Well, that was a good fight Gisena Gang! The Ring won today but perhaps we can come together in our fellow pursuit of the Trinity!

Looking at the post, the X-Type mention is pretty interesting. Feels like that's a reference to the possibility of other Ringbearers coming to seize the Azure Ring? The Council should have planned for that I think. Plus Hunger's Ring triggered its Blood Dominion powers after we took out the Groundskeeper so maybe they detected that.

I'm leaning heavily towards S A V E. We have a strong enough power gain from Crimson Flare that I think we should do fairly in social against Avecarn and saving now puts us closer to either Pillars or Total Eclipse, thus allowing us to finally gain the Advancement blurbs we've been chasing. Of course, Guile-Defeating is excellent as well since we can always grab some of the complementary benefits of ADS without going all-in on Blade by picking it up. I'm not keen on Hero-Defeating though, King Stands Alone was way better and I'm hopeful the Sword Praxis will give effects that obviate the need for Foe-Defeating in the future.

Will probably monitor the discussion before voting.
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Honestly, I think Magic Defeating Stance is an amazing pick too. The curse mitigation and magic defense make it an must pick to take at some point. So we might as well take it here now, it will at least increase our survival chances.
I think Hero-Defeating Stance is better against singularly powerful opponents because it halves enemy rank meaning that it either puts their power below us or its still higher than ours we don't have any business fighting them in the first place and then just reduces the penalty of fighting multiple opponents.

Meanwhile King Stands Alone treats us as if we are in a one on one duel against every enemy like there is one Lord Hunger for every foe whether there number is hundred or a million while its rank reduction just set it to overwhelming above us.

Pick Hero-Defeating Stance for singularly mighty opponents and King Stands Alone for armies of heroes is my reading of the two.
Grants effective +Progression (Combat)
I'm not voting for it anymore, but this is clearly some kind of nonsense, right? Does this pick make her Suizhen-level talented at murder, or does Hunger unleash supertrauma training from hell on her or what? Accretion slots her in as "the assassin in the party?" You don't just hire people that can quickly reach +Progression for 7 Sovereignbucks, that's crazy.
I'm not voting for it anymore, but this is clearly some kind of nonsense, right? Does this pick make her Suizhen-level talented at murder, or does Hunger unleash supertrauma training from hell on her or what? Accretion slots her in as "the assassin in the party?" You don't just hire people that can quickly reach +Progression for 7 Sovereignbucks, that's crazy.

One + of progression is basically 3x more xp iirc. So it's not unfathomable for people to have, even if it's still impressive.
Man, I'm kind of regretting that we didn't pick up the Lich companion in the beginning.
my logic for Hero-Defeating Stance is we've been told their defenders are the Immortals on the council. Accordingly, I expect our final boss to be against multiple combatants, so I think it significantly improves our odds of victory.
Not really, in comparison to better stealth and infiltration a mediocre additional combatant is far less pertinent to the parties overall capabilities. This will only get more true as time goes on and we restore Verschle's Rank. Better she be a Master of one trade here.

For a fairly modest investment you could get another combatant that's close to Hunger's level! Though it may not have the synergy of directly building on Hunger, it also allows him to get things done 1) in a specialty that's different from his and 2) in places that he's not!

[X] Combat
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

If we choose the diplomacy option, we probably should focus on increasing the chances of diplomatic victory. We are already very unlikely to die here, and Guile-Defeating also contributes to the All-Defeating and leaves us an opportunity to buy TKSA in the future, in addition to diplomatic benefits.

Guile-Defeating Stance is great, but is 7 Arete worth the outcome of a diplomatic improvement alone? Saving is also an option!

Looking at the post, the X-Type mention is pretty interesting. Feels like that's a reference to the possibility of other Ringbearers coming to seize the Azure Ring? The Council should have planned for that I think. Plus Hunger's Ring triggered its Blood Dominion powers after we took out the Groundskeeper so maybe they detected that.

X-types are were purely theoretical! Until now...

