model for his stone masks. Finding fang feeding to be inefficient, his design template uses a cross between the natural vampire and his fellow pillar men, resulting in claw feeding, artificial vampires. AC/DC encounters one natural vampire in particular who's strength surpassed all others, nearly able to match him blow for blow. AC/DC, in a fit of tactical brilliance, informs him of the Red Stones and the Super Aja, and the power they hold over the sun, and through this monster, this Dragon of a vampire, sets all of monsterkind against humanity and the Ripple warriors to distract them while the Pillar men hibernated, monsters of all stripes now seeking the stones for themselves.
  • AD 500: The Church and the Ripple Warriors team up to create a training regimen used to help combat the vampire threat, with the church taking center stage to allow the Ripple tribe secrecy. The use of Holy Icons to ward off vampires, actually items designed to contain the power of the sun and the ripple, becomes widespread in warfare as a result. Certain Knighthoods become Ripple users. The Belmont clan of knights are particularly exceptional in the art of Ripple.
  • AD 1094: The events of 'Lament of Innocence' occur. The Alchemy Whip is turned into the Vampire Killer with the death of Sara, who was kidnapped by Walter Bernhard, and was starting to Turn into a vampire. Sara, though not a practitioner of the ripple, used her First and Final Ripple to facilitate the transformation of the whip into a Hamon Super Conductor near par with the Super Aja.
  • AD 1200-1300: Matthias uses the crimson stone, which he created in an experiment to artificially make a Super Aja, to increase his power as a Vampire, claiming the name of Dracula, son of the Dragon, as a title of prestige.
  • AD 1354: Knights David Hellsing and Jason 'the Jolly' Joestar investigate a curious uprising of vampires in Britain. In the process, they end up working together with a priest of the Catholic Church named Morrison Light to take down the ringleader, Matthias, under the guidance of the Belmont Clan. The Crimson Stone is lost, and Matthias is forced to flee to Transylvania. Though he makes a replacement, it would never match the power of the first. (HELLSING, MEGAMAN)
  • AD 1470: Matthias's son, the Dhampir Adrian, wishes nothing to do with his father, taking the counter-title of Alucard, betrayer of Vampires. He encounters the man known as Vlad Tepes III, becoming a boon companion to him in spite of his half-vampire heritage. Vlad would inspire Adrian to live up to his title of Vampire betrayer and drop the search for the Super Aja in favor of mankind's defense. They would call themselves brothers in all but blood (sometimes as an off-color joke at Adrian's expense), and would fight together when the turks went to war with Romania.
  • AD 1476: Transylvania becomes a hotbed of Vampire activity. During the turkish invasion, Adrian and Vlad encounter a Turkish commander who had not only found the original Crimson Stone, but was using its power to rip the blood out of wounded enemies and kill them in nightmarish ways. While ultimately victorious, Adrian is forced to leave Vlad when he learns that his father Matthias has revealed himself in the wake of the invasion, turning Vlad's castle into a lair of monstrosities. Vlad is captured, but prior to his execution, swallows the Crimson stone that he hid away, and consumed blood to turn himself into a Vampire, one powerful enough to be called an equal to Matthias, a Dracula.
  • The destruction wrought by both across Romania is such that a team of Vampire hunters are sent in to take them down. Trevor Belmont, with Graham Light from the Church moved against Matthias while supported by the Alucard Adrian. Meanwhile Vlad crossed paths with knights from Hellsing and the Joestar lines. Though the humans are able to beat both Dracula, neither Vlad nor Matthias are totally put down. The Belmont clan would remain interlocked with the three vampires for over four centuries. The lineage of the Light Priesthood would soon to turn to scholarhood, while the Joestar line would turn to leadership within its homeland of Britain, retaining their ties to the Hellsing line.
  • AD 1867: Hellsing's clan comes into possession of an arrow with odd properties.
  • AD 1880: The events of Phantom Blood occur. Jameson Light becomes friends with Jonathon Joestar, and coins the nickname of 'JoJo', while Abraham Van Hellsing returns from Romania to prepare for a possible incursion by Dracula Matthias at the behest of the Belmont clan.
