[X] To Rank 5.25
[X] A Wandering Magus
[X] +1 Arete, -10% Tyrant proc chance this update
[X] Wandering Magus' EFB Equivalent
[X] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera
Fanwork#2139 Words

Reaction: "Thunder of Blood"

I wonder what Verschlengorge's blood is actually like physically and if we can research it to improve our own Blood enhancements. He's the culmination of Foremost research on the Cursebearers and should embody the best of their technological and magical knowledge. Frankly, it's a damn shame that it had taken us so long to take a closer look at him, even if there were always distractions and other concerns. We know that Armaments at their full power are so high above us that it would take years at the very least to approach their realms of power, yet we've let this resource languish by the wayside in pursuit of personal power. We haven't piloted him even once!

I'm no less guilty of that, of course, partially because seeing Hunger develop his own powers is so fascinating, partially because for all his potential power Versch is still an external tool and less reliable than our sword-hand. The Temple is just one such circumstance where he cannot follow us, there will undoubtedly be other situations where we'll be on our own. Too bad our best ability doesn't mesh very well with Verschlengorge, our Blade would be but a toothpick in his hands. Though maybe we could still use it for Ultimate blade winds? Or... can the Blade be temporarily resized? We could bond with Versch over teaching him the wonders of SORDing!

After dinner concluded (the soup was delicious), Hunger stalked over to the Armament, Ring brimming with light. Slowly he ran his hand against the monstrosity's right shoulder-face, which in power-conserving mode slept ceaselessly through night and day. Verschlengorge's main head flicked open an eye, staring down with benevolent menace. It had a certain facility for making the most threatening expressions feel protective.
No wonder we get along so well with the big guy. We both like eating, sleeping and fighting! We're simple men with simple desires.

He's awfully expressive for a giant robot, I say. Is it maybe another facet of Rank? Oh my god, does it let people do anime faces?! Maybe that one Microwave picture of Hunger was more spot-on than we ever knew!

"He's not a dog, you know!" Letrizia came around his side, hands folded behind her. Her hair had, oddly, reverted to its natural shade. "You don't need to pet him to make him work!"
He might not be a dog, but he's still man's best friend! He carries stuff, he protects us, he can even find his own way out of tough situations. We should teach him fishing.

I wonder why she's changed her hair color? Maybe it's the equivalent of letting their hair down in her culture? Or Hunger's lecture about having confidence in being herself has finally percolated through her head and had this effect.

"Is that what dogs are to you? Just workers?"

"Huh?" She turned to face him, eyes wide. "Aren't they used in low-technology worlds to detect contraband?"
If I didn't know better, I would suspect that she's having us on. It's little tidbits like this that showcase just how different their society has become after all this time. It's a wonder and testament to the party's social skills that cultural clashes don't occur much more often.

"On Earth we kept them as pets. On my second world as well. Hmph. I say 'we,' but I don't think I ever had one. Civilization, human society did."
Letrizia: Huh, you're not going to get into a monologue about your pet's tragic death and how it set you on the path of heroism?
Hunger: ...Just who do you take me for?
Letrizia: Someone with an excessively sad backstory!

"Ah. I think most people these days use synthoids or virtual pets. Natural-born pets can't compete with their cuteness! Plus, it's less cruel than keeping natural organisms in a human-optimized environment. No need to forcibly neuter them in order to control the population."
Ahh, what has the world come to? Abandoning pets in favor of their synthetic equivalents, no wonder the Geas set us the task of conquering the Human Sphere! What next, did people start collecting virtual friends because real ones are too annoying?!

"...Are you looking down on my barbaric ways?"

"Well, you're a product of your times. I suppose it's forgivable."

I'm tempted to tell her that in some countries people ate dogs. That'll teach her to look down on our barbaric ways!

These people should have colonization down to a science, I think, so the attitude might be entirely normal for these polities. I mean, she's probably at least partially joking, but every joke has a measure of truth in it, and it would be understandable for the developed civilizations to look down on their less advanced neighbors.