Honestly, I think Magic Defeating Stance is an amazing pick too. The curse mitigation and magic defense make it an must pick to take at some point. So we might as well take it here now, it will at least increase our survival chances.

Indeed, it's quite good against wide-ranging exotic foes like Soul Evokers!

I think Hero-Defeating Stance is better against singularly powerful opponents because it halves enemy rank meaning that it either puts their power below us or its still higher than ours we don't have any business fighting them in the first place and then just reduces the penalty of fighting multiple opponents.

Hero-Defeating Stance is quite interesting! It doesn't halve enemy Rank though, it only halves the difference between their Rank and yours if theirs is greater. The alternative would be utterly broken for only 7 Arete! Maybe you could get it for 77 Arete.

I'm not voting for it anymore, but this is clearly some kind of nonsense, right? Does this pick make her Suizhen-level talented at murder, or does Hunger unleash supertrauma training from hell on her or what? Accretion slots her in as "the assassin in the party?" You don't just hire people that can quickly reach +Progression for 7 Sovereignbucks, that's crazy.

7 currency units per month x 3 months per quarter x 4 quarters per year is almost 84 years' wages for a middle-class office worker in the Sovereignty. She's earning the equivalent of two full careers every year. Could she charge more? Possibly. But the market for this kind of work is sparse unless you want to fight Rotspawn, which assassination often isn't the best suited for.
I definitely hope to get Hero-Defeating Stance or Magic-Defeating Stance this vote then the other one later because it seems like the greatest obstacle we will face are champions and their magics.
For a fairly modest investment you could get another combatant that's close to Hunger's level! Though it may not have the synergy of directly building on Hunger, it also allows him to get things done 1) in a specialty that's different from his and 2) in places that he's not!

Or we could make that investment in other places, and let her do what she does well instead.
Magic-Defeating Stance offers good utility against many types of Soul Evocation and also grants Apocryphal mitigation! It could be a good "semi-greedy" option to pick up, contesting the more present-focused Guile- or Hero-Defeating Stances!
I would argue that Guile is both present focused and long term focused, as its effects would be incredibly useful when/if we get to the interstellar politics part of Hunger's Geas.
[X] Stealth
[X] Guile-Defeating Stance

Ayt. A preliminary vote.

Main ideas behind this one is, should the opportunity arise, we might be able to get ShadowLord again or some such equivalent in the future. By upping the relevant factors of Shadowcord's abilities that I like, the resulting ShadowLord option might end up as generally better. It's also to probably reward her a bit since her stealth abilities worked real well for this interlude given it provides us a bit more information on the things that we'll have to kill.

Picking up Guile here is in support of at least scoring a more definitive victory against Gramps without a sword between his ribs, as well as its eventual build up to All Defeating Stance. (salute to you my friend, you fought well) I'm primarily more concerned about the bullshit machinations too right now.

Though, my biggest issue at the moment is how the fuck are we going to deal with the Immortals? In that sense, it might be more useful to get Hero Defeating since we can't be too confident in Arete generation. We might have all gained some experience from the latest foray into the mines, but I highly doubt everyone can still go at it. Reaction Posts are becoming a premium, mostly due to the 2 Storms we've had recently. Which leads to either different types of omakes to fill in the gap, or more art work to consider.

We've gotten Flare, which makes me happy. It'd be important to probably boost the more stabby-relevant powers of the Ring after our talk with Gramps, since I doubt negotiation or diplomacy is on the table for the Immortals. Plus, the stuff is refundable once we liberate the Ring. With the paths open to us though...can't we just steal the ring itself? Bypass the combat, nab the Ring, subordinate it, and then lower the "average enemy level" since a good chunk of their power rests on the strength siphoned from the captive accessory?

Ugh, not enough coffee. But all that shit is going down the drain if Gardener or something of equal YAASSSSS-value appears.

330 words that matter, mostly for trying to find an opened path for us given our current load out.
[X] Stealth
[X] No - S A V E.