  • 1888: Dio becomes a Stone Mask Vampire. Jameson Light accompanies his friend Jojo with Speedwagon and Zeppeli, acting as a medic for the team. Zeppeli's death inspires Jameson to find a way to 'build' a vampire hunter, so that others would not have to die in the line of duty.
  • 1889: Dio resurges as just a head, and confronts Jojo over the Atlantic. Erina is sent to America to find Jameson, who was supposed to meet them there at the end of their cruise. Jameson is beside himself when Erina comes to him with only a baby and news of Jonathon's death fighting Dio.
  • 1897: Abraham Van Hellsing encounters Dracula Vlad Tepes on the shores of Britain, who was seeking out Dracula Mathias himself. Aware of Vlad's potential for destruction, Abraham enlisted the help of Alucard Adrian in restraining Vlad Tepes while the Morris clan dealt with Mathias.
  • 1912: Speedwagon is approached by an aging Jameson Light to help fund an organization of his own, which Jameson believed would allow him to help attain his dream of ending the profession of Vampire Hunter for good. Speedwagon agrees, and the two of them create a dedicated division within the Speedwagon foundation that created anti-vampire weaponry.
  • 1918: Speedwagon and Jameson are approached by a government official. He asks of them to help with an organization that sought to control world economics and politics to keep them stable in the face of the threat presented by Vampires like Matthias and Vlad. While Jameson and Speedwagon decline, preferring the freedom of operation the already have, they wished the man the best of luck in his endeavor for global security. The Philosophers are created by Russia, China, and America, with the stated goal of world stability in the face of the supernatural. (METAL GEAR)
  • 1932: Albert Wily is born.
  • 1938: The Events of Battle Tendency begin. Jameson's Grandson, Thomas Light, is born. Arthur Hellsing is kidnapped from his home by Nazi sympathizers. He is brought to Mexico along with Speedwagon as a prisoner of Stroheim. Alucard Adrian teams up with Joseph Joestar to rescue both of them, and helps defeat Santana. He returns Arthur to England as Joseph travels with Speedwagon to Italy. The Philosophers create the pact known as the Philosopher's Legacy in order to consolidate their power into liquid assets that they could use to ensure humanity's future.
  • WWII: The Cobra Special Forces unit is formed. Stroheim, acting to keep Nazi Germany free of the vampire threat, informs Arthur Hellsing about the Millennium Faction. Though he is able to send his message, he is forced to fight the Cobra Unit in order to prove to his superiors that his interests are still aligned with the Third Reich. He and his hand picked team of nutjobs special forces do their best, but are ultimately cleared of suspicion posthumously.
  • 1942: The events of 'Portrait of Ruin' occur. Walter C. Dornez is sent by Arthur to support Johnathan and Charlotte as a method to prove his worth to the organization. Joseph Joestar provided the logistic support from the Speedwagon Foundation, acting as a mentor to the fledgling vampire hunters. After, the events of Hellsing: Dawn occur, with the Cobra Unit coming in to bail out both Walter and Alucard from being killed by the Captain.
  • 1953: Thomas Light and Albert Wily become coworkers in the Speedwagon Foundation's Anti-Vampire Weapons R&D Department. Both are working on an idea that may be the key to keeping humans out of Vampire hunting: A solar-powered automaton that uses laser gun with a red stone focus lens.
  • 1956: The first Sniper Joe, Protoman is built. Requests for its mass production by military and political organizations lead to a rise in tensions between Wily and Light, both seeing how their technology would be misused by militaries. Though Light is able to stop further inquiries with the introduction of Asimov's Three Laws, Wily sees this as a step back, as it restricts the robots in its ability to hunt and kill Vampires. Protoman, aware of what this would mean for his identity, flees.
  • 1958-1964: The events of Megaman 1-10 occur. Wily is motivated to cause robots to rebel against humans as a way to try and yank them out of the yoke of oppression the three laws represent to him. Wily is never captured during this 6 year long rebellion, by 1964, he has grown too old to keep fighting as he had. A near accidental death in his last fight with Megaman makes him realize that he will likely never see an end to the three laws, having almost forgotten what they had originally designed the first robot for: Vampire hunting. Wily surrenders, but true to his name, he does so under the condition that, rather than fight him, Megaman starts fighting what his predecessors were built for. Wily is finally detained, put on I.C.E. (Incarcerate, cannot execute) so that he could turn his mind to vampire hunting robots. Megaman is introduced to Jonathan Morris, one of the last few Vampires Hunters left.