"Or perhaps, somewhere along the line your civilization lost its way. Speaking of which, I'm trying to fix Verschlengorge's navigational system. You said it's Foremost technology, so it should be in its biologicals, correct?"
An interesting question: was most Foremost technology rooted in biology? We've only seen a single example in Versch, but it would be funny if the Foremost turned out to be space elves. Hey, maybe we'll still have a chance to pretend that we're an Elf Lord in some Foremost ruins! Hopefully they won't be too angry...

"Probably..." She leaned forward sternly. "Though I'm beginning to wonder if it's simply a function of his Rank. You're naturally able to navigate the Voyaging Realm yourself."

I would say I trust Verschlengorge to lead us towards safety more than I do Hunger's 'heroic' instincts, but he led us straight to the King Fish, who delivered the map that showed the path to the Temple. Not saying it was his fault we were crazy enough to follow through on the bait, of course, but I think our Armament might be more adventurous than people give him credit for!

"May be. Still, four heads are better than one."
The Forebear would know. I expect us to discover that sort of EFB among his arsenal any day, as he seemed like a man of culture.

He began to circulate the equivalent of blood throughout the dizzyingly complex edifice beneath the Armament's skin. The head beneath his palm grunted discontentedly, shifting in its sleep.
Man, all that tasty technology, just ripe for the picking if we weren't so terrible with research. Maybe fighting alongside Versch would let us understand his internals better and thus steal some interesting features for ourselves?

Ereadhihr. The Elder Implement. Though it had existed for eons of war, there was not so much as a scar or imperfection within the fantastically dense bio-circuitry of the Armament's body. Physical wounds existed, but what had healed had done so perfectly. Still, in some grimly intangible way he felt the weight of those eons as he communed with the creature, a legacy of savagery a billion times repeated, vigor and sheer heedless fury, the all-consuming urge to devour. So deep was the catalogue of its experiences that they'd been imprinted on its spiritual marrow, its very essence.
Versch must have been through a lot. Just how many hands has he been passed through till he ended up with Letrizia, how many civilizations has he seen rise and fall? He might not remember all that much of his perspective is exclusively focused on combat, but I bet there's still some tasty lore hidden within his heads. Information about the Foremost and the Cursebearers might be gated behind mysterious access restrictions, but surely knowledge about civilizations that immediately succeeded the Foremost is not as secured? And from there we might be able to extrapolate some stuff about things we actually want to know.

The Armament was no human veteran, whom war ground down to make hard and hollow. It was a being axiomatically designed for its purpose, and looked forward to battle and consumption with the invincible eagerness of deep instinct. To wade into chaos alongside its operator was its mission and inexhaustible purpose.
Yeah, the Foremost sure knew how to design their weapons. When you create an intelligent one, you make sure it actually enjoys its purpose and doesn't rebel against being used as a tool of war. Though this does give me pause, as Letrizia mentioned the Elder Implements were much more than weapons way back when she explained them to us. Maybe they specialized in certain fields of endeavor and Verschlengorge is an example of an Armament that is heavily focused on fighting?

It could comprehend human minds, even feel compassion for their weakness and frailty, but that did not change the fundamental structure of its mind. A man could comprehend a beast, even feel pity for its misguided antics, without adopting the beast's values. So too with the Armament and its mortal operators. It was loyal to its pilot, and to its bonded Cursebearer, but understood that their minds were fundamentally alien to it.
You know, that sounds like a lot of intelligence to grant to something that was supposed to be a tool, emotional intelligence at that. It can feel sympathy, pity, loyalty... is all of that really necessary for an Implement? Or was it an inevitable design decision when creating something of such incredible complexity? The Armaments carry Curses around, and those might refuse to be bound to anything of lesser intelligence.