I love Magic Defeating Stance, and Guile Defeating Stance is great too, but I would rather save and see what options drop from at least this encounter, as they might be unique, while we can flash buy stances as needed.
my logic for Hero-Defeating Stance is we've been told their defenders are the Immortals on the council. Accordingly, I expect our final boss to be against multiple combatants, so I think it significantly improves our odds of victory.
I am pretty sure those Immortals will have crazy Soul Evocations due to them being constantly exposed to the Ring. Hero-defeating is good but our magic defense at the moment is 'hope Gisena intercept it'. I don`t think it is advisable to enter the lair of the Soul Evocator bosess without it.

Also if people had forgotten the True Maiming debuff
[ ] True Maiming - Liver wounded on a metaphysical level. Permanently reduce CON and CON improvements by 10% and suffer 400% increased vulnerability to poison and supernatural disease. Suffer severe damage upon strenuous exertion for the next three days.
400% is extreme. We have the option to reduce it by half.
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Live reaction time!
Interlude: The Star-Forge
I'm so damn mad this is an interlude! I want to see results! I mean, I haven't even read the damn thing yet so this is pretty knee-jerk. Maybe it does push us forward? Anyway, onward and inward.
There were some minor spoilers for the nature of the Star-Forge in the patreon stuff, but I still know jack-all. Pretty hyped to learn more.
The Encampment of the False Moon. A riotous whirl of sandstone facings and colored tends, teeming with moon-mad adventurers whose desperation and fearsome need for distraction have birthed one of the foulest dens of sin and iniquity to mar the Voyaging Realm. Among the vaudeville festivities and direst-hour purveyors of food and lodging lie those few mighty peddlers whose business is neither fare nor fortune but power itself.

Promising indeed! I always pictured a more orderly and disciplined military camp, but I suppose a hive of scum and villainy is more appropriate. Powerups confirmed, rev up that remorse for skipping the camp!
Sigil and secret, objects of power or sentimental value to the Residents Within - these are their stock in trade, among them a cache of papers distributed by the Ministry of Information For the Inner Ring. Secured by supernatural locks and surrounded by guardian spirits, the contents of these bloodstained pages are known to few within the Encampment itself. Do the peddlers fear the loss of their prey, should the true sophistication of Inner Temple society be made known to them? Or at they merely content to hoard and bask in their hidden knowledge, lording it over the ignorant?
It's a classic risk/reward dichotomy. They're just waiting for a price that's worth the loss of potential. Information is like that, you can only really sell it once before it's out there for everyone. Unless you're Disney, of course!
But the party was ignorant no more, for Aeira was able to secure these on a brief excursion to the Encampment. She made no attempts on the greater, more heavily guarded treasures within, noting that Lord Hunger seemed content with the current state of his panoply, and having no wish to call down mightier contingencies than she'd already provoked. Still, the lithe assassin made little secret of her satisfaction at having given her pursuers the slip, though she was shocked to find Hunger dissatisfied at the lack of enemies to subdue. The information within is neither complete nor entirely decipherable, but its contents are illuminating nonetheless, especially should Hunger wish to infiltrate the Temple in person. Though he will never be bound to obey their customs, still it is better to be aware of them, so that evasion is possible.
Absolutely radical. What a way to establish yourself in the party. I wasn't even considering this angle when we thought about taking her in, I was too monofocused on combat! Stealth and Espionage aren't just tactical assets, they're another vector for solving our problems without invoking the Tyrant! Good shit. Also her pride at her successful mission is precious, I wanna pinch her cheeks and pat her head.
- The Star-Forges of Plerion -

