Wow, me, @Prospalz and @Conjured Blade all with faulty internet this vote; are the heavens themselves conspiring against us!?

I'll see if can get another reaction in time. Wish me luck!
The universe is trying to kill us, I suppose. Guess this is what happens when going up against someone with higher rank. then, where did I put that Praxis manual...

Anyway, 5-10k more omake words and I think we're past homefree on this. We got 48-49kish the time we got 8.2 arete in one update, after all. Lots of pictures too, but we've also been meeting that bar, depending how Rihaku values them.

So everyone around whose internet isn't fucked: try to add 1-2k words to the pile so we shoot past. Regardless of what you want to win here more arete is always a good thing, and due to the snowball nature this is a good time to stick it down.

That's also the case if anyone has a stockpile.
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My thing is if we get Crimson and it becomes a fight can we not just... make his heart stop and make him bleed out? Vanrier kept going anyway because he was a determinator. This guy is much more tired of this, and our blood effects would have a rank advantage so his rank would not protect him against it. Combined with his significantly lower stats...

Eh, we'd only have 0.5 rank on him even with blood, that's not enough to instant-win, or even give us a major advantage. It's essentially a minor advantage. There's still his Soul Evocation to consider, and his normal rank outclasses ours by a lot still, we only beat him in blood rank. If he finds a way to use his rank that we can't wield blood against (like say, affecting the environment, or attacking us in a way that blood can't contest), then he's still a major threat.

Crimson Flare makes this more winnable as it lets us keep our blood buffs active in the face of his rank and also debuffs him a bit, but there's a reason Maximally Safe gets us better odds. Crimson Flare does almost nothing for the social part of the encounter, and in the combat part he still has a lot of options.
While having Wisdom would be nice, I actually don't see how this helps us much in the upcoming social encounter? We're the ones trying to deceive, not the ones trying to detect deception. The only things from this stance that help us in the next encounter are the ++Wisdom and Charisma. Now that I realize that I'm liking Kinda Safe more.


And that reaction post is done! It's the longest I've ever written. Yay.

I'm kinda torn on what action to take now. Do we gamble just a little on the massively more preferable Crimson Flare rush, or take Maximally Safe and just hold our noses about the 14 Arete going into stances? It's not that stances are bad, but I don't want to give the 3x Forebear EFB rush any ground at all.

The deception detection doesn't help us lie but it does help us survive if our lie fails (or our believed to be genuine position nonetheless becomes unacceptable - thanks Tyrant!) because this is a guy who will try to pick his moment to initiate hostilities which means hiding his own intentions until then. Luring us closer to significant backup by seeming agreeable is one of his strongest possible plays for instance. The defensive side of the stance negates that and Hunger gets initiative.

If the infiltration goes on, Hunger will be bargaining and dealing with scheming politicians and cunning internal security types so the stance's defence will continue to pull its weight. In the long term, he needs to be a ruler and every fucker lies to the king.

Buying stances absolutely does not commit us to buying stance EFBs. I am confident Flare and Pillars remain at the top of the EFB buy list.

If Hunger comes off as slightly shady or slightly reluctant to deal or reveal things or capitulate or compromise... Could we tell the truth and blame part of it on a Curse we are laboring under? Also, I think somebody suggested admitting/revealing to Avecarn that Hunger is just after power, that the Temple provides worthy opponents and challenges (and thus lets him power up).

... Although that could instead torpedo his chances, because if worded wrongly, he'd seem like a guy unwilling to make deals and compromise, and of course the biggest source of powerups in the place would be the Trapped Ring sooo... nevermind, I guess...

Hm. About the Crimson Ring.

Does taking it give the ability to use Ennoble and super-healing already? I know that freeing the Azure Ring "obsoletes and refunds" those, which might make it sound as if you only get Ennoble if you rescue the ring... but is that the case exactly @Rihaku? Does getting base Crimson Flare, get some amount of Ennoblement -- just not the super-powered version?

As far as admitting to desiring power:

I don't think that's a bad idea at all. We are after power, and this is a great source of challenges for us. I think he might recognize that the biggest source of power is the ring, but this is a civilization of ten million folks. How many fools have come before us? how many after? we're just another merc looking for power to him, I'm sure.