  • 1966: 2 years after Wily's surrender and sentencing to house arrest. As Megaman studies under Johnathan, Wily and Light collaborate one last time to create a pair of robots that would incorporate all they had learned and mastered of their crafts during the Robot Rebellion. With additional consultation from Hellsing and access to their bizarre arrow, they build the first Replicatable Androids, or Reploids: Robots that were unrestricted by the Three Laws that caused so much trouble ten years ago, near perfect mental replications of human minds in their programming. The robot known as Protoman would act as a testbed for this technology. Without the threat of the three laws in play, he acquiesces.
  • 1968: The real fun starts here. The clusterfuck that is "Snake Eater" Begins. After the failure of the VirtualVirtuous Mission, Naked Snake is sent back to destroy the Shogohod, unofficially supported by the strange robot codenamed 'Blues', who is sent to save Doctor Cossack after he was kidnapped by Cobra Unit. Cossack forced under pain of death, is forced to make robot masters that only know how to kill, in a bizarre twist of the natural three laws. Further, Lt. Raikov had recently come upon a Stone Mask that was stolen from Germany after the war's end, and has started lurking forests for humans to feast on. It only gets worse when Adrian comes into the woodwork, chasing after the Robot known as Bass, who somehow managed to acquire a spiritual partner that could only be seen by those affiliated with the supernatural, those with their own partner, or on a type of wavelength only certain robots like 'Blues' can view. Snake Eater can only become more bizarre from here!
I don't have anything past the beginning of Snake Eater. Hell, I didn't have anything past '38 before today, so congrats, you get a look at new stuff!. Enjoy!
Right, so, I've had this sucker in the works for a while (and by that, I made a timeline of events and ran with it till I was bored).

I'll post it here by bullet point, prepare for text wall.

  • B.C. 50000: A Certain Meteor crashes into what will become Greenland. Pieces of it split off during re-entry, which fall all over the world. (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • None ever approach the size of what crashed in Greenland, but certain... mutations occur, and give rise to what will become the monsters of lore (Castlevania)
  • BC 8000: Kars discovers one of these monsters, a 'proto-type' of the first Vampire that feeds with its fangs. This is used as the model for his stone masks. Finding fang feeding to be inefficient, his design template uses a cross between the natural vampire and his fellow pillar men, resulting in claw feeding, artificial vampires. AC/DC encounters one natural vampire in particular who's strength surpassed all others, nearly able to match him blow for blow. AC/DC, in a fit of tactical brilliance, informs him of the Red Stones and the Super Aja, and the power they hold over the sun, and through this monster, this Dragon of a vampire, sets all of monsterkind against humanity and the Ripple warriors to distract them while the Pillar men hibernated, monsters of all stripes now seeking the stones for themselves.
  • AD 500: The Church and the Ripple Warriors team up to create a training regimen used to help combat the vampire threat, with the church taking center stage to allow the Ripple tribe secrecy. The use of Holy Icons to ward off vampires, actually items designed to contain the power of the sun and the ripple, becomes widespread in warfare as a result. Certain Knighthoods become Ripple users. The Belmont clan of knights are particularly exceptional in the art of Ripple.
  • AD 1094: The events of 'Lament of Innocence' occur. The Alchemy Whip is turned into the Vampire Killer with the death of Sara, who was kidnapped by Walter Bernhard, and was starting to Turn into a vampire. Sara, though not a practitioner of the ripple, used her First and Final Ripple to facilitate the transformation of the whip into a Hamon Super Conductor near par with the Super Aja.
  • AD 1200-1300: Matthias uses the crimson stone, which he created in an experiment to artificially make a Super Aja, to increase his power as a Vampire, claiming the name of Dracula, son of the Dragon, as a title of prestige.
