[X] Accretion
[X] Balance
[X] Vendetta
-[X]Remittance: The King's
(Insert the top 10 anime betrayals meme here, since I probably have an argument value of 0 with my rampant vote swapping
Accretion, of course, is an aesthetic vote. I'm not going to justify it seriously beyond 'I like it', and it's hardly relevant in the long run.
But Vendetta.. it's a playstyle of Exalted, Most High, which seems thematically appropriate in us following
the Accursed Oddysial's footsteps, and well, who doesn't find that interesting? And then there is the deeper looking into what a quest really is. It's struggle, that reach to go ever higher, even further beyond. And perhaps in going for an idyllic lifestyle, there might a missing of point involved. Build votes, so often lambasted as 'build vote hell', aren't. If they were really were hell, would we be so involved, so invested in the outcome of a Build Vote?
I think not.
Rather, build votes are the quintessential distillation of progression, that all-critical component of a quest. Without it a quest would be hamstrung, the blacksmith without a hammer, then bowman with no bow. Indeed, that very progression and suffering is perhaps far more important than any start or endpoint of the quest or journey. Would EFB's ending of Baenlixnaier's return hold any weight if posted right after the beginning plot of an unnamed character brought from Earth to play a part in the games of the Cruel Fates? I highly doubt it.
So within Vendetta, that leaves Sword and The King. Well, The Sword is more power, has better potential, so on and so forth. The King has safety, the better guarantee of an existent quest, the Hero's journey. Personally, I expect my utility from either of them assuming a surviving first world to be about identical. So, The King it this. Plus, it feels ethically dubious to compel all the content creators on this quest to create endless amounts of content.
So I say,
embrace the engine of progression.
Build votes forever.