In his view we may be dangerous, but the pursuit of power is not outlandish. If some kind of general power-up is something they offer converts, he may think it's plenty enough to satisfy us. It would be unlikely for him to believe one guy could undo their whole civilization, I think. Just imagine the scale of the place, it's not something you believe one guy can really topple.

The Temple has lasted a long, long time after all. We know they've encounted progression types before, yet none of them have ever returned to smash the place up. Perhaps the luxuries within are just that decadent, and they never left; I'm not sure. Perhaps accepting a portion of the rings power comes with the knowledge that it fades should it be displaced; giving them reason to help preserve it, or at least not actively free it.

Tying people to the place with personal power is certainly a strategy that could have worked for hundreds of years for our Temple friends.
Eh, we'd only have 0.5 rank on him even with blood, that's not enough to instant-win, or even give us a major advantage.
Overexertion has torn your spirit and its bodily template. Suffer the effects of Punctured Soul with the penalties halved, and the physical penalty halved again due to Quickening.
[ ] Punctured Soul - Rank reduced by 10%, physical attributes by 20%, mental attributes by 30%, and social attributes by 40% for 1 month.
Not just aimed at you, ImperatorV, but I think the thread in general has forgotten this bit and I don't want that to leak over to Hunger. If you were just rounding (totally fair), I apologize.

I just want to put it out there that we've got our rank reduced by 5%, which puts us at 4.75 at base and either 6.75 or 6.65 depending on if the Rank debuff applies to the Blood boost. The reason I think it might not is because it's an abstraction of "attainment" and not power, but who knows.

We still have an edge on him when it comes to blood, which is fantastic in the sense that he doesn't get to further punish us for being below him in that specific area, but the margin is narrower than I'd like.
Not just aimed at you, ImperatorV, but I think the thread in general has forgotten this bit and I don't want that to leak over to Hunger. If you were just rounding (totally fair), I apologize.

I just want to put it out there that we've got our rank reduced by 5%, which puts us at 4.75 at base and either 6.75 or 6.65 depending on if the Rank debuff applies to the Blood boost. The reason I think it might not is because it's an abstraction of "attainment" and not power, but who knows.

We still have an edge on him when it comes to blood, which is fantastic in the sense that he doesn't get to further punish us for being below him in that specific area, but the margin is narrower than I'd like.
I think I am the Danger's effectiveness boost applies to Rank too? It does say all actions. In that case, we basically have no penalty at all. But it might not; who knows?
Socially, the big problem is - what if he just asks Hunger something that Hunger would have to lie about, like his long-term intentions for the Temple or even something as simple as "do you have or plan to have any hostile intentions towards the Temple's society, inhabitants or Treasure?" There are ways out of this but most of them require lateral thinking to some degree unless you go Maximal Safety. Which, even if it doesn't buy you an EFB, does improve Hunger's general Rank and social combat proficiency by a great deal. It's a useful addition to the build even down the line, and Guile-Defeating Stance is great at ferreting out enemy plans outside combat and feints / tricks in combat! Much of warfare is deception and guile, which the Forebear's veteran gaze puts to rest!

Hm, it occurs to me that Surgecraft would make a very good starting remittance for a Progression-class Cursebearer. It gets them a lot of raw power and quickly, and the power of Progression can make up for Surgecraft's downsides pretty easily, especially with To Shatter Heaven breaking conceptual limits and vastly accelerating acquisition of control skills.

It'd be too powerful for a baseline-human Progression type to get with Game of the Year! The novice level already starts at 'the ability to gut a small building in one blast,' which is likely above level 20! Perhaps with Intensify...

...And then there's Letrizia. Being excited about fleecing kids for their lunch money. And randomly firing Pressure around. She's happy about being a mage isn't she? Well, of course she is, it's magic. However valid her actions are though, we need to make fun of her for them.

Do you, though? Or is this how teenage resentment is created?

Buying stances absolutely does not commit us to buying stance EFBs. I am confident Flare and Pillars remain at the top of the EFB buy list.