  • AD 1354: Knights David Hellsing and Jason 'the Jolly' Joestar investigate a curious uprising of vampires in Britain. In the process, they end up working together with a priest of the Catholic Church named Morrison Light to take down the ringleader, Matthias, under the guidance of the Belmont Clan. The Crimson Stone is lost, and Matthias is forced to flee to Transylvania. Though he makes a replacement, it would never match the power of the first. (HELLSING, MEGAMAN)
  • AD 1470: Matthias's son, the Dhampir Adrian, wishes nothing to do with his father, taking the counter-title of Alucard, betrayer of Vampires. He encounters the man known as Vlad Tepes III, becoming a boon companion to him in spite of his half-vampire heritage. Vlad would inspire Adrian to live up to his title of Vampire betrayer and drop the search for the Super Aja in favor of mankind's defense. They would call themselves brothers in all but blood (sometimes as an off-color joke at Adrian's expense), and would fight together when the turks went to war with Romania.
  • AD 1476: Transylvania becomes a hotbed of Vampire activity. During the turkish invasion, Adrian and Vlad encounter a Turkish commander who had not only found the original Crimson Stone, but was using its power to rip the blood out of wounded enemies and kill them in nightmarish ways. While ultimately victorious, Adrian is forced to leave Vlad when he learns that his father Matthias has revealed himself in the wake of the invasion, turning Vlad's castle into a lair of monstrosities. Vlad is captured, but prior to his execution, swallows the Crimson stone that he hid away, and consumed blood to turn himself into a Vampire, one powerful enough to be called an equal to Matthias, a Dracula.
  • The destruction wrought by both across Romania is such that a team of Vampire hunters are sent in to take them down. Trevor Belmont, with Graham Light from the Church moved against Matthias while supported by the Alucard Adrian. Meanwhile Vlad crossed paths with knights from Hellsing and the Joestar lines. Though the humans are able to beat both Dracula, neither Vlad nor Matthias are totally put down. The Belmont clan would remain interlocked with the three vampires for over four centuries. The lineage of the Light Priesthood would soon to turn to scholarhood, while the Joestar line would turn to leadership within its homeland of Britain, retaining their ties to the Hellsing line.
  • AD 1867: Hellsing's clan comes into possession of an arrow with odd properties.
  • AD 1880: The events of Phantom Blood occur. Jameson Light becomes friends with Jonathon Joestar, and coins the nickname of 'JoJo', while Abraham Van Hellsing returns from Romania to prepare for a possible incursion by Dracula Matthias at the behest of the Belmont clan.
  • 1888: Dio becomes a Stone Mask Vampire. Jameson Light accompanies his friend Jojo with Speedwagon and Zeppeli, acting as a medic for the team. Zeppeli's death inspires Jameson to find a way to 'build' a vampire hunter, so that others would not have to die in the line of duty.
  • 1889: Dio resurges as just a head, and confronts Jojo over the Atlantic. Erina is sent to America to find Jameson, who was supposed to meet them there at the end of their cruise. Jameson is beside himself when Erina comes to him with only a baby and news of Jonathon's death fighting Dio.
  • 1897: Abraham Van Hellsing encounters Dracula Vlad Tepes on the shores of Britain, who was seeking out Dracula Mathias himself. Aware of Vlad's potential for destruction, Abraham enlisted the help of Alucard Adrian in restraining Vlad Tepes while the Morris clan dealt with Mathias.
  • 1912: Speedwagon is approached by an aging Jameson Light to help fund an organization of his own, which Jameson believed would allow him to help attain his dream of ending the profession of Vampire Hunter for good. Speedwagon agrees, and the two of them create a dedicated division within the Speedwagon foundation that created anti-vampire weaponry.
  • 1918: Speedwagon and Jameson are approached by a government official. He asks of them to help with an organization that sought to control world economics and politics to keep them stable in the face of the threat presented by Vampires like Matthias and Vlad. While Jameson and Speedwagon decline, preferring the freedom of operation the already have, they wished the man the best of luck in his endeavor for global security. The Philosophers are created by Russia, China, and America, with the stated goal of world stability in the face of the supernatural. (METAL GEAR)
  • 1932: Albert Wily is born.
