[X] Willful Mind - Resist the panic. Possibly the fire, too, if it's an illusion. You know you're able to ignore pain more easily than this. Your mind is your own... and only you will change it! Your choices are yours! AND YOU WILL BE THE ONE TO MAKE THEM!
-[] Earthen Walls - Earth stops fires right? Well, first I'll move the earth till I have a waist high wall all around me...
--[] Flame's Embrace? - Then I'll test if what the flaming raccoons gave me will help. Does your body react to the fire in any way? Or perhaps you can manipulate the flames themselves?
---[] Frozen Skies - Once you've built your walls and seen if anything the raccoons gave may help, begin using Ice Bolt to freeze, strengthen and heighten the walls, moving the melt water to douse the fires that get close using the River's Gift.
----[] Arctic Winds - If this still isn't enough, now will be the time to use Blizzard as even if the fire's are fanned by the flames more than the snow douses, your walls should stop them.
-[] Pain is Momentary - Let no pain stop you as you cast, for you know pain is only a warning and thus should be ignored when is necessary, and that any harm that is done to you will be healed by your regeneration in but a moment.
From what I remember, our character is a very intelligent and extremely driven girl. As such she wouldn't immediately go for the make-or-break spell as she knows if that fails, she may not succeed with the rest of her goals. Better to build up until she's sure that even if things go wrong, she won't be in immediate peril, for though risks will be necessary, it is important to know when it is required to risk everything, or when it's better to prepare.