Stances are pretty good value for Arete regardless, yeah. 7 Arete for +.2 Rank and rare stats plus a great utility effect is a good deal for 0 picks!
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[ ] Increased Progression

This would've been an autopick normally but I'm not sure if a +33% increase in relative Progression speed is truly more valuable than some of the choices here. Depends on how it functions and how XP for Apostles scales. That said, it's a really solid generalist choice that would let us keep growing in any direction we choose at a more rapid paste without asking for unacceptable drawbacks.

I assume this is like the Forebear's Blade or Pearlescence in that it gets a bunch of invisible picks applied to it through a scaling XP modifier? The fact that most of our Advancements provide stats contingent on wielding a Lance makes this ideal since we're going to want something that will keep up.

Definitely would be good to have a Lance beyond whatever random technology we've got access to, especially considering the S A V I N Gs it would provide financially (which actually matters for Nine!). Might also be good for Accretion due to the concurrent scaling of both sides of the bond.

Would be quite nice to be able to go Reaperman, if only for the sake of versatility. It's good to be able to Pierce Through but sometimes that might not be the most productive solution to things. Alternatively, it would be really nice to pick up a bunch of supplementary abilities that facilitate our attempts to Pierce Through like some form of esoteric resistance or a significant improvement to our baseline stats.

The cost in picks is rough though and I've never been overly inclined to diversification of a portfolio. Might be effective enough for us to just try to grin and bear it though. Would also lead to interesting build votes but I'm not sure if I want to put that on you :V

[ ] Perfection (Permanent)

I'm assuming this cures us of all but Devastating Complications? That would be very powerful, especially considering how it would obviate most of our needs. Not quite as much direct potential as the others but the way that it would change our risk assessment might let us take a more aggressive stance to fighting without the need to worry about attrition, which would naturally lead to more picks and possible Rank.

And yeah, I've always thought it was pretty terrible to need to shit when you're a superhuman fighter with the powers of myth running through your veins. Strongly considering taking this for that and that alone. The bonuses to immediate survival are just the cherry on top.

[ ] Brand Of The Apostle

Extremely cool and fun, though presumably this won't lead to instant death. Would definitely lead to a lot of bad shit happening to us though as people hunt us down to murder the fuck out of us for being this guy's chosen (and to be honest, the vibes I'm getting off him make him seem like he's kind of the worst).

Still, the Voyaging Realm is pretty fucking hueg and with a steady supply of mooks to kill and an extra pick, we might even get on the level before someone comes knocking at our door. And honestly, I don't think not taking this will let us live that much of an easier life. Our patron will likely ensure we're thrown into terrible shit anyway, so it might as well come with some power now.

Damn it. Normally I'd consider this a freebie since it's a lot of potential right away and we can just go fuck off to find new friends. But I don't think I could do that given the kind of person Nine is. Might be cool (in a kinda sad and tragic) if we could get to know his friends again. While their memories of us are gone, that doesn't mean we can't make new memories, right? And we really, really need every last scrap of potential we can get if we want to keep them safe in this fucking hellzone.

[9] The Tireless Sentinel
-[9] Symbiote
-[9] Perfection (Permanent)
-[9] Brand of the Apostle
-[9] He Who Was Not


P.S: 671 words.
Socially, the big problem is - what if he just asks Hunger someone that Hunger would have to lie about, like his long-term intentions for the Temple or even something as simple as "do you have or plan to have any hostile intentions towards the Temple's society, inhabitants or Treasure?"
If we think saving the Ring is the best outcome for everyone involved, could we truthfully say yes?
So, let's talk about our Arete Budget and pick choices for after we take Crimson Flare.

First off, we'll be pretty low on Arete immediately afterwards, which means there's an opportunity for some 2 or 7 Arete cost options to get picked up while we start building the strategic reserve back up.

The blood-based options are very likely to remain the best value-for-Arete we'll get in that range - Vigor Incarnate and its equivalent in the Quickening Branch in particular seem obscene, even without the extra synergy from Silver.

A Bloodwraith-like option will be exceptionally appealing by that point, too - I expect it to be snapped up nigh-instantly even as a 7-cost, much less a 2-cost.

