[X] Investigate the Schools
[X] Fierce Quickening

oh I haven't voted yet
honestly kinda whatever on this vote everything is fine and there is no real need to jump into knife fights
had momentary conflict on slice fate but considering how much is against it I doubt it's in contention
progress is ... I'll probably do something after I pass out and wake up near noon I guess
Rihaku said:
Naturally, almost any conceivable effect can eventually be realized even through the medium of swordplay
Praxis explicitly can do anything, and same goes for the sword Praxis; you just need to jump through a greater amount of loops to get there instead of buying a 7 arete option right now.

We can, in fact, develop equivalents to Null Slash 7 arete pointer option of slicing concepts with this, or even Slicing Fate. I am not sure these would be the most efficient of the options opened up by Sword Praxis, but we could work in that direction if we want to.

Eluminating the tyranny of random rare picks and just getting those rare powers through arete and focused effort is one of the best things about potential-based EFBs.
The real Rihakuquest isn't this story. It's the battle against your posters in post-to-post combat. That's the actual quest that's going on.

Anyway, something something undead combo wombo jokes.

So anyway this took four days to do. It was... a learning experience, which excuses all lack of fun I had doing it.
"But Addio, was it really that bad?"
Why don't you count every thread of Hunger's embroidered Evening Lapel and know it was manually placed. I think if you squint you might make out the moon and cloud imagery
"but addio, isn't the evening sky dark as night with stars"
then it should have been called the night sky, maybe

Let me just go ahead and highlight this. Seriously, if you're just scrolling through, zoom in on this image and look at the lapel.

Fuck me, the detailing is gorgeous. Did you actually do this shit piece by piece as pixel art? I can see a full moon on the middle left segment and some crescents beneath those, though they might just be parts of the clouds.
Yes, I did micromanage every single pixel of thread, because I'm an idiot. Pretty much every pixel, actually; one night was spent finetuning the cravat and its shadows.
Process breakdown:
Laying out of broad shapes and proportion, copying the Dracula picture: half an hour
Hunger's face: 3 hours
Cravat: 3 hours
Researching embroidery and then giving up: 2 hours
Doing right lapel as warm-up for left: Saturday
Doing left lapel: Sunday
Hunger's hair: 2 hours
Not continuous, intermittent, with food and internet breaks.
go hard, go home, etc etc
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Oh my goodness, Slice fate is the gift that keeps on giving - look folks, we have even more to consider!

[ ] Slice Fate - 7 Arete. Conjunctional [Forebear's Blade, Letrizia]. By unity with thy implement, cast off the chains of Fate and seize destiny with thine own two hands. +1 re-roll per 24 hours for Hunger. Enables Letrizia to become [The Devouring Sorceress]. ++Letrizia, +Gisena.

Well. Well. Well. What do we have here? Oh, you think I'm about to comment on relationships? Not just yet! Letrizia buffs? Cute... but not what caught my eye.

It's easy to miss on a first pass, but look carefully at the above text. To cast off destiny, what do we grab the chains with? Ah you see it now! Yes, TWO hands. Thine own two hands! Who needs picks, or even Valor, to regrow a limb?

Severing fate comes with a guaranteed (not at all guaranteed please contact your QM for all QM related inquiries and issues pertaining to the expenditure or Arete in non-praxis-imitating ways)
way of returning our arm!

[X] Investigate the Schools
[X] Fierce Quickening

oh I haven't voted yet
honestly kinda whatever on this vote everything is fine and there is no real need to jump into knife fights
had momentary conflict on slice fate but considering how much is against it I doubt it's in contention
progress is ... I'll probably do something after I pass out and wake up near noon I guess

Search your heart, you know Slicing Fate is the true path, to learn to cut destiny, one must first stand steadfast before it - unwavering with uttermost determination.

Vote for slice fate, even if it cannot slice fate!
Why don't you count every thread of Hunger's embroidered Evening Lapel and know it was manually placed. I think if you squint you might make out the moon and cloud imagery

Let me just go ahead and highlight this. Seriously, if you're just scrolling through, zoom in on this image and look at the lapel.