  • 1938: The Events of Battle Tendency begin. Jameson's Grandson, Thomas Light, is born. Arthur Hellsing is kidnapped from his home by Nazi sympathizers. He is brought to Mexico along with Speedwagon as a prisoner of Stroheim. Alucard Adrian teams up with Joseph Joestar to rescue both of them, and helps defeat Santana. He returns Arthur to England as Joseph travels with Speedwagon to Italy. The Philosophers create the pact known as the Philosopher's Legacy in order to consolidate their power into liquid assets that they could use to ensure humanity's future.
  • WWII: The Cobra Special Forces unit is formed. Stroheim, acting to keep Nazi Germany free of the vampire threat, informs Arthur Hellsing about the Millennium Faction. Though he is able to send his message, he is forced to fight the Cobra Unit in order to prove to his superiors that his interests are still aligned with the Third Reich. He and his hand picked team of nutjobs special forces do their best, but are ultimately cleared of suspicion posthumously.
  • 1942: The events of 'Portrait of Ruin' occur. Walter C. Dornez is sent by Arthur to support Johnathan and Charlotte as a method to prove his worth to the organization. Joseph Joestar provided the logistic support from the Speedwagon Foundation, acting as a mentor to the fledgling vampire hunters. After, the events of Hellsing: Dawn occur, with the Cobra Unit coming in to bail out both Walter and Alucard from being killed by the Captain.
  • 1953: Thomas Light and Albert Wily become coworkers in the Speedwagon Foundation's Anti-Vampire Weapons R&D Department. Both are working on an idea that may be the key to keeping humans out of Vampire hunting: A solar-powered automaton that uses laser gun with a red stone focus lens.
  • 1956: The first Sniper Joe, Protoman is built. Requests for its mass production by military and political organizations lead to a rise in tensions between Wily and Light, both seeing how their technology would be misused by militaries. Though Light is able to stop further inquiries with the introduction of Asimov's Three Laws, Wily sees this as a step back, as it restricts the robots in its ability to hunt and kill Vampires. Protoman, aware of what this would mean for his identity, flees.
  • 1958-1964: The events of Megaman 1-10 occur. Wily is motivated to cause robots to rebel against humans as a way to try and yank them out of the yoke of oppression the three laws represent to him. Wily is never captured during this 6 year long rebellion, by 1964, he has grown too old to keep fighting as he had. A near accidental death in his last fight with Megaman makes him realize that he will likely never see an end to the three laws, having almost forgotten what they had originally designed the first robot for: Vampire hunting. Wily surrenders, but true to his name, he does so under the condition that, rather than fight him, Megaman starts fighting what his predecessors were built for. Wily is finally detained, put on I.C.E. (Incarcerate, cannot execute) so that he could turn his mind to vampire hunting robots. Megaman is introduced to Jonathan Morris, one of the last few Vampires Hunters left.
  • 1966: 2 years after Wily's surrender and sentencing to house arrest. As Megaman studies under Johnathan, Wily and Light collaborate one last time to create a pair of robots that would incorporate all they had learned and mastered of their crafts during the Robot Rebellion. With additional consultation from Hellsing and access to their bizarre arrow, they build the first Replicatable Androids, or Reploids: Robots that were unrestricted by the Three Laws that caused so much trouble ten years ago, near perfect mental replications of human minds in their programming. The robot known as Protoman would act as a testbed for this technology. Without the threat of the three laws in play, he acquiesces.
  • 1968: The real fun starts here. The clusterfuck that is "Snake Eater" Begins. After the failure of the VirtualVirtuous Mission, Naked Snake is sent back to destroy the Shogohod, unofficially supported by the strange robot codenamed 'Blues', who is sent to save Doctor Cossack after he was kidnapped by Cobra Unit. Cossack forced under pain of death, is forced to make robot masters that only know how to kill, in a bizarre twist of the natural three laws. Further, Lt. Raikov had recently come upon a Stone Mask that was stolen from Germany after the war's end, and has started lurking forests for humans to feast on. It only gets worse when Adrian comes into the woodwork, chasing after the Robot known as Bass, who somehow managed to acquire a spiritual partner that could only be seen by those affiliated with the supernatural, those with their own partner, or on a type of wavelength only certain robots like 'Blues' can view. Snake Eater can only become more bizarre from here!