Praxis options remain as batshit as ever, of course, if they're of comparable quality to The King Standa Alone - picking up a few of those would be a huge boost to our overall ability.

Now that Letrezia's also a mage, the value of Philosopher's Wreath has also increased tremendously - that said, we probably want to hold off on it until we find a magic system that's particularly synergistic with our build, and difficult to otherwise acquire.

Soul Evocation would be an appropriate prize from dismantling a civilization using it, so I expect to see it make a return in our upcoming pick selections, and we should probably consider it - as we learned from Nameless, cross-system synergies can get obscene.

We'll have the Apocryphal Curse and a partially healed Vers attracting enemies towards us, and the implied scale of this universe is vast enough that I doubt we'll be lacking in relatively even fights for quite a while - as such, I'm leaning towards Total Eclipse as our final EFB to get the Trinity bonus.

The real question is what to build towards after Trinity. Personally, I'm actually pretty inclined towards a 3/3/3 build - we've already got a foothold on Ruling Ring that we can keep building towards piecewise, Stances similarly let us buy a Sword based EFB in chunks, and by the time we're six EFB's deep, the worthy opponents from Pillars will be more valuable than ever, especially since we'll probably be getting close to timeskip city.

(We'll also be way more swole, and have a bunch more ringlore, so the contest of Primacy will be way less scary.)

If we do go with that approach, I think we should probably go down the "All-Defeating Stance" path - of the benefits from stances we've seen so far, Magic, World, and Guile all seem to provide more esoteric benefits that are probably non-trivial to acquire through the Praxis.

(Magic-Defeating stance in particular was called out as providing more efficient Curse Mitigation and Antimagic than the Praxis is capable of.)

The "Foe-Defeating Stance" prerequisite stances seem to overlap with the Praxis a lot more, by way of comparison, with Hero-Defeating Stance being hugely outdone by The King Stands Alone.

Putting it all together:

• Depending on how the "refund" mechanic works, and whether it returns just Arete or also picks, in the immediate term while we're still clearing the temple I expect Augment Dominion: Blood to be the most efficient choice to boost our powers.

• We'll probably max out Fierce Quickening, and pick up the 2 Arete capstones for it and Vigor.

• If a Bloodwraith option shows up, it's a snap pick.

• We'll probably shell out for some combination of extra magic options and Praxis advancements before the next big SAVE.

• We'll then start SAVEing towards a Mantle EFB to grab that sweet Trinity bonus, probably Total Eclipse (especially if those magic options discount it, like Evening Gown).

• Reminder that Rank upgrades don't cost Arete! Excellent choice to pick up while SAVEing.

• Afterwards, we should probably aim for 3/3/3 EFB's in the long term. Piecewise purchasable EFBs like Ruling Ring and the Stances have a natural advantage.

• Between All and Foe-Defeating Stance, the pre-reqs for All-Defeating are better for us, due to reduced overlap with the Praxis. (Magic Defeating is particularly good).

• Once we've got four other EFBs and a bunch more experience and ring info, grabbing Ruling Ring is a lot less scary.

• And by the time we get all this, the value of Pillars will have gone way up. Ruling Ring + Pillars is an excellent combo to round out our build, providing obscene growth onward into infinity.

739 words, for the bean counters.
I want to write an omake involving the Quester Magics, but I'm not sure what. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I want to write an omake involving the Quester Magics, but I'm not sure what. Does anyone have any suggestions?

One of the big vote debates, as seen through the lens of a bunch of whackos with absurd magicks flinging spells at each other?

The obscene power of the Micro-wave scouring huge swaths of the battlefield with the unrivalled A.R.T. array, as lesser magicians flee in terror?
I want to write an omake involving the Quester Magics, but I'm not sure what. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Shonen deathbattle with the ridiculousity level set to plus ultra.

Obviously lots of mooks that exist purely to be vaporized uncaringly while the actual contestants keep not actually dying no matter how many times they are killed.
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Eh, we'd only have 0.5 rank on him even with blood, that's not enough to instant-win, or even give us a major advantage. It's essentially a minor advantage. There's still his Soul Evocation to consider, and his normal rank outclasses ours by a lot still, we only beat him in blood rank. If he finds a way to use his rank that we can't wield blood against (like say, affecting the environment, or attacking us in a way that blood can't contest), then he's still a major threat.

