A Villain In A World Of Heroes

Hmm. Bah. The writeup doesn't look like it has that limit, but I think I vaguely remember that from when it happened.

The above pseudo-vote is what I'd like to do, but if the water balls are nixed, will need something else for the third slot.
I don't remember specifically where, but I do remember Ness implying our need of water to do it. There is also this quote, from just after killing the Dragon, and people were arguing about how hydrokinesis would let us puppet people somehow.
The further you are from the water, the more energy it requires and the harder it is to manipulate.
This does sound like an illusion, along with a pain spell it seems like. Let's not panic, but try to not get burned if it's real.

Hmm. Bah. The writeup doesn't look like it has that limit, but I think I vaguely remember that from when it happened.

The above pseudo-vote is what I'd like to do, but if the water balls are nixed, will need something else for the third slot.

If we can't summon water, then we can cast a few ice spells and let them melt.

Trying to break the illusion is a good idea, if we can do that. If we can't, Ice is our best bet.

How did the ice touch work? It doesn't have a description in the op. Could we freeze the ground around us by touching it?
[X] Willful Mind - Resist the panic. Possibly the fire, too, if it's an illusion. You know you're able to ignore pain more easily than this. Your mind is your own... and only you will change it! Your choices are yours! AND YOU WILL BE THE ONE TO MAKE THEM!
-[X] Earthen Walls - Earth stops fires right? Well, first I'll move the earth till I have a waist high wall all around me...
--[X] Flame's Embrace? - Then I'll test if what the flaming raccoons gave me will help. Does your body react to the fire in any way? Or perhaps you can manipulate the flames themselves?
---[X] Frozen Skies - Once you've built your walls and seen if anything the raccoons gave may help, begin using Ice Bolt to freeze, strengthen and heighten the walls, moving the melt water to douse the fires that get close using the River's Gift.
----[X] Arctic Winds - If this still isn't enough, now will be the time to use Blizzard as even if the fire's are fanned by the flames more than the snow douses, your walls should stop them.
-[X] Pain is Momentary - Let no pain stop you as you cast, for you know pain is only a warning and thus should be ignored when is necessary, and that any harm that is done to you will be healed by your regeneration in but a moment.

From what I remember, our character is a very intelligent and extremely driven girl. As such she wouldn't immediately go for the make-or-break spell as she knows if that fails, she may not succeed with the rest of her goals. Better to build up until she's sure that even if things go wrong, she won't be in immediate peril, for though risks will be necessary, it is important to know when it is required to risk everything, or when it's better to prepare.
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[X] Willful Mind - Resist the panic. Possibly the fire, too, if it's an illusion. You know you're able to ignore pain more easily than this. Your mind is your own... and only you will change it! Your choices are yours! AND YOU WILL BE THE ONE TO MAKE THEM!
-[] Earthen Walls - Earth stops fires right? Well, first I'll move the earth till I have a waist high wall all around me...
--[] Flame's Embrace? - Then I'll test if what the flaming raccoons gave me will help. Does your body react to the fire in any way? Or perhaps you can manipulate the flames themselves?
---[] Frozen Skies - Once you've built your walls and seen if anything the raccoons gave may help, begin using Ice Bolt to freeze, strengthen and heighten the walls, moving the melt water to douse the fires that get close using the River's Gift.
----[] Arctic Winds - If this still isn't enough, now will be the time to use Blizzard as even if the fire's are fanned by the flames more than the snow douses, your walls should stop them.
-[] Pain is Momentary - Let no pain stop you as you cast, for you know pain is only a warning and thus should be ignored when is necessary, and that any harm that is done to you will be healed by your regeneration in but a moment.

From what I remember, our character is a very intelligent and extremely driven girl. As such she wouldn't immediately go for the make-or-break spell as she knows if that fails, she may not succeed with the rest of her goals. Better to build up until she's sure that even if things go wrong, she won't be in immediate peril, for though risks will be necessary, it is important to know when it is required to risk everything, or when it's better to prepare.
View it more as fire that can act like steam and fill any space, so even a small gap in a dome would make things difficult and a passive wall you can sit on would be very ineffective.
The fact that ice and earth would be stacked on top of each other would likely mean you have the weaknesses of both with a gap in between, even if it does work.
The panic is real. It is the result of one away from a crit fail (you had a minus 1 modifer) and while you have fought before, it was only for two days and you have never experienced the feeling of being trapped like this before. You have the beginnings of a hardened warrior, but you aren't one yet.

