Alright, I'm awake now. Well, seems like the thread is collapsing onto either Cut + Shameless / something else and Foment Rebellion + Vigor Incarnate. I'm not opposed to either outcome but I'm more emotionally invested in Cutting Through (plus, I suspect going for the throat and killing the Council or the Ring's jailers right now might be the better move in the long-run, lest they wake an Immortal King capable of one-shotting us). Loss of momentum can be a huge factor in Hunger's mental state and I want to keep him as focused on the goal as possible now that we're approaching the end. Cut Through one more time, liberate the Azure Ring and leave this False Temple behind us.

[X] Cut
[X] Feat: Shameless

I'm mainly picking Shameless cause it's kind of embarrassing that as a Hero whose powers are derived from Accretion bolstering his legend, we haven't picked up any Feats aside from Age and Treachery in the quest so far. We've got to boost our Rank at least a little. I'm also pretty ok with Vigor Incarnate though, since it boosts the value of Fierce Quickening and S P E E D is king.
Would they... actually stop us from leading all our potential rebels over to ElixirVille to go stomp on the Rotbeast?

I've got this totally insane 300IQ strategy cooking where you recruit as many grumblers as you can in the temple, grab anyone you can in the encampment, and use them to wipe out the Rotbeast menace.

At which point, you kindly request the place's rickety and poorly maintained armour prototypes and as many combat assets as can be spared from the suddenly less-at-threat borders; you give all your grumblers Surgecraft who can attain it, Blood-imbue it to those easiest to do so, and take the resulting cobbled together army back to the temple to do some gunboat diplomacy with.
I'm mainly picking Shameless cause it's kind of embarrassing that as a Hero whose powers are derived from Accretion bolstering his legend, we haven't picked up any Feats aside from Age and Treachery in the quest so far. We've got to boost our Rank at least a little. I'm also pretty ok with Vigor Incarnate though, since it boosts the value of Fierce Quickening and S P E E D is king.

We picked up Apex though. And we've only passed up two other Feats. So we're 2 out of 4 on feats.

Which I guess does mean it's about time we picked up another one huh? Probably want to grab around half of these.
Fanwork#2554 Words

Everybody watch closely, Hunger's about to pull off a masterful I N F I L T R A T I O N!
Uh oh. It's possible that Battle is Closing because we are now talking rather than fighting, but with that crimson color I doubt it. That we just grabbed Crimson Flare could mean there's still hope for peace? Nah, I'm from the future, I know better.

On the bright side, this should mean that were one step closer to putting this godforsaken Temple behind us. fishing was a mistake
Soon, he promised mentally, addressing the imprisoned Ring, willing his own to act as conduit. He did not know if the Rings could actually speak to one another, did not know if it was merely a futile gesture, but sought to offer whatever hope he could: the strength, perhaps, to resist for one day more, to deny its exploiters whatever power it could, here in this final hour. One way or another, your suffering ends soon.
So it turns out that Ring-telepathy was an option, it just cost 25 Arete! The elephant is the room is Hunger's intense devotion to this Ring he's never met. Out of character it's because we didn't choose to heal Verschengorge and book it, and it's certainly a blessing that the character doesn't have to be the one responsible for all of our bad decisions, but I'm still not entirely convinced that Hunger's mind is his own.

Even if it's manufactured, it's moving. Spending effort and emotion on this attempt, even though it seems unlikely, just to comfort a stranger even a little. I believe in you. Rage against the dying of the light, Ring-chan! Literally!
He hadn't expect an answer of any kind, so Hunger startled when the Imprisoned Ring replied: first a trickle, then a steady stream, and finally a torrent of numinous power, transgressing space and time, raw potential like a livid thunderbolt flowing into the blood-red jewel of his own Ring. Crimson flared and blazed, a star risen from earth, such fearsome majesty that he staggered to contain it, the power of the jewel threatening to overcome and unbalance the Ring as a whole.
The Ring is more touched than I was. Just as Hunger believes in the Ring to endure, it believes in him to save him. This is not quite what I expected when I voted for Crimson Flare; with "attainment beyond power" and its dire straights, I figured it'd have wisdom to share more than strength. But, of course, I frequently find myself surprised by the options that open up when you consider what truly is necessary, and if some of those lines might be worth crossing after all. Very energetic scene, was Hunger screaming DBZ style?