Fuck me, the detailing is gorgeous. Did you actually do this shit piece by piece as pixel art? I can see a full moon on the middle left segment and some crescents beneath those, though they might just be parts of the clouds.
Severing fate comes with a guaranteed (not at all guaranteed please contact your QM for all QM related inquiries and issues pertaining to the expenditure or Arete in non-praxis-imitating ways)
way of returning our arm!
The returning of our arm is 3 picks away(ruinous valor). Also wow once a day we can severe fate. If we go EFB we will be able to do all the time. And if you ask that is not possible - we will get power similar to the Imperial Sword Praxis alternative which has the same limitations. Hint - there are none.
Severing fate comes with a guaranteed (not at all guaranteed please contact your QM for all QM related inquiries and issues pertaining to the expenditure or Arete in non-praxis-imitating ways)
way of returning our arm!

If true, and not just careless wording, it would certainly be an impressive initial feat on the path of cutting that which cannot be cut.

"With this sword, I sever the severance of my own arm. BOOM! New arm!"

Maybe we could defeat the Inner Temple by causing everyone's head to explode with how fucking ridicustupidawesome that is!
If true, and not just careless wording, it would certainly be an impressive initial feat on the path of cutting that which cannot be cut.

"With this sword, I sever the severance of my own arm. BOOM! New arm!"

Maybe we could defeat the Inner Temple by causing everyone's head to explode with how fucking ridicustupidawesome that is!
For Null-Slice, slicing off injuries meant that were bounced to the nearest weakest target.

Just go into the temple, and start stabbing yourself in the face - then sever the harm repeatedly. Observe resulting panic and histeria as Hunger's wounds bounce into middle and inner temple while people try to figure out why everyone is suddenly stabbed in the face by invisible swords.

/s, not actually a viable path of action, Null Slice also took a whole lot of stamina to execute, and Praxis is likely to be somewhat taxing to use like that too. By the point this is viable, just murdering them would be more efficient.
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For Null-Slice, slicing off injuries meant that were bounced to the nearest weakest target.

Just go into the temple, and start stabbing yourself in the face - then sever the harm repeatedly. Observe resulting panic and histeria as Hunger's wounds bounce into middle and inner temple while people try to figure out why everyone is suddenly stabbed in the face by invisible swords.

/s, not actually a viable path of action, Null Slice also took a whole lot of stamina to execute, and Praxis is likely to be somewhat taxing to use like that too. By the point this is viable, just murdering them would be more efficient.
Also, the residents of the Inner Temple are almost certainly not going to be the weakest targets around. Not until we've killed the extremely numerous mooks in the Outer Temple, effectively all of the adventurers and other hangers-on, and probably our own party members.
Breaking news!

We need more arete.
The namedrop of our new sweet cloak. Pity we missed on upgrading it for a pretty long time, but there were reasons for that. Good reasons.

...Well, they sounded good at the time, at least.

Jokes aside, for all the complaints about our build going places, we did manage to get through a whole bunch of messy stuff with those picks and fairly unimpressive arete generation compared to what recent 5-ish updates managed to output. That is, in itself, fairly respectable even if a whole lot of it was luck.
The man had attacked them without provocation. Now that the tides had shifted he wanted to parley? Absurd. His audacity was impressive, but a tactic that disingenuous didn't even deserve a response.
Hunger got pretty cynical over the years of fighting an actually competent dark lord, it sounds like. I wonder if we could have extracted some actual benefits from the man if we spared him... Oh well. What's done is done. Pity we couldn't loot more of his faithfully pirated treasure.

He struck, a terrible reaving arc of blade-force meant to split the pirate from shoulder to sternum, but the black-armored man reacted quickly and caught the blow on his shield. The sheer pressure of the attack tore a gouge in the metal, shards spraying upwards in a flying plume as the man visibly staggered under the blow. Hunger was already moving, swapping knife-edge to pommel as he closed to strike the man across the helm.
Happy fun times when our swordswings weren't all excaliblast equivalents and a man with a mildly magical shield+armor was a dangerous opponent. Relish these memories of brutal but low-key struggle, as of right now, with Cut Through, we are entering the realm of fantastical description, massive environmental destruction, and very little of grappling with someone in the mud while struggling to hit them with the pommel of our sword.

This time. This time he wouldn't need to be rescued, by his wife or anyone else. This time he would end the threat before it could claim them. Whatever cost necessary would be paid from his own body.
Wwwelp, somebody got issues. They didn't rear their head overly much in later updates - excepting dramatic need to kill yourself for power, suicidal tendencies, constantly overworking, little things like that - but they appear to be there. Letrz and Gisena seem to have done some good job actually soothing the worst of it though...

