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Wonder if we can get some Vortex/RoB synergy. Vortex works the best when fed the lifespan, and it's conceivable that Ring of Blood would grant us life drain to power it..
Might's Repose already gives us indefinite lifespan by reversing the effects of aging. Could be quite a hax interaction now th a I think about it.

Should we ever manage to destroy the Moon Temple Civ, we'll be left with a lot of refugees on our hands. Lots of refugees with access to soul evocation. Lots of refugees we'll probably refuse to just abandon, and that are likely to later find themself in this city we chose to defend.

Which of the two magical systems available here would synergise better with soul evocation?
Probably the versatility of the Vertex for us, but maybe the whole civ would prefer the power of Surge. It depends, really.
Might's Repose already gives us indefinite lifespan by reversing the effects of aging. Could be quite a hax interaction now th a I think about it.
Probably works a bit like Decimator's affliction, in that it's stealing the lifeforce and things like that aren't so effective.

Probably easier to go the vampire route of using the lifeforce of others for it.
Might's Repose already gives us indefinite lifespan by reversing the effects of aging. Could be quite a hax interaction now th a I think about it.
But it only gives you a certain amount of lifespan per unit of time. If you spend 40 years on crafting, you need that amount of time to get it back. Meanwhile, if you could pour hundreds of years of lifespan in a creation, you will likely get great results.
Might's Repose already gives us indefinite lifespan by reversing the effects of aging. Could be quite a hax interaction now th a I think about it.

It prevents aging. If you hack off large parts of your lifespan to empower a High- or Pinnacle-grade Vertex, there will still be consequences. They won't be irreversible ones, but they'll be quite bad and require fairly enormous amounts of effort to mitigate.
...You know, I wonder how long till we run into a Huntress' Moon target. We keep fighting ridiculously strong things...
I'd prefer the True Quintessence EFB for Evening Sky, over Pillars of Creation. I think those are the only two EFBs we've seen for that artifact.
Pillars is sort of the best third EFB tho(just as it's weakest 1st EFB). Ignore everything else it does and consider farming it provides you:
  • Seven days
  • Of perfect level appropriate opponents
  • With buffs that would let us farm even better
  • And perfect healing in between fights
Consider how stronger we grew in the Temple. With Pillars we get that, except way, way better. Imagine beating a Vanrir each hour...

As I've mentioned earlier, this will stack amazingly well with Progression++ to offer us downright stupid amount of Praxis training.
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Pillars is sort of the best third EFB tho(just as it's weakest 1st EFB). Ignore everything else it does and consider farming it provides you get:
  • Seven days
  • Of perfect level appropriate opponents
  • With buffs that would let us farm even better
  • And perfect healing in between fights
Consider how stronger we grow in the Temple. With Pillars we get that, except way, way better. Imagine beating a Vanrir each hour...

As I've mentioned earlier, this will stack amazingly well with Progression++ to offer us downright stupid amount of Praxis training.
And it has the ability to heal all the conditions you get in the 21 days outside of it! Pillars could restore our arm, lung, eye, and liver easily enough, without the effort required for Ruling Ring to do so. It can likely even restore things the Ring cannot.

Pillars is pure utility. But utility with two mixed type EFBs is just broken.

Not to mention how good it would be for Hunger and his Companions mentally to have a place like the Realm of Evening.

Apocryphal is basically powerless there, cut down to a third. Tyrant is irrelevant - it's his realm and so his rules. Decimator is a bit of a problem, but we can find targets for that there, for now. Hopefully better mitigation before that starts to run dry.

It's probably still possible for Hunger to extend his Sated procs to be years long instead of a month, and next time we can probably actually afford it. Particularly if we're using Pillars for the experience, since it's basically a case of which wild dream do we want to pull off first.

Geas isn't relevant besides Hunger not forgetting the timeframe he has.
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The winning vote was [X] Investigate the School with [X] Fierce Quickening. You now have 17.7 Arete.

What was Hunger doing while Letrizia went 'undercover' on her self-appointed mission? Choose 2.

[ ] Studying the Blade - While they ranted about the shackles of Imperial representation, he studied the Blade. While she participated in frivolous antics, he studied the Blade. And now that the rot spawn are at the gates, they turn to him for help?

Well, fine. But it'll cost 'em.