I'm interested in the implications of the jewel almost unbalancing the Ring. It feels like a thing in itself, rather than something material with pieces. But apparently the fact that it's invincible doesn't mean it can't be conflicted? The Crimson Flare and the (yet to be) Ruling Ring. If the jewel on each ring is different, the parts that compete, the band is the same, the part that connects? And only one can have Primacy. I feel like this update gave us a few pieces about that mystery, but I can't yet put them together.

Unfortunately, while our Potential is still ethically sourced, maybe, we can't call it free-range anymore. Luckily we were already working on that.
Gisena sheltered the girls as he forced down its catastrophic might, compressing its all-piercing radiance until it could be safely contained. Now the jewel glittered with translucent fire: final remnant of the Imprisoned Ring's defiance, all its hope and joy of life, all its remaining will to resist, given over to him.

The Call of the False Moon faded from his mind, and he knew instinctively that it had faded from every other. This was the final sally of the Imprisoned Ring, one last desperate act of trust when all else had failed.

Hunger closed his eyes.
It's nice to have competent friends to take care of things when you spontaneously erupt with crimson power, sometimes when I do that my IRL friends just stand there and get blown up. Should've learned by now.

I sincerely hope that the Imprisoned Ring can get that hope and will (hey, lanterns!) back, because it would be too sad to be rescued only to be a shell of the past. And I hope that it's gratitude rather than apathy responsible for the Azure Ring's submission in the next contest. Where did I hear about how giving away love only makes it grow? Hopefully hope is like that, too- and it is, I just proved it!

Was this transfer of power possible because Hunger is the ring of passion, transmitted in the form of passion? At the least, that colored how it happened, I'd bet.

Way to go all in, the Forebear approves of this determination. Even if it can not be gone all in on? That's garbage, gave me brainfreeze, delete that. It's even more impressive than any of Hunger's displays, because he all-too-frequently risks his life, but the Azure Ring isn't capable of that. If this fails, the Ring won't die. It'll just be tortured, as endlessly as before, but this time without any hope. A moment of silence for the possibility of Hunger having any chill.
"You're our only hope."

How many times had they told him that in the campaign against the Tyrant? That he was it, that there was no other, that if he shirked his duty, or faltered, or failed, then it simply would not be done - only misery everlasting for the peoples of the world, clawing feebly at the yoke as it tightened and tightened.

It seemed he was not free of such duties. Perhaps would never be free. People fell into the patterns of their lives because of what they were good at. This was what he'd done all his life; was it such a surprise to have duty thrust upon him once more? Moreover, for something he intended to do anyway.
Help us, Hungry One Hero B. I couldn't have phrased it in such a way to emphasize the similarities, but a population under eternal bootstamping is basically the same thing as this. After that first year or so of his Isekai, Hunger was no longer the destined chosen one, so why should he have to bear everyone's hopes and dreams more than any other? All of the responsibilities with none of the benefits, this job sucks. At least with the Azure Ring he was chosen not by a population with their own free will and power, but a single, helpless entity, so there's a lot less to resent about it.

More than fate or humanity or Rings, Hunger's the one choosing this. He'll never be free, because in fact he's the Imprisoner. At the second-deepest level, the meaning is that he imprisions himself. (The deepest, like vali said, is that he has a BDSM fetish).
Even so, fuck these so-called interesting times.

He understood the sorrow of the Imprisoned Ring, the depths it must have been driven to, not only to ask a rival for aid, but to beg, and to invest everything in that begging. He understood its shattered pride, the egregious disgrace of its situation, the sheer hollowing agony of its every moment.