It that sense it was not so different from the Forebear's Blade, or, presumably, even the synthoid pets Letrizia had commented upon. A tool created to fulfill a goal. He wondered what it was like, to enter the world with such unshakeable purpose.
The Forebear might tell you a thing or two about that. While he had probably started out as a normal human, the determination shown in his myths is pretty impressive. We've already started on that path with Uttermost, maybe we'll understand it even better after getting Cut Through.

The Armament's blood sang with amusement. It shifted its currents and eddies, directing circulation to a specific lobe within its primary head. Was that the navigational system he sought? He found that the structure of the lobe was oddly self-evident, as if its three-dimensional shape were itself a glyph in some instinctual Cursebearer language. It was a focusing organ for the application of Astral Rank towards spatial perception and manipulation. Not simply a tool for traversing the Voyaging Realm, but for positioning in spacetime as a whole.
...is that the writing system of the Praxis? Holy shit, might we be able to learn the Noble Praxis by studying Verschlengorge's internals?! I don't really know what 'instinctual Cursebearer language' could refer to otherwise, unless there was some other magic the Accursed used to construct his Cursebearer interfaces.

It's of note that Versch seems to use Rank in a very different way than we do. Where we focus on imbuing external objects, the Armament has organs that guide Astral Pressure in influencing the world. Were the Foremost, perhaps, believers in the might of Muscle Wizardry?

He saw, too, that while the power of Blood could restore some functionality to the organ, there were hard limits to the work he could do without a much higher Rank. Technique alone was insufficient.
Rank, rank, rank. It always comes down to Rank. Can never have enough of it, but we can't really take it on every occasion either. It's some motivation to get that improved Blood Domain Augmentation at least. At least getting to the Ring will probably boost our Rank something fierce, assuming we don't die to the myriad dangers that surround it.

"The power of the Ring can repair some of it, but many capabilities remain locked," he said, frowning. "Still, we should be able to get around faster now. I'm curious how your technicians repair these organs. They seem to be well beyond the limits of human technology."
With duct tape, obviously. Something being beyond their technology levels has never stopped people from tinkering with stuff until it worked! And the Foremost presumably made the Armaments robust (and patient) enough that the inevitable ensuing violence when the attempts failed didn't lead to either the Armament or the technicians breaking down. Hell, maybe Versch knew enough to teach them how he's supposed to be repaired! That would be convenient, a tool with an inbuilt repair manual.

Letrizia shrugged. "I think they use serums harvested from high-level Astral Beasts. For best efficiency, they have to be specially processed with Foremost artifacts. Verschlengorge can regenerate from eating enemies as well, but his effective Rank's too low to use that function right now."
Hey, thinking about it, Versch's method of Affliction mitigation seems to be better than ours, assuming it doesn't require dramatically appropriate opponents, just challenging ones. Can't imagine him being stationed anywhere near civilization otherwise. So since we've merged our Curses, if we repair him enough to unlock this option again, can he go off on his own to hunt appropriate targets in order to Mitigate our Curse? That would free up our time for other pursuits.

He frowned. "Why is it that physical wounds can reduce its Rank at all? Typically you would need specialized attacks to do something like that. I could lose half my body and my Pressure would remain unaffected."
I wish Hunger wasn't speaking from experience here. Though the question is valid. Long ago we'd assumed that he'd suffered some kind of spirit damage in an ambush or was just starved for energy, but apparently that isn't the case.

"Your guess is as good as mine! When he's at full strength, most injuries don't weaken his Pressure by much. But if you hurt him enough, I think he begins ablating Rank to preserve his fundamental structure. Unlike you, the Armament's not a complete person by itself. It was designed with a pilot in mind. Its astral shadow only exists because of its physical body, but it may be that high-grade Foremost technology can't exist in the physical world without some degree of support from Pressure. Kind of like how a black hole can't exist below a certain level of mass density. Since the two are co-dependent, it may have to sacrifice one side to shore up the other if catastrophic damage is taken."
Versch: Telling the square-cube law to fuck off ain't easy.