I don't have anything past the beginning of Snake Eater. Hell, I didn't have anything past '38 before today, so congrats, you get a look at new stuff!. Enjoy!
...wow. I know a tiny bit about MGS, a bit about JoJo, and almost nothing about the other settings, but I'd probably read the shit out of that.
Right, so, I've had this sucker in the works for a while (and by that, I made a timeline of events and ran with it till I was bored).

I'll post it here by bullet point, prepare for text wall.

  • B.C. 50000: A Certain Meteor crashes into what will become Greenland. Pieces of it split off during re-entry, which fall all over the world. (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • None ever approach the size of what crashed in Greenland, but certain... mutations occur, and give rise to what will become the monsters of lore (Castlevania)
  • BC 8000: Kars discovers one of these monsters, a 'proto-type' of the first Vampire that feeds with its fangs. This is used as the model for his stone masks. Finding fang feeding to be inefficient, his design template uses a cross between the natural vampire and his fellow pillar men, resulting in claw feeding, artificial vampires. AC/DC encounters one natural vampire in particular who's strength surpassed all others, nearly able to match him blow for blow. AC/DC, in a fit of tactical brilliance, informs him of the Red Stones and the Super Aja, and the power they hold over the sun, and through this monster, this Dragon of a vampire, sets all of monsterkind against humanity and the Ripple warriors to distract them while the Pillar men hibernated, monsters of all stripes now seeking the stones for themselves.
  • AD 500: The Church and the Ripple Warriors team up to create a training regimen used to help combat the vampire threat, with the church taking center stage to allow the Ripple tribe secrecy. The use of Holy Icons to ward off vampires, actually items designed to contain the power of the sun and the ripple, becomes widespread in warfare as a result. Certain Knighthoods become Ripple users. The Belmont clan of knights are particularly exceptional in the art of Ripple.
  • AD 1094: The events of 'Lament of Innocence' occur. The Alchemy Whip is turned into the Vampire Killer with the death of Sara, who was kidnapped by Walter Bernhard, and was starting to Turn into a vampire. Sara, though not a practitioner of the ripple, used her First and Final Ripple to facilitate the transformation of the whip into a Hamon Super Conductor near par with the Super Aja.
  • AD 1200-1300: Matthias uses the crimson stone, which he created in an experiment to artificially make a Super Aja, to increase his power as a Vampire, claiming the name of Dracula, son of the Dragon, as a title of prestige.
  • AD 1354: Knights David Hellsing and Jason 'the Jolly' Joestar investigate a curious uprising of vampires in Britain. In the process, they end up working together with a priest of the Catholic Church named Morrison Light to take down the ringleader, Matthias, under the guidance of the Belmont Clan. The Crimson Stone is lost, and Matthias is forced to flee to Transylvania. Though he makes a replacement, it would never match the power of the first. (HELLSING, MEGAMAN)
  • AD 1470: Matthias's son, the Dhampir Adrian, wishes nothing to do with his father, taking the counter-title of Alucard, betrayer of Vampires. He encounters the man known as Vlad Tepes III, becoming a boon companion to him in spite of his half-vampire heritage. Vlad would inspire Adrian to live up to his title of Vampire betrayer and drop the search for the Super Aja in favor of mankind's defense. They would call themselves brothers in all but blood (sometimes as an off-color joke at Adrian's expense), and would fight together when the turks went to war with Romania.
  • AD 1476: Transylvania becomes a hotbed of Vampire activity. During the turkish invasion, Adrian and Vlad encounter a Turkish commander who had not only found the original Crimson Stone, but was using its power to rip the blood out of wounded enemies and kill them in nightmarish ways. While ultimately victorious, Adrian is forced to leave Vlad when he learns that his father Matthias has revealed himself in the wake of the invasion, turning Vlad's castle into a lair of monstrosities. Vlad is captured, but prior to his execution, swallows the Crimson stone that he hid away, and consumed blood to turn himself into a Vampire, one powerful enough to be called an equal to Matthias, a Dracula.