For that reason he did not resent the Ring for casting this burden upon him. The power it had gifted him would make its salvation easier. But he would freely resent the universe, and the Apocryphal Curse that guided it, until the end of his days.

No, he shook his head. Until he overcame them both. That was the promise of Progression, after all. Live, and grow strong. So long as he took care of the former, it would ensure the latter.

Live, and rescue the Ring, and grow strong.
Hey. Hunger. The Curse is still defrayed, this is all (y)our fault. Didn't DARE teach you anything, fishing is a gateway drug. One day you want to bag a cool fish for that meat and those sweet Gisena +'s, the next you're roleplaying as a fish charging after the Wurm bait in an elaborate culty BDSM fishpail. Apocryphal isn't the only source of interesting times, bad decisions are as well.

The voters, too. Don't forget to resent us, the hidden ones above the hidden ones who have also plotted to make your life hell. Actually, we mostly want good things for you, but we make bad decisions often, so a little resentment is still okay. Spare us when you reach whatever cardinality this is? Remember all the Arete we mined for you, buddy?

Live and grow strong is a cool saying, excellent advice to live by, and that's why I'm concerned by you slipping "rescue the Ring" in there. It's appropriate now, but I worry that the mania won't fade after we're done. Unfounded paranoia, I'm sure.
He rose from his seated position. "There's no way they didn't notice that. Tomorrow morning may be too late."

Lucky that Aeira had gotten them the intelligence she had. He could only hope his present strength was enough to deal with the Immortals of the Temple. The Imprisoned Ring had given him little choice.

Gisena laid a gentle hand on his arm. "Hey. This isn't your responsibility, no matter how it may make you feel. You can still walk away. Always."

He smiled bitterly. "That may be the smart thing to do. And likely the wise thing as well. But only one of us here is a genius. Find me when your meditations are complete."

So saying, he leapt off Verschlengorge, making for the Temple directly.
The Temple may be too fortified to invade easily, tomorrow, but I'm hoping since we're already in we have enough time to Forment Rebellion and the Ring won't suddenly die on us, that would be such a letdown. Even if Hunger's current strength isn't enough, we'll just have to desperately write reactions to pump out more Arete to flashbuy stances! In addition to the... eighteen, twenty-five, what, sixty? We've mined since we went on vacation. *sob*

Like Hunger, since we aren't geniuses, we just have to solve problems by making Arete, even if it cannot be made.

Gisena is just the best. In every way. Her EFB blurb confirms it, but not as much as this! Oooor I would say that, but her 2-day meditation session is taking like a week, the slacker. It'd be really convenient to have her with us when we were fighting wizards or something, geez. Aeira is my new best friend, she actually contributed to the mission.
The gift of the Imprisoned Ring had tremendously augmented his own Chief Dominion. Blood rushed and thundered in his ears, an ocean of awareness that stretched far miles: vein and capillary, pulse and heartbeat were naked to him, from the birds in the air to the beasts of the earth, and all the humanity of the Encampment in-between. It was a deluge, too much to process, and he hurriedly tamped it down, focusing the power as it solidified, directing it into his immediate vicinity alone. A greater concentration of power was more suitable to his purposes.

He accelerated, world a watercolor blur. There was the Temple.

In through the gates, then quickly across the grasslands, up over the mountains and into the Middle Ring. Edeldross-infused, he pushed forward, faster than he'd gone before, the accumulated power of recent days like thunderheads gathering in his wake. Outriders tried feebly to intercept. Those who could not keep up were ignored, the others slaughtered. The Inner Temple loomed, dome of matte blue like still deep waters, a globe stripped bare of land.
The Encampment is like waaaay away from Verschlengorge's parking spot, so it's no wonder that Hunger was overwhelmed. I first thought that he'd be able to expand the radius of his sensing back to that level in exchange for weakening the power, but the concentration is permanent. Definitely the better choice, if we can only have the one, because even if I've betrayed the Not Dying club more than once I still appreciate them. A shame that we can't feel eVeRytTHnG anymore, because that was super cool, but we can still be creepy and count the heartbeats of people in the vicinity. And we're strong, too, which is always important, even if we're not coming here to fight. Uh.