*Hunger fights the Rotspawn, the semi-undead army created by the Rotbeast, greatly relieving pressure on the town's defenders for a bit. He may encounter either mundane Rotspawn, Elite Rotspawn, or Primary Rotspawn.
*The vast majority of Rotspawn are mundane, but by presenting such an overwhelming threat, it's likely Hunger will force out more powerful specimens.
*50% chance of +1 pick
*35% chance of +2 picks
*15% chance of +2 picks, +.5 Arete, +1 major complication
*You may choose to 'target' a specific type of Rotspawn, greatly increasing encounter chances, by reaching a consensus on discussion of which to target and directing discussion and omake power towards it. You'll still get Arete for those omakes.
*Improves your value in the eyes of the townsfolk, reducing the penalties of any Tyrant proc.
We're a Bladeboy Tyrant, so my fingers almost instinctively moved towards picking this option. One can never have too much XP! This will also recover some of the feel-good experience we've abandoned after deciding not to fight the Rotbeast - though if we get Cut Through before we leave, this decision looks mighty strange - and meshes well with any options that require interaction with the town. Considering our hikkikomori ways, that's not very likely, but the option is there.

The 15% chance of major complication is scary though, as we've barely managed to cast off one or two of our previous ones. And if this is what we'll get against Primary Rotspawn, just how badly would a battle against the Rotbeast have affected us? Maybe the decision not to fight it was sensible after all.

[ ] Pursuing Technological Solutions - While they don't have anywhere near the facilities appropriate for properly maintaining an Armament, the Elixir Sovereignty is still a functioning small-scale technological civilization with sufficient industrial base (mostly automated) to produce outdated Imperial technology. This should really be Letrizia's job, but with her occupied on her mission it falls to Hunger and Gisena to procure repairs for Verschlengorge's armor and hydraulics, as well as re-stock its supply of missiles and kinetic ammunition.

*Improves Verschlengorge's combat capability without increasing its Rank, making it more self-sufficient and relevant in battle
*+Gisena, Gisena weaponry upgrade
*+1 day consumed; repairs take time
Relationship+ is always nice to get, it gives us things like the Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera and scenes of giving Letrizia headpats. It mainly upgrades our allies, finally giving Verschlengorge some guns so he doesn't have to bite enemies all the time (might be a minus for some?) and providing Gisena some more toys to play with. As has been repeatedly stressed, Gisena is deadly against magic-wielding enemies, which seems to be the vast majority of them, but with some appropriate firearms her hazard classification must be upgraded by several levels.

For all that the option takes up precious Apocrypha-free time and might imperceptibly increase the chances of us getting further involved in the fight against the Rotbeast. What if it decides to go on a general attack and breaches Elixir's defenses? We shouldn't be so unlucky given Apocrypha is still busy elsewhere, but sometimes one rolls badly out of entirely natural causes. Getting into this fight might be a positive for some though.

[ ] Relaxing at the Hot Springs - This is supposed to be a vacation, and that means only one thing: the absolute bliss of a worry-free existence at the Elixir Springs! Tomorrow there may be travail and fearsome tribulation, but today there is only the healing power of the geothermally-heated waters!

*+10% healing chance, +10% Double Healing chance
*Pillars of Creation** is unlocked and can be purchased during any reasonably plausible Experience spend point for 1 pick, 25 Arete.
*Pillars of Creation is extremely powerful utility, offering Curse Mitigation, powerful buffs, and level-appropriate enemies in a reasonably safe environment. It would be extremely useful in the mid to late game.
This is what we came here for, isn't it? In addition to a +Gisena (but not Letrizia? our daughter cannot be so spoiled!) we get improved healing chances for our terrible, awful, unfun complications and even unlock Pillars of Creation, which isn't only an incredibly useful utility EFB - and an Evening Sky one to boot! maybe our Mantle will finally get its due - it also ensures that we'll never lack for relevant enemies, which is apparently a very serious concern.

Like, I don't really see any downsides to the option except for lost opportunities to take something else, that's how good it is.