  • The destruction wrought by both across Romania is such that a team of Vampire hunters are sent in to take them down. Trevor Belmont, with Graham Light from the Church moved against Matthias while supported by the Alucard Adrian. Meanwhile Vlad crossed paths with knights from Hellsing and the Joestar lines. Though the humans are able to beat both Dracula, neither Vlad nor Matthias are totally put down. The Belmont clan would remain interlocked with the three vampires for over four centuries. The lineage of the Light Priesthood would soon to turn to scholarhood, while the Joestar line would turn to leadership within its homeland of Britain, retaining their ties to the Hellsing line.
  • AD 1867: Hellsing's clan comes into possession of an arrow with odd properties.
  • AD 1880: The events of Phantom Blood occur. Jameson Light becomes friends with Jonathon Joestar, and coins the nickname of 'JoJo', while Abraham Van Hellsing returns from Romania to prepare for a possible incursion by Dracula Matthias at the behest of the Belmont clan.
  • 1888: Dio becomes a Stone Mask Vampire. Jameson Light accompanies his friend Jojo with Speedwagon and Zeppeli, acting as a medic for the team. Zeppeli's death inspires Jameson to find a way to 'build' a vampire hunter, so that others would not have to die in the line of duty.
  • 1889: Dio resurges as just a head, and confronts Jojo over the Atlantic. Erina is sent to America to find Jameson, who was supposed to meet them there at the end of their cruise. Jameson is beside himself when Erina comes to him with only a baby and news of Jonathon's death fighting Dio.
  • 1897: Abraham Van Hellsing encounters Dracula Vlad Tepes on the shores of Britain, who was seeking out Dracula Mathias himself. Aware of Vlad's potential for destruction, Abraham enlisted the help of Alucard Adrian in restraining Vlad Tepes while the Morris clan dealt with Mathias.
  • 1912: Speedwagon is approached by an aging Jameson Light to help fund an organization of his own, which Jameson believed would allow him to help attain his dream of ending the profession of Vampire Hunter for good. Speedwagon agrees, and the two of them create a dedicated division within the Speedwagon foundation that created anti-vampire weaponry.
  • 1918: Speedwagon and Jameson are approached by a government official. He asks of them to help with an organization that sought to control world economics and politics to keep them stable in the face of the threat presented by Vampires like Matthias and Vlad. While Jameson and Speedwagon decline, preferring the freedom of operation the already have, they wished the man the best of luck in his endeavor for global security. The Philosophers are created by Russia, China, and America, with the stated goal of world stability in the face of the supernatural. (METAL GEAR)
  • 1932: Albert Wily is born.
  • 1938: The Events of Battle Tendency begin. Jameson's Grandson, Thomas Light, is born. Arthur Hellsing is kidnapped from his home by Nazi sympathizers. He is brought to Mexico along with Speedwagon as a prisoner of Stroheim. Alucard Adrian teams up with Joseph Joestar to rescue both of them, and helps defeat Santana. He returns Arthur to England as Joseph travels with Speedwagon to Italy. The Philosophers create the pact known as the Philosopher's Legacy in order to consolidate their power into liquid assets that they could use to ensure humanity's future.
  • WWII: The Cobra Special Forces unit is formed. Stroheim, acting to keep Nazi Germany free of the vampire threat, informs Arthur Hellsing about the Millennium Faction. Though he is able to send his message, he is forced to fight the Cobra Unit in order to prove to his superiors that his interests are still aligned with the Third Reich. He and his hand picked team of nutjobs special forces do their best, but are ultimately cleared of suspicion posthumously.
  • 1942: The events of 'Portrait of Ruin' occur. Walter C. Dornez is sent by Arthur to support Johnathan and Charlotte as a method to prove his worth to the organization. Joseph Joestar provided the logistic support from the Speedwagon Foundation, acting as a mentor to the fledgling vampire hunters. After, the events of Hellsing: Dawn occur, with the Cobra Unit coming in to bail out both Walter and Alucard from being killed by the Captain.