Neat, didn't know how post-imperial these guys were. This kind of standardized classification scheme speaks highly of their civilization. The poor bastards have developed bureaucracy, so really death will come as a mercy.
From the Sayings of Plerion:
Ignorance is no excuse for disobedience; nor liberty, for disorder.
Very boot stamping on a face, forever. I like Plerion already, real man of the people. The people being Plerion and his select oligarchy of friends, of course!
Named for their long-deceased inventor, the Star Forges are crucial to the stability and prosperity of our regimented Inner Ring. The dome of blue that surrounds the Ring appears impenetrable to outsiders, but within you shall find it is near-wholly transparent, reflecting both daytime and evening sky in mirrored harmony, with night on the outside become day within.
Moonbeams go in, and don't go out. Gotcha. Sounds pretty and also important. smash for critical damage to infrastructure and all that biz.
You have likely long wondered at the purpose of the Star Forges whose auditory emissions are deflected into the Middle Ring. Crystallized possibility can be extracted from the stars of the False Heavens, tearing them from the nighttime sky to forge into numinous energy, which can then be repurposed for any number of applications. Empirical observation has long confirmed that extraction via star-forge is the most efficient and least unpleasant means of exploiting the priceless Treasure at the Heart of the Temple, though many have raised the obvious question: what happens when the stars run out?
I thought the obvious question is what can and can't you do with crystallized possibility, but I guess that's the common knowledge for these fancy inner temple dudes. Star-scarcity as a chief concern sounds kinda insane, most people don't plan for the heat-death. Hell, most people don't plan for tomorrow!
To which the Council notes that the number of stars in the night sky is very nearly innumerable, and the current rate of extraction will see our civilization through for many millennia to follow, far beyond the circumscribed lifetime of any Inner Resident save the Immortals themselves. While the visible eye may not be able to perceive every star, our mighty astronomical arrays have indeed confirmed that the blanket of seeming darkness above is home to countless stars below the range of human perception.
Only millenia!? that's a pretty alarming rate of eating stars! How many knickknacks and gewgaws do these guys need? Presumably, the relationship between their mystical efforts and the actual number of stars in the sky isn't straightforward. I do like the note that their telescopes are just like ours, only recently pointing towards the boring dark spots to find a seeming infinity. It makes me wonder about what kind of development and change is ongoing.
Fewer, more heretical minds have proposed a different question - what if the Forges were turned to the harvest of the moon itself? The Council, as befits its dignity, has not seen fit to answer so ludicrous a query. Star-stuff suffices to power all but the most esoteric applications of Inner Ring society, from power and lighting to the time-twisting Calendar Engine and even the carefully regimented Dimensional Vortex upon which the Inner Ring sits.

Marshall, imbibe dutifully the information contained above, and take heed as to the tenor of questions that the Council will and will not countenance. Such is crucial to your harmonious existence within our Inner Ring.
I'm pretty sure a Dimensional Vortex was a rare crafting ingredient in every mmorpg ever made. Sounds like some kind of an isolation chamber maybe? Or perhaps not, it's pretty vague. Calendar Engine seems much more straight forward, and less surprising. If they can alter space, it seems reasonable for time to follow. On that note, maybe that's what Dimensional Vortex means? Looking forward to breaking all this cool shit with our big dumb barbarian ways!
- At Temple's Heart -

Spicy. Very mageocratic spread of political power they got, but that's not too surprising. We already knew that authority sprang from ass-kicking just based on what Grandpa showed us. Time for the Party-Member-only secrets.
From the Sayings of Plerion:
No False Moon is this, but the anchor of the world itself! Come now into mine grasp, that my descedents may flourish evermore.
A fake to surpas the real, eh? Seems legit! I love this guy's monomaniacal energy. I hope there's an engine that harvests thunderbolts at the top of this temple, but I suspect they're a bit beyond that, what with the star-slurping and the moon-mining. The anchor of the world itself. Does the temple alter the voyaging realm beyond its border? That might explain some of the danger of our path to reach it.
It is well known that the Treasure at Temple's Heart is the source and guiding light of all magics practiced by its attendant civilization. As the vast majority of practitioners are Soul Evokers, an understandable confusion arises: will the Light of one's Soul itself be extinguished should the Treasure ever be depleted?