[ ] Bloodwraith [2 Arete] - There must be a way to overcome the limitations of the spirit form. Its lack of blood renders it an underwhelming combatant compared to Hunger's fleshly body, and given his reliance on it in the past that cannot be allowed. The purview of Progression is the achievement of any feat, no matter how impossible it may seem. Now that he has time to slow down and actually think, might he discover some way of overcoming this weakness? Perhaps the answer lies in Verschlengorge's blood, for, as Letrizia mentioned, its body is spirit and flesh united, a thing not entirely of the physical world. With a sufficiently large sample and diligent experimentation, perhaps he could selectively enhance specific attributes of his own blood such that it could be retained in ghostly form?

*Doom of the Tyrant: Hunger will extract large quantities of Verschlengorge's blood for his experiments without even thinking to ask Letrizia, weakening its Astral Rank to 4. After all, he's its bonded Cursebearer, a position both he and Verschlengorge know is above that of its pilot!
*--Letrizia, -1 future pick
*Hunger's Second Stage is now treated as having corporeal blood for all purposes. It benefits from Quickening, regenerates via the Ring of Blood, and so on. Not only does this double your effective HP, it also allows you to make use of Quickening's benefits alongside the phasing and increased speed of the Second Stage!
We complained about our Blood magic only affecting the physical body. Well, ye ask and Hunger provides. He does so at the expense of our cute daughter and giant robot, but sometimes a man gotta remember his priorities, (Not) Dying chief among them. We can make things up to Letrizia later if we do this, but we won't benefit from +Relationship with her if we're both dead.

Of course there's a few other downsides for such an advantageous option.
For one, it's a -1 pick, as we presumably spend some XP on attaining this ability. But that doesn't seem like a big deal unless we fight some big battle with a lot of picks right after.
For another, we need to... spend Arete on this. Considering there are also magic options we'll presumably have to invest Arete in and that we can't afford wasting too much in general due to our Cut Through 18 Arete reserve, this might be one of the biggest reasons why some would hesitate before choosing Bloodwraith.

A strong contender for the people who want to ensure our party's survival at all costs. Doesn't Bloodwraith sound a lot cooler than a mere ghost?!

[ ] Market Day [2 Arete] - It's been a long time since he's conmingled with the common people as anything but their forlorn champion. Though he's never been much a proponent of enjoying 'normalcy' for its own sake, there is something to be said for walking through civilization with the relative anonymity of the unknown. Though it's somewhat risky given the Tyrant's Doom, there's hardly a safer place than this to learn how to manage it, inasmuch as that is possible at all.

*Extensive practice under potentially risky circumstances yields one purchase of Vigor Itself [++Might, +Cha]
*Gain some potentially priceless experience with the Doom of the Tyrant in a relatively controlled scenario, allowing Hunger to better plan around it when engaging with civilization in the future.
It's an option that has us talking to other people and costs Arete. I'm trying not to laugh, but it's difficult not to feel pity for the option, especially when it's such a wonderful opportunity to check out Tyrant's behavior in a safe setting. It also gives free stats! Echobros, doesn't this touch the strings of longing deep in your soul?


I'm on the fence about the magics in general. They both look neat, but just how reliable are they? Will they still continue to function after we leave the Voyaging Realm? Perhaps it's premature to think about that given we need as much power as possible for the Temple, but it would suck to invest a lot of Arete (that we might not even have) into the magics only for them to be rendered useless after we finally begin our main quest.

Still, needs must and the Temple beckons. It might be worth it even for a few % chance improvement of our nigh-suicidal endeavor.


What type of magic did Letrizia discover at the Elixir Springs Prefectural High School?

[ ] Vertex - The design and construction of semi-autonomous magical Vertices, points of power that can be used by anyone initiated into the art. Inset into equipment or orbiting their wielder, these points of light can produce a number of functions so long as they are not destroyed: acting as smart- or dumbfire elemental drones, passively augmenting the Attributes or other aspects of their wielder, ablatively interposing themselves before enemy attacks, and so on. Raw power, complexity of Vertex effects, and intelligence of active Vertices are all determined by separate combinations of skill and Attribute, as well as other factors. For example, the raw power of high-tier effects is influenced in large part by the amount of lifespan the crafter shears away in the process of its creation.