  • 1953: Thomas Light and Albert Wily become coworkers in the Speedwagon Foundation's Anti-Vampire Weapons R&D Department. Both are working on an idea that may be the key to keeping humans out of Vampire hunting: A solar-powered automaton that uses laser gun with a red stone focus lens.
  • 1956: The first Sniper Joe, Protoman is built. Requests for its mass production by military and political organizations lead to a rise in tensions between Wily and Light, both seeing how their technology would be misused by militaries. Though Light is able to stop further inquiries with the introduction of Asimov's Three Laws, Wily sees this as a step back, as it restricts the robots in its ability to hunt and kill Vampires. Protoman, aware of what this would mean for his identity, flees.
  • 1958-1964: The events of Megaman 1-10 occur. Wily is motivated to cause robots to rebel against humans as a way to try and yank them out of the yoke of oppression the three laws represent to him. Wily is never captured during this 6 year long rebellion, by 1964, he has grown too old to keep fighting as he had. A near accidental death in his last fight with Megaman makes him realize that he will likely never see an end to the three laws, having almost forgotten what they had originally designed the first robot for: Vampire hunting. Wily surrenders, but true to his name, he does so under the condition that, rather than fight him, Megaman starts fighting what his predecessors were built for. Wily is finally detained, put on I.C.E. (Incarcerate, cannot execute) so that he could turn his mind to vampire hunting robots. Megaman is introduced to Jonathan Morris, one of the last few Vampires Hunters left.
  • 1966: 2 years after Wily's surrender and sentencing to house arrest. As Megaman studies under Johnathan, Wily and Light collaborate one last time to create a pair of robots that would incorporate all they had learned and mastered of their crafts during the Robot Rebellion. With additional consultation from Hellsing and access to their bizarre arrow, they build the first Replicatable Androids, or Reploids: Robots that were unrestricted by the Three Laws that caused so much trouble ten years ago, near perfect mental replications of human minds in their programming. The robot known as Protoman would act as a testbed for this technology. Without the threat of the three laws in play, he acquiesces.
  • 1968: The real fun starts here. The clusterfuck that is "Snake Eater" Begins. After the failure of the VirtualVirtuous Mission, Naked Snake is sent back to destroy the Shogohod, unofficially supported by the strange robot codenamed 'Blues', who is sent to save Doctor Cossack after he was kidnapped by Cobra Unit. Cossack forced under pain of death, is forced to make robot masters that only know how to kill, in a bizarre twist of the natural three laws. Further, Lt. Raikov had recently come upon a Stone Mask that was stolen from Germany after the war's end, and has started lurking forests for humans to feast on. It only gets worse when Adrian comes into the woodwork, chasing after the Robot known as Bass, who somehow managed to acquire a spiritual partner that could only be seen by those affiliated with the supernatural, those with their own partner, or on a type of wavelength only certain robots like 'Blues' can view. Snake Eater can only become more bizarre from here!
I don't have anything past the beginning of Snake Eater. Hell, I didn't have anything past '38 before today, so congrats, you get a look at new stuff!. Enjoy!

Oh this is getting all my attention. JoJo, and Hellsing(also Catslevainia, MGS, and Megaman as well) are my favorite anime series.
Nier X Undertale.

Second Best Dad loses daughter to hole in mountain, and then follows.
This...would actually work better than it first sounds.

Chara would basically be a combination of canon their canon self and Tyrann, except they'd be speaking to Nier instead of Kaine. The Undertale side could be kept completely the same besides some adjustments to Chara and their time in the Undergound, except maybe having them not speak the same language (granted, it'd be pretty obvious that they're not mindless beasts pretty much instantly with Toriel, not that that would matter with Nier...)

Of course, there's pretty much no chance of a Pacifist run, Nier being Nier.

The monsters could simply not be aware that the apocalypse happened on the surface and the whole thing with Gesalts/Replicants, or are-depending on how you want the story to go.

This could also work in Asgore, when he shows that the Souls he has are actually Shades. Nier in his own game never learns what the shades really are until the Devola and Popola fight, and even then he doesn't seem to completely grok it until just as he kills the Shadowlord, after Yonah's Gesalt has already commited suicide.
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