His blow struck true; the pirate's helm tolled like an evening bell as it deformed, deflecting and radiating the strength of the blow as force became sound's echo. He was forced back, repelled by the dispersed vigor of his own blow. Still the power of ruin was not easily denied; blood dribbled through the slits in the pirate's visor.
A hit to the head like that, with implied injuries like this, is normally a total instant loss. This is some good armor. I wonder if he had any sort of a magical system backing it up running in the background, or it is just a straight magical item...

Despite the prodigious ferocity of his assault, the enemy was not totally hapless. In one decisive motion the pirate discarded his shield and lunged forward just as Hunger made to withdraw. They toppled in an ungainly grapple, impossible weight of the pirate's armor bearing down on him, pinning him to the deck.
Impossible weight, huh. Evening Sky sure did not inherit that aspect of this armor. It did end up going straight into the opposite direction instead... Although maybe we can manipulate falls to be heavier now? I mostly was thinking about that upgrade in terms of pseudo-flight but plummeting like a ton of bricks is an option too.
He struck with his sword through a gap in the armor but felt resistance beneath, as if punching through clay. Shadows curled and boiled off that armor, pinning him to the deck, obstructing his sight.
Yet another ability of our future cloak. Damn that is some good armor. I wonder where he got it, and who made it. Astral seems to be full of things like this - are there entire realms of stereotypical japanese-esque isekai-items hidden somewhere in there, just waiting for potential main-character looking person to waltz in and gather all that stuff?

The pirate reared back and smashed his head into Hunger's own. For a moment the world went static and white, then bright agony ripped through his side. With desperate strength he heaved forward, hurling his opponent back and retreating to the middle distance.
A rare moments when pain actually mattered to someone in Rihakuverse. Such moments need to be treasured.

Also a reason why I'd actually love a helmet. Our poor cloak is pretty good, but actual coverage is pretty bleh. Maybe we can fix it with more upgrades?..

Pity that this now is not a terribly great time to invest into our cloak.
A sharp pain in his torso brought him up short, and he looked down to see the violent-flame blade of his enemy hanging from his side. Luckily it had slid between his oblique muscles, missing his liver and intestines. The pain was terrific, horrible, but a meagre shadow of the least cut from the Tyrant's personal blade.
That could've been real bad. Also, I find it rather regrettable that out of all memories he choose to keep, he kept memories of getting stabbed by Tyrant. Like, seriously. Maybe a little bit more of his wife?..

...But I guess some of that memory loss could have been inflicted by Tyrant's sword.
Even the flames of this blade sheeted and sputtered away from his flesh, as if afraid to burn him.
Wonders of Rank. If only Vanreir's stabs shied away from us like that lol. Seriously, I got no other
explanation as for what happened here. When magic equipment just fails to actually accomplish anything like that, you know you are in trouble.
He raised his eyes to the enemy, who was panting heavily, gathering himself for another strike. He shook his head. This man wasn't the Tyrant. He wasn't even a poor imitation.
Well, he still rammed his helmeted face in your head, Hunger. But yeah, his sword is rather lacking in terms of actual damage. Even compared to a pale shattered shadow of the Forebearer's sword, it seems rather lackluster.

This entire exchange feels a little bit like that spearman-stabs-juggernaut-0-dmg.jpg image floating around. Accomplished very little, made someone very angry. Should have tried diplomacy first, captain!

Blood dripped steadily from his wound. He pulled the flame-blade free and tossed it overboard. Foolish of him to get wounded. Reckless to rush in without knowing the armor's capabilities. Pommel to the head would murder most armored knights, but he'd been over-eager, closing the distance against an opponent with all four limbs and greater mass than his own.
The fact that fire failed to even cauterize the wound amuses me. Any more it would have just straight up bounced off Hunger's pecks.
His enemy was just a skilled thug with a formidable suit of plate, deprived of a weapon that wasn't worth one-tenth of the Forebear's Blade. Fury had ruled Hunger, made him sloppy. No more. Today, there were people counting on him still. He would dismantle this enemy properly.
Wish we could have said the same about Ber. Well, arguably we can, but there is nothing "just" or "mere" about the sort of a thug Ber is. Our own damn fault, really.
The pirate juked to the side, going low, hand outstretched for the ballista bolt embedded in his comrade. Hunger sent a blade-wind into those fingers, shearing off dark scraps of plate and throwing the man off-balance. He followed with a thrust projection, pure killing force that shivered through the air and struck the pirate's chest, knocking him onto his ass. Given the weight of his armor, there was no recovery from that position.
Vanreir approves. Actually no, he disapproves, that failed to kill the pirate. For shame.

