But Volkner's starter Shinx is called Sparky.
Wait, didn't Volkner start with a Pikachu?
[][Hotel] Go to a pokecenter. Uncomfortable but free.
Because we should spend as little as possible, so that we can get all those cool toys like Ultra Balls and Full Restores later. Also, we should probably get the Shinx checked out. Also also, Valor Lakefront might have some rides/attractions we can go to that cost money.
Actually, I'm going to go with
[X][Hotel] They leave you alone? Then you are going to grab your tent and go to the lake shore like a real man.
for a couple reasons.
First is to just get more practice roughing it for future traveling. Second is to let Maelstrom swim around and meet/challenge the Magikarp that reside in this lake (Because a thriving population does exist, as evidenced by all the ones flopping on the lake bed when Team Galactic blew it up. Plus, I wanna take every chance I can to help train Maesltrom up so that he can truly become our Ace). Thirdly, I want to see if we can maybe catch a glimpse of a shining, faerie like figure over the lake deep in the night. (Because hopefully a nat 100 on an encounter roll will let us see Azelf)
And here are some names I have for our new Shinx
[]Lux (Measures light, which Shinx can emit, and is also used to measure how much light is perceived by the human eye. Luxray have x-ray vision.)
[]Volt (Measure of electricity)
[]Azure (Because Shinx and it's evolutions are blue) (Also, given my avatar, I have to at least put this forward)
[]Striker (Because lightning strikes) (Also, given my avatar, I have to at least put this forward)
[]Thunderclap (Fits our budding weather theme of nicknames) (Also, could be a possible reference to what his roar will sound like when he evolves) (Also, given my avatar, I have to at least put this forward)(Also also, we only really caught this Shinx because we stood up to that Luxray and his Thunder, so this could serve as a nice little call back to how/why we caught the Shinx in the first place)
Based on a combination of our current theme and my avatar, I'm gonna push this one forward:
[X] [Name] Thunderclap