Crimson Flare makes this more winnable as it lets us keep our blood buffs active in the face of his rank and also debuffs him a bit, but there's a reason Maximally Safe gets us better odds. Crimson Flare does almost nothing for the social part of the encounter, and in the combat part he still has a lot of options.
Thing is we outstat him heavily. Rank stops this from being a decisive advantage, so if we neutralize the rank advantage...
All respites are fleeting, that's the nature of the Geas and the Apocryphal Curse. Our poor protagonist is saddled with both. Sometimes I wonder what our AU counterparts over in Forsaken Mask Quest are doing, what their most contested votes have been so far. Catherine and Hunger naming their child, perhaps even choosing the gender?

Voting on a sickeningly saccharine nickname to replace the moniker lost to the Final Strike? What world to settle down on, maybe, picking out a planet like a lesser couple might a house? Those would be good problems to have. But here in the grim darkness of A Simple Transaction 2.0, there's only the back-breaking ache and clink of one's rhetorical pickaxe against the word-walls of the omake mines.
It was a cool, clear, cloudless night, the moon pale and bare like carved crystal, crown-jewel of the skies presiding over the winds and realms beneath. They crunched through the snow-frosted path to reach the public baths, expansive panels of richly oiled wood towering menacingly to shield the occupants from onlookers.
Oh look, another mention of the moon! Someone should start a drinking game. Gisena mentioned it was waning gibbous; it's strange that not only are the celestial bodies in the Voyaging Realm recognizable, they've got the same phases. Similar ontological parameters, sure, but the same sun can't shine over the entirety of the place. Right? How does any of this work? I'll just... table the subject of the Voyaging Realm's celestial mechanics, file it under the same mental category as Aerb's Tide Frog so as not to cause SAN damage. Anyway, this description's amazing. Adequate amounts of alliteration allow readers to visualize the vista.
"Let's get a private pool," Gisena said, flipping the jeweled key on her wrist. "There are some reserved for suite holders only!"

"Suddenly shy?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!" Gisena clasped her hands meekly. "I'm just an innocent maiden, after all..."
Hm, should I be thanking the Maiden for the Duty depicting the 'ideal Sorceress' as something not unlike a Jedi? A life of service and celibacy, doing one's uttermost for the sake of humanity. She stopped just short of going full "Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him." Thankfully (?) the Porcelain Faction stepped in and went that extra mile, cleaving humanity's defenders right down the middle in preparation for Jotarun's advent.
"I'd like a private pool," Letrizia said, eyes darting to and fro. "You never know when there might be perverts lurking about."
...just how bad a first impression did Fullmight make? Also, man, I'd be surprised if any perverts could afford the Kaguya's entry fees.
"Fine, lead the way."

They entered a smaller pool inset to the side. Though thick wooden panels obstructed horizontal vision, the panels facing outwards could be lowered, allowing bathers to take in the view. Below them was the serene darkness of the mountain outside giving way slowly to the jewel-fire glow of the city beneath. It was a breathtaking vista, and Hunger spent a moment simply absorbing the sight before leaning the Forebear's Blade against a wall, then entering the bath.
Obviously Hunger takes his sword into the bath with him, have to keep it within easy summoning distance. That's just common sense for an Apocryphal Cursebearer. Moments like this are what make the Geas of Indenture bearable. Looking out over a city founded by separatists who fled an interstellar Empire's reach into an expanse of twisted time and space? Pretty cool, by any objective measure. There are people who'd kill for this view. Hunger technically did, if you count the Rotspawn as living. Makes me feel slightly sad we're not dealing with their problem for good, since OOC it was mentioned that we could without too much fuss.
Gisena pushed Letrizia in, then daintily slid in herself, carefully gathering her hair to twist into a water-resistant bun. Letrizia surfaced angrily, sputtering, and lashed out with a wave of water and Pressure that Gisena effortlessly dodged. Pouting, Letrizia sank beneath the surface, blowing bubbles at the two of them.
Ah, Gisena's quick to revert to the backstabbing habits of her AU self. I'd say that was an ice cold betrayal of Letrizia, but the water's warm.
"Stupid nullification aura, let my Pressure through..."
Sorry, it's as deaf to pleas for mercy as Gisena herself! The attribute enhancements are a huge advantage in contests between mages, though, as we saw in Force of Nature. Sublime Attainment's still waiting in the wings, at this point I'm terrified of the paragraph of description that'll inevitably accompany it.
Gisena turned to him. "What do you think of our swimsuits, hun? Rather fetching, if I do say so myself!" Hers was a two-piece bikini of pale violet, with lace-like patterns adorning the sides.
And Letrizia's isn't mentioned at all! I guess that says everything we need to know.
He grunted. "Is all your clothing the same color as your hair?"