Bird side note - there wouldn't be any mundane species of migratory bird in the Voyaging Realm, would there. They'd never find their way back. What a bizarre place.

Meanwhile, Hunger is infiltrating the- wait, okay, I see his strat- no wait stop killing people! Bad Hero! Okay, infiltration isn't off to a great start, we failed at step -1 which was not setting off the loudest possible alarm in this civilization, then we charged in and started killing people, but we can still salvage this! I have faith. We have already successfully infiltrated our way to the edge of the Inner Temple, that's something.
A man strode out to meet him, a solid brick wall of muscle, his face creased and cragged, hair streaked with gray. He wore a uniform of gray and black, a marshal's baton strapped to his side, eyes like coals flecked with bronze.

Hunger flared his Ring and felt the man's blood quail before him, even as the greater portion stood strong. Even with all his newfound powers, this would not be an easy fight.
Aww yis, it's gramps! I'm thrilled, and @Taka will be as well. I don't think we were told before this that Avecarn was jacked, but I was absolutely assuming that he was so now I'm smug. I like his baton, very official.

Time for a productive conv- YOU FUcker I specifically told you not to debuff people you're trying to persuade, and what do you do? Before the conversation even started. And now you're talking about how challenging the... fight will be. We did in fact vote to infiltrate, didn't we? Ah well, Hunger gonna hunger.

Taka, I don't think we'll get cool gramps scenes where we argue about whether fishing or gardening is better. :(
He stopped, addressing the man directly. "Care to live more than a thousand years?"

The man chortled, a low, bleak rumble. "Hah! Ask me again in seven centuries."

No urgency. Unfortunate. "You people must have known this day was coming."

"Confident, aren't you?" The man frowned, eyes darting to Hunger's finger. "Maybe that's justified, you've got a Ring all to yourself. Some might say it's greedy to go looking for more."
Not only is his body a brick wall, his mind is as well. Hunger gives the most perfunctory attempt at diplomacy I've ever seen, but at least we got a morsel of information from it. These guys seem to know more about Rings in general than we do, even those who aren't Immortals or Council members. Cocked my head at the "greedy" bit, but in a civilization that, uh, "shares" a Ring among 10 million, I can see that perspective.

It's a good sign for Forment Rebellion that the second line struck a chord in someone as strong as Avecorn, since the big idea is to present a strong front for people to rally around. We just have to not fuck up, which is as always the hardest part. For further reading on the topic of fucking up, go back to the top of this update and start again.
"Are you going to pretend ignorance of what's inflicted on your own?"

"A Ring is not a person," the man shook his head, frown deepening. "Seems you've forgotten that, or maybe never knew it in the first place. Fail to master it and it will master you."

"Perhaps," Hunger shrugged. "But that doesn't justify what your society has done. Let your Ring rest at last. Turn it over voluntarily, or help me secure it, and I can empower you and yours with my own."

Again the man shook his head. "Sorry, kid. I've got a family that depends on that thing to live. Putting everyone's lives into only your hands? That's not happening."
Avecarn's reaction to round 3 is offputting. I can see that you'd have to depersonify your victim to avoid mental conflict (the phrase I'm looking for is escaping me for some reason), but the Ring clearly is a person with thoughts and feelings and an agenda. Or at least, I hope it is, or it means that Hunger's gone insane on us. Even if it was a cow or something, the dismissal of its moral worth, and further him apparently thinking worse of Hunger for caring, is disappointing. I mean, this guy is the jackboot, but still. Apparently they teach that to the point that he thinks it's strange for us to disagree, which gels with the insistence on "false" in the reports.