As for the rest of it, spoilers...

All the default options are the way they are for a reason, any complex or calm plan will require a roll to overcome your panic. If it fails, you will still attempt to complete the planning, you will just be panicing while doing it.
read the options was a wall of ice, or something like an igloo.
You can't create an igloo, but you can try a wall. It would not be too easy, and require a roll, but you could definitely suggest it.

Also, about the willful mind trait. It doesn't let you break illusions, it lets you break mind control. If someone trapped you inside your own head, it could help. But if someone used a direct illusion, something that everyone could see, then it wouldn't do anything at all, and you have no counter spelling ability.

Finally, you can't create water balls without water.
Would this plan require any high difficulty rolls?

[]Drop to the ground
-[] Use ice touch on it
--[]If the fire stays use the melted ice to put it out
Touch range spells tend to be stronger then long ranged ones. Make of that what you will
Ok, then I think our plan should be:

[X] Drop to the ground
-[X] Use Ice Touch to freeze as much as we can
--[X] If the fire remains, use the melted ice to put it out
[X] Drop to the ground
-[X] Use Ice Touch to freeze as much as we can
--[X] If the fire remains, use the melted ice to put it out
Changing due to new information altering the situation :p

[X] Drop to the ground
-[X] Use Ice Touch to freeze as much as we can
--[X] If the fire remains, use the melted ice to put it out

Once we've finished her, we have to test out the raccoon's gift to see what it does...
[X] Drop to the ground
-[X] Use Ice Touch to freeze as much as we can
--[X] If the fire remains, use the melted ice to put it out
[X] Drop to the ground
-[X] Use Ice Touch to freeze as much as we can
--[X] If the fire remains, use the melted ice to put it out
Vote Tally : A Villain In A World Of Heroes | Page 135 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.5.11

[X] Drop to the ground
-[X] Use Ice Touch to freeze as much as we can
--[X] If the fire remains, use the melted ice to put it out
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Dirt is supposed to put out fires, right? Move the earth, block the flames!
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Ice Bolts, Ice Bolts everywhere!
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Call down a Blizzard inside the room! You haven't cast it before, but there is no way it can't out the flames out!
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Blizzard.
-[X] If it doesn't do the trick, use ice bolts at whatever fires are left.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Break the Illusion
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 14
Here is your roll.
Overcoming Panic: 2


You didn't totally fail?
Actually, I realized that that the rolls result didn't seem in character to me, and I couldn't really justify that result without it being caused a spell, which I already said wasn't the case. (And without modifers it was a 1, a critfail).

So.... Really quick vote.

[] Take the 2
[] IT WAS A 5
[X] IT WAS A 5

Just a question, but is there a cost to taking the 'In-character Roll' rather than the Chance Roll?
Actually, I realized that that the rolls result didn't seem in character to me, and I couldn't really justify that result without it being caused a spell, which I already said wasn't the case. (And without modifers it was a 1, a critfail).

So.... Really quick vote.

[] Take the 2
[] IT WAS A 5
I guess my question would be: Is there any actual reason it should even be possible to crit fail this? In this case, I think there is.

Cedra witnessed her father attacked with a fireball, burning him to death. While there have been other small instances where fire showed up, Cedra herself has never really been the victim of something like that. Being placed in a location where she is surrounded by fire and can't get out? I can see this building up to a major panic attack.

Without that connection, I'd say that there should be no reason for her to fail so badly simply because of die roll. At worst, a 1 would mean her momentary panic messed up her spellcrafting some. However with a strong emotional tie like that, I think it's appropriate that she face that fear.

This may or may not lead to a more permanent fear of fire, but we're not dealing with the situation where she can look back on things calmly, yet. I think it's more likely to just lead to a general unease about fire, but nothing debilitating once she gets over this initial shock.

With all that in mind, my vote:
[X] Take the 2
...I didn't actually think of that, that works almost perfectally.

I will still leave the vote up, though.
[X] IT WAS A 5
If we take the 2, do we fail the test and get a new phobia of fire?
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[X] Take the 2

The plan actually should work somewhat while panicked. At least the drop and touch the ground part.