"Pretty much!" She splashed over to him, leaning onto the stones beside the pond. Looked out at the city, a slight smile graced her features. "It's hard to find shades that go well with purple. You're welcome to expand my wardrobe if you'd like..."
Black's always a safe choice, goes well with darker shades of violet. You know, the color of mourning. Dead wife, dead world, possibly-dead dad... it's a wonder this party's as cheerful as it is. At least the Armament's guaranteed 100% angst free?
"Maybe after you pay off your debt," he remarked, slumping forward and briefly closing his eye. The waters held a steady, intense heat that felt almost as if they were massaging his muscles, gentle warmth that pervaded through to bone and marrow.
Without the Ring, Hunger's narration would likely be a lot more grim. At least this way he can metaphorically chill out while soaking in a hot bath. I can feel the Lingering Paralysis and Chill of the Grave melting away. Too bad about that Punctured Soul, huh?
"Aw," Gisena brushed playfully against him, hauntingly beautiful in the moonlight. "Sure I can't take out another line of credit?"

"It would be inadvisable. Debt can crush even a genius."

"But money is just a social construct!"
Sweet Accursed, does Gisena not... come with an off switch or anything? I'd find the constant repartee and flirtation really exhausting. Not being able to shut down physically and mentally would prevent me from savoring the resort experience.
Letrizia swam over, nose upturned haughtily. "Miss Gisena, I still haven't forgiven you! Lord Hunger, do you want to review sparring partners for tomorrow?"
Saved by the bell Letrizia. Nice of her to come up with a list of prospective partners, but what's with calling us a lord? We're all nobles here, no need to stand on ceremony! He's asked her to ditch the title a couple times. Eh, it's arguably a good thing, reflects Letrizia's increased confidence around Hunger. The sharp, bright light of her inner tsun shining through.
"Oh my, the wrath of a duchess!" Gisena winked at him. "Her fury knows no bounds! I'd best retreat before she turns truly serious."
Indeed, you wouldn't want Letrizia to invoke her Ultimate. Armamentfall's got a long cooldown, but the stat buff dwarfs your Graces! You'd get stomped, possibly literally.
So saying, she dove and emerged on the opposite side of the pool, sighing contentedly as she lounged against the stones.

"Only if you don't call me a lord. Now, sparring partners. Is your notebook waterproof?"

"I don't need it!" Letrizia said cheerfully. "Now with my Element enhancing my Rank, the information I need comes easily to mind with just a quick review."
Huh, did not expect improving her Wits score to be this easy. But if both halves of her Surge (what's up with the compound naming scheme, anyway?) can be interpreted as relevant to cogmentation with minimal squinting, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.
"I'm proud of you."

She preened. "Well, i-it's not that big a deal. T-this is just kids' stuff compared to what I'll ultimately be able to achieve."
She'll climb the Ranks rapidly, can't wait to see what the ultimate result of her research will be. Hopefully she lives long enough for it to bear fruit. Exavolt would've been safer in the short term...
They discussed tactics and likely opponents both for the spars themselves and the potential recruitment to follow. Hunger was uncertain if their party wanted another member to look after, especially one that would need to be protected as nearly all Elementalists did, but couldn't avoid the fact that the Elements she described had undeniable utility in breaching the Temple.
Well, Shadowcord's supposedly able to beat Sovereignty Armors in combat and we got a crash course in Elementalist augmentation in the subsequent update, so I'm optimistic about her usefulness in the short term. There's no reason she has to book passage on the Hunger Express for the long haul. And perhaps it's callous to mention, but dead party members convert imperfectly into motivation.
"So, tell me about your own Element, Hunger! You said it helped you beat the Rotspawn today, but what does it actually do?"