The answer is more complicated than a simple affirmation or negation would reveal. Rather, without the Treasure's empowering light, most Soul Evokers would be incapable of directly manifesting their own Light in so concrete a manner as they do nowadays, with all but the mightiest relegated to effective mundanity.
No but also yes. The vast majority lack the sheer protagonist energy to keep their magic turned up, even if they would still technically hold it. For a good weeaboo comparison, with the fake moon you have a Semblance, complete with bullshit superpower. Without the fake moon you have an Origin, complete with exactly fuck-all benefit unless you're the main character of your particular visual novel.
This would be only one of the many catastrophic consequences to follow if the Treasure were ever to depart its hallowed perch, but rest assured that its longevity as a power source is effectively infinite! That is why the treasure must be impenetrably defended, not only by the citizenry of the Temple, but by the Immortals of the Council themselves, whose imperishable might is the sole and necessary justification for their continuance beyond the prescribed lifespan of one thousand years.
Yep, only reason. Nothing to do with privilege or the entrenchment of their political power, it's 100% absolutely necessary that these OLD MEN rule the world temple. They do sound like they could kick our ass, though. I hope whatever we got can help us solve this problem! (Also I feel bad now for not going with raw dumb power, surprise surprise!)
Do not envy them their eternal vigilance, and mourn not your finite hours, for it is by their tireless regard that the Treasure which shelters us all is kept secure for the generations to come. Theirs is not a privilege but a duty, no reward but an onerous and ceaseless burden, which is why any Councilor elevated to the Rank of Immortal is stripped of all commissions and departmental roles, and their voting power further cut by half.
So there's some nod towards a check and balance system on these old fellows. I don't really buy it. The tone of the place is too controlled, and it's a hard sell to think these immortal superiors would limit themselves in this way, and be content to remain so limited for millennia. Could be as simple as having the great-great-grand-kids vote.
While Inner Ring residents benefit from regular exposure to the Treasure's directly refracted glow, Middle Temple outriders must make do with the second-hand light that emerges from their Sigils. The worthy are elevated to join us, but do not concern yourself with pity for the other residents of the Middle Temple. Existence itself is a boon to them who live beyond the prescribed ten million. They are defended in large part by our largesse, with a not-insignificant fraction of our star-stuff re-directed to power the Ritual Grounds.
Honestly it sounds mean, but not that bad in the context of the Voyaging Realm. Pretty safe primitive farming life sounds way better than certain death at the hands of whatever crazy bullshit your space-warping world has decided to dump on you today. Still exploitative, but hey, that's society for you!
- Ritual Grounds: Maintenance Report e79#CXXXXVI -


MEMETIC CENSORSING ACTIVE (The third line is burned off and barely readable, replaced by a series of runes which glow like dull embers)
Nice, the good shit. Time to peel back the curtain and all that jazz. I expect to be unsurprised by their cruelty, impressed by the mechanics by which it is delivered, and find some kind of neat particularity of the Ring.
Groundskeeper Prelairn is missing in action, assumed slain at the nexus of a high-valence anomaly in Sector X. Forensics indicate magic-negating power of up to Class S was deployed at the epicenter, roughly five meters from the last recorded transmission of his Sigil. Tiller Wurm activity is substantially reduced in his absence; the Wurms are agitated for lack of their 'father.'

Knight formations have been disrupted in Sector X, presumably by the same Incursion which slew Prelairn. Preliminary divinations reveal cognitohazard status - Marshalls Farseer and Oracle were burned out, and Marshall Vicissitude slain, by the (assumed) entity's ontological perimeter. Further divinations are not recommended at this time. Speculated typing: S-type 35%, O-type 41%, X-type 11% (!), R-type 14%. NOTE: The irony that Sector X should produce the first potential X-type is not lost upon us. Given the defenses in place we can only speculate as to the apparent coincidental nature of this Incursion, but more deliberate machinations cannot be ruled out. Caution is recommended until further information becomes available.

