If you think you're up for it, then go on ahead. I don't really do well with reactions, as it takes a long while for me to really internalize the events. Which is why I throw myself to negaverse stuff, and mostly to increase my writing ability. So I've got zero worthwhile ideas on how difficult it is to make reactions, my dude.
400% is extreme. We have the option to reduce it by half.
We have Rank 7 healing. It's getting fixed in the not too distant future regardless.

The other issue is that she's their primarily to guard the Mech while we play act this farce, if Ber, or some other merc sent by the astral lord pops up while we are committed in the temple as things stand? They die.

Enhancing her stealth has the stated benefit of hiding the planet killing multistory tall piece of scrap anchoring the party at percent.

Personally I don't care much, but I imagine most of the thread would be sad if they were to die while we tried to save the magic Nazis.
We have Rank 7 healing. It's getting fixed in the not too distant future regardless.
True, but our Apocryphal curse-free days are almost over and we have 400% weakness to an element. The apocryphal curse is currently training multiple poison-type pokemons and coming for our Cursebearer badge.

Still I am willing to change to other votes (not exactly invested for this update), the only thing I am against, is buying the Hero-defeating stance.
Power, while it doesn't solve everything, can be said to be the best level of safety. An Aeira combat focus not only means we get another combatant on Hunger's level; but that deploying her for her Stealth abilities becomes much safer too! A capability is only as good as its utilization; having her be viable in many more scenarios due to decreased risks improves her utility significantly!

Besides, the most fundamental force-multiplier is just having more dudes with you! Or dudettes, in this case. Getting another useful combatant should not be underestimated. And she'd improve Hunger as well! 5% more Con is good; but halving disease and poison vulnerabilities is amazing! We should seriously consider it given the Apocryphal-free time is coming to an end soon. It could literally be a lifesaver!

In addition, I really think we should go Save; I don't think any of the picks offer enough to justify their purchase. But if were to pick one; it would be G-DS; for being the one that most enhance our actual strategy. Hero is fine; but we know it's capabilities can be replicated by the Praxis well enough and we already have good odds in a fight. Guile would best do what we actually came here to do , which is Infiltrate.
The other issue is that she's their primarily to guard the Mech while we play act this farce, if Ber, or some other merc sent by the astral lord pops up while we are committed in the temple as things stand? They die.

Enhancing her stealth has the stated benefit of hiding the planet killing multistory tall piece of scrap anchoring the party at percent.

Personally I don't care much, but I imagine most of the thread would be sad if they were to die while we tried to save the magic Nazis.
She doesn't lose her mech-hiding capabilities though; and being better at combat does improve her chances of retreating or holding out long enough for we to arrive. It's like a stacking defense!
Wow, Aeira's exceeding expectations. Delivering deep lore to the questers, she really knows the way into our hearts. As others have commented, Crowelenarch sounds like the name of a Diagram Lich, especially considering the colored text & quote. Could be an outsider like Prolessarch who washed up in the Voyaging Realm and eventually found their way into the Temple's employ? Probably a subverted moonbrain, they likely get a lot of recruits that way.

Gondar with his rough-and-tumble ranger shtick doesn't seem like a product of the regimented but luxurious Inner Temple. The pieces are coming together, though, the Ritual Grounds are a containment mechanism to minimize the Call's bandwidth and limit the number of powerful adventurers lured to the Temple's doorstep. With Prelairn's death (did not anticipate feeling sympathy for Tiller Wurms in hindsight), containment's been breached so they're shifting one Forge to mining a different segment of the sky to compensate (how does this help?) and putting the Marshalls on alert. Avecarn's one of three, apparently named by their Evocation: Capacitor screams electricity, Wyvernford might be connected to the Hunter Trio?

[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

Avecarn's got an advantage in the age and treachery department, so this is relevant in both social and actual combat. Plus, it's the only component of the All-Defeating Stance that's not totally inferior to it! Combat for Aeira's admittedly mostly because I want Hunger's liver ship-shape in a jiffy, but it's hard to go wrong with another relevant combatant.
no opinions on stance, am willing to be swayed
That is what happens when you don't have a stance. stance.

