Red of Sky and Fang
"Was there anything else, anything at all?"
Hunger paused, then glanced at their cart full of potions.
"Yes, actually..."
He loomed over them menacingly -
At last they arrived at the antechamber. The thrum of the ring on his finger had only intensified all the while, struggling to process the enormity of the Magus' powers. But as he crossed the threshold from field to hallway, the black mythril of the ring's outer band begin to slowly flake off. Like tarnish departing silver it gently discorporated, shimmering droplets of pure void that slowly winked out in the heavy light of the braziers. What remained was a lighter band of grey, delicate but unyielding, like silver hammered into being from the smoke of the forge itself.
Following it the upper band of red also began to change, flecks springing together like unspilling liquid, become now a single jewel the color and shimmer of freshly congealed blood, yet cut as exquisitely transparent as any ruby he'd ever seen.
He felt power thrum and course through the newly awakened form of the ring, a presence of unbelievable density and fury, supernova force compressed into a blister, sheer terrible intensity before which the world could only cower and go limp. It felt as if the walls around him were folding like wax, himself and the ring the only real things in this brief painter's dream of a Realm.
No. Violently he shook his head. No, not "himself and the ring." That was an impossibility, for he himself was the Ring, its essence and its master, their wills and spirits one! He felt the words of its true inscription like a brand upon his mind, letters terrible and bright as the noonday sky spilling into the forever-darkness of a sunless cave:
Awaken now, O Hunger ring; from blackest myth abjure:
thy band once stained, now un-profaned, to shine forevermore;
O Ring of Blood, O Ring of War, thy tide of battle fades;
cast down Their thrones in crimson gloam, unfurling of thine Age!
Reality snapped back into focus around him. He was panting, ashen sweat streaking his features, feeling at once hollow and yet inestimably greater, as if he'd consumed all inner reserves in the ascension to a higher state of being. Gently he set Gisena down and examined the band on his finger and its new red-brilliant jewel.
The knowledge came to him unprompted and instantly, for he was the ring and it could be no other way. This was the true face of the Ring Hunger, which the Tyrant had failed to ever awaken: the Heart-Ring, Battle-Brand, the Ring of Fury, Ambition's Grip. Its dominion was Blood, the true and concerted essence of all vigorous things, and the breadth of its power was wide as all things that had ever lived or breathed or drawn upon its namesake.
The Call of the Temple was gone. He felt now only its message clarified, and understood why the ring had taken so long to 'digest' the Magus in particular.
He could steal aspects of his fallen enemies, but only through the lens of one of his artifacts, and the ring's vast dominion over blood had been the most similar of its facets to the wizard's esoteric mastery. The Magus had been mightier than he or Gisena knew; were it not for the fact that Gisena's own powers were the perfect counter, they would have fared extremely poorly in a direct contest. But a surfeit of power was not why the newly-empowered ring had slumbered until he stepped across the threshold. No, the Temple's interior, its grassy fields and lands beyond, were the domain of another ring, already awakened, which had automatically suppressed its rival until he passed beyond the sphere of its influence.
A rival Ring, yes. In some regards, an enemy. But the thought of leaving it to suffer was nearly unbearable to him. In all the wide universe there were only a few such existences as they, and to see a worthy opponent in so wretched a state was deeply disturbing to him.
In the end it was a simple question. If anyone had sought to do the same to him, enslaved him and driven him to the uttermost limits of his forbearance, for their own inscrutable purposes, would he want to be rescued? Yes, and avenged besides.
Now, he thought, closing his eyes, feeling the blood pumping through his body. What else had accompanied the revealed form of his ring? If he concentrated, he could feel the location and qualities of his own blood, or of those he focused on. Gisena's was laced with a semi-physical substance, a not-quite-energy that infused each of her cells, likely the basis of her Sorcerous powers.
As for himself, on the purely physical level his blood seemed quite ordinary. The strength augmentation of the Forebear's Blade was entirely metaphysical in nature, a conceptual imposition rather than the alteration of material properties. Both Gisena's augmentations and his own could be heightened or dimmed by the Ring of Blood, enhancing the magnitude of their effect. Whatsoever qualities existed in the blood, he could enhance or diminish - even an ordinary human, for whom the blood still carried the vital essence of life, could be so elevated, for the purview of the Ring was not merely corporeal blood cells, but concerted essence itself, in all vigorous forms.
There were more applications than this, accelerated healing perhaps the most relevant, though the shape of his influence did not seem to extend to direct hemokinesis. It was a rather more abstract, almost spiritual thing: the blood of his enemies quailing before him, his own blood surging with vigor. Unbleeding wounds, near-limitless stamina, moderate regeneration in combat time, and other applications besides. On longer timescales, greater applications presented themselves, the permanent augmentation of entire species and domains - or, if he so willed it, the reverse.