UPDATE: Patrol activity in Sector X-M has revealed four Incursions of notable strength in this period, including two R-types and Fairbright. We now believe the chance of X-type incursion to be <.1%. For details, please reference patrol log c43#MMXI. Further information is beyond the scope of this report.
A recapisode! Have we reached half-way through the first season already!? How exciting. Poor poor Prelairn, just doing his job. Alas, being a simple gardener was not to be. Again Fairbright is called out as a known entity. I look forward to hearing more from this evidently famed line.
Given these and many lesser disruptions in Ritual activity, containment efficacy has fallen calamitously, down 8% in the last 72 hours. Recommend re-commissioning of Star Forge #27 to begin extraction of sub-quadrant F5 to compensate. We have informed the Chief Coordinator that incursion activity may spike as uncontained Power is released into the greater Outside. In light of this limited containment breach, termination or subversion of all major Incursions is the utmost priority. Recommend that High Marshalls Administrator, Capacitor and Wyvernford be elevated to Alert status. We again petition the Council to review the Immortal Deployment Act.
Neat! So, it sounds like the Ritual in question was at least partially responsible for silencing the Ring's cries. Good to know. We get two other peer-people for Grandpa, too. I hope Capacitor has some extremely straight forward lightning powers. Wyvernford sounds like he was named after a place. Fingers crossed for dragon-stuff anyway.
As always, time burns.

Your faithful servant,
What an extremely lichey phrase and name! I'm suddenly far less interested in pissing this guy off. Memo to self - don't leave these guys to rot when we ascend.

The winner was [X] Crimson Flare by a hair. This was a hotly contested vote and could easily have gone to any of the three options given the early turnout and high quantity of arguments made.
In my heart I knew it to be true. O.K. This is pretty damn good! We were down for this option before the EFB-pocalypse took off, so I'm still down for it. Two down, one to go for team Trinity. I'm really hoping we find a pure power option for the Evening Sky.
What was the focus of Aeira's training?
[ ] Stealth - The classic. The power to go undetected opens up enormous avenues of possibility for the enterprising operative. Improves survival rate during reconaissance, extraction, combat and many other missions. Improves the effectiveness of Vershlengorge's stealth cloak, and that of stealth cloaks given by Aeira to others. Does not substantially improve the resistance of Stealth cloaks to high-density blasts of Nullity. Grants +++Element Magnitude, ++Element Control, +++Agility, ++Wits.

Bonus: None. Stealth is the default arrangement for Aeira.
The call-out of nullity resistance makes me pretty sure we'll see that as a feature for another of these, maybe more combat focused? Anyway, this is a strong, and subtle option that provides an easily planned-around asset. I like her as a ninja already, after only one update! Survival rate is also pretty important if she's gonna stick with this group!
[ ] Combat - The assassin. This involves not only direct martial expertise but all aspects of the killing arts, including a poisoner's expertise and the logistical peculiarities of infiltration and murder. With this specialty, her control over the raw physical component of her Element improves to the point where it's safe and relevant for her to contribute in combat as an ambush / buffing asset. Also improves her rate of growth overall, making it feasible for Aeira to keep up with Hunger if properly supported and invested in. Grants effective +Progression (Combat), +++Element Control, +++Agility, ++Might.

Bonus: Antitoxin - Aeira's comprehensive understanding of Voyaging Realm-native plant life allows her to produce the cure to Hunger's damaged liver. Healing is slow, but even a first-stage treatment reduces all penalities (and amplified damage) by half.
Holy shit it's +Progression! Loses the wits, and the Element Magnitude. No mention of Nullity resistance, but no mention of weakness either, I'll assume the later. This is probably the best option to maximize Chunni-appeal, but I don't like our survival rate for ninja students! 2/3 does not make a passing grade. Liver cure sounds pretty swank, too!
[ ] Business - The support. Instead of focusing solely on her skills as a mercenary alone, Aeira studied the dismal science in an attempt to better understand and possibly extricate her family from its dismal situation. While this isn't immediately relevant, it would substantially improve her value to Letrizia as a magus-advisor in the Human Sphere, providing a form of long term income that isn't as vulnerable to abrupt termination as her current line of work. Grants +++Wisdom, ++Intelligence, ++Charisma.