What an exquisite security mechanism. Even if their programming failed and the Armaments decided that they knew better than all those stupid pilots, they can't properly function without one. Hmm, now I'm thinking whether there's an Armament somewhere out there that rebelled against its Foremost-created purpose and decided to strike out on its own. Maybe it even subverted its mechanisms enough to capture and control its pilot instead of the other way around.

"How knowledgeable for a mere hobbyist."

"Hehe. It's important to be informed of things like this when you're entrusting your life to the device."
Heh, I can just imagine Letrizia with her nose in the air dispensing her knowledge while subconsciously shouting 'Praise me more!'

"How serious. You need a vacation."

"Hm? Not planning to head into the Temple tomorrow?"

"I can't, not in this state. I'll need a few days to integrate my new powers and see if I can fix my liver. This latest enemy gave me a lot of 'digest.' "
Yes, it's clearly Letrizia and Gisena that need a vacation, not Hunger. He sure knows how to party unlike those two workaholics! His liver can attest to that.

"You and Verschlengorge really are two peas in a pod. This swordsman seems to have made an impression on you. You don't usually talk about your foes."

"His name was Vanreir Amarlt. I had the sense he was fighting to protect someone dear to him. Most of the outriders carry more mercenary objectives."
Vanreir might have crippled our liver, but I think a no less serious wound was the one he dealt to Hunger's conscience. No matter how terrible things were in the last world, he knew he fought for the right thing without a shade of doubt. Even after killing the Tyrant he still tried to improve people's lives, much as the nobility didn't appreciate those efforts. Now? Now he's killing people, sometimes good people, in order to save an inanimate object. That their way of life is based on the Lunar Ring's torture is unconscionable, but that doesn't make doing the deed easier.

"Amarlt?! Huh, to think some of them landed around here."

They're like cockroaches, you can find them all over the place. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you can bet they're just a stone's throw away. They even manage to get involved when you're in negotiations with the Accursed!

"They used to be a big deal in the Republic. The Republic makes a fuss about not recognizing noble titles, but they're an oligarchy whose upper ranks are still filled with the high nobility. The Amarlt family used to command Procyon, the Plenary Armament, but fell from power a few centuries ago. Procyon's actually stationed here in the Voyaging Realm right now!" She went quiet, perhaps remembering that the pilot - likely a friend - could well have betrayed her.
Unsurprisingly, the Amarlt got their grubby hands on the Armament with the Brand of Excessive Fabulousness. As the Forebear's descendants, being men of taste is in their blood, and what other Curse is better for proclaiming one's badassery? Sometimes I still wish we'd picked the Plenary Brand, no matter how much of a bad idea it was. Hmm, maybe we can still get something good out of piloting Procyon? I don't know how an Armament would interact with a Cursebearer that doesn't carry its associated Curse, but just imagining it is so cool...

He coughed. "No match for you, I take it."

"Of course not! ...So, why've you decided you need a vacation?"
Hunger can be surprisingly tactful at times, doing his best to distract sad daughteru from bad memories.

And I suspect we'll need a vacation from our vacation soon enough.

"I'd like to see the sights now that we're here," he deadpanned. "We're planning to overthrow their civilization, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves in the vicinity. And now that your Armament's spatial organ is fixed, we can do just that. Anything in particular you'd like to do?"
"We're planning to kill lots of people, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun in the process!"

I know that's not what he meant, but sometimes it isn't that difficult to understand why some people would think he's evil.

"It'd be nice if we could recruit some mages... dangerous, though. I'd love to see some of the more exotic parts of the Voyaging Realm! The farmlands we passed through on our way here were beautiful, but a bit plain."
So what you're saying is that you wanted the Really Scenic Route back then, Letrizia? No problemo, next time we have a suicidal option on offer, we'll remember your preferences!

"How does that work, exactly? I'm surprised your civilization hasn't made a concerted effort to extract every mage they can from this place, especially if you don't have native magicians."