Plerion makes me want a Radiation-Defeating Stance, but that's just WDS. Pick Guile-defeating stance so we can be smugly mentorial at Aeira when she's stealthing! There are other reasons, but they don't matter.
Sidenote, I'm pretty sure that the Interlude refers to people by their Soul Evocation, seeing as Avecarn was referred to as Administrator. This leaves me to ask what Capacitor, Wyvernford, Farseer, Oracle and Vicissitude do. The last 3 are probably Oracle related, but I bet the other two are cool as heck!

Also, the Groundkeeper's name was Prelairn. Nice.

edit: ninja'd by quite a bit
True, but our Apocryphal curse-free days are almost over and we have 400% weakness to an element. The apocryphal curse is currently training multiple poison-type pokemons and coming for our Cursebearer badge.

Apocryphal can be used as an argument against anything, in this scenario though, where we've decided against just killing them. It manufacturing a social blunder seems by far the more worrisome and devastating attack to hit us with.

Power, while it doesn't solve everything, can be said to be the best level of safety. An Aeira combat focus not only means we get another combatant on Hunger's level; but that deploying her for her Stealth abilities becomes much safer too! A capability is only as good as its utilization; having her be viable in many more scenarios due to decreased risks improves her utility significantly!

After further investment going to her instead of something else. She doesn't come out of the box as Hunger's equal, she's just relevant on the battlefield. To actually reach Hunger's level or even just not fall behind is going to require not taking other things instead and potentially Arete. There's only so much of that to go around and there's other people competing for those resources, some amount of prioritization is needed.

Also improves her rate of growth overall, making it feasible for Aeira to keep up with Hunger if properly supported and invested in

Stealth is also called out as increasing the safety for what she's best used for, which is indeed stealth/infiltration. The reason we picked her in the first place.
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Sidenote, I'm pretty sure that the Interlude refers to people by their Soul Evocation, seeing as Avecarn was referred to as Administrator. This leaves me to ask what Capacitor, Wyvernford, Farseer, Oracle and Vicissitude do. The last 3 are probably Oracle related, but I bet the other two are cool as heck!

Also, the Groundkeeper's name was Prelairn. Nice.

Hm... Speaking of names, what about the Council's faithful servant?
[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

Torn between this, Apocryphal Mitigation and S A V I N G. But if we're going the political route with the Crimson, it would be good to have. That it would let us quickly pick up another EFB after Trinity is a handy side effect.
his leaves me to ask what Capacitor, Wyvernford, Farseer, Oracle and Vicissitude do. The last 3 are probably Oracle related, but I bet the other two are cool as heck!
My interpretation
Administrator - help with bureaucratic shit and keeping order
Capacitor - smooth and filter voltage(Rank). Transform bursts damage/spikes into something more managable
Wyvernford - honestly I imagine him/her to be a typical sheriff that is keeping peace
Farseer - probably literal because we have Oracle, so basically reconnaissance
Oracle - Precognition
Vicissitude (google comes with 'a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.' ) - oh hello there, student of Apocryphal curse. So nice to finally meet you.
I guess I will change.
[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

I also have to remember to people that choosing Combat actually starts healing our liver permanently; the befits stated are just the initial ones; having less weakness for the Apocryphal curse to target is obviously good.