Hunger drew deep upon the well of power within him, summoning forth a tide, a tempest of murderous cuts; sword-breath that hummed and pulsed like a buzzsaw's edge, that curved and shrieked like carrion birds.
I really would like some visuals for this. Like, this is just winds distortion, or there is some sort of color to it?..

With each blow the armor rang, reflecting and dispersing the main power of his strikes, but the persistence of his onslaught had the plate chiming lower and lower, its efforts grown feebler and feebler, until the battered darkness bled from the armor and fled into the crevices between worlds, abandoning its wearer to his doom. The ring flared upon his finger, a fresh well of power flooding him once more.
Although most of our victories been more along the lines of killing them a single well-placed strike, this was just raw unrelenting brutality until enemy finally killed over. I suspect we'd have a lot more of this if we picked One-Hand Fury; but our focus seems to be more along the lines of Zweihander right now.

Victory, though the price had been steep.
"Wait, mercy, please-"
Now he advanced to melee range, kicking open the man's visor to reveal eyes of deep blue, trembling and terrified.
The Forebear's Blade descended, a swift and painless ending. While he lived in interesting times, best not to keep any enemies alive lest they fester and grow strong.
Wish we could have done this with Ber. Alas.

As the man died a new sensation emerged from the ring, an onrushing infusion of blood and vigor, vitality wound so tightly within him that it seemed fit to burst. Hunger, and the Curse of Hunger, the Affliction of the Decimator that drained life from the world, would be sated for a time.
Eating people now. Hunger picked a real villainous name for his new alias. Well, Verschlengorge is literally... just... Verschlengorge so I guess it could have been significantly worse than this.

That had been closer than it looked. If his opponent's blade had been positioned more adroitly, if he'd failed to rally and properly create distance... the man was not skilled enough to overcome him in full, but he could have ended up far more grievously wounded.
Those regrettable times when we didn't have H E A L I N G. Those sad updates when we had health percentage displayed for us as a constant reminder of how close we were to death. That sad time when we had to fight a superior opponent while wounded, with a hole in our torso. Sad days.
No time to dwell. He turned and fired his grappling hook, attaching it to the Armament, and ran up the rope. Blood leaked continuously from his side. The pain would distract him, hamper his mobility, but the power of his legend and the Forebear's Blade would ensure his survival and eventual recovery.
Inability to die of mundane stuff like an infection from dirty wounds and the like is so convenient... Wish we also didn't need to sleep, had effective immortality, respawned in case of death, and had access to Diagram on top of it all.

Man, I wish we still had our Ring of Truth. We had some many issues that plague us in this game resolved with trivial ease back then, and we never appreciated it.

On more related-to-update Hunger being a ninja and running along ropes is a nice mental image.

Gisena had taken a few wounds of her own, a deep gouge in one shoulder and cuts across her midriff and face. Blood flowed freely from a thin laceration of her cheek, a pale red curtain that spilled past neck and shoulder. She smiled brightly at his approach, dancing between a pair of Rift creatures to reach his side.
Gisena's pain tolerance is actually rather weak comparatively; she later actually let out a scream when she got shot in a battle with Ber. But rather weak by local standards is still goddamn impressive all things considered.

Well, sublime attainment and blood-buffs probably fixed it by now.
"Aw, were you worried about me? You shouldn't have. This gun is so much fun to play with! Propulsion of a kinetic impactor via chemical energy, what an ingenious idea..."
"Stand back and don't bleed on me."
"My, how dashing!"
"Thanks. I'm the veritable flower of chivalry, killing pirates and now monsters."
"Such a dainty flower, I may just swoon!"
Sweet summertime when shooting someone with chemical propulsion gun actually did something. I hope Gisena loots a plasma gun or something in our latest excursion to civilization, her lack of offense is a little troubling.
They cleaned up the Astral beasts in short order and Gisena sealed the rift. Luckily, no further surprises were waiting for them on the river bank. Letrizia, prepared as always, had medical supplies in her cockpit, but Gisena waved them off.
Yet another early sign of how it is possible to pretty much live inside Versch while lacking in no convenience.