*Can be destroyed by Nullity
*Hunger and Letrizia can theoretically learn to wield and create Vertices, though it's a demanding and time-consuming field, and Hunger would require either picks or Arete to overcome the requirement that one be initiated in one's youth, before the age of twenty-one. You may also buy Vertices even if you don't spend any effort making them yourself, though you'll need something to carry them in.
*The Evening Sky can serve as a natural carrier of Vertices.
We're Accelerator now, vulnerability to dispellation included. I understand this is completely different in both form and effect, but it's hard not to make the association when reading about yet another power with a mathematical name.

It's hard to get a full grasp on what exactly Vertex does. It makes semi-intelligent minions, buffs, shields and probably a lot of other things not written down here. Seems like it's less of a conceptual magic and more energy manipulation to me. Fairly useful and reliable across the board, mostly requires some initial investment to get going.

There's downsides though. If we don't want to spend Arete, we need to spend some picks on it. I'm not sure if those have to be acquired immediately (so Study the Blade) or if Letrizia can initiate us later once we're ready. Gisena is completely disqualified due to age issues, which we'll do our best to mention repeatedly to avoid bringing up. And the main cost that requires lifespan sacrifice, not a big deal for Hunger but quite a bit worse for Letrizia, who has already sacrificed so much of it on the altar of necessity.

[ ] Surgecraft - A seemingly simplistic but bizarrely powerful art by which its practitioners manifest and control vast quantities of a personal Imaginary Element. These range from the mostly physical (Ironflame, with the stability and density of steel but the heat and mobility of fire) to the highly conceptual (Fellspite, a slow but all-corroding mist that induces hatred and despair in those it touches; Fullmight, which simply amplifies the raw power of anything to which it's applied). Even the weakest Surgecrafter can unleash walls and torrents of their element sufficient to annihilate a large building, but control comes slowly and unsteadily for them, if at all. One can imagine the instability of a society populated by such mages.

*Hunger and Letrizia can theoretically learn Surgecraft, though blood manipulation will be needed for Letrizia to acquire it.
*The quality of Hunger's Imaginary Element, should he decide to pursue this route, will depend in part on Arete spent.
*Though none have accomplished it so far, it's relatively easy for experienced Surgecraft practitioners to unleash blasts of their Element that would be relevant on national, planetary, or even interstellar scales. Simple power is something that it develops easily.
*A Surgecrafter's strength in a given moment depends highly on their emotional context, personal circumstances, momentum of the battle and so on. It is at its heart a spontaneous art that disdains preparation.
Vertex might look more optimal, but damn if Surgecraft isn't much more evocative. There wouldn't even be a question of what to pick if the more interesting and useful elements weren't gated behind a significant Arete cost. It's also a bit hobbled by its anti-synergy with preparation, which is supposed to be a big part of Hunger's schemer character. Still, most of our battles have been full of desperate improvisations, so it doesn't seem that bad to me. Honestly, it sounds like it would fit Accretion's mechanisms with all its dramatism and heroics well.

In exchange Hunger and Letrizia become an even more special snowflake - and I guess Gisena can get some Nullity Elementalism if she hasn't had enough of those jokes - getting a unique power much like a Soul Evocation. We've been told broadly applicable elements will cost Arete, but do we really need that? Sword Praxis already covers a great deal of offensive and defensive options, Blood magic gives us pretty good healing and buffing, so we mainly want utility out of Surgecraft. We could probably get something pretty useful in a narrow field for a fairly cheap price.

So, for the votes:

[X] Relaxing at the Hot Springs
[X] Pursuing Technological Solutions
[X] Surgecraft

Hotsprings was a gimme, both for the healing and the Pillars unlock. The choice between Technological Solutions and Bloodwraith wasn't trivial, but since I chose Surgecraft due to its more interesting theme, I decided to be more thrifty with our Arete, much as I will mourn missing the chance to make Letrizia cry.

1221 words of option analysis.
Omake 1195 words for the arete pile and Studying the Blade
"Fishing is the answer to everything"
Letrizia, Hunger and Gisena were walking towards the school intent to recruit several mages for the final storming of the Temple. Gisena had developed a cunning plan last night while they were in the pool. It seemed the easiest way was to tempt the teenagers with glory, Gisena and Verschlengorge.

"No fair, what about me" Letrizia was quick to point her issues with the plan.

But Gisena just laughed and patted her head and started talking in a dejected tone.