I don't like Business since it's too long-term focused; we can catch her up when we are actually closer to the Human Sphere. Until the I'd prefer the increased utility.
After further investment going to her instead of something else. She doesn't come out of the box as Hunger's equal, she's just relevant on the battlefield. To actually reach Hunger's level or even just not fall behind is going to require not taking other things instead and potentially Arete. There's only so much of that to go around and there's other people competing for those resources, some amount of prioritization is needed.
It does certainly improve her odds of success, but worsens the consequences of failure by making her more vulnerable. Since I don't think Aeira is a perfect and flawless infiltrator; long-term usage of her capabilities means lessening the influence of the unpredictable by investing in her strength. If we are too afraid to risk her we can't use her properly, in essence.
Capacitors filter or regulate voltage(Rank?). Maybe he is focused on suppressing attacks or regulating them to reduce burst damage.
Could be some kind of general energy storage Evocation? I can see that being dangerous, particularly with long periods of downtime to build a charge.
Hm... Speaking of names, what about the Council's faithful servant?
Time burning, has his (?) own hex code, name ends in -arch... gotta be a lich, right? And therefore immortal, wonder how the Council squares that particular circle.
Hm... Speaking of names, what about the Council's faithful servant?
Shiny crow(n) boss is so-called because of his bald head, which is hurtful and racist because he's a lich. He could make a spell for that, but time burns and he's here to make sure the stars don't so he has to prioritize. Also he's Plerion without his outer mortal skinsuit, there's my new conspiracy theory.
My interpretation
Administrator - help with bureaucratic shit and keeping order
Yeah, that's our General Badass.

Capacitor - smooth and filter voltage(Rank). Transform bursts damage/spikes into something more managable
Could be the opposite. Capacitors are also used to store energy over a long period so it can be released in a tremendous burst. Could be someone who absorbs the energy of attacks and redirects it, or someone who is capable of amazing bursts of power and movement but lacks staying power.
Chatter on the Discord server has made me nostalgic and also curious. What do you guys consider to be your favorite Rihaku quests? Could be for the story or the discussion. Personally, I rank the quests as below:
  1. Bleach Quest
  2. Unnamed Quest featuring Young Seram
  3. The Gardens of Enoch: Terrascape Academy (surprisingly enough, I know)
  4. Most High / The Sword That Ends the World
  5. Even Further Beyond
  6. A Simple Transaction/Zero
  7. The Odyssey
  8. They Called Me Mad
  9. Make a Contract with Me!
  10. Jounin Quest
  11. The War of Kings
  12. A Planeswalker Visits Gensokyo (this is a new one I've added recently!)
  13. Magus Quest
Also, I don't dislike any of the lower-ranked ones, just trying to rank them in order of preference. Any of the other quests I didn't list (Howl at the Moon, Dawn of Wizardry), I haven't got around to reading or can't really assess due to lack of material (Into the Light, lol). I might expand on my thoughts in a more detailed analysis later to help generate some Arete.

Pretty interested in knowing what you guys think of Rihaku's other quests!

Edit: Also not ranking AST I yet cause Hunger's journey is still ongoing!
Well, of the number I've read and recommend:
1: Make a Contract with Me!
2: Unnamed Quest
Reasoning: Lovely, lovely prose. Unnamed Quest only ranks lower because it moves away from King Control and clearly loses interest as it does. Contract stops on such a good line, too.
3: Magus Quest | Even Further Beyond
Reasoning: Just a little less coherent than my favorites, honestly. Both have good points and bad points. EFB has the distinct advantage of actually finishing.
4: Dawn of Wizardry
Reasoning: Silly and sometimes uncomfortable, but is at least interesting.

EDIT: I'd put the current quest somewhere around the level of the Unnamed Quest, at a guess - I don't remember it ever really grabbing me the way the first arc of Contract did, but it hasn't really made any horrible in-story mistakes.
S-type 35%, O-type 41%, X-type 11% (!), R-type 14%
That adds up to 101%. Did they just round lazily or something?
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[X] Stealth
[X] Magic-Defeating Stance

Gisena misses out on the best buff yet. I am sad.

Got some interesting lore this update with sneaky girl apparently pretty good at her job. Is an X-type a cursebearer or is it code for a rival ringbearer or something else?

Stealth fills the hole in our parties capabilities and Magic defeating stance offers Gisena synergy and curse mitigation.
Got some interesting lore this update with sneaky girl apparently pretty good at her job. Is an X-type a cursebearer or is it code for a rival ringbearer or something else?

Stealth fills the hole in our parties capabilities and Magic defeating stance offers Gisena synergy and curse mitigation.
If the 'r' in R-Type stands for rapid, then we might be able to guess some of the others.