Also what would have we done without Gisena, I wonder, with every Astral rift being a permanent hazard unless somebody actually closes it. We could have picked either of companions with none or diminished magical dispel capabilities, that could have sucked.

"As cute as I'd look with a bandaged cheek, it's better to save our resources. The Grace of the Maiden means I'll heal faultlessly and without scars!"
He looked grimly down at his own wound, one more scar for the tapestry. "How convenient."
Do not worry about it, Hunger, progression can do that one better. But a rugged scarred look is honestly good for you!

"That's just empirical self-assessment, a scientist's first technique! Speaking of which, how is your wound?" She laid a gentle finger on a spot near the injury.
"How do you think? It fucking hurts."
She giggled. "I'd offer to kiss it better, but you haven't quite earned that, have you?"
"I'd rather have one of Letrizia's bandages."
Letrizia perked up. "I've got medical salve as well! It'll numb the pain and promote healing."
For high-tech society, these means are not terribly good. Although Letrizia did explain that they got better healing/convenience stuff in reach of actual infrastructure, I am just thoroughly not-impressed nonetheless.

Also, early Gisena-Hunger banter was a lot more adversarial. Hunger has gone pretty soft on her and Letrz with time.

Opening her medical kit, she began applying the cream. "You'll be good as new in no time!"
"Or my money back?"
"Huh? ...A-As if you're paying me enough for this! Be honored that a Duchess is tending to you personally!"
"You're supposed to be paying me. And Gisena and I are both nobles."
"W-well, consider this a bonus!"
More of that early banter before everyone went got themself stuck inside of that temple while doom of Bearic hangs upon us all.

He glanced past the pilot to her Armament, the beast's head silent and staring vigilantly forward. The sense of affinity between them seemed to have dulled somewhat, the sharp edge of its keening blunted by some unseen factor.
I wonder why though. I got no idea to be honest. At least we actually went and established that bond later on.

"I'm hungry. After you're done, let's go fishing."
"You use a rod and line to catch fish. Haven't heard of it?"
I wonder if it was said incredulous or embarrassed tone of voice. In her vocabulary, fishing might have remained only as equivalent to baiting enemies out to fight, or changed meaning to something else entirely.

"That's rather primitive," Gisena interjected. "I've got a better idea! Find a school of fish, then drop chemical explosives near them. Water is hard to compress, so it'll be even more effective than on land! We can re-purpose the defunct munitions launcher on Verschlengorge's shoulder..."
Gisena is hereby forbidden from all and any fishing sessions from hereby onward. Such insult to the sacred art cannot be allowed; only bonds of true companionship prevent harsher punishment.

...Seriously, that's just no fun. How we are going to get debilitating debuffs if we do something that reasonable?
Breaking news!

We need more arete.
The namedrop of our new sweet cloak. Pity we missed on upgrading it for a pretty long time, but there were reasons for that. Good reasons.

...Well, they sounded good at the time, at least.

Jokes aside, for all the complaints about our build going places, we did manage to get through a whole bunch of messy stuff with those picks and fairly unimpressive arete generation compared to what recent 5-ish updates managed to output. That is, in itself, fairly respectable even if a whole lot of it was luck.

Hunger got pretty cynical over the years of fighting an actually competent dark lord, it sounds like. I wonder if we could have extracted some actual benefits from the man if we spared him... Oh well. What's done is done. Pity we couldn't loot more of his faithfully pirated treasure.

Happy fun times when our swordswings weren't all excaliblast equivalents and a man with a mildly magical shield+armor was a dangerous opponent. Relish these memories of brutal but low-key struggle, as of right now, with Cut Through, we are entering the realm of fantastical description, massive environmental destruction, and very little of grappling with someone in the mud while struggling to hit them with the pommel of our sword.

Wwwelp, somebody got issues. They didn't rear their head overly much in later updates - excepting dramatic need to kill yourself for power, suicidal tendencies, constantly overworking, little things like that - but they appear to be there. Letrz and Gisena seem to have done some good job actually soothing the worst of it though...

A hit to the head like that, with implied injuries like this, is normally a total instant loss. This is some good armor. I wonder if he had any sort of a magical system backing it up running in the background, or it is just a straight magical item...