"You are the cute pilot of the Armament and you are also a Duchess, you have no need for more advantages. I am a poor and lost soul forever barred from home, which might also be destroyed. Please let me have this"

A single tear rolled down her cheek.

Letrizia was quick to apologize and hug her but she did not saw the smirk of the sorceress. Hunger just rolled his eyes, not believing the crocodile tears for a second.

"I am sorry Lady Gisena, I was quick to judge. But what about Lord Hunger, why is he here?"

"He is a brooding but attractive bodyguard that has lived a dangerous life. In my world noble ladies would go crazy about a brooding knight with scars. It is a perfect plan to capture the hearts of both genders."

They were met at the school gate by the director who volunteered to show them around.

"Thank you for presenting the opportunity for some field training noble heroes. I fear the children are getting soft and are not prepared for the dangers of the Voyaging Realm. But with an Armament on their side, I can safely send them for a school trip for several days. What was the place called again?"

"Temple of the False Moon"

"Sounds like a wonderful place where the youth can experience a nice school trip"

Hunger was not listening, he was staring intently at the wall on which a single enormous carp scale was hanged. He pointed at it and asked the director

"What is this?"

"Oh, this is a carp scale from the guardian of the lake – the legendary Elixir Giant Carp. It is said that the first headmaster of the school had caught him but then released him. In gratitude the carp has gifted the headmaster one of his scales and now is guarding the river besides the school. Many of our pupils have tried to catch him, it is one of their favorite pastime actually. It is said that if anyone catches him again he will be favored by the river itself. "

"…I see" said Hunger, the subtle twitches of his arm covered by the Evening sky.


The teenagers were gathered at the school yard, near the river. Gisena made her pitch to the crowd

"Do you want to experience an adventure. Do you want to save an enslaved Moon in a Temple filled with danger? Do you want to ride on the shoulders of an imperial Armament and also meet the cute pilot? Did I mention she is also a Duchess?" She winked and pointed at Letrizia

"I am also a beautiful sorceress that has escaped her doomed world. There is so much you can learn and experience. Join now! Raise your hands if you wish to become 'Raiders of the False Moon'".

Only several people raised their hands but relatively timid. It seemed they were scared of venturing outside their safe spa resort.

Hunger surveyed the crowd and started moving towards the river. The crowd parted in front of him. It seemed his visage was quite scary to the kids but he saw several girls blushing when he looked at them.

He took out his blade and cut of a relatively long branch from a tree. Quickly he pulled out a string and a hook and with the help of his arm and tongue he made a makeshift fishing rod.

"Oh my,he is so good with his hand and tongue" was heard from the crowd but he ignored it.

He took a worm from the ground and put it on the hook and threw the bait inside the river and then he exerted his Pressure.

"Come carp, let`s measure our skills against one another"

A mighty pull almost snatched the rod from his hands but his muscles held. Unfortunately the dirt under his feet was starting to move towards the river. Quickly he summoned his blade and moved towards the closest tree. With one move of his head he has sliced the tree trunk horizontally and kicked the trunk in the river.

He jumped on it and started using it as a surfboard while trying to reel in the mighty fish that has taken the bait.

The crowd meanwhile was restless, many chants were combined into a mighty cacophony.

But then disaster struck, the tree trunk was snapped in half and Hunger pulled underwater. Silence engulfed the crowd. No one dared to speak.

Suddenly a giant carp jumped out of the water. On its lip was the hook and on its back was Hunger, impossibly standing on two legs with his fishing rod in hand and a blade in his teeth. He was naked except for a single blue loincloth with multiple stars on it.



Letrizia was trying to see more of Hunger while Gisena was covering her eyes with her hands. Sadly the superhuman agility of the sorceress was too much, even if the pilot tried to bite her hands.

The carp did several somersaults but it understood that it would not be able to dislodge Hunger. Meanwhile he was busy steering the carp towards the shore and on the fourth attempt he managed to do it. The carp was too fast and did not manage to stop in time and hit the shore. Hunger jumped from its back and went to meet his foe face to face.

A silent pact was made between fisherman and fish. The oldest pact in the world – respect the prey, respect the hunter, because the roles could be reversed one day. Hunger removed his bait from the mouth of the fish and pushed it back into the river.