And that Rings will master you if you don't fuck them over first (sounds like an action attributed to a person rather than a thing, no?). Lord of the Rings means this is something I'm totally willing to accept as a premise, buuut I doubt these guys' experience with the Azure Ring is representative. Obviously the Ring (the person) they've been torturing is going to take revenge if they give it an opportunity to, you don't need a Ph.D in Ringlore for that one.

Hunger gives a good showing of himself with the last one; even if it was a long shot, he offered a chance for a less-violent resolution. Now, when we slaughter these guys, I'll feel less guilty, and seizing the moral high ground from your perspective is the most important part of picking the diplomatic route (half serious, brains are weird). Well-phrased, too, calling attention to the fact that they can already empower themselves with the Ring to make it seem more believable that he can do it as well.

Unfortunately, the dude who just yoinked a bunch of his civilization's power source and ran at him while tearing people apart does not come off as trustworthy. Amusing, because I think Hunger is definitely more trustworthy than the Immortals who are running this little bit of fascism, but it's hardly surprising that he'd stick with what's working for him now, and he makes a good point about an organized group being less subject to whims than a single individual. What he doesn't know is that Hunger is fully loaded with Arete and his remaining lifespan is closer to 700 seconds than 700 years, but that's our fault for not grabbing ADS and making it obvious how screwed he is.
Holy shit, the pace of this was vicious. By Rihaku standards, this is basically "Hunger stabbed him and he died." The Giant Enemy Crab fight got almost as much play as the 300-year-old 6.5 Rank tactician wizard. Apparently buying EFBs makes you stronger, why didn't I think of that?
And so Hunger struck, the power of his Ring pressing down upon his foe, blue of true reality outlining his Blade as it descended with cataclysmic force. The marshal reacted quickly, interposing his baton, but could not resist the power of Hunger's cut, and lost half his hand before he twitched out of the way. A spike of fired Edeldross adjusted the vector of his charge, stifling the marshal's evasion. The Forebear's Blade pierced through his foe's shoulder even as the man howled, plunging his free hand through Hunger's guts.
a-a-aa-a-ah Hunger struck! a-a-aa-a-ah

And he did so with everything he has, unleashing both his 25 Arete purchases at once. It's now explicit that the blue is reality, not that we weren't 99% sure. It's incredibly useful that people will expect to be able to block attacks, and in doing so they stand there perfectly for us to Cut Through them. If nobody saw this fight too closely, we should try to keep that conceptual power secret for the more difficult fights, but since I expect they will all be difficult I'm not too hopeful.

For once, Hunger is the one with the upper (amount of) hand(s) in this fight, then he goes for the whole arm! Wait, actually, no. Is that why he likes fishing so much? Ooh, Edeldross Rocket Sword was something I came up with as well, but I didn't expect it'd be so effective. He's dominating, but then-

Hunger takes a hit through the gut, but Avecarn doesn't know that Hunger has +++++++Guts, so it's useless!
Meaningless. With the elevated Ring of Blood such wounds were nearly immaterial. He clenched the muscles of his core, trapping the man's arm for an instant, and twisted his blade downwards, carving through shoulder and breast. The marshal grunted, blood seeping from his mouth as he fell to a knee. With a desperate surge of energy he exploded backwards, tearing his shoulder free of the trapped arm, extending the distance between them.
Ew. For some reason, Hunger just flexing his abs around a gigantic wound repulses me in a way none of the other descriptions of injuries have. Probably just because I've never had any limbs cut off, but muscles not working quite the way they should and being forced into use anyway is a common experience. But he regenerates, it's okay.

This specific bit of treachery works as well on the man ten times our age than it did on Seralize, but he shouldn't feel bad. He's not a fool, he was just too weak. Badass though. "My arm is caught in a trap? Better rip it off, then."