"Ah, well... it was tried. The Voyaging Realm will tolerate some level of exploitation, but industrial-scale extraction of magics leads it to act out in increasingly apocalyptic ways... these days we're mostly limited to those mages that find their way to our City, and even then half the magics only work inside the Realm itself. There are unsanctioned efforts to extract more, the Republic especially deploys strike teams for that purpose, but the casualty rates are horrific. It's frequently a death sentence even if you succeed."
That too was speculated upon pretty heavily. We even guessed some of the reasons, their magic sometimes not working outside the Voyaging Realm among them. That the Voyaging Realm is somewhat sentient or at least follows certain rules makes me kind of nervous though. Hmm, I wonder how the Foremost managed to create such a place. It apparently accommodates any mages that land here and lets them use their abilities unimpeded despite those magic refusing to function in the wider world outside. Shouldn't that cause some kind of conflict if different magic systems depend on conflicting physical/magical laws to work?

"Let's hope you aren't doomed for bringing two such mages outside the Realm, then. Gisena's findross is self-contained, so she should be alright. As for me..."

"You shouldn't even qualify, Lord Hunger! You only have an unusually high Astral Rank, which the Foremost themselves were theorized to exhibit in select individuals. That's hardly magecraft. And, while you're able to efficiently channel that Rank through your artifacts in unusually reliable ways, in principle that's no different from an Armament's Shroud-derived unique abilities."

We would probably have been OK in any case thanks to King's Scepter. Though saying that Accretion isn't magic seems like splitting hairs to me. Yes, I suppose it might qualify as more of a science to people that spend their lives researching Astral Ranks, but it's hard to see our conceptual effects as anything but magic.

Curious what those Shroud-derived powers look like, maybe we'll see when we finally get to piloting the fucking robot.

"Why do I feel vaguely insulted? And just 'Hunger' is fine, Letrizia, we've talked about this."

"Hey, the path of magecraft is not for everyone! Wouldn't it interfere with your teamwork alongside Miss Gisena?"
What is this. Is our daughter dissing us for not being a proper mage? She hadn't been bitten by the Groundskeeper when we weren't looking, had she?

"Just you wait. And here I was going to teach you magic once I'd acquired some."

"W-who'd want to learn magic from you? I'd much prefer Miss Gisena as a teacher."
Next she'll say she wants to learn cooking from the Sorceress! Though I suppose Gisena is uniquely qualified thanks to perceiving the structure of magic so directly. Still sounds weird to me.

"Good, that's one thing taken care of. We set out first thing in the morning."

"Hmph. I'll become the best sorcerous apprentice ever! That'll show you!"

"Yes, show me up. We could use the firepower."
I eagerly await the appearance of Magical Girl Letrizia, fighting to protect justice and healing the world with her cuteness.
[X] Cut Through
[X] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera

[X] A Besieged Colony
] To Rank 5.25
[X] 1 re-roll to be used on checks this update
[X] To Rank 4.5
[X] A Wandering Magus
[X] +1 Arete, -10% Tyrant proc chance this update

[X] Cut Through
[X] Wandering Magus' EFB Equivalent
Hey, thinking about it, Versch's method of Affliction mitigation seems to be better than ours, assuming it doesn't require dramatically appropriate opponents, just challenging ones. Can't imagine him being stationed anywhere near civilization otherwise. So since we've merged our Curses, if we repair him enough to unlock this option again, can he go off on his own to hunt appropriate targets in order to Mitigate our Curse? That would free up our time for other pursuits.