The carp disappeared silently but in few seconds returned. It showed his left side and motioned Hunger to come. He obliged and saw a scale that was a bit loose. He understood what he needed to do. He gently dislodged it and then bowed to the Giant Elixir Carp.

"Thank you for this gift"

The carp disappeared silently after looking at Hunger for few seconds.

Evening sky came back and covered the naked form of Hunger and in a moment he was back as he was before. He turned towards the crowd and said:

"Come with us. I will teach you how to fight. I will teach you how kill. But most importantly I will teach you how to fish. If you want to join us, talk to the ladies"

He gave the scale to the director who treated it as a holy object. Gisena was smiling when he came to her.

"How did you know how to impress the kids?"

"Elementary Gisena, fishing is the answer to everything"
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Pillars is sort of the best third EFB tho(just as it's weakest 1st EFB). Ignore everything else it does and consider farming it provides you:
  • Seven days
  • Of perfect level appropriate opponents
  • With buffs that would let us farm even better
  • And perfect healing in between fights
Consider how stronger we grew in the Temple. With Pillars we get that, except way, way better. Imagine beating a Vanrir each hour...

As I've mentioned earlier, this will stack amazingly well with Progression++ to offer us downright stupid amount of Praxis training.

Pillars doesn't start off with all its functions perfectly calibrated, though! As the text says, you have to craft them!

Also, Vanreir-tier opponents are probably outside of your guys' risk tolerance...
Pillars doesn't start off with all its functions perfectly calibrated, though! As the text says, you have to craft them!

Also, Vanreir-tier opponents are probably outside of your guys' risk tolerance...
Probably 3-pick enemies are the largest risk we would like to take. Maybe 4 pick enemies if we have some kind of escape clause.

Presumably we can reach 4 picks by killing enough 3-pick opponents, and Pillars would let us generate a type that drop the 4-pick option we want.
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Get Cut Through -> Get the Ring -> S A V E for the Pillars -> Win.

I think I might want whatever Special Advancement there is at the end of this rainbow more than I wanted the Logos. Seriously, what the fuck kind of purchase is gated behind 75 Arete of planning!? What dread powers does this Magnum Opus of Accretion hold? Could this have been the secret to the Forebear's ascension? The power of the Hidden Ones?

Of course it would have the sickest of sick blurbs; words so tempting even the likes of Cut Through is a mere component.

I feel an almost physical hunger for what seems to be the ultimate shiny. How could we live with ourselves if we passed this up? Total Eclipse, Pillars of Creation, some random EFB outta nowhere, I'm going to be happy with literally anything so long as you just give me my precious.
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I feel an almost physical hunger for what seems to be the ultimate shiny. How could we live with ourselves if we passed this up? Total Eclipse, Pillars of Creation, some random EFB outta nowhere, I'm going to be happy with literally anything so long as you just give me my precious.

I suspect it ties the 3 items into our legend. Basically it's a massive rank boost. (It can't be enhancing the items, considering two of them are lesser remittances and Evening Sky appears to have been reforged entirely when we took it)

The ring requires real stakes. Any escape clause would be disqualifying!
Unfortunate but makes sense.
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Pillars doesn't start off with all its functions perfectly calibrated, though! As the text says, you have to craft them!

Also, Vanreir-tier opponents are probably outside of your guys' risk tolerance...
But it's not just Vanreir-tier opponents, it's Vanreir-tier opponents that we're fully outfitted against, buffed to our gills with miraculous elixirs and having a ton of one-off items at hand. Wouldn't Pilalrs be pretty much a perfect place for facing impossible challenges?

I think I might want whatever Special Advancement there is at the end of this rainbow more than I wanted the Logos. Seriously, what the fuck kind of purchase is gated behind 75 Arete of planning!? What dread powers does this Magnum Opus of Accretion hold? Could this have been the secret to the Forebear's ascension? The power of the Hidden Ones?

Of course it would have the sickest of sick blurbs; words so tempting even the likes of Cut Through is a mere component.

I feel an almost physical hunger for what seems to be the ultimate shiny. How could we live with ourselves if we passed this up? Total Eclipse, Pillars of Creation, some random EFB outta nowhere, I'm going to be happy with literally anything so long as you just give me my precious.
Given it requires improving all three of our Artifacts, I suspect this has something to do with our Heroic identity. I mean that one prophecy that foretold the Hero would have three objects of power, this seems like it might be related.
Does that mean if we ever get our hands on long distance teleportation we never benefit from ring xp?