But that was in the future. Now, today, the task before him was simple. Rescue the rival ring, or bring its suffering to an end. And what could he now do to further that task? Directly attacking his enemies through their blood? He could likely stop the heart of an ordinary mortal, or anyone similarly unshielded, with a single gesture.
No enemies around to test that on, of course. He played with his own blood for a moment, intensifying its positive qualities, feeling his body and spirit come alive with boistrous health. A few trial movements confirmed that his strength and reflexes well exceeded their previous maximums. Idly he attempted to restore his amputated arm and eye, flushing the area with purifying blood, but while the wounds tingled promisingly, no regeneration was yet to be had. A longer-term project, perhaps.
He looked out around the antechamber. The comforting warmth of the braziers made it easy to stay, this neutral zone between the Ring-Prison and the Voyaging Realm outside. If only Verschlengorge could fit, he would have recommended Letrizia park her steed here as well.
Reasonably confident in the basic functions of his Blood dominion, he performed a basic enhancement on Gisena. Her face flushed and she gasped awake, rising swiftly to her feet.
"My, hun. You're making my heart pound!"
"I do have that effect on people," he said blandly. "How are you feeling?"
She looked down at her hands, green eyes flickering. "Wonderful, if I do say so myself. I but voiced my concerns and you found a way to enhance me! A girl could get used to treatment like that..."
"Wholly unintentional, consider yourself lucky that I received such a power from the Magus."
"So it's the universe that's on my side? Good to know!" She winked at him and took his arm. They began the slow walk to Letrizia's campsite, but the conversation did not let up.
"So, tell me how it works! Something to do with the blood, right?"
He explained the details of the Ring's power and the Temple's true nature as they traveled. Gisena was very interested in the exact mechanics of his blood augmentation, but he had few answers for her.
"The source of all our Sorcerous Graces is a semi-corporeal substance called findross. That's probably what you're seeing. In my realm humans produced it naturally. I still do, as far as I can tell," she explained.
"I'm not improving the actual density of findross," he replied, "So any effects that rely on reaching a specific threshold of the substance are unlikely to work. It's closer to say that your blood grants you energy, it makes you active, vigorous, healthy and alive, superhuman blood moreso than most, and those are the traits I'm enhancing."
She giggled. "Well, it's good to be alive! So, fearless leader, what's tomorrow's plan?"
"We're going to push further. I've been told that the grasslands give way to a region called the Middle Temple. It's supposed to be quite dangerous. Sure you can keep up?"
"Well," she said airily. "Right now I feel like I can take on the world! So, realistically, it's likely I'll barely be able to perceive what's going on in battle. But that's about where I was today as well, and we did quite well! Looks like I'm keeping up with your growth curve, my lord!"
"It's 'Captain' to you."
"Oh, are you sure? How about Your Majesty? Or maybe... Master?"
"You really are insufferable."
"Your own fault," she blew him a kiss. "Could have just left me to sleep in peace, but you missed my company too dearly! Oh, I wasn't too heavy for you, was I?"
"I will admit. The spiritual burden weighed on me."
Letrizia was eagerly awaiting their arrival, greeting them with an egg-based ration simmered slowly over her campfire.
"Hey guys! Try this, it's great. I added some pepper powder and a secret ingredient!"
Luckily she was a reasonable cook, nothing at all like Gisena, and the food was very palatable. More importantly, with the new powers of his ring, he was able to resolve her burns fully in a matter of minutes, enchanted blood accelerating her recovery while his ghostflame ensured she healed faultlessly and without scar. As she healed, he explained the details of his recently acquired abilities, hoping that she would have insight into whether this method would be viable for Veschlengorge itself.
"Your powers are really spooky," Letrizia said, feigning shock.
"Oh? How so?" It was good that the girl had grown more comfortable with both him and Gisena lately. She hardly stuttered at all now.
"Well," she said, ticking off her fingers, as she went, "You can turn into a ghost, have a phylactery like a lich, and now can control blood like a vampire! And you have the super-strength and toughness of a zombie, you're like a super-juggernaut undead chimera!"
"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "I think someone's been watching too much anime. And that last one's a bit of a stretch. How many zombies actually have super strength of that magnitude?"
"A-am not!" Letrizia huffed. "Those are all in normal movies as well. 'S not my fault I get bored being all alone and waiting here..."
"Aww!" Gisena came around and hugged her. "It's all right, Zea! We'll be quick, and done with the Temple before you know it!"