And now Hunger has an arm awkwardly dangling out his stomach. Does he slowly unflex and let it fall to the ground, the wet plop signaling the next round of the fight? This update is good for activating the more morbid parts of my imagination, I don't often use those on purpose.
Relentlessly he pressed the attack, pouring blade-winds towards the retreating figure, sharpness like a humming shrike screaming towards him. The marshal twisted, inhaling deeply, accepting a blow to the chest in order to counterattack, a roar of pure stygian force that upturned the earth in its wake. Ripping free his foe's embedded arm, Hunger hurled it at the blast, deflecting enough of the energies that he could weather the remainder with the Evening Sky, though the cloak was torn to bits around him.
Throwing his own arm back at him is a better use, even if I can't quite figure out how it could possibly deflect enough of the force... and apparently bladewinds can't have done the same thing. Hunger proves his superior tactics yet again. Bladewind spam is always nice to see, too.

Avecarn kind of looks like Whitebeard, but the guy who has the power of Administration shouldn't be able to roar an earthquake at us. Rank really does do everything! Evening Sky does its best, as usual.
This battle was nearing its end. A seal of blood closed around the hole in his torso, while his enemy's wounds bled liberally, a ceaseless arterial spray. Still the marshal rallied, lunging at him, a second Pressure-infused bark ripping through Hunger's remaining blade-winds, driving towards a final confrontation.

But there was no room here for honor, no spirited duel of ideals. Hunger dove to the side, focused shamelessly on evading, simply falling back and giving wide berth to the marshal's dying rampage, his magnificently pointless death-throes. The Jewel of Blood did the rest.

Mighty as the marshal was, greater than Hunger in Astral strength, he was not Vanreir whose body was as a blade. This was a champion among men, with all a mortal's failings. Liter by liter the marshal bled out until not even the iron wall of his Pressure could stand him upright any longer. He fell, eyes blank, his blood and his life expended utterly in service of his nation, and Hunger did not look back.
Shameless. But after landing so many hits, there's no need to get in range of this guy when he's already bleeding out with supernatural quickness. Isn't this a duel of ideals, though? Cynicism is also a type of ideal! : o

It is kind of a shame that all these cool enemies get done dirty by Hunger. But that's why he earned the feat, after all.
There's probably a decent rank boost tied into fermenting a rebellion within a multi-millennia trap civilization and sundering ten million magic users from their ill gotten mystical powers. I mean I'd expect there to be fame either way, but getting people willing to tell of our legend in the event of a successful coup would no doubt be helpful to the spread of said fame.
There's probably a decent rank boost tied into fermenting a rebellion within a multi-millennia trap civilization and sundering ten million magic users from their ill gotten mystical powers. I mean I'd expect there to be fame either way, but getting people willing to tell of our legend in the event of a successful coup would no doubt be helpful to the spread of said fame.
Actually pretty good thought!
Been lazy today, all i have is this WIP for Hunger
Saved, going in my next Exalted campaign. Your art is always beautiful but this one in particular struck me. The hurt in his eye and the blood from his hand are evocative, and his expression is complex; I'm struggling to summarize it. Something about the strength of the stance against the lost look on his face. Wonderful.

[X] Cut
[X] Augment Dominion: Blood

just shamelessly copying priest's vote.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BrainInAJar on Jul 3, 2020 at 10:18 PM, finished with 558 posts and 61 votes.
1435 words.


Winning vote was [X]Savor.

The cake was a towering monolith, a dark decadence, product of the honed skill of a masterful Awakened baker and several apprentices. Placed upon the dining table, it stood taller than Erii. Its three tiers were decorated with a fantastical flair, the sculpted battle of white-chocolate angels against dark-chocolate demons and draped with icing, and even the scent was rich as sin. It was almost too much to take the first cut, destroying the unity; however, inevitably, the seduction of the nose overcame the pleasure of the eye. First, she cut from the lowest tier, a chocolate fudge cake, but taken to devilish heights; the first bite, enough to war over. The outside's frosty icing and sculpted chocolate melded with the dense and moist fudge, an unadulterated, intense chocolate, a mixture almost bypassing digestion and shooting directly to the brain. Mechanically, mouthful after mouthful entered her maw, the thought of stopping unbearable.