Impossible weight, huh. Evening Sky sure did not inherit that aspect of this armor. It did end up going straight into the opposite direction instead... Although maybe we can manipulate falls to be heavier now? I mostly was thinking about that upgrade in terms of pseudo-flight but plummeting like a ton of bricks is an option too.

Yet another ability of our future cloak. Damn that is some good armor. I wonder where he got it, and who made it. Astral seems to be full of things like this - are there entire realms of stereotypical japanese-esque isekai-items hidden somewhere in there, just waiting for potential main-character looking person to waltz in and gather all that stuff?

A rare moments when pain actually mattered to someone in Rihakuverse. Such moments need to be treasured.

Also a reason why I'd actually love a helmet. Our poor cloak is pretty good, but actual coverage is pretty bleh. Maybe we can fix it with more upgrades?..

Pity that this now is not a terribly great time to invest into our cloak.

That could've been real bad. Also, I find it rather regrettable that out of all memories he choose to keep, he kept memories of getting stabbed by Tyrant. Like, seriously. Maybe a little bit more of his wife?..

...But I guess some of that memory loss could have been inflicted by Tyrant's sword.

Wonders of Rank. If only Vanreir's stabs shied away from us like that lol. Seriously, I got no other
explanation as for what happened here. When magic equipment just fails to actually accomplish anything like that, you know you are in trouble.

Well, he still rammed his helmeted face in your head, Hunger. But yeah, his sword is rather lacking in terms of actual damage. Even compared to a pale shattered shadow of the Forebearer's sword, it seems rather lackluster.

This entire exchange feels a little bit like that spearman-stabs-juggernaut-0-dmg.jpg image floating around. Accomplished very little, made someone very angry. Should have tried diplomacy first, captain!

The fact that fire failed to even cauterize the wound amuses me. Any more it would have just straight up bounced off Hunger's pecks.

Wish we could have said the same about Ber. Well, arguably we can, but there is nothing "just" or "mere" about the sort of a thug Ber is. Our own damn fault, really.

Vanreir approves. Actually no, he disapproves, that failed to kill the pirate. For shame.

I really would like some visuals for this. Like, this is just winds distortion, or there is some sort of color to it?..

Although most of our victories been more along the lines of killing them a single well-placed strike, this was just raw unrelenting brutality until enemy finally killed over. I suspect we'd have a lot more of this if we picked One-Hand Fury; but our focus seems to be more along the lines of Zweihander right now.

Wish we could have done this with Ber. Alas.

Eating people now. Hunger picked a real villainous name for his new alias. Well, Verschlengorge is literally... just... Verschlengorge so I guess it could have been significantly worse than this.

Those regrettable times when we didn't have H E A L I N G. Those sad updates when we had health percentage displayed for us as a constant reminder of how close we were to death. That sad time when we had to fight a superior opponent while wounded, with a hole in our torso. Sad days.

Inability to die of mundane stuff like an infection from dirty wounds and the like is so convenient... Wish we also didn't need to sleep, had effective immortality, respawned in case of death, and had access to Diagram on top of it all.

Man, I wish we still had our Ring of Truth. We had some many issues that plague us in this game resolved with trivial ease back then, and we never appreciated it.

On more related-to-update Hunger being a ninja and running along ropes is a nice mental image.

Gisena's pain tolerance is actually rather weak comparatively; she later actually let out a scream when she got shot in a battle with Ber. But rather weak by local standards is still goddamn impressive all things considered.

Well, sublime attainment and blood-buffs probably fixed it by now.

Sweet summertime when shooting someone with chemical propulsion gun actually did something. I hope Gisena loots a plasma gun or something in our latest excursion to civilization, her lack of offense is a little troubling.

Yet another early sign of how it is possible to pretty much live inside Versch while lacking in no convenience.

Also what would have we done without Gisena, I wonder, with every Astral rift being a permanent hazard unless somebody actually closes it. We could have picked either of companions with none or diminished magical dispel capabilities, that could have sucked.

Do not worry about it, Hunger, progression can do that one better. But a rugged scarred look is honestly good for you!

For high-tech society, these means are not terribly good. Although Letrizia did explain that they got better healing/convenience stuff in reach of actual infrastructure, I am just thoroughly not-impressed nonetheless.

Also, early Gisena-Hunger banter was a lot more adversarial. Hunger has gone pretty soft on her and Letrz with time.