"It's a force of indiscriminate enhancement that applies to anyone immersed within. As far as I can tell, it works on all faculties of body and mind, on foe as well as friend."

"Interesting!" Gisena appeared next to Letrizia, who startled as if jolted. "Fire a bolt? I'd like to take a look."
Man, I know she just swam underwater, but I'm still reminded of Aizen's habit of just - showing up and laying an avuncular hand on Uryu's shoulder.
"I can't really fire bolts..." Hunger said. "The smallest blast is still the size of a car."

"Cars are fascinating!" Gisena replied easily. "It's translucent force, right? No one will notice!"
Good save, Gisena. We don't have the word count to accomodate technological tangents! And yeah, with the Kaguya's emphasis on exclusivity and privacy there's no real risk. What are they going to do if they see anyway? Complain to an Imperial Duchess and the Reckoner of Rotspawn? The kind of people who can afford to stay here aren't crazy, they're eccentric. If guests want to shoot Surges into the sky, who are the staff to argue? Something something customer is always right... especially with the Doom of the Tyrant.
He loosed a blast at them. Letrizia cowered slightly before she exclaimed in awe, looking at her palms as if they held the secrets of the universe. Gisena adopted a contemplative expression before smiling smugly.
Yeah, augmentation along all axes would feel good. Kind of envious, not only are they enjoying the epicurean lifestyle, they get to experience qualitative intellectual improvements? This is some Nameless-tier hedonism.
"This almost feels like findross!" She said. "Incredible, I think this is a precursor substance to actual findross itself. Blast us again, I want to test a theory..."

Shrugging, he did so. In response she raised a palm, intercepting his blast with her own Nullity.

"As I thought. The energy isn't being nullified - that is to say, the power of Nullity isn't rendering this Element mundane. Instead, they're actually cancelling each other out! I think this contains the parts of findross that uplift and restore, elevating the mundane to the supernal. In a sense, it can be considered the opposite of my own power!"

She scooted happily over to him. "It's just as I said earlier. We're a perfect pair!"
With this ammunition, she'll be even more insufferable! Why couldn't we have gone with Inksky? That was comfy in its own way, once we trained up the mantle's dexterity we'd be able to wrap our companions in its soothing embrace. That Edeldross is the opposite of Nullity's interesting, I wonder how many more components are needed to convert it into complete findross? For now, it enables Tide-tanking combinations and might be able to restore Gisena's reserves after Ultimate use.
"Hm..." Letrizia thoughtfully tapped the side of the pool. "Your Element's pretty cool, Lord Hunger, even if it's not as good as my Sharpbright. If it really is related to findross as Miss Gisena says, maybe we can call it edeldross? The prefix 'edel-' refers to ennobling or improvement, especially in the context of something traditionally bad becoming good. Don't you think it suits you?"
Back to lord status so quickly? Or is Letrizia referencing Edeldross' etymology?
"A fine name, but do I come off as evil?" All of his current panoply had been Abducted from one villain or another. The Forebear's Blade, the Ring from the Tyrant; even the Evening Sky had belonged to that pirate captain, though in a diminished form.