Huh, didn't really consider that. Was always thinking about Mitigation flowing from the other direction. This would be quite nice though. Only issue is the range limitation, it's not a big deal now but once we start hitting the interstellar distances of the sphere "More than a planet" starts looking a little insufficient. Hopefully increased rank on both ends can help shore up the connection for greater separation.
We would probably have been OK in any case thanks to King's Scepter. Though saying that Accretion isn't magic seems like splitting hairs to me. Yes, I suppose it might qualify as more of a science to people that spend their lives researching Astral Ranks, but it's hard to see our conceptual effects as anything but magic.
You have that problem, too? Determining whether a thing is magic, sorcery, or just mysticism is such a crapshoot. It's all supernatural transubstantiation!
I realized something. Astral Shadow implies a light source. What is the light source in some inscrutable dimension that makes people cast shadows onto the Astral Plane?
You have that problem, too? Determining whether a thing is magic, sorcery, or just mysticism is such a crapshoot. It's all supernatural transubstantiation!
To be honest, I go by the feels. What feels magical is magic for me. For example, Tolkien, WoD Mage, Exalted and HP magic all very different from each other but all of them feels like magic, you got me? But FMA Alchemy or Diagram from EFB both too science-y for me.
Question, why are people voting for Wandering Magus' EFB Equivalent? Out of the entire lineup, it is the one we are least likely to ever get. It needs several additional conditions fulfilled just so it becomes available:
  1. Meeting the Magus - judging by the votes, a 50/50 chance
  2. Getting her to agree to teach it i.e. paying for it with "quality goods or service"
  3. Actually getting magic to win a build vote
  4. Picking this magic out of all available
And don't forget actually saving for EFB itself, with competition like Ruling Ring and Cut Through around.

Look, it's impossible. We're never getting this EFB, and choosing it now wastes one of our two picks.
We would probably have been OK in any case thanks to King's Scepter. Though saying that Accretion isn't magic seems like splitting hairs to me. Yes, I suppose it might qualify as more of a science to people that spend their lives researching Astral Ranks, but it's hard to see our conceptual effects as anything but magic.

I'm fond of the term "supplemental physics".

Magic is generally a violation of the natural laws of physics, an imposition of a higher being/realm that supersedes natural cause and effect. It's a little more obvious if you read the real world "magics" that inspire fiction writers. The purpose and function of mysticism, is to provide firm answers to questions with no intellectual or physical knowledge to guarantee truth. Things like life after death, purpose, self-transformation and self-realization, and proper behavior. Magic systems in fiction are inspired by mysticism, and so often share mysticism's sensibilities. Mysticism does not adhere to physics because it is not physics, it is a system of thought concerned with answering certain questions that cannot be answered by physics. So naturally there is an implicit assumption that magic is separate from physics, that either it supersedes physics, or that physics invalidates it and reveals it to be a bunch of fraudulent nonsense.

Unlike mystics, fiction authors are under no obligation to insure that their magic is "real", and the distinction between magic and not-magic breaks down when tarot cards actually work and you can visit the afterlife. I view the way we differentiate between magic and not-magic as a vestigial remnant of the thoughts and ideas and assumptions of the mystical ideas that inspire current fantasy fiction magic systems.
Hm... for build votes especially, it's incorrect that all options with the same cost have the same level of benefit for Hunger. That's dependent on his specific build. For example, Echo doesn't become 50% more expensive when you have Stranglethorn doubling the value of Might, or 175% more expensive when you have Uttermost septupling the value of Strength. Blood Advancements cost the same as normal ones.
Well, from my PoV, that benefit is already folded into the 4 pick choice. I'm looking more at overall utility, not marginal increase in utility in any single vote.
I asked about this earlier and apparently it counts as long as Gisena is actually our subordinate even if no one else knows it. If we're not actually in charge then Gisena ruling doesn't count for completion.
I'm not concerned with what counts for not dying in that, though. More the enjoyability of reading about it.

I wanted hunger to be a leader, not a superweapon that demands submission and then delegates all the decisions.
Anyway, largest point against Magus I haven't seen is simply this - what if she's a Fairbright? You were all concerned that Gabrielle would be a mesovore, but just because the blurb is cagey about her background and risks doesn't mean that those risks are nonexistent, just invisible to you right now. Whereas with the other options, what you see is what you get, more or less. Thinking the Magus is the lowest-risk choice is just hedging against known risk by taking on unknown risk!
I can't speak for anyone else, but I had no concern for that. I voted against Gabrielle because she sounded like she'd use up alot of screentime regardless of subsequent choices, and her themes mentioned in the blurb didn't sound very interesting, and the possibility of her immediately flipping out (or being flipped out at) right after Hunger got trashed by yet another excessively dangerous fight.