Bonus: Apocalypse Later - Vastly reduces the risks of taking Aeira out of the Voyaging Realm. Without this, complications will almost certainly ensue.
'the dismal science' is how I'm going to refer to my own degree for the rest of my life. Thanks! What charming and rare stats as well! Ninja-CEO is a fun aesthetic, and pairs well with our Pilot-Researcher in Letrizia. My concern is that Hunger lacks the fiscal acumen to keep up! The bonus is fantastic for the long-term. I wonder how rare it is to find mitigation for the Voyaging Realm's jealous gaze?
You guys are at 7.4 Arete! Would you like to buy a Stance? Your chances against Avecarn are quite good without one, but not guaranteed.
Fantastic job ladies and gentlemen, truly excellent work. An EFB with enough left in the tank for a FB. Beginning to feel the siren call of confidence, I better try and get my own lazy numbers up!
Tempting indeed! The Mantle hungers for Arete! If we can devise tactics which get us in and move us towards a diplomatic, stealth, or combat victory, then I'll be very interested in saving that hard-earned arete to get the Evening Sky up to par.
[ ] Hero-Defeating Stance - Does not build towards All-Defeating Stance, but the best for your current situations. Improves both diplomatic and combat outcomes, all but guarantees survival in combat. Improves Rank, physical stats, effective Defensive Rank and odds against multiple opponents, all great qualities to look for in an Advancement!
Pretty solid choice, as before! Hero-Defeating Stance really does add a lot to our build in the absence of its Praxis-adjacent big brother. A pretty S A F E bet!
[ ] Magic-Defeating Stance - Somewhat improves combat outcomes in most scenarios. Lowers Apocryphal risk in the long run. Grants superior defense against most esoteric attacks, useful in potential future engagements, and improves synergy with Gisena in battle.
If we wanna buy more time from the Apocryphal curse, then this is as close as we're likely to get! Also a good hedge against the unknown, and plausibly useful in a contest of primacy. Quite nice.
[ ] Guile-Defeating Stance - Strongly improves odds of diplomatic victory. Somewhat relevant in combat against intelligent opponents.
Conspiracy! I love sneaky spy stuff, and this here would be handy for that sort of thing. I've already speculated about its uses before, and I feel that the opening blurbs in this update strengthen that argument, if only slightly. Useless against idiot muscle-wizards, great in other cases!
Thanks to all my subscribers on Patreon! I am continually surprised and elated at the increasing support. Patrons received early access to the first two parts of this update, as well as patron-exclusive content throughout the month! There will be even more patreon-exclusive content tomorrow!
I found it pretty worthwhile as a veteran of these quests. If you've got cash to blow and like Rihaku, why not?
If you'd like to discuss the quest in real-time or just chat with other questers, join the Discord! We do encourage all substantive posts still to be made in the thread.
What a terrible awful pile of memes! I feel right at home.

~1500 words, not quite but I'll be generous to myself and round up. Now to find out what the hell has been going on in the thread and discord in the meantime!
The fact that we'll almost certainly have to fight these so-called Immortals eventually is a great argument for Hero-Defeating and Magic-Defeating. Magic-Defeating ensures we don't have to worry about Soul Evocation shenanigans, while Hero-Defeating is good if they have more rank 6+ combatants and/or send a bunch of their best at us at once.

Magic Defeating being in between greedy and safe does also attract my eye for Balance options...
I love Magic Defeating Stance, and Guile Defeating Stance is great too, but I would rather save and see what options drop from at least this encounter, as they might be unique, while we can flash buy stances as needed.

The fact that our current build gives good sustain does mean that the risk of waiting to flashbuy is less than it might be otherwise, since even if a fight is going badly, getting instantly downed is less likely.

400% is extreme. We have the option to reduce it by half.

We have Rank 7 healing. It's getting fixed in the not too distant future regardless.
We might have all gained some experience from the latest foray into the mines, but I highly doubt everyone can still go at it. Reaction Posts are becoming a premium, mostly due to the 2 Storms we've had recently. Which leads to either different types of omakes to fill in the gap, or more art work to consider.

Do you think I should start on reactions? I haven't actually done any yet, though admittedly that is because I have a fair amount that I want to write that this quest is a good excuse for me to get in gear working on. How much time and effort does it typically take to make decent sized reactions?