"Yep," Letrizia said obliviously, "but don't worry, it's kinda cool! And I'm sure no one would mistake your intentions once they see your work!"
I know Hunger hacked the leg off of Gondar's apprentice and then severed all his tendons, but this is still the most brutal moment in the quest.
"I don't know," Gisena said. "I've seen plenty of Paladins and Knight-Captains with that color scheme, or at least similar ones! I'm sure people would mistake you as a hero if you smiled more."
I'm a sucker for callbacks to AST 1.0, so I really enjoyed this throwaway line of no particular consequence. Lelaine was a cool character and I hope his AU counterpart sells his life dearly. If Sielie can take out a Warlord, so can he!
"That part of my life is finished. I'm done with taking on requests for strangers with no expectation of reward."
We weren't even offered the Doom of the Martyr! The Champion lifestyle's all about that expectation of reward.
Letrizia looked slightly disappointed. "But isn't that the best part of heroing?"
Oh, my sweet summer child... Hunger could probably rustle up a Kiritsugu-tier polemic against heroism.
They discussed his choice of wardrobe for several minutes more, to his moderate dismay. Tired out from overusing her Element, Letrizia eventually trailed off, mumbling to herself as she slowly fell asleep.
What's there to discuss, the Evening Sky can assume whatever shape its master requires!
"I'll carry her back," Hunger volunteered, but Gisena laid a soft hand against his arm, eyes gentle and green.
Ah, shit, by invoking the c-word he just activated Gisena's trap card.
"Let her rest here for a bit. The waters may help with her Elemental exhaustion."
Heh, at least Letrizia can commiserate with Hunger about how much the Tired and Exhausted conditions suck, now that she's capable of exerting Pressure. We'll make a real fisherwoman of her yet!

"What?" She swirled around to face him directly, crossing arms beneath her cleavage. "You don't believe me?"

"...Are you trying to make her pruney again?"

Gisena giggled. "Maybe I want you to carry me instead! You have two arms, so there's no excuse to skimp out on a full princess carry."

"Hmph. I do owe you one for the Magus fight. Here to our room is a pretty short stretch. You okay with that?"
It's true, Hunger did admit as much internally, and we know how seriously he takes his word. Ever since Zweihander's victory, this was inevitable. Dread it, run from it, the princess carry arrives all the same. At least we've wriggled free of Backpack Gisena being a tactical necessity. How did that work with the Witch Slayers, anyway? Other than awkwardly.
"Good point!"

She leaned back, raising one pale, slender foot out of the water. "Perhaps you can give me a massage instead?"
...My turn to break out the ellipses.
"You slacked off the whole day, why do you need a massage?"

She gently kicked water at him, which the Evening Sky obligingly deflected. "Why not? It's a continuance of my relaxation!"

"Fine. Come here."
These little moments where our superhuman status bleeds over into mundane utility are always gratifying... as is the fact that we didn't spend word count on the foot massage.
The next day they set out bright and early, though the hotel staff did their best to have them stay, even offering free nights if he would but fight the Rotspawn again. Despite the tremendous economic value of their proposal, Hunger had to deny them, though he didn't rule out attacking the Rotbeast if they happened to pass through this region again. Their vacation was drawing to a close - one last bit of training against Letrizia's classmates, and he would make for the Temple again.
We ran the baths for a total of ten hours and they're still willing to comp us additional nights? Maybe the bribery was unnecessary. Sorry, free nights at the Kaguya are nice, but unless they can pay in Apocryphal-free days, Hunger's not for sale. We've already lingered too long. Killing the Rotbeast might've been an efficient way of getting the funds to bribe Shadowcord and two picks for a stationary target's not bad, but time burns.
They'd gained much from this trip; in many senses it had been more productive than attacking the Temple directly. But every day delayed was unnecessary suffering heaped upon the Imprisoned Ring. Hunger would see to its rescue as soon as possible; other paths were unacceptable to him.
And removal of the Ring's equally unacceptable to the Inner Residents, for reasons that are becoming clear. We didn't take the Guilt consequence, so I'm optimistic that Hunger's resolve will endure even once he sees the scale of the Inner Ring, but may the Accursed help us if it gets put to a vote. The premonition of future morality debates is already draining my argumentative stamina.

1526 words. Arete for the Arete throne, updates for the index god, so on and so forth.
Given my circumstances there's one thing I can do to reduce our odds of death or Grievous conditions. It'll also give us social picks I expect, possibly even ennoblement. @BrainInAJar, I'm invoking a marker to request you go Maximum Safety, and may the gods have mercy on my soul.
Socially, the big problem is - what if he just asks Hunger something that Hunger would have to lie about, like his long-term intentions for the Temple or even something as simple as "do you have or plan to have any hostile intentions towards the Temple's society, inhabitants or Treasure?"

"Lo siento, solo hablo español"