"It's not like I'm lonely or anything!" Letrizia protested. "T-this is nothing compared to some operations I've been on. It's just kind of boring, that's all! Usually if I'm watching a point for a stakeout or lying in ambush I still have to pay attention. Now I just deal with the few Astral denizens that bother attacking Verschlengorge and sit in my cockpit reading. It's actually pretty nice, so absolutely don't compromise the mission for my sake! Your safety is far more important than my entertainment. Um, b-because you're my bodyguards and all..."
"Of course." He patted her gently on the head. "Like you said. We'll take our time. I'm confident we'll finish this century."
Last time the winner was [X] Tend to Gisena with [X] +1 Pick. The Middle Temple beckons. And the face of the first enemy is...
Thread participation and tactics can reduce death% for both yourself and Gisena, but will not reduce complication%.
[ ] Hunter Trio - These sinuous beasts almost resemble the smaller kindred of the dragon-jackal you first slew, but far more mystically potent and refined; their armor plating gleams like fluted mythril, and from their arms are launched spines of terrible piercing force, carrying the power of Ruin. Clever to the degree of a gifted man, and experts at ambush tactics, but your Ring of Blood allows you to shrug off many lesser wounds and toxins.
*Your Bloodstained Magus' Rags intimidate this foe, increasing your chances of victory.
+2 (3) picks, +0.5 Arete
*Rare Advancement: Offers Scent of Prey [Guaranteed]
55% chance of uncomplicated victory
15% chance of moderate complication
20% chance of major complication
10% chance of death
90% chance of triggering Form of Rage upon death, defeating them
90% chance of defense without complications
5% chance of major complication
5% chance of death
[ ] Resident Outriders - A contingent of Inner Residents patrolling the Middle Temple. Versatile, expertly trained, well-equipped and the unfair beneficiaries of an enslaved Ring. They will take no prisoners in the fight to defend their way of life.
+3 (4) picks, +0.5 Arete
*Diplomacy is theoretically possible with tactics
*Rare Advancement Medley: Offers 1-3 Rare Advancements of various types
35% chance of uncomplicated victory
35% chance of major complication
30% chance of death
98% chance of triggering Form of Rage upon Death
95% chance to defeat them with Form of Rage
80% chance of defense without complications
10% chance of major complication
10% chance of death
[ ] Knight-Commander - A craven giant with armor of tarnished blue, its smoke-flesh gleaming with unusual solidity. Armed with sword, lance, cestus and longbow, it fights to destroy those who ventured past the ritual grounds for the sake of its charges. With colossal strength, surprising speed, and literally redoubtable levels of fortification, it would be a terrible foe indeed even before accounting for its eons of combat experience.
+4 (5) picks, +.25 Rank
*Diplomacy is theoretically possible with tactics
*Defining Advancement available
*Mournful Knell: Suppresses Form of Rage proc chance
*Deathless Brotherhood: Increased chance of diplomatic victory
20% chance of major complication
60% chance of devastating complication
20% chance of death
70% chance of triggering Form of Rage upon Death
70% chance of defeating it with Form of Rage
100% chance of defense without complications
Choose a Bonus:
[ ] Level Up Gisena - Hunger will spend extra time working on Gisena's blood in particular, potentially leading to a breakthrough [+Gisena]
[ ] Cheer up Letrizia - Hunger will spend extra time looking for some amusing or consumable gift for Letrizia [+Letrizia]
[ ] Inward Focus - Neutralize the Rank penalty for leaving the Temple. Also helpful if you ever have to fight outside the Temple for some reason while it's still going on...
[ ] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera [25 Arete, Requires ++++++++++Letrizia] - You may have further opportunities to unlock this.
Given recent events, I'm thinking of finally starting a Patreon. Not yet sure how this will work in a quest format. From what I've seen, advance chapters / main storyline content are vastly more effective than any other rewards structure, which can be difficult to do with quests. My current thinking is along the lines of:
*The sustainable "full story" update rate is 2-4 updates a week
*I could make one "full story" update a week patron-only with early access, voting etc done on Patreon, then posted as a non-voting update 24-48 hrs later. The number of "big" votes assigned to these updates would not be higher than average.
*At a higher tier, I could post patron-exclusive bonus updates with extra content which fans usually like to see (shipping/"routes", what if character had done X, other characters' reactions to events, deep lore). Most of these would be canon but not plot-critical.
*That way the vast majority of content written would remain accessible for free while still operating a viable patron structure.
*If I finish the quest and do more conventional writing then the patreon would shift to a more conventional advance chapters plan.