All too quickly, the entirety of its sweetness vanished into her gullet, and she reached for the knife again, to cut from the second tier. The fruity sweetness of raspberry wafted from this tier, and upon sinking her teeth in, the tartness of raspberry, amplified by the rich chocolate, struck her tongue. The usual sweetness of the raspberry, overwhelmed by the immense power of the chocolate, was nullified; only a razor-sharp flavor, almost slicing her taste buds, remained. Half a chilly, fluffy sweetness, half an acidic, biting juiciness, while the previous tier had been a singular menhir of chocolate alone, this tier was truly a battle between polar opposites, locked in mortal combat, warring upon her tongue, neither managing to overwhelm the other. And then, the battle ended, the slice completed, both sides living on only as an aftertaste, to be decimated by the unholy might of chocolate, concentrated and unleashed.

The third and final tier to sample, above all others; she sliced into it, and molten chocolate spilled out, slowly cascading down the other tiers. A gasp of shock; hurriedly, she stood and took her spoon to the task of capturing as much as she could, reaching into the lava cake and scooping out the gooey center. The potency of this viscous chocolate exceeded all previous, and its heat was magnified by the chill of the previous tiers and the exterior; an infernally debauched pleasure both corrupting and addictive, ruining all other cakes by comparison. Over and over she reached high into the center, migrating the escaping darkness to her jaws, from the imprisoning interior to her lips, almost become hellmouth in truth, a chthonic void filled with the tenebrous stuff of dreams. Nevertheless, the dream remained dismayingly ephemeral, its longevity diminished swallow by swallow, an immortal moment slain by time.

The inexorable conclusion approached, the core emptied, all the savor of the cake, experienced. All that remained was to relive the absurd thew once more, the brawn of chocolate unleashed yet again, the demolition of the beautiful structure by the cruel implements of knife, fork, and spoon, in service of an insatiable, ravenous yearning. Consumption, a forbidden pleasure, devastating a potential of forever, but cessation, unthinkable, traumatic. Men had died, would die, are dying over a single sampling of such a cake; the hedonistic excess on display, a persistent gorging, inconceivable. Eventually, hours later, this devourer could not continue, collapsing into the half-cake, consciousness overwhelmed by chocolate, postprandial somnolence exhibited in full. To this sight, the Imprisoner and his companions entered the once-mighty House of Amarlt; the inheritor half-buried in monstrous confectionery, dead to the world, gnawing even in dreams. Erii would later come to learn of the grand folly of revealing such a weakness, but for now, she slumped insensate.

Assets have been finalized; outcomes are that the House has been retained, 31 Connections have been retained, 12.5 Servants have been retained, and 16.5 currency units are available, with remaining businesses that output a fourth of that as income per month.

Erii has gained Hope: 10% effectiveness increase for all actions that do not damage the source of the hope via this absolutely excessive feast. As long as her actions aren't aiming to the demise of bakers capable of making such cakes, she'll keep the bonus for 1 month since the last time she ate any cake at this level or higher. No lesser cake will enter Erii's eye, now. The closer the food is to the idea of "chocolate cake," the worse it will suffer by comparison.

Select noble houses to retain Connections to, limited by your 31 Connections. Excess Connections will be banked as political currency.