Here, there is no strong indication that the Magus is quite a undesirable in themes, and there is exceedingly low odds of a double overwhelming/otherwise unfavored odds fight.
[X] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera
[X] Cut Through

Out of those we've yet seen, I favor Once and Future. 25 arete advancements are defining in their own right, so I'd like one that meshes well with Hunger's defining advancements, and this lends itself to the same means of action as Uttermost: Pressure, and the Sword. (Wouldn't have voted for Uttermost if I'd been around and voting at the time, but that's neither here nor there.) And Astral Rank is versatile enough in its uses that committing pretty heavily to it is a fine choice.
I had an unfortunate, too late realization. How powerful would rank 5.75 Verschlengorge be with Lord Hunger's rank 4.3ishness as the pilot and using totality so they're metaphysically one being? Would Verschlengorges Astral Rank exceed 6 from the union?

Edit: Could we have taken the Republic Kill Team like that?
Last edited:
Update in 30.

Cutting through another group of Astral invaders, Hunger frowned. There was some disquieting symmetry to the whole situation. The invaders were driven by an inescapable need to destroy Verschlengorge and were blind to the strength of its defender. Was that not an uncanny mirror of his own situation with the Imprisoned Ring? He too was compelled to reach it, and similarly ignorant of its ultimate guardians. Was it even possible for him to prevail here, when the Temple had stood unconquered for millennia before? What if its final defender was simply so powerful that no amount of strength accumulated against its lessers would suffice to challenge it, as he himself was to these beasts?

A simple massive discontinuity in combat strength would serve as a hard deterrant against invaders like himself or Ber, whose growth was rapid but fundamentally incremental in nature. A meta-contextual moat of sheer ability. The torment of the Ring was nearly unbearable, but even more unbearable was the prospect that he could fail.
A simple massive discontinuity in combat strength would serve as a hard deterrant against invaders like himself or Ber, whose growth was rapid but fundamentally incremental in nature. A meta-contextual moat of sheer ability. The torment of the Ring was nearly unbearable, but even more unbearable was the prospect that he could fail.

Starting to think that we might just want to eat the Rank penalty, go find somewhere to grind for a few more days and then come back to kill these guys while the Apocryphal's on. I think if we manage to get Cut Through or some other EFB and a few picks that suit it well, we might be alright even if those guys and Bearic teamed up.
EFB is a priority then; hopefully plan SAVE was the winner here; we'd be close to 10 Arete. If we do well fighting the Rotbeast; we might get out of there with Cut Through, hopefully. We just need 2~3 updates of effort, and we're in.
EFB is a priority then; hopefully plan SAVE was the winner here; we'd be close to 10 Arete. If we do well fighting the Rotbeast; we might get out of there with Cut Through, hopefully. We just need 2~3 updates of effort, and we're in.
I think it was, with a respectable omake power and vote lead. If not, well, that's really bad but 2 Arete points are not impossible to overcome.
Nah, it's simple. We cut through, even if it cannot be cut.

I'd love to but we're nowhere near as hardcore as the Forebear. Not after we decided not to take What Rains May Come and just murder Bearic right away. Now our boy is infected by our suboptimality instead of the purity of the Forebear's purpose, which means we need to compensate with grinding. Hopefully, we can dump a million points into Willpower and create a build with a system of incentives that allows for our purpose to be keener though.
EFB is a priority then; hopefully plan SAVE was the winner here; we'd be close to 10 Arete. If we do well fighting the Rotbeast; we might get out of there with Cut Through, hopefully. We just need 2~3 updates of effort, and we're in.

I think 4.5 won because these guys are total chumps. 5.25 would have had the enemies present be at least noticeable.