More of that early banter before everyone went got themself stuck inside of that temple while doom of Bearic hangs upon us all.

I wonder why though. I got no idea to be honest. At least we actually went and established that bond later on.

I wonder if it was said incredulous or embarrassed tone of voice. In her vocabulary, fishing might have remained only as equivalent to baiting enemies out to fight, or changed meaning to something else entirely.

Gisena is hereby forbidden from all and any fishing sessions from hereby onward. Such insult to the sacred art cannot be allowed; only bonds of true companionship prevent harsher punishment.

...Seriously, that's just no fun. How we are going to get debilitating debuffs if we do something that reasonable?
I actually love the blast-from-the-past reactions, they are not only educational, but it's fun to see how far we've come in different aspects. The old health % was truly a terrifying specter.
I actually love the blast-from-the-past reactions, they are not only educational, but it's fun to see how far we've come in different aspects. The old health % was truly a terrifying specter.
You can't believe how warm and fuzzy inside I feel when I get confirmation that somebody actually reads these.

I hope the quality of grammar and commentary did not dip too much from the sleep deprivation.

On unrelated note, I have to actively resist referencing really old Rihakuquests in these, I really don't expect anyone to recognize anything older than Jonin Quest. Honestly, a bit of a pity.
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You can't believe how warm and fuzzy inside I feel when I get confirmation that somebody actually reads these.

I hope the quality of grammar and commentary did not dip too much from the sleep deprivation.

On unrelated note, I have to actively resist referencing really old Rihakuquests in these, I really don't expect anyone to recognize anything older than Jonin Quest. Honestly, a bit of a pity.

Don't resist! I think we're lacking in a "Kids these days..." character around here!
And don't worry, your stream of conciousness during sleep deprivation is more than adequate, gives it a homey vibe.
It's absolutely worse than either Slumber or Champion (or both combined, really) because it makes it impossible to just fuck off for a hundred years and turbogrind until you can steamroll a setting.
In the sense that it forces constant aggressive Power growth with no time for Progression options, yes it is. Unmitigated that's eight hours per day, can't efficiently multiply man-hours with support structures, and a taxing life on the run because you almost certainly will be discovered before you reach critical mass.

Serious long-term training is only for those willing to exploit counter-aggression for maximum demoralization. It's for people who want to subvert Age and Treachery, not cultivate it!
Given truly insane amount of fanworks, we are likely at the point where we can get 2 Arete options without compromising Cut Through. Dominion remains an useful option as always(and Progression++ with Praxis sounds tasty) while Exalted Spirits gives us very relevant mental stats(and Willpower which will translate to three additional stats thanks to Cut Through),
Well, this is looking to be a good day. We might get a magic system from the high school episode, and the thread is mass-firing Omake to obtain swrod magic. If the rolls go well we might have two new magic systems by the time we get back to the Temple of the False Moon.
One day I will finish my 10k omake, that day will be glorious.
But my finals take precedence.
TBH writing bite-sized reactions is considerably more comfy than omakes in general. You can knock out a 600-900~ words reaction real quick and just feel satisfied with the fact you had contributes something to the thread. Trying to write gigareactions or big omakes meanwhile is really straining. I don't think I would've wrote much of anything if I actually held yourself to the standards of people who don't post anything under 2000~ words. :V

/finals still should be taking precedence lol
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Much in the same way a marker comes with the expectation of ancillary efforts, I feel an omake reserve should be restricted by etiquette to either decision points in which they advance the common good or relatively harmless votes. Though given my past, perhaps that's being self-serving on my part. Maybe it could be considered mannerly to try keep to a cap of 3000 to 5000 words in key choices like serious build votes?
To be clear I don't think there's a problem with spamming fanworks to win an option you're invested in as long as they're not garbage you've clearly put no effort into, since that meets the stated goal of providing discussion and content. I think it becomes an issue when people start gaming the system and saving omake they usually would have posted in order to have a stockpile to blow all at once to win a vote they prefer. Since if that became the new normal content generation would suffer as people started saving everything until a vote they couldn't bear to lose appeared.

Maybe the solution is to make every single vote unbearable to lose!
[X] Investigate the Schools
[X] Slice Fate - 7 Arete

Double Letrizia option. Hopefully it'll keep us from having to spend resources keeping her from dying of Affliction in coming years!