What kind of weak-ass enemies are you expecting to fight?

I think I might want whatever Special Advancement there is at the end of this rainbow more than I wanted the Logos. Seriously, what the fuck kind of purchase is gated behind 75 Arete of planning!? What dread powers does this Magnum Opus of Accretion hold? Could this have been the secret to the Forebear's ascension? The power of the Hidden Ones?

Of course it would have the sickest of sick blurbs; words so tempting even the likes of Cut Through is a mere component.

I feel an almost physical hunger for what seems to be the ultimate shiny. How could we live with ourselves if we passed this up? Total Eclipse, Pillars of Creation, some random EFB outta nowhere, I'm going to be happy with literally anything so long as you just give me my precious.

The Hidden Ones are presumably stronger than the theoretical Combat-type Hunger, even with the Intensified Imperial Praxis, could ever have become within finite time, so it's probably not going to match their power!
"They used to be a big deal in the Republic. The Republic makes a fuss about not recognizing noble titles, but they're an oligarchy whose upper ranks are still filled with the high nobility. The Amarlt family used to command Procyon, the Plenary Armament, but fell from power a few centuries ago. Procyon's actually stationed here in the Voyaging Realm right now!" She went quiet, perhaps remembering that the pilot - likely a friend - could well have betrayed her.
One wonders... could the call of the ring be a Conjunctional Mitigation between the Plenary Brand and the Lunar ring?
Given it requires improving all three of our Artifacts, I suspect this has something to do with our Heroic identity. I mean that one prophecy that foretold the Hero would have three objects of power, this seems like it might be related.

brb gonna go work on Final Advancement - Kingslayer

The Hidden Ones are presumably stronger than the theoretical Combat-type Hunger, even with the Intensified Imperial Praxis, could ever have become within finite time, so it's probably not going to match their power!

Really curious about those High Cursebearer Combat-types. Simply a tier of competence and will that Hunger could never match or some way of condensing infinite amounts of training into seemingly finite time?

But yes, if it's a Power-type, probably not enough to catapult us to their level. But maybe if its a Potential-type and we put in a shitload of work...

Still probably not. But it would be one hell of a first step.
The Hidden Ones are presumably stronger than the theoretical Combat-type Hunger, even with the Intensified Imperial Praxis, could ever have become within finite time, so it's probably not going to match their power!
Imagine being unable to Find A Way. You shame Odyssial-senpai, hypothetical Combat-type Hunger!

Well. Or you make him happy for not being an overly obsessed maniacal vengeance chaser. Either of.
The fact that the Hidden Ones are so strong we couldn't just take Three Wishes to have our Freedom with a side of Vengeance is one of the more concerning facts in this quest. Nameless' foes were kind enough to collaborate in their ultimate downfall, but somehow I'm guessing these fuckers aren't as restricted and complacent as the Fates.

Anyway, it shouldn't be a consideration, but I feel a bit bad for the Elixir Sovereignty if their associated magic's Surgecrafting! How congenitally unstable will their society become if it's dominated by impulsive Surgebinders Surgecrafters with easy access to macro-scale effects? Secession and personal liberty are enshrined in the national ethos; how long before history repeats itself? The current crop is still young and might be small enough that there are no true geniuses among their number, but in the long run the Rotbeast is almost unnecessary. Once they start producing powerhouses strong enough to overpower Armor Prototypes, the government'll lose its monopoly on force and they'll destroy themselves.

Or maybe not, with the right collection of Surges providing utility they could carve out a lasting slice of safety for themselves within the Voyaging Realm. Those who wish to leave can do so freely, there's room enough for all; the Elixir Sovereignty's not the Empire, to treat its citizens like prisoners! That reminds me, Coldbriar's mist would be a neat Surge, probably a highly developed 7-Arete one with those space and time-warping properties...
The fact that the Hidden Ones are so strong we couldn't just take Three Wishes to have our Freedom with a side of Vengeance is one of the more concerning facts in this quest.
Presumably a True Wish would be sufficient to destroy them, but Hunger wasn't going to be able to earn the right to use it offensively as a Combat-type.