[ ] Knightless: 5 Connections
This "House" is not strictly speaking a noble house, but a conglomerate of all the upstarts who have power and have done service yet lack true backing and ancient history.
* Cheaper, but less powerful and less organized. However, less likely to betray you for benefits on a personal level.
* For each selection, gain a skilled connection in one of the below fields. May be picked multiple times.
-[ ] Military
-[ ] Administration
-[ ] Business

[ ] Drach: 10 Connections
Not much history, only a couple hundred years old.
* Mostly military focused, many of their scions looked up to Vanreir. Thus, allying is easier. Social bonus with other Vanreir fans.
* Spartan and lacking in hedonism, mostly. Do not like cake.

[ ] Arendt: 20 Connections
* Rank-and-file of nobility, relatively speaking, as a millennium house.
* Heavily entrenched in politics and the Great Game.
* You will probably need to give them information or clout to gain favor.
* Cakes are valuable as a tool.

[ ] Reinhart: 30 Connections
* High ranking, broad influence, several thousand years old. Subordinate family of an Inner Temple Immortal. Fingers in many pies.
* You will need to gain their favor somehow, for example via arranged marriage. There isn't much they don't have, though.
* Current head has a famous sweet tooth... an annual cake delivery occurs for his birthday.

Select subordinates to retain, limited by your 12.5 Servants. Excess Servants will be banked as expendable manpower; relatively unskilled muscle owing your house a favor.

[ ] Street Gangs: 2 Servants
* The men of the streets are the backbone via which the Houses exert influence upon business. While only their heads are low-level Awakened, they act as ablative armor, a protection borne of numbers for the mundane, and via their spread, offer valuable information. Nothing truly secret, however.
* For each selection, gain a single gang boss subordinate, perhaps commanding a thousand men. May be picked multiple times.
* Heads maybe Rank 2-2.5 Soul Evocations. Typically flashy, but not very powerful.

[ ] Men of the Shadows: 5 Servants
* Assassins, spies, bodyguards, thieves, info-brokers. People who never witness the light.
* For each selection gain one such organization, perhaps a hundred strong, of subordinates. A tenth of those may be relevant combatants, though none can really match up to noble scions.
* ~Rank 3 Soul Evocations, generally more stealth-focused.

[ ] Force: 10 Servants
* An old, drunken Awakened. However, his Rank is astonishingly high for one without backing; at Rank 4.5, he's only half a rank under your brother, though his Soul Evocation is nowhere near as potent as the Unerring Blade, and he is sorely out of practice. Still, he should ensure your safety until you reach sufficient Rank to trample most Middle Temple residents; not going to be present all the time, though, since he's only protecting you to get drunk.
* Soul Evocation: The Juggernaut. He amplifies his size and defense, and strikes with incredible force, though not concentrated. Out of practice, so not much for finesse.

[ ] Cake Shop: 10 Servants
* As it happens, the cake you ordered was actually from one of your subordinates.
* These cakes are highly relevant, rare luxuries; publicly, only one is made per week. You got lucky winning the bidding war for only two currency units this time, as no major celebrations are happening this week.
* There is a Lesser Game of spycraft fought, specifically for these cakes. They are incredibly valuable; promising the sale of one will garner significant political currency.
* While the master baker is not primarily a combatant, he is an Awakened, and thus at least competent. His apprentices include other Awakened studying under him to hone their fine control; you also have sway over them, and some are less primarily bakers.
* You will be able to maintain your cake fix for certain.
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ByzantineToday at 10:17 PM
The plan is to get an angry mob, start smashing the infrastructure to force the immortals to split up

[10:18 PM]And crush them as they do so with a large number of buffed allied

EnohthreeToday at 10:18 PM
To be fair the plan is fluid until we actually know what we're working with

ByzantineToday at 10:18 PM
Gisena can probably take out any without blood, as they are likely vulnerable to Nullification

HirorubyToday at 10:18 PM
Byz, is that plan written anywhere in the thread?

ByzantineToday at 10:19 PM
No. Steal it!

More planning for Shameless and Foment, Byz asking people to put it in the thread.


R'Today at 10:24 PM

[10:24 PM]
with that you're probably over 7 ARETE

Also yay, we have 7 arete now.
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